Opening a fresh bar from scratch: a business plan with all the calculations. How to open your own fresh bar from scratch

We all know from childhood that vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins, minerals, useful microelements. Scientists all over the world advise daily consumption of fresh, natural, vegetables and fruits, because they normalize well-being and improve overall physical condition. But it is not always possible to eat a kilogram of apples, or a few kilograms of oranges, to get the necessary daily intake of magnesium, calcium, iron, and a number of vitamins. What to do? Fresh juices can be an alternative. Half a liter of carrot-apple fresh juice is daily rate everything you need that you can take from a carrot and an apple.

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The question arises, if fresh juices are so useful, then why are all the store shelves filled with juices, the quality of which is not credible? The answer is simple - everything beneficial features freshly squeezed juice keeps a maximum of 4 hours. It is not cost-effective to produce it on an industrial scale. It is much more profitable to boil fruits, add preservatives, pack everything in beautiful packaging and put it on store shelves. There is practically no benefit from such juice, but it can be stored for more than one month.

But what about those who still want to start a business selling freshly squeezed juices? Where can you start, and is it realistic? In this article, we will talk with you about how to open a fresh bar, what you need for this, what main points you need to pay attention to. We will also try to make small business fresh bar plan, talking about the costs, necessary expenses, potential profits of your small fresh bar.

Opening a fresh bar: first steps in business

As we already understood, the production of fresh juices cannot be put on the conveyor. This is a very specific product that is in demand in original form, without any treatments, preservatives, and other manipulations. Therefore, this business can be implemented only in the format of small points located in crowded places. Such a point can be put in mall, supermarket, on some busy streets and squares.

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You can also consider the option of developing this business through self-service machines. In the US and Europe, not soda vending machines are gaining more and more popularity, but those that can offer you to make freshly squeezed orange juice in a few seconds. You just need to understand that the vending business (development of a network of fresh vending machines) is a very expensive “pleasure”. To make a profit, you need to enter the market with at least 10 cars. And consider also the fact that fresh is not coffee, and our people are not used to drinking it a lot and often.

The first option, a point in a shopping center, is more realistic. Here you will need investments many times less than for the purchase of machines, and the development of your network.

So, where to start opening a fresh bar?

  • Market analysis. First you need to understand what offer exists at the moment. You can drive around the largest shopping centers, find out if there are fresh selling points there, see how their activities are organized, get acquainted with the prices. If you don’t find fresh bars in supermarkets, then this is a big plus. The niche is free, and you can start to fill it little by little.
  • Choice of location. Like no other business, the success of a fresh bar depends on the right point. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the flow of people in a particular supermarket. Even in the same shopping center, but in different places, a fresh bar can bring significantly different profits. Choosing a location is a very important step in opening your fresh bar. Pay attention to it, while doing a detailed study, and not just rent the place that is offered.
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  • Decide on the size of your fresh bar. As a rule, a fresh bar occupies 2-4 square places. But if the point is “fat”, then even for these few squares you will have to pay a good amount of money. Therefore, immediately decide on the format of the fresh bar, its size. You can estimate how much space you need for equipment, for work, for washing, for the seller. Make a rough drawing of the work area to get an idea of ​​how much space you need.
  • Equipment selection. Now it's time to decide what kind of juice you want to make. Based on this, it will be necessary to select equipment. We advise you not to limit yourself to any particular type of juice, but to choose a range of the most popular options: orange, apple, carrot, grapefruit. You can also offer less popular: juice from beets, celery, tomatoes and other vegetables. In any case, on initial stage you will need 2 juicers - for citrus fruits, and for everything else. Good and professional juicers cost money, and good ones. But you should not save on this, because you are buying a device not for your kitchen, with the intention of making fresh juice a couple of times a day, but for a bar, where the load will be ten times greater. Therefore, buy good equipment so that after a month you do not need to contact service centers.

Fresh bar essentials

If finances allow you, then you can buy everything and a lot. But not all novice businessmen can afford such a luxury. Therefore, you need to decide what is needed first of all in order to open a fresh bar.

  • First you need to obtain permission from the regulatory authorities to engage in such activities. As a rule, you will have to contact the SES, because the sale of fresh is, in fact, the trade in food products, and you need to get permission from the SanEpidemStation.
  • We think it is not worth talking about the fact that your activity should be legal and legal. But still, we recall that in order to run a business, you need to be either an individual entrepreneur or register a legal entity.
  • Let's move from paperwork to necessary equipment. You will need, for the first time, two juicers, cups, bottles, various decorations to make your fresh juice more beautiful and attractive.
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  • Means for washing and disinfection, various cleaning agents.
  • Fruits and vegetables. You also need to purchase fruits and vegetables at the rate of 2-4 days.
  • Fridge. Be sure to have a small refrigerator at the point where some vegetables and fruits will be stored. Let some be on display, but some in the refrigerator.
  • Ice generator. Fresh juices with ice will be very much in demand in sultry summer days. Few people will just drink juice, but if you offer to quench your thirst, and even with a cool drink, then it’s worth a lot.

Fresh bar opening costs

Everything here is individual, and curled from your region. But let's roughly calculate what and how much it will cost.

The first thing that will pull the main item of expenditure is the purchase of equipment. Of course, you can find juicers for 10,000 rubles, but will it last a long time, and will it be effective in a fresh bar? Good juicers cost good money. It makes no sense to take the device for less than a thousand dollars. If the budget is not cut, then you should immediately pay attention to good companies manufacturers - ZUMEX, ZUMMO or ORANFRESH. Their equipment costs from 90,000 rubles, but at the same time, the quality of the juice will be at the highest level, and the efficiency will please you. The whole cake is dry, everything to the last drop in a glass.

Obtaining permits and certificates is another expense item. We all understand that our system is saturated with corruption and bureaucracy from head to toe. You can receive for weeks required documents, or you can pay so that your case is considered faster. We don’t know how much this should be included in the costs, but the fact remains that you will have to pay if you want to do everything faster.

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Buying small essentials - glasses, bottles, cleaning products, etc. It seems that this is all a trifle, but it can drag on tens of thousands of rubles.

And another significant item of expenditure is the rent of a retail outlet. It's hard to say anything about prices here. The cost per square meter can vary significantly depending on the city, district, shopping center, and even the place where you want to place your fresh bar.

Many experienced businessmen note that it makes no sense to open one point, because it will not bring the proper profit. If you want to work seriously, then you need to start with at least 5 points, adding more and more over time. The opening of each point, on average, will cost 5-10 thousand dollars. As you can see, not cheap, but the numbers are average and can be several times less.

Potential profit of a fresh bar

The profit of a fresh bar is a question that interests many. Does it make sense to invest 5-10 thousand dollars if the fresh bar will recoup the invested amount for years. We want to say right away that the business is seasonal, and for summer period it is quite possible to recoup all investments to the point. A good fresh bar, with competent marketing, with good placement, is able to bring its owner up to $3,000 per month. If you subtract various expenses, then we can say that the net profit may well be in the region of $ 2,000. And if there are 10 points, then the sum will be 10 times larger.

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The business of selling fresh juices is an exciting and promising business.

And at the end of this article, I would like to say that the fresh bar is quite interesting and promising business. This niche is not yet filled in many cities, and if you do a good research, then go into advertising and marketing, promote a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition(which includes fresh juices), you can make pretty good money at a fresh bar. Remember that this business will require some creativity, a non-standard approach, constant development and improvement. You can’t just open a point in the hope that it will bring forever stable income. Nothing will happen without constant movement forward.

Ramil Shaikhetdinov (Photo: Regina Urazayeva for RBC)

Shaikhetdinov's first bar began operating in 2007, when the entrepreneur turned 21. The outlet was named Vita Juice and had an orange orange logo. It was the stall with the only salesperson in the mall. It occupied an area of ​​only 2.5 square meters. m and offered one single drink - freshly squeezed orange juice. The entrepreneur spent 500 thousand rubles on the opening. Most of the funds went to the purchase of a professional juicer.

However, contrary to expectations, the queues for the fresh bar did not line up - sales barely made it possible to cover expenses. Shaikhetdinov decided that he was a little wrong with the format. Six months later, he invited his classmate Ilgiz Akhmadullin as a partner. Together they opened two more outlets in Kazan. New fresh bars already occupied about 10 square meters. m and were better equipped - there were juicers for different fruits, such as pomegranate. The menu has expanded to 12 types of juices, branded mixes and smoothies have appeared, as well as a bar counter. Each such bar has already cost 1.5 million rubles. But they immediately began to make a profit. On average, the monthly revenue of one point is now 600 thousand rubles. per month, profit - 150 thousand. Partners reinvested all the profit in opening new outlets in new cities.

Today, the Vita Juice network has 25 points in 12 cities of Russia, including Moscow. Every year, two or three new bars are opened, and in 2017 revenue amounted to more than 175 million rubles, profit - about 45 million. According to 2GIS, this is the largest chain of fresh bars in the country.

The main problem of Shaikhetdinov was the search for employees. The juice seller is not the most prestigious job, people quickly got bored with it, and they left, and look for employees in unfamiliar cities difficult. Therefore, the entrepreneur came up with a system of motivation for sellers. Once every six months, each employee of the company can take an exam on knowledge of recipes, service standards, etc. If the test is passed successfully, the employee's salary is increased by 15% and he moves to a higher category of specialists. The best sellers move to management jobs in the central office. Now Vita Juice employs over 130 people, about a quarter of them are administrative staff in the office in Kazan.

Photo: Regina Urazaeva for RBC

The entrepreneur saves on advertising: a fresh bar is not an institution for which a client will specially go to a shopping center. Juice or smoothie is primarily a spontaneous purchase. Therefore, the main thing is to choose shopping centers where there are a lot of people, Shaikhetdinov believes.

The most difficult period for the development of Vita Juice was 2014-2015, when the crisis affected the purchasing power of Russians, and the number of visitors to shopping centers fell. Vita Juice bars saw sales drop and import fruit prices rise. “If before the crisis we bought oranges for 50 rubles. per kilogram, then after - already 100 rubles each, ”says the entrepreneur.

Shaikhetdinov began to beat out discounts on rent. It was not possible to do this everywhere, and in those shopping centers where the rent turned out to be too high, he closed several fresh bars. By 2017, the situation had improved. According to the entrepreneur, the spread of fashion for a healthy lifestyle played into his hands. The company responded to the new trend by launching the Detox by Vita Juice line, which includes pear, orange and spinach or apple, broccoli and walnut cocktails.

In 2018, the company launched a franchise sale. Under its terms, the Vita Juice fresh bar can be purchased on a turnkey basis with furniture and equipment for 2.95 million rubles, the monthly royalty is 12 thousand rubles. So far, no franchisee has signed a contract.

Smaller and easier

55-year-old Igor Maimin, before opening a fresh bar, owned two large establishments in Moscow - the Cocktail and Wheel of Time restaurants. The latter was located on three floors and occupied an area of ​​1.5 thousand square meters. m.

Igor Maimin and Ekaterina Maimina (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

The idea to open a fresh bar appeared during a trip to tropical countries and the United States - the restaurateur saw outlets everywhere offering freshly squeezed juices and smoothies. The entrepreneur returned from a trip with ready business plan- I decided to launch a fresh bar in one of the Moscow shopping centers. Maimin took his daughter Ekaterina as a partner.

In 2007, the first fresh bar Yummy Mix was launched: an “island” with an area of ​​9 sq. m in the capital's shopping center. Its opening cost partners 2 million rubles. (Investments were beaten off in a year and a half). The menu of the bar was invented by the Maimins on their own, experimenting with various fruits and vegetables. The site of the shopping center was chosen as an advertising platform. “We published with them information about our promotions, special offers,” says Ekaterina Maimina.

Six months later, the partners decided to open a second outlet. Launch costs amounted to about 2 million rubles. In the future, new fresh bars were opened with a frequency of one per year. All are in Moscow, with the exception of two opened in 2009 in Rostov-on-Don. Then the restaurateur met the future manager of the Rostov branch at the international trade real estate exhibition in France, and he convinced Maymin to try his hand at the provinces. It turned out that Rostov fresh bars earn no less than Moscow ones - the average revenue of each is 6 million rubles. per year, of which about 800 thousand rubles. arrived. Now there are ten bars in the chain, the last one was opened last year.

The crisis of 2014-2015 also hit the Yummy Mix business. But the family found a new audience - these are numerous employees of the shopping center. For them, the company began to organize promotions during the hours of the least active sales. For example, from 10 am to 12 am on weekdays, when there are simply no buyers in stores, they offered sellers orange juice at a 50% discount, forming a pool of regular consumers.

Nevertheless, several fresh bars located in the shopping center near the Moscow Ring Road had to be closed. “The audience of some centers has changed before our eyes - many people have stopped going to them, as new malls have opened, only locals from sleeping areas. Now it makes sense to open closer to the city center, in business centers, it is becoming more and more difficult to work in shopping centers every year, ”Maimina admits.

According to the entrepreneur important factor for the success of a fresh bar, this is the location inside the shopping center: “There should be a lot of people passing by, but at the same time they should not be in a hurry. The food court is also the best place, too many alternative suggestions. We choose shopping malls - a person goes shopping, sees a sign and decides to take a break, drink juice.

Maimin sold the big restaurants, and now the family is focusing on improving the service and expanding the menu of their bars. A professional mixologist was involved in the development of recipes. The Yummy Mix range responds to all fashion trends in the beverage industry. For example, the company has introduced lines for vegans (smoothies without frozen yogurt) and strength sports enthusiasts - with the addition of protein.

“Competition in this niche in Moscow is already quite strong,” says Ekaterina Maimina. “Many kiosks, cafes and coffee shops have begun to add a wide range of juices and smoothies to their main assortment.” But that doesn't mean there's no room for new players. According to Maimina, newcomers can draw attention to themselves through the original concept. For example, Vitamin & Smoothie Bar Macadamia offers smoothies in light bulb-shaped bottles. Unusual packaging attracts buyers and encourages them to post photos on Instagram.

Cost of drinks

Classic "Mango Shake" (mango, ice), 0.35 l: price - 350 rubles, cost - 200 rubles.

"Homemade lemonade" (mango, chia, orange), 0.35 l: price - 200 rubles, cost - 120 rubles.

"Freshly squeezed juice" (orange, mango), 0.35 l: price - 300 rubles, cost - 100 rubles.

Source: Super Mango Company

mango mania

Ruslan Nazimov, 32, is a former top manager at the Negociant development company. He thought about his own business while receiving an Executive MBA at Kingston University in London. “Then I thought: why waste your potential by working for hire?” Nazimov recalls.

Upon his return to Moscow, he met with his friend Sergei Pivovarov, a dentist, owner of the network dental clinics. Together they began to come up with ideas for the future business. The choice fell on the supply of mangoes to Russia. Partners are big fans of this exotic fruit. “However, what they sell in supermarkets tastes more like potatoes,” Nazimov says indignantly.

Alexander Nazimov, Ruslan Nazimov and Sergey Pivovarov (left to right) (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

In the spring of 2017, the partners created Super Mango. The third co-owner was Ruslan's brother Alexander Nazimov, who had previously worked in investment banking for a long time. The partners brought the first batch of exotic fruit from India. It was an 80% ripe Alfonso mango. A batch of 800 kg, together with delivery, cost 700 thousand rubles.

The partners decided to sell fresh fruit wholesale and retail via the Internet - they created accounts in in social networks and launched the site. However, it immediately became clear that wholesale buyers could not be found. “No one wanted to buy a mango at its peak. This is a perishable product, it can lie for a maximum of seven days. While unripe mangoes are stored for 25-30 days,” says Nazimov.

The entrepreneurs managed to sell half of the batch - they themselves delivered orders throughout Moscow. And the other half lost its presentation. At the last moment, we managed to sell it at a discount to the #FARSH burger chain. Cafe customers who made an order for more than 700 rubles were given a Super Mango Shake.

The partners realized that they needed an additional distribution channel where mangoes could be sold quickly if they were nearing the end of their shelf life. In the summer of 2017, the partners began to set up tents in the markets and sell mango juices and desserts. Prepared drinks in front of customers. At the Usachevsky market in Moscow, Super Mango made a real sensation - queues lined up for juice, Nazimov assures. The company served 250-300 clients per day.

The juice trade seemed like a promising niche to the partners. However, it was not easy for a newcomer to break into shopping centers. Representatives of the shopping center were either not interested in a new player with juices, since they already had outlets with a similar product, or put forward “draconian conditions”. The first fresh bar in the shopping center was opened only in October 2017. The launch cost partners 1.5 million rubles. The new bar has drinks made from other exotic fruits - passion fruit and avocado.

Nazimov is a supporter of active sales. “Our salespeople invite customers, but do not shout, but calmly address passers-by,” he explains. - They offer to try free samples, because the culture of mango consumption in Russia is very weak, many people simply do not know this fruit and are afraid to ask, so we focus on active communication with customers in sales. After a person touches a mango, feels the aroma and tastes - 99% that he will make a purchase.

In December 2017, Super Mango launched three more bars. Now each point on average gives 2-2.5 million rubles. revenue monthly and 0.5-1 million rubles. arrived. On average, points occupy about 10-12 square meters. m, and rent costs 300-500 thousand rubles. depending on the mall. Fresh bars now bring about 50% of the company's total revenue, the rest is online sales of mangoes. Here, unexpectedly for entrepreneurs, Instagram “shot”.

In the summer, entrepreneurs intend to open at least ten more outlets on the streets of Moscow - they are convinced that the niche is still far from being saturated.

View from the outside

“As long as the trend towards proper and healthy food is gaining popularity, the format will continue to evolve”

Evgenia Kachalova, founder of the Wine Bazaar chain, Moscow

“The growing popularity of fresh bars is primarily due to the fact that people have now become more attentive to own health began to pay more attention to what they eat and drink, began to use more high-quality and healthy products in their diet.

The advantages of such a business, I would include a small cost of organization. This format requires a small area, a minimum number of employees, there is no need to organize a full-fledged kitchen. It turns out quite an attractive business with small investment. The downside is that the goods are perishable, if the point did not immediately become popular, you will have to write off a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Fresh bar is a narrowly focused concept, it is difficult to form a circle of regular customers. But as long as the trend towards proper and healthy food is gaining popularity, this format will continue to evolve.”

“Big players will appear, make networks”

Alexander Murachev, managing partner of the Tigrus restaurant holding (restaurants Osteria Mario, Bar BQ Cafe, Shvili, ZEST coffee house)

“The general interest in this business model is based on the trend healthy lifestyle life. Fitness centers, yoga courses, markets for local products, fresh and smoothie bars, etc. are developing. People want to live longer and better, and therefore they began to pay attention to what they eat and drink. We feel it in our restaurants. We reduce the amount of sugar and salt in recipes, reduce the proportion of dishes using deep fat, add more fresh products.

Look at what is happening with the parks in the capital: they are becoming more modern, more convenient, more beautiful, some of them have a lot of sports activities, and this also contributes to the development of this segment. The modern consumer is increasingly opting for natural product and swaps sweet soda or packaged juice for smoothies, freshly squeezed juice, organic lemonade, or iced tea.

A fresh bar is a clear and simple business product for a client. Two or three minutes pass from production to the consumer, while the juice is squeezed in front of the customer. There are few shortcomings, but they certainly exist. Juice business has a pronounced seasonality. Demand for soft drinks is predominantly high in summer. It should also be taken into account that working with fresh ingredients is not easy. The main issues are waste control, hygiene, proper storage and reliable suppliers. Fruit quality may vary, which will affect the costs of business owners.

Of course, this business will develop. Big players will appear, make networks and push out small single points with a juicer and an incomprehensible name from their places.

In the modern hectic world, time plays a huge role in the life of every inhabitant of big cities. It happens that the bustle is so addictive that it becomes impossible to set aside half an hour and just have lunch during the working day. At the same time, ideas about a healthy lifestyle are becoming more and more popular. People are gradually realizing that in order to keep the body working at such a frantic pace, it is not enough cola and buns intercepted in a street stall on the way to work. The body always needs vitamins. Against the backdrop of these trends, fresh juices and their mixtures have become increasingly popular. Fresh bars have finally found their highly profitable niche in the catering market.

How to open your own fresh bar?

Fresh bars are remarkable in that they do not require large investments at the opening stage - ten to fifteen thousand may be quite enough. Moreover, the full payback with a successful choice of location comes in a year. To open a fresh bar, a room of five to seven square meters is enough. When choosing a location for its placement, it should be borne in mind that the principle of operation of a fresh bar implies a fast passability of customers, many of them order a fresh drink, drink - and immediately leave. Therefore, especially crowded places, such as supermarkets, shopping centers, office centers, sports clubs and sections, bistros, cafes and restaurants are exactly what you need.

Equipment for a fresh bar will require the lion's share of the funds invested in its development. Its comparatively low cost is another reason for such a small amount to start with. About four thousand US dollars will require the purchase of a citrus juicer, a universal juicer will cost you one and a half thousand, and equipment for peeling fruits and vegetables will cost you two hundred to three hundred dollars. Additionally, you will have to purchase a refrigerator, a cash register and a bar counter or bar on wheels.

Professional installation of equipment and the design of a retail outlet will require an investment of several thousand more. Experienced owners of such establishments and economic experts recommend opening a network of fresh bars right away. Working off all technological processes you can produce at one point, and then, in its likeness, open several more. This will significantly reduce the payback period.

The preparation and sale of a mixture of fresh juices as a business is quite new. Not so long ago, freshly squeezed juices were sold exclusively in the most prestigious hotels and restaurants with a 300% markup. This caused the population to associate fresh juices with high cost and elitism, which scares away customers. You can reduce the cost of the product if you cook fresh juices with ice or serve with ice cream. For greater success, you should resort to the services of marketers who will promote your brand and fresh bars in general as a territory of low price and healthy food for children. Oddly enough, this approach is not yet very popular among modern owners of such outlets, and they prefer to rely on bright design, location in crowded places and distribution of flyers.

An important point is also the selection of personnel. Usually, women between the ages of twenty and forty are hired to work in a fresh bar. They are subject to standard high requirements in terms of decency, honesty, accuracy and the availability of a medical book. Working with a juicer is quite simple, so this work does not require special education - training is done in just an hour right at the outlet. The main thing in an employee is the ability to trade, be polite and always smile, so that customers are always satisfied and come back again and again. As in ordinary bars, the work of a fresh bar salesman usually takes place in shifts - a week after a week or two days after two. It would be quite useful sometimes to check their sellers for honesty: even in such small outlets, a dishonest girl can put money not in the cash register, but in her pocket without breaking the check. The "mystery shopper" method for checking for fraud of this kind is one of the most effective and cheapest ways to stop fraud.

Opportunities for development

About 10 years ago, the first fresh bars began to open in Moscow. One of the interesting ideas turned out to be the opportunity to purchase not only mixtures of freshly squeezed juices, but also bottles with extracts medicinal plants- a kind of pleasant and aesthetic alternative to vitamin complexes and bioadditives. The cost of such a bottle with a volume of 100 ml. - about fifty American dollars. And even today, against the backdrop of economic problems and instability, they are very popular.

It is quite possible that over time, Russian fresh bars will start selling organic cosmetics. The idea came from Japan, where a similar scheme has already been implemented and promoted. The bet is that customers who are interested in healthy food will also be interested in purchasing cosmetics made from natural ingredients. Of course, the implementation of cosmetics will require a fairly large space, and not every fresh bar will be able to adopt this idea. In addition, it will be necessary to tighten the requirements for personnel - after all, they will now also need sufficient knowledge in cosmetology and medical education. From now on, a fresh bar employee will have to be able not only to squeeze and mix juice, but also to provide a description and recommend cosmetics that suit a particular client, taking into account his skin type, possible allergies and other body characteristics. Accordingly, the salary of such an employee should be an order of magnitude higher. It is not known whether such a business idea will take root in Russia, but it is already encouraging that fresh bars are not only opening, but are already thinking about directions for further development.

Fresh bar (also called a juice bar or smoothie bar) is a relatively new phenomenon on the market, which arose on the wave of consumer interest in healthy eating. It is a stationary or mobile catering point where freshly squeezed juices and juice-based cocktails are prepared and sold. In developed European countries Smoothie bars are wildly popular. In the United States, the total annual income of businessmen employed in this niche is over $3.5 billion.

In summer, a huge number of Russians prefer to quench their thirst with cool, 100% natural juice, so the idea of ​​​​opening a fresh bar promises a good income with a relatively small initial investment (from 300 to 500 thousand rubles). At the same time, the direction is only gaining momentum - for sure, only a few of the shopping centers in your city can boast of such establishments.

Where is the best place to open a fresh bar?

A point of sale for fresh drinks can be opened on a small sales area (4-6 m²). The main condition is high traffic of potential buyers. The target audience includes everyone - from children to the elderly.

The most profitable places are:

  • shopping and business centers;
  • railway stations, airports;
  • cinemas;
  • sports clubs, fitness centers;
  • Beauty Salons:
  • hypermarkets;
  • markets;
  • amusement parks;
  • beaches;
  • embankments.

Often you can stumble upon an outdoor fresh bar in a car dealership or at some event (presentation, exhibition). But most often - in a shopping center right in the middle of the aisle. Juices and cocktails spoil quickly - within half an hour, drinks lose some of their useful properties and taste, so they are prepared in fact - in front of the buyer. And therefore, in a high-traffic area, where consumers can observe the process of making smoothies, the demand for products increases significantly.

In the shopping center, airport and other indoors You can also sell drinks in winter, the outdoor season is the period from late spring to early autumn. So either consider the business as seasonal or expand the range - so that there is something to offer at any time of the year. Entrepreneurial businessmen seek to immediately open a network of outlets in different parts of the city. Otherwise, an impressive share of the profit will go to the maintenance of one point.

Curious fresh bar design ideas

In any business, you can and should be creative, and even more so in this one. A wellness and vitamin bar will become even more profitable if it immediately attracts the attention of consumers. This can be achieved with the help of creative design of the trading place.

Option one - a hut with a thatched roof. Stylish and unusual. Make a wooden structure with a counter, order a straw canopy - and you're done. Brightness will be given by details - like a fruit dish, colorful posters with products.

An outlet in a shopping center can be decorated with artificial palm trees, tropical flowers and other "Mediterranean" attributes. If it's a mobile juice bar, sell drinks in a van. Make a showcase on one side, a window for communicating with customers - this will be very original.

Smoothie bar assortment

The main menu of the fresh bar includes freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, mixes and smoothies (a thick drink made from a mixture of fruits, berries with ice, milk or juice). But you should not stop there - the more assortment you offer, the better.

You can offer buyers:

  • tea, coffee, hot chocolate;
  • milkshakes;
  • ice cream;
  • mineral water;
  • light snacks and desserts.

Some entrepreneurs went even further and began to sell extracts of medicinal herbs. They are positioned as natural and more effective analogues of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes. And in Japan, fresh bars also sell organic cosmetics. The majority seeks to make money on common fresh juices - orange, grapefruit and apple.

The traditional bar offers customers from 20 different juices from both fruits and vegetables.

Fresh bar equipment

Equipment is the main item of expenditure. For a traditional point you will need:

  • universal juicer:
  • juicer for individual fruits (citrus fruits, pomegranates);
  • blender;
  • mixer;
  • tools for cleaning fruits and vegetables;
  • refrigerators;
  • bar counter;
  • ice generator;
  • showcase;
  • cash equipment;
  • coffee machine;
  • work cabinets.

It is advisable to purchase equipment from a service provider. In this way, you protect yourself from long downtimes and additional repair costs in the event of instrument failure.

If the area allows, you can put tables and chairs for visitors. As for utensils, disposable is usually used. Sometimes glassware is used, but then the fresh bar already belongs to the field of catering, and not catering.


Optimally - to hire two sellers who will work in shifts. Recruitment is not an easy task, because profit directly depends on the quality of service. Give preference to open and friendly people who can interest the buyer in the assortment and cause a desire to buy. Take care of stylish uniforms.

There are no special requirements for personnel. There is nothing complicated in the work, so everyone can be trained. Wages are usually formed from salary and a percentage of sales (up to 10%).


Purchases in fresh bars are made spontaneously, which is why it is difficult to implement a clear, consistent advertising strategy. The most important marketing component of a fresh bar is the design of a point of sale. Come up with an original name and make a bright stylish sign. Design the sales area in such a way that it attracts attention. Further, the supply of the assortment and the professionalism of the seller “are used”.

To learn about the smoothie bar as much as possible more people, can be distributed Flyers in the area where it is located. It is important to think over the assortment to the smallest detail. A varied menu of popular drinks is a guarantee of high income.


If you are self-employed, it is best to register as individual entrepreneur. Such a form of business as an LLC will be required in cooperation with investors or partners.

After registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you need to:

  • Get registered with the tax office.
  • Select the type of activity (OKVED). Classic - production of fruit and vegetable juices and serving drinks.
  • Get a TIN, approve the taxation system.
  • Obtain permission from the State Fire Supervisor.
  • Register with social, medical, pension funds.
  • Obtain permission from the SES.
  • Register cash register.
  • Open a bank account.
  • Draw up a lease agreement.

Fresh bar in the shopping center will not require permits from the fire department and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. When opening a fresh bar in a separate room, more efforts and costs are needed. Probably will have to carry out repair and design work.

To obtain a permit in the SES, the following documents are needed:

  • List of sold goods (in 3 copies).
  • Sanitary certificate for the building.
  • Sanitary passport for transport.
  • Contract for disinfestation and deratization.
  • Journal of disinfection work, registered in the SES.
  • Waste collection agreement.
  • Sanitary records of each worker.
  • Building lease agreement or proof of ownership.
  • Registration certificate.
  • Project of redevelopment or reconstruction of the premises (if necessary).
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station permission to open.

Also, a technological project is approved in the SES.

Profitability and payback

To make it clear why selling fresh juices as a business is so tempting, consider grapefruit juice (one of the most sought after) as an example.

  • A kilogram of grapefruits costs an average of 90 rubles.
  • The average price of a glass of grapefruit juice in a smoothie bar is 150 rubles.
  • The average price of a liter of grapefruit juice in the same place is 750 rubles.
  • It will take 1.5 kilograms of grapefruits or 135 rubles to prepare a liter of juice.

Profit: 750 - 135 = 615 rubles.

Impressive, isn't it?

And now let's imagine detailed business fresh bar plan with calculations.

Cost items to start:



80 000 rubles

Citrus and Pomegranate Juicer

120 000 rubles

Vegetable and fruit peeling machine

8 000 rubles


30 000 rubles

Bar counter, showcase and chairs

150 000 rubles

Equipment for mixing and shaking cocktails

10 000 rubles

30 000 rubles

ice maker

7 000 rubles

Cash equipment

30 000 rubles

Stock disposable tableware

10 000 rubles

25 000 rubles

Registration (collection of documents, payment of fees, etc.)

10 000 rubles

15 000 rubles


80 000 rubles

605,000 rubles

Let's say that in a day you will sell 35 freshly squeezed juices and mixes for 150 rubles, 15 cocktails for 200 rubles, and other products worth about 3,000 rubles. The daily profit will be 5,250 + 3,000 + 3,000 = 11,250 rubles. Monthly - 337,500 rubles.

Monthly expenses for raw materials, taxes, wages, rent - 125,000 rubles.

Net income - 212,500 rubles. Payback will be achieved in about 3 months.


The main law of fresh business: the wider the assortment, the higher the profit. Before opening, be sure to draw up a business plan with detailed analysis competitive environment, industry development prospects, with data on initial investments and monthly expenses, calculation of profitability and payback. First of all, it is worth studying what fresh bars are in your city and specifically in the place where you plan to open a point. Two smoothie bars in one shopping center is tolerable, but two bars at the entrance are already critical.

Success depends on the location, range and quality of service. The advantages of the business include a quick payback, high profitability, regular demand (when trading in closed areas). The risks are the prejudice of the audience that freshly squeezed juice is an expensive luxury product, as well as the high cost of raw materials, the dishonesty of suppliers.

Have you noticed that many today are literally obsessed with a healthy lifestyle? And of course, many catering outlets are trying to support this trend in every possible way, offering customers a "healthy" menu. And even with a minimum of expenses, today you can organize a cafe that will be appreciated by adherents of a healthy lifestyle - pay attention to the idea of ​​launching a fresh bar! There are 2 options - a business either under its own brand or under a franchise. It is not difficult to draw up a business plan for a fresh bar - it is quite possible to organize a profitable business in just a couple of months.

Fresh bar (another name - juice bar) is a mobile or stationary catering point, the menu of which is based on natural freshly squeezed juices and smoothies.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 4/10.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Why is the idea of ​​a juice bar business gaining popularity? The direction has enough advantages that allow you to recoup all costs in the shortest possible time:

The niche of fresh bars is not overflowing with offers. Surely, in many shopping centers in your city there are no such establishments yet - the competition is minimal.

  • Low start-up costs make it possible to start a business even for beginners.
  • You will sell products that are in demand. If you choose a walk-through place to open a mini-cafe, there will always be a demand for juices and smoothies.
  • To attract more customers, there is an opportunity to slightly supplement the menu. The profit will be higher.

Fresh-bar as a business has one significant drawback - seasonality. The greatest demand for the offered products will be observed in the summer, when it is hot outside. The level of sales is inconsistent.

Own brand or franchise?

Opening a fresh-bar is possible in several directions - either a cafe under its own brand, or a franchise business.

To open a franchise restaurant, you will need to conclude an agreement with the franchisor. In this case, you will be provided with a complete business plan and all the necessary recommendations for doing business. Yes, a fresh bar franchise makes it easier for a beginner to start a cafe, but the cost of the contract can be quite high. For example, to open a juice bar under famous brand Juicemaster, it will take over 2,500,000 rubles. However, there are offers from franchisors and cheaper - the Juicy BAR franchise costs about 700,000 rubles.

Having decided to open a fresh bar on your own, you will have to spend time developing the design of the institution and the menu, searching for reliable equipment suppliers. But in most cases, it is cheaper - it is possible to buy used equipment and rent a small area.

Preparation of the necessary documentation

A fresh bar is a catering point. This means that before opening a business, you will need to obtain permission from the SES and the fire service. The complexity of the procedure depends on the chosen location of the cafe. It is a little easier in terms of paperwork when launching a juice bar in shopping centers - for sure, here, at the construction stage, it was foreseen the possibility of opening catering points, which means that the administration has the appropriate permits.

Are you going to open a fresh cafe-bar alone? Then register a business as an individual entrepreneur - it is much faster and will require a minimum of costs. If you are planning entrepreneurial activity with the founders, one cannot do without the organizational form of an LLC. As a rule, the process of registering a case takes a month.

Where to open a fresh bar

The amount of profit received largely depends on where exactly the fresh bar counter will be placed. Choose your location responsibly!

The main criterion for choosing a location for running a business selling fresh juices and smoothies is high traffic. The more clients, the higher the income.

Pay attention to the following options - airports and train stations, shopping and business centers, amusement parks, cinemas. In this case, "neighborhood" with food courts is welcome. Since it is planned to offer customers healthy menu, consider starting a business in fitness centers, beauty salons- This is your target audience. In summer, it is beneficial to open a mobile fresh bar on the beach.

Renting a small area in a shopping center will not cost much. The rack will take no more than 3-4 m 2. Experts advise to organize a point of sale of a square rather than an elongated shape - it will be much more convenient for the staff to work this way.

What menu to offer customers

The main menu of the fresh bar is freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies. But you can not limit yourself to this, in order to attract more customers, expand the range of products offered.

Plan your menu as soon as possible. Even at the stage of developing a business plan, it does not hurt to establish contacts with suppliers of products for the preparation of juices, cocktails and smoothies. What equipment to buy for a fresh bar will depend on the range of drinks and dishes offered.

Do not forget that the fresh bar is positioned as a point of sale of healthy food. And no matter what items you add to the menu, stick to the concept! No hamburgers, french fries or hot dogs! In addition to juices and smoothies, you can offer tea, coffee, and milkshakes to your customers. If you open a cafe in a business center, it makes sense to think about preparing healthy snacks and fruit desserts. Ice cream and pastries will be appropriate in entertainment centers and amusement parks. And in Japanese fresh bars, for example, sellers sell organic cosmetics in addition to food. But before expanding the “menu” in this way, it is worth studying the demand - the Russian consumer is not used to this.

What equipment will be required?

There are different types of fresh bars, which means that different equipment may be required for doing business. Let's designate the main list of appliances and furniture that you will have to buy anyway - even if you open a mini-cafe.

What will be required?

  • Cash machine.
  • Rack.
  • Juicers (universal, special for pomegranates and cirus fruits).
  • Apparatus for automatic cleaning of fruits and vegetables.
  • Refrigeration chests.
  • Ice maker.
  • Showcase with cooling.
  • Blender.
  • Mixer.

To the list additional equipment include a coffee machine, ice cream freezer. Everything will depend on the proposed menu.

When buying juicers for a fresh bar and other equipment, you should take into account the design of the outlet - everything should be in harmony with each other. It is also necessary to take into account the patency of the institution - if there are a lot of customers, more powerful units will be required.

If you are not constrained in finances, then buy professional equipment from foreign manufacturers - as practice shows, they have higher productivity and a long service life. When money is sorely lacking, you can think about purchasing used appliances. This, by the way, is a good option for launching a small outdoor tent.

In addition to equipment, it is necessary to purchase consumables - napkins, cutlery. As for cups and glasses, then focus on the level of service - it can be glass or plastic dishes. Who will the juice bar be aimed at - elite guests or every passer-by?

Profitability of the newly opened fresh bar

How to open a fresh bar from scratch and how much money will it take to invest? To launch a mini-cafe (on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot more than 6 m 2), selling only juices and smoothies, you need at least 500,000 rubles - and this is taking into account not the most expensive and productive equipment. A larger establishment of start-up investments will require more - from 800,000 rubles.

Business profitability is high. Markup on finished products in fresh bars is about 300% - excellent profitability! For example, the cost of 250 g of freshly squeezed orange juice is about 50 rubles - while you will sell it for no less than 90 rubles.

The final profit of the cafe will depend on the volume of sales. Naturally, in passable places more high level implementation. As practice shows, "average" fresh bars can bring their owner up to 300,000 rubles of monthly revenue. In this case, minus variable costs(rent payments, food purchases, payments wages sellers), the profit will be about 150,000 rubles / month. And if you begin to offer customers a wider range, then the revenue will be greater - you can count on a monthly income of 500,000 rubles. It is possible to recoup a fresh bar with proper business management even in six months.

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