How to politely refuse online dating. How to give a guy a nice blow so that he doesn’t get offended: a few proven phrases

The guy proposed a relationship, but the girl does not consider his candidacy seriously - a common situation, the solution of which should be approached with special tact. is extremely delicate, and a rude refusal can ruin the whole later life a person, lowering his self-esteem and negatively affecting his ability to find a worthy companion in the future.

How to refuse a guy to date beautifully and convincingly

Often a girl does not push away a boyfriend who, for whatever reason, is an unacceptable option for her. Most often, this comes from the desire to increase one’s importance in the eyes of mutual acquaintances and especially girlfriends.

Sometimes such a suitor plays the role of " alternate airfield"or a pillow to cry into from time to time.

It is quite cruel to torment a person, periodically letting him in and pushing him away. It is much more beautiful to act decisively, giving the boyfriend the opportunity to understand that he will never become the only one necessary.

A smart girl will not stoop to humiliation young man and will try to resolve the situation with minimal damage to the guy’s psyche, as well as to himself:

  • First of all, the conversation must take place without witnesses. It is advisable to think through phrases in advance on how to refuse to meet a guy, so as not to select the right words during a conversation. You need to be persistent. The young man should not have the slightest doubt that the girl is firm in her intentions and there can be no talk of further meetings;
  • You can, of course, offer to remain friends. However, if a guy is really sincerely in love, he should be kept from such communication. Therefore, it is better to minimize all possible contacts, never contact him with requests and not provoke new hopes. Naturally, meetings at mutual parties of friends will continue to occur. You just don’t need to single him out from the crowd, communicate exactly as you would with other acquaintances, but not close people;
  • How to politely refuse to meet a guy without compromising his dignity? It is not worth saying that the relationship is impossible solely due to his fault, for example, that the young man is not suitable in character or interests, is unkempt, and does not inspire trust. It is better to focus on your shortcomings;
  • A girl can say that she is proud of the young man’s attitude, but she herself is too flighty and is not going to build a strong relationship. Perhaps this is hampered by the desire to devote herself to science, or the presence in her life of a person about whom she secretly sighs. In the end, you can refer to your frigidity. The main thing is to try to destroy the ideal image created by the young man’s imagination;
  • If a girl's own shortcomings seem like advantages to a guy, a good option how to refuse to meet a guy, explain that he is a great friend, but sexual desire does not arise to him. You can offer to continue to remain friends, of course, if this relationship does not disgust him;
  • If unfamiliar guy offered to meet, how to refuse in order to immediately put all the dots in place? There is no point in citing a lack of time; the persistent gentleman will repeat his invitation later. It is better to immediately explain that a relationship is impossible, so as not to provoke vain hopes;
  • For example, you can say that you already have a boyfriend. If the young man does not believe, arrange a “random” meeting. Even if in fact there is no boyfriend, you can ask a friend who can play the role of a lover for a favor;
  • Sometimes a girl shows indecisiveness and cannot call a young man for a frank conversation. Fortunately, modern methods connections allow you to do this at a distance, since you can refuse to meet a guy in contact or with the help Email. It is better to write a fairly lengthy letter with your own view of the situation and a request not to disturb you with courtship. An intelligent young man will probably understand the futility of attempts and appreciate a sensitive attitude.

However, such measures are good if the guy is adequate enough and is able to understand that persistence will not bring him closer to the desired result. What to do if, despite all the admonitions, the young man continues his courtship, which begins to resemble real persecution?

What to do if your gentleman persists

The phrases had no effect, and the young man does not want to realistically assess the situation. In this case, you can resort to quite harsh measures, since not only the psyche of the unwanted suitor can suffer, but also your own.

If courtship seems particularly annoying, but does not go beyond the bounds of decency, you can try on the role of an actress. For example, a young man created an image of an unearthly ephemeral creature that feeds on sunlight?

It’s worth ruining his idea by ordering a couple of glasses of beer in a cafe and telling others a vulgar joke. You can also introduce a special manner of behavior - greet your friends with pushes on the shoulder, laugh loudly at stupid jokes.

Another way to beautifully ward off your gentleman is to introduce him to the world of fashion. No man can stand spending hours walking through stores selling branded clothing and cosmetics. It is necessary not only to drag a reluctant young man into a store, but to initiate him into a girlfriend.

To do this, you should select your wardrobe items with special care, asking for the opinion of your companion and promising to repeat the walk in a couple of days. In most cases, love disappears immediately and forever.

Trying on different roles

Excellent help with the issue of gap and role caring mother. Every day you need to call the guy several times, asking how he slept, what he ate, whether he forgot to tie a scarf - the weather is so windy outside! In companies, you should also relentlessly follow the young man, without being embarrassed by comical situations. It's a rare man who can handle two mothers.

An interesting idea is to play the role of matchmaker. At a party where an unlucky lover is present, you can ask him for a favor, for example, to see off a close friend. At the same time, it should be mentioned how dear this little man is.

Then the young man will be imbued with the importance of the task and is unlikely to refuse a small trifle for his adored idol. Who knows, maybe two lonely people will develop friendships that will eventually develop into something more?

Be carefull!

Sometimes failure causes aggressive behavior unlucky suitor. Jealousy, understanding of one's inadequacy, imaginary humiliation by refusal, inability to achieve a goal lead to inappropriate behavior of a guy, even physical violence.

If the young man’s behavior is alarming, it is necessary to inform him that the slightest rudeness on his part will lead to a call to the police.

Dear readers, today we will talk about how to refuse to date a guy without hurting his feelings. After all, you understand that the sympathy that arises is not always mutual. The tips in this article will help you if you find yourself in a similar situation.

Reasons for non-reciprocity

Let's look at the cases in which a girl can refuse a relationship with a young man.

  1. Already have a boyfriend or even a husband.
  2. The young man does not evoke a feeling of sympathy.
  3. The guy is a babble, all his feelings are just words, and relationships are a game.
  4. The young man behaves inappropriately, pretending to be macho.
  5. You guessed that trying to date is a desire to get you into bed.
  6. Have you heard about large quantities love victories of this suitor.

We act thoughtfully

Let's look at how to politely refuse a guy. You must understand that the psyche of a young man can be very vulnerable, and your refusal can develop complexes in him or even serious psychological trauma if the feelings are very strong.

  1. Stay tactful. It is important that the voice sounds confident and there are no notes of doubt.
  2. Choose a suitable place and time. It is important that at the moment when you report your refusal, the young man is in a normal mood and not angry or irritated. The same cannot be said at a time when a person has already experienced some kind of tragedy and is very upset.
  3. Refuse a guy only when you are completely confident in your words. It is important that you do not regret it later when you realize that you also experience some feelings. In addition, when a woman speaks with doubts, she seems to give hope to the young man that all is not lost.
  4. You don't have to agree just out of pity. Also, do not make concessions and put off the conversation until later. This will only make it more painful and difficult to go through such a conversation again.
  5. Avoid offensive words and insults. If the guy began to react sharply to your words, began to be rude, then it is better to remain silent, do not take everything personally, it’s just emotions.
  6. Try to explain in an accessible way why you cannot create a relationship. But you should not cite as an argument that the young man is not handsome enough or clarify that the reason is in him. Blame everything on yourself.
  7. Emphasize it positive traits. Do not forget to emphasize that you treat him as a friend and you simply do not have a feeling of being in love.
  8. If you have a good sense of humor, you can start the conversation with some appropriate joke to defuse the atmosphere.
  9. You can easily refuse a date to a stranger. It is enough to state that there is already a boyfriend, so you are not interested in his company. In the case when a young man knows a lot about you, you can try to say that you are too busy and offer to return to the conversation later, in a couple of weeks. Perhaps during this time you will change your mind and want to meet with him. If not, then it is important to state this directly.
  10. If you guess that a person may soon offer you a relationship, then it is better to think in advance what you can tell him, how to justify your refusal, so that he cannot catch you in a lie.
  11. If a guy just asks you to go for a walk, then you can justify your refusal by being tired or very busy.

If words are not perceived

Sometimes a girl thinks about how to refuse a guy without offending him, and tries to communicate her decision more gently. But the young man does not take her words seriously and continues to insist on a date. What to do in such a situation?

  1. You can play the role of an actress. The guy goes crazy from your smile, your tenderness, go on a date, behave inappropriately, tell stupid jokes, laugh loudly, use uncultured words.
  2. Another option is to try to make a girlfriend out of him. When you meet, go shopping with him to buy cosmetics and clothes, talk to him about fashion, discuss the flaws of the girls you meet. Few people like being mistaken for a woman.
  3. Another good way to turn a guy off is to start calling him, pestering him with your attention, asking questions literally every half hour. It is unlikely that a young man will be able to withstand total control.

Non-standard reaction

No matter how politely the refusal is given, you must be prepared to face an inadequate reaction from the young man. He may start crying, try to smash his head against the wall, decide to jump off a roof or throw himself under a bus, fall to his knees and start begging. This can happen for three main reasons.

  1. His pride is hurt. As it happens, he was refused. And all the threats are an attempt to force the girl to change her mind, blackmail.
  2. The guy has true feelings, perhaps he spent a long time preparing himself for confession, because he was afraid of just such an answer from the girl. Now, with your refusal, you literally broke the man’s heart, his world collapsed, life no longer makes sense.
  3. The third case is a guy serious problems with the psyche.

Poor girl who found herself in a similar situation. How to proceed? Give false hopes, regret or run away before it’s too late? The trouble is that only in the first case the young man’s words will not be put into action, but how do you know that you are dealing with a manipulator?

  1. In any case, you need to remain completely calm, even though it will be difficult.
  2. Try to calm the young man down. Convince him that you are ready to become a friend and spend time with him, but you will not be forcefully nice and he must respect your feelings.
  3. If you see that the situation is completely out of control, ask for time to think.
  4. Allow the guy to walk you home if he already knows the address, this will calm him down. If he doesn’t know where you live, then you can offer to walk to the yard, which is actually someone else’s.
  5. The option is simply to disappear, to start ignoring him after the guy has left - not best idea in this case, even if he is truly dangerous to society, then his own life is more valuable. But a mentally ill person can lie in wait, and who knows what’s on his mind.
  6. Time cures. The young man has already faced your refusal; a couple of days will pass and he will begin to get used to this idea. And when you finally refuse, it doesn’t hurt so much.
  7. If you know his parents or friends, be sure to talk to them, explain what situation you are in, and get their support. Close friends and relatives will be able to influence the young man, help him survive the bitterness of loss, make him believe in his strength and that life goes on. If there are mental problems, parents will be able to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

There was a story in my life. The son of a schoolteacher, who was already finishing school, was madly in love with his classmate. One day he decided to open up to her, told her about his feelings and offered to meet. The girl laughed in his face and refused. The guy hanged himself. His mother came to school and right in the middle of class grabbed that girl’s hair and began accusing her of killing her son. And such cases are not uncommon. A person can be hurt very easily. Therefore, you need to know how to behave and remain polite, respect the feelings of the other person.

Now you know how to tell your boyfriend about your refusal without him being offended and hating you. Sometimes it will be useful to put yourself in his place and understand what he feels. Remember that it is unacceptable to be rude and insult the feelings of a young man. Be sure to emphasize that your decision is not his fault.

Although a person has the desire to have his own happy family, a woman does not always want new acquaintances. Moreover, quite often there is no need for intimacy. That is why more and more girls are interested in how to beautifully refuse a man. The answer to this question depends on three factors: what goal you want to achieve with your refusal, what you are giving up, and who is offering. Let's start with an analysis of goals.

Suggest more

In fact, all women are different. There are those who refuse in order to force the man to ask for more. Perhaps this is the strangest type of representative of the fair sex. Why?

First of all, a man is not a submissive dog who, at the first call, must run somewhere at breakneck speed. Often they want a straight answer to a question and move on. You can often find dissatisfied young ladies on the Internet who are perplexed as to why their beloved proposed marriage to her a year ago, and today he is going to the registry office with someone else. But all because the girl was trying to increase her worth. She said “no,” and, as the saying goes, there is no trial for “no.” Even the weakest man expects integrity, and he deserves it.

Nevertheless, many believe that there is nothing wrong with this kind of game. At the end of the article you can learn how to refuse a man so that “no” is perceived as “yes”. For now, let's look at a few more reasons for refusal.

An attempt to humiliate

Some people choose interesting options for how to refuse a man, just to show their dominant position. Of course, in modern society They are more surprised when a man is in charge in a relationship, but you must admit that it is not so easy for women to be at the helm. It is not for nothing that they say that when a woman gets married, she becomes married to her husband. Therefore, appearing stronger, taller, more courageous is at least a strange idea.

For those who want to humiliate a man with their refusal, there is interesting recommendation psychologists. Its essence boils down to the fact that this method of self-affirmation only emphasizes the failure and lack of maturity of the fair sex. So is it worth proving something to someone in this way? important question.

Different paths

The most common reason for a woman to refuse a man is simple incompatibility. Often, from the very beginning of a girl’s development, she clearly imagines the image of her desired life partner. A girl knows approximately what character traits a man should have and what he should not have.

Therefore, when receiving an offer of any content from a man who does not fit her framework, you should not be surprised by the refusal. It’s a pity, however, that sometimes men who are much better than those who fit the ideal girl get rejected.

What do they offer?

To figure out how to properly refuse a man, you need to understand what exactly he wants. Some people unfairly claim that they all have the same thing on their minds, but as numerous surveys show, this is far from true.

The fact is that an offer to drink coffee does not always mean something else. Often a man wants to get to know a girl better, and the only reasonable way to do this is to invite her for coffee or to go to the cinema.

At the same time, if a man means something else in such a formulation, it can be recognized. Often intimate intentions the gentleman is clearly captured in the playful tone, posture and gestures. Such men often try to resort to the simplest physical contact through stroking and light touching.

However, often, regardless of the young man’s intentions, the girl still responds with a refusal. ---How to refuse a man competently?

Why Rejection Is Misunderstood

Often, no matter how hard a woman tries, all her “nos” are perceived exclusively as “yes.” Why? There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Softness.
  2. Fear of offending or hurting feelings.
  3. Tact.
  4. Evasiveness.

Often a soft answer is perceived as an attempt to gain value. A man who receives a vague “Well, I kind of... This is the most... I don’t know” does not hear “No!” It's a loud "Try again!", just said in the wrong language. In this case, how to politely refuse a man and be understood correctly?

We definitely shouldn’t forget about “body language”. If, upon refusal, a girl straightens her hair, crosses her legs, plays with her shoe, “accidentally” touches her interlocutor, licks her lips, and so on, then the man simply does not take her words seriously.

The simplest method

The easiest way to refuse is to calmly say: “No, I’m not interested!” The voice should not be guilty or apologetic. There should be no tender words, pity in the voice or concern in the refusal. Let your whole appearance and tone show the mood to reject the offer received.

If you doubt that you can force yourself not to make excuses, then after a firmly spoken phrase you need to leave. Yes, some may think this is too dramatic, but it is actually a great way to reduce tension and reduce the likelihood of giving in to possible pressure. Why?

It's simple. No matter how strict your “no” is, indecision, which is almost impossible to hide, can give rise to the fact that they begin to convince you that your decision is wrong.

Well why not?!

  • No one has the right to delve into your soul.
  • The answer “No” is quite sufficient to any proposal.
  • This is your comfort zone, why let anyone into it.

Some ladies may think that saying a cherished three-letter word and walking off into the sunset is boring and uninteresting. Then you can try differently.

If you have known each other for a long time

Some have to look for options on how to refuse a man who was not accepted for a member of the opposite sex. It's more difficult than with a stranger. Usually, at the time of the proposal to be together or go to bed with a young man, there is already certain relationships, and often you don’t really want to lose them.

In this situation, you should honestly admit that the feelings that arise are entirely your fault. Moreover, it is recommended to remind the young man that you are sensitive to your friendly relations and you don't want to lose them. However, it is recommended to emphasize that if you cross this very “friendly” component, you will lose each other forever. If a man values ​​your relationship, he will back off. Otherwise, it is reasonable to ask the question: do you really need such a “friend”?

Talking about sex

In addition to the usual formulations like “I’m busy” and “I actually have a boyfriend,” you can use other methods of refusal. Thus, some psychologists argue that it is often not even a matter of words. What does it mean?

If a stranger offers intimacy, let your tone of voice, volume and general form they will show only one thing - with you he will not receive anything except self-esteem infringed by refusal. Let these be caustic phrases about the inadmissibility of contact with the first person you meet, who may not give you a bouquet of flowers, but a visit to a venereologist. Some, after a firm and in some cases contemptuous “no,” put on their headphones and leave.

But how can you refuse intimacy with a man if you have known each other for a long time?

Three options

A man I know is rejected for several reasons. Depending on them, an answer may be invented.

  1. Reluctance to have sex with this person in principle. In this case, any of the options proposed in the previous section will do.
  2. Unpreparedness. If this is your man, but he is in a hurry, then there is nothing wrong with being honest about the reason. It’s worth saying right away that you don’t accept any arguments and if they offer it again in the near future, you will be deeply offended.
  3. Game "Conquer me".

The last point has a separate scheme of actions.

How to say “no” so that it turns out to be “yes”

Many people think about how to refuse sex to a man without losing him. Of course, refusal will be unpleasant for anyone, because it quite strongly touches one’s self-esteem and pride. However, if everything is done correctly, the relationship will not only not fall apart, but will also reach a new level.

Although high morality is not considered fashionable now, men nevertheless do not accept women of free morals. It turns out that if a girl tactfully refuses sex, then she is not a “commodity item.” What might this look like?

Raising a man's self-esteem

Before you get up and leave, you can say something like: “You take it easy, otherwise I might not be able to resist!” Naturally, a man will perceive this as a challenge or a game. Therefore, a hint that you should not hold back will not take long to arrive. It is at this moment that you can say the most key thought: “I don’t want to follow my instincts!” - and abruptly leave. Some say: “We are not animals!”

What is achieved in this way?

  1. The man feels like at least Hercules, who can drive you crazy.
  2. The girl appears as a person who knows her worth.
  3. This behavior directly says: “I want to, but not today!”
  4. Those who only want sex are eliminated.

However, it is often worth refusing. Having accepted an offer from one special type men cannot avoid trouble.

How to refuse someone who is married or in a relationship

It is worth noting that in last years the question of how to refuse a married man is becoming increasingly relevant. Unfortunately, fidelity has not been a trend for a long time. It will not be discussed below why dating a married person is bad. Let's look at just a few answers for those who don't want to have anything to do with such relationships.

The simplest thing is to say it directly. As an option: “I prefer not to be on the bench!”, “I’m not interested in being a mistress,” “The exit is there!” Goodbye,” “I’m disgusted by your proposal.” As before - firmly, clearly, without making excuses.

Some conclusions

If we summarize all of the above into a few rules, they will look like this:

  1. Speak confidently and clearly.
  2. Don't try to justify or explain your decision.
  3. Don't try to humiliate or be rude.
  4. Leave as soon as possible.

Often there is no possibility of selecting the “ideal” place and time for refusal, so you should not entertain the person’s hopes by avoiding an answer. The longer you hesitate, the more likely it will become impossible to refuse the offer!

In this article we will look at an important issue that will interest many women. In it we will tell you how to politely and tactfully refuse a guy.

Refusing a gentleman without causing him pain is quite difficult. Men, in general, take women’s refusals to heart, especially if their love and passion are strong enough. Therefore, it is advisable to do this tactfully and discreetly. Even if a young man is free and is a potential partner, he must be refused delicately.

How to beautifully and politely refuse a meeting with a man or guy, so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

Sometimes you need to refuse a meeting not only from a good friend, but also from a guy you barely know if he decides to ask you out on a date. If you agree and realize that you didn’t like the guy during the date, you need to come up with something to refuse him.

  • When saying goodbye, you shouldn’t make promises to him.
  • If you can’t say it directly, then don’t answer his calls for a while. The man himself will understand that you don’t want to go on the next date.
  • After receiving a message from a guy, politely write him an email and thank him for a good time spent. Tell him this: “On this moment I don’t have the opportunity to meet you.”

Deny a date to a stranger It's very easy to use a dating site. If a man asks you to politely meet, and you communicate well with him, then in such a case it is necessary to refuse also politely: “It’s a shame, but I really don’t have time for meetings. Crash at work. Give me your phone number, I’ll call you when the time is right.” But, if a man is very annoying and hints at intimacy, then first refuse the invitation to visit him, then simply block his account.

To a stranger who decides to meet you on the street and ask you out on a date, refuse politely by saying the following:

  • “Excuse me, but I already have a beloved man. And I don't look at other men. You are, of course, attractive, but you must understand me too.”
  • “I don’t want to meet with you. There's just no desire. For what reason, I don’t want to say. I don’t want to go on a date with you.”
  • “Okay, we can meet. When? So, on Wednesday I won’t be able to, I’m leaving, and on Thursday I’ll still be traveling. It’s possible on Saturday, let me call you.”
  • “I’m sorry, you’re an attractive guy, but I prefer blondes (brunettes, redheads). No, you shouldn't even try, sorry. If you want, we can remain friends."

If an adult man asks you out on a date, politely decline the meeting: “Sorry, but I prefer people my own age.” To a man who is married and harasses you at work, apologize for your behavior. Perhaps he thought that he had a chance of meeting and connecting. Tell him: "I respect family bonds and marriage is considered sacred to me.”

If your boss has invited you on a date, explain the whole situation to him politely, say: “At the moment I am very worried about my own workplace, so I can’t meet you.” If your boss offers you a promotion after the date, thank him and say: “I am ambitious person and got used to independently going towards the intended goal.”

How to correctly, correctly, politely, tactfully refuse to communicate with a man or guy so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

Almost all ladies encounter persistent admirers. Afraid of causing pain and offense to a man, ladies refuse him civilly and carefully move away. However, this approach can sometimes bring additional problems. A man, if his feelings are very strong, may begin to hint at suicide and threaten his chosen one. What to do in this case?

Psychologists advise saying “no” right away. But this must be done politely, following the following rules:

  • Refuse tactfully, be friendly. A man who has been rejected by a lady forgets about politeness, sometimes even love turns into hatred at one moment. Such a gentleman may even begin to insult and physically assault. Therefore, don't take risks. In such a situation, it is advisable to wait until the “fire” in the man goes out.
  • Be firm, be decisive. Today, people very often meet on the Internet. After some time, such relationships move into the real world. If after the meeting there is no sympathy in your soul, it is advisable to immediately tell the man this and break off all relations with him.
  • Start explaining yourself right away. Having received an invitation to a meeting from a fan, give a direct answer and deny the possibility of a further relationship. Never use a phrase like, “Let's hang out next week,” or “Can I think about it for a moment?” These phrases will give your companion hope and will only complicate the situation.
  • State the reason why you are refusing. Here you can refer to the estate of another man. Tell him that your faith does not allow you to make new acquaintances and communicate with another young man. This must be said loyally. Sometimes even humorous phrases help so that the partner does not get offended.

  • Give your partner an accurate answer. Don't start a long, emotional monologue. Explain this to the man briefly so that he does not have unnecessary questions, so that he understands everything right away.
  • Be serious with no chance for flirting. Very often, women tell their partners, but do not notice their own coquetry at all. Men begin to perceive this as decisive action. Therefore, refuse your partner by preparing in advance.
  • Ignore very persistent people. If a man is very loving, just ignore him. Step back and emphasize your coldness.

We offer you several phrases with which you can refuse communication with a man. In this case, you will have to take into account the type of man himself:


For a stranger, the following phrases are suitable:

  • “Forgive me, but my husband will not approve of our communication with you.”
  • “Sorry, but I don’t have time to communicate; I need to pick up my daughter from school.”

An acquaintance who shows affection

First, decide whether you need a relationship with this man. If you just want to be friends with a guy, talk to him calmly. Say that his attention is dear to you, but there can never be a relationship between you.

  • “You are a good person, but I already love someone else. If you want, we can be good comrades.”

A friend who suddenly fell in love with you

Long-term friendship eventually becomes affection. Consequently, a man may suddenly decide to announce to you that he is passionately in love with you. In such a situation, have a heart-to-heart talk with him. Tell him the following:

  • “You are a dear person to me, but I am in love with someone else. We won’t be able to communicate with you.”
  • “I love talking to you because you are my friend. But there can’t be anything serious between us.”

Former lover who wants to reconnect

  • “My preferences have changed a little, and therefore we won’t make a couple anymore.”
  • “I no longer experience the feelings I had before. You can still meet the woman you love.”

How to correctly, correctly, politely refuse a man or guy a date, so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

Any woman faces a situation when she needs to politely refuse a date, sometimes even just say “no.” If you have no idea what exactly to do in such a case, use our advice.

  • Speak convincingly. Your words must be clear. Often men do not want to accept a woman’s refusal, especially if it is not convincing and sounds “weak.” When talking, try not to use various feminine tricks: don’t straighten your hair, don’t show your neck to a man, don’t play with a shoe. A man will definitely understand that you are against meetings.
  • Don't promise anything. When choosing a suitable phrase for how to refuse a date, immediately cross off the following phrases from the list: “Not today”, “Perhaps we’ll meet”, “Don’t rush things”... It’s unlikely that his feelings will go away after that. Rather, he will perceive these words as a hint to continue the relationship. Be honest with him, say right away: “We will not be able to meet with you, and there will be no meeting in the future either.”
  • Give him an important reason to refuse. Give reasons for your refusal. The most important thing is that these arguments are truly plausible, as well as respectful and neutral. For example, the reasons should not depend on the man himself and should not relate to his qualities.

The following phrases will help you refuse a date:

  • “I try not to date men with whom I work at the same job. It is fundamentally".
  • “Sorry, but my heart is already taken.”
  • "You good man, but I prefer homebodies, calm men.”

There are a huge number of similar reasons. Here everything will depend on the exact situation you are faced with.

How to politely, tactfully, delicately refuse a man’s advances, so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

The most important rule is to refuse in private. Walk with a man, talk to him. Without witnesses, a man will be able to cope with refusal more easily. He won't feel so humiliated. Speak to your partner quietly but convincingly. Look your partner firmly in the eyes. Yes, it will be difficult, but it is right. If your refusal is uncertain, the man will feel it as doubt. That’s why he won’t stop caring for you. By following these tips, you will definitely achieve your goal.

  • Be confident in your own words and phrases.
  • Be firm.
  • Avoid offensive phrases.
  • Be laconic.
  • Give your man an important reason.

Never keep a man in reserve. Perhaps he will meet that woman whom he really loves with all his heart.

So, refuse a man’s advances like this:

  • "We are in you different people, that’s why we’re not suitable for each other.”
  • "I'm already busy with another guy."
  • "I'm already in love."

How to correctly, correctly, politely refuse a man or a guy in a relationship, so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

The young man, basically, after clarifying the relationship, does not return to this issue. But, if you get a persistent young man, then words will not be enough for you. You have to back up your words with actions.

  • Ignore. You have already explained everything to the guy, you were very clear. Now you are not responsible for his experiences. Don’t try to be nice, don’t compensate for your partner’s feelings with your own attention. Reduce communication with a man to a formal level. Move away from him.
  • Show your favorite one. If you already have a lover, then you simply must introduce him to the annoying admirer. If you are still free, ask one of your close friends to play your loved one. Since it is one thing to pursue a defenseless woman, it is another thing to face a jealous partner.

Having completed everything without mistakes, your partner’s feelings for you will cool down. But you will not ruin your relationship with him, he will not feel resentment towards you, therefore, your communication will continue.

If you suddenly meet a fan on the street, and he hints to you that he wants to start a relationship with you again, you can say the following phrases:

  • “Sorry, I'm in a hurry. But you can call me someday."
  • “There is a car over there with my loved one sitting in it. I don’t think he’ll like you telling me how you feel.”
  • “I’m sorry, but I fell in love with another man. I only need him."

How to tactfully, delicately, with dignity refuse intimacy to a man or guy, so as not to offend him: words, phrases, dialogue

Of course, if you have not yet entered into intimate intimacy with a man, then you should worry. After all, refusing sex can offend your chosen one. But, if you don’t have strong feelings for the young man or you just met him, then you don’t need to worry. Say directly that you are not interested in intimacy with him. If you have been dating a man for a long time, but do not want to become intimate with him yet, then explain for what reasons this is impossible.

You should get used to your partner

  • Many women do not immediately decide to have intimacy with a partner. Do you belong to this category? Then tell your man: “I need to realize that now you and I are a couple.
  • I need to get used to you, to my feelings.” Set an approximate time frame, talk to your loved one confidentially and tenderly. If a man really loves you, he will not insist.

You are still a virgin, therefore you are not ready yet

  • If you really haven’t had sexual intimacy with a man yet, then don’t hide it, don’t be silent.
  • Confess to your partner: “I haven’t entered into intimacy before, I need some time to decide to take this step.”

You don't want to be distracted

  • If you previously entered into an intimate relationship, but now you do not want to get closer to a man, then tell your partner about it. “I now have a lot of problems at work (at home, in my family). I don’t want our romantic evening to be ruined because of my problems and worries.”
  • You can also say this: “This is not the right moment for tenderness. And I really want everything to work out just great.”

How to refuse advances from a married man?

Experts advise in this case to adhere to special rules. They will help you refuse a married man gracefully without offending him.

  • Don't be rude to your gentleman, don't say that you don't need him at all. Say “no” firmly, but in a friendly way, so as not to offend him or damage a man’s pride. During the conversation, hint that you are not very interested in this courtship and you will not change your decision over time.
  • Is your admirer an impressive person who likes to be constantly in the center of everyone's attention? Apply it " weakness" Such a young man should be refused rudely. Otherwise it will be a real tragedy for him. Shower your fan with compliments. Tell the man how lucky he is interesting person. Give compliments among other people so that many can hear. As a rule, such men like to assert themselves, therefore, they test their own strength by “bewitching” the next lady.

  • If on your way you meet an energetic and assertive married man for whom winning in sex is important, then act completely opposite. Talk to him briefly. Refuse directly, don’t even explain the reasons. Don't worry if the man gets offended. He may not react to your refusal at all and will not be offended.
  • If you are bothered by a persistent “married man” who threatens you, then we advise you to start taking action. Threaten the man that you have a person who can give you protection. Tell him this decisively, don’t worry or be afraid. Because only feigned persistence can come from a man, helping him to manipulate you. But it is advisable for you to play it safe in advance. Talk to your friends, ask for help. If a fan knows your residential address, do not return home very late. Let one of your colleagues from work show you around.

How to refuse a man, a guy, to tie him down, and he wanted to get married?

How can you refuse a guy, but at the same time tie him to you? Sex is, of course, good, but only if it doesn’t happen very quickly. If you are very attracted to a man, then for the first time refuse intimacy with your chosen one. Especially in such cases:

  • If you were the initiator during dating.
  • If your chosen one belongs to the category of men “collector”.
  • You know that a man must go to another country.
  • Your man is married.
  • You don't know your chosen one at all.

The following conversation works very well:

“I am drawn to you, I may break, but I am a living person.”

- So why are you refusing? There is a problem?

“I don’t want to follow my own instincts.”

After such a conversation, just run away.

  • Such an answer is worthy only of the most well-mannered ladies. You are a woman who should not be “widely consumed.” Such an answer will not offend your chosen one, but it can provoke him. A “bummer” of this kind will not stop your partner, so he will have hope.
  • Men are strongly attracted by the sight of a woman not wanting to claim anything. That is, show nobility, pretend that you are completely not interested in intimacy. This technique is usually used by ladies' men. You can tell your lover while hugging him that this is just a friendly hug.

Remember the most important thing in this matter - people reach for what they cannot take. Until you give him the most important thing, he will be next to you. Over time, if his feelings are truly sincere, he will want to stay with you forever and will definitely marry you.

Video: How to refuse a man like a king?

How to refuse a guy's offer to date? Of course, you can say that you don't like him, directly. But such a refusal can hurt a young man, offend him, and lower his self-esteem. Wise women know how to refuse beautifully and politely, while maintaining good relationships.

Let's look at how to properly refuse a guy a date, and give universal phrases that will help build a dialogue without mutual offense.

Unfortunately, there are guys who don’t get it the first time, stubborn and stubborn. You need to act decisively with such people. Source: Flickr (Florian_Seelmann)

Why do you have to refuse? Reasons for non-reciprocity

Before we talk about how to refuse to date a guy, let's look at why sometimes it doesn't happen. mutual feelings. The reasons may be as follows:

  • You already have a boyfriend or husband. Everything is clear here - you love your chosen one and are not going to change him for another admirer.
  • You don't like the guy who's proposing a relationship. It is difficult to build love without reciprocity. You can take a closer look at the candidate for life partner, but if no emotions arise towards him, it is better to refuse and not waste either your time or his.
  • The guy behaves unworthily - he can easily be rude and rude. A relationship with such a “macho” is out of the question.
  • All his feelings are only in words. He promises mountains of gold, but in reality he only talks. You would like actions, without them you are not ready to date.
  • You suspect that he is only offering to date him to get you into bed faster.

Any of these situations is a sufficient reason to refuse.

Important! You should not think that by refusing, you are offending or hurting the person. On the contrary, you save his time, which he can spend searching for mutual love. And you save yourself from obsessive advances.

There is a universal way to refuse to date a guy. The phrases you pronounce follow the same pattern. It is called “Compliment - Program - Compliment”. This is an ideal way to refuse politely, so as not to offend your interlocutor and maintain good relations.

  1. Start with a compliment: “You are very nice, I enjoy spending time with you.”
  2. Then voice the unpleasant (program): “But I’m not in love with you/I have a boyfriend/I doubt your sincerity.”
  3. And end with a compliment: “I’m sure he’s so well-mannered and clever man“like you, he will understand me and will not insist.”

If the guy is adequate, he will understand the first time and hear the necessary information. If he really needs you and is not in a relationship, he will make attempts to win your heart by proving his feelings with actions (applies to the “I doubt your sincerity” option).

Note! The "CPC" scheme works with normal, worthy men. On manipulative, highly primative guys (used to getting everything by force, lacking intelligence and doesn’t understand the word “no”), this method does not work, alas.

How to refuse if he doesn’t understand?

How to refuse a man's offer to date if the previous method did not help? Unfortunately, there are guys who don’t get it the first time, stubborn and stubborn. You need to act decisively with such people - block them in social networks, blacklist your phone, avoid any contact. It’s great if you have a husband, boyfriend, brother or friend who can talk like a man to an obsessive admirer and firmly explain that he shouldn’t approach you.

Important! Tough male talk is a last resort. First, try to politely refuse yourself - in most cases it works.

  • How to refuse if he does not take your words seriously?

Most guys will accept a correct refusal as long as you explain the reason. Don't be afraid to speak directly - it's better for both.

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