What is personal growth. Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad Poor Dad. Basic principles of human self-development

Greetings, dear readers of the blog. Today we will talk about how to find yourself and not stop there. In this article, I'll show you how to get started. personal growth and share interesting life hacks.

What is the relationship between personal growth and responsibility?

The most popular answer goes something like this: Where do I get this time from? What, I have nothing to do? I better take a look new series"Game of Thrones" or go to the store for a snack to strong drinks.

Of course, I described the extreme. However, I often notice that people are not ready to develop and work on themselves.

Personal growth is precisely the work on yourself, for which you take responsibility.

In personal growth will help:

  • Development of existing skills. Gain more experience, become an expert in your field.
  • Learning something radically new. It can be learning any skills with which you will earn extra money. Or is it just a hobby, passion, a way of leisure.
  • Deepening into other branches of the sphere in which you are. For example, taking up another sport or dance, new ways of knitting or creating websites.

There are plenty of options for what to do. But before you start the process of self-development, find yourself.

About the most effective methods self-development you can read in a previously published article. Here is the link: ".

How to find yourself?

Do you ever feel like you have neither the strength nor the desire to do something? When hands drop and you want to run away into the dense forest away from outside world. Congratulations, you are on the right track! This is the best state for rethinking the point where you are and working on yourself. Sometimes you need to be in such a mood in order to remember why we live, what is the mission before each of us and what is our destiny.

In order not to plunge into a philosophical state for a long period, reduce the distance from thought to action. As soon as you learn to settle down in time, you will feel a surge of energy and strength.

So, back to finding yourself.

It is difficult to find the sphere of self-development if you have absolutely no ideas and, moreover, a clear plan, as in school. But it's possible with:

  1. Doing what you love.
  2. Trial and error method.

I am what I do

If you know what you like to do, that's great! In this case, you just need to work with discipline and learn how to regularly set aside time for personal growth.

Do not be alarmed if this case seems strange to everyone and no one is doing it. Take a look around: someone makes a video about their life because they like it. As a result, these video bloggers are already performing on the radio, giving interviews and even acting in films. Advice they give to beginners:

“We only advanced because we don't play. It is our life. We love it: shoot and show off.”

Or you sit in the office and have nothing to do, draw caricatures of bosses. If it brings you pleasure, develop in this direction, find hangouts of like-minded people and get positive emotions from interacting with them.

Try it - you won't go wrong

If nothing “rushes” you at all, sit down and generate ideas, which, in principle, would be interesting for you to do on an ongoing basis. Be sure to write everything down on a sheet.

It is easier for girls in this matter, since almost everyone loves to lose weight, eat right, keep fit or do needlework.

For guys, there are also win-win options in the form of sports, programming or repair.

You invent, try to do and observe your state: like / dislike, what you feel in the process, what thoughts arise, etc. If you understand that this is clearly not your thing, move on to the next lesson from the list.

Remember the most important thing: development should be fun. Never force yourself to do something you don't like. Thus, you will develop complexes and diseases for yourself.

To think is to exist

Everyone knows the famous saying of Rene Descartes:

"I think, therefore I am"

Indeed, the ability to think is truly amazing! Did you know that with the help of thoughts you can build a new reality?

How are personal growth and visualization connected - you ask. It is important to think in the direction in which you develop. Analyze what has already been done, think about plans and prospects.

Only thanks to thoughts you will be able to assess the point at which you are and decide which vector to move on. This is the process of personal growth.

Do business

There is nothing more powerful than action. It's like a joke:

- God, well, make sure that I win a lottery ticket.

— I don't mind, but you buy it first!

An old joke that very accurately shows how a person works. He wants to win without playing, lose weight without trying, and grow as a person without overexerting himself.

If you have chosen the path of self-development, have taken responsibility for the Universe and yourself, do not go out of your way. I won't stop saying:

Only action will lead to results!

Thoughts, textbooks and trainings on personal growth are just tools.

Throw out of your head the thought that someone will condemn you and not understand. On the contrary, know that you will certainly be condemned and few will understand. Because not everyone is ready to pay for training in specially created personality development programs and walk in this direction to the end. But if you want to be interesting for yourself and society - work on yourself!


That's all I wanted to tell you today. If you have something to add - leave your comments. I am very interested in what thoughts and associations you had while reading my post. What else would you advise to those who do not believe in personal growth and consider it a waste of time?

See you soon on the blog pages. Subscribe to updates to keep abreast of my new publications.

Personal growth and development is a process in which improvements in your physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social and financial condition are perfected.

These processes are often triggered by a major life event that inspires you to improve and empower yourself, unlocking your full potential. The result is a more satisfactory and meaningful life, which manifests itself in your relationships, place of work, self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as your worldview.

Personal growth is essential for health, happiness, ambition and achievement. As a human being, you have an amazing potential to constantly take on and overcome the new challenges that life presents you.

There is a fork in the road and the right path is not clear - What will you do? For many people this predicament seems like a difficult and impossible task, but if you know exactly what you want from life, then the answer is obvious.

There are few things, if any, that you cannot achieve if you really want to achieve them. The key is to want to reach them enough to motivate yourself to take action.

Many people hinder their personal growth by refusing to take action. They come up with a lot of excuses. If you do not want to be like them, you must develop an individual approach to your personal growth. Personal growth allows you not only to solve new problems, you learn to actively seek these solutions.

Finding the Right Path

When you make this decision to begin your own journey of personal growth and development, you are taking the first step towards a better and brighter future. While your journey is yours alone, there are tools to help you make the most of your life.

inspiring, helpful videos, the movie list and the books it contains can help you improve your relationships, your job, and more. Each day of the training consists of a theoretical and practical part. Total training price 200 rub., and the course on the 1st day you can get free by filling out the form below.

While some "experts" may tell you that developing personal growth requires intense mental preparation, this is not the case in practice. Everything you really need, is an open mind, the desire to try new things, and the realization that you can improve your performance through commitment and effort.

Why does a person need personal growth?

People want to grow and develop because they are dissatisfied with their lives and the direction they are taking. To change your course and create a satisfying life, you must process of personal growth and development.

Once you start leading the process of personal growth, the results will be endless. You will also find a purpose in yourself that was not there before. The goals of life will become possible. You will use your full potential to benefit yourself and others. New skills and talents will be discovered. Old relationships will be strengthened, and new ones will begin to form easily. All of this will give you the impetus to increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Every path to personal growth and development is individual travel. A person must understand which path belongs to him and where it leads. However, there are many questions that can help you choose the direction of your own path:

  • What is your current state?
  • Assess your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your good and bad habits.
  • What is your desired state?
  • Understand what you want to improve in yourself and why it is important for you to improve these characteristics.
  • What do you need for this?
  • Determine what knowledge and experience you need to get closer to your desired self. Find resources that are helpful in reaching that desired state. A good example is "7-Day Personal Improvement Training", which promotes the growth and development of social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual qualities.

Get the 1st Day Personal Growth Training course for FREE

  1. Understand yourself

  2. This is the first and perhaps the most difficult step. What are you good at? What is your weakness? What are the areas of your life that are really holding you back from living your dreams?

    Understanding yourself and what you want in life is the first and perhaps the hardest step to improve and develop personal growth. But it is also the most valuable.

  3. Set your goals

  4. goal setting and daily work over it can give you new confidence and zest for life. What do you really want in life? Do you want to lose weight and have more energy? Do you want to be more successful in your career? Do you want to improve personal relationships?

  5. Create a plan

  6. Personal growth is a lifelong journey, and like any journey, you need to create a plan to get you to your destination.

    Based on your goals, understand how you can become that person who will reach them? You may need to learn more about brushing your teeth twice a day and you will make visiting the dentist more infrequent. every month, and over time you will be able to create nice little start to your own business . Develop your personal growth daily, and each month and year, you will be able to look back knowing that you are becoming best version my previous self.

    And if you do this with a specific plan to improve your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses, you will be able to achieve tremendous success in the areas of life that you focus on.

  7. Get out of your comfort zone

  8. Find and connect with people you may not have spent time with before. Approach these conversations with an open mind and you will learn new things and make up your own mind. It will help refresh your life and stimulate your creativity and sense of adventure.

Personal growth is a term that is widely used today. It implies quite different concepts. On the Internet, you can find many options for what is meant by personal growth.

However, the definition itself presupposes the existence of a personality and some kind of its development over time. There are quite a lot of options for what kind of development this is, over what period of time it occurs, which it puts in front of a person. This gives rise to a wide variety of definitions of this term.

What is meant by personal growth today

"Self-development" or "personal growth" are very popular terms today. Everyone uses them: from managers or salespeople to serious psychologists and religious figures.

Everyone puts their own meaning into the concept of “personal growth”. Let's take a look at some popular examples of what personal growth might mean. various categories of people.

Personal growth is the development of a person from childhood to mature age. That is, the totality of all psychological changes, the development of personality traits, character, way of thinking that occur to a person throughout life.

Personal growth is the development of qualities, as well as character traits, that make the individual more human. That is, it is the development of patience, humility, kindness, compassion, love for people, independence, independence, responsibility for oneself and one's actions. This understanding of personal growth is most often used by religious or near-religious groups of people.

Personal growth is the development of skills and abilities that help achieve certain goals. This formulation of the concept of "personal growth" is most often used by training groups. Then the concept of "personal growth" may include the development of skills such as determination, leadership, the ability to convince, organization.

Origin of the term

The term "personal growth" was originally coined by American psychologists Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. They are also the founders of humanistic psychology. A little later, the term "personal growth" began to be widely used by other psychological directions.

The original concept of personal growth was based on the assumption that every person has a positive inner nature. That is, at certain circumstances any individual is able to develop, as well as show his own: kindness, honesty, compassion, mercy, and the like.

In the concept that Maslow and Rogers adhered to, a person, under appropriate circumstances, will show those positive qualities that are already embedded in him. If the environment does not contribute to this, then personal growth may be difficult or will not occur at full strength.

Some psychological currents consider a person as an entity that does not initially possess positive qualities. That is, a person in such concepts is initially neutral, but in the process of personal growth he can acquire positive qualities.

Principles are the basis of personal growth

Approaching the question: “where to start personal growth”, you should first decide what exactly you will invest in this concept. What kind of definition will be given to the term "personal growth" depends on the necessary actions in order to develop as.

Below we will consider personal growth as the development of a harmonious, human personality that is able to achieve its goals efficiently and environmentally. That is, as far as possible without causing harm to other living beings.

What are principles? This is the basis of any personality, the ability to constantly be in contact with one's conscience. Clearly understand what is good and what is bad. To be able to follow the good and also reject the bad. It is the absence of double standards and hypocrisy.

The principles can be based, for example, on the biblical commandments. Each person intuitively understands that what is described in them is good. Following principles means not having double standards for honesty, love, kindness, selflessness, compassion, etc.

Examples of principles

For example, almost everyone understands that stealing is bad, but being honest is good. But if you take a survey among the people in the office and ask them if they ever stole? Many will say no. These people really think so.

Ask them if they consider themselves honest. Many will answer yes. But at the first opportunity, they will also print their personal documents and letters on office paper. Among these people there are many who, at the first opportunity, will not buy a ticket for an electric train or bus. There will be those who will not return the incorrectly counted change. Little things like this happen every day. So is it right in such cases to talk about honesty, about the absence of theft?

Or another example. The girl wants to get married, while enrolling in courses for "chic women". Where they teach how to promote a man for money. Where they teach how to manipulate, lie, how to get a benefit, get married fraudulently. Where they teach to kindle sexual desire from a man, and then use it.

But will such trainings develop love, kindness, the ability to understand another person? And does a person go to such training only for the purpose of obtaining personal gain, or does he really rely on the principles of kindness and love?

Principles: where to get

Principles are the foundation of personal growth. As you can see from the examples above, without clear principles and understanding of them, it is easy to go the wrong way.

Relationships, money, achievements, if they are created without taking into account these principles, then they will either be very difficult to create, or then they will be short-lived.

Therefore, put principles at the basis of any undertaking. But sometimes, as with tickets or paper in the office, it is very difficult to notice places where you deviate from your own principles, and personal growth stops.

This is because the concepts of honesty, kindness, lack of selfishness can be very different for different people. A secular society does not set any strict standards in the observance of morality. There are laws, but they are not enough to develop humanity in oneself and have a moral core on which the personality rests.

What moral values ​​are is well understood in all the major religions of the world. Where to start studying them?

  1. It is possible to develop a moral core to study the materials of the closest religion, read, listen to lectures, attend services.
  2. For those who don't like the idea of ​​studying religious material, you can read books on personal growth, such as Stephen Covey. They deal with human values ​​well, but there are no references related to religion. This author took the best of the major religions and was able to convey to the reader in a way that even the most inveterate atheist can easily read everything in his books.

Are goals necessary?

Having defined what personal growth is, we noted not only the development of humanity, but also the ability to achieve one's goals. Principles will help you choose and achieve goals without harming others.

Second important point personal growth is goal setting. Is it necessary to set goals in order for personal growth to occur? What matters here is what goals are at stake, because the attempt to achieve humanity can already be a goal in itself. That is, the development of humanity, as well as adherence to the principles and. But personal growth is possible, and when humanity is the basis, and not associated with the development of qualities moral personality.

Let's look at an example of personal growth that is not related to the development of moral qualities. For example, a person wants to develop the ability to convince. You can find many different trainings where the development of this ability will be presented as personal growth.

Depending on how “personal growth” is defined, the development of this skill will or will not be personal growth.

If we consider the development of the skill of persuasion for a harmonious moral personality, then there will be personal growth if a person takes into account the principles. That is, he learns to convince without the use of manipulation, intimidation, and bad-mouthing of competitors. Otherwise, for a moral and holistic personality, personal growth does not occur when acquiring the skill of persuasion.

Harmonization of goals and principles

Personal growth of a moral person involves not only the development of moral qualities, but also the achievement of one's goals without harming others.

Therefore, the goals and methods of achieving them must always be harmonized with each other. How to begin the harmonization of goals, we will analyze the example below.

Let a person decide to open his own business, that is, this is his goal. But at the same time, he must remember and adhere to the principles that he does this primarily for people. It is important to develop not only advertising, but also to make your product better. It is important not to deceive the buyer, but to try to offer him really necessary and good things. Important, but this should not be done at the expense of deceiving customers.

If an entrepreneur sells products, then it is not necessary to forward the expiration date on expired goods. If an entrepreneur sells clothes, then you do not need to stick labels from well-known manufacturers and sell counterfeit.

The very idea of ​​what kind of business to open must also comply with the principles. Create a one-day firm that will raise money for the project, and then the business will also disappear. But personal growth, especially if we talk about a moral personality, has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Try to develop in any of your undertakings, not only acquiring new skills, but also taking care of improving your character and morality. Then you can become a truly developed personality.

Personal growth is a mandatory process of self-improvement of an individual, a purposeful movement and the desire of the subject to bring to life the person he would like to be ideally (“I” is ideal). All factors, conditions, opportunities that bring him closer to achieving the goal are personal growth, which is one of the main and most meaningful meanings the life of the individual. With the help of this process, a person is able to change himself, any character traits in the direction he needs, eliminate complexes, learn to control the manifestation of emotions, get rid of negative thoughts. Personal growth for each subject is different, since the ideas about their ideal "I" in all individuals are completely different.

Personal growth of a person

The personal growth of a person includes the steady and constant development of the potential of the individual. Potential is a generalized systemic characteristic of individual and psychological personality traits individual. It is based on the ability of the individual to build on stable internal guidelines and factors in the processes of life, to maintain the constancy of activity and targets with a regularly changing environment. Those. The potential of a personality is a whole complex of properties of the psyche, which gives the individual the opportunity to make decisions and regulate his behavior, but at the same time proceeds from his personal criteria and ideas.

To indicators of personal potential, different authors include independence and inner freedom, personal autonomy, meaningfulness of life, stability in living conditions, readiness for internal transformations, the ability to accept new information, sustainable readiness for action, the time perspective of the individual.

Personal growth is characterized, first of all, by the victory over individual weaknesses, phobias, fears, over everything that stands in the way of the ideal "I". Such growth does not have to be positive for others.

Personal growth in psychology is self-development, which is characterized by awareness, the desire of the individual to become better than he is now, to be smarter, more significant, more promising. The main component of a successful personality is its growth. The process of personal growth is the daily work of the subject on himself. Today, there are many theories that relate to personal growth.

The theory of behaviorism is that a person initially does not have any potential different from others. All people are born with the same potential. And personal growth depends only on the circumstances and conditions that surround the individual.

The existential approach lies in the fact that personal growth occurs in the process of self-knowledge, the search for harmony and, as a result, a new perception of the surrounding reality.

The most common theory of personal growth is the "inevitably positive" one, which is that each individual is filled with a huge amount of potential. Such a potential is rushing out, but it is able to find a way out only if there are appropriate conditions, circumstances that will not necessarily be positive. That is why this theory is called positive: no matter what happens in life, good or bad, personal growth will take place under any conditions.

Personal growth is urgently needed for a person, because without it the individual will degrade. It is a modern model of the well-known truth: only the strongest survive. A person who does not strive for growth does not live, but exists.

The growth of an individual's personality depends mainly on his efforts, but efforts alone are not enough. Full growth is possible only with the benevolent participation of others who are significant to him. Personal potential is inextricably linked with the ideal "I", which is formed in the processes of joint interaction with people. It is necessary to differentiate personal growth from the harmonious development of the individual, which includes the acquired knowledge and skills, the assimilation of value orientations, moral and ethical norms, and the necessary rules of conduct.

During personal growth, transformations occur, as in spiritual world subjects, and in the processes of their relationship with the outside world. The essence of such transformations is that the individual is gradually freed from the distorting effect of various psychological defenses, becomes able to trust the perceived information, and does not filter it for the sake of protecting his ideal "I", becomes able to live in the present.

When passing through all of the above transformations, the individual becomes open to the perception of new information. At the same time, he begins to understand his feelings, emotions, experiences and himself as a whole much better, becomes able to sensibly assess his individual capabilities, take responsibility only for what really depends on him, plan his subsequent life as he wants. it is he, and not according to other people's ideas or imposed stereotypes. All this allows the individual to perceive reality more fully, to live, as it were, with “eyes wide open”. Due to this, he begins to better understand others and accepts them as they are in reality, gets rid of far-fetched illusions and imposed prejudices.

An individual striving for personal growth is striving not just for communication, but for joint interaction. In contacts with people, such an individual becomes more at ease, spontaneous and open, but at the same time, remaining more realistic, able to competently resolve various conflicts, flexible.

Personal growth in psychology contributes to the development of a holistic personality, which does not have insoluble disagreements between desires, aspirations and potential, between life requirements and morality, between planned actions and reality. In other words, this means that such an individual is not prone to experiencing crises. However, this does not mean that such crises are completely excluded. After all, the differences between the ideal “I” and the “real I” still remain.

Personal growth gives the subject a way to overcome such crises - the meaning of existence, the feeling of spiritual meaningfulness of all his ideas, actions and feelings. When you get into a difficult or crisis situation, a person striving for personal growth does not set himself the following questions: “Why is this happening to me?”, “Why do I need all this?”, “Who is to blame for this”, etc. Such a person will ask: “What will I get as a result of overcoming a difficult situation”, “What experience will I gain?” etc.

The personal growth of a person affects professional achievements and success in all fields of activity. So, for example, the prospective personal growth of a future teacher implies three possible directions: adaptation, self-development and stagnation (degradation).

Adaptation helps to adapt to the requirements of education systems, to learn the main activities and role positions. Self-development helps in constant self-improvement, which ultimately leads to the full realization of the individual as a professional. In cases where the teacher decided to stop in his professional and personal development and begins to live only through the use of habitual stereotypes and the old baggage of knowledge and skills, stagnation occurs. That is precisely why an indispensable condition for successful professional activity An individual who decides to devote himself to teaching children should have the personal growth of the future teacher and his self-improvement throughout the entire time of teaching.

Personal growth and self-development

Personal growth lies in the constant striving for the stability of one's own self-esteem. An individual, under any circumstances, who believes in himself and his strength, knows no barriers. Throughout life, obstacles and barriers are encountered on the path of everyone. Therefore, adequate self-esteem is so necessary, which will help to accept the right decision. In other words, personal growth is self-creation. latest strategies for decision-making and implementation of individual tasks. Therefore, it is this kind of growth that can create a foundation, a basis that subsequently affects the correctness of decisions made.

Self-development is an autonomous process that lives in everyone. In the process of his development, the individual receives growth only in the place where his needs are directed. Therefore, each person in some areas of activity understands masterly, and some are completely beyond his control.

Often the processes of self-development are facilitated by the problems and unpleasant situations experienced by the subjects. Often these problems remain unresolved. However, the fact that a person passes through them can either make him stronger or break him. There are many obstacles and problems on the way of personal growth. In order for this growth to take place, one must learn not only to receive, to take, but also to lose, to give. It cannot happen in life that all problems disappear, but a person can learn to change his attitude towards them, to accept them in a different way.

Personal growth and self-development is an accentuation of life meaning. Only in development is it possible to live. Thanks to development, a person moves to a new turn of the spiral, to a new step. Movement in the opposite direction leads to regression and degradation.

The process of self-development occurs constantly and throughout the life of the individual. As the self-development progresses, transformations occur with a person, he begins to think more broadly, to see as a whole, and not just in particular, he begins to understand that this process endless. The further you go into self-development, the more interesting life becomes.

There are seven tools that contribute to personal growth and self-development of the individual. The first such tool would be keeping an individual diary in paper version or in in electronic format. The advantages of this method are the analysis and analysis of the day lived, the evaluation of events, actions and deeds, incidents, one's thoughts, and future plans. Daily journaling helps you see negative and ineffective patterns of behavior and standard thinking, teaches clarity and clarity in expressing your own thoughts, and includes logic. Using this method, it is easy to follow all the transformations that occur with one's own personality over a long period of time. Another advantage of keeping a diary is that when you reread it after some time, you can re-evaluate your actions and events, highlight positive moments and behavioral variations, remember the mistakes you made in order not to make them in the future.

The next tool is to create a kind of repository own ideas. This method plays important role. This is due to the fact that the human brain, by virtue of its structure, is capable of producing ideas at any hour of the day or night, in completely different situations. However, not always a person is able to remember all the ideas generated by the brain. For this, a repository of such ideas is needed. As soon as it appeared in my head new idea- it should be written down immediately.

Another important tool is positive thinking. You need to learn to always think with the plus sign. To do this, it is necessary, figuratively speaking, to "catch" all recurring negative statements, thoughts and transform them into positive, kind, good, pleasant and useful.

You need to love yourself completely and completely with all the existing shortcomings and virtues. It often happens that, having created a model of the ideal “I”, an individual begins to actively strive for it, and with every failure or wrong act, from his point of view, he begins to scold himself, condemn his actions, i.e. lower one's self-esteem. For self-development and growth, a person needs to evaluate himself impartially, as if from the position of an objective observer. You should analyze your actions, while trying not to give an emotional assessment.

Another well-known tool on the path to successful self-knowledge and development is the “rubber band” technique. To perform this technique, it is necessary to put an elastic band on the brush and, in each case of negative thinking, it should be pulled back and released. Due to a click and weak pain sensations, a change in the behavior of thoughts will occur. Thus, a kind of reflex is developed.

The technique of communicating with your subconscious is to ask questions to yourself. It works with questions of this type: “What should I change in myself in order to achieve the desired goal?” After the individual has asked the question, it should be forgotten, i.e. stop focusing on it. In a couple of days, the answer to the question or solution will appear in the mind, which will be the most optimal in the current situation.

You should learn to deal with your fears and not be afraid of change. After all, everything unknown is a kind of development zone precisely because it gives impetus to progress and growth.

Personal growth training

Personal growth trainings promote self-development and personal growth. Often such trainings are referred to as activities, psychotherapeutic orientation. There is some truth in this, but in principle it is far from being the case. The development of self-confidence and one's own strengths is the direction of personal growth trainings. They are carried out from the beginning healthy people. However, this is not a treatment, therefore, it cannot be psychotherapy.

Personal growth trainings are classes that are aimed at increasing the potential of an individual, at identifying and improving such qualities that contribute to success in various areas of life. The main goal of such trainings is to transform the outlook on ordinary things, to change the usual stereotypes of mental activity and actions, actions that prevent an individual from becoming more successful and happy.

The main focus of the trainings are positive and qualitative transformations of the subject's personality. With the help of specialized techniques, the individual is “programmed” for success in everything. After training, a person feels more confident, calm, free and happy, regardless of the circumstances of the external environment.

There are two options for the orientation of such trainings: contributing to the natural growth of the individual (passive) and active personal growth.

Trainings aimed at passive personal growth are designed to improve, strengthen the potential of the individual, remove the blocks that hinder the development and growth of the individual. With the help of this technique, all negative situations are lived. Such trainings are not intended to create a direction or determine what should happen to the individual, how personal growth will develop. Passive growth of personality is determined only by the internal programs of the individual. And the role of the leader of the training is only to create optimal conditions for the growth of the individual.

Passive personal growth trainings are aimed at working with both the past and the present. They help to find a way out of certain existing situations, to learn to respond to circumstances easier and easier, to cope with such circumstances in any situation. areas of life. The best trainings of this type can be considered transformational trainings. Their main focus is to work with deep conditioning mechanisms, such as values ​​and beliefs, awareness, compensatory and psychological defense mechanisms, etc. Thanks to this training, you can notice the following positive changes in the personality of the individual: expansion of the worldview, the emergence of a sense of insight, liberation from beliefs that limit it, and the negative impact of others. The result of transformational trainings is the discovery of new opportunities for yourself.

At trainings for active personal growth, a person is transformed at the level of self-identification. It aims to gain knowledge and develop specific skills in subjects. These include trainings aimed at developing the qualities of a leader, increasing professional effectiveness, training trainings (for example, training in the correct target settings).

Personal growth trainings can be conducted live and online, via the Internet. Trainings contribute to the activation of thinking. After passing them, the individual begins to think about the meaning of life, about his life goals and position.

Each training contains a certain set of exercises aimed at developing personal growth, for example, the exercise “I am in the future”, “syringe”, “taboo”, “Self-presentation”, “Pessimist, Optimist, Jester”, “Which step am I on?” , Thrift Store and many others.

The exercise "me in the future" is about drawing your personality in the future and defending your picture in front of others.

The purpose of the “syringe” exercise is to help participants feel and experience the conditions of persuasion more deeply, to form the so-called immunity to any psychological influence.

The purpose of the taboo exercise is to help participants understand how they manifest their attitude to various restrictions and prohibitions.

The purpose of the exercise "self-presentation" is the inclusion of adaptive mechanisms, working out the manifestation of emotions that contribute to the processes of professional adaptation.

The purpose of the exercise "pessimist, optimist, jester" is to form a single attitude of the individual to problem situations, to gain experience in dealing with problems with various points vision.

The purpose of the exercise “Where am I on?” is to help participants build adequate self-esteem.

The purpose of the "thrift store" exercise is to develop the skills of self-understanding, introspection, self-criticism, and the discovery of qualities that are essential for an individual in joint work.

Personal growth methodology

The first step on the path to personal development is the recognition that the current state of affairs is not always what people so strongly desire and expect, dream about, reason about and think about.

Personal growth is rarely comprehensive. This is due to the fact that most of us have strong and weak character traits, sides. Therefore, personal growth will mainly manifest itself in the recognition of sides characterized by a weak manifestation, and actions aimed at strengthening such sides.

Today, there are many methods aimed at stimulating the development of an individual's personal growth. They consist in a constant and purposeful impact, which is aimed at strengthening more weaknesses. Responsibility for your life, the possibility of creating your life according to own will, self-confidence, self-improvement - these are the main goals of personal growth methods.

The harmonious development of the personality lies in self-knowledge, self-realization, self-improvement, gaining integrity and, as a result, significant transformations of living conditions, factors, circumstances, situations and opportunities.

The method of mastering the methods of personality development directly depends on the speed with which new information is comprehended, the competent following of the recommendations and the significance of the last result.

One of the most accessible methods of self-knowledge and personal development is independent study specialized literature. The lack of feedback is the main disadvantage of this technique. This disadvantage lies in the impossibility of obtaining recommendations, advice, support if necessary.

The next self-education method available is to watch educational videos. It is characterized by a rather weak efficiency, due to the fact that the chosen method is incorrectly filed. This happens if the source of information is incompetent.

More effective methodology will attend various trainings, courses and seminars. negative trait such a technique is the lack of an individual focus on each participant, however, a competent trainer can take into account the potential and priorities of each.

by the most the best option self-learning and personal development will be individual sessions with a trainer. The disadvantage of this method is its rather high cost. Individual lessons allow the coach to take into account all the characteristics of the individual, make the necessary adjustments in time, pay maximum possible attention, give the necessary recommendations and advice.

Most of the most popular methods for developing the personality of an individual are based on ways to use affirmations, visualization methods and goal setting.

Affirmations are short phrases or phrases that contain positive verbal formulas or statements. With their repeated repetition in the subconscious of the subject is fixed desired image or an attitude that contributes to optimizing the psycho-emotional background of the individual, stimulating positive transformations. Those. affirmation is a short sentence that carries a specific semantic load to improve the emotional field of a person, which leads to positive life changes.

There are certain rules for compiling affirmations so that they can overcome the established negative attitudes in the subconscious: semantic load must be unambiguous; the words that make up the phrases must be positive, as well as the emotions during their pronunciation; the installation must be clearly specified in accordance with the existing needs; phrases should be directed to the activity of the life position.

The visualization method is the presentation of information using visual, visual images. This method quite widely used as a psychological technique.

Visual representations of subjects, phenomena, things, emotions are stored in the subconscious throughout the life of the individual. However, some images may be in an inert (passive) state. But if necessary, such information can be restored, extracted and applied in order to solve some problem or problem. This is possible in cases where it is impossible to solve a problem or problem with the help of conscious skills. In this way, there is a constant accumulation internal energies to create the desired transformations.

Clearly set and formulated goals are the basis for achieving success in any area. Goals are mandatory components of the stages of implementing a life plan. For a competent goal setting, one should make a detailed sequential analysis of existing circumstances, conditions or situations, take into account personal priorities, evaluate the long-term, promising goals, and creative visualization. The most important and mandatory conditions for the successful implementation of the tasks set, there will be a desire to achieve the goal, confidence in the reality of its implementation, and a focus on expecting its results.

The development of an individual model of the effectiveness of personal growth or the conduct of various experiments with already existing methods and techniques of personal development are necessary components of self-improvement. This is due to the fact that existing models are more often effective only at the initial stages of self-knowledge.

Relationship psychology


08.03.14 15:00

You've probably heard the term personal growth. Often this expression is found with another word - self-development. Therefore, these two concepts are very close in their meaning, and they should be considered as one whole.

We can say that personal growth is an independent development of internal qualities, it is a constant desire to increase one's own self-esteem. How to achieve such growth, and what is needed for this? This article will answer these and some other questions.

The concept itself is quite extensive and vague, so it is necessary to indicate in more detail what it really is.

Personal growth includes everything that helps you develop as an individual. It can be various trainings, reading books, practical skills, training.

By the word "personality" one should understand the individual human "I". The word "growth" refers to the verbs "improve", "improve".

Indicators of personal growth

Such growth is not as noticeable as, for example, human height, which is measured in centimeters. However, there are still some indicators of personal development.

  1. there is responsibility and awareness;
  2. independence;
  3. ability to make decisions;
  4. readiness to change one's character;
  5. understanding of life values;
  6. the ability to prioritize your life;
  7. understanding and following your goals;
  8. self-discipline;
  9. logical thinking;
  10. overcoming your own fears;
  11. the ability to see their strengths and weaknesses;
  12. love for yourself and those around you.

How to achieve personal growth?

  1. First, you need to decide on your goals for life. It's hard to achieve anything without knowing what you want. Think about your true desires, opportunities, goals.
  2. Set your priorities. You will never be able to achieve personal growth until you understand what you want most - to earn money, start a family, or become a famous person.
  3. Plan every day. Your life must be planned. Of course, sometimes you can deviate from the established plan, but in general, you must understand that the plan disciplines you, makes you responsible and teaches you to make important decisions.
  4. Don't forget to sum up. Every week, and also at the end of the month, sum up what you were able to achieve and what remained outside your area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontent. This will help you grow effectively and develop your inner qualities of character.
  5. Don't be afraid to change your life. Often it is fear that stops a person from achieving his goals, the fear of losing something, the fear of being underestimated, the fear that nothing will work out, etc.

Every person should strive for personal growth. When such growth stops, the development of a person as a whole stops, and his degradation begins. Do your best to be an independent and self-confident person, strengthening your self-esteem and improving your character.

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