How to restore a fur coat from a raccoon. How to clean a fur coat from a beaver, nutria, raccoon? How to clean white fur

Vegetables are a source of vitamins and minerals. Carrots contain vitamin A, which is necessary for the growth of children and is very important for visual acuity. Greatest Benefit they bring fresh food, but if it is not possible to eat a sunny vegetable from the garden, golden recipes for carrot blanks for the winter will come in handy. in winter and in early spring when stale vegetables are sold on store shelves, it's so nice to get a jar of carrots smelling of summer from the cellar!

Golden blank recipes

From fresh carrots you can cook a lot of salads, including for the winter. In many recipes, an orange vegetable is an addition to other ingredients, but there are cooking options that are very delicious carrots for the winter, in which she solos. Thanks to them, you can cook not only the usual salads. With the help of favorite recipes, the pantry shelves will be replenished with pickled carrots, caviar, juice and fragrant jam.

Sauerkraut with horseradish

Carrots, like cabbage, can be fermented. When horseradish is added, a spicy preparation is obtained, which will become a worthy snack even on the festive table.

The composition of the ingredients is simple:

  • 3 kg of carrots;
  • 1/2 horseradish root;
  • 3 onions;
  • 6 dec. l. salt;
  • 4 dec. l. Sahara.

You will need to remove the peel from the carrot, wash the root crop, and then grate it on a special grater. Peel the horseradish root and grate it on a regular grater with small holes. Mix vegetables, salt, add sugar. Transfer the vegetable mixture to an enameled pan, put oppression on top and let it stand for a week at room temperature. After this time, transfer the pan to a cool room for 35-40 days: the air temperature should not be higher than +10 ... +15 ° C. Store ready-made carrots for the winter in jars, having previously sterilized them.

pickled carrot

Young root crops are good because they can be pickled whole. Due to their small size, they fit even in half-liter jars.

The set of products used is simple:

Wash the peeled carrots and blanch for 2 minutes in boiling water. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Rinse peppers, remove seeds, and chop. Put prepared vegetables in sterile jars, put dill in each umbrella.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and let cool slightly. Pour a little cooled oil into each jar. From water, salt and sugar, prepare the marinade by boiling it over high heat, let it boil for about three minutes. Remove the marinade from the stove and pour in the essence.

Pour the vegetables with the resulting marinade, then sterilize the jars for half an hour. After 30 minutes, close the containers with lids and roll up. Remove the cooled cans in the pantry or cellar.

Vegetables in Korean

Everyone's favorite carrots in Korean can also be prepared for the winter. It is very easy to prepare, it will take more time only for its preliminary preparation.

For 6 kg of carrots take:

Peel carrots, onions and garlic. Grind the parsley in a mortar, chop the onion into small cubes, and squeeze the garlic through a garlic press. Finely chop the carrots on a special grater, place in a large container, salt, add sugar, spices, garlic, table vinegar and stir.

Fry the onion in a hot frying pan with oil until saturated Brown. Strain the oil and discard the onion. Pour the vegetable mass with oil, mix again, cover with a small plate on top and put a three-liter jar of water on it as oppression for the night.

The next day, pack the salad in sterilized jars, pour the resulting juice on top and sterilize the container with Korean-style carrots for 10 minutes. Roll up lids and leave to cool. Store blanks in a cool place.

Prescription without sterilization

Carrot caviar is a very tasty vegetable preparation that does not require sterilization before canning. In addition to the main ingredient, tomatoes are added to it.

The composition of caviar includes:

Chop peeled and washed with water carrots. Pour the washed tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and rub the pulp through a fine sieve.

In a large cauldron, heat the oil, put the chopped carrots and fry for 6 minutes. Then add the mashed tomatoes, garlic squeezed through a garlic press and ground cloves and pepper. After boiling the vegetable mixture, add sugar, salt, coriander, close the lid and simmer the caviar for 25 minutes. Pour in apple cider vinegar and leave the cauldron on fire for another 1 minute.

Spread caviar in clean sterilized jars, screw on the lids and turn upside down. Leave in this position until cool.

Salad with beans

Fans of hearty salads will surely enjoy another recipe that does not require sterilization. This blank contains beans, which is one of the leaders among vegetables in terms of protein content. Even a novice hostess can cook such an appetizer.

Choose a small carrot so that it can completely fit into a three-liter container. Boil it until half cooked and put it vertically in a jar. There also add a whole pod of pepper without seeds, celery and peeled garlic. Boil salted water and cool. Pour the contents of the jar with brine, leave for 24 hours. After a day, close the workpiece with a lid and store in a cold place. Carrots prepared in this way can be added to vinaigrette and other salads.

Seasoning with garlic

This homemade preparation has an unusual spicy taste, as it contains sugar and sea buckthorn juice mixed with garlic.

For carrots weighing 1 kg take:

  • 310 g of garlic;
  • 110 g of sugar;
  • 210 g of sea buckthorn juice;
  • 1 dec. l. salt.

Twist the peeled and washed garlic with a meat grinder. Wash the peeled carrots, cut into large pieces and boil in a small amount of water until tender. Rub the still hot carrots through a sieve. To the cooled mass, shift the garlic, salt, sugar and pour in the sea buckthorn juice. Mix the seasoning, arrange in sterile jars and store in the refrigerator.

Desserts and drink

Remove the peel from the root crops, wash and cut them into medium cubes. Mix chopped carrots with sugar and leave to soak for 24 hours. After a day, add water to the mass and cook in an enamel pan until thickened. At the end of cooking, add citric acid, mix the jam well, put it in sterile jars and roll up.

orange jam

Another one sweet billet in jars of carrots for the winter - marvelous jam, the recipe of which also includes a healthy orange fruit - an orange. Due to its composition, it will fill the body of adults and children with vitamin C, and also strengthen the immune system. To make jam, take 2 kg of carrots, 4 oranges, 160 g of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon.

Scroll the peeled and washed root crops through a meat grinder. Remove the zest from the orange and mix with the carrots, squeeze the citrus juice in the same place. Add sugar and cinnamon to the resulting mass. Instead of cinnamon, you can use other spices, such as ginger, cloves or cardamom. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water and cook for 1 hour after boiling over low heat. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars.

Candied root vegetables and unusual halva

Skillful housewives can prepare not only salads, caviar and jam from an orange vegetable, but also other sweets, such as candied fruit. The composition of the products is minimal: 6 large carrots, 9 dess. l. sugar and 140 ml of water.

Peel the root vegetables from the peel, wash and cut into thin slices. Pour carrots aqueous solution sugar and put to boil on the stove, reducing the heat from a boil to medium. After 10 minutes, increase the heat and cook, not forgetting to stir, until the syrup thickens. If the syrup is still too thin, add more sugar.

When the carrots become translucent, remove them from the container and lay them on parchment paper to dry. After the candied fruits are dried, roll them in powdered sugar, put them in a tight box and store at room temperature.

The usual halva is made from sunflower seeds, and only a few are familiar with the recipe for a delicious carrot treat. Cooking halva is another way to harvest from a bright root crop.

Peel, wash and coarsely grate a kilo of carrots. Place it in a fireproof dish and put on fire. After softening the vegetable, add 110 g of sugar, one grated lemon, 50 g of corn oil, mix and cook until tender. If the mass began to separate from the spoon while stirring, it's time to turn off the stove.

Add a dessert spoon of cumin seeds to the resulting mixture, mix, form a rectangle, wrap with parchment paper and put under oppression. Instead of cumin, you can add raisins, peanuts or any nuts. After 3 days, the halva will be ready for use.

healthy drink

It is easy and simple to prepare delicious and healthy carrot juice from a sunny vegetable at home, which will help to improve the digestion process. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it half an hour before meals.

Pick up a juicer and use it to squeeze the juice from 1 kg of peeled carrots. Add a little lemon juice to the carrot juice, which will act as a preservative, pour the drink into a jar and sterilize if you need to make preparations for the winter.

Delicious recipes

Carrots also make a great puree and will be eaten with pleasure even by those children who do not like vegetables. List of ingredients: 1.1 kg of carrots, 1.1 kg of sour apples and 210 g of sugar.

This canning recipe uses boiled vegetables rubbed through a fine sieve. Apples need to be peeled and chopped in a food processor. Combine all ingredients and cook over high heat until boiling. Transfer the finished puree to clean jars and sterilize for 20 minutes.

If a rich crop of orange root crops has been born in the country and there is nowhere to place them for storage, it's time to use these recipes. Households and guests will be happy to enjoy delicious and useful blanks from ordinary carrots!

Such a tasty and vitamin vegetable as carrots is present in most harvested winter period sauces and appetizers. But individual recipes are extremely rare. This vegetable is present in the diet of every Russian person regularly. It is added to a variety of dishes to spice them up and improve their taste. But winter preparations from carrots are less popular with housewives. This is because it is quite difficult to make a delicious preservation without adding extra vegetables.

To do this, you need to study special recipes. The most interesting and accessible of them are published below.

Marinated carrots in Korean for the winter

Like any other vegetable, carrots can be preserved and rolled up for the winter in all kinds of marinades, emphasizing its taste with various suitable seasonings. Of course, one of the most popular recipes for harvesting carrots among cooks of all countries is in Korean. There are several ways to prepare this delicious and spicy dish.

Method 1

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh carrots,
  • 8-9 garlic cloves,
  • a small piece of pepper (hot).


  • 0.5 liters of boiled water,
  • 7 tablespoons of granulated sugar,
  • 5.5 tablespoons of salt
  • 250 milliliters sunflower or olive oil,
  • 3.5 tablespoons of wine or apple cider vinegar.

First you need to chop the carrots. Ideally, use a traditional coarse grater for this, and not a blender and other choppers. Next, you need to chop all the garlic cloves on the smallest grater, and then mix them with carrots.

It is worth noting that the final amount of garlic in the recipe depends on the tastes of the hostess herself and all other family members. It can be both reduced and vice versa increased.

Carrots with garlic should not be disturbed for 10-15 minutes so that the vegetables have time to release the juice. And during this time you can have time to prepare the jar for conservation. To do this, it must be thoroughly washed and sterilized over steam.

Next - put a cooked piece of hot pepper in a jar, and top it with mixed juicy vegetables. Carrots with garlic should almost completely fill the jar. Now you need to pour boiling water over the vegetables, cover the jar with a towel on top and do not touch it again for 10-15 minutes.

In the meantime, it's time to start filling. To prepare it, you need to pour water into a small saucepan, add sugar, salt, vinegar and vegetable oil, then mix all the ingredients and put on medium heat. After boiling, the filling must be left on the fire for another couple of minutes.

After 10-15 minutes, the water from the jar should be drained, and the vegetables should be closed with hot filling and corked with a lid. delicious snack ready. You can either leave it to infuse until winter, or open and enjoy a spicy fragrant dish in a day.

Method 2

You will need:

  • 0.5 kilograms of fresh carrots,
  • 1 tablespoon regular
  • apple cider or wine vinegar
  • 50 milliliters of sunflower or olive oil,
  • 0.5 teaspoon black pepper
  • 0.5 teaspoon coriander, salt,
  • 0.5 teaspoon of granulated sugar.


First you need to brush and wash the carrots, and then grate it on a special Korean grater. If there is no such grater on the farm, then any with large holes will do. Next, you need to add table, apple or wine vinegar, pepper, coriander and other ingredients. Sunflower or olive oil - heat in microwave oven and also add to the mixture.

After that, place all the ingredients in a convenient deep tray, cover with plastic wrap and leave to marinate for 18-25 hours. In the process of marinating, it is also worth sometimes taking out the tray and shaking the whole mass. When the carrots are marinated, they can be transferred to a pre-sterilized jar and closed with a lid. This dish will keep for a very long time.

With tomatoes and onions

More tastier than blanks carrots will turn out if you diversify this vegetable with tomatoes and onions. There are very interesting recipe cooking snacks from these vegetables.

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh carrots,
  • 3-4 tomatoes
  • 2 large onions.

For filling:

  • 0.7 liters of boiled water,
  • 2.5 tablespoons lemongrass
  • 1 tablespoon cumin seeds,
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar,
  • 25 grams of salt.


First of all, the carrots need to be washed, thoroughly cleaned with a brush and cut into circles. Then also wash, peel and cut the tomatoes (about in our other article) and onions. To pour into the water, all the ingredients are added in turn, then the mixture is boiled for 30 seconds and removed from the heat.

After that, the vegetables must be placed close to each other in pre-prepared and steamed jars and covered to the top with boiling filling. Next, close them with lids and turn each one upside down until the snack is completely cool. And only then - put all the jars in a dark, cool place for storage.

Other recipes for preserving carrots

If you add fresh parsley along with the roots to the carrots, then the taste of the snack will turn out to be even more piquant and interesting.

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh carrots,
  • 200 grams of fresh parsley with roots.

For filling:

  • 0.5 liters of water,
  • 0.5 liters of homemade apple juice,
  • 0.2 liters of any vegetable oil,
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 10 black peppercorns.


Carrots, greens and parsley roots should be thoroughly washed under running water and chopped. And then lower the vegetable mass into boiling water for half a minute and immediately put it in a colander so that all the excess liquid is glass.

At this time, you should prepare the filling by mixing all the ingredients in turn and boiling the mixture over low heat.

In addition to salads and appetizers, you can also make a very original seasoning that will suit many dishes.

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of carrots
  • 250 milliliters of sea buckthorn juice,
  • 0.5 cups of granulated sugar,
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt.


Carrots should be thoroughly washed, peeled and coarsely chopped. Next, cover it with sugar, place in an aluminum pan and add a little water. When the vegetables are boiled until fully cooked over medium heat, the carrots must be mashed with a blender or simply rubbed through a fine sieve.

Then - add sea buckthorn juice, grated garlic and salt to the carrot mass. After that, the thoroughly mixed vegetable mass should be placed in small small jars and closed with lids. The seasoning must be stored in the refrigerator.

All of the above preparations for the winter are very simple to make. Such recipes will be accessible and understandable even for novice housewives. All winter long, you can enjoy delicious and healthy snacks that will be a great addition to any meal.

Video: canning the whole

Fur things, be it a fur coat or a collar, are cozy and attractive, they warm us in the cold season, give joyful emotions, decorate and make every girl feel irresistible. In the time of our grandmothers, chic fur products did not lose their gloss over the years, however, in a modern city, fur gets dirty very quickly, which is associated with a complex ecology and the presence of a mass of impurities in the air. Fur that has lost its appearance can be dry-cleaned or cleaned at home.

Material Features

Fur cleaning is necessary in order to rid the natural fibers of the abrasive (dust and dirt) that settles on them and soaks into the natural oils that cover each lint. At the same time, the prolonged presence of pollution can lead to abrasion of the fur and truly deplorable results in the form of bald patches and bald spots. That is why furriers recommend cleaning the fur at least once a year, preferably in the summer, when things are not in demand for wear.

In cases where the owner of the fur smokes, it is worth cleaning the fur in the middle of the winter season. Regular cleaning with appropriate methods and proper maintenance can really help extend the life of your fur.

The way in which fur can be cleaned at home depends largely on its type and category. The product can be made of smooth or fluffy fur, for example, a fur coat can be made of seals or mink. Accordingly, the methods of cleaning such things will also differ. Among the furs, long-haired ones are distinguished, for example. raccoon, silver fox, Red fox, lynx and arctic fox, which require a slightly different approach to reading than short-haired fur such as mink or beaver.

Another significant difference is the cost of the item. Cleaning a rabbit coat or product made from nutria and a sable fur coat also requires different approach at least for reasons of practicality.

What can be cleaned?

Some experienced housewives recommend cleaning fur products with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. Perhaps, in the time of our grandmothers, these funds were quite effective, but in modern conditions they are ineffective because chemical composition dirt in the modern urbanized world is becoming richer day by day.

The means of dressing furs are also changing; for this, rather strong emulsions, which partially remain in the finished product and can enter into chemical reaction with ammonia and peroxide, making the pile dry and brittle.

Therefore, modern furriers of all the ancient methods of cleaning today recommend only the use of salt. A similar method is suitable for inexpensive furs, for example, rabbit, sheepskin or nutria, for which it is a pity to spend significant amounts on cleaning.

This method is to sprinkle heavily soiled fur with plenty of salt(a fur coat can take up to a kilogram of this substance). Then the product is left for 12 hours, after which it is carefully knocked out. Together with salt, dirt and debris accumulated in the fur are removed. This method simple and cheap and, at least, not able to harm the fur product. But it will not help restore the coat to its original shine, although it will make it cleaner.

Experts do not advise experimenting with various complex home-made compositions and recommend using either certified preparations or shampoos intended for humans or animals for cleaning and caring for expensive fur.

To date, in our country, fur care cosmetics, which are called Biofur. These preparations are positioned by the manufacturer as gentle and hypoallergenic products for the care and cleaning of natural furs.

Biofur is susceptible to pollution of all kinds, from street dirt to difficult stains such as blood or traces of egg yolk. Biofur also eliminates unpleasant odors, oily sheen and greasy. This tool is suitable for all furs, including such expensive ones as sable or chinchilla fur, but it has a rather high price tag. The volume of purchased bottles is enough to clean a demi mink coat.

The Biofur kit includes 3 cleaning emulsions:

  1. Foam for cleaning especially dirty stains;
  2. Medium Intensity Cleaner;
  3. Fur restorer.

Also in the set there is a brush for processing fur, a comb, a terry cloth, gloves and an oilcloth.

How to clean fur with Biofur:

  • Particularly strong pollution is treated with foam soap, which is applied to the stains with a brush; at the same time, you should not rub too hard so as not to destroy the structure of the pile;
  • Leave the product for 2-3 minutes to act, then rinse it off with a damp cloth, while avoiding getting wet to the core;
  • The surface of the fur coat is completely cleaned by spraying a cleaner, while maintaining a distance of 15 cm from the surface of the fur;
  • Leave the sprayed agent for 30 minutes for exposure, then wash it off with a damp terry cloth, avoiding the mezdra getting wet, because in this case it may shrink when it dries further;

  • After cleaning, the fur coat should either be laid out on a flat surface, or hung on a mannequin; the use of a hair dryer in order to speed up the drying process is strictly prohibited, as it will lead to deformation of the product.
  • During drying, the fur should be shaken as often as possible and combed with the comb included in the kit.
  • Completely dried fur is treated with a spray that restores its shine, after application it is left for about 3 minutes, then removed with a damp cloth and the fur coat is dried again.

To quickly and properly clean the fur product will help tools such as:

  1. Cleansing emulsion Netbril-o concentrated (France);
  2. Shine finish / TCHB / TTSHB / Parva-cremie (Germany).

You can apply such products to all furs without exception, from Tuscany to astrakhan fur.

Netbril-o concentrated emulsion has a cost of 1290 rubles, the volume of the bottle is 250 ml . To use it you should:

  1. Dilute with alcohol in a ratio of 1/3, it is best to do this in a blender.
  2. Apply to the fur product with a sponge.
  3. Leave the thing to dry in a straightened state, remembering to shake it from time to time.

Glitter-finish /TCHB / TTSHB / Parva-cremie Designed for quick cleaning of furs with an average degree of pollution. In addition to cleaning, this agent is recommended to be applied as a topcoat that protects fur fibers from dirt, grease and moisture.

In addition, the Glitter-Finish / TCHB / TCCB / Parva-cremie emulsion can be used as an antistatic agent for furs with long pile, for example, raccoon, silver fox or lynx fur. The cost of 250 ml is 1,300 rubles.

The use of this tool is quite within the power of any girl:

  1. The emulsion is applied to the fur with a spray gun;
  2. The exposure time is 10 seconds;
  3. The fur is combed against the pile;
  4. The product is thoroughly shaken and hung out to dry on voluminous coat hangers.

In the event that the fur thing has severe dirt and greasy spots, dry cleaning with sawdust will help. However, you should not use ordinary sawdust, which can be purchased at a construction sawmill. To clean the fur, special types of wood are required that do not emit juice, and even more so resins, and have a soft texture that cannot damage the fur. Such sawdust, for example, Eco or Tor Clean, can be purchased for 750 rubles. The weight of one package of such sawdust is 400 g, which is enough for several cleaning procedures.

The method of cleaning fur with sawdust is suitable for all fur products, excluding long-haired Tuscany fur, voluminous astrakhan fur, as well as broadtail, since the surface pattern may be disturbed.

Mode of application:

  1. It is necessary to soak the sawdust with Netbril-o Concentrated emulsion, trying to create a soft, but not liquid slurry;
  2. The resulting product is rubbed into the fur, especially contaminated areas are rubbed several times;
  3. The maximum exposure time is 30 minutes, after which the sawdust must be removed by carefully shaking out the product;
  4. The wet product is laid out on a flat surface or hung on a mannequin to dry naturally;
  5. During the drying process, the fur is combed and shaken to give it an attractive look.

How to wash?

The easiest to clean are small furs, for example, a fur pom-pom on a hat, which does not require any special treatment at all. It does not even need to be torn off from the cap during washing, of course, in the case when washing is done by hand.

For best results, use gel cleanser. It is best to dry such a hat on a three-liter glass jar, turning it upside down so that the wool does not deform. Carry out laundry in washing machine not recommended, because in this case the product will inevitably stretch and lose volume.

A small insert of fur, which is fastened to the lapel of a down jacket or jacket, can also be washed at home by hand using a gel product for wool, for example, the brand "Weasel" or zoo shampoo. It is important to wring out the fur strip well every time after washing and rinsing. This can be done by rolling it with a tube and then wringing it out with your hands.

You can also wring out a similar insert in a washing machine, after rolling it into some bulky material, for example, into an old towel. In this case, during the spin cycle, moisture will pass from the fur into the fabric, as a result, the fur will dry faster.

To dry, the fur must be straightened, combed gently, laid on a soft base and shaken periodically all the time until it dries. The resulting fur trim may have a slightly stiff inside (in case it was not well dressed), but this can be corrected by pressing it with your fingers until it is soft.

Appearance fur will be at the same time on top and will look like new.

It is not recommended to wash larger furs in the truest sense of the word. It must be remembered that it is impossible to wring out large products made of natural fur in a washing machine due to the danger of their deformation. And when the wet base of the fur (mesdra) dries out, it naturally most often becomes like cardboard paper, that is, it becomes stiff and brittle. As a wash, you can carry out a surface treatment with foamed shampoo, while acting with the utmost care so as not to wet the core.

In the machine, you can wash the lining from a dirty fur coat, so that after cleaning the fur thing from the outside, make it clean from the inside. After drying and ironing, the lining is installed on the item either on its own or in a fur repair workshop.

How to get rid of yellowness?

Often quite well-preserved light fur loses its attractiveness from the fact that it begins to turn yellow. This is typical for fox, lynx and silver fox fur, as well as bleached mink fur. To eliminate such unpleasant manifestations, you can use a restorer from the Biofur series. The manufacturer advises processing with this reducing agent. every three months without waiting for the yellowness to appear on the product.

Over time, fur clothes lose their former attractiveness and beauty. Therefore, in order to continue using it, you need to find a way to upgrade the mech. Such methods of cleaning fur exist, and it is not so difficult to use them.

With prolonged use, the fur often loses its appearance: it becomes greasy, dull, loses its luster, and sometimes, on the contrary, acquires an unpleasant greasy sheen. White fur is also characterized by another problem - the appearance of a yellow tint. To eliminate all these shortcomings, you can use simple home methods. Using them is often time consuming, but it allows you to save on dry cleaning services.

A mink fur coat is an expensive pleasure, but it is all the more offensive when it loses its appearance over time. Nevertheless, returning the attractiveness of the fur is not so difficult. Consider the question of how to update mink fur using simple means.

First of all, you need a cotton swab soaked in technical alcohol. They need to wipe the surface, especially diligently treating dirt. But you can’t be too zealous either: you don’t need alcohol to get on your skin. After complete drying, the fur coat needs to be “combed” with a special brush. After that, the fur will shine again and will delight for a long time.

There is another way to restore the skin to its former shine, although it is very painstaking. For this you need only 3 ordinary chicken eggs. They need to be loosened to a homogeneous mass and gently (with your fingers) applied over the entire surface. Turn the coat inside out and leave for an hour. During this time, you need to boil water and let it cool, but not less than 40˚C. Gently rinse the fur with this water. Then you can rinse it with water, you need to do this until the hairs begin to creak under your fingers. After that, you can gently squeeze the product, avoiding twisting. Hang the fur coat until completely dry. The original shine will return.

It happens that over time, soft fur becomes coarser. Softness can be restored quite easily with the help of folk ways. To do this, you just need to prepare a mixture of 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp. l. vaseline. First you need to grind the yolk with petroleum jelly until a slurry is formed, and then add 2-3 cups of water. Use this tool to treat the surface of the product. And to restore elasticity, the base can be treated with slightly diluted glycerin.

Fur coats made of white mink look especially chic. Mink wool has a perfectly white color, without transitions. But over time, with improper care, an ugly yellow tint appears, which spoils the whole look. Let's try to figure out how to update mink fur at home, eliminate yellowness with improvised means.

Hydrogen peroxide will help remove the yellow tint. It must be mixed with talc and applied to the surface of the fur coat. After drying, the mixture can be removed with a fine brush. By the way, if you are interested in how to update a faux fur coat, then you can use the same method to remove yellowness.

We clean silver fox fur

Silver fox fur is very popular due to its truly royal look and long warm wool, perfectly warming in any frost and protecting from the icy wind. But it also needs periodic cleaning, because dust and smog settle on it.

Before you update the dark fur on the silver fox, first of all you need to remove the dust: shake or carefully knock out the fur coat, it is better to do this in the fresh air. If it is not possible to take it out into the air, then you can treat the surface with a vacuum cleaner with a nozzle for cleaning furniture.

Then the fur coat must be laid out on a large table and processing can begin. A popular cleaning agent is an ordinary shampoo or soap solution. Also can be purchased special remedy for cleaning fur products. Washing powders should not be used for cleaning - they have a lot of "chemistry" that can ruin a fur coat.

It is convenient to apply a solution of soap or shampoo with a cotton swab or gauze cloth worn on a brush. The cotton swab needs to be replaced as it gets dirty. When processing, it is important to prevent water from entering the mezra - bottom layer skin. This will worsen the condition of the product, the skin will become brittle.

But in any case, processing by means, which include chemical substances associated with certain risks. In order not to spoil the whole fur coat, you can first try to clean small plot in an inconspicuous place.

Another way to gently clean is with semolina. To do this, you need to pour cereal on one area and rub it lightly. If the grits have darkened, then the pollution has been absorbed. Instead of cereals, starch can be used in exactly the same way. After cleaning, the product must be shaken well.

Potato peel effectively removes dirt. It must be washed, crushed, applied to the surface and rubbed lightly. Wipe everything with a swab dipped in water, hang on a coat hanger and leave to dry. It is advisable not to keep fur products close to stoves or radiators.

Attention! Before you update the silver fox fur, you should know the peculiarity of this species. If you look at individual hairs, you can see that their color changes from root to tip.

At the roots, the fur has a gray tint, in the middle it is white, and at the tips it is black. At the same time, the silver fox fur is the more valuable, the less black and gray on the hairs. But white turns yellow over time. The situation can also be corrected with the help of hydrogen peroxide. In order for the whitening effect to be more noticeable, after treatment, it is better to hang the fur coat to dry in the sun. At the same time, the black color of the fur will not fade, and the fur coat itself will look much better.

How to update faux fur?

Faux fur has gained such popularity today that not only fur coats, vests, hats are sewn from it, but also a variety of interior items, up to pillows and blankets. At the same time, a stylish interior, and warm clothes harmless to environment. But faux fur has its own characteristics that you need to know: and how to upgrade artificial fur to shine, and so that products made from this material last longer.

First of all, it is worth finding recipes in advance on how to update faux fur at home, since it should never be washed in a machine. Otherwise, the thing will lose its appearance, shrink and for further use will be unusable. Therefore, the only way to remove contamination is by cleaning.

There are three main ways:

  1. Special refined gasoline (sold in hardware stores) effectively works against greasy marks and greasy shine. Moisten a cloth with liquid, gently wipe a small inconspicuous area, as gasoline can blur the paint. If this does not happen, also carefully process the entire product.
  2. Starch, dish detergent and washing powder. Mix in equal amounts, apply to the treated area and gently rub with a brush. Then wash off with warm water.
  3. To care for artificial fur, it is quite possible to use a detergent for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture. Use according to instructions.

Advice! For those who are looking for a way to update faux fur quickly and without using a lot of cleaning products, we can recommend regular washing powder: about 3 tbsp. spoons per liter of water.

First you need to wait until the powder is completely dissolved in water, beat the foam. Only after that you can start cleaning with a brush dipped in the solution in the direction of the pile. It is desirable that water does not get on the base, otherwise the product may be deformed.

After the entire surface of the product has been processed, the remaining foam must be removed with a cloth moistened with water, also in the direction of the pile. Then once again “walk” with a dry clean napkin. Hang the product to dry, check the direction of the pile again (otherwise, in which direction the pile dries, it will remain in this direction for a long time). When the fur is dry, comb it well with a regular comb or pet brush, which is sold in pet stores. Then the fur will look more magnificent.

Cleaning raccoon fur at home

Raccoon fur looks a bit like fox fur. It is distinguished by volume, as well as the fact that it retains an attractive appearance for a very long time. But even products made from such material need good care and proper cleaning is required.

To understand how to update the fur, you need to know the features of this variety. First of all, it is volume. Since dirt appears as you wear it, and the wool sticks together, you need to regularly clean and comb the collar or fur coat. The second point - the colors of the fur are very different. In addition, it is often painted to get more interesting models. Finally, the last is the high demand for care and, as a result, the need for careful handling.

Raccoon fur can be cleaned with both improvised and chemical means suitable for this purpose. But the latter are fraught with danger, as they can harm - for example, wash off the paint.

There are a lot of folk remedies on how to update raccoon fur at home. The easiest way is to use a special brush with metal bristles. You can also put cotton wool on it - then there will be less danger of damaging the fur. The product must be carefully combed, trying to unravel the stuck together villi and remove lumps of matted wool. To make the work easier, the wool can be slightly moistened with a spray bottle.

In order to update light fur, you can use semolina in the usual way - apply and rub lightly, and then gently shake or exhaust the fur coat. This method is good because if some particles of cereal cannot be removed, they will not be noticeable on a light background. In addition to semolina, starch, crushed chalk or talc are suitable for cleaning fur.

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