Jasmine tea: when the best is not the enemy of the good. Jasmine tea and its beneficial properties

Jasmine tea and its beneficial features

Jasmine tea is a mixture of green tea and jasmine petals, or green tea, prepared using a special technology, with the scent of jasmine. Jasmine enriches the aromatic and flavor palette of green tea, giving it a subtle, delicate aroma and a sweetish taste.

Green tea with jasmine petals is cheaper because it is produced using accelerated technology with heat treatment. Green tea without petals is more expensive and of higher quality, because... The tea leaves are dried for several months with jasmine flowers, which are then selected by hand. And the highest grade of green tea for this method of production is taken. The Chinese can afford white tea with jasmine aroma. (Real white tea is not transported and is stored for a very short time - no more than 6 months).
Jasmine plant

A lot has been said about the benefits of green tea, and you can read about it in relevant articles. And if we talk about the jasmine component, it provides it amazing plant- jasmine ( Latin name- Jasminum officinale). It's about not about that bush that smells fragrant in our front gardens in the spring. It is called mock orange - as you understand, a completely different plant.

Jasmine- an evergreen shrub, the medicinal species of which grows in Asia Minor, China, India, in the American tropics and subtropics. It is this type of jasmine that is used for tea. By the way, jasmine in China is called the “King of Smells”. It blooms for a long period - from April to late autumn. Jasmine flowers are collected from July to October (the moon is in its maximum summer phase) and, most importantly, in the morning, between 4 and 5 o'clock, when concentration increases essential oils.

The chemical composition of jasmine is varied. It contains various acids - benzoic, salicylic, formic, etc., essential oils, alkaloids, efengols. You can, of course, list sesquiterpenes, triterpenes, ketones, theanines, etc. The jasmine plant is generous and rich in beneficial substances, and by drinking jasmine tea, we receive these gifts of nature.

But if you burn jasmine flowers in the bedroom at night, you will not only inhale a pleasant aroma, but also see prophetic dreams and develop clairvoyant abilities.

What are the benefits of jasmine tea?

Jasmine tea has sedative (calming) properties and is a good antidepressant.
. Helps normalize insulin production

Has an anti-allergic effect
. Is a preventive drink against cardiovascular diseases

Has an analgesic effect
. Has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and expectorant effects

Stabilizes the female hormonal system
. Promotes healthy pregnancy fetus during pregnancy

Increases the duration of the reproductive period of life
. It is recommended to drink in large quantities for hepatitis, liver cirrhosis
. Maintains an alert state


It is not recommended to put a lot of tea leaves in the cup, otherwise the taste of the drink will be bitter.

For one standard cup, it is enough to put one teaspoon of tea leaves and fill it with water at 80-85 degrees.
Jasmine tea is infused for no more than three minutes.
To brew jasmine tea, use glassware, this will give you an additional opportunity to see how the petals and tea leaves bloom, saturating the drink with the best.

Varieties of Chinese jasmine tea

1. Eye of the Phoenix.

This is a very expensive, famous and revered variety of Chinese green tea. It is grown in Yunnan province on a high-mountain plantation called “Moon Palace”. Young tea leaves and ovaries are carefully selected and carefully rolled, giving them an oval shape reminiscent of the eye of the fairy-tale Phoenix bird.

The tea is then repeatedly scented with large flowers of fragrant white jasmine. During the brewing process, the “Phoenix eyes” unfold and take the form of beautiful whole leaves. The ready-to-drink drink has a light green color, a fresh, refined taste and a rich jasmine aroma.

2. Jasmine pearl.

This amazing tea has been produced for 700 years. Its homeland is considered to be the Chinese province of Fujian. Tea leaves are collected in the spring, or rather in early April. For processing, use the top two leaves from the tender sprout of young bushes.

At the final stage of production, the tea is flavored with jasmine flowers. The color of the brewed infusion is pale yellow, the aroma is bright, the taste is soft and pleasant.

“Jasmine pearl” can be brewed directly in a cup. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of tea hot water temperature is approximately 85 degrees and left for 3-4 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure no more than 5 times.

If you brew this tea in a transparent glass teapot, you will be able to see how round “pearls” become the most delicate thin “snakes”.

3. Jasmine tea Moli Hua.

This medium leaf jasmine green tea is classified as a traditional Chinese drink. It is distinguished by its refined delicate taste and a light, sweet aroma.

Jasmine tea has a tonic effect, so it is recommended to drink it in the morning.

Of course, you understand that jasmine tea is not a panacea or a cure. Jasmine tea is rather a preventive herbal medicine.

Is jasmine tea effective for weight loss?
Jasmine tea is green tea with jasmine added.

Is this tea effective for weight loss? In the sense that jasmine gives a somewhat sweetish taste and you can do without sugar, yes, the calories will decrease. Insignificant. (Although drinking green tea with sugar is neither customary nor recommended.)

Also, due to the fact that green tea in combination with jasmine has a multifaceted, beneficial effect on metabolic processes, you can count on the fact that fat formation will slow down. But tea does not eliminate extra pounds.

It is beneficial for tea sellers and manufacturers to support and exaggerate myths about the effect of green tea, jasmine tea or any other tea on weight loss. It is not true. Fat deposits can only be removed under the influence of oxidative agents, i.e. aerobic processes.

Tea, even the highest quality and most expensive, can only serve as an auxiliary health measure in the process of weight loss. And then, if there are no serious contraindications.

A variety of diets in combination with jasmine tea can give effective and sustainable results, if the chosen diet remains a permanent way of eating.

Jasmine is a delicate, fragrant plant. Poems and verses were repeatedly written about him, and his beauty was compared with the most charming girls.

Not only the beauty of jasmine is worthy of attention - the flower has beneficial properties that, according to the ancients, can preserve health and beauty.

Jasmine - health benefits and harms

Jasmine is a versatile plant. In common people he is called the “king of flowers.” It attracts attention by appearance, smell and beneficial properties.

The smell of jasmine alone stimulates brain function, tones, and refreshes. If you work hard, spend a lot of time in front of the computer, place a jasmine flower or a jar of dried inflorescences (aroma bag) next to you to reduce stress, fatigue and add relaxation.

Health Benefits of Jasmine

Jasmine is good for health because it:

  • Useful for insomnia.
  • Has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Useful for colds.
  • Used for bronchial asthma.
  • Women need to drink jasmine for gynecological diseases.
  • For men, jasmine is indicated for impotence.
  • Taking jasmine also helps with skin diseases.

Jasmine oil is used in massage to prevent joint diseases and internal organs. Overall it is relaxing.

Women are recommended to dilute jasmine oil in homemade masks. You should wipe your face with a decoction of jasmine if you have skin diseases, redness or irritation. In addition, jasmine has an antiseptic effect. It perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Benefits of jasmine oil:

  • Crema
  • Lotions
  • Tonics
  • Body oils and creams
  • Other care products

Harm to health of jasmine

Like all plants, jasmine has contraindications and is harmful to human health. In what cases should jasmine not be used?

  • If you have an individual intolerance to jasmine.
  • For allergic reactions.
  • Use jasmine decoction in its pure form.
  • Excessive use of jasmine decoction or oil.
  • Open wounds, boils + large amounts (concentrated) of jasmine.

Adding jasmine to tea is beneficial. It is contained in small quantities, so it will not have a serious effect, however, in case of individual intolerance, it is better to exclude overuse tea with jasmine.

Health Benefits of Jasmine Tea:

  1. Jasmine tea contains antioxidants that destroy radicals - cancer prevention. In addition, it slows down the growth of harmful cells.
  2. Prevention of drinking jasmine tea - breast tumors and prostate tumors.
  3. Jasmine tea contains catechins, which reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  4. Jasmine tea prolongs life - drink several cups a day (200 ml x 2).
  5. Jasmine relieves nervous disorders, anxiety syndrome, has a sedative effect, and reduces the risk of postpartum depression.
  6. Jasmine tea, especially green tea, helps burn calories (thanks to the same catechins).
  7. During the cold season, jasmine tea improves immunity and has a preventive effect against flu, colds, and allergies.
  8. Jasmine in tea helps reduce the effects on the immune system during age-related changes (menopause).
  9. By drinking jasmine tea, you can prevent/eliminate bad breath.
  10. Jasmine tea has an enveloping effect, preventing the development of stomach ulcers.

The tradition of tea drinking goes back centuries. This is a special ceremony, with its own history and traditions. A cup of aromatic tea can not only warm us up cold winter, but will also warm the soul, enveloping you in a pleasant aroma of calm. Each nation has its own characteristics and habits in conducting the tea ceremony. For example, in Japan they pay special attention to tea. For these purposes, the Japanese even arrange separate rooms where you can retire and enjoy fresh aromatic tea.

But in Russia it is difficult to imagine a tea party without various sweets: pies, sweets, cakes, pastries, which give the process a special charm. It is difficult to find a person who would not like to drink tea, no matter what their nationality. And in our time, the variety of varieties of this drink can satisfy even the most sophisticated taste. One of the most popular varieties of tea is jasmine; its exquisite taste and aroma, as well as amazing properties and benefits, have helped it become one of the most favorite drinks in the world.

brew jasmine tea according to the standard procedure

The benefits of tea have been known for quite some time. The leaves of this beautiful plant contain caffeine and tannin, and they help invigorate and improve metabolic processes in our body. The tea acts very gently, but very effectively and is not addictive. Caffeine reduces drowsiness and helps to cheer up, relieves fatigue.

More recently, scientists have proven that it helps burn calories, even at low temperatures. physical activity Caffeine helps convert subcutaneous fat into nutrition for muscles and increases their performance. Jasmine tea comes in both green and black, but first, let's look at how it is produced.

Methods for making jasmine tea

Jasmine flowers are usually collected during the hottest period of the year, when the richness of aromatic elements is maximum. At the same time, they always start early in the morning, until the inflorescences have dried out and lost their aroma under the hot rays of the sun.

There are two technologies for impregnating tea leaves with jasmine aroma:

  1. tea leaves are mixed with jasmine and placed in the sun for at least a day;
  2. Jasmine tea leaves are kept in a cool room for one hundred days.

Once the tea leaves are saturated with the aroma of jasmine flowers, the inflorescences are removed and the tea leaves are sorted by size. But special varieties of jasmine tea are also produced, which are packaged with flowers. Connoisseurs know about interesting feature this tea: if you brew it in a transparent teapot, you can see how the flowers come to life and bloom under the influence of boiling water. It is very interesting to watch this process.

Beneficial features

Green tea is very beneficial for our body. It contains beneficial substances that help remove toxins, and jasmine enhances its effect many times over and helps you look fresh and young. The drink also helps well in the fight against extra pounds and with its help it is easier to wean yourself from eating sugar.

Green tea has virtually no calories, but it is rich in antioxidants, which help break down fat and remove extra pounds faster. If you choose the right diet and add to it physical exercise, jasmine tea will help you achieve the desired results faster.

More recently, scientists in China conducted research and found that green tea with jasmine is an excellent prevention of cancer. They have proven that phytoncides, which contain jasmine flowers, prevent the formation of cancer cells. And it is especially useful to drink this tea for people living in regions with poor ecology.

Thanks to the subtle aroma of jasmine, tea calms, relieves stress during work and improves mood. This drink is much invigorating better coffee and at the same time protects arterial pressure. For many, it perfectly replaces morning coffee and helps increase activity and performance throughout the day.

Another positive property of tea is its beneficial effect on the body during colds. If you feel the slightest ailment in cloudy rainy weather, try drinking tea with jasmine petals, it will compensate for the lack of vitamins, microelements and help you quickly overcome the disease, but you should not forget that you can drink it only in the absence of elevated temperature.

The benefit of this tea also lies in the fact that approximately 7% of the drink’s volume consists of vitamins and microelements, and a quarter is proteins. In terms of nutritional value, the drink can be compared with legumes, and in terms of the amount of vitamins - with citrus fruits. Regular consumption of jasmine tea helps reduce stress, normalizes intestinal function, improves vision and work of cardio-vascular system, will strengthen tooth enamel and alleviate motion sickness in transport.


Of course, jasmine tea, like other drinks, can bring not only benefits, but also harm. If you are allergic, you should treat the drink with caution, although the tea also contains a small amount of jasmine flowers, an allergy may still occur.

But tea can only be harmful if you take it in very large quantities. We must not forget that it contains caffeine, which can lead to increased blood pressure, so people with blood pressure should not abuse the drink. In addition, drinking a large amount of tea can cause headaches, as well as increased nervous excitability.

Strong tea should be consumed with caution, especially for pregnant and lactating women. It is also not recommended to drink tea on an empty stomach, as this can harm the stomach and cause ulcers. Drinking tea in the evening is also undesirable, as it has a diuretic property, which is why it is recommended to limit its consumption in hot weather so as not to provoke dehydration.

If you are a true connoisseur of this aromatic drink, drink it in moderation, after meals and under no circumstances before bedtime, and do not brew the tea too strongly. Before purchasing tea in a store, carefully read the information on the label; the tea should contain jasmine petals, not flavorings, and it is advisable to purchase loose tea. For tea to reveal its full taste and aroma and benefit you, buy high-quality tea and then you will appreciate its taste.

In contact with

The exquisite aroma of jasmine attracts a large number of bees and other insects to the garden plot, which pollinate the plants. The strong smell of the flower can not only lift your spirits, but also cause headaches, so keep the blossoming branches of the jasmine miracle in the living room, but under no circumstances leave them in the bedroom.

Jasmine is an excellent aphrodisiac, relieving women of frigidity and giving men stamina in sexual relations. Medieval ladies, knowing about the magical properties of jasmine aroma, decorated not only their meeting rooms with jasmine flowers, but also their curls!

Jasmine thrives in sunny areas. If you grow it in your dacha, then in the spring be sure to feed the jasmine bush with nitrogen and organic fertilizers, and in summer - microelements. Regularly thin out the bush, removing old dry twigs and loosening along the diameter of the trunk circle.

Collect jasmine flowers at night, this is when the flowers bloom to their maximum!

In the east, jasmine is used as decoration in wedding ceremonies, stunning long-lasting perfumes are made from it, and even jasmine poison (since the root system of the plant contains the alkaloid C22H14NO2, a very strong poison).

Jasmine improves metabolism, has an antibacterial, cooling, hemostatic effect, and rejuvenates reproductive system, cleanses the body, strengthens the nervous system.

Cautions: overexcitement, chills, decreased calorific value, dehydration.

Jasmine flowers are able to cool the blood, therefore they help stop bleeding, thereby providing antiviral, antibacterial and antitumor effects. By strengthening the immune and lymphatic systems, jasmine helps with various types of cancer. including for breast cancer. An excellent remedy for fever. And with sunstroke, medicinal jasmine oil will help!

Jasmine flowers are beneficial for female body, as they rejuvenate and stimulate sexual activity, helping to cleanse the uterus.

Jasmine decoction and its benefits!

  • Beneficial for cancer prevention
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, preventing the occurrence of thrombosis, heart attack and atherosclerosis
  • Excellent oral cosmetic product containing antioxidants
  • Reduces cholesterol, burns calories
  • Relevant during the cold season, it helps fight viruses, bacteria, and influenza.
  • Recommended for use against dysentery
  • Strengthens the body, stimulates the immune system
  • Prevents the development of caries
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Improves intestinal motility
  • Relieves allergic reactions
  • Calms nerves, relieves stress and fatigue

Harm of jasmine decoction!

In Asian countries, jasmine decoction is drunk in its pure form, but we are used to mixing jasmine flowers with tea leaves. If you want to drink pure jasmine decoction, be careful with the doses, as well as the strength of the drink when brewing. Allergies may occur.

For insomnia, neuroses and stress Oh

Mix 1 tbsp. l. fresh jasmine flowers with 2 tbsp. l. dry lavender, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave covered for 30 minutes. Then strain, squeeze and pour the infusion into the bath. Take the procedure for 15 minutes. in one day. The course is until the general condition is normalized.


2 tbsp. l. fresh chopped jasmine flowers pour 0.5 cup. vodka , leave in a dark place for about a week, strain, squeeze out and use the tincture for washing. For rinsing 1 tsp. Dissolve the infusion in 0.5 cup. boiled water. Diluted jasmine tincture can be stored in a cold place.

Non-healing ulcers and wounds

Scald fresh ones with boiling water crushed jasmine leaves, cool slightly, place on a gauze bandage and apply to the affected areas of the skin. Cover the top with cellophane and secure with a bandage. Change the bandage 2 times. in a day..

Acute respiratory infection with high fever

Pour in 1st glass. boiling water 1 tsp. fresh crushed jasmine leaves, leave covered for 1 hour, strain and squeeze. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 r. a day 15 minutes before meals.

Healthy jasmine drink

Put it in a jar3 tbsp. l. good quality green tea,add 5 fully bloomed jasmine flowers And Close the lid tightly. Shake the jar for 3 days. Add 5 more flowers and repeat the procedure. Then you can brew tea with water, but not with boiling water, but with a temperature of 80°C. Jasmine tea is a powerful stimulant that activates brain functions, so it is recommended to drink this drink in the morning.

Tea with jasmine, rich in minerals and vitamins, will help you get healthier!

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Already loved by many, jasmine tea combines all the benefits of alpine tea tree leaves and healing properties jasmine inflorescences. Among the features of this tea are absolute naturalness, exquisite taste and a delightful delicate aroma. It requires no artificial flavors and no sugar at all. Jasmine has such pronounced taste and aromatic characteristics that the tea drink is filled with them without unnecessary additives.

The base of tea can be any type of tea tree leaf, but traditionally Chinese white or green is used. To obtain a high-quality drink, jasmine petals are collected strictly during the flowering period, when the shrub is especially fragrant, and then mixed with tea leaves and sent for long-term storage at a certain temperature. temperature conditions and humidity. The tea will naturally flavor for several months. During this time, the tea petals are fully saturated with the sweet aroma of jasmine, but do not lose their valuable properties. Jasmine leaf tea No wonder it is known throughout the world. One cup of this nutritious drink per day provides every cell of the body with the necessary amount of alkaloids, effenols, beneficial acids and a whole complex of vitamins and minerals:

No less useful is the aromatic jasmine drink as a tool in the fight against excess weight. The calorie content of jasmine tea is minimal.

In terms of nutritional value, jasmine tea is comparable to legumes:

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of the drink explains the complex beneficial effect it has on the body.

Jasmine tea: beneficial properties. Benefits of Drinking Jasmine Tea

Among regular users jasmine tea benefits and harm drinks do not raise any questions. It has been repeatedly proven that a decoction of tea leaves with the addition of jasmine bush petals has a relaxing and calming effect, reduces depression, and normalizes the quality of sleep. The smell of jasmine invigorates, stimulates brain activity, gives physical strength, and improves mood. For the cardiovascular system, the risks of heart attack, stroke, and arterial thrombosis are reduced, and blood pressure is normalized. The infusion is no less effective as a remedy for colds. It maintains fluid balance in the body, strengthens the immune system, and helps eliminate harmful salts and toxins. With its help, the risks of developing gastrointestinal diseases, rheumatism and diabetes mellitus. Strong tea leaves are used to make compresses for healing wounds. Properties of green tea with jasmine help fight extra pounds. Many people prefer this drink as a means of reducing the likelihood of developing tumor pathologies.

The combination of jasmine and good tea has a comprehensive positive effect on health. Hua Long Zhu “Jasmine Pearl”, Moly fen Yan “Jasmine Eye of the Phoenix”, Moly Hua Cha are varieties whose miraculous properties cannot be doubted. This one is popular green tea with jasmine beneficial properties known to the world since ancient times.

Green tea with jasmine: beneficial properties

Any drink made from high-quality tea leaves and jasmine inflorescences has a beneficial effect on the body. The difference between green, white and black varieties lies in the degree of severity of the effect. Green tea is highly effective in the fight against viruses, inflammatory and bacterial processes, excess weight, and excess cholesterol. Oncologists recommend this drink for the prevention of certain forms of cancer. For those who like to drink green tea with jasmine: benefits and harms, which it is capable of inflicting on the body only in exceptional cases, are incommensurable.

Black tea with jasmine: beneficial properties

A drink brewed from black tea leaves contains increased amount essential oils that improve brain function, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. They also soften the symptoms of bronchitis and asthma, speed up withdrawal harmful substances, help cleanse the blood. One of the last scientific research showed that black tea with jasmine has no equal in the fight against free radicals.

White tea with jasmine: beneficial properties

Varieties obtained from young buds and upper leaves of the tea tree undergo minimal processing, so their composition preserves greatest number vitamins and nutrients. White tea with jasmine- an excellent immunomodulator, antidepressant, thirst quencher. The peculiarity of the composition of the drink is caffeine, which is much more useful than that what is contained in coffee.

Jasmine tea: contraindications. Harm from drinking jasmine tea

Based on the totality of its benefits, a drink made from tea leaves and jasmine will give a head start to many types of drinks, but at the same time, there are a number of conditions when drinking it is undesirable. Among them is individual intolerance to jasmine, which manifests itself in the form of allergic attacks. Since jasmine has the ability to improve blood circulation, jasmine-tea infusion should be used with caution. elevated temperature bodies. Required condition for absence side effects is to adhere to reasonable amounts of tea consumption. Excessive passion for a drink with jasmine can cause harm to anyone, including absolutely healthy person, and the specific characteristics of individual varieties can enhance the negative effect.

Green tea with jasmine: harm when consumed

Characteristic for green tea with jasmine contraindications are acute gastrointestinal diseases and some joint diseases. You should not drink such infusions if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer, erosions of the gastrointestinal mucosa, gastritis, gout, or arthritis. Neglecting recommendations is fraught with accelerated progression of pathologies.

Black tea with jasmine: harm when consumed

Black varieties are known for their ability to dilate blood vessels and raise blood pressure. For this reason, you should not brew them if you have hypertension, tachycardia, or other cardiovascular diseases.

White tea with jasmine: harm when consumed

With the exception of individual intolerance, white tea has no contraindications. This one is useful and delicious drink with the intoxicating aroma of jasmine is almost always appropriate.

Varieties of green jasmine tea

Manufacturers of tea drinks create any composition of flavors. The following varieties are especially recognized among tea culture connoisseurs: Hua Zhen Lo, Hua Zhu Cha (Green Jasmine), Phoenix Eye Fen Yang, Hua Yu De (Jasmine Jade Butterfly), Hua Long Zhu (Jasmine Dragon Pearl). , Moli Bai Mao Hou (White Monkey).

Hua Zhen Luo is an elite product grown from the most delicate tea tree leaves on Guizhou plantations. Amazing aroma and that's it benefits of green tea with jasmine, are combined in this amazing drink with both a soft and floral taste. The peculiarity of the Hua Zhen Luo variety is the petals neatly twisted into a spiral, which slowly open when brewed, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

The petals for Hua Yu De tea are hand-picked in southwestern China from the very tops of trees and then curled into the intricate shape of a small butterfly. The finished drink has a light green tint, delicate taste and a pleasant sweet aftertaste.

The high-quality variety of green tea "Eye of the Phoenix" is distinguished by a powerful tonic effect and a subtle aroma of jasmine, which enhances but does not drown out the taste of the drink. Fen Yang petals are rolled into balls, which, when brewed, stretch into long stems.

Moth Hua Long Zhu is a famous Chinese variety, for the production of which young buds with barely visible petals are used. The tea got its name because of its pearl color, which is unusual for other varieties.

Moli Bai Mao Hou is recognizable by its tart taste with a slight hint of grape berries. When brewed, it acquires a golden hue with a predominant aroma of jasmine.

How to make jasmine tea?

The process of preparing jasmine tea is a special sacrament, without which it is impossible to reveal its full amazing potential. To know it, prepare:

  • porcelain or glassware;
  • purified water;
  • tea leaves

So how to make jasmine tea It is important to preserve all its properties, the prepared dishes must first be scalded with boiling water. Heat the water in which the drink will be brewed to a temperature of 80-85º C. When the desired temperature is reached, pour 3 grams of tea into the brewing container, let it brew for three minutes, and then strain and brew again. The first brew removes dust from the tea leaves, so this type of brew is usually drained. After the second brewing, the infusion is ready for tea drinking.

If the tea is of high quality, it can be brewed up to 4-7 times without losing its nutritional and taste properties. In this case, the time of each brewing should be increased by half a minute.

Many of those who are just joining the tea culture are interested in how to drink jasmine tea. To experience the full power of high mountain tea leaves, experts recommend enjoying the drink without adding additional ingredients.

How to store jasmine tea?

Jasmine tea does not have any special storage requirements. Like other varieties, it must be stored in tightly closed glass containers in a dark room.

Where to buy jasmine tea?

If you want to be sure of the high quality of your tea, you will have to take a closer look at its supplier. Online store "Tea Symphony" -
This is jasmine tea from the best plantations in the world, which is stored in accordance with all requirements and delivered throughout Russia. Orders are accepted around the clock online or in work time via the contacts indicated on the website.

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