How and why to ask for a blessing from the priest. Orthodox faith - the blessing of the priest

Many people think that a blessing is a "good word". But if you look deeper, then the blessing is rather a "word of grace." I think that everyone knows that grace is some kind of energy (divine), giving strength, energy and good luck in good deeds. Blessing is a powerful spiritual action taught in a prayer-verbal form (often with ritual actions with hands) that gives grace, help and protection from God. The one who asks for a blessing from God or His mediator thereby shows his humility, hope and hope for God's help and need for it.

So, there are “several kinds” of blessings.

  1. Blessing for something.
    Take a blessing from the priest for this or that action. In ancient times, people did not start any good deed without receiving a blessing from a priest. From the conception of a child to the very death - all stages of a person's life were accompanied by priestly blessing. For example: Dmitry Donskoy went for the Blessing to Sergei Radonezh before the Battle of Kulikovo, many travelers take a blessing for the road, the laity take a blessing for building a house, etc. In Orthodox Christian practice, each person should take a blessing for almost any business that does not negatively affect on spiritual life: on long way, on prayer rule, work, housing construction/renovation, surgery in a hospital, wedding, conceiving a child….i.e. at all important life events.

Why is it necessary to take a blessing for one thing or another?
Answer: so that the grace given from God through the priest drove away failures and helped in a good deed. But remember that according to your faith it will be for you. Taking a blessing is not some kind of ritual-amulet, but help and strengthening of the strength of a believer. That is, if a person does not believe in God, then. Automatically and does not believe in the Blessing - in this case, it makes little sense to take the blessing (although there are times when a person gains / strengthens faith through the Blessing and success in business).
How to take a blessing from the priest?
Come to the church and in the candle shop ask how and when you can find the priest. When you meet with the priest, just say, “Father, I want to take a blessing for such a thing.” Briefly tell the essence of the matter (keep in mind that taking a blessing for a bad deed is a sin that leads to failure), say “Batiushka, bless” and, bowing your head, fold your right palms to your left palms up.
Father will read a short prayer, cross you and either give a hand (it must be kissed) or simply touch your head. It is believed that with the blessing of God, the Holy Spirit descends on a person, who performs a certain work, depending on what we ask for blessing.
By the way, a priest can bless a person at any time, regardless of whether the priest is in the temple or not, while dressing a priest or bishop in spiritual clothes also does not apply to the act of blessing.

  1. Receive a blessing at the sight of the priest, without voicing your business.
    You probably saw that when the priest enters the temple, some parishioners approach him with the words "bless the father." The priest says: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!”
    In this case, parishioners take a common blessing to strengthen their spiritual strength, which helps them fight temptations and lead an Orthodox lifestyle. Of course, this blessing also helps in good deeds, that is, in this case, you receive a piece of grace for your humility.
    You can also ask “Father, bless the child”, that is, give grace from the Lord to the child.

Having received a blessing from the priest, we kiss the hand that blesses us. Thus, we kiss the invisible hand of Christ the Savior Himself. Saint John Chrysostom: Not a man blesses, but God blesses him with his hand and mouth.. So from the priest you can hear " God bless!».

Conclusion on 1,2,3 points. The power of the Blessing descends upon the one who asks for the blessing through words, and sometimes through the laying on of hands of the blesser. The priest overshadows the sign of the cross asking for a blessing, after which he places his hand in the palm of the believer. The Christian must receive this blessing as from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Therefore, the Orthodox believer kisses the hand of the priest (as if applied to the hand of the Savior). Some clergy do not allow their hand to be kissed, but after the blessing they lay it on the head of the one who asks.

  1. God bless.
    We resort to these words before starting any business or making a decision, when we could not or for some other reason did not ask the blessing of the priest. In this case, "according to your faith, be it to you." As you believe in God, you will receive such an increase in strength and good luck through the blessing. I recommend, nevertheless, for a blessing, to go to church to the priest.
    You can also ask for a blessing from God with the words “Lord, bless” before less important things, such as eating.

Conclusion: To ask for a blessing is to ask for grace!

What does it mean to take a blessing from a priest for some work? Theoretically, having conceived something good, a person asks the priest to call on God's grace to accomplish his plan. In fact, the Lord Himself, with a blessing, descends to the very heart of a person, correcting him for the better.

In practice, this custom sometimes undergoes various mutations. Someone is inclined to perceive the blessing as magic: received - everything came true, did not receive - the ashes went to waste. As if on cue. Only now you need to chase the pike, and the priest is easier to catch.

Father, bless the dacha to sell!

A? What? God bless! - the shepherd rushed, rustling his cassock.

And more was not needed. The blessing will “work”, they will buy a dacha, which means that this priest is strong, you can still approach him with the necessary things. Well, if it doesn’t “work”, knowing has neither the power nor the proper boldness before God. However, this does not mean that the priest is useless. It can also be used for those cases when a positive outcome is not planned.

"Like this?" - you ask. That's how:

Bless, father, make peace with your mother-in-law!

But in fact, that mother-in-law did not give up for nothing, neither evil nor kind. The world did not happen due to the lack of human efforts. But the conscience does not torment. God did not listen to the priest - there is no fault of mine. If he had prayed better and let his beard grow longer, then the result would have been completely different.

But priests are different. Who distributes blessings to the right and left without listening to the end, and who can take out his whole soul, torturing, what and why. Yes, he will take it and not bless. And what? It doesn't happen like that either. So you have to look closely and find out who, how and when it is better to approach.

So my sister asked me to look after the children for a day, while she needs to take care of her husband after the operation. Reluctance, oh, how reluctant. If you refuse, you will be bad. So, wait, sister, I must first take the blessing on this. And not any priest is suitable for this case, but certainly a monk. Best of all, hegumen or archimandrite. With glory. So that the first half of the day does not get through to him, and the other half of the day so that he prays and thinks about the answer, well, then the sister herself will find another nurse for her offspring.

And it happens like this:

Dear our church benefactor and owner of steamboats! Our deacon composes such spiritual songs - you will listen! He would record them, but there is no decent guitar. Help, huh? It's not difficult for you.

And the philanthropist replies:

You need to ask your spiritual father. If he blesses, so be it, I will buy your deacon a guitar.

But spiritual father did not bless. Several years passed, the deacon saved up money and bought himself a six-stringed lyre. Only by that time he had lost his voice, without writing down his compositions.

But tell me, father, what should I do: my granddaughter asks to register and live while studying at the institute. The unbelieving girl, of course. With character. Bless or not?

In a sense, you want to say, - I am amazed, - that if I don’t bless, then you will refuse your granddaughter with a pure heart?

The woman hesitates, catching my displeasure.

Why do you think that I have the moral right to decide what to do with your granddaughter?

Some people give the right to decide what to do to the priest - in order to relieve themselves of responsibility

And a person gave a moral right to a priest in order to relieve himself of responsibility. Fifty-fifty is the chance of getting the preferred answer. And you don’t have to bother running around to the passport officers. And don't feed your mouth too much. Or you can manipulate the priest, summing up the desired answer.

Father, they asked me to pray for a woman alone, but I doubt whether to pray or not. How will you bless?

"Oh, woe to me!" - I think, and ask aloud:

What does the apostle Paul say about this?

Fortunately, the parishioner reads Holy Bible and understands what I mean.

He says pray for one another, she replies.

And were there any amendments there: they say, but don’t pray for such and such a woman?

No, father.

And why did you then decide to rely on my opinion? What if I go crazy and forbid you to pray, going against the apostle? Which one of us will you listen to?

And the woman leaves before she has yet learned to live according to the Gospel without human promptings or instructions from the elders.

Bless, father, I took to Orphanage box of fresh apples!

God bless!

Bless me, I decided to make peace with my wife and save my family!

Blessed be the Lord!

Bless for the day ahead!

God help!

And God enters into someone's heart, from the heart of another He did not leave anywhere, but He is glad to enter into another heart, but it has already been busy for a long time, although there is a beautiful sign hanging: “You are welcome!”

Number of entries: 96

Bless, father! Is it possible to replace the prayer rule with the prayer of Seraphim of Sarov? Do I need to take the blessing of the confessor for this? Save you Lord!


Paul, why would you change the rule of prayer? The rule of St. Seraphim of Sarov is blessed by the elderly, infirm and sick people who find it difficult to keep their attention for a long time. If you do not fit into this category, then you should not be lazy to fulfill your rule - reading morning and evening prayers. It takes 15-20 minutes. In general, it is better to resolve such issues with your spiritual father. I do not know your inner spiritual state.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Bless, Father Victorine! For many years I came to services at the monastery on Karpovka, located at one end of the city of St. Petersburg, where Archpriest Father Georgy became my confessor. But the location of my work changed, and it became difficult for me to go there (I didn’t have time for services, and I was lazy on weekends, a sinner). I have lost touch with my father. I began attending services at the Novodevichy Convent, which was closer to home and more accessible. I confessed and took communion in it with various priests, and did not reveal to them that I already had a confessor. What should I do in such a case? Tell the holy father in the new church about this state, ask for blessings from your confessor from the monastery on Karpovka? Save you Lord.


Boris, there is nothing terrible that you have moved and are far away from your confessor. It is not necessary to go to the confessor every week, you need to go to him if necessary, once a month, or you can once a year. At the same time, you can confess to any priest, and it is not necessary to say at confession that you have a confessor. We turn to the confessor when we have serious questions about life, and more minor ones, or ask a blessing for something, you can have another priest, where you live. For serious questions, you need to contact the confessor. On this issue, it is better for you to contact your confessor on Karpovka, and do as he blesses you.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! I am a believer, baptized, I go to church, I try to fast, but I didn’t know that I needed to take a blessing from a priest for fasting. I thought it goes without saying, since the time of Great Lent. And what should I do now?


Olga, it is not necessary to take a blessing for fasting. You are right, fasting goes without saying, and we must fulfill it. Taking a blessing is a good tradition, so that the Lord would give strength to endure the fast more easily. The fact that you did not take the blessing is nothing to worry about. As you fast, so fast.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! You've committed a big sin! I'm up today did not observe Great Lent! I did not take the blessing from the father! I can’t even go to church to repent, because critical days have begun! What should I do now?


Catherine, start fasting from today. As the Gospel says, "The latter will receive as much as the former." Start a full-fledged fast, and the Lord will count you as for the entire post. When you can, go to church, repent at confession, ask the priest for blessings, and the Lord will forgive you. For the future - you need to be more serious in relation to your soul.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Bless, father!


God bless Galina!

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Dear father! The servant of God Sophia is writing to you. Please help your wise advice. I am 19 years old and I am dating a guy who loves me and I love him. We've been through a lot, we've known each other for 5 years, and we've only been dating for 3 months. And we are planning a wedding. My parents, having learned about this, were completely indignant. Too early, no one gets married like that and so on. Every evening there are scandals about this. I recently found out that I am pregnant. I don’t know how to tell them, because I see how they reacted to the news of the wedding. And I am sure that with their blessing we would live together very happily, despite the problems and obstacles. What should I do in this situation? How to convince parents? Or is it worth succumbing to their parental will? Thanks in advance for your reply!


Well, actually, your pregnancy is the most serious argument in favor of marriage. If you are afraid to talk to your parents about this topic on your own, try to find an "ally". Maybe you have an aunt or godmother with whom you have a more trusting relationship and who treats you with more understanding? Talk to that person first and ask for mediation. And, of course, pray that the Lord will arrange everything peacefully and amicably.

Deacon Elijah Kokin

Hello, fathers. I have a printout for fasting, what and when to eat and drink, very strict adherence to fasting. I have been fasting for more than a year, but I did not know that it was necessary to take a blessing, and only this year I asked for a blessing. I don't know how to ask the right question. At my work, two women asked for this printout, I gave it to them, telling them in general that you shouldn’t start fasting so strictly and you need to get a blessing (permission). They said that you need to start sometime, etc. But my conscience torments me (I think this means that my act is wrong), since one woman visits the temple extremely rarely, and the other is a Muslim (she, however, has her own rules does not observe everything, says that God is one for all and she will support her friend). What is my fault and how to say it in confession? Sorry for the confusion, maybe this is stupidity, but it does not give me rest.


Hello. I want to understand what the blessing is. For example, I approached the priest and asked for a blessing. What does it give? If help is in some business, then people do not always say "bless for this and that." After all, the priest must know what he blesses. Just as an example: let's say a person wants to do plastic surgery to remove a serious birth defect. And he says to the priest: bless, without naming what. Or maybe name it. A congenital defect in a person - maybe this is the will of the Lord, the cross of a person from Him. If the priest blessed that you can do the operation, then God Himself allows it? It doesn't concern me. But how to find out the will of God to remove, for example, a birth defect? Already two questions. I think you understand my misunderstandings. Please give me an answer. Thank you.


When we take a blessing from a priest “just like that”, we mean that this blessing, on the one hand, on our daily affairs, on the other hand, on the main business of our life – the salvation of the soul. As for your specific question, I think you should not be embarrassed, you need to take a blessing from the priest for the operation (in this case, a special prayer is read).

Deacon Elijah Kokin

Hello, fathers. Please tell me how much Orthodox Christian during Great Lent is it allowed to watch TV shows, movies, read secular books? Is it also appropriate to visit a cafe to meet close friends (with moderate eating of lean food)? I would also like to know if it is required to take a blessing from the priest for fasting? Save me, God.


Tatyana, it is very good to take a blessing for fasting. It is quite acceptable to meet friends in a cafe (especially since you note that you will not break the fast). To what extent TV shows, films and books distract you from fasting - determine for yourself, just do not forget that in addition to secular media, fasting is good to have separate time reading spiritual literature and prayer. God help you.

Priest Sergiy Osipov

Hello, father! I have female health problems for which surgery is recommended. My friend, who had the same problem, went to some married couple who treat with hands, and everything went away for her. Then her friend and her mother also went to these people. And they helped. My friend's mother, before going to them, received the priest's blessing. Can I try to visit them too?


Nina, I don't think you should go to them, even if some priest blessed someone. "Healing with hands" is an occult practice, in a certain sense of the word - a satanic cult, it is completely incompatible with faith in God. Let's leave the priest's blessing out of the equation: there can be a lot of ambiguity in this episode - either this is a mistake, or the priest misunderstood, or he is simply very mistaken as a person. All this is possible. But we need to know for sure that after a temporary relief, the appeal to such "healers" subsequently often brings a serious complication, and certainly the most serious spiritual harm. I understand that for you the question is not simple - either an operation, or such an easy way. But this is a question of confession! There is no need for illusions: the ease of healing is deceptive, and you will have to pay for contact with demons all your life. Strengthen you Lord!

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good day. Please tell me. I want to start fasting. How to receive the blessing, what day it should be done, how to prepare, I don't know anything about it. Thank you in advance.


Alevtina, we have all received a blessing for fasting from the Holy Apostles. We need to observe all the fasts that are in the church throughout the year. This fast is strict or Great, during this fast you can not eat meat, dairy and fish products. Orthodox Christians take communion in the first week of Lent, and before that they need to confess and, of course, fast. March 17, Forgiveness Sunday, come to church, and after the service, the priest will bless everyone on great post. In the church shop, find a small brochure "To Help the Penitent", it says how to prepare for confession and Communion and how to fast.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Good day. My name is Aleksey. Married, two children. From June 2012 until the New Year, he worked in Russia, before that he took a blessing, confessed and took communion. And took the blessing new job before a trip to Russia, to St. Petersburg. Worked unsuccessfully, and even injured. Now, I took communion and confessed, and again bad luck with work. He got into loans and overgrown with debts and poverty. And already on the verge of possible patience. I prayed and read akathists to the saints, and there was nothing. Question: how to understand God's blessing in order to be lucky with work for the benefit of the family? Tell me what to do. No job, no money, just debt and frustration. I advertised in the newspaper to make a "shabashka", and it's deaf here.


Hope for luck and prayer for God's help are a bit from different areas. Try to work for the time being at least at the job that you have (well, there must be some vacancies, although not the most attractive, just for the first time!). In the meantime, I strongly advise you to start praying to the holy martyr and miracle worker Tryphon, they usually pray to him when looking for a job. And do not despair, the Lord will arrange everything at the right time, although, of course, from the inside of this situation, everything seems much more serious. God help.

Deacon Elijah Kokin

The priest blessed St. Spyridon to read the Akathist, I was able to read with the icon not 40, but only 15 days, and this is because severe headaches began, as soon as I decided not to read anymore - the pains stopped during the day. A month later, without the blessing of the clergyman, I decided to read to Nicholas the Wonderworker - I could only again for 15 days for similar reasons, and they stopped in the same way ... Tell me, please, has this ever happened to anyone and for what reasons, and in what could be the matter? I'm a little shocked! Thank you.


Gennady, I personally have never heard anything like this, although, of course, there are many temptations in prayer, and they are different. Pray in obedience, as you have been blessed, overcome obstacles slowly, and God bless you!

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Save me, God! Is it possible to put a photograph of the deceased on a shelf, over which icons hang and a lamp stands? And another question: I read the morning and evening rules according to the prayer book, and now I downloaded the translation into Russian and began to read from the sheet. Do I sin, and do I need to take a blessing for this?


Natalia, we pray for icons of the Saints, who are glorified by God and the church. Putting a photo next to the icons is not good. Photos of our loved ones should be in the appropriate places (box, album), or if you really want to, you can hang them on the wall or put them in a sideboard, but not next to the icons. Read prayers, as you used to read, according to the Prayer Book, do not change anything.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello dear fathers! The closer to the church, the more questions. Tell me, please, how often and on what issues should I take a blessing from the priest in the temple? I thought (and I take it) - in extreme cases, for example, before an operation, for reading the Psalter, etc. Probably, for some important things, trips should be taken. The other day, after the service, I heard a conversation between two women in the temple, one to the other said that it was necessary to take a blessing to take the pill - at what time to take it. I also take this medicine, but how to drink it is prescribed by the doctor. On the site, I also very often read that it is necessary to take a blessing, it turns out, literally for everything. By the way, on your advice, I went to my father to bless me for reading akathists and canons, he, of course, blessed me on the go, but somehow looked at me strangely. So I’m arguing - if we with every business, and every person has a lot of them, we will approach the priests, then where will they get so much time for us? And, by the way, the second question is connected with this question. I also often read your recommendations and advice on the site to ask more from my priests in churches. Alas. Ask about the important, the main thing - always on the go, on the run, or not at all. And to talk, to consult... Only to dream. At confession, too - for everything about everything for a few minutes. I think it's the same in many churches. It turns out that you have a wonderful site, it helps us a lot (often there is nowhere else to ask, find out), but sometimes it disagrees with reality. I wish you all the best and good luck.


Tatyana, a blessing must be taken in cases where spiritual help and assistance is required. Of course, to take a pill, and for every "sneeze" - this is already too much. And as for our discrepancy with reality, this is more likely, dear Tatyana, a slight reproach to you, and not to the site. The fact is that we all need to treat our souls very, very carefully, and if there is no way to talk with a priest in our church, then we need to look for a priest with whom we can talk. You shouldn't get used to the bad, but this "on the run" is bad, but you don't have to put up with it and make the unacceptable the norm. The conversation about the soul is a serious conversation, one cannot be mistaken here, since this conversation is about eternal life and eternal death, and do not run, they do not lead him. If it doesn’t work out in your church, look for another, if you can, look for a more accessible confessor, but don’t stop at this state. Don't settle for what you have, look for something better!

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! Tell me, please, is it possible to read the prayer of detention? In what cases can it be read, is a blessing needed? God bless you!


Hello Inna. This "prayer" is a pseudo-Orthodox remake, in its spirit it is paganism, and comes from the perverted consciousness of fallen man. And an Orthodox person must be aware that no troubles and misfortunes, no "enemy obsession" can happen to him, unless there is the will of God, good, holy and all-perfect. In adversity, one must pray as the Gospel teaches: "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; however, not as I want, but as You do. Thy will be done" (Matthew 26:39,46). And, like a prudent robber, to recognize himself worthy of all punishments and sorrows, whatever God pleases to give us, so that we can buy eternity for ourselves at this small price in the limited time of earthly life.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Good evening. My name is Victoria. I need your help. The day before, my husband and I were asked to marry a couple of young people. The bride belongs to me cousin. My parents married the bride's parents. In what cases can we refuse to marry them? I believe that refusing to become godparents- it is a sin. We are unable to this moment marry the young. My husband and I got married six months ago and we ourselves live in a rented apartment, and there is still a debt to pay off the wedding. Moreover, for all this time I did not see much honor and respect from them for their parents, as for their godfathers, but, on the contrary, ridicule and arrogance. Therefore, we do not want to marry them, because they only need it for show. Moreover, I understand the full responsibility of the obligations assumed, if we agree to marry. And they turned to us only because there are no more married couples in their circle. And we don't want to get married. And one more question - how to get a blessing to conceive a baby? We lost our baby 3 months ago. early term, 5 weeks, and very worried. Now, with God's blessing, we want to try again. Waiting for an answer. Thank you.


Victoria, there is no need to look for any special reasons to refuse to be a witness at the wedding, this is a voluntary matter. If you do not want to participate in their wedding, then do not participate - this is not a sin, this is a person's free will. Here is a prayer for the birth of a child, read it every day. "Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, that Thy grace may be sent down by our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Thy Law on the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, that by Thy help Thy established will be preserved. He created everything from nothing and laid the foundation for everything in the world that exists - He also created man in His image and with a high secret sanctified the union of matrimony and the prediction of the mystery of the union of Christ with the Church. Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see the son of their sons even to the third and fourth generation, and to the desired old age, they will live and enter the Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Holy Spirit forever. Amen."

blessing has different meanings. For example, one of the values ​​is a greeting. Say hello to the father by the hand church traditions can only be equal to him in rank, all other deacons receive a blessing from him when they meet. . Of course, if we talk about blessing as a ritual, then the priest must be in a cassock and it should be carried out only within the walls of the temple. HOW IS IT CORRECT TO ASK FOR BLESSINGS FROM BATYUSHKA? Many people first ask for a blessing, but then they say that it does not give anything. The fact is that you need to know the “rules” of how to ask for blessings from the priest. After all, if you ask for a blessing for work without having it or for marriage without a groom, then it is clear that you will not be able to feel the mystery of this rite. You should also remember that you can not come to the blessing at the time of communion. Such a rite can be performed after the Liturgy. And so how is it right to ask for blessings from the priest: Using the example of work, before you receive a blessing from the priest, you must first find a job, and then come to him and ask for parting words so that everything works out for you there. The priest must definitely find out if it will harm your health, and if it concerns marriage, the priest will ask if he belongs to another faith. After that, he will approve it and say: "God bless." HOW DOES THE RITE HAPPEN? Blessing as a rite is the sign of the cross, which is done by bishops and priests. During the blessing, the clergyman does this with his hand. At the same time, he folds his fingers so that they depict IS XR. This means that the Lord Himself blesses us through the priest. Therefore, we must accept the blessing with reverence. It should be noted that in ancient times, marriages were not performed without the blessing of a priest, people did not go on a journey, etc. It was believed that without this rite, a person's life is in great danger and no business will be successful. After all, as you know, prayer and blessing, this is the most strong way protect yourself in any place and city. Today, in order to receive a blessing personally, not during the service, you need to fold your hands in a cross ( right palm put on the left, palms up). At the same time, you need to pronounce the following words: "Bless the father." After receiving it, you must kiss the priest's hand. This symbolizes as if we ourselves are kissing the invisible hand of Christ. WHICH PRIEST TO TAKE A BLESSING FROM? Sometimes it happens that, having come to church and see several priests together, a person is lost to which of the priests he will turn to. First of all, pay attention to their rank. Whoever is higher in rank, the blessing is taken from him. If a hieromonk and a bishop stand nearby, then you need to turn to the bishop. The eromonk does not have such fullness. Since episcopal grace is equated with apostolic grace. Also, if a priest and an archpriest stand nearby, then you need to contact the archpriest. And if the abbot and hieromonk, then it is recommended to ask for a blessing from the abbot. IS IT POSSIBLE TO READ AKATHIST WITHOUT THE BLESSING OF THE PRIEST? Many parishioners are interested in the question of whether it is necessary to take a blessing for reading an akathist. In fact, it all depends on the frequency of reading. If a person just sometimes wants to read it, then the blessing is not obligatory. And if this reading takes place regularly, then you should definitely turn to the priest and receive a blessing for this.

There are days in the life of every believer when he attends church and comes to spiritual cleansing. Orthodox people quite often have conversations with God through their thoughts or through the priest. It is the priest who is the guide to God and to the truth for every believer. But have you thought about whether you need ask the father for blessings for any requirement.

Imagine for a moment, if the priest is a guide to God, and you want to ask God for approval to do a special deed, then accordingly you need to turn to the priest in order for him to give you this approval - God's grace on behalf of the priest. Then, of course, you will think about the question of how and under what circumstances this should be done. This article will be useful for everyone Orthodox and believers who came early or late to this question.

What is a blessing and how to ask for a blessing from a priest

- these are the actions of the priest aimed at wishing good to the person who came to him with a request for blessing. In other words, this is a special prayer, the words of which depend on the person's conversion. And also it is considered the approval of God, any business in the person of the priest.

Many church members meeting the father on his way want to ask him for blessings. But often they do it wrong. Of course, there are no obligatory canons on how to ask for a blessing from a priest, but still, in order to answer the question of how to receive a blessing from a priest, you need to know certain rules. First of all, all who ask must know that they must ask for things that really exist. Asking for God's grace to marry, for example, is not possible if you do not yet have a bride or groom. Consider the example of getting approval from a priest to get married:

  1. Before you get approval, you need to get a groom (bride), agree on everything, and then come to the priest and ask for parting words so that everything goes well in this matter.
  2. You will be asked whether your chosen one belongs to another faith and whether this is done with the consent of both.
  3. After that, he will approve and say: "God bless."

The rite itself also takes place in a certain way. In order to receive a blessing, you need to approach the priest, put right hand on the left, while the palms should be directed to the sky. Then say: “Bless, father!” Then the sign of the cross will follow.

The clergyman conducts this ceremony with his hand, folding his fingers so that they depict IC XC - Jesus Christ. Thus, the Lord himself blesses us, through the priest. After that, it is necessary to kiss the hand of the priest, this will mean that we are, as it were, kissing the invisible hand of God.

When to ask for a blessing from the priest

Before, none the believer did not go far and did not perform any important deeds without the blessing of the clergyman. It was believed that it was prayer and God's grace that protect a person from troubles and sins. Now they don't take it so seriously. So, when to take a blessing from a priest? IN Lately believers seek blessings:

  • On the road.
  • To do well in exams.
  • To do the job.
  • For the right upbringing of children.
  • To make a purchase and so on.

If you are traveling or planning to travel to long way, then it is best to get parting words from the priest. All this is done for to keep the road calm, without incident and brought only joy.

When preparing for exams or doing work, you can take approval so that everything you plan succeeds and nothing gets in your way.

In order not to doubt the correctness of your methods of raising children, a priest will also help you. Prompt, show and bless. After that, there is only a small chance that you can do something wrong.

God's grace can and should be asked with or without reason. For those who are a regular visitor to the temple, instead of the words "Hello" and "Goodbye", the priest blesses you. By the way, it is also impossible to greet the priest with a handshake, only individuals have the right to do this.

In order for your purchase to benefit you and no problems arise with it, you also turn to the church. There are no restrictions on exactly what issues and deeds to ask for God's grace. It is important to remember that it is not necessary to be baptized before and after the ceremony.

A priest has the right to bless being not only in the Temple and the sacred cassock, but also being outside the church in civilian clothes, but only in specific cases. Ask and you will be heard and your words and actions will be blessed. Don't forget about responsibility. As the saying goes: "Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself."

Is it necessary to receive a blessing for fasting

Fasting in Orthodoxy is a time of abstinence. If possible, permission or blessing for fasting must be taken. But if for some reason you do not have the opportunity to go to church and do this, then, of course, you can fast on your own. The blessing for Great Lent, for example, is the day of Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, all Orthodox gather in the temple and ask for forgiveness both from each other and from the priesthood for voluntary and involuntary offenses. Fasting is our sacrifice to God. And the Great One carries the meaning of the forty-day fast of Jesus in the wilderness.

Although church posts it is not necessary for all believers to keep, but it is important to ask for a blessing in order to refuse fasting for one reason or another, for example, due to illness.

How to ask for blessings from the priest for childbirth or surgery

In order for you to be calmer during childbirth or during an emergency operation, contact the priest. Order a prayer service before childbirth, let the priest bless you and your child for an easy birth. There is no set time to take the blessing for a future birth or surgery. You can apply to the church with these at any time in a week or a few days.

Do not forget that you should also take communion. Of course, the priesthood will ask you when your event will take place, as well as other details. Do not be afraid that you will not be blessed, the priest will find time for you, listen and help you figure out your plans. You will not be left without God's grace. The rite of blessing itself will follow the same pattern as in the example described above with the blessing of marriage. However, in general, all blessings are given in this way.

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