Development of intelligence in adults. How to easily develop intelligence, creativity and erudition: exercises

Intelligence is a special quality of the human psyche, which includes the ability to adapt to various life situations, learn and assimilate information based on experience, understand and apply abstract concepts and existing knowledge in order to manage the surrounding reality. Simply put, intelligence is general ability a person to cognize and overcome difficulties, combining such spheres as thinking, imagination, representation, memory, perception and sensation.

It is easy to notice that intelligence covers the work of several parts of the human brain at once, from which it follows that it should be applied to its development as well. A complex approach, consisting of different ways. The methods that you will become acquainted with further can be used as a special system for developing intelligence (and), and it can be used to train it in both children and adults.

Development of intelligence: simple and effective ways

The information you will become acquainted with may at first glance seem extremely unusual when it comes to the development of intelligence, but it is in its unusualness and simplicity that the greatest effectiveness lies. It is also interesting that it can be used without much effort in Everyday life by simply devoting a little of your time every day.

Method one - optimal time to rest

This method can be called basic, because in a state of fatigue and exhaustion, there can be no talk of any development of intelligence and memory, as well as other abilities. So first, start devoting appropriate time and attention to your sleep. Healthy sleep is not only an excellent prevention of absent-mindedness, forgetfulness and difficulty thinking, but also increases intelligence and everything mental capacity at all. I’m interested in an article on the topic of sleep, by the way, you can read.

Method two - keeping records

Here we're talking about about analyzing information through record keeping. Often, each of us has smart thoughts and good ideas, but instead of trying to remember them, as most people do, we advise you to write them down. Besides, in in writing You can also think, thinking through prospects and options for the development of events, making plans and lists. This way you will use several parts of the brain and, at the same time, improve your concentration. As for the analysis of information, its visual display will allow you to see the broader picture and make the right decisions based on this vision.

Method three - peace and quiet

Many people at the end of the working day, and at any time free time, are not at all engaged in the development of intelligence, but in some activities that do not contribute to this at all. These include being “stuck” on social networks, meaningless conversations on the phone or non-developing computer games. This tendency is especially evident in children. All this, of course, may have a time and place in life, but if there is a goal to develop intelligence, it is better to be in peace and quiet as much as possible - this allows you to generate new ideas, think over plans, find correct and wise solutions to complex problems and generally better and have better quality rest.

Method four - educational games

To develop intelligence and memory, attention and concentration, it is very useful to play, for example, logic games, chess and checkers, dominoes (Monopoly, Imaginarium, Millionaire, etc.). If you make such a pastime regular, you can create an effective system for developing not only intelligence, but also the ability to analyze, count in your head, find cause-and-effect relationships, make calculations and develop thinking in general. You can also devote time to completing various developmental trainings and courses, for example.

Method five – communication with people

Interaction and communication with different people brings a huge number of positive aspects - it broadens your horizons, helps you obtain new information, gets rid of complexes, develops communication skills, and self-esteem. To provide your intellect with the basis for constant development, communicate with others as much as possible, and try to communicate with people who are better than you in some ways, for example, smarter, more educated, stronger, more confident, wealthier, etc. The higher you set the bar for yourself, the stronger and more developed a person you can become.

Method six - reading books

Another excellent and simple way to develop intelligence in children and adults is reading. People always keep their brain in good shape and cognitively active. By filling it with new information, they simply force themselves to grow personally and intellectually. In addition, a well-read person experiences much fewer difficulties in communicating with others, because literature carries information of a completely different kind, which can always be successfully applied in life. And another advantage of reading is that a well-read person with a developed outlook can be an excellent conversationalist in almost any situation.

Method seven - make familiar things unusual

It's about doing quite ordinary everyday things in extraordinary ways. We all brush our teeth every day, wash our faces, comb our hair, wash the dishes and tie our shoelaces - such things have long become habitual and are performed automatically, which means that the brain does not strain at all. But it’s really possible to make a cool system for developing intelligence out of them. Start taking new routes to work, fasten your seat belt backwards, always cross the road starting with your left foot, etc. This way you will activate your thought processes, you will begin to pay attention to little things, you will... Remember that even such trivial experiments contribute to the development of the mind and serve in a good way training intelligence and memory, attention and concentration, thinking and creativity.

Method eight – fine arts

To develop your intellect, you don’t have to become the next Pablo Picasso or Leonardo da Vinci - you can just do it from time to time. Set yourself the task of drawing a specific picture, and you will notice how your brain begins to work more actively. When a person draws, both hemispheres of the brain are activated, concentration increases and coordination improves. In addition, in the process of drawing a person seems to disconnect from outside world for some time, thanks to which the consciousness is cleared and rested.

Method nine - constant training

Learning is always progress and moving forward. Thus, by constantly absorbing new knowledge and mastering new skills, you will automatically force your intelligence to develop. Anything can be suitable: a detailed study of a world map, immersion in historical chronicles, reading autobiographies of famous people, etc. But you can go further and, for example, get a new specialty, take retraining and advanced training courses or even start running your own business. Such a development system will be an excellent assistant for you and will always keep your intellect in good shape.

Method ten - self-education

This method is a logical continuation of the previous one. Unfortunately, not every person is ready, but those who are thinking about training their intellect make self-education an indispensable part of their life. There are more than enough opportunities for this today. Read books and textbooks, learn new things and communicate with interesting people, get involved in unusual things and find a hobby, watch documentaries and educational programs. And if you want to engage in self-education in full, you can, for example, take some good online training. Here we would like to remind you that any new information, if it suggests practical use, must always be used in practice - only in this way will self-education become complete and effective.

Method eleven - positive thinking

Naturally, life never goes absolutely smoothly, and sometimes it brings surprises. Circumstances and situations that we did not even suspect can deprive us of strength and unsettle us, make us worry and sound the alarm. But they should be perceived precisely as another chance for self-development and intellectual development. By gathering our will, rising from our knees and directing energy in the right direction, we become stronger, more experienced, wiser and smarter. And a special role in all this is played by nothing other than positive thinking, because... It is what allows us to remain calm, think creatively, be persistent and self-confident. And from here all the other benefits flow - training time management and planning skills, developing willpower and stress resistance. Remember that life, together with all its events, can itself be used by you as an ideal system for the development of intelligence. And such an attitude towards it should be formed in both children and adults.

Method twelve - vision of prospects

The ability to see perspectives is a defining link on the path to success and a fulfilling life. If you learn to always be determined to look for new steps to develop, your thinking will be entirely focused on analyzing the prospects that exist for you. In reality, fate constantly offers you something valuable and significant, and your task is to see, understand and appreciate. By thinking constructively, you contribute to the development of your intellect and artificially create for yourself the need to expand your horizons. And everyone who strives for self-improvement should act exactly this way, and not otherwise. Without this component, it will simply be impossible to achieve full success and happiness.

Method thirteen - physical activity

Despite the fact that this method of developing intelligence is considered more indirect than direct, it gives excellent results. Firstly, by exercising yourself physically, you help improve blood circulation, enrich your brain with oxygen, thanks to which it begins to function many times more efficiently, and promote the production of the protein responsible for the formation of neurons - a key element in the development of intellectual abilities. Secondly, physical labor is a wonderful way to relax and gain strength for your mind, because... if he is constantly tired, the effectiveness of any work on himself will be greatly reduced. And thirdly, coupled with mental development, this is the most complete development that we should strive for. If you wish, you can sign up for sports section or go to Gym, although jogging, exercise, breathing exercises and banal push-ups are quite suitable.

A lot depends on how well your intellect is developed. Of course, it cannot be called decisive in achieving success and improving your life, but if your intellectual abilities are well developed and you work on yourself, your chances of self-realization and realizing your dreams increase many times over. Train your intellect and memory, develop a desire for improvement in yourself and your children, and, of course, improve your thinking - then unprecedented opportunities will open up before you that can make your life bright, rich and happy.

Human intelligence is responsible for assimilating new information, understanding and applying the experience gained in life. In simple terms, it combines the ability to think, imagine, remember, imagine and perceive reality. To develop abilities, you should develop your intellect through exercises, riddles and tasks.

Evgeniy was always an excellent student and distinguished himself by success in his studies at the university. But he did not want to stop at the achieved stage, as a result of which he began to look for ways to self-development. After studying a lot of materials, he came to the conclusion that it was necessary to use a comprehensive method. Using only developmental tasks or reading, a person quickly gets bored with this activity. Therefore, for successful improvement, entire lists have been created with methods for increasing the level of knowledge.

After regular training, Sergei saw a positive result. He didn’t want to stop at this stage, and now over time he complicates the tasks and constantly learns new things. This example not only gives you confidence in the effectiveness of the method, but also motivates you to engage in self-development.

Multiple theory of intelligence

In 1983, scientist Howard Gardner described in his book the theory of seven models of intelligence. Working in this area, a few years later he added another model. This theory has gained incredible popularity. The reason for this is the following fact. People have learned that the development of brain activity occurs in different areas, depending on the individual characteristics of the individual.

The scientist’s work has proven that every person has high intelligence in different areas. All 8 models come together to create a common background of intellectual development.

Basis for this development genetic characteristics and life experience become.

  1. Language.
  2. Logical-mathematical.
  3. Musical.
  4. Bodily-kinetic.
  5. Interpersonal.
  6. Intrapersonal.
  7. Spatial.
  8. Naturalistic.

Many attempts have been made to create a test for the level of development of a certain intelligence. These tests were intended to enable a person to determine which intelligence he can develop and which one prevails. But the scientist came to the conclusion that this is almost unrealistic. This is because the questions in the tests would provide information about people's interests and preferences.

Ways to develop intelligence

It may seem that the described techniques and intelligence have nothing in common. But don't assume in advance. It is in the unusualness that the effectiveness of the exercises lies. The particular advantage lies in the everyday use of these methods. The main thing is to practice regularly, and without being distracted by extraneous moments.

  1. Rest. The basis of all fundamentals in any development of the human body. In a tired state, the effect of exercise will be minimal. Therefore, before starting self-development, you need to have a good rest.
  2. Records. The main analysis of information occurs at the time of recording data in a notebook. There are times when a brilliant idea comes to mind, but instead of quickly writing it down, a person relies on his memory. Also, with the help of notes it is convenient to think about future plans or events. There is a high probability that everything planned will be accomplished when everything has been written down on paper.
  3. Quiet environment. A large mass of people after a working day are accustomed to doing not general development, but activities that contribute to additional fatigue in the body. Such activities include computer games, social networks, TV, etc. Instead, it is better to sit down and read a book in a quiet environment or go for an evening walk.
  4. Games for development. Logic games are considered an excellent way to develop mental abilities. There are games for both one and the whole family. For example, charades, crosswords, checkers, chess, dominoes, team board games.
  5. Communication. Thanks to communication, a person can not only brighten up his leisure time, but also learn a lot of new things. Communication with more smart people. You want to reach out to them and absorb the experience. Also, frequent acquaintances will relieve stiffness, shyness and develop communication skills.
  6. Reading. This type of development helps develop imagination and vocabulary. This method is suitable for both adults and children. You just need to choose the appropriate literature. By reading an educational book, a person constantly keeps his brain in good shape.
  7. Education. Through learning, a person always strives to become smarter. While in class, both theoretical and practical skills are learned. If a person is not studying anywhere at the moment, you can start studying languages ​​or any other interesting topic on your own.
  8. Self-education. This method partially relates to learning, since a person finds half of the knowledge on his own. Having desires, you can always find an opportunity to learn something new and useful. IN modern world There are plenty of opportunities to learn. For example, free master classes, webinars, etc.

It is also necessary to perform physical activity, set goals for yourself, think positively and do new things that are unusual for yourself.

Tasks and puzzles for self-development

Examples of puzzles for the development of intelligence:

  1. Alexander Sergeevich decided to open his own business in sales. His goal was to open a pet store. Initially, he sold rare cats because they were available. Alexander Sergeevich purchased large cages for cats. When he let one cat into each cage, one cat was missing a house. And if there were two cats in each cage, one cage remained empty. How many cages did Alexander Sergeevich buy, and how many cats did he initially have?
    Answer: Alexander Sergeevich had 4 cats, and he bought 3 cages.
  2. Two packs of wolves lived in the same forest. One pack always told the truth, the other pack always lied. One day a man got lost in the forest and met a wolf. When the man found out that the wolf was from a pack of truthful animals, he asked to be shown the way out of the forest. On the way they met another wolf. The man asked the first wolf to go find out which pack the second wolf belonged to: liars or truthful ones. Upon returning, the wolf said that the second animal belonged to a pack of truthful wolves. Which pack did the accompanying wolf belong to?
    Answer: In the forest, any wolf from any pack could say that he was from the true pack. That is why the wolf said the only possible answer. Therefore, he was from the truthful pack.
  3. A volleyball championship was held, in which 4 teams took part: “Friendship”, “Sun”, “Jolly Guys” and “Champions”. Each team played each other once. In case of victory, the team was given 2 points, if there was a draw - 1 point, if the team was defeated - 0 points. In the last game, “Friendship” lost to the “cheerful guys.” But the Druzhba team still won the championship. The “Jolly Guys,” in turn, did not change their results. How did the “Sun” and “Champions” teams play?
    Answer: The championship consists of 6 games, therefore it is 12 points. Team "Friendship" scored no more than 4 points, because the final game was won. But a team also cannot have 3 points, since then other teams would have no more than 2 points. Therefore, groups have a maximum of 9 points. "Friendship" has 4 points. They beat the Sun and the Winners.
    Until the final game, the “Jolly Fellows” could not have two or even one point. Otherwise, if they had defeated Friendship, they would have moved up to a higher place. Therefore, the “Jolly Fellows” lost the other two games and therefore scored only two points. Consequently, "Sun" and "Champions" defeated "Jolly Guys". It's a draw between each other.

Many other interesting problems and puzzles can be found in magazines or on the Internet.


Much in a person’s life depends on the level of intelligence development. Mental ability opens many doors for successful life. At the same time, one cannot stop there. It is better to continue to develop yourself and achieve more. At the same time, as you develop independently, add children to your activities. A great way to spend time together and develop your child's intelligence. Then life will sparkle with new colors and provide a lot of opportunities.

  • What is self-development
    • Willpower
    • Motivation
    • Memory
    • Time planning
    • Discipline
    • Psychology
    • Self-esteem
    • Self confidence
  • Relationship
    • "Secret"
    • "Pay someone else"
    • Lao Tzu "Tao Te Ching"
  • What is self-development

    A person’s personality is an unstable quantity. Over the course of life, it undergoes many changes depending on what tests we withstand and what tasks we set for ourselves. And even living in the same rhythm and adhering to a stable schedule, we change. Often - not in better side, since lack of development almost always leads to degradation.

    Many people experience an identity crisis at the age of 30-35. At these moments we understand that simply living and working is not enough. That we want something deeper and more global from ourselves, that minimums do not suit us, and that not everything can be measured with money and other tangible measures.

    Some people come to this earlier, some later, and some don’t come at all. For some people, the trigger is shock; for others, insight occurs naturally and gradually. As a result, there is a desire to take the path of self-development, stop making demands on the world and start working on yourself, engaging in self-development.

    What is self-development? This is a constant and comprehensive process of working on oneself, developing one’s positive qualities in different areas - physical, intellectual, creative, emotional, spiritual. Self-development is characterized by voluntariness and self-control, when a person learns new information and applies it in practice without any external coercion.

    Why is it important to engage in self-development?

    Really, why all this torment? Learning new information, tiring exercise, constant pressure... After all, you can calmly relax on the couch, watch TV series and enjoy “doing nothing.” But idleness is imaginary happiness, the other side of which is fraught with depression and disappointment in life.

    Man is designed this way: he needs constant growth, searching for something new. Stopping moving (not only in the physical, but also in the mental sense), he begins to degrade. Swimming can be used as an example - in order to stay on the water, we must make an effort. Having relaxed and lost control, the swimmer immediately goes to the bottom.

    Look around and compare happy and unhappy acquaintances. What is the difference? Happy people open a new business, attend training courses, play sports, travel constantly, and learn something new. Unhappy people work at the same job for decades, have fun only with the help of beer and are constantly looking for someone to blame for their failures.

    The answer to our question is simple - you need to engage in self-development in order to become happy. Anyone who has set foot on this path understands that both the process itself and the results bring pleasure. And that this resource is inexhaustible, because the upper level of perfection simply does not exist.

    Where to start self-development and self-improvement

    The very, very first step that precedes any action is thought. Desire, idea - call it what you want. They are individual and formulated differently for everyone. From the vague “I don’t want to live like this anymore” to “I plan to learn five languages ​​and earn at least one hundred thousand a month.”

    The first thing you need to do is want it. Moreover, you need to want it long, persistently and continuously. At first, you will not understand how to get started, doubt your abilities, wander in the dark due to a lack of guidelines...

    Then the answers will start coming. They appear in a book that someone gave, in an unusual person, in new opportunities (for example, going on a multi-day camping trip).

    At this moment, you need to accept all constructive suggestions and all unexpected challenges. But you yourself need to constantly look for these answers, strive for them, and not sit idly by. Read articles on the Internet, watch videos on self-development, look for books, try some of the recommendations in practice. From all this, a methodology will begin to emerge, the first results will appear, and you will see your path.

    This may take a lot of time - it all depends on the person himself and his starting position. For some, a month will be enough, while others will be searching for a year or two. The main thing is not to give up and remember that the search will definitely be crowned with success.

    8 reasons why people don't develop

    It would seem that everything is simple - you take it and develop. You bought a book and read it. Or go to the gym, pick up a barbell, and lift yourself whatever you want. But no! If everything were simple, there would be a lot more people involved in self-development.

    There are many factors, the absence of which prevents us from improving.


    Psychologists have long argued about what willpower is, why some people have it and others don’t, and what to do about it. We conducted a ton of experiments and research and came to the conclusion: willpower is such a thing. personal quality, which can be developed like a muscle. And its presence is mainly determined by upbringing and habits established in childhood. Lucky were those who had disciplined and strong-willed parents who developed these qualities in their children. If this is not the case in the family, well, the path will be long, but everyone is capable of going through it.

    What is important in defining willpower as a concept is this: thanks to this personality quality, we can follow our decisions and do everything necessary to achieve our goals without succumbing to laziness, reluctance or procrastination.

    How to develop willpower? There are two main methods: doing and not doing. Doing is performing unpleasant or boring, but useful actions, for example, exercising in the morning. Non-doing is the conscious refusal of actions that cause harm. For example, from smoking or overeating.

    By the way, church post This is precisely a practice aimed at training willpower: through refusing certain foods, we learn to control ourselves. If you dig even deeper, you will find that all religions have similar practices of renunciation - food, comfort, property, certain thoughts or actions. This is because the technique of not doing strengthens willpower much more strongly.

    Willpower is a spiritual quality of the highest grade, one of the most important for a person. By developing it, you can radically change your life. Have you heard the phrase: “I know what’s right, but for some reason I do the opposite”? This is what people with undeveloped willpower say.


    Motivation is a powerful force. When a person wants something very badly, he is ready to move mountains. Did something go wrong? That means they didn’t want it well. After all, when you really want a cake, are you ready to walk three kilometers to a late-night supermarket to get it?

    So, it turns out that you need to teach yourself to want correctly? Exactly! Our cunning brain is aimed at saving energy, as Mother Evolution ordered. And he will come up with excuses to dissuade his owner from unnecessary work: “Well, why is this necessary? We're already doing well! Oh look, there's a new message in the messenger! Look, look, there are kittens in the picture!”

    Therefore, you need to use cunning against the attitudes of your own subconscious, which is lazy and only wants to have fun.

    How to motivate yourself to work? First of all, you need to set the right goals, because even the best motivation will not work when you do not understand what you want or set false goals imposed by society. For example, money or status. By listening to yourself, you may suddenly discover that what you really want to do is hitchhike or volunteer in Africa, and not spin around like a squirrel in a wheel to satisfy other people's needs.

    So, having set the right goal, we concretize and visualize it. Business - what? What will you do, target audience, idea, team, slogan, theme colors? What kind of house? How many floors, is there a garage, basement, sauna, how many rooms?

    For example, you want to start your own business, but have never done business. Create conditions in which you can understand how suitable this activity is for you: for example, register withfree business game"Your start" . This is a business simulator where you can start and develop your business in a fun and safe way, gaining a lot of useful information about entrepreneurship in the process.

    Once concretized and visualized, we must remember our goal and its positive emotional components. Constantly imagine yourself doing interesting projects in your business or choosing curtains for the bedroom in your home. Think positive.

    Do not doubt your abilities, believe in victory and do not assume other options. People who have achieved high results in life are often asked: “How were you able to implement such a complex project?” In response, many of them say: “I made the decision that I must follow this path to the end, whatever it may be.”


    Memory is very important for a harmonious personality. We constantly need the ability to remember information and operate with it: in study, work and even entertainment. You can only carry on a conversation if you have something interesting to say. How can you do this if you don’t remember the plot of the book you read or the ups and downs of your own journey?

    For successful work, memory is one of the main tools. The more a person achieves, the greater the flow of information rushes through him. How to deal with it if the flash drive does not hold large volumes? Write everything down? Well, no, this is not an option.

    Memory, like all other qualities, can be developed through exercise. For example, readhow to become smarter in 15 minutes a day, and apply this information in practice.

    Time planning

    It is impossible to complete complex and multi-stage work without planning all its steps. This also applies to self-development. Anyone who wants to change their life for the better must have a plan for the year, month, week and day.

    But you also need to be able to plan. Not everyone is able to make realistic and feasible plans the first time. Therefore, we recommend studying25 rules for planning timeso that this skill makes the job easier, not more difficult.

    There are planning secrets that optimize work so much that you wonder - where did I spend so much time before? To learn how to use all 24 hours wisely, go throughfree course to help improve productivity.


    Discipline is another pillar of self-development that you can’t do without. All practices aimed at improvement require constant and routine repetition. Anyone can go for a run once, every third person can last a week, and only a few can turn running into an integral part of their schedule.

    Discipline is necessary both in order to give up bad habits, and in order to adhere to a daily routine, and to accustom yourself to proper nutrition.

    It also takes discipline to deal with one of the worst enemies development - laziness. Finding the answers to the questionhow to overcome laziness, we become closer to our goals.


    Our results depend greatly on our mindset and attitudes. If you think “I won’t succeed anyway,” then that’s what will happen. If we consider all rich people to be thieves and scoundrels, then we will never become rich - we don’t want to be bad. If you are sure that “all men are assholes,” then you will meet such a companion.

    How to think and what to think is up to us. Find out,how to think effectively- and you will save a lot of time and effort that you spent on soul-searching, worries and destructive emotions.


    A person accepts only what he considers himself worthy of. Everyone sets their own level of income, attention from the opposite sex, and other life criteria.

    Unrealistic self-esteem (overestimated or underestimated) prevents its owner from realizing himself in life. We do illogical things and choose to lose, subconsciously believing that this should be our fate. Failures, suffering, communication with toxic people - these are all the choices of a person with unhealthy self-esteem.

    To correct the situation, you need to understandreasons for low self-esteemand try to eliminate them. Often they are hidden in deep childhood, associated with parental divorce or bullying at school - letting go of such things is very difficult, but necessary.

    Self confidence

    I will succeed, successful people tell themselves. They are confident that they are capable of achieving more, and even in case of failure they continue to believe that they will succeed, but next time.

    A person’s most important resource is himself. You need to trust yourself, believe in yourself, respect yourself and love yourself.

    But how many people hate themselves... They don’t even want to buy themselves beautiful clothes because they “don’t deserve it.” Before you start developing, you need to find the answer to the question:how to love yourself? Self-improvement without self-love is impossible...

    A harmonious personality is strong in all planes of life at the same time. To develop yourself evenly, you need to compose step by step plan, which will include all the main growth vectors.

    This plan is individual for everyone. One solves integrals in his head, but has not yet learned how to build relationships with the opposite sex, the second throws a two-pound weight with one left hand, but has read only one book in his entire life. And the third may even come to the understanding that he doesn’t really know how to do anything and has not developed any of the vectors.

    When building a plan, you need to take into account all areas, but at the same time carry out supporting work where you have already achieved success (so that there is no bias in the opposite direction) and devote more time to those aspects that have not yet been developed.

    Spirituality is a complex and multifaceted issue. We won't talk about religion and philosophy now, that's too much complex topics in order to discuss them now. Let's talk about those aspects of spirituality that make a person happy.

    Gratitude. Having learned to be grateful for every little thing, we always experience joy even in Hard times. A grateful person will be able to find a ray of hope in the fluttering of spring leaves and the games of a kitten. He easily forgives the shortcomings of his loved ones, remembering that they were there when he needed help. Gratitude is wealth.

    Love. Loving unselfishly, without possessive manners, of course, without demands - this is a high art. It brings joy, just like playing your favorite instrument or looking at the ocean. True love knows neither fear nor pain.

    A spiritual person always feels responsible for his actions, lives consciously, and strives to be better. He does not lose faith and does not allow himself to fall into despair, he strives to explore the world and be free from passions, addictions and negative thoughts.

    What do you mean by “personal growth”? This is the improvement of indicators responsible for intellectual activity and the richness of the inner world, improving the quality of life at the mental level. Achieving goals, positive thinking, developing memory and intelligence - all this is included in the concept of personal growth.

    To make it completely clear, I will say that the results of personal growth remain with us forever, even if we find ourselves completely bankrupt without a roof over our heads. A mature person will have enough knowledge and skills, fortitude and motivation, determination and self-confidence to withstand the most difficult situation. A person with low personality indicators is dependent on material possessions, and therefore lives in fear of losing what he has.

    People who have gone through illness or lost their ability to work understand the importance of health more than anyone else. You can work, study, develop, love and explore the world only if you have the strength to do so.

    Young people often neglect their health. It seems to them that they will always be strong, no matter how they eat, drink alcohol or smoke. In adulthood, feeling the consequences of their frivolity, they grab their heads and bite their elbows. Some people come to their senses in time and manage to restore their health, but it is often too late.

    We have enough information and understand wellhow to be healthy. We know very well that we should not indulge in bad habits, overeat, work until exhaustion, or be nervous a lot. But how often do we use this knowledge in practice?

    The problem of modern busy people is especially common - they do not know how to relax properly. But rest is the key to productive work. Breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation in nature, voluntary solitude, quality sleep - points that need to be given enough attention.

    You definitely need to introduce physical activity into your life, at least walks in the park. We’re not talking about professional sports – it’s more of a traumatic activity than a useful one. But light physical activity puts the body in a state of vigor and gives energy. Let it be dancing, badminton, cycling - whatever brings you pleasure. The main thing is that they should be regular.


    Each has its own type of relationship. They are different, but equally require constant work: building frameworks, expressing love, caring, spending time together. Unhappy is the one who earns a lot of money but does not see his children grow up.

    The relationship with one more person is very important - yourself. In fact, it is from them that the building of all other connections begins. Anyone who respects and loves himself knows how to respect and love others. Anyone who cannot find a common language with himself will never make friends with others.

    All people need to realize their potential at work, make a difference to others, and do something they are proud of. This is such a deep-seated need that ignoring it makes a person unhappy, even if outwardly everything is going well for him.

    Therefore, it is important to choose a business for career development that is fun and enjoyable to do. When you wake up with the thought: “Hurray, there is so much interesting work today!”, the issue of money and promotion will be resolved by itself.

    Of course, not everything in this world can be bought with money, and in general, their role is too exaggerated. But it’s impossible without them. Having financial freedom, we feel calm and confident, we can afford to travel, spend money on cultural and mental development, eat right, provide for your family, help your parents.

    Most of us are employed. In such a job you can get good income, and especially if you are a good employee and are constantly moving up the career ladder. But this is not always the case, and many specialists, having reached the career ceiling in some organization, come to the conclusion that it is time to go free. You just need to understand how to start correctly.

    To do this you can gofree training to help you start your own business. By working for ourselves, we can achieve much more financially.

    How you spend New Year? I’ll try to guess: put up the Christmas tree, set the table, buy champagne and ring your glasses as the chimes strike, making wishes. There are brave souls who break the system to smithereens - they do not cook Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat.

    Why not order a quest for the whole family? Or go to the forest, light a fire and decorate a real Christmas tree? Or do something else crazy?

    And we would like to, but we don’t know how, right? So it turns out that our imagination is enough to refuse Olivier at the New Year's table.

    Many interesting adventures and unprecedented undertakings do not require serious expenses, physical training or a lot of time. We just don't have enough ideas. In order to turn into a person rich in inventions, you need to know How develop creative thinking.

    Making your life bright is not as difficult as it seems. This is not a whim or a luxury - our soul and brain need emotions, impressions, joy, delight. All this makes our personality richer, nourishes us like a sweet elixir.

    In the process of self-development, not only the mood is important, but also the quality of information. We mainly get it from books and films, which we will discuss below.

    10 best films for self-development

    Films useful for development can be divided into three categories: feature films, where deep philosophy and motivation lie; documentaries, where you can learn more about the world around you, human psychology and the path of civilization; and biographical - about people from whom you can take an example.

    You can bring a wholelist of biographical filmsabout outstanding people, but I will remember only one thing: this is a BBC documentary about the greatest scientist who discovered many physical laws. He unraveled the nature of light and gave us the law of universal gravitation. But what kind of personality was Newton, what allowed him to become the most enlightened mind of the era and what secrets did he hide?

    A film starring the unsurpassed Jim Carrey. This story is about a loser named Carl Allen, whose life passes him by. Karl always answers “no” to all proposals and is content with the existence of a hermit, because he is afraid to even leave the apartment. But an event happens that forces Karl to say “yes” to any, even the most insane proposal. And this is where his new life begins.

    Comedy film about life priorities and about how important it is to be attentive to your words. Brings a special charm main character in the role of Eddie Murphy - this is the one who can chat endlessly and with great speed. Successful literary agent Jack McCall, who knows how to persuade even the dead, pushes family and love into the background, devoting all his time to his career and money. But after learning that there are only a thousand words left in his life, and that after saying the last he will die, Jack begins to think about what is more important to him.

    - a French comedy about two completely different people who meet each other at the most difficult moment in their lives. He tells viewers that in dark days we can be helped by those from whom we did not expect it, and that there are no chance meetings.

    is both a feature and a documentary film about planet Earth, our Home. Its author is photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, who once became interested in video shooting with hot air balloon and was able to capture many beautiful and unexpected views. Director: Luc Besson.

    We can see the beauty wildlife in all its scale, and the traces of human exploration of the planet are so small from a bird’s eye view, but have so globally changed the appearance of our Home forever. Who are we, and what is the role of each of us in the destruction or creation of the Earth? Are we ready to take responsibility for preserving our monastery?


    "Secret" - a documentary interview about how a person attracts events with the help of thought, about the power of desire and the materiality of information. The film consists of a series of interviews with different people who outline the philosophical basis of the “law of attraction” using examples from their own lives.

    - a feature film-parable with handsome James Marsden in the title role. The hero of the film, Neil Oliver, makes a wish for his birthday “to get the answer to your life,” and it is miraculously fulfilled by a nearby wizard. From this moment on, a series of amazing events unfold that go beyond the usual understanding and perception. Everything that the hero goes through forces him to rethink his attitudes, learn to trust himself and make the main decision: who he should be.

    - a film about goals. In the face of death, when there is nothing to be afraid of, when all conventions and attitudes turn out to be just dust, a person can achieve any goal he sets. We live as if we are immortal, constantly postponing life until later. But in reality, we have very little time, and we need to realize our dreams right now.

    "Pay someone else"

    "Pay someone else" - a touching film about the boy Trevor, who invented interesting system mutual assistance. He did good deeds absolutely unselfishly, but at the same time asked to “pay someone else,” that is, to do good to a stranger. So the chain of good deeds grew and went not only beyond the city, but also beyond the state. One child changed the lives of many, and this makes us think: after all, we too can change the world, we just need to want to.

    This mystical and deeply psychological film is based on the book of the same name by Stephen King. It tells about the final place of prisoners, where they are prepared for execution. Death is in the air, everyone becomes real in front of its face: someone demonstrates nobility, someone demonstrates baseness of spirit. Staying true to yourself and helping even your executioners - only a strong person is capable of this. It is he who changes the worldview of everyone who meets him.

    10 best books for self-development

    It is known that the most successful people read a lot, mostly specialized literature - on psychology, self-development, and their profession. Art books They also need to be read - they enrich our vocabulary and develop our imagination.

    You need to read a lot and regularly - it is advisable to create a schedule for yourself and set reading standards for each day so that the work moves in the same rhythm. Your schedule should includelist of books on meditation, psychology, business and finance, history of the country and the world, biographies, philosophical literature and motivational books.

    And so that you can cover large amounts of information without much stress, we recommend taking a free course"Reactive Brain" . Its developers took speed reading techniques as a basis and enriched them with exercises to speed up thinking and structure information.

    The author of the book independently walked the path to success from scratch. Even without finishing school and starting his work as a laborer, he became the vice president of the company. By exploring his own experiences and the stories of others, Brian Tracy became a famous psychologist and wrote many books about success and how to achieve it.

    Have you ever wondered how much resource we spend on being nervous, worrying, suffering from failures and worrying about the future. Our nerves and emotions also require energy, and by ceasing to worry about the inevitable, we free up a lot of time and energy for work. Mark Manson teaches us how to achieve goals without being held back by unnecessary emotions, and to move on even after the most epic failures.

    A long time ago, in the 1960s, in the vastness of Mexico, anthropologist Carlos met the Yaqui Indian Don Juan, who turned out to be a magician. He passed on all the knowledge to his new student, and Castaneda wrote it down in the form of field notes, later published in ten volumes. We don’t encourage you to read all ten, but we recommend volume three, “Journey to Ixtlan.” It contains a summary of don Juan's philosophy - the path of the warrior, relationships with the world and oneself. An important concept is the sense of self-importance that slows a person down in achieving goals. Advice: think of the book itself as a fairy tale with a moral, since the main thing in it is philosophy, not plot.

    An autobiographical book by an American journalist who managed to change her life and make her dreams come true in a situation from which there seemed to be no way out. A girl from a family of 11 children, Regina passed severe trials in life and managed to cope with them. These tips are about learning to live with your past and let go of grudges while moving forward.

    Robert Kiyosaki: "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

    It's always interesting to read books by people who lived bright life. Robert Kiyosaki was a marine, a pilot, a sales agent, a businessman, and a teacher. Today he is a successful investor and writer whose books have become bestsellers. He teaches not how to make money, but how to change your thinking, because it is the main key to wealth.

    Bruce Lee "The Way of the Leading Fist"

    Who hasn't heard of the legendary Bruce Lee? We know that he was a martial artist and famous actor, but we forget that he was also a philosopher and reformer in the field of martial arts. His notes were published in 1975, after the author’s death. They seem to be dedicated to martial arts, but in reality they are full of deep reflections on the development of the warrior’s personality.

    We have already talked about willpower and its importance for development, and now let’s pick up a book about the method of cultivating this property in ourselves. Psychologist and teacher Kelly McGonigal has studied this issue extensively and concluded that when we try to develop willpower, we are often guided by false ideas and we remain captive of stereotypes. The book talks about research, experiments, people who put Kelly's advice into practice and the results they were able to achieve.

    Lao Tzu "Tao Te Ching"

    It is not for nothing that this book is placed at the very end - it is better not for weak minds to mess with it. Lao Tzu is an ancient Chinese philosopher who is credited with authoring a treatise on the two principles of life: Tao and Te. It is better to read it little by little, several sentences a day. You can study Lao Tzu all your life, but never fully understand it. Therefore, do not be alarmed if at first his sayings seem like sheer rubbish. Even one meaningful idea from the treatise will bring a lot of practical benefit to the reader - for example, about non-action as an important component of activity.

    An intelligent person is always pleasant to talk to, easily achieves his goals and achieves success. Anyone would like to have (IQ), but the brain cannot develop on its own. This requires a lot of effort and also a lot of time. There are many ways to become smarter and increase your intelligence level.


    The development of mental abilities is most effectively achieved through training. With regular training in this way, a person can become smarter and more erudite, thanks to which he will be a more attractive interlocutor to others. There are several options for achieving a goal through training.

    Foreign languages

    Learning foreign languages ​​provides good stimulation to the brain and also helps improve memory. It is enough to learn one additional language to feel positive changes. It is recommended to give preference to common and useful languages:

    • English;
    • German;
    • Spanish;
    • Italian.

    It is advisable to conduct training using all modern methods, which will increase the efficiency of studying.

    Exact sciences

    Classes exact sciences can seriously develop the mind. Even humanists need to study them. The main thing is to start at the right level, gradually increasing the complexity of the topics being studied. You can study exact sciences at home on your own, but there are special courses where people are united in groups according to their level of knowledge. After several weeks of training, intelligence will increase, thinking speed will develop, logic will improve, and memory will strengthen.


    Showing interest in the world around you is one of the best ways to develop your brain. In children and adolescents, this happens on a subconscious level, and adults will have to use willpower for curiosity to bear fruit. The easiest way to achieve benefits is by interacting with all surrounding objects, regularly learning new skills, reading useful articles, encyclopedias, listening to good music or watching movies.

    When studying serious materials, you should give preference to trusted sources. Therefore, it is recommended to use textbooks or scientific papers.


    The right hobbies are the key to success. But can they increase intelligence? If you choose useful hobbies, your brain will gradually develop, making you smarter. Therefore, it is worth throwing out useless hobbies from your life, replacing them with more suitable ones.

    Reading books

    You can increase your own intelligence at home with the help of literature. People who regularly read books have good erudition, a large vocabulary and developed brain. This The best way avoid development in old age. It is enough to read 30 minutes a day to achieve results. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to make reading as varied as possible, and the list must include classic novels, as well as books on self-development.

    • Magazines (preferably popular science);
    • Newspapers.

    When reading becomes a habit and becomes a daily activity, it is worth trying various techniques aimed at developing the skill. To do this, you can try to increase the speed of running your eyes over the text, highlight important information, independently answer the questions after reading.

    Playing a musical instrument

    Music is very beneficial for the human brain and psyche. If the significance of its influence on the mind when listening is highly questionable and has not yet been proven, then playing musical instruments independently brings guaranteed benefits. This was proven by Schellenberg in 2004, when he conducted appropriate tests that proved an increase in intelligence in those who study music. It is recommended to give preference to classical instruments: violin, piano.


    Regularly writing new short stories is a good way to develop your brain. When the skill level is raised to a high level, you can try to write a full-fledged book. For training, specific short ideas are perfect for developing a story. The main thing is to avoid platitudes.

    All hobbies will allow you to gain special attention from others, as well as make new useful acquaintances.


    Intentional training, performing special exercises, and solving puzzles will improve the quality of memorizing information, as well as improve brain activity. As in previous cases, you need to improve these methods to achieve your goal on a regular basis.

    Puzzles, tasks, games

    Educational games or tasks promote brain development. With regular training, a person can achieve improvement in many indicators related to mental abilities. There will be a particular impact on memory and speed of brain activity. Suitable for classes:

    • Chess, checkers;
    • Crosswords, sudoku;
    • Puzzles, riddles.

    All these options are applicable for both children and adults. Among the puzzles there are a huge number of options designed for different age categories, which allows you to choose the most suitable puzzles for yourself.


    It is very important for any person to be alone sometimes. At such moments, you need to take a break from everything that is happening and immerse yourself in your thoughts. Analyzing past events, thinking about the future, thinking about something important - all this allows you to increase your level of intelligence. Additionally, it is recommended to question everything that happens, thinking about the reasons for any events.

    To achieve maximum effect, you can download any special mobile application. It will help you train attentiveness, memory and the brain as a whole.


    The most important factor, without which it is impossible to increase intelligence, is a person’s lifestyle. If it is incorrect, then it will be very difficult to develop the brain, and it will not be possible to acquire a strong mind. Therefore, you should pay attention specifically to your lifestyle, change it if necessary, and only then engage in the development of intelligence and erudition.

    Sleep quality

    Lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep has a direct impact on a person's life. Lack of sleep leads to decreased brain activity, memory loss and attentiveness. Good dream– the main condition for achieving goals in life, as well as brain development. What do you need:

    • Go to bed before 00:00;
    • Get up no later than 08:00;
    • Sleep duration – at least 8 hours;
    • Short sleep breaks during the day.

    This even applies to weekends. If you break the regime once a week, the body will experience unnecessary stress.

    Physical activity

    When walking on fresh air and during active sports, the brain receives a large amount of oxygen, which is necessary for proper blood circulation and the ability to think clearly. A person involved in sports is calmer, more reasonable, and easily copes with difficulties. The following types of physical activity are great:

    • Walks;
    • Sports or Nordic walking;
    • Yoga;

    People who play sports are much more likely to realize themselves in life and achieve success.

    Bad habits

    If you have bad habits, That high intelligence it won't be possible to achieve. Regular drinking or smoking significantly slows down all processes in the human brain, which becomes critical for the development of the mind. Nicotine and alcohol penetrate into the blood, which is why such a negative effect occurs. It is no less harmful to watch programs on TV for hours or play computer games that do not require serious use of the intellect. You need to expand your mental abilities only after giving up bad habits.


    The right environment will tell you how to increase your intelligence. Therefore, you need to try to communicate only with smart and educated people, while trying to become better than them. Good people always pull up, and bad ones always pull down. Therefore, the issue of communication and environment is very important for a person who wants to achieve mental development. There should always be people nearby who have more developed intelligence. They will help you move towards the better.

    Rest allows the brain to relax and prepare for work, training, and new challenges. This has a beneficial effect on brain activity, the ability to improve intelligence and strengthen memory. It is enough to practice meditation for 20 minutes daily to achieve success in developing the mind. A person will see additional benefits in organizing thoughts, clarifying the mind, and increasing creative skills. This effect occurs after just a few days of meditation.

    A correct lifestyle not only makes it possible to broaden one’s horizons and improve the quality of intelligence, but also gives a person good health for many years.


    Proper nutrition provides a person with good health, good mood and a clear mind. How to increase intelligence with its help: use healthy foods, include medical supplements in the diet and folk remedies. This is necessary for the brain to begin to develop if a person already leads a healthy lifestyle, takes care of himself and trains the mind.


    A properly formulated diet is extremely important for people seeking brain development. It is recommended to pay special attention to the following products:

    • Walnuts – lecithin has a positive effect on the brain, which increases the speed of intellectual activity and strengthens memory;
    • Fish - iodine and omega-3 are responsible for the rate of energy flow to the brain, regulation of cholesterol levels, normalization of blood vessels;
    • Pumpkin seeds - they affect the speed of processing information perceived by the brain, as well as memorization;
    • Spinach - lutein slows down the aging process, which helps improve learning ability.

    It is enough to include any of the listed products in your diet to feel their effect within a week. At the same time, it is important to exclude from the menu all unhealthy foods that could have a negative effect on the body.

    Medical supplements

    Special drugs, which are presented in the form of food additives, have a serious impact on the quality of brain activity. In search of an answer to the question of how to improve your intelligence, you need to think about purchasing the following tools.

    Who among us has not dreamed of possessing high level erudition and show off your intelligence? And in various life situations, most of us, oh, how it would help to have additional knowledge that would allow us to get away with it, help a colleague, a friend, do the right thing, make the right choice, etc. In all areas of our lives, it is important to be a person not just smart, but also wise. Therefore, it is very important to know how to develop your intelligence and study best exercises and advice from experienced psychologists.

    Is it possible to develop your intelligence?

    Some people mistakenly believe that intelligence is an innate component of a person. And it is impossible to develop it. This is not entirely true. Yes, there are people who simply have a certain mental development barrier and simply cannot jump above it. But these include those who have a congenital brain defect, mental retardation, dementia and other diseases associated with intelligence. In the case of innate intelligence, it can be developed using various mathematical puzzles, puzzles and other techniques.

    Sometimes, it is not necessary to do anything at all, since genius itself finds ways to manifest itself. Let us at least remember the great physicists - Einstein, Curie, Ioffe and others. It cannot be said that in those years the physical and mathematical sciences were widespread. But it’s worth noting right away that these are isolated cases that you shouldn’t rely on too much. That is, based on the above, one can understand that innateness is not always the main way to achieve high intelligence.

    Myths about intelligence

    There is an opinion that if you have innate intelligence, there is no point in doing anything else for its growth and development. As we already know, there have been and are cases of genius, but they are very rare. Therefore, you cannot rely only on a natural gift; it is important to work on your mental abilities and train them. But even in cases with geniuses, one cannot completely discard the factor of upbringing, development in a certain environment, conditions that developed in a unique tandem with the human genome and became the reason for his genius in the future. But that's not all.

    We hasten to dispel the myths that it is impossible to increase the level of intelligence in mature man, if they did not work on his abilities in childhood and adolescence. We categorically object, because in this life everything is possible! Each of us, including our dear readers, can grow to the level of, if not a genius, then an intelligent and erudite person, no matter in what environment he was previously brought up.

    Remember Bernard Shaw's "My Fair Lady". Young Miss Eliza Doolittle was an ordinary flower seller in a poor neighborhood, and accordingly, she behaved like her surroundings. She spoke rudely, swore, and was unkempt. In short, a banal lumpen.

    The brilliant language specialist Henry Higgins, when he met her, was simply dumbfounded. And he argued with his friend that he could turn a slob and rude woman into a high-society lady with all the appropriate manners in a few weeks. And guess what, he succeeded. He simply created all the conditions for the girl’s inner potential to find a way out and manifest itself in all its glory.

    We can all achieve success in any field. To do this, you need to work, communicate with those who stimulate mental development, show your own willpower, and scrupulousness.

    The next misconception is that being a genius does not mean being smart in everything. That is, unlike those who must educate and develop their abilities, there is a type of people who are already confident in their mental perfection. They believe that if they have achieved success, for example, in mathematics, physics, then there is no need to improve other branches of science and there is no need to even gain wisdom when communicating with people.

    This is the danger that few “smart people” know about. Here's a simple example: a person who has an excellent understanding of mathematical theories. Able to mentally calculate division or multiplication of multi-digit numbers. But he may become confused when meeting a new person, with difficulty assessing his actions.

    Or, on the contrary, an excellent philologist, a philosopher capable of giving wise advice on various cases. May get confused when counting change in a store. All these are extremes that interfere with the quality of life. Agree, it is much better to be harmonious, develop abilities in all areas and do not forget to gain new knowledge in terms of general development.

    What does unbalanced intelligence look like? The process can be easily considered using the example of pumping muscles. If a bodybuilder pays attention to some and does not pay attention to others, then his figure will turn into something ridiculous. Therefore, to achieve a beautiful body contour, you need to work out all muscle groups, regularly, without stopping. And our intelligence also needs to be developed constantly, without taking breaks. An inquisitive mind cannot “live” without another dose of interesting, fascinating information.

    Revealing the secrets of developing intelligence

    We often come across books and online articles about how to quickly become a genius and, having completed a “unique” course, we understand that nothing comes of this idea. That is, someone’s advertised work simply turned out to be empty. Why are we surprised? All those who are looking for easy ways will get nothing. In order to achieve something, you need to make an effort, will, try, and concentrate your attention on it. After all, we don’t believe in the power of one pill that can cure all ailments at once.

    If you want to develop the activity of your brain, work on it constantly. Load him with mental tasks, and they should be complex and versatile. It's like a health issue. If you want to have it, play sports, load your body with active activities. And what usually prevents us from getting rid of bad habits and playing sports?

    Yes, it is directly related to our thinking process. We are lazy to think, read, study, watch. It is easier for us to feel in the body of a single-celled ciliate, which simply grinds everything that gets into it. But she doesn't get any benefit from it. So we too - if we do not continually replenish our knowledge, we will stop at the level of a primitive person, a first-grader with an insignificant amount of knowledge.

    When we make an effort, use our will to search regularly interesting information, read, watch, study, then we strengthen our character and cultivate a sense of discipline.

    What types of intelligence are there?

    On the issue of mental abilities, it should be noted that everyone has their own intelligence, since there are a number of its varieties. By the way, they can be identified from childhood by the manner of communication, the interests of the child, his hobbies, thoughts, and reasoning.

    1. Analytical. The ability to analyze, compare, compare information, divide it into logical blocks, and identify relationships.
    2. Logical. A person is capable of reasoning, thinking and analysis without violating formal logic. This type has the ability to make logical, correct conclusions in the appropriate sequence.
    3. Critical. Receiving information, a person criticizes it, evaluates it, and easily weeds out everything superfluous, unnecessary, and incorrect. This is how a natural, pure opinion develops.
    4. Deductive. A person extracts individual, necessary information from the general volume, flow, and can formulate it perfectly. This type is able to generalize, find patterns in the interconnection of different information and group it into one single thing.
    5. Prognostic. The talent to plan, prevent, formulate future events in thoughts and at the same time keep in mind various options solving this or that problem.
    6. Abstract thinking. A person can delve into the most complex abstract processes, most often this concerns mathematical and philosophical problems. These are brilliant individuals who are able to hold the most complex mathematical formulas and processes in their heads. They can quickly count addition, multiplication, and division of billions in seconds.
    7. Creative thinking. A person knows how to compare things of different importance from different sciences and quickly bring them to a common denominator. People are able to create, formulate various kinds of metaphors, decipher complex ideas and reduce them to a simplified level for easier understanding.
    8. Ability to concentrate. This point most likely applies to those who have great will and discipline, although without intelligence this would hardly be possible.

    The human mind also has certain properties:

    1. Logic of architecture: everyone has a different degree of orderliness in their thinking. Someone thinks soberly, all thoughts are in “order,” while others have a chaotic, incoherent, chaotic mind.
    2. The breadth, depth of the human mind: the level of “smartness” of a person depends on this moment. If he is able to grasp a question, task, or object of thought more broadly and deeply, then he is smarter.
    3. Speed ​​of performing mental operations. Here, perhaps, everything is clear. The faster a person thinks, the higher his thinking speed.
    4. Autonomy of thinking. Some people can think perfectly, regardless of the influence of external interference and factors. They are always calm, especially at the moment when they need to take the right decision, create an idea and bring it to life.
    5. Great RAM: It's about our memory. The better it is, the more information we can keep in our heads and use it at the right time. People with a good memory can recite poems by heart, retell books, multiply billions in their heads, divide them, formulate formulas.

    So, we have studied the main components human mind, which can be developed and their level increased. There are a lot of techniques for this, among which are the most common ones in accordance with their effectiveness.

    The best methods for developing intelligence at any age

    We all understand that intelligence is a very important quality for the quality life of every person. Without it, it is impossible to graduate from school or university, get a profitable job and climb the career ladder. If you have intellectual problems, come to your senses. Increase your level using the methods we offer.

    Start playing chess

    Many people consider this sport (generally recognized) to be a boring pastime, but this is a big mistake. You try it first, and then it will talk. The fact is that initially, until a person has the skills, the process is indeed monotonous and boring. But once the skills develop, it will be impossible to tear yourself away from the chessboard by the ears.

    The game develops all the qualities of the human mind:

    • logic;
    • ability to predict;
    • abstract;
    • give an assessment;
    • analyze every move;
    • think deductively, figuratively.

    During rounds, players fully analyze and evaluate the actions of their opponent, think pointwise and generally. In short, all aspects of our thinking are involved in the process.

    If you don't know how to compete in chess, it doesn't matter. Unlike previous years, when only boring textbooks and books were available as aids, now you can use chess simulators, video courses, and online games on various platforms. This will not only be educational, but also exciting and interesting.

    Over time, you will have to get involved in the game and create combinations and build moves. The moment will come when, having learned to play with a robot, you can easily cope with a friend who considered himself a chess ace. And of course, your logic, autonomy of thinking, ability to abstract and other points will help in other areas of life.

    Poker – a mathematical card game

    We look down on those who indulge in online poker. But don't rush to conclusions. Card game poker is a chain of logical reasoning, construction of moves, the ability to predict the opponent’s move and other nuances that stimulate the development of human intelligence.

    Moreover, rounds force a person to “pull himself together” and not show his nervousness and self-doubt. It is necessary to judge soberly, with restraint and learn to wait, not act on impulse, and not show your emotions.

    Puzzles, rebuses, crosswords

    We often spend our leisure time in various kinds of decryptions, puzzles, guessing words in crosswords, and enjoy reading puzzles and other entertaining tasks. All this is work for our mind.

    Firstly, we improve our memory by guessing words in crossword puzzles. Secondly, deciphering puzzles develops our logic, the ability to think abstractly and autonomously, and learn to predict. There are a huge number of portals on the Internet, where there are millions of rebuses, puzzles and other educational tasks to choose from.

    Breaking the mold

    The life of almost all of us consists of the same actions. We get up at the same time, wash ourselves, drink coffee and set off along the same road to work and school. This way our brain stops working, we don’t need to think about how to find the way to the office, which tram to take. Everything has been brought to the point of automatic execution of actions. How do we know if for a long time If you don’t use something, then this thing deteriorates, and a moment of stagnation arises.

    It's the same with our mental abilities. They must constantly “work”, otherwise we risk degrading prematurely. And if we break these patterns, our brain immediately turns on active process. New strong connections appear between neurons, on which our intelligence depends.

    How to fix this - add something new to your usual routine and actions during the day. For example, do not go to work on a proven path. Change the route, go around through other courtyards. Or, instead of starting your workday with your usual cup of coffee, buy juice. For lunch, instead of sausages, eat steamed vegetables. In the morning, instead of lounging in bed longer, go for a run. You will not have time to capture the moment when your mental abilities begin to manifest themselves again.

    Sign up for dancing, become more active

    You shouldn’t immediately be indignant and believe that nothing depends on dancing. You are not right. Brain function directly depends on the degree of blood circulation. If it is low, then oxygen starvation occurs, not only cells die, but also neurons, their ligaments atrophy.

    If you don’t want to just run, jump, or jog boringly, sign up for a dance course. Latin American styles are especially suitable: tango, baccarat, cha-cha-cha and others. Some experts, on the contrary, recommend practicing dance sports. In any case, everything is useful.

    Movements will allow the body to receive a colossal amount of energy, and mental abilities will grow and grow due to the excellent supply of oxygen to the brain tissue. But that's not all. Active dance movements, whether we like it or not, make us constantly think. This means that the brain is in an active state and intelligence develops.


    Creative activities will definitely “shake up” your brain and your intellect will be replenished with new knowledge. While drawing, the most distant areas are activated, they are involved in the process of thinking, and if you continue studying and don’t stop, the degree of intelligence will increase. Of course, no one says that you need to create like Bryullov or Savrasov. But, as you know, almost everyone loves to draw, but most are embarrassed by their “doodles”. And this is in vain! Draw for your own health and don’t be afraid of criticism.


    This is one of best methods developing your own intelligence - learning new things, not stopping there. You graduated from school or university, but this does not mean that you can relax. Absorb information every day. Open sites with interesting publications, news, take an interest in the lives of famous people, new types of hobbies, and books. Read before bed. Even if you are tired and want to quickly fall asleep with a well-deserved sleep, a couple of pages of a book before bed will increase your intelligence and relax your nervous system.


    There is a great way to “kill” two birds with one stone - to develop intellectual abilities and at the same time make good money. It's called copyright, rewriting. Remote work, allowing you to build a schedule at your own discretion, no management. What could be better for those who do not have the opportunity to devote more time to new knowledge?

    Work on the largest exchanges and select topics that will help you learn new things. Working with texts requires a number of things to ensure that your mind never relaxes. Reading, analyzing the proposed topic, searching for information, working, re-reading, choosing the best option, removing unnecessary things and fixing.

    Copywriting and rewriting must be done in such a way that there is no identical text on the Internet, that is, uniqueness is important. But you shouldn’t be afraid of it, it will happen if you write the work with interest and desire. At the same time, this is a great way to improve your literacy, because all text programs indicate grammatical, punctuation and other types of errors.

    Play sports, move

    It cannot be said that physical activity directly affects our intellectual abilities. But with active movements, pull-ups, push-ups, the production of neutrotropes occurs in our brain - proteins responsible for the growth and development of neurons of key cells in the human brain. Classes should be carried out as an additional method of improving your intelligence.

    Have a rest

    Everyone needs rest, our brain is no exception. Take a break from unnecessary information, because moderation is needed in absorbing it. We're not talking about being lazy - that's completely different. Just don't think about anything sometimes. Listen to music, look at the sunset, waves, fire and clear your thoughts of all negativity.


    Engage in eastern practices; yoga especially helps to cleanse your spirit and body of all unnecessary things and gain new knowledge. The complex contains exercises for cleansing blood vessels. This is a special breathing technique, thanks to which all corners of our body will be freed from toxins and waste. During, our body gains mass positive emotions, complete relaxation and knowledge.

    The classes consist of 7 chakras, each of which is intended for a specific part of the body. In addition to the fact that the philosophy of yoga is an amazing complex that allows you to become the center of the Universe, be wiser and more restrained, your health also improves.

    So, we have studied a number of ways to increase the level of our intelligence. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. We need only one thing - the desire to be wise, intellectually developed and healthy. And as we understand, these three components are not able to manifest themselves in a person without each other. Everything works together. So learn, improve and be healthy!

    Bye everyone.
    Best regards, Vyacheslav.

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