Hot smoked mackerel calories per 100 grams. Calorie Mackerel hot smoked. Chemical composition and nutritional value

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Mackerel is native to the Atlantic Ocean. This fish is not only useful, but also quite peculiar: it has a specific smell and taste that many will like. When properly cooked, its fillet always remains tender and not very greasy (mackerel itself is extremely rich in fats). This fact often makes people refuse to eat mackerel for food - they say, it's too much for the body. However, the fats contained in mackerel are very useful. And with its proper preparation, this fat content will not be noticeable at all, and the body will benefit.

The most striking example of such preparation is hot smoking of mackerel. The method here is special: the fish for such smoking is not salted very abundantly, and then it is smoked in clouds of hot smoke, but not for too long. Two or three hours are enough, and the magnificent hot-smoked mackerel is ready.

Mackerel is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals. All this applies to hot smoked mackerel. Of course, some of them are lost during cooking, but the fish acquires a unique taste. Mackerel contains a decent amount of iodine, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, sodium. It also contains B vitamins, vitamin D and omega fatty acids.

Beneficial features

Mackerel is an excellent source of protein: 100 grams of this fish contains a quarter of the amount of protein for a person per day. The trace elements contained in its composition have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and also help strengthen bone tissue.

When eating mackerel, we get twice the calories than we would get from some other white (less saturated) fish. Eating mackerel is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases, protecting the body from the risk of thrombosis, and also promoting blood circulation in the capillaries.

Few people loved fish oil, familiar to us from childhood, but everyone knew about its beneficial properties. We would have known in childhood that instead of a tasteless liquid, you can safely add fatty fish, such as mackerel, to your diet. A feature of smoked mackerel is that it is saturated with coenzyme, which helps our body fight premature aging and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Of course, the use of hot smoked mackerel should be approached with caution - it is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, and it is also undesirable to use mackerel (especially smoked) for people with liver and kidney diseases, as well as for hypertension.


There are probably not so many recipes with hot smoked mackerel. Most often, festive salads are prepared from it. In them, in addition to the fish itself, they put products that are most combined with it - onions, eggs, apples, carrots, pickles. You can also make homemade pate from such mackerel. Well, let's not forget about lemon juice - almost no fish can do without it. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, hot-smoked mackerel is not supplemented with anything, except, perhaps, bread, because it in itself is an ideal snack, without any exquisite additions.

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Speaking about the benefits of mackerel for dietary nutrition, they usually mean boiled or baked. Is smoked fish healthy and how many calories are in it?

Nutritional value of smoked mackerel

Let's start with the fact that mackerel (or mackerel) is a product of natural origin, and its calorie content depends on many factors: the place of catch, the diet of the fish or the method of its preparation. Therefore, it is impossible to say clearly how much value is in the finished product, you can only give approximate values.

There are only two methods of smoking: hot and cold. The first is carried out by heat and saturates the fish with aroma and taste, but reduces the shelf life. The second passes under the influence of cold smoke and increases the shelf life of the fish. When hot, the product does not lose its satiety and nutritional value; when cold, the evaporation of moisture reduces calorie content.

Average calorie content is 220 calories.

For clarity: in order to gain the daily norm, a person must eat about 0.7 kg of fish and eat nothing else that day.

The nutritional value of the product is reduced by heat treatment. But mackerel nevertheless contains a lot of B vitamins, vitamins A, PP, E, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, molybdenum, iron, zinc.

Fish contains a lot of proteins that are quickly absorbed by the body (about 20-25 per 100 grams), and a lot of healthy fats (about 10-15 per 100 grams).

But the main value of this tasty fish is in the unsaturated fatty acids or Omega-3 acids contained in it. These are unique natural substances, natural antioxidants. They are involved in many processes in the human body, but the body itself is not involved in their production, replenishing supplies from the outside, that is, with food.

Useful properties of mackerel

  • The element coenzin Q10 included in the chemical composition of the product protects the skin from the negative effects of the external environment and early aging.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids strengthen cell membranes and neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals on the body, which can cause many diseases (including oncology).
  • In general, the use of this modest marine fish is an excellent prevention of thrombosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Harm of use

  • Smoked fish is quite oily and should be eaten in small quantities.
  • When treated with smoke, chemicals enter the fish that are harmful to people with a sick stomach and intestines. Also, this product is not recommended for women who are breastfeeding, due to the risk of indigestion in the child.
  • If the technology of hot smoking is violated (for example, the use of the Liquid Smoke preparation), the amount of harmful impurities in the finished product makes its usefulness doubtful. You can distinguish low-quality smoked products by the caustic yellow color of the pulp.

Smoked mackerel is a tasty and healthy food when consumed wisely. It is enough to include it in the diet for a couple of pieces a month. This will not harm the figure and will positively affect the state of health.

Popular, tasty, beautiful, fragrant, moderately oily - it's all about smoked mackerel. And it is also easy to prepare, so smoking it is a pleasure. Read about how cold smoked mackerel is prepared at home.

The composition of this product includes 23.4% proteins and 6.4% fats (of which 2% are unsaturated fatty acids).

The calorie content of cold smoked mackerel per 100 grams of product is 150 kcal.

All this makes mackerel an indispensable product in the diet.

The benefits and harms of cold smoked mackerel

Like any other smoked fish, mackerel has a rich content of nutrients. These are vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, minerals such as Ca, K, Mg, Fe, Na.

Consider what are the benefits and harms of fish. The balanced chemical composition of BJU cold smoked mackerel has a beneficial effect on the human body. Proteins containing all the essential amino acids help to restore the cells and tissues of the human body. The low-melting fat, which is part of the mackerel, is well absorbed by the body and provides a sufficient amount of energy. Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids lower blood cholesterol levels, help fight atherosclerosis.

Minerals help strengthen bones, teeth, normalize blood composition. Vitamins contained in fish increase immunity, restore vision, increase the activity of the nervous system.

Smoked fish can harm the body only if there is a predisposition to hypertension, kidney disease, edema, allergic reactions to this product, and also if there is excess weight.

Do not abuse smoked meats. If you eat smoked fish no more than 1 time per week, it will not bring anything but pleasure and benefit.

Mackerel can also be cooked outside the smokehouse. Read more about the features of smoking this fish, as well as practical cooking tips, here.

Cold smoked mackerel: processing, salting, marinade preparation

Before smoking cold-smoked mackerel in a smokehouse, the fish is processed. If frozen fish is bought, then it is thawed in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-4 ° C for about a day, or at room temperature for about 4 hours, or in water at 15 ° C for 2.5 hours.

Important! Do not thaw the fish in the microwave, otherwise it will lose too much moisture, and the smoked meats will turn out dry and tough.

When cutting carcasses, the abdomen is cut, the insides are carefully removed so that the gallbladder does not burst and the bile does not spoil the fish. The head can be removed or smoked with the head. In the second case, the gills are taken out. The carcasses are thoroughly washed, washing out blood clots, dark films, and then dried with paper towels.

Salt can be dry or wet. Mackerel is a raw material that can ripen with salting, which makes its taste more delicate and pleasant.

Dry Ambassador

With dry salting, the carcasses are rubbed from tail to head with salt. Salt is poured under the gill covers and into the abdominal cavity. For 1 kg of fish for salting, 100-120 g of salt is needed.

For mackerel, instead of salt, you can make a curing mixture, which includes dry garlic, dry onions, a mixture of peppers, cloves, bay leaves. If necessary, they are crushed, combined with salt, mixed. In addition, for mackerel, you can add 25 g of sugar to the mixture.

A layer of salt or a mixture is poured into the curing container, the carcasses are laid tightly with the belly up, pressing them against each other and sprinkling the layers of fish with salting. The surface is also sprinkled on top, pressed down with a load. The container with mackerel is placed in the refrigerator and salted for 24-48 hours. Periodically, every 6 hours, the carcasses are turned over.

Wet Ambassador

  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • natural honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chopped garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ready-made mixture of dried herbs - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • finely chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • freshly ground black pepper - to taste.

For the marinade, combine all the products according to the recipe. The carcasses are well smeared with the mixture inside and out, put in a bag and marinated in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

You can do it easier and cook a brine from 1 liter of water and 100 g of salt. After cooling with brine, pour the carcasses and salt in the cold for 12-24 hours in a non-oxidizing dish with the lid closed.


After dry or wet salting, the carcasses are washed from excess salt with cold water. If this is not done, then after smoking, salt may come out on the skin. Dry with towels and hang on the street for drying for a period of at least 12 hours. Small wooden spacers are inserted into the abdomen for drying and good smoke processing. Avoid direct sunlight on the product and cover from insects with gauze.

Important! If the fish is not sufficiently dried before smoking, then during processing the smoke will stick to the surface of the skin - the smoked meats will turn out to be bitter in taste.

Cold smoked mackerel recipe in a smokehouse

It is best to smoke cold-smoked mackerel in a smokehouse.

For this, wood is prepared in advance. They choose beech, aspen, maple, alder for smoking. You can make a mix by adding sprigs of grapes, apple trees, apricots, cherries to the wood chips.

Important! The chips are moistened with water to avoid its ignition during the cooking process.

You can cook cold-smoked mackerel at home in a smokehouse with a smoke generator. The device is compact and easy to use. Sawdust or wood chips are placed in the smoke generator housing.

Fish are chosen the same size so that it reaches readiness at the same time. Carcasses can be placed in the processing chamber horizontally on the grates or vertically by hanging on hooks. The grates are pre-coated with refined vegetable oil so that the products do not stick. The carcasses are laid back down at intervals of 1 cm or more so that the fish is smoked evenly from all sides. The chamber is covered with a lid. To start smoking, turn on the compressor, kindle the wood. With incomplete combustion of wood chips, smoke is formed, which is directed through the chimney into the chamber. Mackerel is processed and becomes juicy, moderately dense, beautiful golden color.

When using a conventional do-it-yourself smokehouse, the products are placed in a chamber several meters away from the firebox. With a firebox in which a fire is kindled, the chamber is connected by a pipe (usually 8-10 meters). She plays the role of a chimney. The longer the pipe, the lower the temperature of the smoke entering the treatment chamber will be. The principle of smoking is the same as when using a smoke generator.

For smoking mackerel at home, you can use the grill. Interesting information on how to do this is located.

Mackerel cold smoking time

Mackerel is smoked at a smoke temperature of 20-25 ° C, controlled with a thermometer. By the end of smoking, the degree is increased to 30-35 ° C.

Cooking time depends on the size, fat content, mass of semi-finished products, smoke temperature and ranges from 8-10 hours to 2 days.

Important! The lower the smoking temperature, the longer the fish will smoke.

This is not the end of the cooking process. The carcasses are taken out of the smokehouse, hung on the street to weather the sharp aroma of smoke and so that the products of smoking penetrate into the inner layers of the meat.

Mackerel can be smoked hot. It is much easier and takes less time. read here.

Cold smoked mackerel at home without a smokehouse

You can make cold-smoked mackerel at home both in a smokehouse and without special equipment. The easiest option is to use Liquid Smoke.

Mackerel is processed by removing the scales, entrails, head, fins. Rinse in cold water, dry. Carcasses are moistened with liquid smoke, rubbed with salt, spices for fish, pepper. Put in a container and put in the refrigerator so that the layers of meat are better salted for a day. Every 5-6 hours, the mackerel is turned over so that it is saturated with salt and spices evenly.

After salting, the carcasses are washed, dried with paper towels and air-dried for 2-3 hours.

You can cook smoked meats in an air grill. Semi-finished products are placed on a wire rack. Close the apparatus with a lid, set the temperature to 180 ° C and bring to readiness for about half an hour.

If there is no air grill, it can be replaced with a conventional oven. Fish prepared with liquid smoke is baked at a temperature of 180-200 ° C until golden brown and softened for about half an hour.

You can eat this fish both hot and cold.

For smokeless smoking, you can use a slow cooker. you can read here.

Shelf life

Smoked products must be stored in a refrigerator or freezer at a relative humidity of 75-85%. The shelf life depends directly on the temperature regime and is:

  • at t from 0 to +4, the shelf life is 72 hours;
  • at t from 0 to -2 - 7 days;
  • at t from -3 to -5 - 14 days;
  • at t -18 and below - 60 days.

Frozen cold-smoked fish must be thawed slowly in the refrigerator before use. With rapid defrosting, it will lose its unique properties, it will be watery, loose.

The finished fish is soft as porridge: why and what to do

The consistency of mackerel in violation of the cooking technology may be too boiled. Such a defect is obtained if the smoking temperature exceeded 40 ° C. The flesh of such a fish softens, falls apart like porridge.

With improper defrosting of frozen smoked meats (in the microwave, oven), the pulp can also soften, lose elasticity. Such a defect can be in double-frozen fish. It was thawed, not used and froze a second time.

The most dangerous is spoilage of fish. If smoked fish began to deteriorate, mucus appeared on the surface, the smell became unpleasant, not characteristic of smoked fish, and the flesh began to fall apart, then you need to throw it away immediately. The use of such products can lead to severe poisoning.

To avoid such defects, you should follow the rules:

  • in the process of smoking, do not allow the temperature of the smoke to rise above 35-40 ° C;
  • properly defrost smoked meats frozen for storage, put the fish in the refrigerator to defrost;
  • do not freeze fish twice;
  • do not use fish if signs of spoilage appear.

Smoked mackerel is served as a cold appetizer, sandwiches and salads are prepared with it.

On our site you will find many dishes using smoked mackerel. Read about how to cook with it here.

It turns out that you can even cook smoked mackerel. You will surely be interested to know how this unusual dish is prepared!

So, cold-smoked mackerel is obtained at home very tasty, fragrant. It is suitable for both weekday dinner and festive table. Cook smoked fish meats with your family and friends, add your own "zest" to the preparation. Bon appetit!

Smoked fish can often be seen on festive tables, as it is an excellent snack. This delicacy has a piquant taste, aroma and goes well with many vegetables. The benefits of smoked mackerel are not known to every person, as well as its harm. It will be interesting to understand how smoked mackerel affects the body, and what is its calorie content. The information will certainly surprise and make you think about whether there will be harm to the body if there is often smoked meat.

The properties of smoked mackerel primarily depend on how it was cooked. The following methods are mainly used: hot and cold smoking, infusion in liquid smoke. If desired, any of the methods can be carried out at home. It should be noted right away that the benefits of smoked mackerel, made by hand, will be much higher than that of a purchased one. This can be explained by the fact that a person will not use harmful components that can adversely affect health.

As you know, the benefits of fish are high, which is why experts recommend using it more often. However, the smoking process adds calories, so nutritionists do not advise eating this product in large quantities. However, the usefulness of this delicacy still remains. It is enough to look at how many positive properties it has to be convinced of this.

The benefits of smoked mackerel:

  1. Improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, activates the metabolism;
  2. Strengthens the nervous system. Uplifts mood and helps to cope with depression;
  3. Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Normalizes cholesterol;
  4. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  5. Helps cells regenerate. In general, strengthens the immune system;
  6. It has a positive effect on memory, improves concentration;
  7. Provides cancer prevention.

In addition, the benefit lies in the fact that fish, even smoked, is rich in vitamins and amino acids. It contains vitamins A, E, D in high concentration. Of the trace elements necessary for the body, there are calcium, magnesium, iodine.

Speaking about which fish is healthier, hot or cold smoked, you can give an unambiguous answer. Of course, the product prepared using the cold method has more positive properties. In this case, more vitamins and minerals are preserved. But this does not mean that hot smoked mackerel only brings harm. It also has a positive effect, but it is slightly weaker.

Read also:

Hot smoking in a barrel - homemade designs

After reading about how many useful properties mackerel has, you can decide that it is absolutely safe for the body. But this is not so, it also has negative sides. It must be said right away that smoked meats are not recommended for people with hypertension and with diseases of the kidneys, liver and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, they are not suitable for those who are allergic to fish products.

The harm of a smoked product lies in the fact that it absorbs carcinogens. To reduce their number, you should eat mackerel without a skin, since it is in this part that hazardous substances accumulate. If liquid smoke was used for cooking, then the product may contain toxic phenol, which is harmful to the body. Therefore, if you cook smoked meat, then it is desirable in a real smokehouse. In this case, it will contain less hazardous substances.

It is also worth remembering how many calories are in this product. If this delicacy is often consumed, you can put on weight. This is not desirable for those who care about their figure.

How many calories in smoked mackerel

The calorie content of smoked mackerel is not too high, but not low either. The hot smoked product has 221 kcal per 100 grams. Well, the calorie content of cold smoked mackerel is 150 kcal per 100 g.

Nutritionists recommend eating this delicacy no more than 1-2 times a week. It is not recommended to eat more than 50-70 grams per day. Otherwise, a person runs the risk of gaining weight, as well as harming the body. To get an exclusively positive effect, you should not exceed the established norm.

Mackerel in our country occupies one of the leading positions in consumption and popularity among the population. In every city, in grocery stores, you can find cold-smoked mackerel, beloved by many. Salted or fresh-frozen fish carcasses, as well as canned mackerel, are in demand.

The abundance of this fish is explained simply - mackerel has a very wide geography of habitat and in the open spaces of its population is present almost everywhere. Schools of this fish are found in the Mediterranean, Black, North and Baltic Seas. It migrates in the waters of the Marmara and Barents Seas.

Mackerel is a versatile fish. It is delicious boiled, fried or baked, and just as a cold snack (salted, smoked, marinated). The relatively low calorie content of mackerel adds a big plus to this fish - it can be used in diets for weight loss (boiled or baked dishes) and in diet menus (1-2 times a week).

Mackerel: calories and nutritional value

Mackerel has a great nutritional value due to its rich chemical composition. It contains a large amount of vitamins, among which vitamins of group B, as well as PP, A, C and E are of particular value. This fish is rich in fluorine, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and other macro- and microelements.

Despite the average calorie content, mackerel contains a large amount of fat. Oddly enough, the fat in this product is of great value, as it plays a crucial role for the full functioning of a person. And it's all about omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in excess in mackerel. These beneficial chemical compounds have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and are an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis.

The calorie content of mackerel is only 190-200 kcal per 100 g of fish meat. This is a very low figure, given the increased fat content of this fish. In fact, the calories in mackerel are not “off scale”, but the nutritional value is more than high: 100 grams of pulp contains 18 g of protein, 13.2 g of fat and practically no carbohydrates.

However, the raw calorie content of mackerel is not yet an indicator of the actual calorie content of the product after heat treatment. Indeed, when adding oil or various ingredients, calories in mackerel can increase significantly.

How many calories are in smoked mackerel?

Smoked mackerel is a favorite product in many post-Soviet countries. Even now, at a time of unprecedented diversity and abundance, herring with thinly sliced ​​cold-smoked or hot-smoked mackerel is always appropriate on the festive table.

We must pay tribute - smoked mackerel is really very tasty. However, the benefits of eating such fish are highly questionable. And the point here is not at all the calorie content of mackerel of different types of smoking, but in the process itself. After all, it has long been no secret that fish is “smoked” in our country, as a rule, with the help of chemical reagents. A fish carcass soaked in a solution in a day takes on a look, smell and taste close to real smoked fish, but the quality indicators of a fake cannot be compared with the original.

So how many calories are in smoked mackerel? It depends on the type of smoking, the average values ​​look like this:

  • The calorie content of cold smoked mackerel is 150-180 kcal per 100 g of the finished product;
  • The number of calories in hot smoked mackerel is 225-238 kcal / 100 g.

Salted mackerel: calorie content and product quality

Salted mackerel is a fairly popular fish snack. Someone puts slightly salted herring in the first place, and someone cannot imagine a spiritual feast without spicy salted mackerel. Unlike marine fish of other species, mackerel has fatty, fleshy flesh, which allows you to enjoy the excellent taste in full.

The calorie content of salted mackerel should not differ much from the calorie content of fresh fish. As you know, salt and water do not contain calories, so salted mackerel is not a high-calorie product. However, this is true only for mackerel salted according to the standard recipe (only salt, water and spices are included in the brine). There are at least 3 types of brine in which fish is soaked. Depending on this, the calorie content of spicy salted mackerel will be different:

  • Calorie content of mackerel simple (standard) salting - 155-161 kcal / 100 g;
  • Mackerel soaked in brine with added sugar - 175-183 kcal / 100 g;
  • The calorie content of mackerel salted in a solution with the addition of sugar and vegetable oil is 190-222 kcal / 100 g.

What is the calorie content of mackerel in various dishes?

Above, we examined the calorie content of hot and cold smoked mackerel, as well as salted fish. And how many calories are in mackerel, baked or boiled? After all, from this beautiful fish you can cook a lot of tasty and healthy dishes. What is only worth a hot tender appetizer of mackerel in tomatoes, baked on a grill. In addition to excellent taste, this dish also has an undoubted advantage - the calories of mackerel fried in this way remain at the same level (188-190 kcal / 100 g).

So, if you want to replenish your body with a complete, easily digestible protein and useful omega-3 acids, eat fried fish. True, fried mackerel has a high calorie content - almost 310 kcal / 100 g. Still, the presence of vegetable fat for frying and high-calorie breading from flour and eggs affects.

For those who are struggling with excess weight, boiled mackerel is a dish that meets all the parameters of a dietary product. Possessing a low calorie content, boiled mackerel, moreover, perfectly satisfies hunger for several hours (this will make it easier to endure the diet). How many calories are in boiled mackerel? A little, only 127 kcal / 100 g. This is even less than in raw fish, because when cooked in a large amount of water, the calorie content of mackerel decreases.

Calorie content of mackerel in dishes with different heat treatment:

  • Steamed mackerel - 158-170 kcal / 100 g;
  • Mackerel baked in foil at home - 220-234 kcal / 100 g;
  • Mackerel stewed in white wine and champignon sauce - 189-215 kcal / 100 g;
  • Calorie content of mackerel, fried without breading in large pieces - 245-260 kcal / 100 g;
  • Mackerel baked with onions and spices in the sleeve - 180-195 kcal / 100 g;
  • Ear from mackerel - 139 kcal / 100 g.

Despite the higher calorie content of mackerel in stews, they should not be neglected - they enrich the body with valuable nutrients and allow you to diversify your diet. Just remember: fish should be stewed for no more than 15-20 minutes, otherwise, instead of a healthy dish on the table, you will only have a delicious high-calorie lunch.

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