What can you talk about with a guy you don't know? How to start a conversation with a boy

Mention a mutual friend. Mentioning a mutual friend in conversation can help you create a personal connection with the guy, even if you don't know him very well. He will feel more comfortable because you will no longer seem like a stranger to him! A mutual friend can help you find something to talk about.

Mention pop culture. Pop culture references are a smart, subtle way to learn more about his personal interests. By finding out what genre of films or music a guy likes, you can learn a lot about a person based on his interests.

Mention an event in the future. If you mention some event in the near future, such as a school concert or an exam, this will give you a reason to worry or worry along with your boyfriend. This will create a connection between the two of you and allow the guy to see how much you have in common!

Mention a common interest. Talk about common interests is a great way to connect with a guy. It doesn't matter what the interest is - whether it's reading, running, racing or playing the guitar - all that matters is that it brings you together.

Pose an interesting question. By asking an unusual or deep question, you will break the ice and allow the guy to express his opinion. This will give him a chance to express himself while you make a good impression for coming up with such an interesting question. Win-win situation!

Talk about your overall experience. Talking about a shared memory will help create a personal connection between the two of you and establish the beginning of that connection. Whether you went to kindergarten together or had your tonsils removed as a child, find something you can both remember and laugh about.

  • Remember a great joke. Remembering a great joke, a funny story, or just something short is a great way to keep the conversation going. If you can make a guy laugh, then you're definitely doing something right.

    • Don't worry if you ruin the joke, he'll think it's cute and touching!
    • Make sure the joke is not offensive and understandable. However, if the joke falls flat, you will feel awkward.
  • Ask a personal question. If everything is going well and you enjoy spending time together, it's time to move on to personal topics. Remember that your goal is to show him that you are interested in him and want to get to know him better, not to create an uncomfortable situation. Don't ask him anything that would embarrass you.

    • Be positive! Don't ask about his biggest fear or secret, ask him about his plans for the summer or what university he wants to go to.
    • Try asking about his family, starting with something simple and unobtrusive, like: “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
  • Find out what a guy likes what to talk about with a guy on VK. “Try on” his hobbies. Maybe you'll like something! Focus on the majority, on popularity. Read or take some surveys online to get an idea of ​​what most guys are into. Find the page in in social networks. There is a “section” about hobbies. Study it and remember it!

    Topics for conversation with a guy you know:

    New music

    Tell us what kind of music you like in this moment and in Lately. Find common favorites.


    New films

    Don't know where to start? Go to the cinema together (to some new movie). And discuss it after watching it together.


    Look through magazines, look at photo albums, compare photos! Why isn't it an interesting topic?

    Personal life

    Let the guy share how he is doing with his personal matters. Then you can share it too. Do you really like him? And what?! He must believe that you are communicating with him sincerely, like a friend. Then he will trust you as a professional psychologist.


    “Mom, dad and I are a happy family!” Share how true this is! And the guy will also tell you something...


    Do you rarely discuss such things with your boyfriend? Maybe this is correct, but if you know the guy well, don’t be afraid of such a topic! It will “flow” through the conversation like a stream (smoothly and by itself).


    This topic will always be relevant! Both with guys I know and with strangers. The thing is, a lot of guys go crazy talking about him.


    Common memories are what probably unites you. You can never escape memories. And discussing them is a pleasure.

    Topics to talk to a stranger...

    What can you start a conversation about if you don’t know the person? Themes:

    • Hobbies

    Ask the guy these questions:

    1. What are you into free time What do you usually do?
    2. Do you have any hobbies at all?
    3. Do you want to see what hobbies we share?
    4. Cooking


    1. What do you like to eat and what would you never eat again?
    2. What dish have you never tried in your life?
    3. Do you like to cook yourself, or do you think that only women should cook?
    4. Purchases


    1. What is your favorite hypermarket (shop) in the city?
    2. Do you like to “travel” shopping?
    3. How do you feel about women's shopping?
    4. Family

    You can ask the following questions to start (maintain) a conversation:

    1. Who do you live with?
    2. How is your relationship with your relatives?

    To make the conversation go well

    Try to stick to some “rules”:

    1. Do not get into the soul if the person resists. Leave the topic if he openly says that he does not want to continue a particular topic.
    2. Make jokes, tell jokes and funny incidents. Don’t get carried away: let the young man tell you something too!
    3. Do not sharply touch on aspects of your personal life! Let the guy take the initiative in this. But don't talk too much about your "exploits" and your exes.
    4. Don't compare the guy with others. The male half of humanity loves when they (men) are considered unique and inimitable.
    5. Look straight into the eyes when talking. You need the guy to “earn” your trust and not leave it. But that doesn't mean you have the right to take advantage of your boyfriend!
    6. Do not fidget in your chair (on a bench) and do not look at your watch (even out of habit you should not do this!). The guy will decide that you feel bad in his company and you probably won’t see him again.
    7. Don't get distracted from the thread of the conversation. On the contrary, try to “stretch” this thread.
    8. Speak up if there is a long pause. Guys don't like pauses. They are afraid of them and feel awkward.

    What can you talk about in a chat or on social networks with a guy?

    We offer conversation topics:


    • Umbrellas.
    • Walking in the rain.
    • A tan.
    • Sunglasses.
    • Floods and floods.
    • Blizzard and snow are “unseasonable.”


    What exactly can be touched upon in a conversation on this topic:

    • I'll meet you.
    • Picnic.
    • Present.
    • Addictions.
    • Opinions.
    • Politics.
    • Events.
    • Incidents.
    • Incidents.
    • Problems.
    • Life.
    • Hobbies.

    Anecdotes and jokes

    What exactly can be touched upon in a conversation on this topic:

    • Caricatures.
    • Jokes.
    • Parodies.
    • KVN.
    • Jokes.

    Rules for proper communication with guys in the virtual world:

    1. Attention to only one! The guy doesn't tolerate expectations. It is enough for him that he is waiting for a girl in reality for a very long time! You see, he also gets a fair share.
    2. Literacy! Write all words correctly. Although guys often write illiterately, they love it when others write without typos.
    3. Answers on questions! Try to answer all the questions the guy asks. If the question is unpleasant to you, laugh it off.
    4. "Won't sleep" sense of humor! Make jokes when the guy makes a joke. The result will be quite an entertaining and positive conversation.
    5. Conversation without bad words! We're not just talking about swearing here. Write beautiful language, if you can. Then your correspondence will always be kept by the guy. He will be proud that he has such an interlocutor as you.
    6. Exchange phone numbers! If a guy asks for a mobile number, don’t hesitate to write it. And don’t be afraid to pick up the phone when you hear and see a call from him. Embarrassment and fear will only push you further away from each other!

    What topics should not be discussed (at least in the first stages of dating):

    1. Cash. Everything related to money - put it in the long box! Don’t offend the boy, otherwise you risk hearing from him: “You’re all like that!”
    2. Flaws. Every person has them (both physical and other). Accept the person for who he is.
    3. Vulgarity. Try to avoid this topic. Leave it for those people you know very well.

    Nowadays, communication on the Internet has become the norm; now most people prefer virtual communication than live communication. After all, it comes easier than communication in real life. But, no matter how easily it is given to you, most people, whether it is the real or the virtual world, still experience some difficulties in communication. If you don’t know what you can talk about with a VK guy, then this article will help you with this.

    What to talk about with a guy on VK: questions:

    • Videos. This is a great way to find something in common, thanks to this topic you can communicate for a long period of time. In addition, you will find out what he likes to watch and what video bloggers he prefers.
    • His favorite place. So, every person has his own special place, which no one knows about. In such a place a person can relax calmly and be alone with himself. Therefore, carefully ask him about such a place, if he talks about it without any problems, then it means that he likes you.
    • What's your favorite song? Of course, in our time, communication on the Internet cannot be imagined without this question. It's a great way to get to know his taste in music and see how well it matches your own. Plus, everyone is passionate about the music they love, and he'll likely be happy to talk about it in detail.
    • Do you have a favorite joke? Everyone loves to laugh, and everyone has at least one joke that they know by heart. In addition, you can tell him a few jokes that you remember. If you don’t remember, don’t worry, it’s not a problem.
    • Your favorite genre/film/series. Nowadays, both movies and TV series are very popular. Therefore, you simply have to ask the guy what his favorite movie or series is; usually people are happy to talk about it, and even more so after that they will force you to watch this movie or series.

    What to talk about with a guy on VK, example of a dialogue

    So, let’s imagine that you decide to write to some guy, to start a dialogue, first you need to not be shy and try to write. Don’t be afraid, if you don’t know what to talk about with a guy you like on VK, it can be fixed.

    You: - Hello!
    He: - Hello.
    You: - How are you?
    He: - Okay, how are yours?
    You: - Thank you, everything is fine. What are you doing?
    He: “I’m sitting on the street, and you?”
    You: - I'm watching TV.
    Will the dialogue continue on its own? what you watch, where you walk, and so on.

    Usually, just at such moments, there is a lull, no one knows what to talk about, so don’t be shy and continue the dialogue, ask the guy about what he likes, what he reads, etc. don't give up, just continue the dialogue.

    If you want to share your knowledge or examples of correspondence with guys on VKontakte, write in the comments, we will definitely add it to the article

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