Who lives in Baikal. Baikal, fauna. Lake Baikal, Russia. Black Baikal grayling

Today volunteers and public organizations doing everything to stop the disappearance rare species animals and birds on Lake Baikal, but humans still remain worst enemy nature.

Talking about animals of Baikal, it is impossible not to talk about the only seal in the world that lives in fresh water.

The seal is the main endemic of Lake Baikal, a relic and symbol of Lake Baikal. Hunting for Baikal seal has been carried out since ancient times and is carried out now, since for the indigenous population it is an integral part of the local culture of environmental management. Thanks to the seal, they receive valuable skin, fat and meat. And although today the seal is not officially under special protection, not so long ago a limited fishery for this rare animal was introduced on Lake Baikal. Currently, seal hunting is carried out in volumes that do not affect the numbers of the species, and, therefore, we can be sure that this valuable animal will not disappear from the Baikal shores.


Speaking about the mammals of Baikal, which are listed in the Red Book and are on the verge of extinction, one cannot help but recall the legendary reindeer. Even before the Russians settled Siberia, wild reindeer lived almost throughout the entire territory that is now occupied by the Irkutsk region. This is a truly unique animal: it is the only deer on the planet in which both males and females wear antlers.

It is also able to get food from under the snow at a depth of 120 cm. With the beginning of intensive development of space, with the plowing of lands, deforestation, and later due to the construction of enterprises and roads, the number of wild reindeer V Eastern Siberia began to decline sharply, as the animal lost the territories in which it obtained its food. Today, environmentalists around the world are fighting to preserve this rare animal, because there is absolutely no one to replace this owner of the taiga.

Red Wolf

The red wolf is another animal that has practically disappeared from Russian territory. IN Irkutsk region passes the northern border of the range of this predator. People who were lucky enough to see this rare predator say that it looks like a wolf, a fox and a jackal at the same time. The fiery red color of the back, combined with a light belly and paws, and a black tail make this animal very impressive.
Don’t underestimate its strength: a large pack of red wolves can defeat a leopard or a tiger.

Poaching, as well as the gradual humidification of the climate and the associated deep snow and pressure on forest vegetation, have caused the decline of red wolves in Russia.

The elusive snow leopard

Unique animals of Baikal

The snow leopard or snow leopard is the most mysterious animal of Siberia and Lake Baikal. Russian merchants and resellers borrowed the name of the predator from Turkic hunters in the 17th century. But not so long ago, in the 80s of the twentieth century, local hunters categorically refused to believe in the existence of the predator, citing the fact that neither their fathers nor grandfathers had seen a snow leopard.

However, on this moment It is reliably known that 6-8 snow leopards live in the Irkutsk region, and about 30 in Buryatia. In total, there are probably more than 50 snow leopards living in the Eastern Sayan, including its parts in Tyva and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This one is rare, but very dangerous beast significantly larger than the lynx and, without a doubt, is an excellent hunter. Today, the snow leopard is included in the Red Book of Russia, and many volunteers throughout the country are working to preserve and enhance this species.

White-tailed eagle

The region of Baikal and the surrounding lands lies within the range of such a rare bird as. This is the largest nesting predator in the Irkutsk region, and it is interesting because it has perfectly adapted to life near large rivers, lakes, swamps and even sea ​​coasts, becoming a skilled fisherman. While hunting for fish, the eagle sometimes dives into the water for a short time. A serious threat to the species is the destruction of its habitats - cutting down (and burning) of forests near water bodies, destruction of wetlands, and poaching also has a certain impact.

Today this rare bird is protected both on the All-Russian and on international levels.

Baikal sturgeon

Talking about rare representatives fauna of Lake Baikal, one cannot fail to mention it underwater inhabitants. The Siberian sturgeon is a rapidly declining subspecies of sturgeon that lives in vast shallow waters, large bays and near the mouths of large rivers. Sturgeon in Baikal live up to 50-60 years or more, reaching 100-130 kilograms of weight, 1.5-1.8 meters or more in length.

At the end of the last century, over 1000 quintals of sturgeon were caught in Baikal and its rivers.

As a result of the fact that the juveniles were almost exterminated, the sturgeon fishery fell to negligible sizes at the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1945, a ban on sturgeon fishing has been introduced, and now its stocks are gradually increasing.

Baikal is not only a lake or a nature reserve, it is an amazing unique world with its own unique characteristics, which every person knows about from school.

Indeed, many plants and animals that can be found on its shores are not just listed on the pages of a book, they live only in one, only place on our planet, on the shores of Lake Baikal.

Baikal seals

All the inhabitants of this amazing nature reserve They calmly accept the presence of people, to whom they are accustomed thanks to developed ecotourism. But the most popular Baikal animals for photos- and video lenses of tourists, these are, of course, seals.

These unique animals, like seals, are on the verge of extinction. In this case, the reason is poachers. Male musk deer are a source of musk, a unique substance of origin that is the basis for many recipes for both perfumers and doctors.

This is one of the smallest deer on Earth. The maximum weight of a musk deer is 18 kg, and its body length is only a meter. They do not have horns, but the males have charming fangs that can easily be used to pry lichens from trees - a favorite delicacy of musk deer. The rut begins at the end of October, and after 190-200 days small fawns are born.


Clumsy and, at first glance, somewhat defenseless, Baikal wolverines are actually dexterous, fast and ruthless predators from the mustelid family. Very similar to a miniature bear, on average it reaches a meter in length.

This is a hunter and a tireless traveler; in a day he effortlessly walks 40-50 km in search of prey. This cutie feeds on rodents, eggs, if it encounters a nest, does not disdain carrion and is quite capable of attacking a wounded or dying deer. Local indigenous people have many tales about a cunning, treacherous wolverine who easily defeats dull-witted moose.

They do not have a specific time for mating, but females usually give birth in winter, building a den from tunnels in the snow. Moreover, the fathers somehow find out about what is happening and find themselves nearby, taking care of the family and bringing food to the female and the babies.

“Girls” wolverines can give birth twice a year, but according to observations carried out since 1969, this happens very rarely. These shaggy beauties live for 10-15 years, and in the reserve they have only one, but very serious enemy - the wolf.

Red Wolf

Rare today, whose appearance seems to have mixed features, and once lived in our country throughout Altai, Buryatia, and Primorsky Krai. Today, on the territory of the lake shores, this species is restored artificially, using animals brought from Northern China.

These fluffy beauties, the size of German shepherds, have taken root well and at the moment there are already several small groups in the reserve. Over time, they will become serious flocks.

The handsome creatures lead the same lifestyle as ordinary wolves. They hunt together, for ungulates, however, if they see a wolverine wandering along the path, they forget about everything in the world, immediately starting to chase the predator.

They do not have a specific time for mating; a she-wolf's pregnancy lasts 60-65 days, and wolf cubs are born from two to ten. Wolves reach sexual maturity at one and a half years, but begin to mate at two.

Moreover, this species, like other wolves, is characterized by “lifelong love,” fidelity and constancy. Flocks live in caves and grottoes.

These cute predators live from 12 to 15 years, and they once disappeared from the territory of Russia solely because of hunting and poaching. Moreover, red wolves were shot exclusively for their incredible tails, 50 cm long, very similar to foxes.


Although bears, like moose, live throughout Eurasia, only in the lake reserve they are the real kings of nature. The body length of these beauties, living near the waters of Lake Baikal, is 2.5-3 meters, the height at the withers is from one and a half meters. The beast is important, sedentary, unhurried. However, if necessary, it will easily travel up to 300 km in search of food, and then return back.

Baikal fish are omnivores, like everyone else, but they prefer any other food. Even honey is inferior to fresh fish; bears can stay in the water for half a day for its sake. Hibernation on lake shores lasts for six months; bears build dens here much more thoroughly than their European relatives.

They do not have a dedicated time for mating; from one to four babies are born at a time, who spend their first hibernation together with the female bear. And the bears live in the reserve for 20-25 years.


– this is the calling card of the reserve. A graceful, strong cat that you will have to try very hard to meet. Moreover, the lynxes themselves perceive tourists completely calmly, without thinking about hiding or running away. They simply live in the most inaccessible places of the reserve.

A cat is a cat, even if this one is a Baikal lynx. This animal is a loner. Lynxes do not breed every season, there are usually 3-5 kittens, and the father does not care about the family.

The lynx hunts anything; its diet includes hares, deer, and foxes. Everything she sees and can catch. It will never pass by a nest with eggs, but often does not eat, but simply knocks it over with its paw.

The lynx attacks from an ambush, developing speed instantly and quite high. But the prey has quite a lot of chances to escape, since it runs out of steam already at the 70th meter of pursuit.

However, if the lynx succeeded and immediately jumped on its prey, even the elk has no chance of survival. Lynx has no respect for anything fauna of Lake Baikal, but, oddly enough, remains completely neutral in relation to the Wolverines.


A legendary animal, almost fabulous - the snow leopard of Lake Baikal. This beast is not just among animals of the Red Book of Baikal, he has a special status - he is untouchable under any circumstances, including a threat to life.

If a leopard attacks, the tourist can only use darts with sleeping pills, according to the regulations adopted at the federal level on the protection of rare species of fauna.

In general, throughout the history of the reserve. Since 1969, no cases of leopard attacks on people have been recorded. These predators live throughout the entire reserve, hunt ungulates and, in general, are very reminiscent big cats. Each animal is microchipped. Today, 49 leopards live on the territory of the reserve.

The weight of these beauties ranges from 55 to 65 kg, the length of a strong body filled with steel muscles is from 1.05 to 1.1 meters. Leopards like to mate from January to the end of March, and after 100 days, two to four snow-white kittens are born.

When hunting, snow leopards always start with ungulates, however, since the leopard lies for a long time without moving in ambush, it often skips nearby. In this case, the stupid hare is overtaken by a blow from his paw, which is so fast that the person simply does not notice it.

The hunt ends here, the leopard calmly eats the carcass of the hare, and if at that moment a deer or a deer appears, they are in absolutely no danger until the snow leopard gets hungry again. At one time, this big cat requires from 3 to 5 kg of meat.


When they talk about animals of Baikal, first of all, they remember predators, their rare and endangered species, forgetting about. The hare is an animal, without which many of the “predatory and beautiful” would simply die of hunger. Hares live throughout the reserve and serve as food for almost all predators.

The white hare themselves are large animals. They weigh from 2.5 to 5 kg, and can reach 50 cm in length. It is generally accepted that hares are active in the evening and at night, but on Baikal hares are always active.

They dig deep minks, from 8-9 m, this is due to the fact that hares still prefer not to become prey to the hungry inhabitants of the “book”. White hare eats absolutely all plants, including leaves, fruits and flowers, and roots. In winter they eat bark and branches.

Bunnies love to reproduce; a year a hare brings 3-4 litters of 2-6 hares. Hares live in large “families” on the territory of the reserve, and they are quite social and often “help out” each other.


Living all over to the globe, on the shores of the lake reserve, are, oddly enough, unique. Only here the red foxes treat people absolutely calmly, and when they see a group of ecotourists, they not only do not leave, but begin to “pose”, smiling with all their charming faces.

It should be noted that this tactic has borne fruit and the popularity of red-haired sly ones among tourists has surpassed the rarest Pallas's cats, lynxes, and even snow leopards.

At the same time, the foxes themselves, of course, do not care about their own demand; tourists simply always leave something tasty, for example, cookies, which the foxes eat with great pleasure. Guides turn a blind eye to such things, because rave reviews from those who “talked” with foxes attract new tourists to the reserve.

- a graceful beast. Individuals living along the shores of the lake are slightly different from those living in European forests. The weight of the local chanterelle ranges around 10-15 kg, and the length reaches 80-90 cm, excluding the tail. The tail is from 60 cm, and foxes grow it not for human fur coats, but as a “stabilizer” while running.

42-toothed redheaded beauties usually lead night look life, but not on Lake Baikal. Whether this is due to tourists or to the round-the-clock activity of the fox’s main food, hares, is not clear.

Chanterelles all over the world live from 3 to 10 years, but in the reserve their life is longer; according to statistics collected with the help of rangers, local foxes begin to die at 15-17 years.

Foxes use burrows only for shelter from danger or bad weather and for hatching fox cubs. If the weather is good, there are no enemies around and the fox is not going to give birth - she will simply lie down to sleep under a bush, curled up.

Foxes are excellent hunters, but on Lake Baikal they are also excellent fishermen and lovers of eating worms and larvae. This also distinguishes the local “redheads” from everyone else.

They do not have a specific time for “marital relations”, but they prefer to give birth in early spring. Cases have been recorded when a female drove away a male in a cruel manner, and if the fox had succeeded, the cubs would have appeared in the “winter”.

Both parents participate in raising children. What does the family of foxes have to do with it - for life, just like with wolves. Each family has its own territory. However, if there is enough food, foxes calmly treat “guests”.

Generally, animals of Lake Baikal, just like birds and fish, all together created their own unique, special world. All of them are closely interconnected, both with each other and with the lake itself.

This is evident at first glance; it is not without reason that, despite the high price of the tour, the number of ecotourists is constantly increasing, and those who have already been will definitely come to the reserve again.

Everyone knows Baikal as the deepest lake in the world, but not everyone is aware of its beauty. A person who comes to its shore plunges into an atmosphere of bliss and peace. This is because these waters are beautiful.

Animals of Lake Baikal For many years they have surprised scientists with their diversity. There are more than 2.5 thousand of them. Some representatives are unique. The extensive local fauna is explained by the large amount of oxygen in the lake.

It’s interesting, but there is no exact answer to the question of the origin of the name “Baikal”. Most experts believe that the lake was nicknamed this way by the ancestors of the Buryats, who came here in the 2nd century BC. From their dialect, the name was translated as “mighty standing water.”

The peculiarity of this reservoir is that in almost the entire territory it is surrounded by a mountain range. This creates living conditions for some representatives of the animal world.

Since the nature and fauna of Lake Baikal are unique, the authorities classify it as a planetary nature reserve. However, anyone can relax here, but only from late spring to mid-autumn. Almost the entire territory of Baikal is densely populated by mammals, insects, birds and other representatives of the fauna.

Most of them are widespread in the world, but scientists identify some animals that are rare and endangered. Endemics of Baikal, that is, the species of animals that live exclusively here are surprising in their diversity. Among them: seal, mustachioed night bat, omul and others.

Moustached bat

This is one of the rare species bat. It is distinguished by its small size and bright brown-red color. A feature of the mustachioed bat is the oblong shape of its ears. It can be found here near the mountainous area, mainly at night. The baleen bat is a herd animal. There are from 3 to 20 individuals in one group. This animal is a predator. He hunts at night, near a wooden crown.

The moustached bat flies quite quickly, because of this, it is almost impossible to follow its turn. She is afraid of the cold, so she flies to the South for the winter. Every year the number of the baleen bat decreases. Scientists do not have an exact answer as to what this is connected with. There is an assumption that its population is negatively affected by the cutting down of trees on Lake Baikal.

Baikal bat

Baikal seal

This representative of the animals of Lake Baikal is the most famous endemic of this lake. Nerpa is main symbol these places. This is due to hunting for the purpose of obtaining valuable fur, meat and fat. Today, seal hunting is not punishable by law, however, due to the rapid decline in the population, the authorities have introduced restrictions on its hunting.

It’s interesting, but to this day it is not known exactly how the seal settled on Lake Baikal. According to the most popular version, the beast came here from the Northern Arctic Ocean V ice age.

In fact, a seal is a large one that, while swimming in the water, periodically swims ashore to take a breath of air. It is worth noting that the seal is the only Baikal mammal.

To get fish, they dive deep underwater, more than 150 meters. They can stay there for 20 to 30 minutes. The seal is a unique creature because it can independently terminate a pregnancy if it understands that there are no appropriate conditions for raising offspring.

However, in nature this happens extremely rarely. Sometimes the development of the embryo in the womb of a female seal is suspended, that is, it falls into suspended animation. He can remain in this state until the next pregnancy. Thus, a female seal can give birth to 2 individuals at once.

Red Wolf

List animals of the Red Book of Baikal was replenished by the red one, whose number today is less than 100. Those who have at least once seen this animal say that in its appearance it is more like a fox than a wolf. This is justified, since the color of this small animal is bright red, like a fox.

But, in behavior and habits, he is completely like a wolf. This is a pack animal. The red wolf hunts only in a group. Its role in the pack is determined by its size and behavior. The leader of red wolves is a large male who is not afraid to challenge others, thereby declaring his rights.

Baikal red wolf


Among unique animals of Baikal, a fox who is not at all afraid of people. This is her main feature. Due to the lack of fear, many foxes even approach tourists, allowing them to touch them.

Males weigh up to 15 kg, females - up to 12. Without a tail, the length of an average-sized individual is 80 cm. In this area, foxes live from 15 to 18 years, although their average life expectancy in other parts of the world is only 10 years.

Each such animal has a hole. It is especially necessary for females. The fox leaves its offspring in the hole, heading into the forest for food. But small game is not the only sustenance for this beast. When there is no time to hunt, the fox eats fish and worms.

Saker Falcon

Because animal world Baikal is diverse, unique birds of the order Falconiformes are found here. One of them is the saker falcon. In terms of size, this creature resembles more a raven than a falcon. The back of the saker falcon is brown, and the front is light with black and gray circles. The color of young individuals is more variegated.

Saker falcon is predatory bird, which hunts small game, mainly gophers. He builds nests only on tall trees so that, when taking off, you can have a good look around the area in search of food. Less commonly, the saker falcon settles on a mountain ridge near the water.

Due to the rapid deforestation of the local forest in the last 10 years, the food resource has decreased significantly. Therefore, now this bird of prey is on the verge of extinction.

Baikal omul

This animal belongs to the salmon class. Its catch is very valuable for the Russian fishing industry. This creature is found exclusively in these waters. Fish soup, casseroles, and pies are prepared from omul. They boil it, fry it, smoke it, etc. Every dish made from this fish is very tasty, so tourists often ask to cook Baikal omul for them.

In the period from mid to late autumn, it comes out to spawn. Small 1 cm larvae appear in the water in April. The size of the average individual is 50 cm, and the weight is 900 g. It is very rare to catch a large omul, the weight of which reaches 4-6 kg.


One of the largest Baikal animals. The weight of a medium-sized male is 500 kg, body length is 2 m. They settle mainly on the coast, less often in the forest.

The older a moose gets, the stronger its antlers grow. At the age of 15 they stop developing. By the way, the average life expectancy of this beautiful beast is 30 years. The animal's horns fall off and grow back every year.

Yes, this is a very rare animal. There are no more than 50 individuals in this area. The snow leopard is a predator, but it almost never attacks humans because it is afraid of them. As for hunting, it is very difficult to catch this powerful beast.

The weight of a male snow leopard is from 50 to 65 kg. Females are smaller in size than males, so they weigh less, up to 45 kg. Since this animal belongs to the cat family, it hunts mainly from ambush.

The snow leopard attacks suddenly, having previously taken cover. When he has chosen a victim, the likelihood that she will be able to escape is minimal. The animal hunts ungulates, rabbits, hares, rams and goats. To get enough to eat snow leopard you need from 2 to 4 kg of fresh meat per day.


This is a small and very beautiful bird that lives on Lake Baikal. She belongs to the sandbox class. The peculiarity of the sandpiper is its thin straight beak, which is much shorter than that of other birds. It is also distinguished from others by its long, thin fingers.

Thanks to special structure legs, the bird moves very quickly on the ground. Therefore, tourists often manage to see small running shorebirds on the shores of Lake Baikal, which they confuse with animals.

Their bottoms are colored White color, in front - brown. IN winter time years, they become darker. Waders make nests on the tops of trees, less often on bushes. To do this, they use last year's grass or willow leaves.

Visually, the nest of this small bird is rather weakly expressed. It is a plane with a small notch. Waders lay eggs at the beginning of summer, later in the middle. The chicks become covered with feathers within 1.5 months after hatching from the egg.

White hare

This is one of the most widespread animals in the world. Due to rapid reproduction, the white hare population in these areas increases every year. Despite its cute appearance, all predators of Lake Baikal feed on it.

This type of hare is quite large. The weight of a medium-sized male is 3-4 kg, and a female is 2-2.5. Growing up, they reach up to 60 cm in length. One more distinctive feature Baikal hare hare is their excessive activity. Almost the entire waking period they are in motion.

The white hare belongs to the group of herbivorous animals. In the warm season they eat roots, berries and leaves, and in the cold season they eat wood bark. Everyone knows this animal as a fast breeder. Every year, an adult hare gives birth to 2 to 5 offspring, that is, approximately 30 hares.

Siberian sturgeon

The population of this fish on Lake Baikal decreases every year. This is due to the increased frequency of sturgeon catches. This fish is widespread in these areas, it is found both in shallow water and in the depths of the lake. The Siberian sturgeon is a long-lived fish. Her average life expectancy is 50 years. The standard length of an individual is 1.5 meters, weight is 120 kg.

mallard duck

This living creature, like the seal, is “ business card» Baikal. The Baikal mallard duck is 1.5 times larger than the usual one. She can often be found on the shore of the lake. The head is bright green, the beak is yellow, the sternum is brown, and the back is orange. To many, such a bird may seem motley, but the lower the air temperature drops, the darker it becomes.

Mallard ducks build their nests only near water. The Baikal mountain ranges do not have them. Closer to winter, they migrate to the South, to where the water does not freeze. Surprisingly, such a bird as the mallard duck is very sensitive to hatching its offspring. The female mother spends 3 to 4 weeks with her chicks, which have not yet hatched, regularly incubating them. At one time, she lays about 10 eggs.

Male and female mallard ducks

Musk deer

When you meet such an animal for the first time, having never heard anything about it before, you can be a little scared. After all, at first impression, he is antlerless deer, but if you pay attention to his mouth, he will immediately visually transform into a tiger. The presence of large fangs in this animal is associated with its need to eat lichen. He easily lifts it from the tree thanks to his teeth.

Local residents have a legend that the musk deer was born as a result of the love between a deer and a lynx. Of course, there is no scientific confirmation of this. Today, the animal is at the stage of extinction.

The reason is the great attention hunters pay to their musk, a substance that has found use in cooking, medicine and even perfumery. The body length of an average individual is 90 cm, weight is 15 kg. Male musk deer are slightly longer and larger than females.


Such a snake cannot be called large. The average length of its body is 70 cm. The peculiarity of this species is a well-shaped and pronounced neck, as well as a fairly large and rounded head, hence the name - copperhead.

There are 4 types of such snakes on Lake Baikal:

  • Eastern;
  • Water;
  • Rocky;
  • Ussuriyskaya.

The entire body of the copperhead, regardless of its type, is covered with brown spots. In adult individuals there are about 40 of them.


This predatory animal belongs to the class of mustelids. At first glance, it may seem that the wolverine is a timid and overly cautious animal. This is a misconception. In fact, it is one of the world's most ferocious predators. In appearance, this beast resembles a reduced brown bear. Average body length adult– 90-100 cm.

The peculiarity of the wolverine is that it loves walking. On Lake Baikal you can often find animals walking peacefully, cute at first glance. However, it is during the walk that the animal looks for prey.

It feeds primarily on rodents. If it was not possible to find a favorite delicacy, the wolverine will not disdain bird eggs that it finds in the nest, and even carrion. Very rarely, this predator attacks large herbivores, such as deer. But they easily attack a wounded or dying animal.

Mongolian toad

The population of this animal decreases every year. The average size of the Mongolian toad is 6 cm for females and 8 cm for males. Its main feature is its white-green color. The older the toad, the darker its back. Knowing this, you can easily distinguish an adult from a young one.

This species settles in the mouths of local tributaries, mainly in wetlands. Tourists rarely manage to meet the Mongolian toad on modern Lake Baikal.


This funny animal belongs to the class of semi-aquatic rodents. The muskrat is smaller than the nutria or beaver. Her average weight– 1.5 kg. Despite the fact that the animal spends a long time in the water, it practically does not freeze. This is due to the special fur that does not get wet.

The muskrat's belly is lighter than its back. Each of the animal's limbs has several small membranes. This allows him to swim well and move quickly in the water. By the way, a lot important role In aquatic movement, the muskrat plays a role in its tail, which it, like many other rodents, uses as a “rudder.”

On Lake Baikal, these animals live from 3 to 8 years. She chooses her place of residence very carefully. An important condition for him is a large number of vegetation and the availability of fresh water. The muskrat feeds on small fish and vegetation.

This is a unique animal that in nature plays the role of a real architect. Muskrats build 2-story dwellings in case the water level rises. They often build additional rooms, using them as a pantry to store food for the winter. To enter such a “hut”, the animal will have to dive under water.

Baikal muskrat

Brown bear

This is one of the largest mammals in the world, which is also found on Lake Baikal. Here they are real natural emperors. Other animals are afraid of being eaten by a bear, so they prefer not to encounter it. And if, nevertheless, this happens, there is nothing left to do but run.

However, this is not always advisable, because, as is known, a brown bear attacks only if it is hungry. A much greater danger to small game is represented by a female bear who cares for her offspring. If she senses movement in the nearest radius, she will certainly attack.

The average body length of this animal is 1.5 meters, and its weight is 250 kg. Males are much larger than females. The favorite food of this animal is fish. It also feeds on berries and roots. But the love of fish makes the brown bear spend a lot of time near the river. They winter in dens.


This small animal belongs to the class of hamsters. It was called “vodyanka” because of the desire to settle near water: rivers, lakes, streams, etc. There are many of them on Baikal. Dropsy is one of the most widespread rodents in Russia, which can be found in almost any region. The body length of the individual is up to 30 cm. A special feature of this animal is its small ears. Behind the large dense fur, it is almost impossible to see them.

Although cute and funny appearance, dropsy is considered a pest, since, during the flood period, it prefers to settle in vegetable gardens, digging deep holes there.

Her favorite food is worms. In addition to them, dropsy eats wood bark and shoots of some plants. She justifies the title of “pest” by eating garden crops. One such individual can cause damage to more than 50 square meters of crop in 1 agricultural season.


The first thing that distinguishes the Baikal boar from an ordinary pig is the long, thick bristles that cover its entire body. By the way, speaking about the animal’s body, it should be noted that it has a slightly oblong and flat shape.

The second difference between a boar and a pig is the presence of 2 sharp fangs protruding from the mouth. They prefer to settle in dense forests. But wild boars often go to meadow mountain areas.

The diet of the Baikal wild boar includes: acorns, nuts, bulbs of some flowers, worms, rhizomes and insects. Sometimes they don’t mind eating bird eggs or small animals.

Boars rarely attack humans. To activate the defense mechanism, you need to cross its territory. All the species we have considered today, taken together, create a unique natural world, which is definitely worth protecting.

From a bird's eye view, the lake looks like a big eye. Baikal is magical in summer blue color, and in winter - green. Exactly this deep lake planets. Although its true depth is still disputed. Baikal changes its color throughout the year. Where is Baikal? What kind of inhabitants can you find here? What will please the plant world? All this will be discussed in the article.

What is Baikal?

So let's start from the beginning. Where is Baikal? This natural miracle is located in the center of the Asian continent on the border of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. The lake extends from northeast to southwest for 620 km and has a crescent shape. It is the deepest lake in the world and also the largest reservoir drinking water. The Holy Sea, as this lake is also called, was included in the UNESCO heritage list in 1996.

Lake Baikal consists of more than 150 rivers and streams, and only one river, the Angara, flows out of it. This is an amazing body of water that never looked the same two days in a row. A lake that has been frozen for 6 months. When you stand in front of this huge mass of water, you will understand how nature can be creative and mysterious at the same time. And we must thank Baikal for creating heaven on earth, where natural laws control the lives of local residents and where the last word remains with the shamanic gods.

Nature of Baikal: the overall picture

Baikal is home to 2,630 species and varieties of plants and animals, of which two thirds are endemic. The richness and diversity of flora and fauna is explained by the high oxygen content in the lake water, regardless of depth. The plants and animals of Lake Baikal are very diverse: from the smallest representatives to the largest, from rare to common. For example, the smallest living creatures of Lake Baikal are protozoa. This single-celled organisms, of which there are about 300 species.

The vast water area attracts many birds, including total 236 species of birds were found there, including 29 species of waterfowl (ducks, gulls, gray herons, geese, swans).

Pribaikalskaya taiga - native home for brown bear, ermine, sable, weasel, badger, wolverine and chipmunk.

One of the most interesting inhabitants of the lake is the nerpa (Baikal seal). This is the only representative aquatic mammals on the lake. These animals reach a length of 120-150 cm and weigh from 65 to 100 kg. The closest relatives of seals live in the northern seas, in Lake Ladoga and the Caspian Sea.

Mysterious Baikal seal: predator of a deep lake

Seals in modern world received a very important role. Compared to their competitors, they have some important advantages: for example, unlike otters, seals are equipped with a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, which is a better heat insulator. They are not as sensitive to change environment, like manatees, and, what distinguishes them from dolphins, are able to live in freezing bodies of water.

How exactly the seal got into Lake Baikal is unknown, but most likely it penetrated through the Lena into the system of lakes bordering ancient Baikal. Even today, seals find their way into rivers and can safely swim a thousand kilometers. Thus, the Baikal seal even reached Mongolia through the Selenga River.

Even 4,500 years ago, seals on Lake Baikal were a source of food for hunters. Today, the capture of seal pups has completely ceased, although commercial hunting of adult seals still exists. Nowadays, the number of Baikal seals varies from 50 to 80 thousand units.

The life of a seal begins at the end of spring; babies are born the size of a human calf and are able to see light even through two meters thick ice. The three-day-old baby is already learning to swim and play with fish and ice. When immersed in water, he should be very careful so that the hole in the ice does not freeze. Within a month, the seal leaves its home and goes on a journey across Lake Baikal.

When the ice melts, seals often migrate across the lake, diving to depths of up to 400 meters, catching the 29 species of fish and crustaceans that inhabit Lake Baikal. Seals may not be as intelligent as dolphins, but they are also very smart. They know the surroundings of Lake Baikal very well and love to watch other animals while basking in the sun. The seal is a symbol of Lake Baikal, and seeing it in person is a real happiness.

Attention! The Bears!

The nature of Baikal can also be dangerous. The silent and dense forests of the taiga are the abode of bears. Yes, bears live on Baikal, or “bears”, as they are affectionately called local residents. People treat these animals with caution, although they already accept them as their own. An experienced hunter will never go into the forest without a weapon. It is not surprising that bears on Lake Baikal are called the masters of the taiga.

In the southern environs of Lake Baikal, especially in areas inhabited by people, you will not see bears as often, however, moving north, the likelihood of this increases. Most bears live in this part, which is famous for its untouched nature and more like a heavenly place. A smaller number of clubfooted animals live on the mountainous Svyatoy Nos peninsula. If you want to see the beauty of Lake Baikal, but are afraid of meeting bears, then feel free to go to Olkhon Island. Bears have never lived there and do not live there. Only one bear accidentally wandered there once, when he forgot to sleep in winter and crossed on an ice floe from the mainland to the island.

Lake inhabitants

There are 50 species of fish in the lake. The largest group is gobies (25 species). Largest representative aquatic fauna- sturgeon. Sturgeon live in Lake Baikal at a depth of about 50 meters. They are the most big fish living in the lake. The average length of this Baikal fish is about 2 meters, and the weight can reach 20 kg. Sturgeon live on average 60 years. This is until someone catches her, as fishermen in the area Lake Baikal so many.

The most famous fish of Lake Baikal are golomyankas. They have a transparent pale pink body and reach a length of 15-18 cm. When you see them, you get the impression that they are glowing. Golomyanka serves as the main food product for Baikal seals.

In addition, a large number of worms, mollusks, and crustaceans live there. Crustaceans are an important component in the diet of fish.

Flora of the surrounding area

The nature of Baikal will enchant anyone. The lake is surrounded by beautiful mountain ranges that reach an altitude of 2,000 meters above its level. The coast is slightly indented and stretches for 2100 kilometers. The lake itself consists of several bays and bays. In total, Baikal consists of 27 islands, the most popular of which is Olkhon.

600 species of plants live on the surface and under water, some of which are found only here. Vegetation typical of Lake Baikal can be found in the taiga. The lowest position is occupied mainly by pines and larches. Spruce and fir grow a little higher. In the south and in river valleys you can see birch and aspen trees. 7 species of rhododendrons can be considered a decoration of the local flora. A lot of plants grow on Baikal, the fruits of which are widely used on the farm - raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, wild garlic, snake garlic, etc. Baikal is unique among lakes in that mushrooms grow at its great depths.

Despite the fact that Baikal is gradually and continuously drying out, it offers its guests to admire a beautiful spectacle. The wild landscape hides many secrets and here you can see that man has never conquered nature.

When to come

If you can’t get to Baikal between January and May, when almost the entire surface of the lake is covered with ice up to two meters thick, then come in the summer. Most tourists choose this time of year, as it is the most favorable time for their expeditions - there is no sweltering heat here. The water temperature in the lake at this time rises to 15 degrees, it blows strong wind, which is capable of causing waves on the lake up to 5 meters high and “mixing” the water to a depth of 250 meters. In general, Baikal is especially beautiful in summer.

Baikal climate

Already in early October, the nearby mountains are covered with a white carpet of snow, but the water in the lake freezes only in early January. Due to the thickness of the ice, the lake can be crossed by trucks. Where still water is frozen, the ice is as clear as glass. You can see fish underneath it. This phenomenon is rare, as the harsh cold creates a sinuous mosaic on the ice. The last remnants of ice will melt only in June, but at the end of August the water can warm up to 15-20 degrees. The nature of Baikal can bring some “surprises”. One windy day is enough for the water temperature to drop to 10 degrees again. Baikal weather can be treacherous every season. Sarma most often occurs in winter and reaches the speed and force of a hurricane. Menacing winds that regularly batter the shores of Lake Baikal can be called frequent guests here.

Baikal is amazing at any time of the year and in all its forms, but it is not always hospitable. For the most part, Baikal is harsh, which is why it fascinates and inspires respect. Once you visit the lake, you will want to come back here again and again. The nature of Baikal will not leave any person indifferent.

According to Buryat legends, Lake Baikal is connected to all existing oceans, seas and fast rivers, it has no bottom, and in its secret-filled depths you can see the silver palace of Erlik Khan. The taiga constantly changing its shades, colorfully painted lichens, endless expanses of heaven - everyone who finds themselves on the shores of Lake Baikal for the first time certainly experiences an extraordinary feeling of delight and fear from the grandeur and silence surrounding nature. Bottomless depths, venerable age, former connection with the ocean, crystal clear waters, their high oxygen saturation - all these factors contributed to the development of the unique fauna and vegetation of modern Baikal.

Baikal gives nature lovers not only peace of mind, but also the pleasure of science. Manifold flora The lake delights botanists of the most famous scientific centers. Its rocky bottom is covered with a carpet of diatoms, branched bushes, cylinders about 1 m high, and tubes, together forming a fabulously beautiful undersea world. To date, descriptions of more than 600 species of plants in the lake are known. Among them are a large number of different algae: benthic blue-green algae, small groups of golden and pyrophytic algae, widespread in plankton fresh water. Reeds and water lilies grow on the shores of the bays.


The high oxygen content became the reason for the abundant population of Baikal with living organisms. About 2,600 species of animals live here, most of which are endemic. One of the endemics is the epishura crustacean, which performs the function of a filter and is an important link in the food chain lakes. At the bottom of the reservoir, entire groves of Baikal sponges grow, or rather live, with branches reaching a height of 60 - 70 cm. water depths a lot of fish. The most common among them are grayling, whitefish, burbot and the famous Baikal omul. In summer it is caught in open lakes, in winter - under ice. Baikal is home to the viviparous golomyanka fish, which can descend to a depth of 1000 meters. One more interesting representative The animal world of Lake Baikal is the seal.

Baikal sponges

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