Beneficial properties of green tea with jasmine for humans. Is green tea with jasmine beneficial?

Jasmine tea is a brew for a drink made from a mixture of dried tea leaves and flowers of a shrub from the Olive family with the botanical name Jasminum (from the Persian “yasemin”). The shrub can only be found in areas with tropical and subtropical climates. The flowers are white or yellow, solitary or umbellate, located at the ends of branches or apical shoots. They have a pronounced subtle sweet aroma that persists even after drying. Varieties with large inflorescences were bred artificially in China, even before our era.

How is jasmine tea made?

The shrub blooms at night, so the inflorescences have to be collected at this time of day. Already at dawn, the amount of essential oils in the buds decreases significantly. Petals without sepals are picked off. To be preserved in properties of jasmine tea medicinal plant, in China, each variety is harvested at a specific time of year:

  • Chun-hua Xun - late spring, in the last days of May and June;
  • Xia-hua Xun - in July;
  • Fu-hua Xun - at the very end of summer, the last days of August;
  • Qiu-hua Xun - after the temperature drops, in October.

Despite the fact that the plant blooms in the tropics all year round, collection is not carried out at other times. The petals are placed in a basket without being crushed - they must “breathe” and retain moisture.

There are 2 ways how to make jasmine tea:

  1. The petals are mixed with freshly picked tea leaves, canvas bags are filled with raw materials, compacted, laid out in the sun to dry, and put away in a room with high temperature. Cooling is unacceptable - rotting will occur. Packing is carried out after the raw material has dried. Preliminary grinding of the collection is possible. The price of such tea leaves is low.
  2. Freshly picked petals are spread in a thin layer mixed with tea leaves, both fermented and unfermented. Leave for 3-5 months in a cool, dry place. Airing is not carried out so as not to lose the precious aroma. The leaves, imbued with a valuable scent, can be separated from the flowers or packaged together. What is jasmine tea made from? elite varieties - leaves, petals or a mixture, as indicated on the packaging. Such products cannot be cheap - all operations are carried out manually.

When collecting flower heads yourself, the petals are laid out in one layer on food parchment and dried in the sun or in a warm place. Store in glass jar under a tight lid for 1 year.

Note! You should not collect flowers from bushes found in continental climate. This is not jasmine, but mock orange. The aroma and shape of the inflorescences are similar to the original tropical shrub, but its properties are different, and the petals are not suitable for brewing tea.

Composition and calorie content of jasmine tea

When including a drink in your diet nutritional value can be ignored.

In elite and cheap varieties jasmine tea calories the same - 1.1 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.2 g;
  • Fats - 0.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0.3 g;
  • Water - 99 g.

For example, here is chemical composition green tea with flower petals.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin A - 0.4 mcg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.001 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.008 mg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid- 0.8 mg;
  • Vitamin PP - 0.0864 mg.

Macroelements per 100 g:

  • Potassium, K - 18.93 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 8.24 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 4.35 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 1.52 mg;
  • Sulfur, S - 0.99 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 6.3 mg;
  • Chlorine, Cl - 1.39 mg.

Microelements per 100 g:

  • Iron, Fe - 0.627 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.0016 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 0.6 μg;
  • Fluorine, F - 175.57 mcg.

The benefits and harms of jasmine tea determined by the effect on the human body. It should be taken into account that it contains not only delicate petals, but also tea leaves, which contain:

  • Tannins- gallotannic acid from the group of phenolic compounds, which increases blood clotting;
  • Caffeine- a purine alkaloid, which is a strong irritant to nervous system;
  • Polyphenols- have an antioxidant effect.

Green varieties have less of these substances, black varieties have more. It is necessary to take into account that in elite tea leaves everything is preserved beneficial features original raw materials due to special processing of tea leaves.

Beneficial properties of jasmine tea

Medicinal properties infusions are caused by the combination of properties of the plants that were used to prepare the final product.

Benefits of Jasmine Tea:

  • Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and increases lipoprotein density.
  • It has an antioxidant effect and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates digestion, stops the accumulation of waste and toxins in the large intestine. Reduces the risk of developing cancer digestive organs.
  • Stimulates the production of enzymes and bile.
  • Increases local immunity at the cellular level.
  • Reduces the possibility of heart attack, stroke, and the formation of tumors in the reproductive organs and urinary system.
  • Improves the condition of the skin and teeth, stops age-related changes.
  • Extends life cycle liver cells, hepatocytes, prevents liver diseases.
  • Increases immunity, helps cope with the first symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections during the epidemic season, and stops the active activity of pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
  • Inhibits the development of salmonella.
  • Increases libido, stimulates sperm production in men, and in women it reduces the manifestation of PMS and unpleasant signs of menopause - hot flashes and pressure changes.
  • Eliminates bad breath.
  • Relaxes, speeds up falling asleep, helps recover from stress and withstand emotional pressure.
  • It has a beneficial effect on a woman’s body after childbirth and helps avoid depression.

Black jasmine tea tones, helps improve the condition of dysentery and intestinal colic, quickly warm up and avoid colds after hypothermia. Chinese healers used it to treat syphilis. Green - relaxes.

What are the benefits of jasmine tea? for those who control their own weight: accelerates metabolism, stimulates the transformation of body fat and fat burning. But to activate the “weight-loss” properties, regular physical activity is necessary.

Chinese sages are sure: 3 cups of the drink, drunk in small sips throughout the day, completely relaxed in thoughts of the eternal, prolongs existence.

Contraindications and harms of jasmine tea

After being introduced to a new taste, allergic reactions may occur. Manifestations can range from mild - redness of the skin, itching and rash, to severe - angioedema, bronchospasms. If there is a tendency to allergic reactions and bronchial asthma, it should be introduced into the diet very carefully.

Jasmine tea can cause harm:

  1. Pregnant. Abuse can provoke smooth muscle tone and lead to interruption. In addition, the rich aroma often causes toxicosis.
  2. With exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive organs- peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis, chronic pancreatitis and enterocolitis, tendency to diarrhea.
  3. Suffering from cardiovascular diseases to avoid changes in blood pressure.
  4. For neuropsychiatric pathologies, including epilepsy, if the symptom of the disease is seizures.

Should not be brewed green jasmine tea small children. It is unknown what effect the drink will have on insufficiently formed intestinal flora.

One of the properties of jasmine is the acceleration of the processing and absorption of glucose and the production of insulin. Therefore, if you have diabetes, you should check with your doctor about the possibility of using the drink. If consumed in excess, blood sugar levels can rise significantly.

If you want to enjoy the real original taste, you shouldn’t save money and buy cardboard packaging. This brew is a ground or granulated mixture of tea leaves and petals. You need to purchase loose leaf tea, without artificial flavors. This product is sold by weight. You should not only look at it, but also smell it.

How to brew jasmine tea:

  • The water is pre-filtered or purchased special purified drinking water. In China, preference is given to spring water.
  • Instead of a teapot, a porcelain cup with a lid, called a gaiwan, is used. As a last resort, prepare a transparent container - a glass cup or jar. Ceramics or food-grade plastic are not able to preserve the original taste. Before starting the process, the dishes are scalded with boiling water.
  • The water is boiled and then cooled to 80-85° C.
  • First, the tea leaves are poured into the container, only then water is poured. The optimal proportions are considered to be 1 g of tea mixture per 50 ml of liquid. Close with a lid. In the case of a glass or jar, cover with a clean porcelain saucer.
  • Drain the liquid, repeat the brewing process, leave for 2-3 minutes.
  • Strain the drink before serving.

Despite the assurances of tea lovers that “the second infusion is already slop,” the tea leaves can be used up to 4 times, increasing the exposure in each case by 30 seconds. The first tea is rich, aromatic and sharp, the latter is much softer, with a delicate aroma.

If you purchased jasmine petals separately, you can experiment with tea leaves:

  1. Green tea brew according to the following recipe. Heat 0.5 liters of water and let cool until desired temperature. Rinse the glass with boiling water, add 1 tsp. dried flowers, on them - 3 tsp. green tea of ​​your favorite variety, cover with a lid and let stand for a while. Only then do they add liquid. They are waiting for the required strength.
  2. Recommendations for brewing with black long tea. First, the ingredients are mixed in the already indicated proportions, the container is closed with a lid and left for 14-24 hours to obtain a rich aroma. Then it is brewed using the technology already described. You can add a sprig of mint or lemon juice to the drink.

No matter what method or type of brew you use, you should not sweeten it. Those who like to drink tea with jam should choose a different type of raw material, a cheaper one. Jasmine tea is not a drink that is used to wash down sandwiches or sweets - it is a delight for the soul.

There are many legends about the origin of the plant. The Italians and Spaniards believed that the souls of Guardian Angels were born in flowers, the ancient Greeks - that this was a gift from Aphrodite, the goddess of wisdom, the Indians - as soon as jasmine opens, somewhere is born new family. And according to Tatar beliefs, it is impossible to go to heaven without growing a fragrant bush.

The translation of the name from Persian means “fragrant”, it symbolizes romantic relationship, beauty, secret love. Healers used all parts of the plant to prepare medicines, while cooks limited themselves to flowers.

The most popular varieties of green tea:

  1. Jasmine Jade Butterfly. Popular among CIS consumers due to its transformation after immersion in liquid. When swollen in boiling water, the petal unfolds into a moth's wing. The effect is achieved by a special method of rolling the leaves during pre-sale preparation. One of the most expensive varieties with a soft and delicate aroma.
  2. Fen Yang. Medicinal properties - rejuvenation, increased immunity and body tone. The difference from other varieties is the same type of round tea leaves. Elite high-quality brew.
  3. Moly Hua Long Zhu, "Dragon Jasmine Pearl". Visually similar to granulated tea, but this is far from the case. Simply, each leaf and petal is rolled into a ball, reminiscent of a pearl in shape and color. All processes are manual. When the tea leaves are filled with water, the granules open up. It has a pronounced tonic effect; if abused, it can cause insomnia.
  4. Moly Zhen Wang, "Lord of Jasmine Needles". Petals for it are collected within 2 weeks in the summer, during the hottest time. The aroma and taste are decent, the price is budget. One of the most popular varieties, often packaged in cardboard packages.
  5. Moly Cha Wang, "Lord of Jasmine". White-haired tea buds and tender leaves are used for raw materials. During production, they are scented with flower petals, which are then removed. It is recommended for cleansing the liver, has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic function of the body, helps get rid of old toxins in the intestines and recover from stress. This is high quality expensive tea.
  6. "Jasmine" White Monkey» . This animal is pictured on the packaging. The effect is immunomodulatory and warming. It has a tart flavor with a slight hint of grapes. This jasmine tea is very popular in winter time, as it has a warming effect.
  7. Moly Jin Shan Tian Hua. The recipe for the drink and the method of rolling the leaves were developed by tea growers at the end of the 20th century. Jasmine bushes and flowers are collected only in Yunnan province. Only raw materials of one size are used that have not been exposed to rain during the growing period. When the leaves are filled with water, they not only unfold, but also form a trefoil shape.
- look at the video:

It is customary to drink the aromatic drink from heated cups while enjoying a leisurely conversation on long winter evenings. Jasmine tea will brighten up leisure time for married couples and help increase sexual desire.

Green tea with jasmine harmoniously combines the exquisite taste of green tea and the delicate aroma of jasmine petals. A beautiful and healthy drink improves emotional condition human, restores vision, reduces weight, cleanses the blood, stimulates digestion and strengthens the liver. In ancient times, it was believed that this amazing flower was given to people by the goddess of wisdom to delight the eye and lift the spirit. Since then, it has been considered a symbol of femininity, beauty and purity, a commitment mutual love. Even in the last century, many nationalities replaced it with a jasmine necklace wedding rings. And nowadays they decorate with fragrant garlands dear people and presented to high-ranking guests.

The healing infusion is loved and appreciated for its pleasant color and unique taste.

What is jasmine tea?

What could be better than a cup of hot jasmine tea? This golden infusion is prepared by adding sampaguita buds to green tea leaves. The aromatic plant is cultivated in India, the mountainous provinces of China and in some regions of Asia Minor. Tree blossoms with early spring before late autumn, but the petals for the drink are collected only in the summer - it is at this time of year that they acquire a special aroma and tenderness.

Attention. Jasmine and mock orange should not be confused - they are completely different plants. Due to the similarity of aromas, they are often called by the same name, forgetting that jasminum is a tropical liana, which in our conditions can only grow as indoor flower. Mock orange belongs to the ornamental garden shrubs and is widely used in landscaping.

Green tea with jasmine is famous not only for its refreshing taste and delicate aroma, but also for its mass useful qualities. A cup of hot drink is an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants and can lower blood pressure and normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In addition, the herbal infusion improves immunity and improves metabolism, eliminates stress and improves mood.

Today, in any store you can freely purchase tea leaves with the addition of jasmine buds. Despite this, experts recommend purchasing the valuable harvest in special shops that guarantee the quality of the raw materials. It’s best to collect the fragrant petals yourself and add them to your favorite variety of green drink, fresh or dried.

Jasmine Tea Ingredients

The basis of the healing infusion is a green tea leaf. It is against this background that the taste and aroma of jasmine flowers sounds so harmonious. IN in rare cases use white, black or other types of tea.

But main value The drink is infused with jasmine petals, which contain many active substances:

  • essential oils;
  • indole;
  • aromatic alcohols;
  • linalool;
  • eugenol;
  • famesol;
  • nerol;
  • gamma-terpineol and other organic acids.

All these compounds make jasmine the best medicine among plants. It is known that inflorescences stimulate motor skills and digestion of food, accelerate metabolism and activate blood circulation. Eugenol, present mainly in cloves, has a good anesthetic effect and is used to relieve toothache.

The beneficial properties of green tea with jasmine do not end there. The journal Fundamentals of Clinical Pharmacology published studies indicating some antitumor activity of the plant. True, the tests have not yet been completed, but the results are encouraging and suggest that another cure for cancer will be found.

Benefits of Jasmine Tea

Aromatic tea from sampaguita buds resists viral and microbial infections, protects the cell membrane from destruction, refreshes and tones. Introducing it into the daily diet brings undoubted benefits to the body. Let's look at some of the main benefits of the healing drink.

Antioxidant protection

The antioxidants contained in jasmine tea will protect cells from damage by free radicals and preserve youth and health for a long time. A 1997 study conducted by specialists from Hong Kong showed that drinking a healing infusion increases resistance, improves blood composition and tones the body.
Acting as a kind of immunostimulant, jasmine protects a person from the development of many chronic pathologies, such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and rheumatism.

Weight loss

Chinese experts believe that jasmine tea helps to lose weight and when properly combined with physical activity pretty quickly puts his figure in order. This effect is due to the high content of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and caffeine.

Attention. Jasmine tea is especially good for those who are on a diet - the drink has a sweet taste and does not require added sugar, which means it does not increase the daily calorie intake.

In order to lose weight, you need to choose the right composition for brewing:

  1. The fragrance of the buds should be soft and pleasant, but not too strong and cloying. The latter indicates the presence of artificial flavors.
  2. Only young tea leaves have high nutritional value and biological activity, so it is recommended to use them for preparing infusions.

Unfortunately, today jasmine flowers are often used to flavor low-quality teas. To avoid buying a fake, you should read the information on the packaging very carefully.

Reducing cholesterol levels

Clinical tests conducted by Chinese scientists showed that green tea with jasmine buds reduces the amount fatty acids in the body, reduces cholesterol levels and increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

As a result, the formation of plaques slows down and they are less likely to settle in the arteries, blocking blood flow. And existing lipophilic compounds are quickly broken down and eliminated from the body.

Fight against cancer

Experimental experiments conducted at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, operating in Tel Aviv, showed the powerful oncoprotective effect of jasmine in relation to breast carcinogenesis.

This is interesting. Professor E. Flesher managed to synthesize an antitumor drug, one of the components of which is methyl jasmonate, a hormone that regulates cell growth and development. Today this medicine is in the testing stage.

Subsequent studies discovered the activity of aromatic terpenoids against prostate cancer. More than 90% of patients in the control group confirmed a significant improvement in their health.

Relaxes and calms

In addition, the aroma of flowers reduces heart rate well and prevents arrhythmia, helping to relieve stress and nervous tension.

How to make jasmine tea?

Herbal drinks are said to be easy to brew, but can become bitter if left in too long or with excessively hot water. Like all green teas, the flavored leaf should be immersed in liquid at a temperature of 80–82° C. Achieving this temperature is not difficult - just cool the freshly boiled water for 2 minutes.

Algorithm for preparing jasmine tea:

  1. Take a glass or porcelain vessel (teapot, gaiwan).
  2. Rinse it with boiling water, add tea and cover with a lid for 30 seconds.
  3. Brew the composition hot water and leave for 1-3 minutes.
  4. Pour into cups.

Tea mixture good quality It is permissible to brew 3-4 times, increasing the holding time by 1 minute. Some Chinese teas (Lung Ching Light, Bi Lo Chun) do not change their aroma and taste even after 5-7 pourings of hot water.

How much can you drink?

Experts believe that the benefits and harms of green tea with jasmine largely depend on the correct use. One cup of drink a day is unlikely to have a noticeable healing effect, while an excessive amount of infusion is likely to provoke discomfort.

Attention. You should not drink jasmine tea on an empty stomach. This will increase your appetite even more.

How much tea should you drink to improve your well-being? In countries where jasmine infusion is taken regularly, 3-4 cups per day is considered the norm. Drink it hot or chilled both before and after meals. Sweet lovers can add a spoonful of honey.

Side effects of jasmine tea

A tasty and aromatic drink rarely causes ill health or allergies. This can happen if you do not pay attention to contraindications:

  • hypotension;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer.

The aromatic infusion can also be consumed during pregnancy, limiting it to a cup per day. Jasmine tea is not contraindicated for breastfeeding- you just need to monitor the baby’s reaction. If after breastfeeding the child does not behave as usual, it is better to refuse the infusion.

Jasmine tea is in great demand in China and other Asian countries. Locals They consider the drink to be the food of the gods and present it as a gift to their dearest and closest people. Agree, not every product is rated so highly. This means it’s worth trying and introducing into your daily diet.

Jasmine tea and its beneficial properties

Jasmine tea is a mixture of green tea and jasmine petals, or green tea prepared using a special technology with the scent of jasmine. Jasmine enriches the aromatic and flavor palette of green tea, giving it a subtle, delicate aroma and a sweetish taste.

Green tea with jasmine petals is cheaper because it is produced using accelerated technology with heat treatment. Green tea without petals is more expensive and of higher quality, because... The tea leaves are dried for several months with jasmine flowers, which are then selected by hand. And the highest grade of green tea for this method of production is taken. The Chinese can afford white tea with jasmine aroma. (Real white tea is not transported and is stored for a very short time - no more than 6 months).
Jasmine plant

A lot has been said about the benefits of green tea, and you can read about it in relevant articles. And if we talk about the jasmine component, it provides it amazing plant- jasmine ( Latin name- Jasminum officinale). It's about not about that bush that smells fragrant in our front gardens in the spring. It is called mock orange - as you understand, a completely different plant.

Jasmine- an evergreen shrub, the medicinal species of which grows in Asia Minor, China, India, in the American tropics and subtropics. It is this type of jasmine that is used for tea. By the way, jasmine in China is called the “King of Smells”. It blooms for a long period - from April to late autumn. Jasmine flowers are collected from July to October (the moon is in its maximum summer phase) and, most importantly, in the morning, between 4 and 5 o'clock, when the concentration of essential oils increases.

The chemical composition of jasmine is varied. It contains various acids - benzoic, salicylic, formic, etc., essential oils, alkaloids, efengols. You can, of course, list sesquiterpenes, triterpenes, ketones, theanines, etc. The jasmine plant is generous and rich in beneficial substances, and by drinking jasmine tea, we receive these gifts of nature.

But if you burn jasmine flowers in the bedroom at night, you will not only inhale a pleasant aroma, but also see prophetic dreams and develop clairvoyant abilities.

What are the benefits of jasmine tea?

Jasmine tea has sedative (calming) properties and is a good antidepressant.
. Helps normalize insulin production

Has an anti-allergic effect
. Is a preventive drink against cardiovascular diseases

Has an analgesic effect
. Has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and expectorant effects

Stabilizes the female hormonal system
. Promotes healthy pregnancy fetus during pregnancy

Increases the duration of the reproductive period of life
. It is recommended to drink in large quantities for hepatitis, liver cirrhosis
. Maintains an alert state


It is not recommended to put a lot of tea leaves in the cup, otherwise the taste of the drink will be bitter.

For one standard cup, it is enough to put one teaspoon of tea leaves and fill it with water at 80-85 degrees.
Jasmine tea is infused for no more than three minutes.
To brew jasmine tea, use glassware, this will give you an additional opportunity to see how the petals and tea leaves bloom, saturating the drink with the best.

Varieties of Chinese jasmine tea

1. Eye of the Phoenix.

This is a very expensive, famous and revered variety of Chinese green tea. It is grown in Yunnan province on a high-mountain plantation called “Moon Palace”. Young tea leaves and ovaries are carefully selected and carefully rolled, giving them an oval shape reminiscent of the eye of the fairy-tale Phoenix bird.

The tea is then repeatedly scented with large flowers of fragrant white jasmine. During the brewing process, the “Phoenix eyes” unfold and take the form of beautiful whole leaves. The ready-to-drink drink has a light green color, a fresh, refined taste and a rich jasmine aroma.

2. Jasmine pearl.

This amazing tea has been produced for 700 years. Its homeland is considered to be the Chinese province of Fujian. Tea leaves are collected in the spring, or rather in early April. For processing, use the top two leaves from the tender sprout of young bushes.

At the final stage of production, the tea is flavored with jasmine flowers. The color of the brewed infusion is pale yellow, the aroma is bright, the taste is soft and pleasant.

“Jasmine pearl” can be brewed directly in a cup. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of tea with hot water at a temperature of approximately 85 degrees and leave for 3-4 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure no more than 5 times.

If you brew this tea in a transparent glass teapot, you will be able to see how round “pearls” become the most delicate thin “snakes”.

3. Jasmine tea Moli Hua.

This medium leaf jasmine green tea is classified as a traditional Chinese drink. It is distinguished by its refined delicate taste and a light, sweet aroma.

Jasmine tea has a tonic effect, so it is recommended to drink it in the morning.

Of course, you understand that jasmine tea is not a panacea or a cure. Jasmine tea is rather a preventive herbal medicine.

Is jasmine tea effective for weight loss?
Jasmine tea is green tea with jasmine added.

Is this tea effective for weight loss? In the sense that jasmine gives a somewhat sweetish taste and you can do without sugar, yes, the calories will decrease. Insignificant. (Although drinking green tea with sugar is neither customary nor recommended.)

Also, due to the fact that green tea in combination with jasmine has a multifaceted, beneficial effect on metabolic processes, you can count on the fact that fat formation will slow down. But overweight tea is not utilized.

It is beneficial for tea sellers and manufacturers to support and exaggerate myths about the effect of green tea, jasmine tea or any other tea on weight loss. It is not true. Fat deposits can only be removed under the influence of oxidative agents, i.e. aerobic processes.

Tea, even the highest quality and most expensive, can only serve as an auxiliary health measure in the process of weight loss. And then, if there are no serious contraindications.

Varied diets combined with jasmine tea can give effective and sustainable results if the chosen diet remains a permanent way of eating.

Jasmine is a delicate, fragrant plant. Poems and verses were repeatedly written about him, and his beauty was compared with the most charming girls.

Not only the beauty of jasmine is worthy of attention - the flower has beneficial properties that, according to the ancients, can preserve health and beauty.

Jasmine - health benefits and harms

Jasmine is a versatile plant. In common people he is called the “king of flowers.” It attracts attention by appearance, smell and beneficial properties.

The smell of jasmine alone stimulates brain function, tones, and refreshes. If you work hard, spend a lot of time in front of the computer, place a jasmine flower or a jar of dried inflorescences (aroma bag) next to you to reduce stress, fatigue and add relaxation.

Health Benefits of Jasmine

Jasmine is good for health because it:

  • Useful for insomnia.
  • Has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Useful for colds.
  • Used for bronchial asthma.
  • Women need to drink jasmine for gynecological diseases.
  • For men, jasmine is indicated for impotence.
  • Taking jasmine also helps with skin diseases.

Jasmine oil is used in massage to prevent joint diseases and internal organs. Overall it is relaxing.

Women are recommended to dilute jasmine oil in homemade masks. You should wipe your face with a decoction of jasmine if you have skin diseases, redness or irritation. In addition, jasmine has an antiseptic effect. It perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Benefits of jasmine oil:

  • Crema
  • Lotions
  • Tonics
  • Body oils and creams
  • Other care products

Harm to health of jasmine

Like all plants, jasmine has contraindications and is harmful to human health. In what cases should jasmine not be used?

  • If you have an individual intolerance to jasmine.
  • For allergic reactions.
  • Use jasmine decoction in its pure form.
  • Excessive use of jasmine decoction or oil.
  • Open wounds, boils + a large number of(concentrated) jasmine.

Adding jasmine to tea is beneficial. It is contained in small quantities, so it will not have a serious effect, however, in case of individual intolerance, it is better to exclude overuse tea with jasmine.

Health Benefits of Jasmine Tea:

  1. Jasmine tea contains antioxidants that destroy radicals - cancer prevention. In addition, it slows down the growth of harmful cells.
  2. Prevention of drinking jasmine tea - breast tumors and prostate tumors.
  3. Jasmine tea contains catechins, which reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  4. Jasmine tea prolongs life - drink several cups a day (200 ml x 2).
  5. Jasmine relieves nervous disorders, anxiety syndrome, has a sedative effect, and reduces the risk of postpartum depression.
  6. Jasmine tea, especially green tea, helps burn calories (thanks to the same catechins).
  7. During the cold season, jasmine tea improves immunity and has a preventive effect against flu, colds, and allergies.
  8. Jasmine in tea helps reduce the effects on the immune system during age-related changes (menopause).
  9. By drinking jasmine tea, you can prevent/eliminate bad breath.
  10. Jasmine tea has an enveloping effect, preventing the development of stomach ulcers.


From this article you will learn:

Modern historians have documented that jasmine green tea was popular in China when Emperor Song ruled the country. We are talking about the 13th century. However, many researchers of the past agree that tea became widespread in the culture of the ancient Persians, thanks to whom this drink appeared in China. This happened in the era from the 2nd to the 5th centuries.

Today, the production of green tea with jasmine is established in several Chinese provinces - Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangsu. Admirers of the aromatic drink agree that the best product is tea grown and processed in Fujian province.

Where and how is jasmine collected?

In China, jasmine grows over several months, from late spring to late autumn. Connoisseurs of tea art prefer the summer harvest. This is due to the fact that it is the summer flowers of the plant that can boast of a pronounced aroma. The collected flowers are pre-dried, evenly laid out on the prepared surface.

Taste characteristics

After the jasmine flowers have completely dried, they are added to the green tea leaves. There are 2 known ways to flavor tea: tea leaves and jasmine flowers are treated thermally for 1 day. This method has one significant drawback - the leaves of tea bushes practically lose their taste characteristics.

As for the second method, its essence is to combine tea leaves with jasmine flowers and then leave for up to 4 months. After which the jasmine is removed. In this case, the tea does not lose its positive properties and is saturated with the aroma of the flower.

Second way more labor- and time-consuming, which is why the cost of such tea is often slightly higher compared to tea obtained by the conventional method. The tea itself boasts a sweet and very subtle aroma.

What's the benefit?

For several centuries, jasmine tea has been used as a medicinal product in China. There is nothing surprising in this; even a superficial study of the components of this drink is enough and its beneficial properties become more than obvious:

  1. Jasmine tea contains a huge mineral complex;
  2. helps strengthen the human nervous system;
  3. normalizes sleep and effectively relieves nervous tension;
  4. reduces the manifestations of hypertension;
  5. lowers glucose levels in the human body;
  6. helps to increase vitality.


If you are preparing and collecting the components yourself, pay attention to the fact that the flower buds are not limp, since such plants are not suitable for brewing tea. Flower petals should be dried in warm place, but not under the sun's rays.
Homemade tea is brewed by first mixing 4 parts green tea or 1 part petals, in a cup the volume of which does not exceed 250 ml.

Chinese recipe (subject to a certain time supply):

  • Mix tea leaves with jasmine flowers and let them sit for 3 months (the process should take place in a dry room).
  • During this period, the tea will be sufficiently saturated with jasmine aroma.
  • The petals are separated from the tea by hand.
  • They are filled with water (the temperature should not exceed 85 °C).
  • This is how expensive varieties of jasmine tea are made.

Whatever recipe you choose, remember that tea should be prepared exclusively in porcelain or glass containers. It must be in advance.


The main contraindications to drinking jasmine green tea:

  1. individual intolerance to jasmine;
  2. in the presence of gastritis (especially if we are talking about high acidity);
  3. ulcers;
  4. hypertension.

The listed contraindications must be taken into account. Strong green tea is not recommended for pregnant women. In large quantities, it can cause headaches or even severe dizziness.

What can you drink jasmine tea with?

Professionals do not recommend drinking jasmine tea with other ingredients such as lemon, sugar or. Jasmine has its own and unique taste, which should not be diluted with other components. Only in this case you will be able to feel all the richness of natural green tea with jasmine. It should be remembered that tea ingredients should be stored in a separate container, since the plant perfectly absorbs odors from the surrounding area.

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