The production output indicator is calculated in the following expressions. Labor productivity in the enterprise: measurement, analysis and improvement

  • Task 1. Gain in labor productivity based on percentage indicators

Task 1. Labor productivity gains based on percentages

The number of workers at the enterprise is 3650 people. Measures were taken in one of the workshops and labor productivity was increased by a group of workers of 100 people by 2.5%. Determine the increase in labor productivity as a whole.

A comment.
One of the "tasks in economics", which I call "pseudo-economic". In fact, you just need to find the weighted average. Sixth grade level high school. The student will not be able to endure anything interesting and useful for himself.

The number of workers whose labor productivity has not changed.
3650 - 100 = 3550

PTnew \u003d (3550 * 100% + 100 * 102.5%) / 3650 \u003d 100.07% (more precisely, then 100.0684932%)

But, since we are interested in growth, and not growth in labor productivity, then
ΔPT = 100.07% - 100% = 0.07%

Answer: The increase in labor productivity was 0.07%

Task 2. Change in percentage labor productivity

Determine how productivity will change. If it is known that the enterprise has implemented three groups of measures, each of which entailed a change in labor productivity.

Change in labor productivity:

1 group of events - +2%

2 group of events - -4%

3 group of events - -12.5%


Let's find indexes of labor productivity after input of actions.

I of the first group of events = (100+2)/100=1.02

I of the second group of events = (100-4)/100=0.96

I of the third group of events = (100-12.5) / 100 = 0.875

Answer: I-1=1.02; I-2=0.96; I-3=0.875.

Task 3. Gain in labor productivity based on changes in labor intensity

Calculate the growth of labor productivity in conventional natural terms at the soap factory, if data on soap production and man-days worked are known.
Coefficients of conversion into conditional soap: laundry -1.0, toilet - 1.8, soap shavings - 2.2.

A comment.
The essence of this task is to assess labor productivity in the context of a changing nomenclature of production and the fund of working time. First, we must bring the entire production program to a certain conditional product. After that, find out how many of these very conditional products were produced per unit of time, which will express labor productivity in a conditionally natural measurement. The ratio of these figures will give us an increase in labor productivity.

Let's bring the production program to a single meter - conditional products.
The production program in conditional products for the base period is equal to:
100 + 1,8 * 75 + 90 * 2,2 = 433

The production program in conditional products in the reporting period is equal to:
200 + 1,8 * 65 + 2,2 * 95 = 526

Since the working time fund differed, we determine the output for one man-day
in the base period:
433 / 160 = 2,70625

In the reporting period:

526 / 170 = 3,09412

The growth of labor productivity of the reporting period to the base one, respectively, will be equal to:
3.09412 / 2.70625 = 1.14332 or 14.3%

Answer: labor productivity growth was 14.3%

P.S.. Guess how I know that 8 people were employed in the production?

Task 4. Change in productivity with a change in the volume of production

Determine how labor productivity will change if the change in production is +11% and the change in the number of employees is +5.


To find the volume of production, you need to calculate the indices of production volume and headcount and substitute the resulting values ​​into the formula:

I Fri \u003d I v / I h

I Fri - labor productivity index.

I v - production volume index.

I h - the index of the number of employees.

Let's solve the problem.


Ih \u003d (100 + 5) / 100 \u003d 1.05

Ipt \u003d 1.11 / 1.05 \u003d 1.057

Answer: labor productivity increased by 5.7%

Task 5. Change in productivity with a decrease in labor intensity and headcount

Determine how labor productivity will change in the planned year if it is assumed that the number of basic workers will decrease from 450 to 430 people. At the same time, a number of measures are planned that will reduce labor intensity by 9%, and it is also possible to increase productivity by 7% due to organizational measures.


Find the index of the number of workers.


The number of personnel decreased by 4.5%.

By reducing labor intensity.


Labor productivity increased by 9.8% due to lower labor intensity.

Let's find the index of production volumes


Let's find the index of labor productivity and by reducing labor intensity

Ipt \u003d (100 + 9.8) / 100 \u003d 1.098

Now let's find the final performance index using the formula:

Ipt \u003d 1.07 / 0.955 * 1.098 \u003d 1.12 * 1.098 \u003d 1.22976

Answer: labor productivity increased by 22.976%

Task 6. Change in the number and volume of production

In the base year, the number of workers was 330 workers. In the planned year, it is planned to increase the number of workers by 10%.

The volume of produced marketable products is 4550 hryvnias, in the planned year it is expected to increase the volume of production by 6%.

Determine labor productivity in the base and planning year, determine the change in labor productivity in absolute and relative terms.


Let's find labor productivity in the base year using the formula:

Fri = V / H

V - volume of production

H - the number of workers

Fri - labor productivity

Fri=4550/330=13.788 UAH/person

Let us find the change in the number of workers and the volume of production in the planned year. Multiply the number of workers in the base year by the index. Likewise with the volume of production.

H pl \u003d 330 * 1.1 \u003d 363 workers

V pl \u003d 4550 * 1.06 \u003d 4823 UAH

Now we can find the productivity of labor in the planned year.

Fri pl \u003d 4823 / 363 \u003d 13.286

Find the change in pt in relative terms


Labor productivity decreased by 3.6%

Find the decline in labor productivity in absolute terms

∆Fr=13.788-13.286=0.502 UAH

Answer: Fri b=13.788 UAH/person; Fri pl=13.286 UAH/person; ∆pt=0.964; ∆pt=0.502 UAH

Task 7. Determine labor productivity for marketable products

Determine the labor productivity of workers working at the enterprise, if it is known that the volume of marketable products is 2950 thousand UAH, and the number of workers is 58 people.


Labor productivity is an indicator of the effectiveness of the work of the staff. Labor productivity is the amount of output produced by a worker per unit of time.

V - The volume of marketable products.

H is the number of employees.

Let's find labor productivity.

Fri = 2 950 000 / 58 = 50 860 UAH

Answer: labor productivity amounted to UAH 50,860. marketable products per person

Task 8. Change in labor productivity as a result of changes in the number and output

In the planned year, the output of products B increased by 30%. The number of workers increased by 2 people. In the base year, the number of workers was 274. The number of other categories of workers does not change.

Determine how the labor productivity of the main workers employed in the production of product B will change.


The change in labor productivity of workers is calculated by the formula:

ΔPT = Iv / Ich

Iv - index of marketable products

Ich - index of workers

The numerator takes into account the change in the volume of production, and the denominator takes into account the change in the number of workers. These values ​​are used as an index.

Find the change in the number of employees in the enterprise

Ih \u003d (274 + 2) / 274 \u003d 1.0072

The V index (commodity output) is 1.30

Let's find the change in labor productivity


Labor productivity increased by 29.1%

Answer: labor productivity increased by 29.1%

Task 9. Change in labor productivity as a result of changes in the implementation of production standards

On the site in the base period, the workers on average fulfilled the norms of time by 115%. After the introduction of organizational and technical measures, the time standards began to be fulfilled by 125%. How has productivity changed?


Along with the indicator of labor productivity, there are indicators of the fulfillment of time standards and the fulfillment of production standards.

Fulfillment of norms of time - the time required for the production of one product.

The rate of production is the amount of product that must be produced per unit of time.

The percentage of compliance with the norms is defined as the ratio of actual indicators to planned indicators.

∆Pt \u003d 125/115 * 100-100 \u003d 8.7%

Answer: labor productivity increased by 8.7%

Task 10. Change in labor productivity with a decrease in the labor intensity of the product

The labor intensity of the product decreased by 15%. Determine how productivity will change.


The indicator of labor intensity is the inverse of labor productivity. There is an inverse relationship between labor productivity and product complexity.

∆Te - the percentage of reducing the complexity of the product

∆Pt - the percentage increase in the productivity of the product

Let's find the change in labor productivity

∆PT = 15% / (100% - 15%) x 100% = 17.65%

Answer: by reducing labor intensity by 15 percent, labor productivity increased by 17.65%

Task 11. Change in labor intensity with a change in labor productivity

Determine how the labor intensity of the manufactured product will change if it is known that the change in labor productivity is 20%


Calculate the change in labor input by the formula:

∆Te = 20% / (100% - 20%) x 100% = 25%

Answer: labor intensity decreased by 25 percent due to an increase in labor productivity by 20%

Problem 12. Calculations when changing the growth of productivity and labor intensity at the same time

As a result of organizational measures, labor productivity in the team increased by 14.5%. Partial modernization of equipment allowed to reduce labor intensity by 7%. Determine the growth for each event separately.


Let's find the change in labor intensity for the first event using the formula

∆Te = 14.5% / (100% - 14.5%) x 100% = 16.96%

The labor intensity of the product decreased by 16.96% due to an increase in labor productivity by 14.5%

Let's find the increase in labor productivity for the second event using the formula

∆Pt = ∆Te / (100% - ∆Te) x 100%

∆Pt = 7% / (100% - 7%) x 100% = 7.53%

Labor productivity increased by 7.53% due to a decrease in the labor intensity of the product by 7%.

Answer: the first event led to a decrease in the labor intensity of the product by 16.96%, the second event led to an increase in labor productivity by 7.53%.

Task 13. Determine the reduction in labor intensity by increasing labor productivity

Labor productivity at the site increased by 16%, the number of employees remained unchanged. Determine the reduction in the labor intensity of products at the site and the change in production volume.


Since the number of workers remained unchanged, output increased by 16%.

Let's find the decrease in labor intensity

∆Te = ∆Pt / (100% - ∆Pt) x 100%

∆Te \u003d 16 / (100 - 16) x 100% \u003d 19.05%

Labor intensity decreased by 19.05%

Answer: the decrease in labor intensity was 19.05%, the volume of production increased by 16%.

Target 14. Growth in labor productivity through several activities

The growth of labor productivity with the help of the first group of measures amounted to 17%, and with the help of the second by 7%. Determine general change labor productivity.


Labor productivity changes due to the introduction of various measures at the enterprise. In order to find out the total increase in labor productivity due to several measures, it is necessary to multiply the indices of growth (or decrease) in labor productivity among themselves.

Let's find the change in labor productivity


Answer A: Productivity increased by 25.19% overall through all activities.

Task 15. Determine the level of labor productivity based on production indicators

Based on the initial data given in the table below, determine the level of labor productivity in the accounting and reporting years, as well as the number of personnel in the accounting year.


Find the level of labor productivity in the accounting and reporting years. This can be done using the formula:

PP = TP / CR

PP - the level of labor productivity.

TP - the annual volume of marketable products.

CR - the average annual number of employees.

Let's find the level of labor productivity in the reporting year

Substitute the values ​​into the formula.

PP otch. =16.5/300=0.055=55 thousand UAH/person

Find the level of labor productivity in the current year.

Since the planned increase in labor productivity in the billing year is 7%, we need to multiply the level of labor productivity in the reporting year by a factor of 1.07.

PP calc. =55,000*1.07=58,850 UAH/person

Now we can find the average daily number of industrial and production personnel in the calculation year using the formula:

CR = PP / TP

Substitute the values ​​into the formula.

CR calc. =17,000,000/58,850=289 people

The main goal of any business is to make money. In order to keep on modern market, you need to be able to deal with competition and be as efficient as possible. How to achieve this? One of the most trusted and effective ways is increase in labor productivity at the enterprise. This indicator is considered relative, but it can be calculated and described in specific numbers.

What is labor productivity

In order to understand how to properly increase labor productivity (PT), you need to understand what it is in general. PT is the effectiveness of labor costs for a certain time interval.

Increasing labor productivity will allow you to reduce costs and reduce costs

The simplest example is that a worker on a machine produces 3 parts in one hour. And if for a worker you can calculate the productivity in pieces, then for an enterprise, the PT is calculated according to two indicators:

  1. Labor intensity.
  2. Working out.

The higher the PT ratio, the greater the output and efficiency for the same wage.

How to count

The simplest way to calculate productivity is to find the ratio of the volume of output produced to total employees involved in the process. To increase the level of performance, the first indicator must be increased, and the second - lowered.

Factors Affecting Performance

Labor productivity depends on:

  1. Employee qualifications. It is often much more profitable to hire an experienced professional for a higher salary than to take two beginners and grow them to the desired level. In addition, after obtaining sufficient qualifications, they will most likely move to a new job.
  2. Time management. Frankly, time management is an important skill for any company employee, from an ordinary locksmith to a top manager. Planning your working time is exactly the skill that all immigrants from the USSR lack.
  3. Motivation systems. Everything is simple here - there are certain production standards, upon reaching which the employee receives his salary. If the plans are exceeded, a bonus is provided. This system works perfectly, the main thing is to correctly calculate the boundary frames of the norms.

As you can see, labor productivity growth factors quite banal, but they are diligently ignored by most enterprises in the CIS.

The right motivation will increase productivity and achieve excellent results.

How to analyze PT?

In order to understand the level of PT in your production, it must be analyzed somehow. It is usually carried out according to the following indicators:

  1. Generalizing. Everything is simple here: there is an hourly, daily, monthly and annual output per worker, depending on its performance.
  2. Private. This indicator shows how much time it takes to produce one unit of product.
  3. Auxiliary. This is the amount of time spent on the production of a particular work. Roughly speaking, how much work can be done per unit of time.

Based on this analysis, two factors can be distinguished:

  • extensive (tied to the time of work or production);
  • intensive (tied to reduce labor intensity through modernization and optimization).

Based on these data, it is possible to detailed analysis increase productivity in any enterprise. It is necessary to determine the current AT index and compare it with the index after the interventions carried out in order to understand how effective they were. Now let's consider how to increase productivity in the enterprise.

How to raise PT at the enterprise

In order to make the work of the enterprise more efficient, it is necessary to reduce the labor costs for the production of a unit of output. This can be achieved with different goals, but the main thing is to minimize labor costs. It is necessary to strive to establish the work of the enterprise so that there are no bottlenecks in it, due to which downtime occurs. Ultimately, all this leads to increased productivity.

The second way is to reduce the turnaround time. It is not easy to do this, but it is possible. The reduction in turnover implies not only the introduction of new machines or lines that automate production and speed it up, but also a faster sale of goods, as well as a reduction in receivables.

Performance improvement can be done like this

The following methods are also commonly used:

  1. Labor automation. This leads to an increase in overall productivity and a decrease in costs. But you need to properly organize the process so that the line does not stand idle.
  2. Use mechanisms for managing and accumulating knowledge. This increases the PT of masters, managers, engineers.
  3. Reducing various non-manufacturing costs. To do this, it is necessary to audit the existing expenses and remove those that can be abandoned.
  4. Accurate understanding by the team of their tasks and official duties, as well as the desire to optimize them. Roughly speaking, if a worker produces 3 parts per hour on the machine and all other production depends on him, then he should not go to the warehouse and take the parts, spending 20 minutes per hour on this.
  5. Improving working conditions, creating workers comfortable conditions and stability. Specialists will work for you even for a lower salary than competitors, if there is a friendly atmosphere in the team, there are no constant rush jobs, hundreds of stupid meetings and meetings, and the workers will be confident in the future. The presence of recreation areas, gyms, canteens, medical care significantly increases the prestige of the company and improves the PT.
  6. Motivation. All ways to improve productivity V modern world provide employee motivation. You work better, you get more. If you stay after hours and go out on weekends, you get double your salary.
  7. Increasing employee loyalty. Managers must communicate with the team, solve its problems, involve people in the discussion of development issues. Of course, this should not be done by force. Very often workers and managers give good recommendations to increase productivity in their shops / departments, because everyone knows about them, unlike management.
  8. Control. It is necessary to work out a system for monitoring the final result and build on it in the assessments of the PT.

Using these tips, you can make significant progress and raise your productivity to an optimal level.

And its divisions for up to a year. With current planning, plan targets for the year are determined with their quarterly distribution. The current plan is organically linked with the long-term plan, since it clarifies and details the tasks of the long-term plan for given year. During the implementation of the long-term plan, additional opportunities are identified to increase production efficiency, increase production output and improve its quality, which are taken into account in current planning.

In small plants or plants with consistent technological scheme processing of raw materials, the main production shop can influence the profit of the enterprise either as a result of reducing production costs, or by increasing product output. Therefore, to evaluate one hundred work, indicators such as the cost of production and output in physical terms are established.

Profitability, as well as payment for production assets, is not advisable to establish for the main divisions due to their limited influence on these indicators. Issues of technical policy are skillfully solved from the position of the enterprise as a whole by its technical services. Subdivisions have little influence on the value of fixed and working capital. The subdivision cannot influence the stock of raw materials and basic materials. Stocks of auxiliary materials (reagents, catalysts, etc.) are determined depending on the needs of the unit and the distance of transportation. The shop can influence the demand to some extent. However, it can always be controlled by general plant services, which are generally responsible for the provision of material and technical means. Therefore, the introduction to assess the work of profitability units will complicate accounting and will not make significant changes to the work of the shop. An increase in interest in improving the use of fixed assets will be facilitated by bonuses for increasing production output and improving its quality.

The volume of oil refining can be increased in two ways by building new, more powerful technological units and by improving the use of existing ones. An analysis of the production and economic activities of oil refineries showed that in last years due to the introduction of new, more advanced technological installations, labor productivity at these enterprises increased by more than 30%. An increase in the production of target products and an increase in its quality also had a significant impact. Increase in production output from each ton of refined oil from 12.5 to 15.0 rubles. increased labor productivity by more than 27%.

Reducing losses and increasing the output of products in excess of the approved planned standards provide an increase in output and an increase in labor productivity. Therefore, the analysis of the fulfillment by the workers of the established technological regimes, the verification of the use of equipment and the organization of its care are the tasks of standardization studies carried out to establish technically justified norms of time and production norms.

An analysis of the materials of observation of the work of the apparatchik L. I. Stepanova showed that with some improvement in the maintenance of the workplace, the time of the main work can be increased from 207 to 306 minutes (due to the time spent to be reduced - 99 minutes). This will lead to a corresponding increase in labor productivity and an increase in output.

When it is necessary to simultaneously stimulate an increase in output and quality indicators (increasing the selection from raw materials, saving reagents, improving the use of equipment, etc.), piecework wages are inferior to time-bonus wages. With piecework wages, the wages of a worker for each percentage of overfulfillment of the norm increase by at least one percent. At

In addition to selection, serious attention must be paid to the so-called technological losses, since in their reduction there are reserves for increasing production output and reducing its cost.

The increase in production output in natural and value terms is characterized by its growth rates (J, P] and / np). Growth rates are determined by the formula

An increase in the production of AI-93 and A-72 gasoline at plant No. 1 indicates the introduction of modern processes or the reconstruction of existing plants, that is, in general, an increase in the technical level. At plant No. 2, despite a slight increase in the production of A-72 gasoline, the technical level, apparently, has not changed, and the plant continues to in large numbers produce an already obsolete brand of gasoline.

At plant No. 1, an increase in the production of high-quality products is achieved by increasing the capacity of modern progressive processes. This characterizes the increase in the technical level of the enterprise. At plant No. 2, despite a slight increase in the capacity of similar processes, their share remains small. At the same time, the share of thermal cracking is high, which indicates the need for the reconstruction of Plant No. 2.

As can be seen from Table. 89, the growth in the production of A-72 gasoline, the profitability of which is below the average for the enterprise, led to a decrease in profit by 46 thousand rubles. At the same time, an increase in the production of highly profitable diesel fuel made it possible to obtain an additional 63 thousand rubles. arrived.

The outstripping pace of development of mechanical engineering (1.4 times), "the development of transport - one of the largest consumers of fuel and energy resources - will require an increase in the production of gasoline, diesel fuels, oils and a number of other products.

The indicators of availability and use of production capacities are subjected to a particularly thorough analysis, since it is production capacities that determine the possibilities further development industry, increasing production. To do this, they check the performance of the installations, the use of their operating time, the reasons for the downtime of the installations. Based on the analysis, progressive standards are developed and identified

Such a replacement of obsolete equipment with new equipment, and a new one with the latest one, is carried out systematically and, although it requires additional capital expenditures, in general, it leads to an increase in production efficiency, since an increase in production output, a reduction in production costs due to the introduction of more progressive, high-performance processes occurs faster than the growth of fixed assets. The enterprise must update the equipment before its physical wear and tear, if the losses from early replacement old technology for a new one is less than from continuing to use the old technology.

An important stage of the III period was the tenth five-year plan (1976-1980), which was characterized by the re-equipment of the technical base of the industry, the organization and accelerated development of progressive sub-sectors, and an increase in the production of chemical products. The chemical industry actively participated in the rise of agricultural production

The increase in production output in value terms is characterized by the rate of its growth (the first generalizing indicator in the table of production efficiency indicators) -

One of the most important areas is the deepening of oil refining, increasing the production of motor fuels instead of heating oil, which reduces the need for oil for refining, the cost of its production and exploration, and also leads to an increase in economic indicators at oil refineries. It is known that an increase in the yield of light oil products from 45 to 75% leads to an increase in profit per 1 ton of oil by 2.1 times.

Assume that a reconstruction of a polyethylene production unit has been carried out to increase output from 24.0 to 36.0 million tons.

Labor productivity is characterized as one of the basic indicators reflecting the actual performance of the company's personnel.

Being relative indicator, labor productivity makes it possible to compare the efficiency of different groups of people employed in manufacturing process and plan numerical values ​​for subsequent periods.

The concept of labor productivity

Labor productivity characterizes the effectiveness of labor costs per unit of time. For example, it shows how much output a worker will produce in an hour.

At the enterprise, productivity is determined through two basic indicators:

  • production;
  • laboriousness.

They are the most appropriate in assessing the degree of efficiency of labor costs per unit of time. Increasing productivity leads to higher production volumes and savings on wages.

Calculation algorithm

In essence, labor productivity reflects the ratio of the volume of produced and/or sold products to the number of employees.

Indicators of the number of employees are based on payroll data. Each employee is only counted once per business day.

Labor costs and time spent on the production of products are also taken into account in the reporting documentation.


The indicators of labor productivity at the enterprise include production, labor intensity and labor productivity index.

Working out(C) determines the volume of output per unit of paid working time by one payroll worker. The indicator can be found depending on two factors - the time spent and the average number of employees.



Labor intensity(Tr) expresses the amount of labor required by one worker to produce a unit of product. The indicator of labor intensity is the opposite of the indicator of production.

Calculation depending on the time spent:


Calculation depending on the average number of employees:


  • B - production;
  • Tr - labor intensity;
  • Q is the volume of production in natural units (pieces);
  • T - the cost of paid working time for the production of this product;
  • H is the average number of staff.

There is a more detailed way to calculate performance:

PT \u003d (Q * (1 - K p)) / (T 1 * H),

  • where PT is labor productivity;
  • K p - downtime coefficient;
  • T 1 - labor costs of the employee.

If it is necessary to calculate the labor productivity of one employee, then the value of the average headcount indicator will be equal to one. Annual output per employee not only characterizes the performance of an individual, but also allows you to plan for the next period.

When calculating output, hours worked do not include downtime.

The volume of products sold can be expressed in any units - pieces, monetary or labor units.

The formula for calculating labor productivity

Based on the calculation of performance indicators for the functioning of employees at the enterprise, labor productivity index.

This indicator reflects the rate of productivity growth and is found as follows:

by production: ΔPT \u003d [(V o - V b) / V b] * 100%

in terms of labor intensity: ΔPT \u003d [(Tr about - Tr b) / Tr b] * 100%

  • where B o - production output in the reporting period;
  • C b - production output in the base period;
  • Tr about - the complexity of products in the reporting period;
  • Tr b - labor intensity of products in the base period;
  • PT - index of labor productivity in percent.

The change in productivity can be found through the planned headcount savings using the following formula:

ΔPT \u003d [E h / (Ch r - E h)] * 100%,

  • where E h is the planned savings in the number of personnel;
  • Ch p - the number of workers (employees employed in the production process).

Index average labor productivity necessary in the case of a large number of manufactured products with different complexity.

The formula for calculating the average labor productivity:

Vsr=ΣQ i *K i,

  • where Вср – average labor productivity;
  • Q i is the volume of each type of manufactured product;
  • K i - the coefficient of labor intensity of each type of manufactured product.

To determine this coefficient, a position with minimal labor intensity is allocated. It equates to one.

To find the coefficients for other types of products, the labor intensity of each is divided by the indicator of the minimum labor intensity.

For calculation productivity of one worker the following formula is used:

PT \u003d (Q * (1 - K p)) / T 1.

To calculate the indicators of labor productivity, the data of the balance sheet of the enterprise, in particular, the volume of manufactured products, are used. This indicator is reflected in the second section of the documentation in line 2130.

The formula for calculating labor productivity according to the balance sheet is as follows:

PT \u003d (line 2130 * (1 - K p)) / (T 1 * H).


The calculated indicators allow for a comprehensive analysis of labor productivity at the enterprise.

Production and labor intensity are estimated real job personnel, according to the results of the analysis, it is possible to identify resources for the development and growth of productivity, as well as for saving working time and reducing the number of employees.

The performance index reflects the change in performance in the current period compared to the previous one. It is extremely important for performance evaluation.

The level of productivity depends not only on the competence and ability of employees, but also on the level of material equipment, financial flows and other factors.

In general, labor productivity needs to be constantly improved. This can be achieved through the introduction of new equipment, employee training and competent organization of production.

Video - how you can use new technologies to increase productivity:

Discussion (12 )

    How to calculate the average number of employees in the planned year if labor productivity increased by 9%. The number of workers in the reporting year is 280 people and the value of marketable products in the reporting year is 650 billion rubles?

    Two teams of workers process the same kind of parts. The daily production of parts by individual workers is characterized by the following data

    Number of the worker (1 brigade) Daily output of the worker of the 1st brigade, pcs. Number of the worker (2nd brigade) Daily output of the worker of the 2nd brigade, pcs.

    Determine the average daily number of parts processed by one worker of each team and a total of two teams. Need a solution, help?

    Hope. Try to focus on the definition of labor productivity not in the way that we were hammered into the institutes, but according to K. Marx: - "labor productivity is the minimum cost of living labor with the maximum production of the product" and understand why we in the Union had giant workshops and an exorbitant number of workers, and capitalists automated lines and a minimum of workers in the production of the same volume of product.

    Labor productivity, its growth in any enterprise is the basis for the growth of the wage fund and, accordingly, the growth of wages for specific workers.

    For the proper conduct of business, labor productivity indicators are very important. They not only analyze the effectiveness of the use work force, but also at what level is the mechanization and automation of labor. There will be no productivity with ancient tools and equipment.

    With such calculations, they usually bother large companies, where there is an economist, and even a whole economic department. For small businesses, everything is easier in practice. For example: I know what minimum revenue I should have in a month so as not to go into the red. Anything above is my profit. My personal opinion, how much and how do not count, but there will be no more money. It is better to work, sell more - and there will be something to consider.

    As I understand it, a person is taken into account only as labor power and the cost of this labor power. But various force majeure situations are not included in the formula. As usual, in the absence of people, the overall productivity should not fall in any way, that is, the rest of the workers should do all the work of those who are absent. In general, there are many shortcomings in the workers, they need to pay bonuses, taxes, vacations and much more for them. Therefore, the installation of robots and machines is perfect option for production.

    Knowledge of the theory is, of course, good ... But in fact, I have come across the fact that not a single business plan has yet ended as positively as planned ... Well, at least for me. There is always an action of some indefinite force that confuses all the cards. In any case, one thing is clear - if there is a sales market, and a good market that will not let you down and will pay for goods (or services) on time, then you can build a business ... If the sales market is not established, at least count. My business is based on sales of parts and accessories. There are no problems with suppliers - they are always ready to supply goods - both immediately and on order, but there are not always customers in the right quantity, since these are not essential products. Plus competition.))) Plus periodic crises ...))) How to calculate all this?

    In fact, it is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. When I was studying at the university in economics, we were literally forced to learn indicators of labor productivity, so that we would bounce off our teeth. But we didn't really want to do that. But now I have to admit that in vain. After I was lucky enough to open my own tailoring and repair workshop, I was faced with such important indicators of labor productivity as output and labor intensity. There were a lot of orders, there were 2 workers. There were difficulties with the task of orders, so I had to plan the work, calculate these indicators in order to get the result I needed, i.e. so that my workers complete at least 2 orders a day, working 8 hours. We also had to motivate employees to improve the speed and quality of work. For example, for every 3 completed orders for tailoring a product, give bonuses, then the speed of work will increase. This is all that I have had enough for now, but I am sure that there are other ways that can help in this case and in this moment I am looking for ways to solve this problem.

    In fact, all sorts of calculations are a huge pile and you can count endlessly. But I always go from the opposite. From the result that I need. If I want to receive from a retail outlet, let's say 1000 rubles of profit per day, then the goods should be sold for 9,000 rubles, if on average I (from experience) the seller sells for 700 rubles per hour, then I need to work 11000/700 = 12.9 hours. Actually from 8 am to 9 pm. To reduce this time, you come up with different "promotions" and increase hourly revenue, as a result, according to me, the seller's productivity can be up to 100 rubles of revenue per hour. I am working on her promotion.

The growth of labor productivity is the main real source of overcoming negative consequences both the reform period and the global financial crisis. This the most important factor the irreversibility of the reforms being carried out, and, ultimately, the improvement of the life of the people.

Under labor productivity understand the degree of its fruitfulness. It is measured by the amount of use-values ​​created per unit of time, or by the amount of time spent per unit of labor product.

A distinction is made between the productivity of living labor, determined by the costs of working time in a given production at a given enterprise, and the productivity of total social labor, measured by the costs of living and materialized (past) labor.

An increase in labor productivity occurs when the share of living labor decreases, and the share of materialized labor increases. This growth takes place in such a way that the total amount of labor embodied in the commodity is reduced. The fact is that the mass of living labor decreases in more than the mass of materialized labor grows.

The total savings in working time, taken in accordance with costs and production resources, characterizes the efficiency of production.

In enterprises, labor productivity is measured by the indicator of output per worker or per unit of time. In these cases, the indicator takes into account only the savings of living labor. At the same time, labor productivity can be measured as the ratio of the physical volume of national income to the number of workers in material production. The specificity of this indicator is that it directly reflects the savings of human labor and indirectly - through the volume of national income - the savings of social labor. Hence the most general approach about the definition of labor productivity can be expressed by the formula:

Fri - labor productivity;

P - product in one form or another;

T is the cost of living labor.

Forms of manifestation

The essence of labor productivity can be understood more deeply if we understand the forms of its manifestation.

First of all, labor productivity is shown as reduction of labor costs per unit of use value and shows time savings. Most importantly - absolute reduction in labor costs required to meet a particular social need.

Hence the focus of enterprises on the search for methods of saving labor and material resources, that is, reducing the number of employees in those areas where this is possible, as well as saving raw materials, fuel and energy.

Labor productivity is the same as an increase in the mass of consumer values, generated per unit of time. Here important point- the results of labor, which mean not just an increase in the volume of goods produced, but also an increase in their quality. Therefore, taking into account such a manifestation of labor productivity in practice implies the widespread use in business planning and commercial promotion of approaches that reflect utility, that is, power, efficiency, reliability, etc.

Labor productivity is also shown in the form changes in the ratio of the costs of living and materialized labor . If the production process uses past labor relatively more than living labor, the enterprise has a chance to increase labor productivity, and hence increase the wealth of society.

True, options are possible. In one case, with a decrease in the cost of living labor, the cost of materialized labor per unit of output increases both relatively and absolutely (with a decrease in total costs). In the other, the costs of past labor grow only relatively, but their absolute expression falls. Such processes, for example, are observed, respectively, either by replacing manual labor mechanized, or when upgrading obsolete equipment, reconstructing enterprises based on more progressive and effective means production.

Growth in labor productivity has a significant impact on increase in the mass and rate of surplus product. The fact is that the excess of the product of labor over the costs of maintaining labor, as well as the formation and accumulation on this basis of social production and reserve fund- all this was and remains the basis of any social, political and intellectual progress.

Finally, labor productivity is expressed in the form turnaround time reduction which is directly related to saving time. The latter acts as calendar time. Savings in this case are achieved by reducing production time and circulation time, that is, shortening the construction time and mastering production capacities, promptly introducing scientific and technological achievements into production, accelerating innovative processes and replicating the best experience.

As a result, the enterprise, with the same resources of living and materialized labor, receives higher final results per year, which is tantamount to an increase in labor productivity. Hence, taking into account the time factor becomes extremely important in organization and management, especially in conditions of high dynamism. market economy, constant changes in the course of reforms, increasing and complication of social needs.

Production efficiency

Labor productivity is an important indicator in the production efficiency measurement system. At the same time, it is importantly influenced by the magnitude and especially the quality of the capital-labor ratio, that is, the measure of the equipment of labor with fixed capital.

capital-labor ratio, in turn, is measured by the ratio of the value of fixed capital to the cost of living labor (number of employees):

Fv - capital-labor ratio;

Ф - the value of the cost of fixed capital.

This dependence should be taken into account when considering the impact of labor productivity on the overall efficiency of production.

The fact is that not any increase in labor productivity is effective, but only if the saving of living labor pays for the additional costs of increasing its technical equipment, and in the shortest possible time.

return on assets characterizes the efficiency of the use of fixed capital. It is measured by the number of goods produced per given amount of fixed capital:

There is a close relationship between labor productivity, capital productivity and capital-labor ratio, which can be expressed by the formula:

Fri \u003d F0 x Fv.

From this dependence it follows that labor productivity rises, provided that the return on assets and (or) capital-labor ratio increase, and falls in inverse proportion. At the same time, if labor productivity grows faster than its capital-labor ratio, then capital productivity increases. Conversely, the return on assets falls if the dynamics of labor productivity lags behind the growth of capital-labor ratio.

As scientific and technological progress and the improvement of production, the share of social labor costs increases, as the worker is equipped with more and more new means of labor. However, the main trend is that the absolute value of the cost of both living and social labor per unit of output is reduced. This is precisely the essence of raising the productivity of social labor.

Labor productivity level

It is characterized by two indicators. Firstly, output per unit of time. This is a direct, most common and universal indicator of labor productivity. Depending on the units in which the volume of production is measured, certain outputs are distinguished in physical terms, as well as in terms of normalized working hours.

Secondly, labor intensity production, which expresses the cost of working time to create a unit of output. This is an inverse indicator, which is determined per unit of production in physical terms for the entire range of goods and services. It has a number of advantages:

Establishes a direct relationship between production volume and labor costs;

Excludes the impact on the indicator of labor productivity of changes in the volume of supplies for cooperation, organizational structure production;

Allows you to closely link the measurement of productivity with the identification of reserves for its growth;

Compare labor costs for the same products in different departments of the enterprise.

These indicators of production and labor intensity can be represented by the following formulas:

V = -- ;

t = -- ,

V- production output per unit of time;

t- the complexity of manufacturing products;

B - cost volume of manufactured products (rubles);

T is the time spent on the production of a given volume of output.

There are several types of labor intensity.

Technological complexity(t tech) includes all the costs of the main workers. The labor intensity of production maintenance (t obs ) includes the labor costs of auxiliary workers.

Production labor intensity reflects the labor costs of all (main and auxiliary) workers.

Labor intensity management production (t upr ) is made up of the labor costs of engineers, employees, maintenance personnel and security.

Complete labor intensity (t pol ) represents the labor costs of all categories of industrial and production personnel: t pol \u003d t tech + t obs + t control.

Increase reserves

Defining ways to increase labor productivity is milestone analytical work of each enterprise. Therefore, in domestic practice, a specific classification of reserves for increasing labor productivity has become widespread.

Raising the technical level of production. Among its main areas are the mechanization and automation of production, the introduction of new technological processes, improving the structural properties of products, improving the quality of raw materials and new structural materials, introducing new energy sources, "learning" production.

Improving the organization of production and labor. It provides for the improvement of the existing and the formation of a new workforce, the increase in norms and service areas, the reduction in the number of workers who do not comply with the norms, the prevention of staff turnover, the simplification of the management structure, the mechanization of accounting and computing work; change of the working period; increasing the level of specialization of production.

Changes in external, natural conditions. It's about about socialization, adaptation to the needs of the modern worker, about achieving ecological balance. At the same time, changes are needed not only in the conditions of extraction of coal, oil, gas, ores, peat, in the content of useful substances, but also Agriculture, transport and other industries.

Structural changes in production. They include a change in the share of certain types of products, the labor intensity of the production program, the share of purchased semi-finished products and components, and an increase in the weight of new products.

Creation and development of the necessary social infrastructure. It is designed to solve financial problems, problems of timely payment of labor and many other issues aimed at meeting the needs of enterprises, labor collectives and their families.

An increase in labor productivity due to an increase production volumes and changes in the number of employees can be determined by the formula:

∆P = -------- ,

∆B is the share of the increase in output at the enterprise in a given period;

∆Рn is the share of the decrease in the number of employees of the enterprise.

The growth of labor productivity of employees at the enterprise due to increase in the share of cooperative deliveries of products is determined by the formula:

dk1 , dk0 - the share of corporate deliveries and gross output of the enterprise, respectively, in the base and planned periods (in %).

The growth of labor productivity due to the better use of the working time fund is calculated by the formula:

∆P = ------- x 100 ,

Fe1, Fe0 - the effective annual fund of the working time of one worker, respectively, in the base and planned periods (in man-hours).

An individual enterprise, determining the required number of workers to be hired, must determine the demand price for labor, that is, the level of wages.

The demand price for any factor of production and labor depends on ultimate performance. It represents the increment in the volume of output caused by the use of an additional unit of labor under fixed other conditions.

Marginal productivity is calculated on the basis of the marginal product of labor, which is understood as the increase in output produced as a result of hiring one more unit of labor.

Consequently, the management of the enterprise, based on the need to optimize all attracted resources, will use or displace labor, reaching the level of marginal productivity. The fact is that it is difficult to force an enterprise to do otherwise, since the interest of its survival in a competitive environment is under threat. In such a situation, various options are possible.

Competitiveness strategy

For outsider enterprise market, there are several ways to increase competitiveness:

A radical reorganization by reviewing the basic strategies competition;

Increasing revenue by increasing prices and marketing costs;

Cost reduction and all-round savings;

Reduction of assets;

Combination of various methods.

An enterprise with a weak competitive position has, in essence, three main ways out of this situation.

It will have to increase its competitiveness by working with cheap products or by using new methods of differentiation. An effective method of maintaining and maintaining sales volumes, market share, profitability and a specific position at existing levels. Finally, business reinvestment at a bare minimum is important. Their goal is to make short-term profits and/or maximize short-term cash flow.

An enterprise with a strong competitive position is called upon to continue searching for a free market niche and to focus on making it possible to build up one's own potential. For such enterprises, it is also possible to adapt to a specific group of consumers. Another way is to create the best product. Follow the leader is not excluded. Sometimes the capture of small firms is practiced. Finally, the creation of a positive and distinctive image of the enterprise cannot be discounted.

Enterprise competitiveness, which is understood as his ability to participate in the economic competition of commodity producers for the most profitable areas capital investment, sales market, sources of raw materials, requires its maintenance, and sometimes even improvement.

To do this, the leader needs at least the continuation of an offensive economic policy, the preservation of current positions, and confrontation with competitors.

In any case, no matter what position an enterprise occupies in the market environment, an important condition for its survival and increase in competitiveness is the growth of labor productivity. It is higher labor productivity that has always provided and continues to provide advantages, and ultimately victory, not only for individual enterprises, their associations, industries, but also for countries.

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