Analysis of the poem Troika Nekrasov. Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "Troika". A detailed analysis of the verse "Troika" by N. A. Nekrasov

Nekrasov, who is rightly called the singer of the Russian land, was deeply worried about the situation of peasant women. Before the reform of 1861, the proportion of disenfranchised, downtrodden women was heavy. It is impossible to read the verse “Troika” by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov and not sympathize with the fate of young peasant women who are doomed to drag out a miserable existence. The poem was written in 1846. Having become close to V. G. Belinsky, the poet continued to tirelessly raise the problem of the lack of rights of the peasants, whose life depended on the masters. Many of them were real tyrants. Nekrasov's muse is not a gentle aristocratic beauty, but a beaten and tortured dumb woman. At that time, peasant women rarely lived to old age, and by the age of forty, many of them seemed to be old women. Young beautiful girl the master could have liked, but she should not have hoped to take any place in the master's house.

The text of Nekrasov's poem "Troika", which takes place at a literature lesson in grade 9, is saturated with sad, dreary notes. It feels doomed. Many tragedies in Rus' were associated with the enticing of peasant girls from the house by barchuks and the military. The poet complains that the Russian serf beauty is “not supposed to be happy” and at the same time lowers the dreaming woman to the ground. A little time will pass, and she will be married off to a “sloppy man” who loves to drink and “teach” his wife the mind with his fists. The care of the household, the upbringing of numerous children, and her beauty, which in best conditions could still bloom for a long time, wither away. Nekrasov invites the girls to come to terms with their fate. “Dreary anxiety in the heart”, the dream of illusory happiness can further overshadow her difficult lot.

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What are you greedily looking at the road
Away from funny friends?
To know, the heart beat alarm -
Your whole face suddenly lit up.

And why are you running so fast
Behind the rushing trio after? ..
On you, akimbo beautifully,
A passing cornet looked in.

It's not surprising to look at you
Everyone does not mind loving you:
The scarlet ribbon curls playfully
In your hair, black as night;

Through the blush of your swarthy cheek
A light fluff breaks through
From under your semicircular eyebrow
Looks smartly crafty eye.

One look of a black-browed savage,
Full of spells that ignite the blood
The old man will be ruined for gifts,
In the heart of a young man will throw love.

Live and celebrate to your heart's content,
Life will be full and easy...
Yes, not that fell to your lot:
For a slut you go man.

Having tied an apron under the arms,
You will drag an ugly chest,
Your picky husband will beat you
And the mother-in-law to bend in three deaths.

From work and black and difficult
You will bloom, not having time to bloom,
You will plunge into a deep sleep,
You will babysit, work and eat.

And in your face, full of movement,
Full of life - will suddenly appear
An expression of dull patience
And senseless, eternal fear.

And buried in a damp grave
How will you go your hard way,
A uselessly fading strength
And unwarmed breasts.

Do not look longingly at the road
And do not rush after the three,
And sad anxiety in my heart
Shut it down forever!

Do not catch up with you crazy three:
The horses are strong and full and lively, -
And the coachman drunk, and to the other
A young cornet rushes in a whirlwind ...

Nekrasov is a poet and a citizen, he knew how to "see a living soul in rags of poverty." In his expressively strong verses, powerful tones of hope, faith in truth, goodness and truth are loudly heard. Nekrasov's poems awaken vigor, stamina, patience, love, faith in the truth, which undoubtedly is the indestructible guarantee of their eternal significance in our Fatherland.

The poem "Troika" was written by Nekrasov in 1846. What is characteristic of this period of the writer's life? This year has become troublesome for Nikolai Alekseevich. Together with I.I. Panaev, he petitioned for the publication of the Sovremennik magazine, founded by A.S. Pushkin. In the same 1846, Nekrasov published the almanac "Petersburg Collection", in which works are published about the life of the poor, small and middle strata of society. The almanac included works by Dahl, Belinsky, Herzen, Dostoevsky.

The poem "Troika" is a lyrical reflection on the fate of a young peasant woman. The specificity of the work is that it is written in the form of the author's address to the main character. Appeal, as a stylistic figure chosen by Nekrasov for this work, emphasizes the degree of the author's excitement, his indignation at such an unfair device. public life country of which he is a citizen.

The poem "Troika" begins with the question "Why are you greedily looking at the road ...?" addressed to a young beautiful peasant woman, who is watching a troika with a passing cornet. The author asks the girl why she runs after this trio? But there is no answer to this rhetorical question.

Colorfully, with lovely details, Nekrasov describes the appearance of a village beauty. He says that it is impossible not to look at the girl, it is impossible not to love her. Hair black as night, a scarlet ribbon, rosy cheeks, a sly look of a girl - this person is good for everyone.

Further, the poet talks about the life that such a beauty deserves. This life should be full of joy and easy. But no! The lyrical plot takes a sharp turn, and Nekrasov proceeds to describe the life that actually awaits a simple serf peasant woman, which is the young beauty. The girl, against her will, will be given in marriage to a sloppy man who, most likely, will beat her. Over time, she will come to terms with her difficult lot, in her eyes there will be an expression of stupid patience and eternal fear. The hard lot of a peasant wife will age her very early and bring her to her grave prematurely.

At the end of the poem, the author advises her, while still young and flourishing, not to look in vain at the road and at the passing troikas, for that celebration of life, which is symbolized by the riders of rich carriages, is not for her, a simple serf peasant woman. This cheerful bright life available only to free people.

In the last quatrain, Nekrasov, as if looping the plot, again returns to bright image a troika rushing past a village girl, just as a human life rushes by in one short moment.

the main idea poem "Troika" lies in the fact that slavery, which existed in Russia at that time in the form of serfdom, unfairly humiliates a simple Russian person, artificially reducing enslaved people to the position of dumb creatures who do not have the ability to control their own destiny.

main topic this piece is a reflection on tragic fate Russian serf women, deprived of the right to choose their life path doomed to a miserable existence and premature death from the hardships of serf life.

When analyzing the poem "Troika", it must be said that its author used a cross rhyming scheme. And only the last quatrain differs from the others in adjacent rhyming.

The poetic meter chosen by Nekrasov for this poem is the three-foot anapaest. This size gives the work a certain melody, melodiousness. And subsequently, on the basis of this poem, the romance “What are you greedily looking at the road ...” was written, which is still being performed.

In the poem "Troika" Nekrasov uses various means of artistic expression. Describing the appearance of a village beauty, he uses such embellishing epithets as “dark cheek”, “sly eye”, “black-browed savage”, as well as the comparison “hair as black as night”. In the second part of the poem, the sad-sad tonality of the epithets prevails: "stupid patience", "senseless fright", "damp grave", "dreary anxiety". The author also used metaphors in the poem: “dirty work”, “mad troika”, “rushing in a whirlwind”.

But the main means of artistic expression in this poem is the appeal. An appeal to the main character, a serf girl, sounds throughout the poem.

Using the image of a troika in this poem, Nekrasov sought to show the transience human life, rushing sometimes like a moment. The author also wanted to convey to the reader an important idea that for all the transience of life, many people, due to their disenfranchised, slavish position, cannot fully manage their already short lives. And Nekrasov managed to show this injustice in the poem "Troika".

In the poem, I liked the image of the troika, which became national symbol Russian spirit, Russian character. Since ancient times, the road has entered the life of a Russian person. The image of the road in the minds of the Russian people is closely intertwined with the concept of the life path. And Nekrasovskaya Rus is always on the road.

The poem by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821-1878) "Troika" was written in 1846 in the genre of "civil lyricism", close to the poet. It was a difficult time for the author, in the same year he, along with a friend, the writer Panaev, fought for the right to head the Sovremennik magazine, founded by A. S. Pushkin, where it was later published.

The main theme of the poem "Troika" is the hard and joyless life of Russian women at that time. In Russia, serfdom was still fully spread (abolished in 1961), which allowed the owners to treat their peasants like slaves. For women who are also burdened homework, it was very hard.

According to the author, the poem is divided, as it were, into two equal parts. The first depicts an imaginary reality that arose in the dreams of a girl who saw a troika on the road with a young cornet passing in it. Since the girl is young and beautiful, perhaps the young man will fall in love with her, marry, and her life will pass happily and carefree: "Life will be both full and easy ...".

But the marriage of a master with a serf peasant woman at that time was impossible, and in the second part of the poem the poet lowers the heroine “from heaven to earth”: “Yes, it didn’t fall to your lot ...”. In reality, a young beauty is waiting for her husband - a rude, cruel mother-in-law, diseases from excessive physical activity and early death.

The poem was written by N. A. Nekrasov in the second person, he seems to be addressing a young peasant woman, talking to her. Cross-rhymes were used in almost the entire work, and only in the last stanza did the author switch to adjacent rhyme, summing up and emphasizing the futility of the heroine's dreams: “You can’t catch up with a crazy three ...”.

In terms of rhythm and rhyme, the form of the work is a three-foot anapaest - a smooth, song meter, often attracting composers. Subsequently, music was written on it, so the romance “What are you looking greedily at the road” appeared, which is still known.

Even as a child, N. A. Nekrasov more than once had to observe the life of the peasants, and the fate of his mother was not easy either. "Troika" is far from the only work of the poet dedicated to the difficult female lot in Tsarist Russia(“Rural suffering is in full swing”, “Frost, Red Nose”, etc.), but one of the first and therefore the most vivid and memorable.

Analysis of the poem Troika Nekrasov briefly

Nikolai Nekrasov is a man who can be considered by all the rules - a singer of the female share. After all, it was he who in his works often described a very difficult female lot. That is why the critics gave him such a nickname. In his works, there are often stories that describe a Russian woman who has always been to some extent both beautiful and smart, and even a hostess, not a bad one, but simply excellent, but at the same time with a difficult fate.

A work called "Troika" was written by the poet in 1846. Serfdom had not yet been abolished, as fifteen years remained until 1861. This is important, since Russian women were in their families, and not only - as slaves, because they had to work just like convicts. They did not have any rights, and did not even have the opportunity to be proud. That is why Nekrasov in this work describes the difficult female lot.

The trio of horses that raced by always aroused genuine interest among peasant girls. After all, it could be the same young gentleman who would take one of them with him. But Nekrasov predicts most of the fates of girls - sad, since there are not enough of such princes for all. He also sadly appeals to them, asking - why are you running there? For what? After all, peasant girls will have a husband, someone who will beat, saying that he loves.

Grade 5 9, 10 grade.

Analysis of the poem Troika according to plan

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“Troika” is one of the most famous poems by Nekrasov, who reverently talks about the fate of a Russian woman. Brief analysis"Troika" according to the plan will help 10th grade students understand the position of the author. You can use that analysis in a literature lesson for a more complete disclosure of the topic.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the work was written by Nekrasov in 1846. A year later, in 1847, it was published in Sovremennik.

Subject- the severity of the fate of the Russian peasant woman.

Composition- ring, which begins and ends with the appeal of the lyrical hero to the peasant girl.

Genre- civic poetry.

Poetic size- tripartite anapaest.

epithets“cheerful girlfriends”, “traveling cornet”, “scarlet ribbon”, “dark cheek”, “semicircular eyebrow”, “light fluff”, “black-browed savage”, “unbreakable dream”, “eternal fright”.

Metaphors“heart sounded the alarm”, “face flared up”, “ribbon twists playfully”, “blood igniting charms”, “look ruins gifts”, “mother-in-law bends into three deaths”, “you will fade from work”.

Comparison“black as night”.


  1. History of creation
  2. Composition
  3. means of expression


  • Poem Test

History of creation

Nekrasov wrote this poem in 1846. He dedicated it to a friend of Turgenev and Belinsky, Ivan Maslov. This man served as an official under the commandant Peter and Paul Fortress. At the same time, the dedication is present only in the first publication, in subsequent publications it is no longer present.


Nikolai Alekseevich was always worried about the fate of a Russian woman - he often saw how his mother suffered from a tyrant-father. This topic was repeatedly raised in his works - “Troika” is also dedicated to it.

Talking about a young girl, the poet draws her beautiful and exciting, but the yoke of a hard life has already inevitably hung over her. This beautiful flower will have no choice but to wither prematurely from overwork and go to the grave.


In order to demonstrate his idea, Nekrasov uses a circular composition. In the first stanza main character asks a young peasant woman why she looks at the road so eagerly, and in the last two he warns her against those vague dreams that prevent her from simply frolicking with her friends - she has no other fate than a hard peasant lot.

Conventionally, the work can be divided into two parts: imaginary happy life a beautiful peasant woman and a real one - unhappy, filled only with work, beatings of her husband and the endless birth of children.

First, the poet creates an exposition: he shows a peasant girl standing on the road and waiting for something. When the three is shown, symbolizing beautiful life, the heroine is trying to catch up with her. And here the author pauses in the main narrative to describe the beautiful peasant woman. The expressive portrait he created fully explains the assumption that follows him that she will live to her heart's content, that her life will be full and easy ...

But the second part of the work is essentially the antithesis of the first: it shows the fate that actually awaits a fresh, beautiful girl. And this fate is unenviable: she will marry a slovenly peasant who will beat her, and her mother-in-law will only add. Endless childbirth and hard work will make her indifferent to everything: a once-living young girl will soon turn into an old woman, stupefied by beatings and labor. So she will go to the grave.

And that is why her lyrical hero warns against dreams - the meaning of his words is that her desires will not come true, the troika, symbolizing unknown happiness, has long left, and the beautiful cornet in it was heading to another girl. So the peasant woman can only humbly accept her fate.


Like most of Nekrasov's works, this verse belongs to the genre civil lyrics. It was written in three-foot anapaest - this size was used by the poet in order to make the work more like a song. Subsequently, it was indeed set to music and became a well-known romance.

Male and female rhymes that alternate in stanzas give the impression of wholeness.

means of expression

  • epithets- “cheerful girlfriends”, “traveling cornet”, “scarlet ribbon”, “dark cheek”, “semicircular eyebrow”, “light fluff”, “black-browed savage”, “unbreakable dream”, “eternal fright”.
  • Metaphors- “heart sounded alarm”, “face flared up”, “ribbon twists playfully”, “charms that kindle blood”, “look ruins gifts”, “mother-in-law bends into three deaths”, “you will fade from work”.
  • Comparison- "black as night".

One of the main innovative features of the work of N. A. Nekrasov is that the poet brought to poetry something that was not characteristic of it before. For the first time in Russian literature, everyday life and hard peasant labor became the subject of high poetry. Among Nekrasov's many poems about the people, the most inspired are his works about
Russian women.

IN different years the poet reflected on the female share in the poems “Frost, Red Nose”, “Who is living well in Rus'” (chapter “Peasant Woman”), in the poems “Motherland”, “Mother”, “Orina, Soldier’s Mother”, “Am I going to dark street ... "and many others. The plot basis of the poem "Troika" is the story of the fate of a young serf peasant woman. Stepping out onto the road, she follows the fast-paced trio with her eyes. The poet reflects on the fate of this girl.

His reflections are full of sympathy for the female lot. Nekrasov's position is also revealed in the chosen form of narration. The poem "Troika" is an open appeal to the heroine. The poet addresses her as "you" and talks with her, but she does not hear him, of course, and does not yet know about her bitter lot. The work has a circular composition: it is framed by the poetic image of a rushing troika. Compositionally, the poem is divided into two parts.

The first part - the first five stanzas - tells about the real heroine. The second part (6-12 stanzas) is the poet's thoughts about the future of this young girl, about her fate. Both in mood and in content, the parts are contrasting. The image of a peasant girl is presented by the author in the traditions of oral folk poetry. In the first part, the girl is full of life and expectation of love.
The selection of surprisingly colorful epithets creates a vivid and memorable image: a scarlet ribbon in hair black as night, “blush of the cheek”, “sly eye”. But the main thing is that this female image is unusually dynamic. The author achieves this effect by saturating the text with various verbal forms (you run hastily; a scarlet ribbon curls; a light fluff breaks through; a cunningly crafty eye looks; a look ... full of spells that ignite the blood).

Not only the beauty of the girl is emphasized, but also her ardor, liveliness, which are so characteristic of youth. It seems that life should also smile back at her. Everything in the construction of the verse indicates that there is even a suitable match for the girl. If we compare the second and third stanzas, it turns out that the rhymes of the odd lines of the third stanza echo the rhymes of the even lines of the second stanza (hurriedly - beautifully - marvelously - playfully) - the beauty of the girl seems to be in tune with the beauty of the young man. Would make a nice couple! But the sixth stanza becomes a turning point in the story of the future of the lyrical heroine.

The ellipsis after the first two lines seems to separate the dream from reality. The poet describes the typical life of a peasant woman:
Your picky husband will beat you
And the mother-in-law to bend in three deaths.

The beauty is waiting for a hopeless life in everyday work and worries. A primitive existence, hard work, beatings will inevitably affect her appearance, life will lose meaning and joy. Mercilessly, accurately and vividly, the author depicts a picture of the life of a married peasant woman. The future is bleak. After marriage, the girl is waiting for only hardships and worries, and then premature old age and death. In the painted picture, there are also traditional images of family ritual poetry: a picky husband and an evil mother-in-law.

Along with a story about future life the female image is also changing. Is it possible to call the wife of a slutty peasant a beauty? That is why, in the description of the heroine's appearance, poetic epithets are replaced by completely prosaic details:

Having tied an apron under the arms,
You will drag an ugly chest ...

The beauty, the “black-browed savage”, is replaced by the ugly, tortured menial work and a woman downtrodden by a picky husband and an evil mother-in-law. Her bitter existence is like a heavy deep sleep. Even children do not brighten up life. The dynamic image of a swift and joyful girl, all directed forward, into the future, is replaced by a static female portrait with an expression of "stupid patience" and "eternal fear". And this change is not surprising, because this is the path from life to death - to eternal rest. Just like a funeral lament, the 1st stanza of the poem sounds:

And buried in a damp grave
How will you go your hard way,
A uselessly fading strength
And unwarmed breasts.

The main means of expression that Nekrasov uses in this work is the technique of contrast. Both the basis of the plot and the composition of the poem are built on it. The reception of contrast is also manifested in the gradual change of major epithets (light fluff; akimbo beautifully; playfully curls) to prosaisms (sloppy man; stupid patience; you will pull an ugly chest; bend in three deaths).

The three-foot anapaest - the size in which the poem is written - allows you to perceive it as a song. It was set to music - this is a well-known romance (the first part of the poem became a romance - a lyrical episode of the heroine's meeting with a "traveling cornet"). The poem ends with an ellipsis. But the last stanza is filled with such a feeling of bitterness that the reader does not need to explain anything. The heroine is powerless - she can't catch up with the "Mad Three".

Three is a beautiful metaphor, symbolizing the transience of earthly life. It rushes by so fast that a person does not even have time to realize the meaning of his existence, and even more so to change anything in his destiny. Troika is also a symbolic image of every girl's dream of happiness.

The motive of unfulfilled hopes and dreams sounds in the last two stanzas, which contain the answer to the questions posed at the beginning of the poem: “Why are you looking eagerly at the road? "," And why are you running hastily? .. ".

Nekrasov will give a detailed answer to the question of women's happiness in his work much later - in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (in the chapter “Peasant Woman”). The tragic fate of the Russian peasant woman and the unrealized opportunities of the people in the future will become the main themes of creativity for Nekrasov.

I bring to your attention another version of the analysis of this poem.

The poem "Troika", written by Nekrasov in 1846, musically, figuratively, emotionally. It is expedient to begin its analysis with the definition of composition. Students easily determine that the poem is divided into three parts, each of which is distinguished by expressed feelings, spatio-temporal relations, rhythm.

The topic is leading in the first part.expectations of love, fanned by romance. The main character is a young peasant woman. The lyrical hero is delighted with the "black-browed savage". She is beautiful, mysterious ("a look full of spell"), belongs to the world of nature, where everything simple and natural. Romantic and motive roads are a symbol of change, opportunity arrange new life at your discretion.

You will live and celebrate to your heart’s content, / Life will be full and easy ... ”- reflectslyrical hero ... and cuts himself off in mid-sentence. The second couplet of the sixth stanza opens the second part of the poem. Nothingas if outwardly it had not changed: the same village, the same road, the same heroes ...

Has changed the look of a lyrical hero. This is the view of a realist who understands that "natural, free man- no, what is a social person, that "every cricket - your sixth”, that “stretch your legs along the clothes”. And if you live in serf Russia and was born a serf, "not for you" will fall "on share" that will fall to the nobleman.

The future of a beautiful peasant girlpredetermined: she will marry a man, they will be beaten, "from the work of the black and difficult will fade", plunge into "an unbreakable dream", and the worst is coming: inner life freezes and in the face “suddenly appears / An expression of stupid patience / And meaningless, eternal fear."

Thus, the leading theme of the second part of the "Troika" is the lyrical hero's reflections on the female sharein fortress Russia.

The last two stanzas of the poem arethis is the third part of the Troika. lyric hero, making a mental journey into the future, returns to the present and addresses the heroine with words full of longing, pain: “do not look”, “don’t rush”, “muffle”. He says: life is not perfect, accept it, don't hope, don't expect better.

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