Biography. Alexey Mordashov. Steel grip Severstal CEO Alexey Mordashov

Alexey Alexandrovich Mordashov is the head of the domestic mining and steel giant Severstal, the owner of the machine-building enterprise Power Machines, co-owner of the international gold mining company Nord Gold, the main beneficiary of the leader in the woodworking market, the SVEZA holding.

Its assets include various shares or shares of a number of companies, including Europe's largest travel concern TUI, Rossiya Bank, National Media Group, T2RTK Holding and others.

Childhood and family of Alexei Mordashov

The future owner of Severstal was born on September 26, 1965 in Cherepovets in a family of workers at a metallurgical plant. His father was one of the builders of this largest steel plant in the world and later an electrical engineer. Mother worked in the equipment supply department.

Most of my father's relatives, including his two siblings, lived in the Trans-Volga region and were engaged in the national craft of their ancestors - making dishes, toys, and souvenirs from wood. The Museum of Folk Crafts, located in Sergiev Posad, exhibits wooden horses by the billionaire's ancestors.

Alyosha was a calm, independent and obedient child, and at school he was a responsible and diligent student. From the sixth grade, he dreamed of becoming an economist-manager.

Having received a secondary education, in 1982 the young man entered the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute, where his teacher, among others, was Anatoly Chubais. He was one of the leaders of the informal circle and introduced his active student into the company of innovative economists, who became interested in the works of Yegor Gaidar.

The young man showed great abilities, was an excellent student, received not just an increased, but the largest Lenin scholarship. In addition, he was a Komsomol leader, a member of the CPSU, energetic, polite, intelligent and pleasant to talk to.

The beginning of the career of Alexei Mordashov

After graduating from the university in 1988, the young specialist returned to his hometown and began labor activity at the plant, to which his relatives gave their whole lives. The future oligarch began as a senior economist, successfully moving up the career ladder.

In 1990, he managed to get an internship in Austria, which took place in the city of Linz at the Voestalpine steel plant. Shortly after his return from abroad, he was appointed director of Severstal for economics and finance. Moreover, the candidacy of a promising young manager was then defended by the general director Yuri Lipukhin, despite the fact that the head of the relevant ministry, Serafim Kolpakov, was categorically against such a decision. The reason for his hostility to the protege of the head of the plant was an unsightly fight between Alexei and the son of an official, who at the same time trained with him in an Austrian company.

However, the 60-year-old head of the plant saw his possible successor in the conscientious, independent, enterprising, respectful Mordashov. He instructed him to organize the privatization of the plant. To this end, Alexey created Severstal-invest, most of whose shares belonged to him personally.

Gradually he bought securities ChMK for the general money, retaining a controlling stake (51 percent), and transferred the assets to the newly established Severstal-Garant structure. As a result, his partner lost the opportunity to influence the development strategy of the enterprise, and Mordashov, having later bought out 49% of his mentor's shares, became his full owner.

Many players in the metallurgy market showed interest in the plant in order to survive, as the billionaire himself admitted, his moral character changed - he ceased to be as modest, polite and gentle as in the old days, he became cynical and tough.

In 2001, as evidence of his extensive knowledge and practical experience, he received an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree from the British Business School of Newcastle, Northumbria University, and since 2003 he has also become its honorary doctorate. A similar title was awarded to him by his native university - St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

Under his control were the main mass media of Cherepovets, and the corporation acquired assets in the most various fields(mining, automotive, insurance). Moreover, not only domestic companies, but also foreign, in particular, the American manufacturer Rouge Industries, the Italian Lucchini.

Since 2002, the businessman has been a member of the Russian-German intergovernmental group on economics and finance. Since 2004 - in the leadership of the American Institute of East and West. Since 2006 - in the Business Cooperation Council of the Russian Federation and the EU, as well as in many other authoritative organizations.

Personal life of Alexei Mordashov

The first time the owner of Severstal got married at the age of 19, when he was in his 2nd year at the institute. Aleksey's chosen one was 3 years older than his fifth-year student Elena, originally from Irkutsk. Such an early wedding was associated with the "interesting" position of the bride.

News of an unexpected marriage only son was a real blow to his mother. But, despite this, after the appearance in 1985 of the grandson of Ilya, she developed a good relationship with her daughter-in-law. However, in 1996, the family broke up, according to his wife, due to the rapid career development Alexey, big money that accompanied their appearance of permissiveness and his betrayals.

During the divorce, he left his ex-wife and son an apartment in his hometown, a Nine car, alimony of $1,000 a month, and $6,000 a year for recovery. Later in 2002, the woman tried through the courts to obtain a share in the capital of the ex-spouse, but to no avail. The court upheld the agreement originally signed between them.

After won judicial trial, Mordashov, on his personal initiative, allegedly increased monthly payments former family. However, according to rumors, the son Ilya did not want to be Mordashov, but took his mother's maiden name - Novitskaya.

The second wife of the oligarch was his work colleague Elena, born in 1971, a graduate of the Leningrad Institute of the Textile Industry, an economist and an accountant at the ChMK. Despite the fact that at the time of their acquaintance the financial director of the plant was still married, she could not resist the young, handsome and successful leader and fell in love. The couple had two sons: in 1999 - Cyril, in 2000 - Nikita.

In 2015, Forbes reported that the billionaire already had a new life partner, whose name is Larisa. True, Alexey Aleksandrovich did not officially confirm this information. He allegedly also had new heirs - at the time of publication, Alexei had six children.

The financial tycoon, as befits a person of his status, is fond of painting, winter sports, loves poetry.

Alexey Mordashov today

In 2011, the oligarch received an invitation to the Bilderberg Club, which brings together the recognized and most influential representatives of politics, business, and the media.

Alexey Mordashov on the work of Severstal

In 2012, he became the first Russian to enter the The guide World Steel Association, as evidence of recognition among the world representatives of the steel industry. In 2015, at a conference held in Chicago, he was re-elected to the organization's executive committee until October 2016. At the same time, he was elected head of the Russian Steel Consortium, which united the enterprises Severstal, Evraz, Mechel, Novolipetsk, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works and others, which is part of this World Steel Association.

The billionaire is a member of the leadership of the Committee for the accession of the Russian Federation to the World trade organization and reforming domestic customs policy.

Alexey Mordashov in an interview about sanctions

In published American Forbes in the global ranking of the richest people in the world, the owner of Severstal in 2016 took 93rd position. According to experts of the publication, his fortune for 2015 decreased by $2.1 billion and amounted to $10.9 billion. In 2014, he received 960 million in dividends from Severstal alone.

Mordashov Alexey Alexandrovich - Russian entrepreneur and manager, billionaire. Owner (by 77%), Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO(from 2006 to 2014 PJSC Severstal (until December 1, 2014 - OJSC Severstal), General Director of CJSC Severgroup, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Power Machines, Member of the Board of Directors of Nord Gold N.V. and Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC "Sveza".


Mordashov Alexey Alexandrovich, 09/26/1965, born in Cherepovets Vologda region.

Relatives. Mother: Mordashova Maria Fedorovna, born on 06/08/1936, pensioner. She worked at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant from the moment of its foundation.

Wife (former): Mordashova ( maiden name Novitskaya) Elena Grigoryevna, born on December 6, 1962, got married as students. IN last years did not actually live together. Elena Mordashova initiated a high-profile divorce proceedings, which, however, she lost.

Wife: Mordashova Elena Vladimirovna, born on September 20, 1971, an economist by education. She met Mordashov when she worked in the accounting department of Severstal.

Son: Mordashov Ilya Alekseevich, born on January 15, 1986, currently lives permanently in Moscow. Maintains an episodic relationship with his father.

Awards. Order of Alexander Nevsky. Order of Honor. Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 1st class. Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree. Insignia "For good deed". Russian Order Orthodox Church Holy Right-Believing Prince Daniel of Moscow III degree. Commander of the Order of Merit for the Italian Republic. Cross of Recognition III class. Laureate of the national business reputation award "Darin" of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship in 2002. Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. Certificate of honor Ministry of Economy. Honorary diploma of the Governor of the Vologda region. Awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the city of Cherepovets".

State. As of 2014, Alexey Mordashov takes 12th place in the ranking richest businessmen Russia. As of 2016, he is recognized as the richest man in Russia according to Bloomberg. In the 2017 Forbes rating, he took second place in Russia and 51 in the world with a capital of $17.5 billion. In July 2017, he took second place in the ranking of the richest businessmen in Russia. In 2018, according to the Forbes rating of "200 richest businessmen in Russia", Mordashov also took second place with a fortune of $ 18.7 billion.

Hobbies. Interested in poetry, painting, active winter sports.


  • In 1988 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after P. Togliatti.
  • In 2001, he received an MBA from Northumbria University Business School (Newcastle, UK).

Labor activity

  • After graduation, he worked at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, where he successively held the positions of senior economist, head of the bureau of economics and labor organization of the mechanical repair shop No. 1 and deputy head of the planning department of the plant. Passed a six-month internship in Austria.
  • In 1992, Mordashov A. A. became director of economics and finance at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, which was soon transformed into OAO Severstal.
  • In the same year, during the privatization of the plant, he created a subsidiary company Severstal-invest (24% of the shares of which belonged to Severstal, and 76% to him personally), then buying up the shares of Severstal. Having thus obtained control over the enterprise, he became the general director and owner of OAO Severstal.
  • Currently, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Severstal, the General Director of ZAO Severgroup, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Power Machines, and a member of the Board of Directors of Nord Gold N.V. and Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO Sveza.


But Mordashov was not going to give up. At that time, another election campaign in Ukraine turned into an “orange revolution”. Alexey Alexandrovich supported the presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko, which marked one of his first steps the revision of the privatization of Kryvorizhstal. True, when re-privatization began in 2005, Severstal refused to participate in it.

But the Ukrainian fiasco did not really upset Alexei Alexandrovich, who had already firmly established himself as one of the hundred richest people in the world in Forbes versions, and in Russia he was considered one of the richest people at all. In addition, even without Ukraine, Mordashov was doing well on the world market. So, he acquired a metallurgical concern in the United States, as well as a 70% stake in the Italian steel producer Lucchini.

But really on high international level Alexey Alexandrovich was able to leave in 2006, when Severstal planned to merge with the largest steel corporation Arcelor. This opportunity arose due to the threat of a takeover of Arcelor by the world leader in the industry, the metallurgical group Mittal Steel. But the shareholders of the corporation did not want to get involved with the little-known Russian oligarch and opted for Mittal Steel. In Russia at that time it was perceived as a containment Russian business on the world market.

On new level Gradually, Mordashov's love for the media business also came out. In July 2005, Severstal Group acquired a 70% stake in the REN-TV channel from RAO UES. Perhaps this was done in order to make amends for Yushchenko's support to the Russian authorities. After all, REN-TV remained the last federal opposition channel, and Aleksey Alexandrovich was ready to “reformat” it in the right direction.

Meanwhile, the quick-tempered nature of Mordashov from time to time made itself felt. So, for example, Alexey Alexandrovich made a scandal to the employees of the business terminal of Vnukovo-3 airport, which he used for his flights along with Yuri Luzhkov and Anatoly Chubais. The oligarch was indignant that one of his “girlfriends”, who accompanied him on the flight, had a buckle broken on a ladies’ backpack. Because of this buckle, the "steel king" gave a dressing to the airport staff, demanding to pay "a piece of bucks" for the damage.

In 2008, Mordashev, as a businessman, reached his peak. According to Forbes, his fortune was estimated at $ 21.2 billion, and in the ranking of the richest people in the world, he ranked eighteenth. However, the global financial crisis that began at that time soon spoiled these indicators somewhat, and already in 2009 Russian oligarch ranked only 122 in the same ranking, having 4.3 billion dollars.

In 2014, the name Lipukhin unexpectedly surfaced. Moreover, it was not the ex-director of Severstal, Yuri Lipukhin, who died of a heart attack in Canada in 2011, literally two months before his seventy-fifth birthday, but his son Viktor, who permanently lives overseas. Ministry of Justice and tax service The United States accused Lipukhin Jr. of concealing assets worth between $4 million and $7.5 million. At the same time, the US Department of Justice claimed that Viktor Lipukhin was the president of the American "daughter" of Severstal - Severstal Inc. Severstal denied this information. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether Mordashov really sheltered Lipukhin's son in his corporation, and then disowned him in time, or whether Viktor Yuryevich really had nothing to do with Severstal, and he was assigned to it "out of old memory".

At present, Alexey Alexandrovich is not engaged in the operational management of the corporation, having transferred the post of general director to his deputy Vadim Larin, remaining only the chairman of the board of directors. But at the same time, he owns 79.2 percent of the shares of Severstal.

Alexey Alexandrovich Mordashov is a talented manager who is not afraid to make non-standard decisions. His tenacity came in handy in the conditions of the emerging market economy and helped him enter the host cohort new Russia. It was through Mordashov's efforts that Severstal became one of the world's largest steel and mining companies. However, at the same time, Alexey Alexandrovich literally “passed over the heads” of the people closest to him. So, Yuri Lipukhin, who became for Mordashov not only a “godfather” in management activities, but also an actual godfather at baptism, he simply wiped away from business, having single-handedly taken possession of the corporation. He acted ugly with his family, who supported him in Hard time, and which he abandoned as soon as his business took off. Of course, in the fight against other oligarchs, such unscrupulousness only helped the "steel king", but it is unlikely that his conscience can be calm.

Alexey Mordashov is the owner and CEO of Severstal, a manager and billionaire, the owner of several Vologda media outlets, and is fluent in English and German.

Alexei Mordashov has always been ambitious and purposeful. Only thanks to these qualities, at the age of twenty-seven, he was able to take the chair of the financial director of a metallurgical plant in his native city, and after a while to get his property. To date, he has managed to make a decent fortune and become the second in the list of domestic rich people, leaving behind many well-known oligarchs.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Mordashov was born on September 26, 1965 in Cherepovets, near Vologda. His ancestors were well-known in Rus' Fedoseevsky woodworkers-toys, their works are still kept in the exposition of the Museum of Folk Toys in Sergiev Posad.

In the photo Alexei Mordashov in his youth

The boy's father, Alexander Mordashov, unlike his two brothers, did not follow in the footsteps of his ancestors, he studied at the Gorky Polytechnic University, then worked as an electrical engineer at a metallurgical plant in Cherepovets. Mom's name was Maria Mordashova, she was an employee of the equipment department at the same enterprise.

In his school years, Alexey pleased his parents with excellent studies and exemplary behavior. Teachers still remember his perseverance and diligence, he was always set as an example for unlucky students, so his peers called Lesha a "template".

After graduating from school, Mordashov went to Leningrad, where he became a student at the Engineering and Economics Institute. After graduation, he received a diploma with honors. At that time, Anatoly Chubais taught at the institute, and Mordashov attended all his lectures, which helped him understand the work of economic mechanisms.

After receiving a diploma, Mordashov had the opportunity to enter graduate school, but he was not interested in science. It was unrealistic to get a good position in Leningrad without connections, so Alexei decided to return home. Soon he was already working at the Cherepovets Iron and Steel Works, where he was appointed a senior economist in the labor organization department. This is where it started work biography future billionaire.

In 1988, the plant sent young specialist to Austria for an internship. At that time, Yury Lipukhin held the post of director of the plant, and he spoke well of the promising economist. In 1992, he appointed Mordashov to the post of financial director of the plant. The workers expressed their dissatisfaction with this appointment, but the director used his authority and put an end to the dissatisfaction among them.


The appointment came just at the beginning of privatization in the country. The case was new and completely unfamiliar, so Yuri Lipukhin used Mordashov for this process. Alex set to work with great enthusiasm. He began to buy vouchers and shares from the employees of the enterprise, and tried to make sure that the management of the plant did not get them.

He used very a simple circuit. For this, a new structure was created called Severstal-invest, which was 86% owned by Mordashov. It was she who bought shares and vouchers from the factory workers. In order to earn money to buy shares, Severstal-invest bought metal cheaply at ChMK and sold it abroad. The workers did not want to voluntarily part with their shares, then the plant took drastic measures and delayed the payment of wages for six months. As a result, Alexey Mordashov managed to take over 83% of the shares of ChMK.

Despite such a not very fair game, the ex-director of the enterprise, Yuri Lipukhin, speaks of Mordashov as a good business executive, under whom Severstal became a leader in metallurgical production.

Having taken the post of general director, Alexey began cardinal reforms at the enterprise. He updated the team with new personnel, removed unprofitable enterprises from the balance sheet of Severstal. Of the 50 thousand workers at the plant, only 37 remained. He did not invest in the restoration of outdated production, he simply closed it. Soon, new lines were put into operation that met world needs, and the share of export products was increased.

At the end of 2004, Severstal managed to acquire the steel production of Rouge Industries lnc., owned by. Soon the company already owned the Izhora Pipe Plant, Ulyanovsk car factory, Olenegorsk GOK, Karelian Okatysh.

Personal life

Mordashov entered into his first official marriage while still a sophomore. His wife Lena studied at the same institute in her fifth year. They got married because the girl got pregnant. Mordashov's first-born son, Ilya, was born in 1985. It was very difficult for the newlyweds, Ilya was often sick, and Alexei had to earn extra money by writing term papers for fellow students.

The couple broke up in 1996 due to Mordashov's constant employment at work and his endless trips to the side. After divorce proceedings Elena and her son still own a three-ruble note in Cherepovets, a VAZ-2109 car and alimony. Every month, Lena received an amount of one thousand dollars for her son, and once a year six thousand dollars for rest and recreation.

In 2002, the ex-wife decided to go to court and demanded that the oligarch divide the property and pay alimony in the amount of $ 20 million. She said that this was worthy compensation for a ten-year marriage. According to some media, behind the scenes of this process were Alexei's business competitors - Oleg Deripaska and Iskander Makhmudov.

The court decided to arrest the shares of Severstal, but this decision was soon canceled. Mordashov was awarded monthly payments for his son in the amount of 10,600 rubles.

But the ex-wife received a counterclaim, and had to pay a court fee in the amount of 213,790,000 rubles. She did not have such an amount, and therefore the court seized her Moscow apartment. After the trial, Aleksey Mordashov said that he would not allow anyone to interfere in the production process, and that shares were not just pieces of paper, but documents backed by thousands of people.

Ilya has not communicated with his father for a very long time and even abandoned his last name.

Mordashov's personal life changed in 1997 when he married a woman named Elena, who was an economist at the Chelyabinsk Combine. She younger than husband for six years higher education received at the Leningrad Institute of Textile Industry. In 1999, the couple had a son, Cyril, in 2000, another son, Nikita.

Alexey Mordashov today

The second marriage of the oligarch did not become final. He married a third time, his chosen one is called Larisa, who bore him three children. To date, Mordashov has six heirs, however family life was never a priority for him. He openly says that in the first place he always has his business and business, and then his family. Alexei Mordashov is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Bolshoi Theater, devotes a lot of time to public life. Supports the development of sports and transfers sufficient funds to charity. In the summer of 2016, Alexei Mordashov received the badge of distinction "For Good Deed" from the hands of President Vladimir Putin.


Despite the billionth fortune, Alexey Mordashov is rather stingy in his expenses. For flights, he uses a Yak-40 owned by Severstal, wears inexpensive watches and travels in an ordinary car. In 2014, he took 12th position in the list of the richest people in the Russian Federation.

In 2016 he was named the first rich man in Russia, in 2017 he took second place in Russian ranking Forbes and 51 lines in the world list. His fortune was measured at 17.5 billion dollars.

In 2018, the oligarch increased his wealth, and his fortune was estimated at $20.5 billion.


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Business, Mar 03, 16:23

Mordashov announced a possible strategy for transferring $ 17 billion to children ... and prepare to take on responsibility Major owner of Severstal Alexei Mordashov is developing a plan to pass on his fortune to children, he said himself ... the stability of the system after it is inherited, ”said Mordashov. The plan provides for the creation of a certain fund that will allow the children of a businessman to accept ...

Business, 02 Mar, 11:26

Power Machines Mordashov decided to leave the joint venture with Siemens ... . The company called this decision illegal. May 2018 Mordashov announced the possibility of Power Machines exiting the joint venture with Siemens ... we have 35% in this joint venture, while Siemens has 65%,” said Mordashov, emphasizing that the United States had no complaints against Siemens ... The representative of Mordashov called the reports about the illness of a businessman slander ... . On Wednesday, Nezygar reported that Mordashov"seriously ill and the question of heritage will come up very soon." "Myself Mordashov I would like to transfer control of the business to my sons in the presence of watching guarantors,” reports Nezygar. Mordashov handed over control of Nordgold to his sons In September last year, the sons... Mordashov announced plans to create a Russian analogue of Amazon ... .5 billion ranked richest entrepreneurs Russia according to Forbes) Alexei Mordashov told Bloomberg about plans to create a trading ecosystem based on owned ... sectors of the economy and eventually open an online retailer like Amazon. Mordashov clarified that Severgroup has already made several investments related to human ... as constantly as the need for food or communication,” said Mordashov. According to him, the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook Group had a positive impact on...

Business, 25 Sep 2019, 19:03

Forbes announced the emergence of two new billionaires in Russia After it became known that Alexei Mordashov handed over 65% of the shares of the gold mining company Nordgold to his two sons, Forbes ... . On Wednesday, August 25, it became known that the main owner of Severstal Alexei Mordashov passed on to his sons from his second marriage, Kirill and Nikita 65 ... and Nikita is not exhausted. Back in June, it became known that Mordashov transferred to them a 65 percent stake in the capital of Unifirm Ltd ...

Business, 25 Sep 2019, 13:58

Mordashov handed over control of Nordgold to his sons ... of the Nordgold company, the remaining 35% remained with the father. The main owner of Severstal Alexei Mordashov transferred to his sons Kirill and Nikita 65% of the shares of the gold mining company ... 24.9% of the shares of the tour operator TUI AG and a stake in Nordgold. Mordashov-senior is ranked 4th in the ranking of the 200 richest businessmen ... Mordashov shared the formula for success in business ... in step with the times. Owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Severstal Alexei Mordashov in an interview with the Harvard Business Review Russia magazine, he revealed his formula ... and to introduce the necessary technologies and practices, continued Mordashov. “And it’s not easy, to put it mildly,” he said. Mordashov also noted that in today's business ... ready for the daily changes that technology brings with it," said Mordashov. At the same time, the owner of Severstal said that Russian business... Small-scale wholesale sales of Lenta fell by 62.2% Suppliers are gradually abandoning the distribution channel of Lenta hypermarkets. In the first half of 2019, retailer Lenta's wholesale revenue decreased by 62.2% compared to the same period in 2018, the company said in its IFRS report. The company does not disclose the exact data on the volume of this type of sales. In her 2018 report, she reported... Bloomberg estimated the assets that had gone to Mordashov's sons at $1.7 billion ... is valued, according to Bloomberg, at nearly $1.7 billion. Mordashov] is at the forefront of the transfer of wealth by ultra-rich Russians to their heirs... Mordashov re-registered his package in TUI Group for his sons Alexei Mordashov will remain a co-owner of the tour operator, as well as a member of the Supervisory Board of TUI AG. There are no plans to change the shareholding structure of Severstal. Businessman Alexei Mordashov handed over to his sons ... "KN-Holding", established by his sons. Thus, Mordashov Sr. remains the co-owner of TUI,” the spokesperson explained, adding that Alexei Mordashov will remain a member of the Supervisory Board of TUI AG ... Mordashov's structures received almost 80% of Lenta ... investment fund TPG Group) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Mordashov closed a deal to buy 42% of the Lenta network The message also ... Mordashov will decentralize the Power Machines that fell under the sanctions ... management and investment company - LLC "NordEnergoGroup", the general director of which was himself Mordashov. Mordashov asked Medvedev to support Power Machines amid sanctions "Need to adjust... Mordashov's share in Lenta retailer exceeded 50% ... than 50% of voting rights in Lenta Ltd,” the statement says. Mordashov closed a deal to buy 42% of the Lenta chain In early April... Mordashov closed the deal to buy 42% of the Lenta network Severgroup became the new largest owner of Lenta. The shareholder does not plan to change the management and strategy of the retailer, but will explore synergy opportunities with his Utkonos. Alexey Mordashov's Severgroup closed a deal to buy 41.9% of the Lenta hypermarket chain, the group's website reports. The price of the offer and its conditions are announced and are... FAS approves deal to purchase Mordashov 42% of Lenta hypermarket chain The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has approved a deal to buy billionaire Alexei Mordashov's Severgroup (the main asset is Severstal) of 41.91% of the Lenta hypermarket chain from TPG Group and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). This was reported by TASS with reference to the statement of the General Director of Lenta Herman Ting. It is clarified that... Top 10 richest sports team owners include three Russians ... Alexei Mordashov, Roman Abramovich and Mikhail Prokhorov entered the list of the ten richest ... for the first time ranked Russian philanthropists The richest Russian on the list - Alexei Mordashov, the main owner of Severstal and Power Machines. It is located at 48... "Magnit" disclosed the details of the negotiations contradicting the statement of "Lenta" ... Lenta, including TPG and the EBRD,” noted the director of Prosperity Capital Management Alexei Krivoshapko (the fund owns 6.66% of the shares of Lenta). Olga Dubravitskaya Mordashov agreed to buy Lenta hypermarkets ... Owner of Severstal Alexei Mordashov agreed to purchase 41.91% of Lenta from its largest shareholders ...

Business, 27 Mar 2019, 10:19

The media learned about Mordashov's interest in buying a stake in Lenta hypermarkets ... if interested in acquiring new assets in retail The owner of Severstal is a billionaire Alexei Mordashov became interested in buying a share of Lenta hypermarkets, Vedomosti writes with reference to ...

Business, 12 Mar 2019, 08:00

The company of the deputy from United Russia decided to buy the Severstal plant. Ivan Demchenko intends to become the main supplier of rolled metal products to the Crimea The purchase of the Severstal electrometallurgical plant in the Saratov region became interested in the Abinsk plant of State Duma deputy Ivan Demchenko. He expects to become the main supplier of steel to the Crimea Plant for the deputy Abinsk Electrometallurgical Plant (AEMZ), owned by State Duma deputy from United Russia Ivan Demchenko, is negotiating the purchase of...

Business, 15 Feb 2019, 02:42

Alexey Mordashov decided to give part of the business to his sons ... that the businessman's sons Kirill and Nikita should become co-owners of the gold miner. Alexei Mordashov increased his share in the gold miner Nordgold With reference to the businessman himself... the company. Dad's money: the richest heirs of Russia according to Forbes Alexei Mordashov, according to Forbes, occupies the second line in the list of the richest businessmen ... One of the largest travel concerns in the world has reduced its share in the joint venture with Mordashov ...% in the Mostravel tour operator, co-owned by TUI. Subsequently, TUI and Mordashov became the sole owners of tour operator assets that were transferred under the brand of ... businessman. According to him, now the share of Mordashov is already 90%. " Alexei Mordashov believes in the prospects of the tourism market and the company TUI Russia”, - said ... rub. (an average of 34.3 thousand rubles per person). Alexei Mordashov ranked second in the Forbes ranking of the "200 richest businessmen ... Kommersant learned about the problems of Power Machines abroad due to sanctions Power Machines of Alexei Mordashov asked the authorities to discuss with the Vietnamese authorities a contract for the construction of a thermal power plant. Because of the sanctions, the company has lost major counterparties and is at risk of receiving fines With a request to discuss the contract for the construction of the Long Fu-1 thermal power plant at the Russian-Vietnamese intergovernmental commission, Power Machines turned to the Deputy Prime Minister... Power Machines to make gas turbines to replace Siemens ... the security of Russia. The main thing from Dmitry Kozak's interview to RBC on April 12 Mordashov asked Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to support Power Machines so that the company ... Which of the owners of the companies did not come to the meeting on the withdrawal of excess profits On August 24, the RSPP hosted a meeting of owners and top managers of companies from which Vladimir Putin's aide Andrey Belousov had earlier suggested withdrawing windfall profits to fulfill the May decrees. The day before, Belousov insisted that it was the owners of the companies who should come to the meeting, but in the end, the interests of most of them were represented by hired managers. Who doesn't... Mordashov warned of economic stagnation due to Belousov's plan ... small. Hence the significant amount of their payments to the budget,” notes Mordashov. He explained that the situation with his industry is completely different: in ... the introduction of new steel grades and innovative products,” the letter says. Mordashov asked Manturov to refrain from accepting proposals on taxes on excess income ... and in general, in our economy, there is no need to speak, ”he warned Mordashov. Withdraw ₽500 billion: where did Belousov find windfall profits for May decrees... Severgroup Mordashova became the sole owner of the shares of Power Machines ... Severgroup LLC, whose CEO is a billionaire Alexei Mordashov, became the sole holder of the package PJSC shares"Power Machines". About this... Severgroup. PJSC Power Machines, whose Board of Directors includes Alexei Mordashov, manufactures equipment for hydraulic, thermal, gas and nuclear power plants, For... Mordashov warned of the threat of unprecedented consequences of a trade war ... end in another recession, Severstal's major shareholder warns Alexei Mordashov. In his column written for Forbes, Mordashov(journal experts estimate his fortune at $18 ... could result in long-term growth losses for the global economy,” notes Mordashov, according to whom, due to globalization, the risks are now much higher ... Mordashov allowed the exit of Power Machines from the joint venture with Siemens ... he is the owner of the Power Machines machine-building holding, which fell under US sanctions Alexei Mordashov said that his company plans to "seriously consider the issue ... we have 35% in this joint venture, and Siemens has 65%," - said Mordashov, emphasizing that the management of this enterprise is “fully controlled by Siemens”. However,... Power Machines After the inclusion of its machine-building holding in the sanctions list, Mordashov asked the government for Power Machines 7.5 billion rubles... Mordashov asked for 7.5 billion rubles. for Power Machines sanctioned ... Owner of Power Machines Alexei Mordashov asked the government for 7.5 billion rubles. to create a Russian ... . Half of this amount (7.5 billion rubles) belongs to the owner of Power Machines Alexei Mordashov asked the government to allocate from the budget, and promises to attract the remaining money ... did not disclose. A representative of Power Machines declined to comment. 12th of April Mordashov asked Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to support Power Machines, after... Manturov outlined the terms of assistance to Mordashov's Power Machines ... The Bell, citing two sources, reported that Alexei Mordashov turned to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for help, as the "Power Forces ... in crisis situation due to US sanctions. Back in April Mordashov I said at a meeting in the government that Power Machines fell under ..., we simply can’t survive, ”said the entrepreneur. According to The Bell, Mordashov in a letter to Medvedev, he asked for preferential 85% funding ... The media learned about Mordashov's appeal to Medvedev for help ... us is the key, we just can’t survive, ”said Mordashov. In a letter that Mordashov sent to Medvedev, also contained similar requests for help, claims ... Power Machines shares belong to Highstat Limited, the beneficiary of which is Mordashov. Power Machines called its entry into the sanctions list illegal Mordashov asked Medvedev to support Power Machines amid sanctions ... Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Power Machines Alexei Mordashov asked Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to provide the company with preferences in the domestic ..., obviously, to ask the Central Bank to favorably help us in these matters, ”concluded Mordashev. In turn, Medvedev recalled that he had instructed the government to work out measures... richest man Russia lost $362 million in three months ... Bloomberg data included 27 Russians. The richest of them was Alexei Mordashov, which occupies 47th place in the global Bloomberg ranking summed up ... Russia remains Alexei Mordashov with a fortune of $ 19.3 billion, although since the beginning of the year he has lost $ 362 million. The richest man in Russia is Alexei Mordashov, chairman of the council ... "Kirill Shamalov, whose income the publication estimated at $ 2.3 billion. Alexei Mordashov, By according to Forbes, earned in a year from dividends and the sale of ... ... not only to the main owner of NLMK, but also to the main shareholder of Severstal Alexey Mordashov The main owner of NLMK Vladimir Lisin became the richest Russian ... at $ 19.1 billion. He is followed by the main shareholder of Severstal Alexei Mordashov($ 18.7 billion, line 60) and the chairman of the board of NOVATEK Leonid ... . And as in 2011, in second place was Mordashov. Base metals (copper, zinc, nickel) rose the most in 2017 ...

Business, 21 Feb 2018, 18:03

Putin spoke about the prospects for the implementation of Nord Stream 2 Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project will be implemented. The head of state stated this at a meeting with the main shareholder of Severstal, Alexei Mordashov, according to a statement on the Kremlin website. Nord Stream 2, I think, will be implemented,” Putin said. He added that he plans to... Alexei Mordashov, decided to take on all government spending, his assets were enough ... "Severstal" Alexei Mordashov would spend his $19.7 billion fortune in two weeks at $1.399 billion a day. Mordashov helped out... “Americans are hiding from us”: what Russia said at the forum in Davos ... Putin's meeting with businessmen in December, the main owner of Severstal shared Alexei Mordashov, who also participated in the "Russian" session of Davos. Russia, he believes, will be ... like Severstal ... We have nothing to do with the government, - noted Mordashov. - We do not have state participation, we do not participate in state ... contribute to anxiety and uncertainty, which are already observed in Russia, believes Mordashov. If people get on the sanctions lists simply because...

85% of the shares of Vorkuta-ugol are owned by the Severstal holding. Alexei Mordashov owns 79% of the holding's shares... On February 25 at 14.22, at a depth of 780 meters, two methane explosions and a rock burst occurred in the Severnaya mine, followed by a fire. There were 110 people underground at that moment. Four miners died, nine were injured and carbon dioxide poisoning. Communication with 26 miners was lost.

This is how this tragedy began, which was compared with the death of the Kursk submarine. People from the mine were not rescued. Moreover, lost five rescuers. The accident was called the most difficult in the history of the industry. Due to the high concentration of methane in the mine, local explosions continued to occur.

They want to restore the flagship mine in six months. It doesn't bother anyone that hundreds of people have died there since 1961. And the miners themselves want to restore the mine. How else can they survive in Vorkuta?

Russia is perhaps the only country where piecework is used in underground coal mining, rather than hourly wages. As a result, we have human greed multiplied by human stupidity.


Alexey Mordashov was born in Cherepovets in 1965. His father graduated from the Gorky Polytechnic Institute with a degree in electrical engineering, worked at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant.

Parents were not zealous in raising Alyosha. They didn't have time for that, and the boy didn't bother either. Calm, independent child. At school, Mordashov was correct, classmates unanimously elected him the head of the class. The class teacher cited Lesha so often as an example that at some point he was nicknamed Template.

Komsomolets and future member of the CPSU Alexei Mordashov graduated with honors from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute, where he met Anatoly Chubais, who taught there. After the first course, he came to him as an assistant to the department. Obviously, this was the first success of the future "steel king".

At that time, Alexei actively attended the "circle of young economists", which was headed by Chubais. This circle included such people as Alexei Kudrin, Pyotr Mostovoy, Vladimir Kogan, whose names would soon become known throughout Russia. At the same time, Mordashov did not get lost against their background. Chubais even persuaded him to go to graduate school and stay in Leningrad, but Alexei always believed that it was better to be the first guy in the village than the second in the city, and returned home.


There he got a job as a senior economist at a metallurgical plant. The young specialist immediately attracted the attention of management, who sent him for an internship at the Austrian steel company VoestAlpine. But there Mordashov quarreled with the son of the Minister of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR Serafim Kolpakov. It came to a fight. Kolpakov demanded that the general director of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, Yuri Lipukhin, immediately dismiss the insolent from the plant. But he defended his employee.

Mordashov was very lucky - Lipukhin's wife liked him. And when the time came for the corporatization of ChMK, it was she who persuaded her husband to trust the 27-year-old financial director. As a result, Yuri Lipukhin was left without a position and without a plant.

In 1996, Mordashov became the general director of the Severstal company managing the plant, and Lipukhin took over as chairman of the board of directors. Management accumulated 43% of the shares bought from employees in Severstal-Invest, and later transferred them to another structure - Severstal-Garant.

At first, according to Lipukhin, the partners agreed on equal shares in this company.

“After he became a director, he and his friends went to some islands, walked for a week. And when he returned, he came and said: it’s equally not quite normal for me, give you 49%, and 51% for me, ”Lipukhin later said. - I didn't care. I said, come on, I agree.

When net income rose from $111 million to $453 million in 2000, disagreements arose over where to put the money. “In the spring of 1999, Mordashov arbitrarily, without my knowledge, bought back 17% of the shares that belonged to Severstal-Invest,” Lipukhin said. - I went up to him and said: Alyosha, you can’t act like that. His answer was extremely short: it was not written anywhere.” Mordashov denies the existence of any gentlemen's agreements.

Yuri Lipukhin was his godfather when Alexei decided to convert. In 2011, the veteran died of a heart attack in Canada; his son Victor is in charge of his affairs. Mordashov also headed Severstal JSC, which served as the basis for the creation of the diversified holding Severstal Group. Industrial assets gradually passed into his ownership - shares of the St. Petersburg, Tuapse and Vostochny ports, coal mines, railway cars, the Kolomna Diesel Locomotive Plant, UAZ ...


How did the Cherepovets oligarch end up in Vorkuta?

The expansion of the Mordashov empire is not limited to the borders of the region. At one time, he even tried to buy the Krivorozhstal plant, but failed in Ukraine.

Speaking specifically about OAO Vorkutaugol, Severstal acquired the state-owned stake at an auction in 2003. Thus, the holding guaranteed itself the required volume of coal supplies. And this is another diamond in the crown. In general, Mordashov burst into the ranks of the newest oligarchs at great speed, pushing out such bison as Abramovich and Potanin. Thanks to the stranglehold in the Vologda region, he earned the nickname Iron Boy. And Mordashov himself says this about himself: "Tanks are not afraid of dirt."


A separate conversation is the personal life of Mordashov. In 2001, Elena, the ex-wife of a billionaire, published in one of the newspapers “ Open letter to all women."

Here are the quotes. “Many years ago I married a student Alyosha Mordashov. A son was born, life was very difficult for us. The child was seriously ill, everything fell on my shoulders - home, family, worries about my husband. During the day I nursed my son, and in the evenings I worked as a cleaner ... I earned money for our apartment.

And five years later, Alexei Mordashov became a millionaire and owner of factories, newspapers, steamships. And he left. Then he divided the property, as it should be for a rich husband: his wife - a miserable apartment, an old "nine". For himself - everything he owns ... There could be no question of justice.

He said: “And you can’t think. Try to encroach on at least something of mine - I will deprive you of everything left, I will take your son away from you. You don’t want Ilya to suffer without you, do you?” I had no doubt then that one day I could "wake up" next to my own head...

During a divorce in 1996, an apartment in Cherepovets, a VAZ-2109 car and a small amount of money went to the wife and child. Alimony for their maintenance common child Ilya (b. 1985) were paid by the entrepreneur in the amount of 106 minimum dimensions wages (in 2003, the minimum wage was 600 rubles). That is 63,600 rubles.

Elena tried in court to obtain the right to a share in the property ex-husband but achieved nothing.

Elena also became Mordashov's new wife, with whom he had a real love affair at work. She worked as an accountant at Severstal. They collided in the corridors and on the stairs, swam together in the pool on adjacent paths, and in June 1997 they got married.

“In September 1999, our son Cyril was born. Alexei was with me during childbirth, holding my hand. The next morning, he gave me pearl earrings and a necklace, - later said the second wife of Mordashov. - A few days before 2001, I gave Alexei, as he himself says, the best New Year's gift in his life - his son Nikita ... Alexei simply adores kids. He is a very gentle dad."

Now Forbes reports that Mordashov already has six children. And his new girlfriend's name is Larisa.

The hot-tempered nature of Alexei Mordashov makes itself felt from time to time. So, once he made a scandal to the employees of the business terminal of Vnukovo-3 airport, which he used for his flights along with Yuri Luzhkov and Anatoly Chubais. The oligarch was indignant that one of his “girlfriends”, who accompanied him on the flight, had a buckle broken on a ladies’ backpack. Because of this, the "steel king" gave a dressing down to the airport staff, demanding to pay "a piece of bucks" for the damage.

As a businessman, he reached his peak in 2008, when Forbes estimated his fortune at $ 21.2 billion, and in the ranking of the richest people in the world, he ranked 18th. But the onset of the financial crisis spoiled these figures so much that a year later Mordashov was in 122nd place with $4.3 billion. But it's okay, you can live. Moreover, now it has risen again - to $13 billion.

In a nutshell, the reputation of the Iron Boy can be described as follows: a talented manager who is not afraid to make non-standard decisions. This tenacity was very useful in the conditions of the wild market that was emerging in Russia. And if necessary, Mordashov will go over the heads, as he did with his godfather and ex-wife. What can we say about the miners?

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