Bad omens before a flight. Curious signs of pilots and flight attendants. What awaits you in the near future

Who has not heard that pilots, airmen and flight attendants are very superstitious people? Therefore, a huge variety of superstitions and superstitions are associated with aviation life and airplanes... It even reaches the point of absurdity: when aviation personnel are fired for neglecting some of them.

This is not a joke. According to statistics, every year airlines cancel many flights precisely because of unfavorable signs. What makes no sense to outsiders “ominously” warns workers in the aviation industry: the plane must not be lifted into the air. And we are not talking about weather conditions at all.

Here are some of the superstitions that exist in the aviation industry:

    Firstly, they never use the word “last” in relation to a flight, only “last”: the last flight of such and such an aircraft.

    If a bird flies into the cabin, cockpit or cargo compartment before a flight, this is not good.

    The first days of August and September are generally considered unlucky for air travel and aircraft.

    In many domestic airlines, pilots do not shave before difficult flights. And the management has long come to terms with this: on a difficult route, it’s definitely better to have an overgrown pilot than an irritated one.

    You can't scold a winged car.

    You are also not allowed to gamble on board: you will lose your “air luck” on this plane.

    And raising a finger to the sky, especially the middle one, is, in general, “no way”: the weather will be offended, deteriorate and take revenge.

Military aviation also has its own beliefs. For example, Air Force pilots will never wear their cap with the visor down, only with the crown up. Because they place the cap of a fallen comrade with the visor down.

You cannot glue model airplanes together: it is believed that this is something akin to voodoo and can lead to the crash of a real airplane. Especially if the model has a tail number or some other identification marks.

There are also positive signs. In order for the upcoming flight to go smoothly, the chief mechanic must stroke the plane’s wing, tank or other part. A flight attendant who finds a woman's earring in the cabin after a flight will have great luck. And, here, a forgotten children's toy - on the contrary, brings tears.

The weaker sex has always been distinguished by gullibility and suspiciousness. Signs of aircraft owners who service flights are a separate topic:

    It is believed that a man should be the first to step on board an airplane.

    If the lock on the luggage compartment or on someone's suitcase breaks, it means money.

    If someone gets sick or dies on a flight, this promises a long and safe aviation life for the aircraft, since such a passenger has already taken with him the bad luck that was intended for the aircraft.

    If someone vomits on an air flight, that’s good, the flight attendants say. This means that upon arrival at the place, fun adventures await someone.

    If the plane gets into bumps or a storm, you need to clink your glass glasses and everything will “settle down.”

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The presence of a large number of signs and superstitions among pilots and aircraft crews may have predetermined the very beginning of the era of air flights. On December 14, 1903, Wilbur Wright won the right to make the first airplane flight in human history from his brother Orville. The right to go down in history was played out with a trivial coin toss. However, Wilbur's luck turned out to be dubious.

Having barely taken off from the ground, the Wright brothers' plane crashed down due to a pilot error. Fortunately, the car received only minor damage, and three days later the loser’s younger brother Orville made a flight that marked the beginning of the era of aircraft construction. Fate winked at pilots and aviation already at the dawn of aircraft construction.

Of course, aviation has made significant progress over the hundred years of its existence. Nowadays, the sky is plowed by liners carrying approximately the same number of passengers as a small train. In zones of military conflicts, flying tanks rain down hundreds of tons of ammunition on enemies (and it’s good, if only on them). Development does not stop, and new types of increasingly advanced winged and rotorcraft technology are constantly taking to the air.

But, at the same time, air flights could not get rid of the aura of a certain mysticism. This is largely facilitated by numerous superstitions carefully cultivated by several generations of pilots. Unwritten rules and traditions have become a passing place in aviation. Moreover, they are now known to the general public, and thanks to the development of the Internet, some of them have become memes.


The obvious negative connotation of the phrase “last flight” gave rise to the synonymous, but softer “last flight” or “last flight”. Gradually, the analogy spread to all uses of the word “last” and penetrated far beyond the flying community. In one of the recently published books, the commander of a submarine becomes furious when the newly appointed political officer says that his “extreme” place of service was the submarine N - in the submarine they freely use combinations like “last campaign.”

First of August or September

The word “first” is also not held in high esteem by aviators. True, this superstition only applies to the first of August and the first of September. Pilots try to avoid flying these days in every possible way, although in civil aviation they have to make flights.


According to professionals, even in Soviet military aviation there were no aircraft with tail number 13. Opponents’ objections boil down to the fact that there were aircraft whose multi-digit tail numbers contained a combination of these numbers, and to the showing of a few photographs of aircraft with tail number 13. Most likely , the presence or absence of such vehicles depended on the command of the unit.

Walking around the aircraft

The tradition of walking around an airplane, patting its parts, did not originate with the Wright brothers. The first pilots checked the car in this way before taking off - they caught vibrations of the aircraft parts, conducting a kind of technical inspection. A modern airliner is inspected by teams of technicians, but the tradition of walking around the plane, touching its parts - and certainly in a clockwise direction - has been preserved.

Clothes and shoes

A rather controversial sign concerns the clothes and shoes of pilots. Everything must be worn and have been in flight. New things are worn only in combination with “already flown” ones. This superstition also includes a complete refusal to use other people’s things, and this applies not only to clothes - you cannot take anything on a flight that does not belong to the pilot.

Shaving and nails

Before a flight, pilots try not to shave or cut their nails. The famous ace, three times Hero of the Soviet Union A.I. Pokryshkin mentioned this in his memoirs. The modernized version of the sign does not apply to nails, but prohibits shaving during the flight. American pilots believed that it was possible to shave before a combat mission, but a cut would definitely be a bad omen. In general, the signs of military pilots are striking in their diversity. There is a well-known story about the Soviet pilot N. Pribilov, who flew in winter overalls all year round - he considered him to be under a spell.


If you want to anger the pilot, invite him to take a photo before the flight. Other members of the aircraft crew also categorically refuse to be photographed. The roots of this sign also go back to the Great Patriotic War, when pilots did not take photographs or give interviews before a combat mission.

Men - forward

Unlike everyday life, where it is customary for women to be allowed through first, in aviation a man must be the first to board the plane. This rule is strictly observed - it is believed that otherwise problems may arise during the flight.

Finger to the sky

Under no circumstances should you point your finger (and even less so your middle finger) at the sky before flying. The aviators believe that after such a gesture the weather along the route will definitely deteriorate.

Don't scold and don't lose

Pilots treat the winged aircraft with trepidation. Under no circumstances should you scold your plane - it may become “offended” and fail in a difficult situation. Cards and other gambling games are not played on board - you may lose your luck.

Flying is a wonderful, unforgettable feeling. When the plane slowly lifts off the surface of the earth and gains altitude, a feeling of endless freedom appears. Through the portholes a wonderful view opens up: the clouds below resemble a fluffy blanket and above it is the blue of the sky. When the plane descends, it seems to dive into the clouds, overcome them, and there it is, the earth - multi-colored squares below. Every detail is perfectly visible. Flying is wonderful. What do people wish before flying on an airplane? What words do you use to say goodbye to loved ones, relatives and friends?

Important words of encouragement

As a rule, wishes are given on the day of departure before landing. Usually they are accompanied on the journey by close people, friends or relatives. Sometimes - colleagues, if the trip is business. Previously, the road was considered a large-scale, long and dangerous undertaking. People could not predict how it would end. Therefore, we tried to put our soul into our parting words. Air travel is now considered a safe and fast way to reach your desired destination. But the wishes for the trip to the plane have not lost their relevance.

What is important to emphasize? Farewell words are somewhat similar to congratulations; they conceal a desire to support a person and encourage him, to give him something good, even fun. Especially when there is a test ahead. Flight attendants of flight companies, finishing the mandatory briefing, usually supplement their speech with standard wishes:

“The aircraft crew wishes you a pleasant flight and a soft landing.”

Wishing you a “good journey” before your flight

What words are most often used:

  • good journey - imply a safe road in which the traveler (passenger) will receive only good impressions;
  • soft landing - professional jargon used by pilots and flight attendants;
  • easy flight - so that the journey passes without any incidents;
  • a comfortable flight is not an unnecessary wish, especially if there is a long flight ahead;
  • delicious food – passengers are fed during long flights;
  • with God - may He always be near and protect;
  • a speedy return - usually such parting words are given by family members; they are sad to see off a loved one and want to see him again quickly;
  • good health - especially if a person flies for the first time, it is impossible to predict how his body will survive the flight;
  • congratulate on the successful purchase of a ticket - this is said if a passenger flies away on vacation.

Of course, wishes for a plane flight reflect people’s feelings and thoughts, their experiences and intentions. It is customary to say only good things, not to allow negative words, even thoughts. Since ancient times, it was believed that any bad word could later affect a person’s condition. However, this is completely justified. Of course, ordinary passengers cannot in any way influence the flight and the work of the pilots, but if your loved one who is leaving soon is a crew member, then it is better to wish him only a happy and easy journey.

Important! Be sincere. You don't have to write long, complicated sentences. Sometimes a few words are enough. They are priceless if spoken from the heart.

If there are several mourners, does everyone need to say something? They decide for themselves. It’s better when everyone has a personal contribution, at least a few words. Especially when they are seeing off a loved one - a relative, a friend, even a colleague. It does not matter what he is going to do then, upon arrival: work or relax. My wishes concern specifically the upcoming flight.

Who can give parting words on the road?

Basically, any person. Most often these are mourners. When saying goodbye, what they wish for when flying on an airplane reflects their mood and attitude towards the departing person.

Family members are more concerned about the health of an airplane passenger, especially if he has any problems. Also, in parting words, they can add words about attentiveness, frugality, and congratulate you on purchasing a long-awaited trip (if you are flying on vacation).

The beloved girl promises to wait and asks to return quickly, take care of herself, and also not stare at pretty young ladies on the road.

What do you wish for your colleagues when they fly on an airplane? Fruitful work, successful conclusion of the contract, successful negotiations.

Pilots can be wished a successful flight and a smooth landing of the aircraft, good health.

A friend can be happy for the departing person, because he has a flight ahead, a change of scenery. Perhaps new prospects in terms of personal life or career growth for a guy or girl.

Aviation workers usually give standard parting words. However, the wishes apply to them too, because they are flying with the passengers.

What do friends who are far away wish for on a plane trip? Have a pleasant journey, a soft landing and, of course, good company.

What do classmates or fellow students wish for? Have fun, good company, fast travel. So that time on the road flies by. And also - many new impressions are already in place. More often they convey funny poems or short wishes, complemented by funny emoticons.

Interesting! Wishes are not always words. You can send a motivating picture, a short poem or a beautiful drawing made by yourself. The last option is typical for kids who express themselves through drawings.

Examples of wishes

“Have a quick takeoff and easy landing of the plane, let all your wishes come true. Take care of yourself, be careful on your journey."

“Have a good trip, let the time fly by on the road. Don’t be bored, have good company nearby, meet interesting new people.”

“Happy flying! Clear skies above your head, pleasant flight and soft landing. Let the flight be successful, don’t be delayed and don’t lose your luggage!”

"You fly far away,

It won't be easy without you.

But I'll see you off with a smile,

I'll hug you and give you your luggage.

May the road not seem long,

And the landing will be surprisingly soft.

Be sure to call when you sit down,

And then call more often, preferably.

May the trip meet all expectations,

And I will wait patiently for you"

“Darling, every day spent away from you will seem like an eternity to me. But let it fly by for you. Have an easy journey, good company along the way (but female)! Call often and don’t lose your boarding pass!”

“It’s always sad to see off, but you don’t fly away for long. I wish you a comfortable flight and good health along the way. Don’t be bored, let the food be delicious, the staff attentive, and the company good.”

“Have a good flight, may the sky be clear, the plane will fly without problems. Enjoy the beautiful views through the porthole, delicious food and don’t forget to call when you land!”

“I wish that there would be no thunderstorms, quarrels or unpleasant fellow travelers on the journey. Good luck getting there without delays or complications.”

“Good luck getting there,

The main thing is not to lose your luggage!

Suitcases won't be able to come running at the sound of a whistle,

And you – call as soon as you sit down.

The flight attendants are attentive, the food is delicious,

And don’t miss the landing!

You fly far, for a long time,

But your road is quick and easy!”

Obviously, they wish most often when a person flies on an airplane. Have a good trip, no delays. This is not surprising, because sometimes flights can be delayed and people wait for hours. Various difficulties may arise during a flight; this happens even now, when the development of technology makes it possible to instantly communicate and quickly cover vast distances. Therefore, the importance of wishes cannot be underestimated.

Previously, they even tried not to say anything bad to their enemies on the road. Even the day before. It is considered important to maintain a good mood for the traveler, so there will be nothing negative or offensive in the wishes.

Representatives of each profession have their own signs. Perhaps most of them are among pilots. And it’s not surprising: the pilot’s profession is dangerous and risky, so superstitions come into play.

Unlucky numbers

The beginning of August and September are considered unfavorable times for air travel. As a rule, many disasters occur these days.

The number 13 is also considered unlucky for pilots. It is better not to fly on this day. By the way, you will almost never see number 13 on domestic airliners.

Lucky and Unlucky Signs

If on the eve of a flight a bird flies into the cabin, cockpit or cargo compartment, this is not good.

If the flight takes place at night and the moon illuminates the right side of the plane, material profit awaits the pilot. The same thing applies if a plane flies over or past a rainbow.

Taboo before flying

For example, among pilots one should under no circumstances say that this flight is the last for today. They say: “extreme”. Otherwise, they say, an accident may occur.

You cannot even give an approximate time when you plan to return from the flight - landing may be problematic. You also can’t wish the pilots a “happy flight” - you’ll invite trouble.

Pilots never take photos before a flight - then some of them may not come back. It is also not recommended to take photographs of the interior of the aircraft - the flight may be unsuccessful. By the way, the sign “works” even if the interior is photographed by passengers.

Before a flight, you should not raise your finger to the sky, especially the middle finger. It is believed that this will anger the heavens and make the weather worse.

Before difficult flights, it is not customary for pilots to shave or even cut their nails. You should not do this during the flight either.

What should you not do on an airplane?

It is strictly forbidden to whistle on board an aircraft - your luck will run out. Also, the pilot should under no circumstances scold his machine, otherwise it will “take revenge.”

You cannot gamble on board the plane - after this, the flights will be unsuccessful.

Military aviation pilots have their own signs. For example, you cannot put your cap with the visor down - only with the crown up. The cap of the deceased pilot is placed with the visor down.

Pilots are not recommended to glue model airplanes - it is believed that this is something of a magical effect that can lead to the crash of a real airplane. The magic works more powerfully if you put a number and some other identifying marks on board the model.

It is believed that under no circumstances should you take on board things that previously belonged to other people, or wear completely new clothes. It is recommended to wear clothes in which the pilot has previously successfully flown.

To attract good luck

Smoking pilots have a tradition of smoking half a cigarette before a flight and half after landing. Non-smokers bite into something edible before the flight and finish it after returning.

For the flight to be successful, the chief mechanic must certainly stroke the plane’s wing, tank or some other part.

After the test pilot has made his first flight, his comrades always hit his buttocks against the wheel of the plane - then the rest of the flights will be successful.

Signs for flight attendants

Flight attendants believe that if the first passenger to board a plane is a man, the flight will be successful. But if the first passenger stumbles while boarding, expect problems.

If during the flight the lock on the luggage compartment or on someone's suitcase breaks, it means money.

Is the plane caught in rough weather or even a storm? You need to clink the glass glasses and everything will “settle down.”

If a flight attendant finds a woman's earring in the cabin after a flight, good luck awaits her. And if she discovers a children's toy, this, on the contrary, will lead to tears.

Oddly enough, it is considered a good omen if one of the passengers gets sick or dies during the flight. Such a passenger takes with him the bad luck given to the plane, and after that the ship will fly for a long time and safely.

If one of the passengers vomits during the flight, this is only for the better. This means that upon arrival, the flight attendants will have some fun adventures.

In aviation, superstitions are almost at a professional level. Signs of pilots and flight attendants have been passed down from generation to generation for decades. This can easily be explained by the fact that the profession is extremely dangerous, since a plane breakdown in the air almost certainly leads to the death of the entire crew, and signs help you feel more confident during the flight.

Signs of pilots

In aviation there is no word “last”; synonyms are used instead, for example, “extreme”

Pilots of military and civil aviation have the following superstitions:

  • If a bird flies into the plane before the flight, expect an accident at high altitude soon.
  • The number "13" is unlucky. There are no flights in Russia with this number, as well as on-board numbers. Moreover, pilots avoid saying this number out loud before or during the flight.
  • Pilots are not recommended to voice their expected time of arrival at the airfield - something bad could happen during the flight.
  • Before and during the flight, pilots do not take photographs - this could lead to an accident in the air.
  • Pilots always put their service caps on with the visor up; only the cap of a dead pilot is placed with the visor down.
  • Smoking pilots smoke half a cigarette before a flight, and the other half only after landing - for good luck. Non-smokers use any food instead of cigarettes (eat half before and after the flight).
  • On the day of the flight, pilots do not shave or cut their nails.
  • Particularly superstitious pilots prefer to fly in their old uniform, refusing to change to a new one. They believe that the old uniform brings good luck.
  • Not a single pilot will say a bad word about his plane - this will lead to disaster.
  • Pilots do not play cards on board the plane - so as not to lose luck.
  • Pointing a finger at the sky is a bad omen, leading to bad weather.
  • An opened parachute on board an airplane is unfortunate.
  • Pilots do not wear other people's clothes and take only their personal belongings on board, nothing more.
  • A man must be the first to board the plane; if a woman, expect trouble during the flight.
  • If the pilot stumbles while boarding, he will face problems during the flight.
  • Before a flight, you should not sew up your uniform or sew on buttons - it’s bad luck.
  • Pilots never pick flowers or other plants on the airfield.

Every year thousands of flights are canceled around the world, including due to the superstitions and superstitions of pilots.

Signs of flight attendants

Flight attendants are strictly prohibited from sewing before a flight - neither mending holes nor sewing on buttons.

Many signs of flight attendants are common to pilots, but there are others:

  • A spilled drink or overturned food on a passenger is good luck.
  • If you tripped while climbing the ladder, the flight will be difficult.
  • If one of the passengers did not have enough cutlery, there would be trouble.
  • Finding an earring on board is good luck. The flight attendant herself lost her earring during the flight - the landing will be difficult.
  • A found children's toy is unfortunate.
  • When the plane shakes violently during a flight, you need to knock on the upside down glasses.
  • A meowing cat on board means an accident. A cheerful playful cat means the flight will be easy.
  • Spilling salt during a flight is bad luck.
  • If one of the passengers vomits during the flight, the flight will be successful.
  • A passenger who dies during a flight is an addition to the plane's luck for a long time. The dead man took all the bad luck with him.
  • If a flight attendant knocks over the suitcase of one of the passengers, you should expect an increase in material well-being.

Many signs, at first glance, may seem strange or ridiculous. However, belief in luck and observance of certain rituals help to tune in to the flight and make it easier to cope with troubles during it. After all, many signs are just like this - the flight attendant messed up, and good luck awaits her. Every profession has something similar.

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