Okhlobystin family. Ivan and Oksana Okhlobystin - true love (13 photos). Work in large companies

Actor, screenwriter, Orthodox priest, the biker is a rare breed. And yet this is one person - Ivan Okhlobystin. He received popular love for the role of doctor Andrei Bykov from the TV series "Interns". It was Okhlobystin who made the series popular. The children of Ivan Okhlobystin, his wife, and indeed, the personal life and biography of the actor are extremely interested in fans of his work.

And, nevertheless, people are tormented by the question: is Okhlobystin really the same as on the screen? Yes! Contrary to how the writers described Bykov, Okhlobystin himself made his hero. Energetic, cunning, stubborn - this is how the doctor Bykov was remembered. There is one more question: if Okhlobystin is the same as Bykov, does he have a family, children?

Ivan Ivanovich Okhlobystin has been married to actress Oksana Okhlobystin (formerly Arbuzova) since 1995. They met together at VGIK. Moreover, Ivan Okhlobystin and his future wife often ran into each other in the corridor, but met after graduation.

Children of Ivan Okhlobystin - photo

Oksana Okhlobystina on this moment does not act in films. She has a completely different occupation - it is to raise children. After all, Ivan Okhlobystin and his wife have six children who are given rare names these days.

In the photo: Ivan Okhlobystin with his wife

They all grow in love, none of them is deprived of attention. Ivan Okhlobystin spends enough time with children and, despite the busy schedule, finds time to educate them.

In the photo: Ivan Okhlobystin with his wife

The first child of Ivan Okhlobystin was born in 1996. It was the daughter, who was named Anfisa. At the moment, she is studying at Moscow State University as a marketer and devotes almost all her time to study. A kind and good mother's assistant - that's what her star dad, Ivan Okhlobystin, calls her. In her free time, Anfisa prefers to help the younger ones and watch films that can be attributed to modern classics.

In the photo: Ivan Okhlobystin with his eldest daughter

The daughter of Ivan Okhlobystin, Evdokia, was born in 1997. IN free time the girl likes to listen to music, play the electric guitar. In addition to her hobbies for music, Dusi, as her parents affectionately call her, has a serious profession. She works as an ornithologist.

Varvara Okhlobystin was born in 1999. For herself, she chose medicine as future profession. As for Varya's hobbies, here she chose vocals for herself. You can watch and listen to Varvara on your personal Instagram account.

In the photo: Daughter of Ivan Okhlobystin Varvara

Ivan Okhlobystin also has a son, Vasily. He was born in two thousand and one. Among his hobbies are literature and sports. According to Ivan Okhlobystin, his son shoots from military weapons. She also serves in the church.

In the photo: Ivan Okhlobystin with his son Vasily

Ivan has another daughter. Born in the year 2002, Ioann Okhlobystin studies at a school with an Orthodox bias. The girl is very calm. He likes to spend his free time reading books and already has a strong interest in exact sciences. A photo of all the children of Ivan Okhlobystin is presented below.

In the photo: Ivan Okhlobystin with children

And finally younger son Ivan and Oksana Okhlobystin - Savva (born in two thousand and six). The boy always helps his famous father with household chores. In general, Savva is very similar to his father, the same rebel and prankster. At his age, the boy knows how to play the balalaika. However, he has not yet decided on his vocation in the future. Although the age difference between some of the children of Ivan Okhlobystin is quite large, they are all friendly with each other, which is certainly the merit of their mother.
In the photo: Ivan Okhlobystin with his wife and children

Ivan Okhlobystin and his children, as well as his wife, are a large creative family. Or how Okhlobystin calls his family unit "gypsy camp".

Famous actor Ivan Okhlobystin headed the Supreme Council of the Right Cause party.

Actor, director, screenwriter, playwright, Russian priest Orthodox Church(currently on own will removed from the priesthood) Ivan Ivanovich Okhlobystin was born on July 22, 1966 in the Polenovo rest house, Tarusa district Tula region where his father worked as head physician. The parents divorced soon after.

After leaving school, Ivan studied at a vocational school, received the qualification of a computer operator, then served in the army, in rocket troops in Rostov-on-Don.

After serving in the army, he entered the directing department of VGIK (All-Russian state institute cinematography), which he graduated in 1992 (workshop of Igor Talankin).

Already from the first years of study at VGIK, Okhlobystin became one of the most prominent students. In 1986-1989, he made educational films "Nonsense. A Tale of Nothing" and "Wave Breaker", for which he was awarded the Silver Eagle Prize for Best Director at the International Film Festival in Chicago (USA), the Audience Award at the Film Festival for young people in Potsdam (Germany), a prize for the best director at the International Film Festival in Quimper (France).

In 1991, Ivan Okhlobystin made his film debut as an actor under the pseudonym "Ivan Alien" in the film "Leg" directed by Nikita Tyagunov, and in the same year he was awarded the prize for the best acting work at the Molodist film festival in Kiev, as well as the prize for the best acting work in the competition "Films for the Chosen" at the film festival "Kinotavr" (1992).

According to Okhlobystin himself, he came to faith a long time ago, having accepted the sacrament of baptism in the 9th grade, he simply preferred not to advertise this fact. And by the end of the 1990s, spiritual vicissitudes led him to realize the need for closer communication with the church. Initially, this was expressed in the fact that he began to serve in the temple: on weekends and holidays he wore candles, cleaned the altar. The decision to devote himself to the church came after meeting Metropolitan Vladimir of Central Asia, at whose suggestion in early 2001 Okhlobystin left for seven months in Asia, where he was ordained a priest in the Tashkent diocese.

Having received the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II, Okhlobystin served as a clergyman in the Central Asian Diocese. His parish was in the city of Tashkent, where he moved with his wife and children.

At the end of 2001, he returned to Moscow and arranged a presentation of his short film about Prince Daniel from the Lives of the Saints cycle. This was followed by films about St. Basil the Blessed, Dmitry Ushakov and Daniil of Moscow. In total, according to Ivan's idea, 477 episodes were to be released.

Ivan Okhlobystin (Father John) devoted the following years to service. Since the dignity of an Orthodox clergyman is not compatible with directing and acting, Father John departed from his original position for several years. professional activity focusing exclusively on church affairs.

Until 2005, he served in the church of St. Nicholas in Zayaitsky, located on the Raushskaya embankment of the Moscow River, and then in the church of Sophia the Wisdom of God on Sofiyskaya embankment.

In 2007, Okhlobystin returned to acting again, explaining this by the need to earn money for a family of eight. For a while, he worked as a screenwriter. In 2007, the film by Mikhail Khleborodov "Paragraph 78", filmed according to the script by Okhlobystin, was released, and soon a sequel was released - "Paragraph 78: paragraph 2". In the same 2007, Okhlobystin, after a long break, acted in films, playing the role of Grigory Rasputin in the historical film "Conspiracy" by Stanislav Libin. Thus, a precedent was set in world cinema when an acting clergyman played the main role in the film.

In 2009, Okhlobystin was actively involved in the filming process. He played Stas Utochkin in the film "The Fool's Bullet", the royal jester Vassian in the film "Tsar", Ivan Gnedushev in "St. Petersburg Holidays". Gradually, more and more roles began to be offered, they began to take more and more time from Okhlobystin, and the roles themselves became more and more discussed in the church environment. Realizing that it was impossible to combine the priesthood and acting in the future, in November 2009 he turned to Patriarch Kirill with a request to remove him from church activities. On February 8, 2010, Patriarch Kirill removed him from the priesthood, forbidding the wearing of priestly robes and a priestly cross. At the same time, the patriarch noted that if priest John Okhlobystin makes a "final and unequivocal choice in favor of pastoral service," then his temporary ban on service can be lifted.

At the end of March 2010, the TV series "Interns" was released, where Ivan Okhlobystin played the main role of Dr. Bykov. His filmography in 2010 includes the film projects "Moscow, I love you!", "A pseudonym for a hero", "Irony of Love", "House of the Sun", "Chapaev Chapaev", "Kiss Through the Wall", "Hindu", "Zone of Turbulence" "," Belyaev.

Ivan Okhlobystin is married to actress Oksana Arbuzova (starred in leading role in the movie "Accident, Cop's Daughter", currently not working). The couple has six children - two boys, four girls: Anfisa, Evdokia, Barbara, Vasily, Joanna and Savva.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Ivan Okhlobystin has his own measure of success - in family life, profession and personal feelings. If the first two points are not in doubt, then in relation to the latter it is still too early to talk about perfection. A popular actor, director, playwright and excommunicated priest, he is sure that he has not achieved much yet.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the summer of 1966 in the Tula region. According to the sign of the zodiac Cancer, Russian by nationality. Father Ivan Ivanovich, a military doctor, was 60 years old at that time, and his mother Albina Ivanovna had just reached her 18th birthday. Even the children of the spouse from previous marriages were older than the stepmother. Perhaps that is why the union quickly broke up.

Okhlobystin returned to the role of a marginal in the detective series "", in which he worked with his godson. He not only appeared in the frame, but also performed the soundtrack for the film.

Personal life

On the set of the picture "Arbiter" Okhlobystin met with. The relationship did not last long: the girl found out that her lover had an affair with her friend and classmate.

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Ivan Okhlobystin with his wife Oksana Arbuzova

In 1995, Ivan and Oksana got married. The actor made an offer in the first week of dating. The couple raised sons Savva and Vasily, daughters Evdokia, Barbara, Anfisa and John. Of the children, only Vasya was interested in cinema at a professional level - the young man is studying to be a screenwriter.

In 2019, the Okhlobystins agreed to take part in a kind of reality show like The Ozzbourne Family. The project consisted of six episodes, each created a conflict situation, and the audience watched how parents and children solve the problem.

In his free time, the head of the family likes to go fishing and hunting, play chess, and read a philosophical book. Okhlobystin's hobby is jewelry. True, the artist makes jewelry in the cyberpunk style, so they are far from suitable for everyone.

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Ivan Okhlobystin with his wife and children

Ivan retained the image of a rebel, an adherent of the biker subculture. Even after becoming a priest, he wore a leather jacket-leather jacket. And the man’s arms and torso are covered with tattoos, reflecting a certain milestone in life and made “for the sake of coolness”, but at the same time, there is no sense in the drawings themselves.

The only significant image - a skull overgrown with flowers, a symbol of a dead biker - Okhlobystin filled after meeting his wife. In the circles of extreme family people considered lost to the community, such a person will not race and risk his life.

In his youth, Ivan was engaged in karate, aikido and other types of wrestling, and now he looks young and fit (weight 78 kg with a height of 180 cm). Although there were periods in the life of a celebrity spent in captivity by the "green serpent", but now alcohol does not bother him much.

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Politics also fell into the circle of interests of Okhlobystin. He put forward his candidacy for the presidency of Russia, but a week later he abandoned the initiative, ran for State Duma from the green party "Kedr" and considered this act a mistake.

In the spring of 2012, the actor created the Sky Coalition party. Then he headed the supreme council of the Right Cause party. In October Holy Synod forbade priests to be members of political associations. As a result, he left the Just Cause, but remained her spiritual mentor.

Ivan Ivanovich - an adherent of monarchism, advocates the creation of an ideological patriotic program aimed at educating young people, is a member of public organization"Right to Arms". Okhlobystin not only fights for the rights of civilian gun owners, he has a collection of guns right next to his house.

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The star is categorical about sexual minorities, his homophobic views have been repeatedly emphasized in the media. In 2014, Ivan wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin asking Russian leader to return the article to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for sodomy, since, in his understanding, a man cannot marry a man. The message went unanswered.

The news that in 2001 Okhlobystin received the priesthood in Tashkent struck the actor's entourage. As Ivan later admitted, for himself, who did not really know a single prayer, except for “Our Father”, this step was also unexpected. The family lived in Asia for another 7 months, but returned to Moscow, because the hot climate did not suit Oksana.

Name: Ivan Okhlobystin

Age: 53 years old

Place of Birth: Maloyaroslavets

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Activity: Actor, director, writer, screenwriter

Family status: Married to Oksana Arbuzova

Ivan Okhlobystin - biography

Ivan Okhlobystin is an actor, director and screenwriter. On the screen, he creates eccentric images. In life is exemplary family man. His films are not for the general public. But the role in one of the most popular television series fell in love with millions of Russians. The biography of Okhlobystin, one of the most unusual representatives of modern domestic cinema, is of great interest to his fans.

Ivan Okhlobystin - childhood

When the future screenwriter and director was born, his father was already over sixty. Mother was barely eighteen. This marriage was rather strange, and therefore did not last long. Okhlobystin's birthplace is one of the rest houses in the Tula region.

The screenwriter's father was an outstanding man. A surgeon with many years of experience who went through the war, in peacetime he treated those in power, created healing ointments, but in Everyday life preferred to position himself as an aristocrat, dressing extravagantly and expressing himself pretentiously. In addition, he had a weakness for the female sex.

Vanya Okhlobystin was raised by her grandmother. early years biographies took place in the village, where my father visited twice a week. During such periods, the military surgeon brought up his son harshly and, from time to time, gave him healing injections. Father dreamed that Ivan would follow in his footsteps. But the son made a choice in favor of cinema.

Youth of Ivan Okhlobystin

Ivan Okhlobystin has a bright biography. He was a biker. His addiction to alcohol was once legendary. Numerous tattoos today remind the exemplary husband and father of a stormy youth. Okhlobystin assures that they do not mean anything, because they were made "on a drunken case."

After graduating from school, Okhlobystin submitted documents to VGIK. He almost failed the entrance exams due to his temper and self-confidence. One of the members of the selection committee called the applicant a boor. Later, however, he himself insisted on enrolling the arrogant young man to your course.

Studying at the institute was interrupted by military service. But after demobilization, Okhlobystin continued his studies, he recovered. With some famous personalities of modern cinema, he supports friendly relations since student years. His classmates were Tigran Keosayan, Fyodor Bondarchuk and many others. And Ivan Okhlobystin is connected with Renata Litvinova not only by friendship, but also by work. He created one of his first films according to her script.

Ivan Okhlobystin - The beginning of a career

As an actor, Okhlobystin first appeared on the screen in his biography in the film "Leg". This picture tells about the fate of a soldier who ended up in Afghanistan, and is a work of Faulkner, adapted to Russian realities. Okhlobystin played the main role - a man who lost not only part of his body, but also part of his soul in a hot spot. The film "Leg" is the only work in which the actor performed under a pseudonym.
In the nineties, Ivan Okhlobystin became quite famous in theatrical leggings. He wrote several scripts for performances at the Moscow Art Theater.

There were many proposals for cinema, given the difficult situation in the field of culture and art. Among them - both the main roles and episodic.
Despite being busy in the theater and cinema, Okhlobystin led a wild life. Friends and acquaintances still remember the story of how a novice screenwriter drove into the subway on a motorcycle, being in a heavy hop.

Okhlobystin was sure that in his youth you need to experience everything. His way of life lived up to this belief until the future wife- Film actress Oksana Arbuzova, who became famous thanks to the main role in the film "Accident - the daughter of a cop." Okhlobystin's wife later acted as his co-author when writing the script for the film Maximilian.

"Don Juan"

In 2001, an unusual interpretation of Dostoevsky's novel appeared on the screens. The name of the painting "Don Juan" is nothing more than a play on words ("down" and "house"). The script for this film was written by Okhlobystin in collaboration with Roman Kachanov. Critics called the film the most daring adaptation of The Idiot in the history of cinema.

Ivan Okhlobystin - Priest or actor?

In 2001, the actor, director and screenwriter received the priesthood. And six years later, having taken the blessings of the patriarch, he again began acting in films. In 2010, he was also banned from priestly service. But even now discussions about Okhlobystin do not cease. It is commonly called a streak or former priest. However, the state of prohibition that the patriarch imposed on Father John was by no means a punishment, but the fulfillment of his own request.

"Interns" with Ivan Okhlobystin

Since 2010, Okhlobystin has starred in the popular series about life and working days interns doctors. One of the main roles in this television project made him famous even among the younger generation. For teenagers and yesterday's schoolchildren, the name of Ivan Okhlobystin is not associated with scripts for famous films, and not roles in the films of the nineties, but with Dr. Bykov.

For my creative activity Okhlobystin was awarded many awards and prizes. In addition, in 2016 he was awarded the sign "Volunteer of Donbass". IN Lately actor and priest leads an active social and political activity. In 2011, at one of the press conferences, he even expressed his readiness to put forward his candidacy for the presidency.

Ivan Okhlobystin - biography of personal life

Ivan Okhlobystin and Oksana Arbuzova got married in 1995. In private life scandalous and famous actor- a happy family man. Besides, father of many children. Okhlobystin and Arbuzova have six children. In interviews, the couple repeatedly said that the real reason termination of the priestly ministry is the need to feed big family. Government officials in issuing an apartment large family refused.

Today, Okhlobystin with his wife and children occupy a small living space in an ordinary panel house. However, Oksana Arbuzova believes that happiness in her personal life is impossible without children, even with huge bank accounts and mansions in the elite areas of Moscow. The former actress considers her husband a genius and, in her own words, every day she thanks God for the fact that Father John got it to her.

Ivan Okhlobystin and Oksana Arbuzova met by chance. “I saw her at the Cinema House, I recognized her. She had already starred in the film“ Accident - the daughter of a cop. “I then walked by and said:“ You will be mine, ”said the actor. The next meeting took place five years later. Since then, lovers They did not part, and less than a month later they decided to get married and get married.


Oksana gave Ivan six children - they have two sons and four daughters. Okhlobystin admitted that when the third child was born - Varvara's daughter, they were absolutely exhausted: "We were tired like dogs then, Varya was about three months old. I was looking for work all the time, Oksanka was also exhausted. Varya had asphyxia - Oksana was in the hospital with her for another month, and we almost lost her."

With the fourth child - son Vasily - everything was also not easy. Oksana had to give birth in Tashkent, where Ivan was sent to serve. "When I came to Oksana and said that we should go to Central Asia where I will become a priest, she had only one question: where to get a big suitcase," the actor said.

In the maternity hospital, Oksana was infected with hepatitis. “She was not supposed to live long after that, but she was cured,” said Okhlobystin. They spent seven months in Tashkent, then returned to Moscow. Oksana was rescued in the capital.

Okhlobystin admitted that he and his wife had lost their sixth child. The baby stopped developing in the womb. “It was only two months, it happens. But for us it was terrible, especially for Oksana - she was very worried,” said the artist. Fortunately, in 2006, his wife gave Ivan a son, Savva.

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