Where to put a feng shui tree Feng Shui Christmas tree decoration. Video: Feng Shui Christmas tree decorating

The New Year celebrations are fast approaching. Very soon, a fragrant and elegant Christmas tree will sparkle in every home - a beauty. Numerous toys hung on it, twinkling lights, beads and sweets, makes everyone just stick in place at the sight of such magic. The Yellow Earth Dog, which has entered into its rights and obligations, will also appreciate your efforts, give you and your family good luck, luck in all endeavors, health and well-being. However, some of us, dear friends, still strive to adhere to the rules of Chinese geomancy - Feng Shui. This is science and art in one guise, which helps to arrange all things in our housing so that the mysterious forces of the earth, in other words "qi", balance and put everything in proper order, thereby attracting prosperity in all spheres of life of each person, happiness and prosperity. If you want to plunge into the world of Chinese wisdom a little, then our article will tell you something about it. You will learn about great ideas for where to put a feng shui tree on New Year 2019 for the acquisition of the cosmic breath of life - "qi". The knowledge gained can be applied both at home and at work.

We put a feng shui tree - golden rules

Do you believe in the science of proper placement of things in a room to attract wealth and good luck? We are talking, of course, about Chinese geomancy. You may not believe it, but it really works. Check at least here even on the placement of the Christmas tree.

  • So, if you put it in the western part of your home, then according to Feng Shui the whole New Year 2019, fun will reign in your house and good mood. If you place a New Year's tree in the eastern part of the apartment, then expect an improvement in health and well-being.
  • Located in the southern part of the dwelling, the tree promises you career opportunities and many prospects for improving your well-being.
  • In the north of the room, the tree that you install there will bring a lot of good and joyful news to your home. Of course, all these wisdoms make sense if we are talking about a living pine or spruce, since the plastic analogue does not have such energy.

Artificial beauty is not suitable to put anywhere. If the main attribute of the holiday is green, then place it in the southeast or east of the room. Such placement will bring good luck in the New Year 2019 to the residents of the house, but the installed artificial tree in the northern part of the room will cause trouble and worries. If the artificial "tree" is shiny or of a different color, then it is appropriate to place it according to Feng Shui in the center of the room on a hill - a table or cabinet. Try to do this, and you will establish a cozy atmosphere of general well-being in your home.

If the tree is large, above 160, then you can place it anywhere, but it would be especially appropriate to place such a tree in the center of the room. A living tree is a powerful source of energy while it is alive, so spruce will attract a bright and good mood to your home. However, be careful - when the spruce begins to fade, this will affect the energy. Therefore, after the holiday, either move it to the corner of the dwelling, or do not forget to throw away the tree. By the way, according to feng shui, to keep a gradually dying in the house for a long time living tree not good. Therefore, careless lazy homeowners who cannot stand it until spring run the risk of attracting many quarrels and troubles to their homes for the New Year 2019.

Set up to be comfortable

Where to put a New Year's tree so that it brings only pleasure and bright emotions, and not inconvenience? If your living space is small in size, then it doesn't make sense to place the tree in the center of the room. You will constantly cling to it, and it is likely that before the New Year 2019, the main attribute of the festival will be knocked down more than once. Install a Christmas tree in the corner - it will give your apartment a cozy look. By the way, a great alternative to a large one for a small dwelling is pine or spruce branches. You can build a New Year's ikebana and put it on festive table, decorating with rain and light garlands. Another a good option for those who live in small room This is a small artificial spruce.

If you live in a small living space, then of course, the most the best place to place the feng shui tree, this is the center of the room. Around her, the children will be able to dance and have fun. However, placing a coniferous tree in the corner would be a very good option, this is a win-win option! If you have the opportunity, then get a large, even spruce and decorate it in the best traditions.

By the way, you should not put a living tree for the New Year 2019 near the heaters - it will quickly throw off the needles and dry out. On the contrary, let the place where the Christmas tree will delight your eyes be slightly cool, and create the humidity yourself.

how to decorate a feng shui tree

Not only the placement of the Christmas tree in your home for the New Year 2019 should comply with the wise rules of feng shui, but also its direct decoration. It is from the colors in which you decorate your pine tree that the stirring will occur. invisible forces qi in certain areas of your life. Whether it is love, or career, finances, health, children and much more. To understand these Chinese intricacies, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the next rules regarding purely New Year's decor:

  1. Love. If there is no true strong love in your life, then you just need to start looking for and attracting it already on the eve of the New Year celebrations. According to feng shui, your tree should be located in the right corner of the house and decorated with everything that even a little reminds of passionate feelings. It can be silk ribbons, romantic bows, shimmering pink beads, red Christmas decorations in the form of hearts and balls, figurines of girls and guys looking languidly at each other or kissing passionately. Do-it-yourself decorative crafts made from warm improvised materials will look very good.
  2. Material wealth. You predicament associated with an unstable financial inflow, then we will make some efforts and direct the energy forces of "qi" in the right direction. To do this, we transform our Christmas tree placed in the left corner with golden and silver tones. It can even be coins wrapped in foil, walnuts, dressed in the golden glow of spray cans, mechanical garlands that captivate the eyes of every tenant and guest with the light of “sun glare”. In general, everything that sparkles and warms with warmth must be brought into your home. So for the New Year 2019, harmony will reign in every corner of your room interior.
  3. Career. You need to move forward career ladder or develop your family business, then put a feng shui tree on new year holidays right in front of the entrance to the room. Decorate it with bright and creative hand made toys. Rest assured, this will certainly help you and will not keep you waiting long.
  4. kids. In order for your family to have a long-awaited replenishment, feel free to place a coniferous tree in the right corner of the room and decorate it with colorful sweets, tangerines, small soft toys, dolls, if you are expecting a girl, cars - when carrying a boy, and, of course, bright cute balls with fancy polka dots, bows, balls and more. Decorate everything with rain, tinsel and serpentine curls, sprinkle with confetti sparkles. Ready! The stork will definitely look into your window with a surprise!!!
  5. Friends. You are a sociable person, but you do not have enough faithful and kind friends in your social circle, then dress up a feng shui Christmas tree in a rather original way, with the help of your friends. When your friends come to visit you, let them bring one Christmas tree decoration with them, and you, having collected a decent box of decorations, hang them on your pine or spruce tree. Thus, the energy of acquaintances will be combined with yours and develop into a strong reliable friendship. But only people should be really open and bright.

With the help of such simple and simple tips you can create a wonderful atmosphere in your home that will reign throughout the New Year 2019.

Video: Feng Shui Christmas tree decorating

We put up a Christmas tree if there are children or animals in the house

The most fabulous, cheerful and beloved New Year holiday is approaching. Each of us hopes that the coming year will certainly be better than the previous one and will bring with it good luck, happiness, love, wealth ... This is already someone who is dreaming about. According to the concept of Feng Shui, everything that we dream about will surely come true. Only for this you need Feng Shui decorate the Christmas tree, take into account the latest trends in Christmas fashion, make a New Year's wreath and set it according to the rules and everything, as they say, will be in chocolate. And what? Could it actually work? So why not try?

Let's see what these rules are. Let's start with the fact that first we need to decide what we want from the next year, and it will already depend on this where to put the New Year tree.

For example, if love and marriage come first for you, then without a doubt put the Christmas tree in the South-West part of the room. Decorating a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui involves the selection of the right New Year's toys. Hearts, any paired toys should be present here. If there are none at home - it does not matter. You can fantasize. Take Christmas balls and weave them with a ribbon at the base. And ponytails can be tied into a bow. Under the Christmas tree you can put a wonderful New Year's couple of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

If you want to win general recognition and feel like a winner, shining on the upper step of glory, then put the fir tree in the southern corner of the room. Decorate it with bright red and shiny balloons. And the impact of this sector on you next year will be maximum.

Happiness, mutual understanding and harmony in family relationships will add a Christmas tree placed in the eastern part of the room. Eliminate icicles and other pointed ornaments from jewelry. Cover branches with rain.

To those who wishes to achieve success in creativity, you need to install a Christmas tree in the western or northwestern part of the room. For decoration, choose shiny balls and white or yellow bells. In addition, this sector in the coming year will bring you many new acquaintances and friends. Also, decorate the forest beauty in the northern corner with bells and balls. Add to this a golden rain and a highly paid position is provided to you.

Behind science sector the northeast part of the room answers. A toy in the form of a globe hung on a sprig of spruce can help your children in their studies. If there is none, put an ordinary globe under the New Year tree.

A Christmas tree placed in the southeast corner will attract to your family financial success and prosperity. Add gold coins, banknotes, rain, red ribbons or bows to decorations.

If everything is not so good with free space at home, then you can put the New Year's beauty wherever you want, and in the desired sector in the vase, determine a spruce branch decorated according to the above recommendations. So, you will create comfort at home, spending a minimum amount of money and effort.

How to choose a place for a Christmas tree

The New Year is almost on the threshold, which means that many people bring home a beautiful Christmas tree, wipe the toys removed from the attic or mezzanine in advance and unravel the garlands. But in order for the year to be truly successful, the main New Year's symbol must be properly decorated. After all, we usually put the Christmas tree where - where it is clearly visible, where it takes up little space, and so that the naughty cat does not get it. Although from the point of view of Feng Shui, this is a completely wrong approach. The Chinese themselves, by the way, do not put up a New Year tree, but the so-called “tree of light”, which is set depending on the goals set for 2017, acts as an analogue of our forest beauty. The main thing is to choose the right place for her.

Those who want to attract money to the house need to put a New Year tree in the southeast of the room, advises Feng Shui specialist Marta Borisova. - In the east, put a Christmas tree if you want to get rid of scandals and strengthen your family. The forest beauty in the southern part will provide recognition and fame, in the center of the room - it will help get rid of health problems. And if you plan to get pregnant and give birth successfully, put a tree in the west.

Spruce, located in the north, promises success in career advancement, but if you want to gain mind-mind - place it in the northeast. Travel lovers should set aside the northwestern corner for the Christmas tree.

We decorate the house with chic and brilliance

As for decoration, the master of the coming year Fire Rooster will be delighted with the many flashing lights and brilliant "rain".

The shape that attracts the positive energy of fire is a triangle, so make some red or gold triangle envelopes and place Chinese coins in them, says Marta Borisova. - Hang the envelopes on the Christmas tree or place them in the southeast corners of the rooms.

Feng Shui experts say that jewelry in 2017 should be made mainly in golden, scarlet, sunny orange and yellow tones. Wrap gifts for family or friends in scarlet or yellow paper. Do not forget about the main Chinese souvenir - tangerines. They need to be prepared for each guest who crosses the threshold of your house.

Be sure to make sure that not a single room in the house or apartment is left without decorations: garlands, Chinese lanterns, coins connected in pairs, tinsel, bows. Place Rooster figurines and twin candles on tables or shelves - this way you will ensure yourself family happiness and love. The Chinese generally love paired items, as they believe that any person should have their soul mate.

From which astrologers expect the patronage of lovers and the support of brave and honest people. Turns out it depends on where you put the main attribute new year's eve, will depend on whether the plan is fulfilled. It's time to find out which zone is responsible for what and how to bring the desired closer with the help of a tree.

wellbeing zone

To everyone who complains about fate and is tired of turning their cheeks to failure, the New Year's beauty should be identified in the western part of your apartment. Such a simple manipulation will attract a bird of happiness to your home, and with it good luck in business. Pay attention to the decoration coniferous tree. The West is a zone of metal, so the spruce decor should contain elements of silver and gold. An interesting option- Cones and nuts covered with silver paint, candies in foil.

Health Zone

In order to improve well-being, a natural tree cut on the eve of the holiday is the best fit. The aroma of pine needles is an excellent prevention of colds. But if this wonderful beauty is placed in the eastern part of your home, then natural medicinal properties spruce will also add the energy power of feng shui. An artificial one is in no way suitable for the role of an additional talisman. If it is not possible to buy a live attribute, then limit yourself spruce branches. Only a living tree carries the right charge of energy.

career zone

You won’t have to wait for heavenly mana in 2018, but a little confidence and assertiveness in your work will not hurt. If you want your work to bear fruit, you should put a Christmas tree in the southern corner of the apartment. By the way, this location promises the most deserving career. Southern zone according to Feng Shui, it dictates special decoration for the New Year tree: balls and other decorations should be red, and the top of the spruce should be crowned with a star or a pointed toy.

Friendship Zone

Everyone who dreams of true friendship and support should move the spruce to the northwestern zone of your nest. An excellent addition to such a powerful Feng Shui symbol will be tree decorations in the form of bells, angels, cute toys in the form of animals and snowmen.

love zone

Year of the Earth Dog great time for affairs of love. Loneliness is unacceptable main symbol year and contributes to new meetings and the emergence of quivering feelings. Can help in matters of the heart christmas tree, placed in the southwestern part of your apartment. The spruce will receive an additional charge from decorations of red, scarlet or pink shades, candles or a flashing garland. But the cold silvery rain must be abandoned. One more piece of advice - all things placed in this zone should be paired, then loneliness will leave you forever.

wealth zone

Treasures and winnings in the lottery The dog does not guarantee you, but the fact that the year will be prosperous for making capital is a fact. Oriental wisdom will help in this case. It is important to mark the spruce in the southeastern part of the house, ideally if the tree itself is not cut, but alive, temporarily transplanted into a large pot. It is necessary to put several gold coins into the ground, and crown the branches of the beauty with multi-colored beads, you can from natural stone. By the way, fish are also considered money amulets. You can complement the decoration with ribbons tied into a bow right on the branches of the spruce.

Do not despair if the spruce does not fit into an important corner of the apartment for you. Perhaps the Dog tells you true ideals, and the New Year tree is the place to show off in the love zone, and money and prosperity themselves flow to happy people.

We found out that the Christmas tree and garlands are powerful energy activators, the question arises: where to place them in December 2017.


As with any activator, we have 3 placement options:

a) with benefit, activating favorable energies and receiving favorable events;

b) neutrally, not receiving benefit, but not harming and

c) by using unfavorable energies, having received negative events and situations.

For those who are into feng shui: we determine the location by what energies “live” where in December 2017. That is, no energies of the Earth Dog appear yet. And to determine the quality of energy, we need: the elements of the palace, annual and monthly flying stars. So no magic.

Yes, unfortunately, this year we were not very lucky: there is no such sector where the energies are friends at the “wow effect” level.

THE MOST UNFAVORABLE PLACES FOR THE LOCATION OF THE FIR-TREE: South, North-West, East, South-West, South-West. If you touch these energies with an activator, bad events of varying severity await you. What exactly? You can see a little lower in the post "Unfavorable Feng Shui Sectors in December 2017".


West: combination 3-9 in the metal palace: will activate money, new projects and contracts. The effect will be enhanced by decorating the Christmas tree in the color of the elements of the earth (from beige to ocher, but not shiny, but matte). However, this requires a body of color: that is, ALL decorations must be in the same scale.

Northeast: 4-1 in the earthen palace, the fire fits into the cycle and gives the prospect of joyful events, the return of debts, the successful completion of obligations, receiving rewards for one's activities. Here, all the shiny jewelry that enhances the element of metal is very beautiful.

North: 6-3 in the water palace will give the opportunity to take a leading position or take a new peak. Also good for money. To enhance - it is favorable to decorate the Christmas tree in the color of the elements of the earth.

A few important details:

- it is best to choose a sector based on the total perimeter of your premises. It can be based on any separate room (provided that it has a door, that is, there is a compression of energies) - but it acts much stronger along a large perimeter;

It is most effective to take the distribution of the cardinal points according to real measurements taken from the external door (for houses - the main Entrance door, for apartment buildings - entrance door);

Of course, it is possible (and better) to take into account flying stars natal chart Your premises: if you know and can.

And, of course, these places are calculated and favorable for December 2017, which will last until January 7, 2018. After: West and Northeast will remain favorable, but in the North a combination of 6-2 with a monthly star of diseases is formed. But the East will be favorable.

Thus, depending on your plans, either do not keep the tree in the North longer than January 7, or rearrange it after this date.

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