Lint cleaning. How to care for long pile carpets. Varieties and methods of cleaning

It is pleasant to walk on a soft carpet with a long pile, it gives the room comfort and warmth. However, the fluffy coating quickly becomes dirty and is quite difficult to clean due to the villi, in which small debris, dust and dirt accumulate. Of course, in order to keep the long pile carpet clean, it is recommended to regularly use the services of professionals - dry cleaning of upholstered furniture at home. But if you decide to save money and want to clean a high pile carpet yourself, then follow the tips given in this article.

What do you need to clean carpet at home?

Depending on the complexity of the carpet soiling, prepare the following means and tools:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • a bucket of warm water;
  • laundry soap or regular laundry detergent;
  • brush;
  • a few clean rags.

Now you know how to clean a long pile carpet at home - or you can use an apartment cleaning service. And in order for the floor covering to please you with its softness and attractive appearance for a long time, do not forget to thoroughly vacuum it a couple of times a week and deep clean it once every 2-3 months. We hope you find our tips helpful. May comfort and cleanliness always reign in your home!

The traditional carpet has always been in fashion. In order for it to serve you as long as possible, you need to provide the product with proper care.

We offer you to learn about the most effective ways to clean carpets at home.

Removal of fresh and old stains

The method of cleaning carpets will differ depending on the type of soiling. The easiest way to clean fresh stains is because the contaminant has not yet fully absorbed into the carpet. The traces left by concentrated substances such as coffee, alcoholic beverages and juices require a different approach.

fresh footprints

Remove fresh stains as soon as possible

  • A fresh stain can be removed with laundry detergent. To do this, dilute it with water and add 1 teaspoon of ammonia. Apply the resulting mixture to the carpet and brush it in the direction of the pile with a brush. Then wipe alternately with a damp and dry cloth. If the carpet has been stained by a pet, wash the area with pet shampoo.
  • Freshly placed greasy stains are removed with any material that absorbs grease. You can use talc, chalk, sawdust, starch. Pour any of the proposed products on the stain and cover with blotting paper for several hours, preferably all night. After the time has passed, iron the desired place with an iron. The paper should be changed until it is clean.
  • If you have just spilled ink or wine on your carpet, salt will help to quickly remove the stain. Pour it on a contaminated place for half an hour, and then sweep it with a broom.

Corrosive pollution

Ammonia will help remove coffee stains

  • Old stains from wine, coffee, cocoa, tea and juice can be removed with ammonia. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of alcohol with a liter of water. Also, such a solution will help restore rich color and lost shine to the carpet.
  • Citric and acetic acid will quickly cope with ink stains that have eaten into the surface. Mix 1 tablespoon of acid with 1 cup of water, apply the mixture on the stain, wait for a while and wipe with a damp cloth.
  • With the help of gasoline, you can remove old greasy stains. Take the sawdust pre-soaked in it and pour it on the stain. Wait for the smell to disappear and sweep them away.
  • If you combine gasoline with soap, then you can remove any old stain. Mix 10 milliliters of gasoline and 100 milliliters of soapy water, add a little water to the resulting solution and apply to the stain. If the first time you did not achieve the desired result, repeat the procedure after the carpet has completely dried.

The specifics of cleaning various carpets

The materials from which carpets are made have different characteristics. Woolen carpets are considered more delicate and need careful care. A wide range of detergents can be used to clean long pile carpet. Let's discuss the specifics of removing dirt from popular types of carpets.

wool carpet

Woolen carpet requires special care

Wool carpets are more delicate than synthetic ones. With too active cleaning, the pile can begin to climb, and holes appear on it. Choose your cleanser carefully, it should be gentle.

Snow cleaning is optimal for such coatings. It is very important that the carpet is completely dry after this procedure.

You can also clean the carpet from various contaminants at home with the help of special dry powders that are manually applied to the surface. This procedure will take approximately 2 hours. Spread the powder evenly over the coating, wait the required amount of time and collect it with a vacuum cleaner (or sweep with a broom). You can walk on the carpet immediately after cleaning, as it remains dry.

If you want to do a wet cleaning, use foaming shampoos. You can also clean the carpet with a special liquid soap. To do this, dilute it in water, lather, apply to the carpet and dry the coating.

Useful information: Woolen carpets can only be washed in cool water, using only those products that are well washed off and do not leave streaks and marks. It is better to dry them in an upright position.

You can clean the coating with ammonia. To do this, stir 2 teaspoons of the product with 1 liter of water. Apply the resulting solution to the carpet with a hairy brush. After that, wipe it with a dry cloth and do not forget to ventilate the room from the pungent smell.

Long pile

Caring for carpets with a long pile is quite difficult - they perfectly absorb dust and dirt. It is difficult to see stains on such a coating, but with careful cleaning you can find them. In order for a carpet with a long pile to always look clean, it needs special care. It is important to regularly vacuum it and only then carry out wet cleaning. So you can remove all the dust and not blur it on the surface, but clean only deep dirt. If you have a pet, remove the hair from the carpet before wet cleaning. Then treat the surface with special detergents. You can also use vinegar, baking soda, laundry detergent, ammonia, soap, dishwashing detergent, kerosene, ground pumice and used tea leaves to effectively remove stains.


Carpet is the most common type of flooring. To keep it always clean, it is enough to vacuum it at least once a week. Also collect various villi and hair from the coating so that they do not accumulate at its base in large quantities. If you clean the carpet surface with a brush, after each cleaning it will look like new. Small villi will straighten, returning to a strictly vertical position. When wet cleaning, use dry powders or foam. This is necessary so that the carpet can dry quickly: there is no way to take it outside to dry it thoroughly. Apply the selected cleaning agent evenly over the entire surface of the coating and leave for a while. Vacuum the carpet after 30-60 minutes.


To clean the carpet, you can use a wide range of store-bought products, both specialized (such as "Vanish") and household products (powders, shampoos, etc.). To your attention information about the features of their use.

Use of household chemicals

Do not forget about protective gloves when using household chemicals

For cleaning, special detergents can be used: liquid soap, powder and even shampoo. Mix any of these with water. Then apply the resulting foam to the carpet. Thoroughly go over wet areas with a brush or washcloth. It is better to clean the carpet in limbo, if possible. It is desirable to dry on the crossbar, it will not deform the structure of the coating. If you leave the carpet on the floor, then make sure that no one walks on it until it dries completely.


Foam means "Vanish" will effectively cope with any dirt on the carpet

Vanish all-purpose carpet cleaner will help you quickly get rid of any kind of dirt. It does not need to be applied liberally, but it is important to observe the correct proportions for maximum results. They are always indicated on the packaging. Be sure to read the instructions before use.

  • Before you start cleaning, you need to rid the carpet of visible dirt. Vacuum or shake out the carpet outside. If this is not done, stains will remain on the carpet after cleaning.
  • Dilute carpet shampoo with water in a ratio of 1 to 9 (approximately 10 ml of product per 90 ml of liquid). It is better to use warm water with a temperature of about 40 ° C. Thoroughly mix Vanish with water until a thick foam forms. The more you get, the better you clean the carpet.
  • Take a sponge or a brush. Then apply the foam to the carpet. It is important to distribute it evenly, while trying not to wet the coating much. This is necessary so that the carpet does not sit down after cleaning.
  • After applying the foam, rubbing in a circular motion, start cleaning. If there are old stains on the surface that stand out against the general background, pour a little carpet shampoo into the cap and pour over this place.
  • Let the foam dry. The duration of this process depends on the material of the carpet and its hairiness. While the carpet dries, you can not walk on it. Make sure the room you are cleaning in is well ventilated. So the coating dries much faster and does not ban.
  • Collect the remaining foam with a vacuum cleaner. Try not to apply too much pressure with the brush to soak up the dirt instead of smearing it.

Useful information: It is the foam that is the main active agent. It penetrates deep into the fibers and absorbs dirt into itself.

Folk methods

There are many effective ways to help clean the carpet at home. Let's talk about some of them.


Sauerkraut will help get rid of stains on the carpet

This cleaning method is considered one of the most environmentally friendly. It is necessary to take sauerkraut, rinse it well and squeeze it. The main thing is that it should be without vinegar, otherwise a strong unpleasant odor may remain after cleaning. Then spread it evenly over the carpet. Roll the cabbage across the floor with a clean brush. After it gets dirty, take a broom and sweep it, rinse and repeat the procedure. So you need to do until the moment when the cabbage ceases to be contaminated. Then you need to let the carpet dry. It is important that at this moment they do not walk on it. Vacuum the finish at the end.

The same manipulations can be carried out not only with cabbage, but also, for example, with potatoes. Peel it, grate it and follow all the above steps in the same sequence.

Tea leaves and stale bread

These products will help clean dark colored carpets. Don't worry, there are no traces left behind. We sprinkle the selected ingredient on the carpet, clean with a brush and sweep with a broom. After this procedure, the color of the coating will become more saturated.


Carpet cleaning with snow - very effective

Snow can be a good way to clean the carpet from dirt. Take it outside in the winter and lay it wrong side up. Knock out the dust with a broom, cracker or vine. Then turn it over and put it in a clean place. Sprinkle the top of the carpet liberally with snow. After it absorbs all the dirt into itself, carefully sweep the remains from the surface. Repeat these steps several times until the snow is clear.

Washing powder, soda and vinegar

To make an effective homemade cleaner, mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of laundry detergent in a spray bottle. Pour into a container of 100 ml. vinegar. Add about 200 ml. hot water (about 3 centimeters should remain to the edges of the spray gun). Spray the resulting composition on the carpet and clean it with a kitchen sponge. After the end of the process, wash off the residue with slightly warm water.

Other means

You can also use sawdust, bran, pumice powder. Cleans carpets and salt well. Just sprinkle it evenly on the carpet, dip a broom in soapy water and start sweeping. It is necessary to repeat the procedure until the salt is clean. We regularly rinse the broom in prepared water. At the end we vacuum.

With proper care, your favorite carpet will serve you for many years and will not lose its appearance.

How to properly care for the carpet so that it always looks like new? There are a few basic rules to keep in mind:

  • After wet cleaning, do not lay the carpet on a wet floor.
  • Periodically it is necessary to turn the carpet. This is necessary so that in places of greatest mechanical stress it is not overwritten.
  • If there is furniture on the carpet, put small rubber plates under its legs. This will protect the coating from the appearance of depressed marks.
  • If a small hole appears on the carpet, you can sew it up with ordinary threads. It is important that they match the flooring. You need to sew up from the wrong side, leaving loops from the front surface of the carpet.

Useful information: The carpet must be vacuumed at least once a week so that dirt and dust do not eat into the pile.

Do not forget that the coating should be vacuumed both from the front and from the wrong side. Collect all the dirt that has accumulated under the carpet, and only then proceed to cleaning its surface.

Video: How to clean the carpet at home?

Follow our advice and your carpet will look like new even after many years. Removing pollution from now on will not take much time. It is especially convenient that you can get rid of any stains with the help of improvised means.

Fluffy carpeting creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. However, it is often necessary to clean it, especially if there are pets in the house. How to quickly and successfully cope with carpet cleaning? Read about it in our article.

How to care for carpet

  • Be sure to vacuum the carpet at least 2 times a week. You need to do this like this: mentally divide the surface into sections, each of which should be thoroughly cleaned by slowly walking over it several times with a vacuum cleaner.
  • You can freshen up your carpet with dry cleaners. Use a special powder or improvised substances: sawdust, bran, soda, salt and others. Sprinkle the chosen product on the surface of the carpet, leave for a while, then sweep with a broom or vacuum.
  • Another way to get rid of dust is to knock out the carpet. Take it outside, hang it on the crossbar with the pile down, carefully knock it out.
  • Alternatively, you can clean the carpet in the snow in winter. Spread it inside out, cover the pile with snow. After 10-20 minutes with a broom, sweep the snow well along with the debris.

The 8 Best Folk Ways to Clean Your Carpet

There are many proven, safe methods. All of them use substances available in every home:


Take coarse salt, spread over the carpet. Using a brush, rub salt into the pile, vacuum. This is a dry cleaning method. It is possible, using salt, to carry out wet cleaning: spray water from a spray bottle on the carpet, sprinkle fine salt on the surface. Wait for the salt to absorb moisture. In a bucket of warm water, dilute 2 tbsp. lies. liquid soap. Sweep the carpet by periodically dampening the broom with soapy water. Dry the item.


It not only cleans the surface well from dust and dirt, but also eliminates bad odors. Sprinkle soda on the carpet in a thick layer, leave for 30 minutes. Vacuum after this time.

soda + vinegar

Pour 1 liter of cold water into a bowl, add 1 teaspoon. 9% vinegar and the same amount of soda, mix. Wet the brush in the solution and with gentle movements, in the direction of the pile, treat the entire surface. No rinsing required, just let the carpet dry.


A mixture of ammonia and laundry detergent removes stains almost instantly. Take the components in equal parts, combine, mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting slurry to the stain, rub it with a brush. Wipe the treated area with a damp cloth, and then dry.

Vinegar + ammonia + dishwashing liquid

A solution of these components is suitable for removing various kinds of stains. Pour 7 liters of warm water into a bucket, add 1/2 cup of vinegar and the same amount of ammonia. Pour in the same 3 tsp. dishwashing detergent, only colorless. Stir the solution. Soak the brush in the solution from time to time and work the carpet surface. At the end of cleaning, wipe the product with a damp cloth, removing the remnants of the cleaning solution, and then dry it.


The juice of this fruit perfectly removes coffee, ink marks, as well as wine stains. Squeeze the juice of 1 fresh lemon directly onto the stain. After a few hours, wipe this place with a sponge dipped in warm water.

Laundry soap

Soap foam easily copes with any pollution. Plan the soap shavings, you will need 50 g. Dissolve it in 5 liters of warm water. Soak a sponge or soft brush in the solution and gently rub the carpet, scrubbing, pushing the dirt out of the pile. Let the carpet dry, then vacuum.


If you find chewing gum stuck on the carpet, do this: remove the ice from the refrigerator, pack it in a bag, attach it to the chewing gum. Once the gum has hardened, it can be easily removed.

Special funds

Carpet cleaning powder is best used on lightly soiled surfaces. Spread it in an even layer over the carpet, rub the pile with a brush. After the allotted time, vacuum thoroughly, collecting the remnants of the cleaning agent.

If there are stains and stains on the carpet, then it is better to purchase a special liquid shampoo. Dilute it with water, beat the foam and use a sponge to treat the surface. Wait for the product to dry before vacuuming the carpet.

Note: when wet processing the carpet, it is very important to dry the product well at the end of the procedure. This will prevent mold and musty odors.

How to use this or that drug is detailed in the instructions from the manufacturer.

  • If the carpet is expensive and "capricious", first test the cleaner on a small area.
  • Don't forget about the wrong side of the carpet. It needs to be cleaned every 3 months.
  • Try to immediately remove the newly set stains. Fresh marks are easier and faster to remove.
  • To soften the pile, spray a solution of water and fabric softener over the surface. Vacuum when the floor is dry.
  • Hair, wool from the carpet is very easy to collect if you go through the pile with a brush for combing animals or use a roller with a sticky side, which is used to clean clothes.


How do you clean carpet?

Long pile carpet has always been popular. They look quite beautiful in children's rooms, bedrooms and living rooms. A carpet with a long pile creates comfort and additional cosiness in the room. If the carpet is hung on the wall, it will provide additional sound insulation from the neighbors. But most often carpets decorate the floor, which becomes much warmer, not to mention the fact that walking on it barefoot is a real pleasure!

Why carpets get dirty even when the house is perfectly clean

When purchasing such a carpet, not everyone realizes that no matter under what conditions it is used, it will be so difficult to take care of it. The attractive appearance of a warm and soft product makes you forget about how it will be contained. Even in a room that is constantly cleaned, such products will become more dirty than with a short pile.

A long pile carpet, like any other, is constantly getting dirty. The complexity of cleansing lies precisely in its long villi, in which small particles of dust and dirt accumulate faster. It is worth noting that the synthetic look is relatively easy to clean.

Regular cleaning of the carpet is necessary not only to rid it of dust harmful to humans. Regular vacuuming also prolongs the life of the product and prevents the accumulation of particles that cut off the lint.

Depending on the contamination of the long pile carpet, for its cleaning at home use:

  • foam;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • brush;
  • various household items.

Carpet Cleaning Foam

To clean the carpet, the easiest and fastest way to get rid of stains, streaks and other contaminants is foam. This method is ideal for carpets where small areas need to be cleaned. For this purpose, a special aerosol with dry foam is used. Now there is a very wide selection of such products in stores, all of them are developed according to special formulas that allow you to easily and quickly cope with pollution and give the product its original appearance: brightness and refresh color.

The procedure is quite simple: the can is shaken and the foam is sprayed immediately after the pile carpet is cleaned of dust and debris. Apply it in an even layer, then leave the foam for 20 - 30 minutes. Only after it is completely absorbed into the pile, you need to go through the vacuum cleaner again in order to pull all the dirt to the surface.

Do not forget to treat the carpet with a brush-"ironing"

The Carpet Brush is a simple but very effective tool for cleaning long pile carpets. A simple manual ironing brush is often used by housewives for self-cleansing.

Modern manufacturers produce brushes with bristles of various stiffness and length. Often they are made of artificial material, which is durable. Therefore, it is recommended to buy products with different fibers and different hardness, depending on which carpet it will be used to clean: natural or synthetic.

The advantages of a cleaning brush are as follows:

  • copes with all sorts of stains and ordinary cleaning, if special cleaning products are used;
  • great for cleaning all kinds of garbage, cleansing hair and animal hair, liquid stains;
  • it is easy to use and does not take up much space;
  • the low cost of such products makes it possible to freely buy them and regularly change them for new ones.

Thanks to the presence of a special handle on top, using such a brush is convenient and easy. For long-haired items made of cotton, lye, wool and other natural materials, it is best to use brushes with medium hard bristles and soft bristles. During operation, such brushes will not harm the structure of the pile of the carpet itself and will carefully clean it.

How long do you need to wait for the effect after cleaning

If a carpet with a small pile is cleaned easily and quickly, then a long pile carpet needs to be looked after more carefully. After wet cleaning, approximately 10% moisture remains. Drying work begins immediately after cleaning is completed.

It is necessary to follow certain rules for drying a carpet with a long pile:

1. Drying time . It will take more time to dry it due to the presence of long villi: it will dry for about a day.

2. You can not walk on the carpet. It is strictly forbidden to walk on it until it dries, otherwise the pile will jam.

3. Cannot be rolled up. Also, you can not fold it, and even bend the corners. Otherwise, it will “suffocate”, an unpleasant smell will appear. This is due to the lack of oxygen to evaporate excess moisture.

4. Dry properly. Carpets made from natural long fibers are best dried naturally, as visible stains may form after the procedures.

The final chord - a good vacuum

As you understand, for any carpets, and especially long-pile ones, regular care is needed. Carpets should be cleaned every week. This is best done with powerful vacuum cleaners with different attachments. In this case, especially intensively it is necessary to treat places with strong pollution. These primarily include:

  • areas of heavy traffic
  • exits to the balcony and entrances to the room,
  • next to the workplace.

In order to clean the carpet completely and not miss anything, it is better to conditionally divide it into sectors and meticulously vacuum them one by one.

When working with a vacuum cleaner, do not rush. Just one pass with a vacuum cleaner, even a super-powerful one, is clearly not enough. It is necessary to slowly walk with the nozzle along the catch sector several times. This will make it possible to eliminate all the accumulated dust and dirt. It is especially worth paying attention to those areas where people often sit or walk. These places need a more thorough approach and are vacuumed crosswise. Thus, a product with a long pile can be maintained in good condition for a long time. After such cleaning, your carpet will remain as attractive and clean as after purchase.

A beautiful fluffy and soft carpet is a real decoration for a modern apartment, this element can create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the living room or give tenderness to the bedroom. But most owners of such a textile item are faced with the problem of unpleasant stains on a soft surface. In this article, we will share with you practical recommendations that will help you clean a long pile carpet at home and return it to its former attractiveness.

Depending on your personal preferences, you can use one of the following cleaning products:

  • vinegar (preferably 9%);
  • liquid ammonia;
  • soda;
  • finely ground salt;
  • pumice;
  • tea leaf;
  • washing powder;
  • sawdust;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • specialized shampoo for carpets;
  • sour cabbage.

The following household items are also helpful:

  • mop;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • spoon;
  • ladle;
  • kitchen sponges;
  • carpet brush;
  • spray;
  • bowl;
  • beaker;
  • rasper.

How to care for a long pile carpet?

Decorative coverings with a long pile need regular and very thorough maintenance. The fact is that the villi 2.5-10 cm high perfectly absorb dirt and dust, but the owners may not immediately notice the dirt on the surface of the carpet.

Experienced users share a carpet cleaning procedure based on two main steps:

  1. Elimination of dust. Dust particles from the surface are easiest to remove with a vacuum cleaner or knock out in the fresh air.
  2. Cleaning. This stage involves the treatment of the surface of the carpet with detergents.

Important! Dust is available in any home, and therefore the prevention of its accumulation must be carried out regularly - at least once a week. Cleaning can be done at slightly longer intervals, such as once a month.

The practical way to clean carpets

There are several ways to clean a deep pile carpet at home, choosing the budget that works best for you. We will show you exactly how you should proceed.

Method number 1 - soda and vinegar

Products like baking soda and vinegar are certainly stocked in every modern kitchen. To achieve the desired results in terms of cleaning long pile carpets, they should be applied in this way:

  1. Fill the bowl with about 1 liter of cold water.
  2. Add 1 tsp to the liquid. 9% table vinegar and baking soda.
  3. Mix the solution thoroughly.
  4. Dampen the brush to clean the carpet.
  5. Gradually clean the surface with soft and even movements over the pile.
  6. Let the carpet dry completely.

Method number 2 - washing powder and ammonia

Also, most housewives will surely find ammonia and detergent in the house. These tools will help you find a solution to the question of how to clean a long pile white carpet at home. Substances should be used according to the following algorithm:

  1. Fill the bucket with water - you will need about 5 liters of warm liquid.
  2. Add detergent and ammonia to the container in a ratio of approximately 3:1.
  3. Mix the resulting solution thoroughly.
  4. Get a carpet brush with the softest bristles.
  5. Soak the brush in the resulting solution and gently work the surface of the carpet.
  6. Use a damp cloth to remove any remaining product.
  7. Also, scrub the carpet with a dry brush.
  8. Let the product dry completely.

Important! Due to the overpowering smell of ammonia, this cleaning procedure should preferably be carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

Method number 3 - table salt

The best way to clean long pile colored carpets is based on Extra class table salt. It helps to improve the brightness and color characteristics of the product. To achieve the most effective result, you just need to collect more of the substance and follow the following instructions:

  1. Lay out the rug on a horizontal surface such as the floor, wooden table, etc.
  2. Lightly dampen the surface of the product with water, spraying it evenly from the sprayer.
  3. The pile soaked with water is sprinkled with table salt - it is best if you chose fine salt.
  4. Wait a few minutes for the salt to absorb the moisture.
  5. Fill the bucket with warm, but not hot, water.
  6. To the liquid should be added about 1-2 tbsp. l. liquid soap.
  7. Mix the soap solution thoroughly.
  8. Using a broom slightly moistened with the solution, gently comb the pile.
  9. Don't forget to knock out the product to get rid of any salt residue.
  10. Dry the carpet completely.

Important! A similar effect can be obtained by treating the surface with sawdust, pumice or sauerkraut juice. Thus, it is safe to use any of these tools. For colored and dark carpets, tea leaves can also be used, but this substance can leave unpleasant stains on light products.

Method number 4 - acetic acid, ammonia and detergent

Using powerful substances like vinegar, ammonia, and dishwashing detergent together can help you get rid of stains that have formed on the long pile of your favorite carpet. To achieve the desired result, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Pour about 7 liters of warm water into a large bucket.
  2. Add ½ cup of acetic acid and the same amount of ammonia to the container.
  3. Add to this another 3 tablespoons of colorless dish detergent.
  4. Thoroughly mix the contents of the bucket.
  5. Use a carpet brush that has stiff enough bristles to apply the mixture to the surface of the product.
  6. Rinse off any remaining cleaning products with a clean, damp cloth.
  7. Blot the carpet with a dry cloth and let it dry completely.

Important! This method is suitable for both thorough cleaning of the carpet and for removing fresh stains. If you plan only local application of detergents, then all proportions of the solution should be proportionally reduced. To prevent the stain from spreading across the surface of the pile, carefully clean the edge to the center.

Method number 5 - special cleansing shampoos

If for some reason you do not trust folk methods or their use does not give the desired result, then in any household chemicals store you can buy special shampoos for cleaning carpets.

Use these concentrates as follows to clean long pile white or colored carpet at home:

  1. Vacuum the carpet to get rid of large debris and dust.
  2. Read the instructions on the packaging carefully.
  3. Mix the active substance with water in the required proportions.
  4. Beat the resulting mixture until a thick foam forms.
  5. Apply with a soft sponge to the surface of the carpet.
  6. Wait until the detergent is completely dry.
  7. Vacuum the surface thoroughly.
  8. In a bucket, prepare a vinegar solution, for which 5 liters of water and 1 cup of table vinegar are enough.
  9. Treat the surface of the carpet to neutralize the alkali contained in the shampoo.
  10. Ventilate the room and dry the carpet.

Important! When choosing household chemicals, give preference to compositions from well-known manufacturers, the quality of which has been verified by many users.

  1. Before you start cleaning carpets, initially opt for gentler methods that involve the use of natural ingredients. The use of aggressive detergent compositions can only be carried out if previous attempts have not brought the desired result.
  2. Regularly carry out preventive cleaning of the carpet from dust - experts recommend using such procedures at least once a week.
  3. Winter is the most favorable time for carpet cleaning, because fresh snow can achieve an excellent effect.
  4. After cleaning the carpet, always dry the product thoroughly to avoid warping the fabric.
  5. When working with chemically active substances, use personal protective equipment - at least rubber gloves.

In this article, we have shared with you tips on how to clean a long pile carpet at home, and we sincerely hope that you will no longer have to spend a lot of money on dry cleaning, and the product will delight you with its beauty for a long time.

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