Sprouted green buckwheat benefits and harms. Health benefits of sprouted green buckwheat. Green buckwheat. Let's look at some interesting uses for buckwheat sprouts in recipes.

Green buckwheat is a product that has been known for a long time. Over time, it disappeared from stores and was replaced by the well-known fried buckwheat. Few people know that the natural color of buckwheat is green, and not brown, as we are used to seeing it. After all, the processed product is easier and faster to prepare. Although the fried version of buckwheat also has great nutritional value, it is not comparable to green. After all, the grain did not undergo any processing in it, retaining all the useful things that nature gave.

Green buckwheat is a storehouse of nutrients

Raw green buckwheat contains a large amount of essential minerals and vitamins:

  • Iron - is responsible for the saturation of cells with oxygen, for the development of the brain in children, the production of energy, hemoglobin, and contributes to the balance of blood pressure.
  • Iodine - helps in the fight against excess weight, preserves the nervous system, restores energy, increases mental activity.
  • Magnesium - reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, helps to absorb calcium, potassium, sodium.
  • Oxalic acid - supports and stimulates peristalsis in the body, stimulates muscle function.
  • Phosphorus - supports the nervous system, participates in most chemical processes in the human body, is responsible for the functioning of muscles, heart, kidneys.
  • Calcium - maintains healthy bones, teeth, helps in the fight against cholesterol, affects blood clotting.
  • Copper - is involved in the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, is indispensable for inflammatory processes, and is involved in the production of gastric juice.
  • Vitamins of groups B, P, PP - are responsible for immunity, metabolism, protect the nervous system, fight depression and stress, are responsible for the regeneration of the skin.
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids are an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

This is one of the environmentally friendly cereals, it does not need to use chemical fertilizers when growing it. This is due to the fact that buckwheat itself has a strong root system that does not allow weeds to grow next to it. It is also important that there is no genetically modified buckwheat, it does not accumulate harmful substances in itself.

Green buckwheat is an excellent dietary product. It contains a lot of complex carbohydrates that take a long time to break down in the body, providing a long feeling of satiety. Fiber in grains improves digestion, weight loss. Although buckwheat has a lot of calories, it is quickly absorbed and cannot lead to weight gain. With its regular use, immunity increases, slags and toxins, salts of heavy metals are removed from the body, blood sugar and cholesterol levels decrease. It is especially recommended to include this product in your diet for the elderly. It has long been proven that daily consumption of green buckwheat can rejuvenate the body and even heal from serious diseases, because it contains a lot of antioxidants.

Buckwheat does not contain gluten and can be used on a gluten-free diet menu. It also contains a lot of protein, similar to the protein of meat and fish. That is why athletes love it so much. Also, many note an increase in male power.

Not only healthy, but also delicious. How to cook green buckwheat?

Tasty and healthy food - it is this combination that will not allow you to turn a healthy lifestyle into violence against yourself. And green buckwheat is one of the best examples of such food. This product has gained particular popularity among vegetarians and raw foodists. After all, it can be consumed without any heat treatment or sprouted, thereby further increasing its value.

Growing buckwheat is very convenient and fast. It does not require long days of waiting and effort.

  1. First, rinse the grains several times with plenty of water. It is most convenient to use a sieve for this. Remove any floating seeds, as they will no longer germinate.
  2. Fill the cereal with water two centimeters above the grains themselves. Leave for two hours.
  3. Drain, rinse, stir the buckwheat, place on a flat plate and fill with fresh water. Cover with damp cheesecloth and leave overnight. Do not put the plate in a cold place. If you find mucus on the grains, then it is better to wash it off. This mucus is also useful, but can give an unpleasant bitter taste. But many people eat it too.

Already in the morning you can see the first sprouts ready to eat. Just add salt, spices, oil or eat with honey, kefir, natural yogurt. They can also be added to soups, salads, stews and other dishes. If you want to get more sprouts, then leave them to grow for another 20 to 24 hours. At the same time, make sure that they do not dry out, moisten if necessary. It is best to eat sprouts from 0.1 to 2 centimeters.

You can store such germinated grains in the refrigerator, in a jar with a lid for no more than 2-3 days. But it is best to germinate the grains in portions every day. It doesn't take long and you'll always have fresh sprouts.

Do not try to sprout the usual brown buckwheat from the store. Unlike it, green buckwheat is alive and only it can sprout.

Cooking porridge from green buckwheat is even easier. Rinse it, fill it with water just above the cereal and cook for about 15 minutes. Since the cooking time is short, everything useful will be preserved. Such porridge turns out to be soft, it tastes a bit like fried potatoes and hazelnuts. It can be eaten alone, with the addition of vegetables or as a side dish to meat dishes. Porridge can be eaten both sweet with fruits and honey, and salty.

Porridge can also be prepared from pre-sprouted green buckwheat. To do this, take cereals, any fruit, honey or raisins for sweetness. Add some water or kefir, grind everything in a blender. Delicious and healthy porridge is ready. It will serve as an excellent breakfast for the whole family.

Contraindications to the use of green buckwheat

Like any other product, green buckwheat has its own limitations in use. All this is very individual.

  • Grains contain rutin, so it is not recommended for people with increased blood clotting.
  • Give green buckwheat to children with caution, they may have problems with stools, constipation.
  • Watch your digestion. With excessive use, increased formation of gases and black bile can occur.
  • If buckwheat leaves or flowers come across in your cereal, then never use them. This can lead to severe poisoning of the body.
  • It should be borne in mind that buckwheat can cause allergies.

In all other cases, the benefits of green buckwheat are much more significant. For most people, it does no harm. The main thing is to listen to yourself, focus on your own feelings.

Green buckwheat can be bought in a regular supermarket in the healthy food section. Choose grains with a greenish tint, pay attention to the absence of foreign odors and mold. Store them in a dark, dry place in a tightly closed container or cloth bag. Make sure that there are no bugs in it.

Green buckwheat is a natural, environmentally friendly product that will help maintain your health. It should be included in the diet of any person!

Buckwheat is famous for the richness of its composition, however, some of the useful elements are lost during heat treatment. This can be avoided by using green buckwheat, which is usually sprouted. Sprouting allows not only to preserve the healing properties of cereals, but also to increase their content. In addition, all the useful elements in sprouts are in an easily digestible form.


Sprouted buckwheat contains vitamins A, E, PP, K, H, B vitamins (B1, -2, -6, -9), ascorbic acid. The mineral composition is represented by iron, phosphorus, copper, iodine, rutin, as well as sulfur, magnesium, sodium. Buckwheat is rich in slow carbohydrates, which, when broken down, give strength and energy, as well as a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Proteins in cereals are comparable in their properties to proteins of animal origin, but, having a vegetable nature, are much easier to digest. Proteins contain essential and non-essential amino acids. Fats are represented by unsaturated acids, in particular, the content of Omega 3 in cereals is high.

Sprouted cereals also contain fiber and organic acids. Unlike most cereals, buckwheat does not contain gluten. The latter is a vegetable protein, often provoking allergies. That is why buckwheat is considered hypoallergenic and one of the first (in boiled form) is included in the children's menu. Sprouted buckwheat contains many biologically active components, including flavonoids, enzymes, phospholipids, lignans. The latter act like phytoestrogens.

Buckwheat is one of those few foods that cannot be genetically modified, so it is really environmentally friendly. In addition, buckwheat is able to fight weeds and pests on its own, so it does not require numerous treatments with pesticides.

What is useful?

A large amount of slow carbohydrates and proteins in the composition with a low calorie content makes sprouted buckwheat a satisfying, but dietary product. Grains give a feeling of satiety, but do not raise blood sugar levels. The high protein content makes this product also beneficial for athletes. Moreover, it promotes muscle growth, increases strength and endurance.

A large amount of vitamins, primarily vitamin C, suggests the immune-strengthening effect of green buckwheat. It stimulates immune forces, which allows the body to resist infections, negative environmental factors, vitamin deficiency.

Sprouted cereals have a pronounced antioxidant effect, which is manifested, for example, by the ability of its elements to bind radionuclides. The latter are molecules without an electron, which, settling on healthy cells, disrupt their functioning. Such changes in the work of cells cause the development of tumors. Thus, sprouted buckwheat helps prevent the development of tumors, both benign and malignant.

In addition, thanks to antioxidants, toxins are removed from the body, and the processes of age-related cell changes slow down. The result is reflected in the external condition of the skin - it becomes more toned, retains tone, elasticity. Phospholipids, which are also involved in lowering cholesterol and have anti-aging functions, also demonstrate an antioxidant effect.

Vitamins C and E, vitamin PP, as well as iron and rutin have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. Sprouted groats help to increase the elasticity of the vascular walls and improve the permeability of capillaries. In addition, the product can reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

This avoids the formation of cholesterol plaques from the inside of the vessels, flabbiness of the latter, and circulatory disorders. Regular consumption of green buckwheat with sprouts can reduce the painful symptoms of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids. Iron in the composition of green sprouts allows you to maintain the desired hemoglobin levels, which means high-quality "delivery" of oxygen to tissues and organs.

Thanks to potassium and magnesium, as well as Omega 3 in the composition of the cereal, the heart muscle is strengthened, it becomes more resilient, and its cycle is normalized. A similar effect on the cardiovascular system is also due to the normalization of blood pressure in hypertension. Vitamin E is also necessary for faster wound healing and promotes strength. In combination with vitamin A, it is involved in the production of female sex hormones. For women, this means the constancy of the cycle, ensures the conception and bearing of a child, with a sufficient amount of hormones, the unpleasant symptoms of menopause are removed.

B vitamins and phosphorus ensure the proper functioning of the central nervous system, strengthening the nerves, improving the conduction of nerve impulses, relieving the symptoms of nervous tension, coping with insomnia. Green sprouts are recommended for chronic fatigue, emotional and intellectual overload. Flavonoids in the composition also help improve brain activity, they tone up and slow down the aging process of brain cells.

B vitamins are involved in almost all life processes, including regulating metabolic metabolism. Metabolic disorders entail various diseases, weight disorders. In addition, B vitamins are involved in the process of hematopoiesis. Sprouted buckwheat helps maintain visual acuity, has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. The presence of organic acids in the composition, as well as fiber, helps to improve digestion when consuming green sprouts. The enzymes in the composition of the seedlings also serve this.


Food is digested faster and better, and thanks to fiber, intestinal motility improves, toxins, mucus, and toxins are removed from the body. Regular consumption of buckwheat sprouts helps reduce sugar cravings and also maintains a healthy balance of intestinal microflora. Organic acids also regulate the acid-base balance in the body.

Thanks to the lignans in the sprouts, the latter show anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. Truly green buckwheat can be considered a natural antibiotic with a wide scope. The product also has a positive effect on the reproductive system, thyroid gland, liver, kidneys. Since ancient times, with the help of this cereal, diabetes, infertility were treated, and polyps were removed.

With individual intolerance to cereals, sprouted buckwheat should not be eaten. The product can also cause harm with increased blood clotting, because due to the routine in the composition it increases its viscosity. In this regard, those who are undergoing treatment with anticoagulants will also have to abandon the use of germinated grains.

Groats can cause increased gas formation, therefore, with flatulence, it is better not to eat green cereals. Despite the beneficial effect of the latter on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, sprouts are undesirable in inflammatory processes. Exacerbations of gastritis, ulcers, Crohn's disease, as well as pancreatitis, colic - all this should be a contraindication to the consumption of sprouted buckwheat. It is important to observe moderation when consuming a sprouted product. With a significant excess of the recommended dosage, a feeling of bloating, abdominal pain, and stool disorder may occur.

Finally, it is important to choose and prepare the seedlings correctly. It is unacceptable to use ordinary (brown) cereals. When soaked, it will only become moldy, Naturally, it cannot be eaten. It is important that green buckwheat has a suitable shelf life. The maximum duration of germination should not exceed 7 days. It is believed that the most useful sprouts are two-day-old.


Sprouted grains contain 310 kcal per 100 g. BJU is distributed as follows - 12.6 / 3.2 / 62. In addition, grains include water and dietary fiber. Despite the rather high calorie content of sprouted cereals (when boiled, it decreases by almost 2.5 times), it will not cause extra pounds. The fact is that slow carbohydrates, splitting, provide the body with energy and strength. The level of sugar in the blood rises slightly, and the increase is partially offset by the presence of fiber. Dietary fiber slows down the absorption of sugar from the intestines.

As a result, sugar rises slowly and smoothly, which gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety. The ability of sprouted grains to normalize digestion contributes to the activation of metabolic and lipid metabolism. The consumption of sprouts contributes to weight loss, provides the body with proteins and amino acids, which are necessary for the construction of muscles, enzymes, and cells. Sprouted buckwheat, rich in vitamins and microelements, helps to avoid the deficiency of these elements in the body, which is a fairly common occurrence when dieting.

How to use correctly?

There are 2 schemes for using sprouted buckwheat - as an independent product or in combination with others, as part of combined dishes. Sprouted grains are often added to vegetable salads. Just use your favorite vegetables, natural yogurt dressing, or a mixture of lemon juice and vegetable oil, and then sprinkle buckwheat seeds on your salad for a healthy and nutritious snack.

Green sprouts can also be added to various cocktails, smoothies. Use as a breakfast, combining with fruits, nuts, dairy products. You can cook healthy pizza on sprouts by mixing grains crushed with a blender with nuts or seeds, tomato or minced meat. This will be the base of the pizza, on which you can lay out pieces of meat, vegetables, mushrooms, cheese and herbs.

If the taste of the sprouts seems unusual, you can boil them. The principle of their preparation is not much different from that for obtaining classic buckwheat porridge. The only difference is that the sprouted cereals should be cooked for 7-10 minutes, then covered with a lid, and on top with a warm towel and left to steam for a quarter of an hour. An important point - if you are preparing sweets based on green buckwheat (for example, you want to “hide” it in raw food desserts, healthy sweets), you should not combine it with refined sugar. Such a tandem will destroy all the benefits of seedlings.

If necessary, sweeten the dish, it is more correct to take honey or dried fruits.

The daily dose for an adult in the absence of contraindications is 70 g, and you can eat this amount in its pure form or add sprouts to other products. However, it is impossible to immediately eat sprouts in such quantities. You need to start with 1 teaspoon per day, bringing the daily dosage to 70 g in 2 months. The advice of doctors also comes down to the fact that the best time to consume sprouts is in the morning and in the first half of the day. Due to the high biological activity of grains, it is better not to take them in the second part of the day, especially in the evening.

Sprouted buckwheat should be stored for no more than 5 days, using a refrigerator for this. The best option is to cook new sprouts every day or every other day, so you will always feast on fresh and most useful sprouts. Sprouted buckwheat grains can be included in the menu of almost any of the fasting days, for example, in a green or kefir diet. As reviews show, in 2-3 days of such nutrition, it is possible to lose up to 3-4 kg, cleanse the body, and improve the functioning of the stomach.

For information about the useful properties of sprouted buckwheat, see the following video.

How do you eat buckwheat sprouts? Calorie content and composition. The main useful properties of the product, to whom it is contraindicated. How to grow sprouts at home and what can be prepared from them?

The content of the article:

Buckwheat sprouts are germinated grains of buckwheat, the so-called "green" groats. Unground buckwheat, which we see on store shelves, is not suitable for sprouting, as it undergoes a special heat treatment before sale, which kills the germs contained in the grain. But the “green” cereal is subjected to a special gentle treatment, as a result of which the embryos remain alive and can be germinated. You cannot find green buckwheat in an ordinary store; it is found only in large supermarkets, as well as in special health food stores. However, we highly recommend that you find this product, because the benefits of buckwheat sprouts are truly impressive. Everyone knows that even ordinary buckwheat is the most valuable cereal crop, which has a balanced composition and is rich in many necessary biologically active substances, but green buckwheat seedlings surpass it in terms of usefulness, and at the same time they are also tasty.

The composition and calorie content of buckwheat seedlings

It cannot be said that buckwheat sprouts are a low-calorie product, but it definitely should not be included in the taboo for those who are on a diet, rather the opposite. They are distinguished by a balanced composition - rich in protein and complex carbohydrates and practically do not contain fat, and therefore quickly saturate and store energy for a long time.

Calorie content of buckwheat seedlings - 190 kcal per 100 grams, of which:

  • Proteins - 4.7 g;
  • Fats - 0.3;
  • Carbohydrates - 35.2 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 12 g.
In addition, it should be noted that this product is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals that our body needs daily.

Macronutrients per 100 g:

  • Potassium - 790 mg;
  • Calcium - 119 mg;
  • Silicon - 541 mg;
  • Magnesium - 717 mg;
  • Sodium - 12 mg;
  • Sulfur - 126 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 1211 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Boron - 861 mcg;
  • Iron - 12.4 mg;
  • Iodine - 8.1 mcg
  • Cobalt - 7.15 mcg
  • Manganese - 1.56 mg;
  • Copper - 812 mcg;
  • Molybdenum - 41 mcg
  • Selenium - 4 mcg;
  • Fluorine - 45 mcg;
  • Chromium - 15.3 mcg;
  • Zinc - 0.41 mg.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 1.3 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.49 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 2.01 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folates - 168 mcg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 26 mg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE - 8.3 mg;
  • Vitamin H, biotin - 36 mcg;
  • Vitamin K, phylloquinone - 27 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 4.19 mg.
In addition, it is worth noting that buckwheat seedlings contain many amino acids, including essential ones, as well as flavonoids and lignans - plant components that work as phytoestrogens, as well as a host of other biologically active substances.

Useful properties of buckwheat sprouts

Green buckwheat sprouts are a completely unique product. It is, in fact, a living organism with a huge concentration of useful components. It is especially important that they contain enzymes. The fact is that our body receives an insufficient amount of enzymes, in view of the fact that food is subjected to various kinds of heat treatment. As a result, the digestive system begins to work at full capacity. Buckwheat sprouts can quickly correct this unhealthy imbalance.

However, enzymes are, although an important component of the benefits of buckwheat sprouts, but not the only one. Let's see what other beneficial effects you can expect when introducing this product into your regular diet:

  1. Normalization of the digestive system. Saturation of the digestive tract with enzymes is not the only positive effect that the product has on the digestive system. Also, as we said above, it saturates well and reduces cravings for constant snacking. In addition, due to the high fiber content, the product as a whole speeds up the metabolism, helping useful components to be absorbed more efficiently, and harmful components to be eliminated from the body faster. Regular consumption of sprouts is a good prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Cancer Prevention. The product is the champion in the content of antioxidants that fight excess levels of free radicals, which in turn reduces the likelihood of the formation of abnormal molecular bonds, and hence serious diseases, including even cancer. In addition, it should be noted that antioxidants have a pronounced anti-aging effect and prevent early aging. The rejuvenating effect is reflected not only on the internal state of the body, but also on the skin - it becomes smoother, more elastic and beautiful.
  3. Prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The beneficial effect of the product also extends to the cardiovascular system. It makes blood vessels - both arteries and capillaries - strong and flexible, normalizes blood pressure, lowers bad cholesterol. It is important to note that the positive impact is limited not only to the prevention of certain diseases. Buckwheat sprouts even help to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including atherosclerosis, thrombosis, hypertension, coronary disease. Separately, it is worth noting the beneficial effect on blood vessels, due to which, with the regular use of buckwheat sprouts, the symptoms of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc. are alleviated.
  4. Strengthening immunity. Sprouts contain a huge range of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. that we need to maintain our health. Of course, such a composition with regular use of the product will contribute to the comprehensive strengthening of immunity. This means that sprouts will be especially appropriate to introduce into the diet during the cold season. In addition, it must be said that doctors recommend eating the product during the recovery period after severe and protracted illnesses, as well as operations. It is noted that it will help to endure such severe infectious diseases as measles, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, etc. in a milder form.
  5. Beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system. Due to the high content of flavonoids, sprouts contribute to the activation of the brain and its development, which makes it especially important to use the product by children, as well as pregnant women, since flavonoids can be transmitted from mother to fetus. A beneficial effect of the product on the nervous system is also noted - with regular use, it helps to fight neurosis and stress, normalizes sleep.
  6. Anti-inflammatory effect. Plant components of lignans contained in sprouts demonstrate antibacterial and antifungal activity. Thus, buckwheat sprouts can be considered a natural antibiotic, effective against a wide range of diseases.
  7. Prevention and treatment of diabetes. The composition of the product includes specific substances that affect the sensitivity of cells to insulin, which helps prevent diabetes and treats the disease if it already takes place.
  8. Anemia Prevention. Buckwheat sprouts are a record-breaking product in terms of iron content, which has an important effect on the functions of hematopoiesis and hemoglobin formation and helps prevent anemia.
  9. Stamina Boost. The product strengthens muscles and promotes their growth, in addition, it improves endurance. These properties make buckwheat sprouts an absolutely indispensable product for athletes. Sprouts and a banana make an excellent natural protein shake that is just as effective as store-bought “powder” but much cheaper and healthier.
Consider the benefits of buckwheat sprouts for women, men and children in the form of a table:
For womenFor menFor children
Improved skin conditionStamina BoostIncreasing concentration, activation and development of the brain
Help in losing weightMuscle strengtheningStrengthening immunity
Strengthening the nervous systemPrevention of diseases of the heart and blood vesselsPrevention of anemia

It is worth noting that these are only the main beneficial properties of buckwheat sprouts, in fact, the beneficial effect of the product extends to the entire body. It has a good effect on the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, reproductive system, helps to treat obesity, alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis, and is recommended for restoring the body when receiving strong doses of radiation. In general, this product simply must be present in the diet of people who care about their health.

Contraindications and harm of buckwheat sprouts

Each product, no matter how useful it may be, has contraindications, but buckwheat sprouts are not able to harm almost anyone. The only condition that must be observed in order to avoid potential unpleasant symptoms when using them is the smooth introduction into the diet.
It is also worth noting that sprouted buckwheat is the best addition to breakfast and lunch, in the afternoon and especially at night, it is better not to eat it.

There are no strict prohibitions on the use of sprouted buckwheat, however, doctors still advise you to exercise some caution if you are prone to allergies, diseases of increased blood clotting and severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have these or other serious health problems, it is probably worth consulting with your doctor about the presence or absence of contraindications before using the product.

How to germinate green buckwheat?

You can hardly find sprouted buckwheat in supermarkets, this is due to the fact that it requires special storage conditions, has a very short shelf life, but does not have high consumer demand. However, it is not at all difficult to germinate cereals on your own, the main thing is to buy the right green buckwheat.

Let's figure out how to germinate buckwheat at home:

  • We sort out the buckwheat, wash it well.
  • We shift the cereal into a bowl with a wide bottom, preferably made of glass and porcelain.
  • We fill the future seedlings with water, it should be about twice as much as cereals. Water should be at room temperature and not boiled.
  • After 2-3 hours, drain the water, rinse the grits well and transfer to a clean bowl.
  • Cover the bowl with damp cheesecloth folded into several pieces.
That's all, depending on the quality of the purchased cereal and the correct observance of the germination conditions, you can see the first sprouts in 12-24 hours. As soon as they appear, they can already be eaten, however, keep in mind that they will be most useful on the third day. This fact was proven by Chinese scientists as a result of a long study. In this way, you can continue sprouting, but do not forget to moisten the cheesecloth from time to time.

Important! Sprouted buckwheat should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

Recipes for dishes with buckwheat sprouts

As you probably already guessed, the maximum benefit lies in fresh buckwheat sprouts, and it is best to eat this product in salads, on sandwiches, in healthy smoothies. However, the heat treatment of sprouts, of course, is not prohibited, you can cook porridge from it, add it to various soups and stews.

Let's look at some interesting options for using buckwheat sprouts in recipes:

  1. Delicious salad with buckwheat sprouts. Cut the tomato (1 piece) and cucumber (1 piece) into cubes, transfer to a salad bowl. Add fresh or canned corn (3 tablespoons), olives (2 tablespoons) and sprouts (70 grams), and finely chopped parsley (20 grams). Dress the salad with vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) and soy sauce (2 tablespoons). The dish can be eaten immediately.
  2. Nutritious smoothie. Pour almond milk (150 ml) into a blender. Break a banana into several parts (1 piece), also send it to a blender along with sprouts (3 tablespoons). Soak dates (3 pieces) in water for 5-10 minutes, then remove the stone, cut into several pieces, put to the rest of the ingredients. Turn on the blender, whisk the cocktail for about a minute, add water if necessary. This shake is just perfect before a workout.
  3. healthy pizza. Prepare the dough: put sprouted buckwheat (1 cup), favorite nuts or seeds (1/2 cup), tomato (1 large), vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), thyme (1 teaspoon) in a blender. Beat, and then roll out the “cake” on parchment, place it in the oven to dry at a temperature of 35-40 degrees, if the oven does not allow you to set this temperature, set the minimum possible and open the door. During the drying process, the cake will need to be turned over. Prepare the filling: chop the Adyghe cheese (100 grams), tomatoes (2 pieces), pepper (1 piece), press the garlic (2 cloves) under pressure. Put the filling on the base, decorate with olives and herbs to taste. If desired, the cake along with the filling can be warmed up a little.
  4. Porridge with pumpkin. Boil milk (1 cup), add diced pieces of pumpkin (100 grams) to it. After 5 minutes, put the sprouts (70 grams), turn off the heat. After half an hour, transfer the porridge to a plate, add honey (1 tablespoon), chopped dried apricots and dates (3-4 each), cardamom, fennel and nutmeg to taste.
  5. Buckwheat sweets. Pass the sprouts (1 cup), favorite nuts (1 cup), raisins and dates (100 grams each), and a lemon (half) through a meat grinder. Add cinnamon (1 teaspoon), cardamom and nutmeg (1/2 teaspoon each), black pepper (a pinch) to the “dough”. Mix well and form into small balls. Roll sweets in any sprinkle to taste - coconut, sesame, cocoa, carob, crushed nuts.
As you can see, many interesting dishes can be prepared from sprouted buckwheat and it’s not at all difficult to introduce it into your diet - if you don’t like the taste of sprouts, “hide” your portion of a healthy product in sweets from the last recipe, you definitely won’t feel it in them, but you will get benefits.

Never add white refined sugar to dishes with sprouts, it will kill all their beneficial properties. If you really need sweetness, add honey or another natural sweetener.

There is no gluten in buckwheat sprouts, and therefore they can be one of the diet products for those suffering from celiac disease - gluten intolerance.

Back in ancient times, green buckwheat and sprouts were used to treat various diseases, including diabetes, polyps, and even infertility.

Since buckwheat is grown without any fertilizers - the culture is so unpretentious that it simply does not need them - sprouts can be considered an environmentally friendly product.

In India and China, there is a special attitude to croup, it is believed that it is capable of treating certain diseases by acting on various points in the body. In these countries, there are even special rugs with buckwheat, on which you need to perform various exercises.

Buckwheat sprouts are a product whose benefits are beyond doubt. After all, even when buying store-bought greens, vegetables and fruits, we cannot be sure that their benefits will surpass the harm of the chemicals with which they were processed. But seedlings can be grown independently from environmentally friendly cereals and make up for the lack of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances at their expense all year round.

Watch the video about buckwheat sprouts:

Buckwheat sprouts are a unique product in their usefulness. It has a powerful healing effect on all tissues and systems of the body, helps not only to prevent, but also to treat various diseases. At the same time, sprouted buckwheat has almost no contraindications. Be sure to try to germinate the cereal yourself and cook some interesting dish out of it.

Buckwheat is very popular in the food culture of almost all Slavic peoples. Some consider her the "queen of cereals", others treat her with some coolness. But adherents of a healthy diet, especially raw foodists and dividers, prefer such a product as sprouted buckwheat.

What is this product?

Many cereals are germinated for a healthy diet, for example, the same wheat, lentils or peas. Everyone knows that it is in the state of the first tender sprouts that the grain is able to give all its most useful ingredients: vitamins and microelements. This is due to the fact that germination gives impetus to the awakening of energy, due to which the future plant begins to develop. At the same time, the complex substances contained in the grain break down into simple proteins, carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, which are much easier to digest by our body.

Buckwheat sprouts are no exception, they also significantly enhance the nutritional value of cereals.
For germination, the so-called green buckwheat is used - groats, which, unlike brown buckwheat, are not treated with hot steam. That is why it does not lose its germination capacity and the grains, with sufficient moisture, can produce excellent sprouts.

By the way! Choose green cereals for germination. You can find it in pharmacies, health food stores or on the portals of the worldwide network.

Benefit and harm

On many Internet portals, the title above is very popular. Let's try to describe the properties of today's product based on these messages. What are the benefits and harms of sprouted buckwheat?


In order to evaluate the usefulness of the product, first of all, we turn to its chemical composition. Buckwheat contains eighteen amino acids and many macro- and microelements that are beneficial for our body. This combination increases the resistance to diseases of the human immune system, improves the structure of the skeleton and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

It is also important that fresh sprouted green buckwheat is an excellent cleansing product. When it is used, slags and toxins are removed from the body, which is undoubtedly a very important factor. This is especially important for people who are overweight or who have digestive problems.

Reference! One hundred grams of green cereal contains:

  • proteins - 12.6 grams;
  • fat - 3.3;
  • carbohydrates - 62;
  • water - 14;
  • dietary fiber - 1.3.

The great benefits of sprouted buckwheat are in the phospholipids contained in it, which are so popular today, at least as many commercials claim. These substances are able to rejuvenate the body and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. This is also facilitated by unsaturated acids, such as "Omega-3", the content of which in green cereals is also high.

Organic acids in sprouted buckwheat, remember advertising again (!), regulate the acid-base balance.

You can still give a lot of advantages of buckwheat, but for today we will limit ourselves to the data given.


It was always surprising that it turns out, no matter how useful this or that product is, there will always be a fly in the ointment. With regard to sprouted buckwheat, these are just three factors:

  • individual intolerance;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • overdose.

We will not talk about the first case, since this is already clear, but the increased content of routine in green buckwheat really makes this product enhance the effect of blood clotting, which is important for some people.

Frequent and increased consumption of green buckwheat can cause gas and other problems with heaviness in the stomach, so when using popular cereals, you need to remember a sense of proportion.


We turn to a conversation about how to germinate buckwheat. In fact, this process is quite simple, but still, some rules will have to be observed.


Let's start with a trip to the store. In order for the product to be useful and really alive, you need to choose cereals carefully. Transparent packaging will clearly show you the composition of the grains contained in it. They should be aligned, the same color, not have extraneous inclusions.

The shelf life of cereals should not exceed one year, that is, it should be from a new crop. After opening the package, make sure that the smell of buckwheat is natural, vegetable, without foreign aromas and mustiness.

Attention! Only a fresh product can be useful!


Before sprouting green buckwheat, it must be thoroughly washed in a sieve or colander. Moreover, this must be done with greater care than when handling ordinary steamed brown cereals. This naturally follows from the characteristics of product processing - steam additionally cleans the grain from dust and dirt.

Germination of buckwheat, by the way, can be carried out directly in the same sieve or colander under a damp, clean cloth.

Many copies are broken in the issue of the timing of germination. Some argue that the process lasts 10-12 hours, others say more than a day. It seems to us that everything depends on the state of the cereal and the temperature in the room, so it is better to navigate not by time, but by the size of the seedlings. The strongest energy is observed in newly hatched grains, when the sprouts do not exceed half a centimeter in length.

Of course, the seedlings cannot reach such a length at the same time, but they should not exceed ten millimeters.

Let's summarize the conversation about germination by describing all the steps in detail:

  1. Thoroughly wash the buckwheat in several waters.
  2. We distribute the grains in a thin layer, 10-15 millimeters on a plate or in a sieve.
  3. Fill the buckwheat with water so that it covers the grains by a centimeter, lower the sieve into a pot of water to the desired depth.
  4. Cover the top with a damp cloth.
  5. After 5-6 hours, the water must be drained, and the grits should be washed from the unpleasant mucus that has appeared. however, some raw foodists like it and eat it.
  6. We cover the swollen washed cereal again with gauze and leave to germinate.
  7. When the sprouts reach the desired size, you can cook the healthiest dishes or eat them in the form of cereals.

Recipes with green buckwheat

Forgive me, supporters of a healthy diet, but green buckwheat porridge is very tasty and to some extent healthy, so let's start the description of sprouted buckwheat recipes with cooking porridge. Then we move on to more healthy dishes.

Simple buckwheat porridge

There are two ways to prepare this porridge. They differ in the soaking time of the grains. In the first, simpler version, you need to soak the cereal in water for at least half an hour. The second method involves boiling already germinated cereals. For a glass of cereal, you need to take three glasses of water.

  1. Put the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil.
  2. We pour the grains into the water and again wait for the water to boil. At this time, remove the foam and add salt to the porridge.
  3. After the water boils again, turn off the heat and insist the grains under the lid for 15-25 minutes.
  4. When the water is absorbed into the cereals, the buckwheat is ready.

With this preparation, useful substances are preserved in the maximum amount. Porridge will be even more useful when steaming cereals in a thermos for 4-6 hours.

You can add additional ingredients to the finished porridge according to your taste, for example:

  • butter;
  • dried apricots or prunes;
  • raisin;
  • cardamom;
  • any berries;
  • fennel.

Porridge with pumpkin

Pumpkin itself is very useful, therefore it can enrich buckwheat porridge. To prepare this dish you will need:

  • green buckwheat - 80 grams;
  • milk, whole or baked - 250 milliliters;
  • sweet pumpkin pulp - 100 grams;
  • prunes or dried apricots;
  • honey - 10-20 grams;
  • cardamom, fennel, nutmeg to taste.

The order of preparation is as follows:

  1. Prepare buckwheat, soak in a quick or long way.
  2. Cut the pumpkin into 1 centimeter pieces.
  3. Add pumpkin pieces to warmed milk.
  4. Bring to a boil and boil the pumpkin in milk for about five minutes.
  5. Add the washed buckwheat to the pan.
  6. After boiling, turn off the heat and let it brew for 15-30 minutes.
  7. Put the porridge on a plate and add the rest of the ingredients.

Live sweet breakfast

In this and subsequent recipes, sprouted buckwheat will be used. Dishes from such a product are most useful. For a "live" breakfast we need:

  • buckwheat - 100 grams;
  • any nuts - 50 grams;
  • honey - 50 grams;
  • any fruit: apples, pears, plums, pineapple - optional.

Preparing it is very simple - take and mix the ingredients.

breakfast is serious

The seriousness of this salad is that, unlike the previous one, it does not contain sweet ingredients.

  • sprouted buckwheat - 150 grams;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt, dill, sesame.

This breakfast is also very easy to prepare. Groats are salted to taste and seasoned with oil, ground sesame seeds and finely chopped dill.

non-greek salad

Sprouted grains of buckwheat can also be used in the preparation of various vegetable salads. The composition of one of the interesting recipes is given below:

  • "live" buckwheat - 200 grams;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pieces;
  • small zucchini - 2 pieces;
  • anchovies or sprats - 2-4 pieces;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

All ingredients must be cut into small pieces and mixed with sprouted buckwheat grains. Put the salad on a dish garnished with arugula or other lettuce leaves.

strawberry dessert

Finally, we will again delight lovers of sweets with a strawberry dessert with sprouted buckwheat. To prepare it, you need to take the following products:

  • sprouted buckwheat - 200 grams;
  • raw almonds - 1 glass;
  • strawberries - 1 glass;
  • dates - 1 cup;
  • cocoa powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • melted coconut oil or honey - 50 grams.

Cooking yummy in this order

  1. Soak the dates for half an hour to make them softer.
  2. Grind all ingredients in a food processor or blender.
  3. At the end, add oil or honey.
  4. Form small cakes.
  5. Put the cakes on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil.
  6. Dry in the oven with the door open for half an hour at a temperature of 35-40 degrees.

Such preparation will not reduce the usefulness of the products that make up the dish.

Let's finish the article with a video recipe from green buckwheat:

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

In the past, buckwheat was called the “queen of cereals”, which is quite justified: there are so many vitamins, minerals and high-grade proteins in it for a reason. It is steamed (fried) and green (not fried). Both types are obtained from buckwheat grain by separation of the fruit shells. The light green color is due to the fact that the cereal does not undergo heat treatment, which means that vital components are preserved in the embryo, which cannot be said about the usual brown buckwheat. Naturally, the first of these is the most useful. The lack of exposure to high temperatures also ensures that green groats germinate quickly and have a mild taste.

An incredibly valuable and nutritious product is now especially popular among fans of healthy eating around the world, especially among raw foodists. With it, you can cook a healthy breakfast for the whole family - buckwheat porridge with the addition of dried fruits or berries, and also use it in salads with vegetables and cheese, pates, hot dishes, pies and even for making bread, grinding buckwheat into powder and adding it to flour, which is especially popular in Asia. There, the cereals are processed into flour and thus noodles, flat cakes and some bakery products are prepared.

How to germinate buckwheat?

In order for the beneficial properties of green buckwheat to reveal to us all its strength - it must be germinated before use. This requires a minimum of effort and a maximum of patience (14-24 hours). Here is my step by step method for sprouting green buckwheat:

  1. First, it should be washed several times: pour it with water, remove the crushed pieces of cereal that have floated up (they will not germinate) and other debris.
  2. Spread gauze in a colander in one layer and sprinkle the washed cereals.
  3. From above they are also covered in two layers with gauze (so that the grains breathe) and rinse under running water.
  4. Let the water drain a little and put the colander aside for 8 hours to germinate buckwheat.
  5. After 8 hours, we again moisten the gauze from above with water, let the water drain and again set it aside to hatch for 6 hours.
  6. After 6 hours, buckwheat must be removed from the gauze into a deep bowl for washing in order to get rid of the resulting white foam (mucus) and an unpleasant odor. In fact, it also has its own beneficial substances, but it is better to wash it off before each use.
  7. It is necessary to store in the refrigerator, but not more than 3-4 days. In general, I try to germinate it in portions - you need 50 grams - I germinated exactly this amount and no longer.

If you want green buckwheat to sprout large sprouts, then keep it up to 20-24 hours, only every 7-8 hours do not forget to moisten (wash) a little.

The benefits of boiled buckwheat are significantly reduced, so the best way to consume green buckwheat is sprouting. The benefits of sprouted green buckwheat lie in its cleansing action, saturating the body with useful substances and strengthening it.

The benefits of green buckwheat

With the calorie content of green buckwheat 310 kcal per 100 g of cereals, the bulk, almost 63%, is occupied by carbohydrates (62g / 100g), which is significantly lower than the same indicator in other cereals. Protein accounts for 12% (12.6g/100g), 10% is fiber and about 3% (3.3g/100g) is fat. A protein saturated with essential amino acids is well absorbed by the body and can be an equivalent substitute for meat protein. This invaluable useful property of green buckwheat is used in a variety of diets and vegetarian dishes.

Carbohydrates, slowly transforming, gradually turn into glucose, which helps to activate mental processes and lower blood sugar levels. This process of converting carbohydrates into glucose provides the body with the energy necessary for its vital functions for a long time. That is why green buckwheat, with its low calorie content, is quite nutritious and perfectly saturates. People who have diabetes or are engaged in mental work will undoubtedly benefit from eating green buckwheat.

Fiber takes care of the normalization of the processes of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to cleanse the body of toxins and accumulated toxins, which also confirms the benefits of green buckwheat. In addition, the beneficial properties of green buckwheat include the absence of gluten (gluten) in its composition, which allows you to freely use this food product for people suffering from allergic reactions and gluten intolerance.

Green buckwheat is famous for its ability to have a healing effect in the treatment of stomach or intestinal ulcers. With its help, you can cleanse the liver and intestines, get rid of constipation, strengthen and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. Green buckwheat has all these beneficial properties due to the high content of routine in it, which is responsible for the above advantages of this dietary product.

The high content of iron (6.7mg/100g), copper (640mcg/100g) and cobalt (3.1mcg/100g) in green buckwheat allows it to actively participate in the process of hematopoiesis, improving the blood count, purifying it and regulating hemoglobin levels. That is why the use of green buckwheat will be useful for anemia, leukemia, hypertension, blood loss, coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis, and as a prevention of these diseases.

Speaking about the benefits of green buckwheat, one cannot fail to mention that it contains a wide range of vitamins A (6mcg / 100g), E (6.7mg / 100g), PP (4.2mg / 100g) and group B (B1, B2, B6, B9), which remain almost unchanged due to the lack of heat treatment of this product. It contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iodine and sulfur, fluorine and silicon. Green buckwheat increases potency, visual acuity, can help with simple glaucoma and normalize metabolism.

And one more useful property of green buckwheat is its environmental friendliness. Buckwheat is not an object of genetic engineering research, and therefore it is a 100% natural product that does not have any genetic modifications (unlike, for example, the long-suffering soybean). And one more thing: a characteristic feature of this plant is that when growing, buckwheat displaces all weeds from its area, which means that pesticides are not used in its cultivation.

Indications for taking green buckwheat

Harm from sprouted buckwheat

Buckwheat has some contraindications. It helps to increase the formation of black bile and gases, overexcites the body. Young children should not eat steep buckwheat porridge too often - constipation may occur. With increased blood clotting, cereal sprouts are also not recommended, since it contains rutin.

Not everyone knows that fresh flowers and leaves of the plant are unsafe, so infusions and decoctions from them can cause poisoning of the body.

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