American plans for nuclear strikes on the cities of the USSR. "dropshot" - a plan of attack on the USSR

60 years of the apocalypse that was avoided
January 1, 1957. It was on this day, according to the once-secret American Dropshot plan, that the third world war between the USSR and the USA could begin with the massive use of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons.

From allies to antagonists: two blocs on the brink of war

The Committee of Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces approved the Dropshot plan on December 19, 1949, just four years after the victory of the USSR and the Allied countries over the Third Reich. At the end of World War II, the two major powers, the US and the USSR, smoothly plunged into another war - the Cold War.

The point of no return on the path of transforming yesterday's allies into irreconcilable enemies was the famous speech of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri. The ex-head of the British government said that the English-speaking countries should have complete military superiority over the USSR.

Already nine days after Churchill's speech, on March 15, Joseph Stalin in an interview with Pravda compared the former prime minister with Adolf Hitler. Thus, the mutual distrust of the two ideologically and politically polar blocs grew into an open confrontation that left an imprint on world history in the second half of the 20th century.

Winston Churchill gives the famous Fulton speech AP Photo


the most important feature Cold War has become a nuclear arms race. Scientists from Nazi Germany, the United States of America, Great Britain, and also the USSR worked on the development of a powerful bomb. Thanks to the Manhattan Project launched in the United States in 1943 under the leadership of physicist Robert Oppenheimer, two years later US state New Mexico conducted the first test of a nuclear explosive device.

A month after the test, in August 1945, two American Boeing B-29 bombers dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The destructive power of the "Kid" and "Fat Man" and the destruction of about a quarter of a million people in two sorties on August 6 and 9 forced Japan to sign a humiliating act of surrender aboard the US battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

For a short period, from 1945 to 1949, the United States becomes the only country in the world with nuclear weapons. And in many respects, it was the fact of this superiority that became the starting point in the development of a series of global plans involving the infliction of multiple strikes, both conventional and non-conventional, against the main geopolitical enemy of the West - the USSR.

Dropshot Predecessors

Of the most well-known and declassified to date plans for a total war against the USSR, in addition to the Dropshot, Operation Unthinkable and the Totality plan are known. Both plans were created in 1945, with Operation Unthinkable being ordered by the author of the Fulton Speech, Winston Churchill. "Totality" appeared as a result of the work of the headquarters of the American General Dwight Eisenhower.

American General Dwight Eisenhower and Winston Churchill in France, September 1944

Operation Unthinkable assumed two plans of action: offensive and defensive. Being a British design, it did not involve the use of nuclear weapons (the United Kingdom did not have them until 1952), but implied total war. July 1, 1945 was chosen as the date for the start of hostilities.
The objective of the offensive plan was to oust Soviet troops from the territory of Poland, which was occupied during the liberation of Eastern Europe from the German occupation. The task of the defensive plan was to protect the territory of Great Britain in the event of a breakthrough by Soviet troops in Western Europe.

The British did not provide both plans to the American command for review. Although the operation "Unthinkable" assumed that, apart from the United States and the United Kingdom, "one cannot rely on any help from the armies of other Western powers."

The plan did not win approval from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which calculated that rapid success in such a war was impossible due to the superiority of the USSR in manpower and military equipment 2.6 times, and in aviation - 1.5 times.

Plan "Totality" was developed by the United States in August 1945, when the first atomic bombs were already in service with the United States. Their number and production capabilities were severely limited, as were the means of delivery (exclusively bombers). It was conceived by President Harry Truman to mislead the USSR about the real nuclear capabilities of the United States in the postwar years.

"Totality" was the first military plan in history to bombard several major cities alleged enemy with nuclear bombs. The list included Moscow, Gorky ( Nizhny Novgorod), Kuibyshev (Samara), Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg), Novosibirsk, Omsk, Saratov, Kazan, Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Baku, Tashkent, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Magnitogorsk, Molotov (Perm), Tbilisi, Stalinsk (Novokuznetsk), Grozny, Irkutsk and Yaroslavl - 20 cities in total.

Of course, the US did not have 20 atomic bombs in August 1945. The only two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But by 1950, American nuclear stockpiles were close to 300.

But the USSR in the same year had only five atomic bombs. Such superiority may have given rise to the idea of ​​the American military command to develop an even larger plan than Totality.

Dropshot: basic assumptions

A selection of American newspapers with headlines about the announcement by US President Harry Truman of the first Soviet test of the RDS-1 atomic bomb, detonated at the Semipalatinsk test site on August 29, 1949

The Dropshot plan was developed in 1949 when Harry Truman was re-elected for a second term as president. And declassified only in 1978, under Jimmy Carter. The plan for a total war with the USSR, unlike Totality, did not put nuclear bombing in the first place, but the number nuclear bombs, which were planned to be dropped on Soviet settlements and military facilities, could destroy most of the population and 85% of the industrial potential of the country.

The basic assumptions of the plan are a set of conditions and time frames for waging a war between the United States and its allies against the USSR.

The first basic assumption is the start date of the war - January 1, 1957. The reason is supposedly an act of aggression, an attack by the USSR and/or its allies.

The allies of the United States in the conflict are NATO members (at that time - Canada, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Portugal), as well as part of China (in which communist rule was not established), the Philippines and all countries british commonwealth except India and Pakistan.

side by side with Soviet Union Poland, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Manchuria, Korea and Communist China are speaking. "Dropshot" also suggested that Yugoslavia could have taken the side of the USSR, but would have stayed closer to neutrality.

Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel, Iran, India and Pakistan declare neutrality, but join the US in case of a serious threat from the USSR.

There were also additional assumptions regarding both the pace of development and armament of the Soviet troops, as well as the pace of mobilization of NATO and Soviet troops, as well as the economic situation in the United States and the availability of Middle Eastern energy resources for the needs of the allies. The most important and dangerous additional assumption of the general war plan was point number 14.

Nuclear weapons will be used by both sides. Other types of weapons of mass destruction (radiological, biological and chemical weapons) can be used by any side, taking into account considerations of retaliation and effectiveness

Dropshot plan. Chapter 1, Section 4, Clause 14


The actions of the US and allies since January 1, 1957 were, according to the plan, divided into four parts. It was understood that, depending on the location of the conflict and the pace of development of certain events, the four phases could overlap.

First phase envisaged a single day, or D-Day, for the start of a nuclear bombardment of the USSR by the Allies in order to "stabilize the early Soviet offensive."

Second phase assumed the beginning of major offensive operations along the entire front line by all branches of the armed forces.

Third phase- carrying out offensive operations up to the moment of the surrender of the USSR.

Fourth phase- establishing control and enforcement of the terms of surrender.

Why didn't the nuclear New Year come in 1957?

There are many reasons why the Dropshot plan was not carried out. In just eight years from the development of the plan to the proposed nuclear New Year, both the world and military affairs have changed radically.

First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev, British Prime Minister Anthony Eden and US President Dwight Eisenhower among the guests at a party hosted by the President of Switzerland after the Geneva Conference on July 22, 1955 Keystone/Getty Images

In 1953 Joseph Stalin passes away, and Dwight Eisenhower, under whose leadership "Totality" was developed, becomes the President of the United States.

In 1955 Eisenhower meets with Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Nikolai Bulganin and First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev, as well as with the leaders of Great Britain and France at a summit in Geneva. The summit became an important milestone in the striving of the USSR and Western countries for peace and the strengthening of international security.

In 1956 Khrushchev speaks at the XX Congress of the CPSU with the famous report "On the cult of personality and its consequences." The process of de-Stalinization of the USSR begins.

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg leave a New York court after their conviction in March 1953. AP Photo

In the same eight years, four equally important events in the nuclear sphere have taken place.

In 1951 in the United States, the Rosenbergs are convicted of espionage and sentenced to death, who handed over valuable data and drawings related to the American nuclear program. The event played a role in strengthening the Soviet nuclear capability.

In 1954 USS Nautilus, the world's first nuclear-powered submarine, is launched.

In 1956 For the first time, a Soviet bomber flies at a distance corresponding to the distance to the United States and back with refueling, thereby hypothetically guaranteeing the survival of the Soviet pilot.

In 1957 The USSR successfully tests the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile(ICBM) capable of carrying a nuclear charge. The Soviet R-7 rocket was capable of delivering one 3-megaton nuclear charge to a distance of 8800 km. At the same time, the distance from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Los Angeles is 6600 km, from Moscow to Washington - 7850 km.

Thus, in just two years, the USSR demonstrated its ability to launch nuclear strikes on US territory in the event of a global conflict. And the scenario of a gratuitous nuclear bombing of the USSR is a thing of the past.

cold war threatened to go into a "hot" phase long before the Caribbean crisis. After World War II, while the USSR was developing the atomic bomb, the Pentagon planned a massive bombing strike on 100 Soviet cities.

Rising competition

US industrial potential for war time increased thanks to military orders, by the end of 1945, the United States accounted for 2/3 of world industrial production, half of the world's steel was smelted in the States. Only one power could resist American military hegemony - the USSR. The American government understood this even during the war.

On May 16, 1944, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff (CNS) prepared a report in which the Soviet Union was recognized as the second pole of geopolitical influence.

Already two months after the surrender of Japan, on November 3, 1945, report N 329 of the Joint Intelligence Committee was submitted for consideration by the Chief Executive Officer of the United States. In its first paragraph, it was clearly stated: "Select approximately 20 targets suitable for strategic atomic bombing of the USSR." The upcoming confrontation inexorably gained momentum.

On December 14, 1945, the US Joint Military Planning Committee issued Directive N 432/d, which stated that the US atomic bombs were recognized as the most effective weapon to strike the USSR.

Hot cold war threat

After Churchill's Fulton speech (March 5, 1946), there was no doubt that the world was entering another cold war. The Americans had the main trump card in their hands - the atomic bomb, but American intelligence reported that the development of these weapons was also underway in the USSR ...

In the US War Department, new plans for an attack on the Soviet Union were issued at machine-gun speed.

The first plan was called "Pincher", it was already prepared on March 2, 1946. Then came the Bushwacker, Crankshaft, Halfmoon, Cogwill, Offtek plans. In 1948, Chariotir was developed, according to which 70 Soviet cities were to be attacked, it was planned to drop 200 atomic bombs on them. The Cold War threatened to move into a "hot phase".

Must mean NATO

The United States could not enter into a confrontation with the USSR without international support. On April 4, 1949, the creation of NATO was announced. In this way, more and more countries were involved in the anti-Soviet coalition, and both the number of warheads and the scale of the alleged aggression grew accordingly.

Finally, on December 19, 1949, the Committee of Chiefs of Staff approved the Dropshot plan, according to which a large-scale operation of NATO forces could begin on January 1, 1957, it was supposed to begin with the bombing of 100 Soviet cities with 300 atomic bombs 250 thousand tons of conventional bombs.

Advantage in the sky

By the beginning of the 1950s, the United States had absolute superiority over the USSR in nuclear potential, in naval forces and in the number of strategic bombers. US B36 Peacemaker B47Stratojet bombers could, having taken off from a base in the UK or Japan, reach the central regions of the USSR, lighter AJ-2, A-3 and A-4 bombers could hypothetically strike at the peripheral regions of the Soviet Union.

Under the blows of American carrier-based aircraft fell: Murmansk, Tallinn, Kaliningrad, Sevastopol, Odessa.

At that time, the TU-4 strategic bombers were in service with the USSR, but their flight range, when based on the territory of the USSR, was not enough for large-scale bombing potential adversary. TU-16 bombers also did not have sufficient range.

Probable occupation

According to the plans of American strategists, the defeated Soviet Union was subject to occupation and was to be divided into 4 "zones of responsibility": the Western part of the USSR, the Caucasus - Ukraine, the Urals - Western Siberia- Turkestan, Eastern Siberia - Transbaikalia - Primorye.

These territories were further divided into 22 “areas of responsibility”. Two American divisions were to be stationed in Moscow, one each in Leningrad, Minsk, Murmansk, Gorky, Kuibyshev, Kyiv, and in 15 other cities of the USSR.

Disruption of plans

Stalin knew about the plans of the Pentagon, but remained icy calm. At the end of August 1949, the Soviet atomic bomb RDS-1 was successfully tested in the USSR. The United States did not dare to carry out its plans. American military analysts came to the conclusion that the chances of a successful attack are extremely small - 70%, the incapacitation of nine strategic regions of the USSR could lead to the loss of 55% of the bombers, which was critical for the country's defense capability.

In 1955, the Berkut air defense system was put into operation in the USSR. It included B-200 radar stations, Kama all-round radar stations, V-300 radio-controlled missiles and S-25 anti-aircraft systems. This system was a real triumph for its time. The US plans were thwarted.

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And his allies, who assumed the use of the US nuclear monopoly that still existed at that time to organize large-scale atomic bombings of the cities of the Soviet Union and an unprecedented mass destruction of civilians in history. It was approved by the Chiefs of Staff on December 19, 1949.


In Soviet historical sources, as a rule, the name "Dropshot" was used in Russian letters without translation:

At the behest of the government, a committee of chiefs of staff developed a war plan from 1949 under the code name "Dropshot", in the interests of secrecy, the name is deliberately meaningless.

However, in our time, translations of the name are sometimes found: Instant hit, Short kick, The last shoot.

Plan Background

The plan was developed during the Cold War, the origins of which lie in the struggle for influence in the post-war world between the USSR and the Western allies. The Polish question and the clearly emerging desire of the USSR to establish communist control over at least all of Eastern Europe forced Winston Churchill back in April 1945 to instruct the Joint Planning Staff of the military command to develop a plan for an offensive war against the USSR (Operation Unthinkable). These developments, however, were met with skepticism by the Joint Chiefs of Staff; they were not even shown to the Americans. At the end of 1945, there was an aggravation in relations between the USSR and the British-Americans in connection with the refusal of the USSR to withdraw the occupying troops from Northern Iran and the creation of a puppet state formation there - the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan (see Iranian crisis). In May 1946, the USSR, under pressure from the United States and Great Britain, withdrew troops from Iran after an attempt in March 1946 by the USSR to increase the territory under the occupation forces, at the same time, Stalin began to publicly voice territorial claims to Turkey, and on August 7, Turkey was presented with a note, behind which, as it was believed, many at the time, a Soviet invasion would inevitably follow. The tough stance of the US and the UK prevented this. Tensions between the USSR and its former allies reached their peak in June 1948 - May 1949 as a result of the blockade of West Berlin.

All this happened against the backdrop of the establishment of communist regimes in the countries of Eastern Europe controlled by the USSR and the active support of the strong at that time communist movement in Western Europe. With the overwhelming superiority of Soviet forces in Europe, military weakness and communist infiltration of the two leading Western European countries - France and Italy, Western politicians had fears that the USSR could undertake large-scale aggression and capture Western Europe in one swift throw. It is for this scenario that the second (defensive) version of the Unthinkable plan, drawn up in London in the summer of 1945, is designed.

According to the American historian Edward Mark, it was the crisis around Turkey in August 1946 and the military preparations of the USSR that led the American command to develop the first serious plan for a nuclear war against the USSR, and this, in turn, led the United States to abandon further escalation. conflict, fraught with the outbreak of war.

Also, the prerequisites for the development of this plan are the fact that the Soviet leadership rejected the US-proposed “Baruch Plan” by vetoing the UN Security Council, since such a plan would clearly slow down the USSR’s movement towards creating its own nuclear potential, which would help maintain the US monopoly on possession nuclear weapons.

Previous plans in case of war with the USSR

The first American plan in case of war with the USSR, Totality, was developed at the end of 1945 (that is, during the Iranian crisis) at Eisenhower's headquarters. Active development of military plans began after the start of the blockade West Berlin(June 21, 1948). A plan for war with the USSR "Chariotir" was immediately drawn up, which, however, was not put into action by President Truman. On August 18, the National Security Council issued a memorandum "Tasks for Russia" (SNB 20/1). The memorandum, commissioned by Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, was supposed to define the long-term goals and objectives of American policy towards the USSR. Tasks were divided into peaceful and military. In the first case, only the elimination of the system of ideological domination of the Soviet Communist Party over the satellite countries was supposed, in the second, if possible, the elimination of the Soviet regime throughout the entire territory of the USSR, the unconditional removal of the existing leadership from power, but without long-term occupation of the country and the forcible imposition of democracy. In any case, after the American victory, Russia:

  • should not be so strong militarily as to threaten neighbors;
  • must grant broad autonomy to national minorities;
  • must be economically dependent on the outside world;
  • should not install a new "Iron Curtain".

Further American planning (including the Dropshot plan) is based on the political guidelines of this memorandum.

The plans at that time assumed success primarily through massive nuclear bombing of Soviet territory, which was supposed to undermine the economic potential and cause a psychological shock among the population and the army (however, it was recognized that psychologically they could lead to back effect- rallies around the government).

Plan details

The authors of the plan proceeded from the general premise that the communist leaders of the USSR strive for world domination and the establishment of communist regimes throughout the world, and this desire of theirs is the main and only threat to US security. Western Europe will inevitably become the immediate target of Soviet expansion. At present, the capabilities of the USSR are limited compared to the American ones, but by 1955, as the Soviet economy strengthens, the USSR will be able to launch serious air attacks against the United States using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, extensive underwater operations (including the launch of short-range guided missiles) and military air operations. At the moment, there are no signs that the USSR is purposefully planning a large-scale aggression, but nevertheless, for a number of reasons, the risk of war is high. Documents on the USSR Military Planning of the late 40s - 50s remain secret for 2017.

The plan, which was primarily a strategic study, was based on a number of assumptions and conclusions and extrapolations drawn from them.

Application of numerous nuclear strikes on government and industrial centers, in view of the location of many of them in densely populated cities, inevitably meant the destruction of tens of millions of peaceful Soviet citizens.

Basic assumptions

  • Around January 1, 1957, the US and its allies will be at war with the USSR due to aggressive actions on the part of the USSR and / or Soviet satellites.
  • On the side of the USSR will be: Poland, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Manchuria, Korea, communist China. Yugoslavia will try to be neutral and even possibly resist an invasion by the USSR or its satellites.
  • The allies of the United States will be NATO countries, non-communist China, the countries of the British Commonwealth (except India and Pakistan), the Philippines.
  • Remain neutral: Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Greece, Turkey, Arab countries, Israel, Iran, India, Pakistan. It was also assumed that these countries would rather succumb to military occupation by either side than actively resist an invasion.
  • countries of the South and Latin America remain neutral or join NATO: those countries that remain neutral are likely to ensure that NATO has access to its resources.
  • The American program of economic assistance to Western Europe will be completed by 1953, and by 1957 the countries Western Europe be politically and economically stable. Their military vehicles will develop in accordance with existing forecasts.

Additional Assumptions

  • The USSR will be ahead of the NATO countries with mobilization and by the day the hostilities begin, it will be able to put up mobilized forces. NATO countries will receive the necessary information from intelligence and also begin to mobilize, but they will be late, and by the day the hostilities begin, their mobilization will not make significant progress.
  • Nuclear weapons will be used by both sides.
  • Political relations between the USA and the USSR, as well as their allies, will be proportional to those existing at the time of the development of the plan.
  • The Soviet military machine will develop according to plan, without any radical, extremely intensive rearmament programs.

Basic strategic requirements

The main strategic requirements of the plan were as follows: A massive offensive in Europe to cut off and destroy Soviet troops, a continuation of the offensive to force the USSR to capitulate.

  • The occupation of the territory of the USSR and its allies.
  • Response measures of the USSR

    The problem of an unacceptable retaliatory strike for the enemy has risen to its full height. The complexity of its solution was that the Americans were going to bombard us with nuclear weapons from European bases, and we could stop them only by the possibility of retaliatory bombing directly on US territory. Launch vehicles, as you know, appeared in service with the Soviet troops only in 1959. At the time of the deployment of Operation Dropshot, we could only rely on long-range aviation.

    After the secret test of the first Soviet atomic bomb on September 1, 1949, the US military recorded radioactive traces of a nuclear test in an air sample during a planned flight over Pacific Ocean. After that, it became clear that a gratuitous strike from that moment on was impossible.

    On September 26, 1956, we completed a flight to a distance corresponding to the distance to the United States and back, with aerial refueling. From that moment on, we can assume that the US nuclear blackmail against the USSR has finally lost all meaning. N. S. Khrushchev personally monitored the progress of the tests, and when they ended, information was leaked that the USSR now had the possibility of a retaliatory strike.

    However, it could hardly be argued that the Soviet Air Force posed a serious threat to the United States. A sizable US fighter-interceptor fleet of more than 4,500 aircraft (subsonic F-86D and F-89, supersonic F-101 Voodo, and F-106 Delta Dart), including those armed with air-to-air guided missiles, and deployed in Between 1953 and 1960, more than 245 divisions of Nike-Ajax missiles around US strategic targets made the likelihood of a Soviet bomber breakthrough very small. The appearance in 1960 of the CIM-10 Bomarc extra long-range anti-aircraft missiles (range - up to 450 km) led to the almost complete impossibility for Soviet bombers to break through to US territory.

    Dropshot Plan»

    IN Lately many people love America so much and criticize RussiaUSSR that I get the impression that they know little about the aggressiveness of this power. I would like to remind everyone about the Dropshot plan, which would 100 Soviet cities destroyed, would die 50.000.000 man, and our country would forever be buried under chemicals ... Word to the facts ...

    “On the map to Appendix A (to the document of the Joint Intelligence Committee of November 3, 1945) ... are indicated 20 the main cities of the industrial centers of the Soviet Union and the Trans-Siberian Railway - the main Soviet line of communication. The map also shows the bases from which super-heavy bombers can reach seventeen of the twenty indicated cities and the Trans-Siberian Railway. According to our assessment, acting from the indicated bases and using all 196 bombs(which includes 100% of the reserve), the United States could deliver such a devastating blow to the industrial sources of the USSR's military power that it could ultimately be decisive.

    On May 11, 1949, the committee presented a top-secret report "Assessing the Impact on the Soviet Military Efforts of the Air Strategic Offensive" "Problem:

    1. Assess the impact on the USSR war effort of a strategic offensive as envisaged in the current military plans, including an assessment psychological impact atomic bombings on the will of the Soviets to wage war ...

    3. The plan for a strategic military offensive ... provides for two separate phases: a) the first phase: a series of raids mainly using atomic bombs on 70 cities (the strategic aviation command now plans to complete in 30 days); b) second phase: continuation of the air offensive using both atomic and conventional bombs.

    Consequences for industry: …

    9. material damage, loss of life in industrial areas, other direct and indirect consequences of the first phase of the offensive will lead to a decrease in the industrial potential of the USSR by 30-40%. It will not be permanent - either it will be compensated by Soviet restoration work, or it will get worse, depending on the power and effectiveness of subsequent raids ...

    Human losses: ...

    11. The first phase of the atomic offensive will lead to death 2 700 000 man and, depending on the effectiveness of the Soviet system of passive defense, will entail more 4 000 000 victims. A large number of dwellings will be destroyed, and life for the surviving 28,000,000 people will be very difficult (there are general population cities slated for atomic bombings).

    Psychological impact:

    12. The atomic offensive will not in itself bring about capitulation, will not destroy the roots of communism, and will not fatally weaken the Soviet leadership of the people.

    13. For the majority of the Soviet people, atomic bombings will confirm the correctness of Soviet propaganda against foreign powers, provoke anger against the United States, unite the people and increase their will to fight. Among a minority whose size is impossible to determine, atomic bombings can stimulate dissent and hope for liberation from oppression. Unless far better opportunities open up for the dissidents, these elements will not have any remarkable impact on the Soviet war effort.

    14. A psychological crisis will arise in the USSR, which can be turned to the benefit of the allies by timely use armed forces and methods of psychological warfare. If we do not do this quickly and effectively, the chance will be lost, and the subsequent psychological reaction of the Soviets will adversely affect the achievement of the goals of the Allies.

    Impact on the Soviet Armed Forces:

    15. The capabilities of the Soviet Armed Forces will rapidly advance into selected areas of Western Europe, the Near and Far East will not be seriously upset, but will subsequently progressively kill.”

    Initially: protect the western hemisphere; conduct an air offensive; start selective containment of Soviet power approximately within the zone: North Pole - Greenland Sea - Norwegian Sea - North Sea - Rhine - Alps - about: Piava - Adriatic Sea - Crete - southern Turkey - Tigris Valley - Persian Gulf– Himalayas – Southeast Asia– South China Sea – East China Sea – Bering Sea – Bering Strait – North Pole; to hold and secure the most important strategic areas, bases and communication lines; wage psychological, economic and underground warfare, while simultaneously putting merciless pressure on the Soviet citadel, using all methods to maximize the depletion of Soviet military resources.

    In the following period: conduct coordinated offensive operations by all branches of the armed forces.

    In the first period war was planned to be dropped on the Soviet Union from above 300 atomic And 250 thousand tons conventional bombs, destroying up to 85% Soviet industry. Plans were detailed for the suppression of Soviet air defense, against Soviet ground, sea and air forces.

    In the second period the offensive from the air continues and is made by the action of ground forces NATO- 164 divisions, of which 69 are American. Control is being established over sea and ocean communications, etc.

    At the third stage from the west go on the offensive 114 divisions NATO, from the south (with landing on the northwestern coast of the Black Sea) 50 divisions that are destroying the Soviet Armed Forces in Central Europe. These actions and the ongoing massive bombing of Soviet cities are forcing the USSR and its allies to capitulate.

    In the war against the USSR, up to 250 divisions - 6 million 250 thousand Human. In aviation, navy, air defense, reinforcement units, etc. more 8 million people. IN total, to carry out the "Dropshot" plan, it was planned to use forces with a total strength of 20 million people.

    In the last The fourth period, literally lovingly written in the Dropshot plan, "in order to ensure the fulfillment of our national goals, the Allies must occupy" the Soviet Union and other socialist countries of Europe. The total needs of the occupying forces were determined in 38 divisions, that is, approximately 1 million people in the ground forces. Of these, 23 divisions carry out occupation functions on the territory of the Soviet Union.

    The territory of our country is divided into four "areas of responsibility" or occupation zones: the Western part of the USSR, the Caucasus - Ukraine, the Urals - Western Siberia - Turkestan, Eastern Siberia - Transbaikalia - Primorye. The zones were subdivided into 22 "subareas of responsibility".

    The occupying troops were distributed over the following cities: in Moscow - two divisions and one division each in Leningrad, Minsk, Murmansk, Gorky, Kuibyshev, Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Sevastopol, Rostov, Novorossiysk, Batumi, Baku, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tashkent, Omsk , Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok.

    Of the five air armies intended to occupy all the countries of socialism, four were stationed on the territory of the USSR. Each army was supposed to include five to six battle groups, one group of transport aircraft and one assault group. It was introduced into the Baltic and Black Seas through an operational carrier-based formation. It was especially emphasized that the strong saturation of the occupying forces with aviation "should give visible proof of the power of the allies" to the Soviet people.

    Bearing in mind that the invaders would have to perform punitive functions, the Dropshot plan provided for the additional provision of troops with all types of transport to give them mobility. Both in the previous plans of aggression and in the Dropshot plan, the war against the Soviet Union and the occupation had a pronounced class character. The need for war was determined by the "serious threat to US security, which ... represents the nature of the Soviet system ...

    Never before in history have the intentions and strategic goals of an aggressor been so clearly defined. For centuries, victory in the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie has been defined as the means by which communism will dominate the world.

    The dropshot was a turning point in American military planning in that, unlike previous plans that had in mind aggression by purely military means, in this war against the USSR, attention was paid to the use of class allies on the other side of the front, that is, "dissidents". The term becomes accepted in military plans.

    Of course, the staff planners had no illusions about the power of the “dissidents” per se: “It will be more difficult to apply psychological warfare methods to the people of the USSR than to the people of the United States…But psychological warfare is an extremely important weapon for promoting dissent and betrayal among the Soviet people; will undermine his morals, will sow confusion and create disorganization in the country ...

    Widespread psychological warfare is one of the critical tasks U.S.A . Its main goal is to destroy the support of the peoples of the USSR and its satellites for their current system of government and spread among the peoples of the USSR the realization that the overthrow of the Politburo is within reality ... Effective resistance or uprisings can be expected only when the Western allies can provide material assistance and guidance and reassure the dissidents that release is near…”

    These arguments, in essence, were a paraphrase of special American studies of that time on the reasons for the failure of the campaign of Nazi Germany against our country. American theorists considered that Berlin in 1941-1945 lost sight of the political aspects that were formulated by K. Clausewitz, namely: “Russia is not a country that can be conquered, that is, occupied ... Such a country can only be defeated by internal weakness and the action of internal strife”. Now American strategists set out to correct the mistakes of the leader of the Reich.

    But why did the US suddenly become alarmed at the USSR?

    To do this, it is worth remembering the words of Allen Dallas, placed at the top of this page. For some, these words seem at least illogical - well, let's try to figure it out ... How nice it is to have facts at hand - you don’t have to invent anything and then, foaming at the mouth, prove your case to skeptics who don’t care! So, the facts in the studio!

    Epochal and severely majestic was the year 1947 in the history of our Fatherland. This year, the first wounds left by the war on the body of the Motherland were healed - by autumn, the level of industrial production reached the pre-war level. Behind the dry and precise lines of the CSB lay the gigantic work of the people to restore the traditional territory of Russia swept away and destroyed by the war in the west, where the gigantic battles of the Great Patriotic War were played out.

    On the ashes of cities and villages, factories and factories, a peaceful life was revived, which was built by yesterday's soldiers. Overcoats, quilted jackets, and tunics, written off as quarrelsome foremen, became working overalls. They, impregnated with gunpowder and storing the dust of Europe, were worn by the army of builders-creators. Life was difficult, the problems facing the country were gigantic. Nothing else was given, by one's own and only one's own strength to firmly put the state on its feet in order to look confidently into the future. To quickly return normal life to the hero people, who endured the hardest war in history on their shoulders.

    The Soviet people deserved and won the right to a sharp rise in living standards, and finally, rest after the crushing hardships of the war. Although everything possible was done, the work remained unfinished. It was not only the legacy of the war, reminding of itself at every step. Even after the victory, the country's resources diverted the military, now called defense, needs. They imperiously reminded of themselves when the guns of the Red Army had not yet fallen silent.

    Flashes brighter than a million suns atomic bombings Hiroshima and Nagasaki sternly warned mankind of what imperialism, armed with the latest science, was capable of. Already at the turn of war and peace, it was necessary to find and throw huge funds for the creation of new expensive weapons systems, primarily atomic. And every ruble counted! This could not but affect the life of the Soviet people, inevitably affected everything and everyone.

    In 1947 Colonel General E.I. Smirnov, who headed the medical service of the Armed Forces during the war, like many, changed his military uniform to a civilian suit. To him, the magnificent organizer of a gigantic business in the years armed struggle, was now entrusted with the post of Minister of Health of the USSR. He brought his wealth of experience to the ministry - no army in the world had such a high percentage of fighters returning to duty after being cured of wounds, the country did not know infectious diseases in the most severe time.

    Representative of the humane profession, E.I. Smirnov, with his characteristic energy, set about staging post-war healthcare. He traveled around the devastated areas and was shocked. In the Donbass, in Makiivka, in the hospital they could not offer the sick any other utensils, except for cans. These same jars with curled edges in the hands of the sick were in the mind's eye of the minister when he reported on the urgent needs of health care to the government.

    Need money. They were released, but far from the right sizes. The Minister was raging, proving the obvious, but without much success. I.V. Stalin, recognizing his care, of course, legitimate, pointed out: Smirnov, who knew about the development of atomic weapons by his position, it was not appropriate not to understand where the funds were going. The satisfaction of many, many screaming needs was delayed. But there was no other choice.

    The Soviet people, who had saved civilization and themselves, again faced a mortal threat. At that time, the only country in the world with surplus resources was the United States. They did not suffer, but, on the contrary, flourished in those years when the fate of mankind was decided on the battlefields. We were in the war in the same ranks, but our and the American contributions to it turned out to be different. Not a single shell exploded on American soil, not a single house was destroyed. We lost 28 million infinitely precious lives, and the Americans lost 400,000 people. For every 70 dead Soviet people, there was one American.

    Some overseas historians, who by no means share our views, nevertheless cannot fail to recognize the validity of this comparison, although, of course, not very willingly. American historian Professor J. Gaddis in the book “Russia, the Soviet Union and the United States. The Experience of Interpretation" (1978) noted: "The author, although emphatically, but accurately pointed out that for every American killed in the war, there were fifty dead Russians."

    Material losses turned out to be completely different. The war took away a third of the national wealth. Let us remember: our Motherland lost the same share of national wealth as a result of the world war and the civil war that followed it. In figures, what we lost in 1941-1945 is as follows. At the then rate, the war cost the USSR 485 billion dollars (considering the cost of the destroyed). US military spending for the second world war330 billion dollars. The United States provided lend-lease aid to opponents of the Axis powers, spending $43.6 billion on this. Lend-lease deliveries to the Soviet Union amounted to about $10 billion, or roughly 3,5% from the total US military spending during World War II.

    Here is the number - 3,5% , accurately reflecting the contribution of the United States to the gigantic battles on the main front of the struggle against Germany and its allies, must always be remembered when we mentally return to the military cooperation of our countries in those years.

    In the first post-war years, the Soviet Union was visited by many influential or well-known Americans in their country. They were warmly welcomed, remembering the recent military cooperation. I.V. received some of them or answered their questions. Stalin. On October 29, 1946, I.V. Stalin replied to the correspondent of the United Press agency H. Bailey, who asked, “Is Russia still interested in obtaining a loan from the United States?” H. Bailey busily inquired: “How long does it take to restore the devastated areas Western Russia? Answer: "Six or seven years, if not more."

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt's son E. Roosevelt December 21, 1946 in an interview with I.V. Stalin put the question differently: “If an agreement is reached between the USA and the USSR on a system of loans or credits, will such agreements bring long-term benefits to the US economy?”, to which he received the answer: “The system of such loans is undoubtedly mutually beneficial to both the United States and the Soviet Union.”

    The logic of the already not very young, and therefore capable of thinking, offspring of the late president was amazing: what else can the wealthy United States get from the wounded Soviet Union! As if it wasn't enough that the Soviet people covered America and the past war with their breasts! And at that time, it was really expected that the United States would extend a hand to an ally of the war years in protecting not only our Motherland, but also the cause of the United Nations.

    All this remained at the stage of conversations, because the opposite decisions were made in the highest echelon of power in the United States. Two decades after the events described, J. Kennan (then an adviser to the US Embassy in Moscow) wrote in the first volume of his memoirs, published in 1967:

    “The then American administrations, both F. Roosevelt and Mr. Truman, were subsequently often criticized for the fact that in the summer of 1945 Lend-Lease assistance to Russia was abruptly terminated, we did not offer the Soviet Union a larger loan, but, in the opinion some, the Soviet leaders were given to understand that they could count on him ... As for the high command of the American armed forces, it identified the Soviet Union as a potential "enemy" long before the end of World War II. The initial premise of the remarkable conclusion at first was by no means speculative considerations, but factors that could be quantified - which state, besides the United States, would be the most powerful in the post-war world. It could be and was only and exclusively Soviet Union, hence, here he is, the "enemy"!

    The parameters of the enemy were determined, therefore, not by his intentions, but by the physical capabilities of the great power - the Soviet Union - to wage war. Wingless professionalism (from a political point of view, an obvious cretinism) could not but strengthen anti-communism decisively as an ideology, giving it, in any case, tangibility in the eyes of official Washington. All this went hand in hand with the development at the American headquarters of a new military doctrine, the main contours of which became clear quite early.

    Already in 1943, talking about post-war problems, Deputy Secretary of the Navy D. Forresol publicly taught: “The concept "safety" does not exist anymore, and we will delete this word from our lexicon. Let's write down the axiom in school textbooks - power is like wealth: either they use it or lose it.

    In the meantime, the balance of power between the US and the USSR was being explored. In the face of the victories of the Soviet Armed Forces, the US Chiefs of Staff came to realistic conclusions about the consequences of armed conflict between countries. They were formulated in a series of recommendations presented by the committee to the government starting in the second half of 1943, i.e. after Stalingrad and Kursk. Probably the most instructive among them were the recommendations sent on August 3, 1944 to Secretary of State C. Hale, which explicitly warned the government against taking off into the political stratosphere without taking into account the real possibilities of the United States:

    “Successful completion of the war against our present enemies will lead to profound changes in the corresponding military power in the world, which can only be compared in the last 1500 years with the fall of Rome. This is of fundamental importance for future international settlements and all discussions concerning them. Apart from the elimination of Germany and Japan as military powers, changes in the respective economic strengths of the principal states, technical and material factors, contributed greatly to these changes. Among them: the development of aviation, the general mechanization of armed struggle and a noticeable shift in the military potential of the great powers.

    After the defeat of Japan, only the United States and the USSR will remain as first-class military powers. In each case, this is due to a combination of their geographical location, size and enormous potential. Although the United States can transfer its military power to many remote areas of the world, however, the relative power and geographical position these two powers rule out the possibility of inflicting a military defeat on one of them on the other, even if the British Empire comes out on one side.

    The American higher staffs understood and appreciated what was happening then: the gigantic victories of the Soviet Union led to the creation of a military balance of power between the USSR and the USA, and in a broad sense between socialism and capitalism.

    The origins of all post-war development are rooted here. international relations. If the "Great October" was a breakthrough in the chain of capitalism, then the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic war created a balance between socialism and capitalism. To reverse, overturn the balance of power that had developed as a result of Soviet victories - Washington saw this as its general task.

    The American military, thinking in the usual categories of naked force, began to look for the proper means to strike at the "enemy", that is, at the Soviet Union. The philosopher's stone in solving the problem, which seemed insoluble in the recommendations relating to 1943-1944, was atomic weapon.

    Even before its creation and testing, there was a threat in the high councils of Washington that the threat of an atomic bomb, encrypted under the code name S-1 , will force the Soviet Union to "liberalize" its system and abandon the fruits of victory in Europe. In one of the notes of Secretary of War Stimson after a meeting with Roosevelt, it appears: “The need to bring Russia into the bosom of Christian civilization ... Possible use S-1 to achieve this…”

    After the burning of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by atomic bombs, and even before the surrender of Japan, the US Chiefs of Staff Committee began to develop plans for a new war. They were recorded in directives 1496/2 "Basic for the formulation of military policy" and 1518 "Strategic concept and plan for the use of the armed forces of the United States", approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on September 18 and October 9, 1945, respectively. So, for Japan, the United States had two bombs, by the end of 1945, it turns out that in the American arsenals there were at least Internet Conferences, constantly held on the site "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

    Ukraine, Uman
    Ref. No. 265 / 8 - 08_______ I N F O R M A T I A
    From "8"_02. 2008..__


    “No, and there can be no other alternative than war with the Soviet Union, if the Soviet Union does not agree to surrender ...”
    1981 Richard Pipes, adviser to President Reagan, professor at Harvard University, member of the Zionist, anti-communist organization "Committee of the Present Danger"

    "The coming destruction of the Soviet Union must be the decisive, final battle - the Armageddon described in the Bible."
    Reagan. October 1983 Interview with the Jerusalem Post.

    "The Soviet Union will be finished within a few years."
    1984 R. Pipes:

    1984 Evgeny Rostov, one of the main founders of the “Committee of Existing Danger”, emphasized:
    "We are not in the post-war, but in the pre-war period."

    “I signed the legislative prohibition of the Soviet Union.
    The bombing will begin in five minutes."
    1984 Reagan.


    1. JUNE 1946 plan called "PINCHER" - "TONGS".
    Drop 50 nuclear bombs on 20 cities in the USSR.

    5. End of 1949 plan “DROPSHOT” - INSTANT IMPACT”.
    Drop 300 atomic bombs on 200 cities of the USSR within a month, if the USSR does not surrender, continue bombing with conventional charges in the amount of 250 thousand tons, which should lead to the destruction of 85% of Soviet industry.

    Simultaneously with the bombing, at the second stage, ground forces in the amount of 164 NATO divisions, of which 69 are US divisions, occupy the starting positions for the offensive.

    At the third stage, 114 NATO divisions from the west go on the offensive.
    From the south, in the area between Nikolaev and Odessa (where NATO “peacekeepers” constantly work out the invasion at the “SI-BRIZ” exercises), 50 divisions of sea and air assault land on the Black Sea coast, whose task is to destroy the Soviet armed forces in Central Europe.

    By the time of the invasion, it was planned to accumulate the maximum number of NATO ships in the Black Sea in order to prevent the Black Sea Fleet from blocking the Bosphorus Strait, and, consequently, the entry of NATO ships into the Black Sea to the shores of the USSR.

    To ensure maximum effectiveness of military operations and minimum losses, the task was to constantly conduct reconnaissance of coastal defenses, terrain folds until the moment of invasion Black Sea coast using any opportunities, including excursions, friendly, sports meetings, etc.

    IN THE PROCESS OF THE WAR AGAINST THE USSR, it was planned to use:
    Ground 250 divisions - 6 million 250 thousand people.
    In addition, aviation, navy, air defense, support units - plus 8 million people.

    NATO's plans for the Black Sea region, described in "The United States is preparing to attack Russia," coincide with the "Drop Shot" plan. Ogorodnikov.

    After the occupation of the USSR, it is DIVIDED INTO OCCUPATION ZONES:

    1. Western part of Russia.
    2. Caucasus - Ukraine.
    3. Ural - Western Siberia - Turkestan.
    4. Eastern Siberia - Transbaikalia - Primorye.

    OCCUPATION ZONES are divided into 22 SUB-AREAS of responsibility

    It was determined that AFTER THE OCCUPATION ON THE TERRITORY OF THE USSR, OCCUPATION TROOPS OF NATO are deployed to carry out OCCUPATION FUNCTIONS in the amount of 38 ground divisions of 1 million people, of which 23 divisions perform their functions in the Central part of the USSR.

    Two divisions in Moscow. One division each in: Leningrad, Minsk, Kiev, Odessa, Murmansk, Gorky, Kuibyshev, Kharkov, Sevastopol, Rostov, Novorossiysk, Batumi, Baku, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tashkent, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok.
    The occupying troops include 5 air armies, 4 of which are dispersed on the territory of Russia.
    They are introduced into the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea via an aircraft carrier connection.

    To the above, the expression of the ideologist of the colonization of the USSR B. Brzezinski is appropriate: “... RUSSIA WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AND UNDER GUARDIANSHIP”.

    1991 NATO is preparing for military actions on the territory of Russia and other Eastern European states.
    One of the NATO documents says:
    "We must be ready for military intervention in this region."
    "There may be a need to interfere in the affairs of the Arab world - the world of Islam." The issue of intervention in the Mediterranean is being considered: "In Algeria, Egypt, the Middle East - in regions where we must be ready for military actions."
    "NATO must be ready to intervene anywhere in the world."
    “Terrorist activity of this or that state, accumulation and storage of chemical weapons, etc.”
    Emphasizes the need to prepare public opinion, its processing by the media, conducting propaganda preparations for the intervention

    NATO was opposed by a powerful military bloc of the Warsaw Pact countries,
    with its mighty army, vast territory, manpower, which in turn:

    1. It did not allow a lightning war, even in the event of a treacherous attack.
    2. For 20 days, the USSR was able to occupy all of Western Europe.
    3. In 60 days, England would have been destroyed along with its bases, which were of paramount importance for the attack.
    4. The United States would not be able to defend its territory from retribution.
    5. Scarecrow the unity of our people in all respects.
    6. Our enemies remembered the courage and heroism of our people in all wars to defend our Fatherland and in the performance of international duty.
    7. The enemy understood that a partisan struggle would be organized in the occupied territory, there would be only a few lackeys and traitors.

    NATO countries, knowing that they would receive a retaliatory strike, nevertheless did not abandon the idea of ​​​​attacking the USSR, constantly improving their plans.
    Much has already been achieved from their plans by the so-called "brothers" imposed on us. “new strategic partners”, it remains to buy everything (including land) for their papers or fool around for consumer goods, put their soldier on our neck, leave the required number of slaves, reducing the population according to the principle: a slave must make a profit or die (Who needs a slave who will eat and not work?) Will something change in the actions of the occupier, in his attitude towards us, our children, grandchildren, if we launch it voluntarily, “entering” under NATO?


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