France test. Test “France (French Republic): geographical location, nature, economy. What year is this image from?

Vanadzor(arm. Վանաձոր; until 1935 Caraclys, in 1935-1993 Kirovakan listen)) is the third largest city after and. Administrative center Lori region.


Karaklis within Bombaki County Russian Empire on the map of 1823

The former name is Karaklis or Karakilise (tur. Kara kilise - “black church”), this name is explained by the fact that in the city until 1828 there was a black church, on the site of which a new one was built in 1831. March 5, 1935, after the death of Kirov, the city was renamed Kirovakan. The city received its current name in 1993.

Information about the medieval settlement of Karaklis has not been preserved. In 1801, Lori, along with Georgia, joined Russia, and Karakilis became a border garrison town. Later, in 1830, after the annexation of Eastern Armenia to Russia, several hundred Armenian families settled in the city, migrating from the cities of Western Armenia - Kars, Ardagan, Bayazet and Erzrum. Since 1849, Karaklis was part of the Erivan province. According to the census Tsarist Russia In 1897, the population of Karaklis (Big and Small Karaklis) was 7,385.

IN Soviet time after the war a number of buildings were built. The project was carried out by the famous Armenian architect Hovhannes Markaryan. According to his project, the City Council, a hotel and residential buildings were built on Kirov Square.

On December 7, 1988, there was a catastrophic earthquake that caused significant damage and casualties.


The city is located in the Vanadzor basin, between the Bazum and Pambak ranges, at the confluence of the Pambak, Tandzut and Vanadzor rivers. The territory of the city is more than 25 km². The height of the center above sea level is 1350 m. The city is separated from the capital by 145 km by motorway and 224 km by rail.

Vanadzor from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Vanadzor.

The third largest city in Armenia, Vanadzor, nestled in a hollow between the Pambak and Bazum ridges, has long attracted fans to combine outdoor activities with the opportunity to improve their health without compromising the budget. On a relatively small territory of the settlement (about 25 sq. km), several clinics specializing in water and mud therapy operate at once. In addition, mineral springs are located within the city: the water in them has a pleasant, mild taste and a balanced composition that normalizes metabolic processes, work of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

There are not so many attractions in Vanadzor: a “black” church built in 1831 on the site of a destroyed ancient monument, an art gallery where exhibitions of pupils of the local art school are periodically organized, opera and puppet theaters. The most interesting and exciting objects are concentrated in the vicinity of the city. These include the monastic complexes of Haghpat, Sanahin and Haghartsin, the Sanahin bridge and the monasteries of Khorakert, Makaravank and Nor Getik.

What to see

The medieval monastery complexes of Haghpat and Sanahin are located only 7 km from each other. They are similar in many respects, as they were built by the same architects - father and son.

The fundamental difference lies in the way objects are placed on the territory adjacent to the main monastery: in Sanahin, the buildings are arranged in a line, while in Haghpat they are randomly scattered throughout the complex, forming a giant labyrinth. Another difference is that Haghpat is protected along the perimeter by a stone wall, while in Sanahin it is absent.

Not far from Sanahin, an arched bridge with lions carved from stone stretched across the Debed River. Its age is 800 years, and the length is 18 m. Although a new bridge, the old one is still functioning and actively exploited by tourists: from this angle, the Sanahinsky monastery complex can be viewed and captured in all details.

The main attraction of the Khorakert Monastery, towering on the western slope of Mount Lalvar, is a temple with a ten-sided drum, rare for Armenia. It rests on a gigantic dome connected to smaller domes and rotundas. At the base of the dome are three pairs of intersecting arches, forming a six-pointed star. This architectural technique was also used in the construction of the porch of the temple in 1257, thanks to which it was possible to achieve the stylistic unity of both buildings.

Nor-Getik was built in 1188 on the site of a monastery destroyed during an earthquake. An active part in its construction was taken by a prominent political and public figure Mkhitar Gosh, therefore locals called the monastery "Goshavank". Most of the buildings on the territory of the complex belong to the domed and cross-domed type, with the exception of the vaulted church of Gregory the Lusavorich and the Hripsime chapel, which is a stone square topped with a dome.

Haghartsin Monastery is located in the middle of a picturesque beech forest. The oldest building on the territory of the complex is the building of the church of St. Grigor, dating back to the 10th century AD. e. The peculiarity of the building is in a cone-shaped dome resting on an octagonal drum. The church is adjoined by a blue basalt chapel and a narthex leading to the tomb of the kings from the Kyurikid dynasty. Nearby are the church of St. Stepanos and the refectory, designed by the famous architect Minas in 1248.

St. Astvatsatsin Church is the largest building on the territory of the complex. Its 16-sided dome rests on arches decorated with exquisite stucco, making the room appear taller and more spacious.

Makaravank Monastery, made of pink, red and green stone, is located on the slope of the Bazum Range. His main temple famous throughout Armenia for its exquisite stucco and amazing ornaments. On one side, a miniature church of the Holy Mother of God leans against the building, decorated with a relief image of an eagle and a snake and scenes of the battle of two animals carved in stone. On the other side, a chapel and a vestibule adjoin the temple building, where you can see bas-reliefs depicting a sphinx crowned with a crown and a lion attacking a bull.

Weather in Vanadzor

Practical information

Coordinates: 40°48′46″ s. sh., 44°29′18″ E d.

You can get to Vanadzor by car, minibus, bus or train (through the station located in the city, trains follow the Gyumri - Tbilisi direction).

Testing on the topic: France in the first half of the 19th century

Option 1

1. As a result of the collapse of the Napoleonic empire, power was restored in France:

A) Bourbons B) Directories C) three consuls D) Jacobins

A) with the new revolution B) with the strike movement of weavers

C) with the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty D) with rallies and demonstrations of workers

3. "Krol-bourgeois" is:

4. "Live working or die fighting!" - slogan:

C) rebel weavers in Lyon in 1831 D) rebel weavers in Lyon in 1834

5. Year of the global industrial crisis:

A) 1846; B) 1847; B) 1848; D) 1849

6. Who headed the Provisional Government in 1848?

7. The provisional government for the unemployed opened:

A) workhouses B) factories C) national workshops8. What did France get for helping the Sardinian kingdom in its struggle with Austria?

A) Savoy and Nice; B) Piedmont; B) Corsica D) Sardinia.

9. Who was elected president in 1848?

10. The reign of Louis Philippe was named:

A) July Monarchy B) Second Republic D) Second Empire

Testing on the topic: France in the second half of the XIX century

Option 2

1. After the defeat of Napoleon's army, the king became:

A) Charles X B) Louis XVIII C) Louis Philippe D) Louis Napoleon

2. The charter of 1814 established in the country

A) a republic B) a monarchy C) a constitutional monarchy

3. To get out of the financial crisis, the Provisional Government in 1848 introduced a decree on:

A) 13% tax B) 20% tax C) 35% tax D) 45% tax

4. "Bread or lead!" - slogan:

A) those who rebelled during the July Revolution B) those who rebelled during the February Revolution of 1848

C) revolting weavers in Lyon in 1831 D) revolting Parisian workers in June 1848

5. Who suppressed the uprising of Parisian workers in June 1848?

A) Lamartine B) Guizot; B) Louis Napoleon Bonaparte D) Cavaignac.

6. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte became emperor in...

A) 1851; B) 1852; B) 1853; D) 1854

7. Who was Napoleon III to Napoleon I?

A) son B) nephew B) grandson D) brother.

8. "Empire is the world" said:

A) Charles X B) Louis XVIII C) Louis Napoleon Bonaparte; D) Cavaignac.

9. The regime established after the revolution of 1848 was called:

A) First Republic B) Second Republic

C) Third Republic D) Fourth Republic

10. In 1854, France, together with England, participated in the Crimean War on the side of:

A) Turkey B) Russia C) Austria D) Prussia

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