What to give a pregnant girl for New Year. What to give to a pregnant woman? Floor electronic scales

What to give your wife for New Year 2018 is not an easy task. In some families, budget gifts and cute little things are acceptable, in other families such a surprise will be received with disappointment if it is customary to give something significant and expensive. Therefore, the list of New Year gift ideas for your wife will include a variety of things, intangible surprises and crafts.

How to choose gifts

There are two categories of wives: practical and romantic. The first love tangible gifts that will bring certain benefits in everyday life, and it happens that a gift is not a gift. It is important not only to give a practical gift, but also to guess what exactly to give. If you are not sure, you should transparently hint to your wife about the subject of the gift. Many practical women prefer to choose a gift for themselves and tell their husband about it, who can only pay for it. In this case, the process of choosing a gift comes down to just buying it.

Other women are romantic people. They need signs of attention, confirmation of feelings from a man. And this does not depend at all on age. For them, it is important how the gift is presented, how it is packaged, and the practicality of the gift is the tenth thing. In this case, choosing a gift is much more difficult; you need to think about what exactly to give and how. You should listen more carefully to your wife; she may casually say what she is missing or what she would like to buy in the near future - this is the main idea of ​​the gift, but a romantic wife is unlikely to say this directly.

For a pregnant wife

It's no secret that women become more touchy and harder to please when expecting a baby. You should choose a gift for them carefully. Something romantic, for self-care, for health is suitable:

  • a set of cosmetics for pregnant women;
  • underwear;
  • humidifier and air fragrance;
  • decorations with themed inscriptions;
  • eye Massager;
  • family tree with photographs;
  • cozy blanket.

You should not give something for an unborn child. Firstly, some people think that bad omen, secondly, this is a gift for a child, not for a wife.

Gifts related to hobbies

Who, if not the husband, should know what his wife is interested in? IN Lately became popular different variants handicrafts such as cross-stitching, weaving rugs, creating felted wool paintings, decoupaging anything and everything. If the missus was spotted doing something similar, you can be sure that she will definitely like a certificate to a store with handicraft supplies, this is the one that sells all sorts of embroidery patterns, soap molds, doll sewing kits and much more. This is a real paradise for lovers of all this.

You can give a sports wife accessories for fitness or active recreation:

  • pedometer;
  • stepper;
  • training apparatus;
  • pool membership;
  • electric scooter

If your loved one likes to take care of flowers, then the gift could be an exotic plant that is not yet in the home collection, a bonsai or a phyto-painting. Gardening lovers will love interesting garden decor, a hammock or garden furniture.

Classic gifts

Women are crazy about jewelry and fur - this is a classic of the genre. Therefore, if possible, you should buy it with confidence. The fur coat can be either the first one or any other one, just like earrings, a chain, or a bracelet. There is never too much jewelry, like fur coats, especially if it is jewelry.

By the way, if family budget won’t wear a fur coat or earrings with diamonds, this is not a reason to give up the idea, because you can buy a wonderful fur vest or stole, and jewelry made of silver with semi-precious stones.


A financial crisis may occur in any family, regardless of the global crisis. If difficult times come during the New Year of the Dog, you should not go into debt to please your loved one. A dog is a economic animal and does not tolerate waste. You should think about what you can give from budget gifts. Firstly, you can make many interesting things yourself from scrap materials lying around in the garage. Several master classes can be viewed in a separate section of this article. Secondly, there are good inexpensive gifts that you can purchase.

Gifts up to 1000 rubles

  • bouquet of sweets;
  • fortune cookies;
  • curling tongs;
  • manicure set;
  • selfie monopod;
  • Notebook Stand;
  • flash drive;
  • case for phone;
  • smartphone stand;
  • pendant, brooch, bracelet or earrings made of semi-precious stone;
  • high-quality jewelry;
  • a box for storing jewelry (at least with a silver ring inside).

Gifts from 1000 to 3000 rubles

  • silver jewelry and budget gold jewelry;
  • fitness bracelet;
  • laptop bag;
  • external hard drive;
  • clutch or bag;
  • Eau de Toilette;
  • cosmetics from well-known companies, for example MAC, L’oreal, Lancome (you can see what your wife uses);
  • theater subscription;
  • player;
  • hydromassage bath.

In the end, you can always take on household responsibilities during the holidays: prepare the house for the arrival of guests, set up and decorate the Christmas tree with your children, go grocery shopping and prepare a festive dinner.


There is a great temptation to give your wife something from “feminine” equipment for the New Year, i.e. one that is intended for housework: a vacuum cleaner, a miracle mop. But these gifts are related to the routine duties of a housewife and do not need to be given. Only sometimes are they appropriate in families with experience or if the wife specifically asked for them. You can give something extraordinary, for example a fondue set, but then this something can sit in the kitchen for a long time without moving. An option is to give a dishwasher so that your beloved will henceforth be spared the need to wash dishes, but if this duty is often performed by the husband, then the gift, it turns out, is not bought for the wife. List of technical gifts:

  • Dishwasher,
  • coffee maker,
  • electric manicure set,
  • telephone,
  • tablet,
  • laptop;
  • camera.


If the first anniversary has long passed and the marital relationship is firmly established, this does not mean that the ardor of feelings does not need to be maintained; rather, on the contrary. If you decide to choose a romantic gift, then the list of ideas is as follows:

  • a ride in a carriage drawn by three white horses;
  • dinner in a restaurant;
  • dog sledding through the forest;
  • participation in the New Year's ball;
  • photo session for two;
  • portrait-mosaic from photographs;
  • pillow with a romantic inscription;
  • box with flowers and sweets laid out in the shape of a heart.

Essential and practical

  • elite chocolate;
  • expensive coffee or tea;
  • laser comb;
  • a set of aromatic oils;
  • bath set (balls, bath salts, shower gel, lotion, body scrub, etc.).

A separate gift, the practicality of which can be debated, but it is certainly significant - a pet. If your wife has long dreamed of a fluffy cat or a cute puppy, it’s time to make her dream come true, because New Year is the time for this.


A gift should not be tangible, because a special category is gifts-impressions. You can't touch them, but they will remain Nice memories:

  • certificate to a spa salon, maybe for two;
  • shopping with a stylist;
  • tickets to the premiere of a play, film, ice show;
  • dance lessons;
  • going on an excursion to another city or country;
  • helicopter flight;
  • skydiving.
  • a day at the water park;
  • swimming with dolphins;
  • diving training certificate;
  • flight in a wind tunnel.


Not always, but it happens that relations between former spouses remain friendly, and they, even if they practically do not communicate during the year, continue to wish each other a Happy New Year. When choosing a gift, you need to find golden mean so that it is not too simple, but also not binding. If there is no desire to revive the relationship, then there is no need to amaze the imagination with a romantic gift. And if ex-wife If you are already married to someone else, you should give him a small present as well.

  • flowers are a banal, but appropriate and pleasant gift;
  • a bottle of champagne;
  • candies;
  • toy symbol of the New Year.

In some situations, especially when ex-wife is not in a brilliant financial situation, you can and should give money, only carefully so that it does not look like financial assistance, for example, complete with flowers.

Original gifts

Do you want to surprise your spouse with an extraordinary gift? Should be given:

  • wall florarium;
  • hand warmer;
  • electronic piggy bank;
  • vineyard rental in Bordeaux.

And this is only a small fraction of the unusual gifts that can be found in specialized stores.

DIY gift for wife

If you haven’t chosen any of the ready-made gifts, why not try to make something with your own hands. This usually costs less, and a handmade gift can make a much greater impression than a standard set of creams.

Metal rose

A metal rose is a brutal and tender gift at the same time. It is a man who is able to express his feelings in this way, imagining a piece of metal in the form of a rose. Below you can see detailed photo Master Class.

The materials you will need are: sheet metal - 0.5 mm, smooth wire/reinforcement - 6 mm, metal scissors, felt-tip pen, template, M6 die, M6 nuts - 2 pcs., pliers, hammer, drill, grinder and gloves.

First, petals are drawn according to the template.

Drill holes in the center in the workpieces.

Cut out the blanks with metal scissors.

Then draw a branch with leaves. The branch is made longer than necessary, because part of it will be used for attachment to the stem. Cut out a branch with leaves.

Now create texture on the leaves and petals. To do this, use the sharp side of the hammer.

Scores are placed in a chaotic order along the petals, and marks are applied to the leaves and sepals, running from the middle to the edge - they imitate veins.

Using pliers, bend the edges inward on the workpiece with leaves.

Cut a thread on a piece of reinforcement.

Screw on both nuts.

The texture is applied to the stem with a hammer.

Mark the places for drilling.

Drill holes with a 3 mm drill.

Grind the nut on a grinding machine.

The flower is collected by holding the reinforcement in a vice.

After assembly, screw on the second nut and rivet the end of the reinforcement.

Using pliers and round nose pliers, form a flower.

First, the petals are raised. Then they are folded inward a little along the edge, and the edge is completely bent outward.

If the leaf branch is thicker than 3 mm, grind it off.

Insert the branch into the drilled holes.

Clamp the edge.

This rose may not be made of gold and diamonds, but it is a real man's gift.

Key holder-shelf made of eurolining

This gift is just from the practical section. This key holder has mirrors, shelves, and enough space to hang all the keys and small accessories that belong at the front door.

To make a key holder you will need: eurolining, from which the base and shelves will be made.

In addition, you need 2 mirrors, wooden saw cuts, self-tapping screws, pieces of cork, sawn triangles, hooks, and larger saw cuts.

You should also prepare an oak stain, metal hangers, a screwdriver, sandpaper, and silicone sealant.

First of all, the eurolining is cut into 6 pieces measuring 48x12 cm.

Then small pieces are sawn off from a willow branch and each sanded with sandpaper.

Sand the boards using sandpaper.

After sanding, the boards and lining are covered with stain.

Then the small parts are covered with stain.

The eurolining boards are connected by inserting them into the grooves and fastened on the reverse side using drywall hangers.

The shelves are attached to the base of the key holder using self-tapping screws. .

Triangles will be installed under the shelf.

Self-tapping screws secure hooks and saw cuts to the base.

Silicone sealant is used to glue saw cuts, mirrors and pieces of cork to the key holder. They decorate the edge of the key holder with saw cuts.

Small willow cuts are around the mirrors.

The cork pieces are arranged in a chaotic manner.

Night light from a deck

The cost of making this gift is minimal. After all, it is quite possible to get hold of a piece of log in the place where it grows directly, i.e. In the woods. And the rest is usually present in a man’s arsenal.

To make a lamp you will need: a wooden block, an electric or chainsaw, a measuring tool, clamps.

The log needs to be trimmed. Then the base part is sawed off - about 15-25 cm thick.

Saw off the workpiece-top about 10 cm thick.

Then they make markings on the log with a pencil.

Saw the remainder into discs 2.5-3 cm thick.

The saw cuts need to be sanded.

The easiest way to do this is with a router, you can use a grinder, but you can do it manually, but it will take a lot more time.

The bark is removed from the saw cuts.

Sand with sandpaper.

Drill a hole for the lamp in the base, first with a wider diameter, then with a smaller one.

On the reverse side, drill a hole for the wire.

This is what the hole should look like.

A router is used to prepare a branch for the wire. This work can be done manually with a chisel.

Use a jigsaw to prepare holes through which light will pass.

Holes for the studs are drilled using the template.

Cover the parts with decorative oil.

Pass the wire through the hole and insert the lamp.

Assembling the socket.

All discs are installed one by one on the reinforcement bars with nuts. Each disk is pressed from above with a nut. The upper part is simply put on the rods. Wooden templates are used to align the discs during installation.

Wire jewelry

Wire crafts can become not only a gift, but also a way to earn money if you master the technique well. But that’s not about that now. Earrings with semi-precious beads braided with copper wire are quite a gift. The main thing is not to be allergic to this metal.

To make earrings you will need copper wire 0.8-1 cm and two beads with a hole, preferably made of semi-precious stone. These can be purchased at craft stores.

Approximately 30-40 cm of wire is required to make one earring.

First you need to make a loop using round nose pliers. Measure approximately 6-7 cm by eye and bend the end of the wire to form a loop. Holding the wire by the loop with pliers, wrap the long piece with several tight turns.

A short piece of wire is cut off with wire cutters.

Bend the tip closer to the base.

String a bead onto a wire. Lead the wire around the bead to the top fastening.

Wrap the wire around the fastening counterclockwise and continue to trace the bead to the bottom. Then the second round begins. The fastening is wrapped again clockwise, laying the wire slightly higher than the previous row and going beyond the previously laid rows.

Trace the bead again to the top fastening.

Having secured it around the mount, they bite off the excess.

Now you need to make a shvenza. Prepare a small piece of wire. Use a file to grind the tip.

Using pliers, bend the ring at the end.

Using a template, a rounding is formed.

They bite off too much. Grinding.

Bend the tip.

To make the hooks stronger, you need to tap them with a plastic or rubber hammer. The shvenza will become a little tougher.

Attach the earring to the earring.

All that remains is to patina and polish the earrings. You can patina with sulfur liver or ammonia vapor. Polish with felt.

You can pair the earrings with a ring in the same style.

To make a ring you will need: copper wire - 1 mm cross-section; crossbar for rings, metal tube or piece of wood of suitable diameter.

A bead is strung on a wire.

Define right size rings and encircle the crossbar with both ends.

Cross the ends opposite the bead.

Wrap one end around a bead, leaving a few centimeters free.

Then they wrap the bead with the second end, also leaving a few centimeters free on the other side of the bead. The free edges wrap around the base.

The coils are trimmed with clamps. The excess is bitten off with pliers. Sharp edges are processed with a file.

The ends are tucked in well. The number of turns can be increased.

Then the ring is aged in the same way as the earrings and polished with GOI paste.

Coin keychain

This is a small souvenir, the cost of which is exactly 10 rubles. But due to the fact that it was made independently (and you still had to use some imagination), its value increases many times over.

You need a 10-ruble anniversary coin and sandpaper.

Sand one side using sandpaper.

You don’t have to grind down the entire drawing.

Scratch the outline of the heart. There must be at least three points of contact between the figure and the ring.

To squeeze out the center, you need to prepare a recess in the piece of wood for the coin with a recess along the diameter of the inner sleeve.

Then a round one is glued to the coin using double-sided tape. metal object, suitable diameter.

Clamp the coin in a vice and carefully press out the inner insert. If you don't have a vice, you can hit it with a hammer.

Then a heart is cut out of the inner sleeve.

They work as an engraver.

For convenience, you can clamp the coin in a vice.

In the absence of an engraver, you can work with a file.

Then, using a vice, press the insert back. You can do it another way - heat the outer ring, then the insert will easily fit inside.

Next, a hole is made in the keychain. Take a small drill, for example 3 mm.

Then sand the keychain clean with sandpaper.

Still, minor defects remain.

They are polished with GOI paste.

Insert the ring into the hole.

Attach fittings.

If you wish, you can also engrave the keychain yourself.

  1. To write on metal, you need a power source, such as a phone charger: 5 V, 800 MA, no plug, ending with bare wires, nail polish, paper clip, glass warm water with 4 tsp dissolved in it. table salt, electrical tape and cotton pads.
  2. First you need to take nail polish and paint the metal completely: first on top, then, when the polish on top dries, on the bottom and ends.
  3. Now scratch any inscription or date onto the varnish. To make it more accurate, you can use a template. If something doesn’t work out, you can paint over it with varnish again and make the inscription again.
  4. The end of one of the wires is tied with electrical tape to an unfolded paper clip. Cotton wool is wrapped around the top of the paper clip.
  5. The second wire is connected to the key fob itself. Use electrical tape to glue the contact to the bare metal (the varnish is erased in a small area.
  6. A cotton wool is moistened in salt water and the scratched letters are wiped with the cotton wool. The process will take some time.
  7. If the reaction does not occur, you should try swapping the wires.
  8. When the inscription is etched, the keychain is cleaned of varnish with a special liquid.

Plywood box covered with leatherette

The wife will be delighted with the box for storing women's little things. In the process, a relief inscription is made. You can do something like this: “With love from my husband.”

Cut out the blanks of the box from plywood. The sizes are chosen at your discretion, you can make it big, you can make it small.

Apply glue to the base and glue one of the long sides. Then coat the end of the short side with glue and press it against the long side.

All glued sides are temporarily fixed with tape.

After the glue has dried, the tape is removed. The ends are sanded with emery cloth.

Take a piece of cardboard and coat it with glue.

A prepared paper template with an inscription or image is glued on top.

Cut the cardboard with a stationery knife along with the paper along the contour of the inscription.

It turns out to be such a voluminous inscription.

The blank is glued to the top of the lid.

Cover the remaining surface of the lid with glue.

Place a piece of leatherette on top.

Faux leather is pressed along the contour of the volumetric inscription with a stack, creating a relief.

The result is an inscription of this type.

A leather “loop” is glued together from several layers of leatherette. By the way, you can screw on regular hinges - piano hinges.

Half is glued to inside lids, the second half is brought out through a slot in the leatherette.

The material is folded and glued around the entire perimeter.

The material is cut at the corners like this.

Having folded the sides, make a diagonal cut and take out the inner corner of the material, thus forming a neat joint-to-joint angle.

A rectangle of material slightly smaller than the lid is glued on top.

Now a strip of material with allowances is wrapped around the sides of the box. Straight cuts are made at the corners.

Then, after gluing, cut two layers of material diagonally with a stationery knife and remove inner part. Form a neat joint.

Marks are made in place of the “loops” by attaching the lid.

On the nose New Year holidays with cozy family gatherings, noisy parties and corporate events. It's time to try on the image of a wizard and prepare pleasant New Year's surprises for your family, friends and colleagues.

Choosing New Year's gifts is not a difficult task. Until it comes to a gift for a woman in " interesting position", which I want to please doubly. Therefore, in this article we will discuss how you can pleasantly surprise an expectant mother, a relative, friend or acquaintance. We’ll also tell you what is best to exclude from the list of possible gifts.

New Year gifts for a pregnant wife

In addition to classic gifts, which are obviously pleasant for any woman, a wife in a piquant position can be presented with something that will express concern for her and the unborn baby. Just don't need to buy a playpen or stroller. The gift should show the wife that she is loved here and now.

Serving table

A light, stylish and comfortable thing to pamper your beloved wife with breakfast in bed or a delicious dinner in front of the TV. In the future, the table will be useful for tea parties and light buffets on the occasion of the birth and christening of a baby.

Luxury accessories

Wallets and umbrellas from my beloved husband look somewhat banal. But an expensive set consisting of a neck scarf and a jewelry case is a completely different matter. The main thing during the donation process is to hint that after the birth of the baby the case will not remain empty.

Eye Massager

There are legends about the whims and sudden mood swings of pregnant women, which turn out to be a harsh reality for husbands. Multifunctional relaxation glasses with relaxing melodies and several massage modes will repeatedly save your beloved woman from nervous breakdowns and loss of spiritual harmony.

What to give your pregnant sister for New Year?

Choosing a present for your sister is both simple and difficult. After all, how to please her is usually no secret. But so much has already been given that the ideas for an original presentation tend to end abruptly. There is an exit. You need to choose a gift that matches both her hobbies and her current state.

Kitchen scale clock

If your sister really likes to cook and does not forget about her figure, then a scale as a gift is an excellent solution. Just not floor scales, which are more frustrating for pregnant women, but special ones - for the kitchen. With such a stylish and useful gadget, my sister will be able to cook delicious dishes, useful for her and the future crumbs.

Sports bottle

The athlete sister is unlikely to need a yearly subscription to the fitness club. But the new sports bottle will come in handy for yoga exercises and practical classes to prepare for childbirth. After the baby is born, it will be convenient to take the bottle with you on walks.

Mug Angel

A gift whose sincerity is simply off the charts. A porcelain mug with an angel wing will show your sister that she is not the only one who is looking forward to the birth of a little angel.

New Year's gift for a pregnant mother

Those who are racking their brains over what to give their pregnant mother for the New Year should pay attention to things for comfort and a good mood.

Electric grill

If the family is large and the mother is forced to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, then the Raclette electric grill for 6 people will help her out a lot. You can cook a tasty and healthy Swiss dish on the grill every evening, as well as roast vegetables. Such a gift will prevent mom from gaining extra pounds and will help her recharge with vitamins.

Set of photo frames Tree of Happiness

A great New Year's gift for mom. Photo frames that are placed on the family tree can include photos of all current family members. And leave one frame for the one who will soon join the family.

New Year's gift set

The simplest and most necessary Everyday life things like a towel, a comfortable T-shirt and a shopping bag are never superfluous. And when on each of the things it is also written which mother is beloved, then there will be no price for such a gift. Positive emotions are guaranteed for mothers in this position. Now she is even more confident that children are a great blessing.

What to give your pregnant friend for New Year?

Everything that made a friend happy before pregnancy remains just as relevant. You can select a gift based on her interests.


You will have to forget about the evenings spent with a friend over a bottle of good wine. Therefore, luxury champagne needs to be crossed off the list of gifts. But you can prepare delicious, fortified cocktails at home using a shaker. Only now they will be non-alcoholic and very healthy for mother and baby.


Girls love to be photographed. Therefore, a monopod is a necessary gift. Starting from the fifth week, you can use a selfie stick to photograph your belly yourself. And after the birth of the baby - yourself along with him.

Fondue set

Often the tastes of pregnant women change. But there is no girl who stops wanting sweets. Just like there are no kids who don’t like chocolate. Fondue making kit - a universal gift and the best generator positive emotions. You can dip cookies, fruits, and cheese into the hot chocolate mixture. It's simply impossible not to please.

What to give a pregnant woman colleague for New Year?

The most common mistake that should not be made is to collect money and buy the expectant mother from the whole team an envelope for discharge or elegant suits for the baby. Firstly, many women are very superstitious and do not acquire anything for children until the baby is born. Secondly, mom wants to choose these things herself. It’s better to give something that your colleague will need today.

Blanket with sleeves

Good New Year's gift pregnant woman of any age. A cozy blanket will warm you at home, in the country, and create comfortable conditions business trip.

A tea set

During pregnancy, tea lovers should pay more attention to herbal teas. A drink with natural ingredients perfectly quenches thirst and has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the mother and the unborn baby. Therefore, a tea set complete with special tea for pregnant women will be a good gift during the winter cold.

Designer vase

A very beautiful and necessary gift for a pregnant woman and manager. She has many reasons ahead for luxurious bouquets. However, just like today. Don't forget about this.

Pregnancy is perhaps the most unusual and exciting time in a woman’s life. During this magical period, it’s so nice to pamper her. Gifts for pregnant women are another way to remember the touching time of waiting for your baby.

A gift for a pregnant wife, friend, sister, colleague, daughter can be chosen to suit absolutely every taste and budget.

Remember the main thing - avoid fragrant gifts and presents with a pronounced taste, because while expecting a child, the senses, like the entire woman’s body, experience increased stress, and such a gift can cause an attack of toxicosis.

So, let's choose what to give a pregnant woman.

Gifts for motherhood

Gifts for newborns are worth giving if you know for sure that the woman is not superstitious and does not believe that by accepting the gift she will “jinx” the child. Many people are sure that you should not buy a single rattle for your baby before birth. If your future mom not one of them, feel free to give children’s clothes, toys, a cake made from diapers (many craftsmen offer their production). Close relatives can also give more expensive and larger gifts - a crib, stroller, walker, chaise lounge, changing chest. A sling will be a good and convenient gift, but it must be beautiful and comfortable. Babywearing has been gaining popularity recently.

You can give a certificate for attending courses for future parents or a gift edition of a book on child care.

Gifts for a comfortable pregnancy

Clothes for pregnant women

It is very nice to receive a gift for a pregnant woman that will make the time of waiting for the baby beautiful and comfortable. This category of gifts includes clothes for pregnant women. T-shirts with cool drawings and inscriptions about expecting a baby are extremely popular. By the way, such T-shirts are also available for future fathers. A couple expecting a baby can be given T-shirts that have the same style.

Convertible jacket

A very practical gift is a special jacket, which will first cover the growing belly, then the baby, and then completely turn into an ordinary jacket for a slender young mother.

Cosmetics for expectant mothers

This could be a stretch mark cream or a leg tonic. If you consider such a gift too intimate, you can give a certificate to a cosmetics store, where the expectant mother will choose what she needs.

Maternity pillow

A wonderful gift for a pregnant girl is a special pillow for pregnant women. There are pillows of the most different forms- in the form of a bagel, horseshoe or crescent. As a rule, they large sizes to comfortably support a woman while sleeping. In the future, such a pillow can be used during breastfeeding and for sitting or laying down the baby.

Gymnastic ball

Another gift is a gymnastic ball with a book or a disk with a set of exercises for it. This ball will be used by a pregnant woman to relieve tension from the spine. You can take it with you to the maternity hospital to comfortably experience contractions. And then you can rock the baby to sleep on it and do special children’s gymnastics on a fitball. The ball will also help a young mother get into shape faster after pregnancy.

To help the expectant mother

Separately, you can highlight gifts from this category. They also make the waiting time for the baby and life with the baby comfortable. This includes a steamer, pressure cooker and multicooker, blender, juicer, yogurt maker and even a bread maker to make everyday life in the kitchen easier and healthy eating mother and baby.

A robot vacuum cleaner will allow a young mother not to be distracted by cleaning. And the new one washing machine with the delicate wash mode it will take care of children's clothes.

Decide what to give a pregnant woman so that housework distracts her from the baby as little as possible.

Gifts for the soul

Pregnancy is not a disease. Therefore, the gift may not be directly related to the expectation of the child. After all, a woman remains herself and retains her former hobbies.

An interesting book, a subscription to a beauty salon, computer literacy courses or a driving school (at early stages pregnancy), an embroidery kit, a yoga or pool subscription, cinema or theater tickets, a mini-trip or a walk around a country estate will please any woman, and especially a pregnant woman, because she has become more emotional due to her situation.

While on maternity leave, many women learn new wisdom. Perhaps your friend or sister will start knitting or felting wool, master decoupage, or start sewing toys. Gifts related to hobbies will be received with delight by needlewomen.

A woman will also be pleased with traditional gifts. A classic birthday gift for a pregnant wife from her husband is jewelry.

A very beautiful and original gift is a “pregnant” photo shoot. Capturing forever the moment when mother and child were one is truly priceless. From the photographs you can prepare a photo album about the happy nine months. Or you can shoot and edit a video that will tell you, frame by frame, about the forty weeks of waiting. Such gifts are worth a lot, because they are evidence of a family’s history.

Choosing a gift is not an easy task, especially if you are looking for a present for an expectant mother. There are many legends, true and not so true, about how capricious and fickle girls in their position become. But it is a fact that it is quite difficult to please a pregnant woman (and not only pregnant women).

During the cherished nine months, girls change not only externally, but also internally. There are many reasons for this - hormones, psychological awareness of being a mother, and worries about the upcoming birth. In a word, pregnant women have a lot to worry about, so you should approach the choice of a gift for a pregnant wife, friend or sister with special attention.

Gifts for a child: pros and cons

Despite the fact that it is the twenty-first century, many of us still trust signs and superstitions. Agree, it’s unpleasant when a mirror in the house breaks and, on the contrary, it’s warming to think that the year will be successful if you had a lot of fun in New Year's Eve. And how many signs there are about pregnancy - it’s impossible to count! One of the most popular: do not give the baby anything before his birth. It would seem logical to please the expectant mother with such a practical and sincere gift, but what if the girl trusts omens? In this case, your gift will bring her tears rather than joy.

But there is also the other side of the coin. If a pregnant girl does not believe in omens and happily accepts gifts for the baby (you will find out her attitude to all this in a roundabout way), then a party in the style of American holiday"Baby Shower" This is the day when all the close people of the expectant mother gather under one roof with gifts for the baby. Most often, such a day is spent in the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy. But you can surprise the girl earlier.

Cosmetics for the expectant mother: not trivial, but useful!

Pregnancy is indeed a troublesome business, but a woman wants to look even better than usual. If shower gel on the fourteenth of February will certainly plunge the fair sex into shock, then anti-stretch marks, breast creams and other specific products will be very useful for a pregnant girl. Let us note that it is still pleasant for women to receive gifts of this kind from friends, and not from their husbands.

About practical gifts

A pregnant woman needs many things! These include encyclopedias about pregnancy and motherhood, and collections of cartoons (if the woman is superstitious, tell her that you bought the collection for her), and beautiful bed sheets, and clothes for pregnant women, and a blender with a juicer! By choosing a practical gift, you will in any case end up in the kings, because it is always nice when you are given something that is truly necessary.

Some are categorically against such “trinkets,” while others sincerely believe that there should be beautiful things in the house that are nice to take another look at. If you are sure that a pregnant girl will like such a gift, feel free to go to the nearest souvenir shop. A woman will be especially pleased if you can find something unusual and related to her current situation.

A win-win gift option

It is a proven fact that pleasant memories are one of the best gifts for any occasion. If you know a pregnant girl well, then you probably remember a place or two where she dreams of visiting, but it still doesn’t work out. Buy tickets and lead her to her destination with an anticipatory expression on her face. For greater effect, keep where you are going a secret until the last minute. Your pregnant friend will be doubly pleased: firstly, you gave her a good gift, and secondly, you showed attention, because you remembered that she really wanted to go to the museum/cinema/restaurant.

Modern idea

What about a maternity photo shoot? Almost every woman wants to capture the happy moments of expecting a child on film (flash drive), so that she can later watch it herself and show it to her child!

Most often, such gifts are given to pregnant women by their significant other, and they also take part in the shooting. But nothing prevents you from giving a certificate for a photo shoot, for example, to your pregnant sister. In the end, it’s your job to give the gift, and it’s up to her to choose the company for the photo shoot. Well, if you cooperate, then in addition to the shooting you can present the girl with a massage session or a session with a cosmetologist, in a word, give her a heavenly day.

If you have the means and know that the girl does not have a camera, opt for it. After all, with the birth of the baby, she will want to capture so many memories: his first steps, smile, games.

What gifts should you avoid?

Even if the expectant mother talks all day long about how she wants sweets, you should not give her a cake or beautifully decorated pastries (even if they are very beautifully decorated!). Remember, such a gift is only suitable for an unscheduled visit to find out: “How are you doing?” If we're talking about about the event, then this is not an option. You eat sweets, and the pregnant woman will be left with the feeling that you just didn’t want to try hard.

You should not give anything that is even remotely related to the set excess weight. Underwear, bathroom scales, a certificate to the gym (even if with very good intentions) - no, no and no again! This is a sore subject for a woman, especially during pregnancy, so reserve your aspirations for a more successful time.

Perfume is also a so-so gift. Firstly, preferences, if they ever change, it is during pregnancy! Therefore, there is a high probability of not guessing with the aroma. Or it will simply turn out to be suffocating. It’s better to let the pregnant woman buy such individual items herself, but it’s possible for your money.

Give attendance at pregnancy courses only to those women who really need them. It’s one thing to look through an interesting book about pregnancy at home, and another thing to go and study with other people. Of course, such courses are a very useful thing, but we cannot exclude the possibility that your girlfriend is against such activities.

Pregnancy is a difficult period for the body, when health can deteriorate sharply and for no apparent reason. Therefore, you should not give travel or other certificates that involve physical activity. Even if a woman wants to go somewhere, it is not a fact that her body will allow her to do so.

Some pregnant women are perplexed by gifts that have absolutely nothing to do with their situation. Let's say you come and give a leather bag to a pregnant woman for her birthday. The gift is good and practical. But the girl, thinking only about pregnancy, expected something else. Therefore, think carefully about how you can please a pregnant girl, and refuse trivial gifts.

Finding a gift for a pregnant girl is not so difficult if you think carefully about what she needs. If you are in a very difficult situation and cannot decide on a present, ask for advice from other people who also know the pregnant woman well. Perhaps in conversations with them she mentioned something that she did not talk about with you - and this will give you a bright idea.

Surely one of your loved ones or acquaintances is in an “interesting” situation. Sister, friend, work colleague - every expectant mother during this period needs attention and care.

How to cheer up a pregnant woman? Of course, give the right gift for the upcoming holiday - New Year. A large selection of New Year gifts for expectant mothers and more can be viewed on the website www.santa.ru

You need to understand that all people are different, and pregnant women are no exception. One lady will be pleased to receive a gift for her future baby, while another, on the contrary, is waiting for a gift for herself, her beloved. The other, despite her status, does not forget about housekeeping and will be glad to receive a useful item for the home.

It is always necessary to take into account the preferences of a particular woman - her interests, hobbies, family wealth. Don’t forget that soon there will be changes in her life associated with the birth of a child, so high-heeled shoes will not be an entirely appropriate gift.

Buying children's things in advance in Russia is considered a bad omen - it is unknown how the expectant mother will react to such a gift, so let's not tempt fate and consider gifts addressed specifically to pregnant women.

Examples of New Year gifts for pregnant women

Here is a list of things that would be a useful gift for a pregnant woman:

Expensive, but quite necessary - cream for stretch marks. One pregnancy requires a considerable amount of this product, which is indispensable for women’s skin during this period.

Since a pregnant girl has a large supply of time, she can be given books, seminars, and courses as gifts that will allow her to gain practical and theoretical knowledge baby care.

Don't rule out purchasing a gift certificate for the holiday. The list of stores where you can buy them is huge, including lingerie stores and household appliances, and fashionable women's and children's clothing.

You can also buy a subscription for SPA treatments or manicures, but you need to take into account that the gift is valid for at least a year, because not all procedures can be performed by pregnant women or the woman may simply not have time to use it. It is worth noting that pregnant women wear compression underwear, which promotes proper blood circulation - and this is a reason to look into the appropriate store.

An active girl will be happy with a subscription to yoga classes for pregnant women. This will be a pleasant and useful gift if there are no contraindications.

For a girl who loves and appreciates culture, it will be a great gift a ticket to the theater, to a classical music concert, to an exhibition - it has been proven that art has a positive effect on the unborn child.

After the birth of a child, many mothers forget about their fashionable and beautiful bags. They are replaced by comfortable backpacks. They allow you to carry a lot of things necessary for the baby and mother, while freeing your hands.

Another excellent New Year's gift for a pregnant woman will be a professional photo shoot - a memorable, very practical gift that will leave an impression in the photos for many years.

A cool T-shirt with an original print for pregnant women would be a very good gift; it will perfectly lift your spirits. These T-shirts are sold with ready-made designs, but you can order an individual design from the printing industry.

If a woman often drives a car, then a special car seat belt for pregnant women will be a necessary and timely gift.

The creativity or practicality of the gift must correspond to the expectations and interests of a particular woman. Whatever the gift, you need to choose and give it with soul.

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