How and what to feed the red-eared turtle at home, a small water turtle. What do turtles eat at home

Small turtles living in aquariums of pet stores always attract the attention of buyers with their extraordinary coloring and touching appearance. It is these small and funny pets that most often end up at home. At first glance, it may seem that turtles are quite unpretentious, but in reality you need to know how to properly care for the water beauty.

Aquatic turtles as pets are almost more popular than land turtles.

Caring for a water or sea turtle consists in creating certain conditions for its full existence. An ordinary container of water is not enough for such a pet - it needs to provide enough light, heat and oxygen. Therefore, before you get an aquarium with a turtle, you need to know how to care for it.

How to arrange housing for a turtle?

As a rule, red-eared turtles are kept at home. Her home is an aquarium with small plot sushi or aquaterrarium. Shore or land for sea ​​turtle must be equipped with an accessible approach to it so that the animal can always climb onto it without obstacles.

The shore must be made in such a design that the water flowing down from the turtle could not stagnate in it. An aquatic turtle should be able to dry its shell. At a height of twenty-five to thirty centimeters above the land, a heating lamp with a power of forty to sixty watts is installed. It is forbidden to place the lamp below, as the turtle can overheat.

Caring for such a pet requires sufficient housing. big size. If the aquarium will contain several animals, its dimensions must be appropriate.

For one turtle, there must be at least ten liters of water.

It will be much more difficult to care for large individuals, since their maintenance will require housing in excess of several hundred liters. When buying an aquarium for a turtle, it is worth remembering that some breeds can grow up to 18-28 centimeters.

A domestic turtle can be kept in both a glass and plastic aquaterrarium, in which an aquarium filter and a heater must be installed, corresponding in power to the volume of water poured in. Caring for the red-eared turtle requires compliance with the correct temperature regimes: optimum temperature water at a level of 26 degrees and air on the shore - at least thirty degrees.

For aquatic turtles, it is necessary to use an aquaterrarium, and in no case should they be kept on free pasture - that is, on the floor or in other "natural" conditions.

For normal life and turtle growth will require an ultraviolet lamp. Such a device will ensure proper care for it, since ultraviolet radiation replaces sunlight, which promotes the absorption of calcium in the turtle. It is best to choose a lamp with a five percent UVB.

Throughout the day, the domestic turtle should be kept in an aquaterrarium. Only during feeding and cleaning her house does the pet sit in another container of water. To ensure proper care for the turtle, do not let it go to the floor, as the animal may get sick or injured.

Turtle feeding

Caring for red-eared turtles requires a proper diet. These pets should eat lean, raw fish with soft bones. Fish, depending on the size of the animal, is given cut into large or small pieces. Fish will have to be alternated with other seafood, aquarium snails, beef liver or earthworms.

Sometimes, but not very often, chicken or beef meat can be added to the diet. All products are provided raw.

Caring for adult red-eared turtles should be the same, but their menu should include vegetable food in the form of lettuce, apple, pear or cucumber slices. Basically, the aquatic turtle should eat special dry food.

Pets up to ten centimeters long are fed every day, and individuals exceeding this size eat only three times a week. A portion of food is measured based on how much the turtle can eat in thirty minutes. During feeding, turtles will have to be deposited in a special container filled with water. This will keep food from clogging the water in the aquaterrarium.

Water purification in aquaterrarium

Aquatic turtles mainly feed on quickly perishable food. In addition, the secretions of these animals significantly pollute the water. Previously, the owners of these pets had to change the water several times a week. However, now caring for them has become much easier thanks to the emergence of a variety of modern filters.

Aquaterrariums for turtles are a magnificent decorative element that can decorate almost any interior.

In small aquariums with small individuals, ordinary internal filters equipped with a sponge are installed. Many models of such filters are suitable for small reservoirs. They do an excellent job with fairly small and large particles of dirt.

IN Lately became popular special devices, simplifying the care of aquaterrariums, such as "biological filters". They use special bacteria that are used to remove nitrogen compounds.

Pet stores also sell specialized fillers made by foreign manufacturers. Such filters help to keep the water clean for a long time and do not allow bacteria to grow in it.

Possible problems with improper care

If you take care of the turtle incorrectly, the animal can get sick. Most often, diseases in such pets are manifested by such symptoms as:

  • lack of appetite;
  • curved or soft shell;
  • permanently closed or puffy eyes;
  • runny nose;
  • peeling of the skin.

A sick animal becomes inactive, begins to spend more time on land, refuses food. In such cases, you should immediately contact professional doctor. To treat a turtle, you will have to look for a specialist who knows how to treat such pets, because it is very difficult to diagnose them.

The domestic red-eared turtle can live, with good care, for about forty years. To do this, it is necessary to provide her with the right living conditions.

Many people, deciding to start pet, opt for a turtle. Water turtles in this capacity are in greater demand than land turtles. The main species that are kept at home are red-eared, musky, bog turtle and trionics.

When choosing an animal, you need to take care of it proper nutrition and creation necessary conditions for a fulfilling life.

Pond slider

water turtle red-eared got its name due to its "ears". These are yellow, orange or red spots located on both sides of the head. The size of the reptile is average, 18-30 centimeters, depending on gender and age.

The round-oval, streamlined shell is covered with horn-shaped plates-shields. The armor pattern is very unusual - green and white wavy lines and spots. The fingers of the turtle connect the membranes, at the ends of their sharp claws. The head is covered with a hard stratum corneum.

The animal has a well-developed sense of smell and vision, but poor hearing. Red-eared water turtle good conditions content can live thirty years.


The soft-bodied turtle has a long thin neck and webbed fingers, at the ends of which are sharp claws. The shell does not have hard horny plates, its length is 30-40 centimeters. The top of the shell is brown-green with yellowish spots, below it has a yellowish color. small in size with a dark line from the eyes to the neck. The male can be distinguished from the female by the length of the tail - in males it is longer.

A distinctive feature of this turtle is the presence of a proboscis with nostrils. The turtle weighs no more than four kilograms.

Turtles of this species like to rest during the day, burrowing into the sand or small pebbles, they are active at night. The water level in the aquarium should allow the animal to reach for air without getting out of the sand.

Trionics are predators, they must be kept separately from other types of turtles. Turtles of this species live 25 years.

musk turtle

This is a small water turtle with a shell length of 8-10 cm, in rare cases- 14 cm. The color of the musk turtle is unusual - the body is of a uniform dark shade, and the neck and head have bright stripes of light color along the edges of the shell. Males have a longer and thicker tail, in addition, they have scales on inside hind legs, which are necessary in order to hold the female during mating.

This type of turtle is very unpretentious, they eat absolutely everything. Life expectancy - up to 55 years.

swamp turtle

The bog turtle is a pronounced predator. It has an average size (10-35 cm), body weight can reach 1.5 kg. The long tail, which serves as an additional rudder when swimming, keeps the animal in the correct position.

The tortoise shell can be dark olive, dark brown, brown or black, has small strokes, dots or yellow spots. The iris of the eyes is orange, reddish or yellow. Webbed fingers with sharp long claws.

The turtle is a good swimmer for a long time may be under water. He is very afraid of drafts, so do not abuse walks around the house.

To create optimal conditions for a pet, when buying, you need to ask what region it is from, lived in captivity or was caught in the wild. In addition, it is necessary to clarify the conditions of detention and temperature regime which is suitable for this type of turtle.

Water turtle at home should be kept clean. Bacteria that develop with improper care can cause illness in your pet.

Aquatic turtles grow quickly, so the water in the terrarium must be constantly cleaned and changed. It is necessary to use water that has settled during the day or install water filters.

Aquatic Turtle Care

The shell of an aquatic turtle needs regular cleaning from overgrown algae. Cleaning must be done carefully to avoid damaging the turtle's shell.

It is not necessary to keep the reptile in the water all the time, it can be harmful to its health. Turtles also need to be on land.

The water temperature in the aquarium should not exceed 21 degrees. You can light the aquarium with simple or ultraviolet lamps.

They feed the turtle food of plant and animal origin. To avoid diseases, food should be varied. Young turtles are fed daily, starting at 3 years of age - three times a week.

Water turtles are afraid of the cold. In winter, they need to use a special ultraviolet lamp to warm them. It is necessary to warm up the animal three times a week. In summer, you can place an aquarium on Fresh air while keeping it out of direct sunlight.

How to choose an aquarium

For a young little turtle, you can choose an aquarium at a pet store; for an adult, you will have to make it to order.

For a comfortable existence of a turtle, the aquarium must be quite roomy. Be sure to cover it with a lid so that the animal does not escape.

Inside the aquarium, you need to equip a small island on which the turtle can easily climb. Above it is placed a lamp for heating water.

A large aquarium for a water turtle should be equipped with a special filter to purify the water. It changes as it gets dirty.

How and what to feed water turtles

Feeding water turtles should be given special attention. An animal that is free can get what it needs on its own. A water turtle at home is completely dependent on its owner. Reptiles need a balanced diet, with all the elements necessary for the body.

The turtle is fed during the day, during its activity. An adult turtle can be given beef and chicken meat, sometimes fish.

What to feed water turtles when they are still small? For feeding small reptiles, bloodworms, earthworms, tubifex are used. In addition, various beetles must be present in the diet of this animal.

A growing turtle can also be given vegetable food. It can be algae, duckweed, lettuce or dandelion leaves.

Don't give your turtle more food than it can eat. Residues can settle to the bottom and rot, in which case the water will have to be changed daily.

Communication with turtles

The turtle is a smart, agile and sociable animal, but it is somewhat difficult to communicate with it due to its habitat. But you should not let your pet out for long walks around the apartment, as the animal can get cold, dry out, swallow some object, hide in a gap, get injured.

But the turtle can be held in your arms, stroking or scratching, which will give her pleasure. At the same time, you should be careful, as many water turtles are predators and can be aggressive.

You need to tame the animal to your hands gradually, allowing him to get used to the owner and new living conditions. Having got used, the turtle itself will strive to communicate and respond to your appearance.

Basic Mistakes

It is very difficult to treat a reptile, so the maintenance of water turtles must be correct, for this you need to remember some features:

  • The water in which the animal is kept must be clean.
  • The turtle should have a gentle landfall, as it breathes air and can drown.
  • It is necessary to monitor the air temperature. If the animal is cold, it may refuse to come out of the water, and this is harmful to its health.
  • Several males should not be kept in one aquarium.
  • Large and small species of turtles are kept separately.
  • Wash your hands after interacting with your pet.
  • You need to remember to be careful when dealing with aggressive species of turtles.
  • If you notice that the animal's shell has become soft or crooked, the turtle refuses to eat, its eyes are swollen or constantly closed, the skin is flaky, a runny nose has appeared, you need to contact your veterinarian.

If you provide your pet with the right care, feeding and disease prevention, he will delight you. long years. Do not forget that you are not buying a toy, but a creature that needs care and attention.

The sea turtle is often referred to as the red-eared turtle. Turtles of this type are quite simple to keep at home, subject to certain rules.

In order for the care of turtles to be correct, the aquarium is equipped with an incandescent lamp to maintain a certain temperature. For good development The turtle needs an ultraviolet lamp. Water for the aquarium is used ordinary tap water, but it is defended for at least a day. You need to change the water completely once a month. Round pebbles are placed at the bottom of the aquarium.

Turtle food

When buying a sea turtle, check with the seller about its diet. Sea turtles are predators, so lean meat, seafood, and fish without sharp bones must be included in their diet. The turtle is taught to eat on land or transferred to a separate bowl of water for feeding.

Caring for a sea turtle requires a balanced diet. Do not feed the turtle the same food. Adult turtles can be given vegetables, lettuce, duckweed. Domestic turtles suffer from calcium deficiency. Give your turtle crushed eggshells or vitamins containing calcium.

Hygiene rules

Sea turtles sometimes require nail clipping. The beak of water turtles is never trimmed. Compliance with the regime of water purification, heating the aquarium and highlighting with ultraviolet light is quite enough for the healthy development of the turtle. Caring for water turtles does not take much time.

Like any pets, turtles can get sick. Pay attention to your pet's behavior. Apathy, refusal of food, improper development of the shell, or its softening - such signs should disturb the owner. Consult a veterinarian for advice.

When purchasing a turtle, keep in mind that they live a long time. The life expectancy of a sea turtle reaches 40 years. This means that you are purchasing a pet for a long time.

In many aquariums, you can find small turtles, the size of which does not exceed 10 centimeters. They do not require special conditions, since a turtle aquarium is suitable for a small tank with a water level of up to 20 centimeters. Aquarium turtles like to walk on the bottom, but they do not have gills for breathing underwater, so they need to periodically rise to the surface for oxygen and the water level should not be too high. If the level is high, they simply will not be able to reach the surface in time and will die.

River sand with fine gravel is ideal as a substrate in an aquarium for various species of turtles, but most species can do without soil at all. It is advisable to place a couple of plants, as they will serve as additional food for the turtles and decorate the habitat of your turtles. In addition, such an aquarium will look better.

Turtles love to actively dig in the ground for food or shelter, so they can damage your plants. To accommodate them, you must use pots, or even limit yourself to small floating plants. Such small turtles are constantly in the water, and appear on the shore only when they lay eggs.

Even if you do not breed them, make a small island of driftwood or stone. Put a lamp over the island so they can climb ashore and bask in the sun. This is necessary due to the fact that all turtles are cold-blooded and their mobility is very dependent on body temperature.

The right aquarium for turtles should have large area bottom, the height is not the main criterion, since most turtles have enough water level of 15-20 centimeters, and an island above the water level is also needed in the aquarium. Most people keep turtles in aquaterrariums, which include both land and water. The use of an additional heater in the form of a powerful incandescent lamp or an infrared lamp is necessary for turtles.

Feeding aquarium turtles

IN natural environment many species of turtles eat various plants, fish or shellfish. Difficult all year round feed them only live food, so a mixture of minced fish, shrimp and shellfish can be used. Sometimes you can feed the turtles small pieces of beef. IN summer time the use of only live food is encouraged. Snails are best suited, which they easily gnaw through.

Turtles spend most of their free time hunting and foraging, so they definitely need live food that they can catch. In the absence of hunting, they can get bored and stop moving at all. Moreover, in live food a large number of phosphorus and calcium, which is vital for turtles for the strength of the shell. To do this, coral sand is poured into the ground, grains of sand from which turtles often eat. Turtles living in captivity often have softer shells, so eggshells can sometimes be added to the water, which will be useful to them for shell strength.

Despite the importance of live food and meat in the diet of turtles, they must be fed and plant food to replenish the supply of vitamins in the body. Turtles can occasionally be given lettuce, cabbage, and other greens.

Aquarium turtles go to the toilet almost immediately after eating, so it is best to use another container for feeding. At first they will be against it, but over time they will get used to it. At the very least, this method will save you from the daily cleaning of the aquaterrarium, which will eventually turn into a real dump. When properly maintained, turtles only need to be fed once a day, although they may take several hours to eat.

In the same aquarium for turtles, only a female and a male can get along. The two males will constantly clash, and in the end, only one individual will survive. The stronger male kills or seriously injures the opponent, who soon dies. If you keep individuals of different sexes, it is sometimes necessary to take the female out of the aquarium, since an annoying male can get very bored with her.

Types of small aquarium turtles

Silt musk turtle

Silt musky aquarium turtle is unpretentious in content. This little turtle does not exceed 10 cm in length, it can be kept in a container with a bottom area of ​​​​at least 150 square centimeters filled with water 15 centimeters high. It is necessary to ensure that the water level does not exceed 15 cm too much, it will be difficult for the mud turtle to float to the surface. And of course, let's not forget about the island above the water where the turtle can warm up and gain strength.

Slowness and phlegmatism - these qualities immediately come to mind when looking at turtles. And that's right - remember the Turtle and the Lion? She somehow doesn’t care that the Lion Cub is lying nearby: there is no danger, and she should have finished singing the song about the sun ... But what a metamorphosis is happening, as soon as the Turtle is in the water! Where does her philosophical slowness go?! Speed, grace, beauty - that's what we see now. So in life, your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthese animals will turn upside down as soon as you see a water turtle in its second native element - water! The myth of tortoise slowness will be blown to smithereens, and you will definitely want to have this cute reptile in your home.

For home maintenance, you should purchase the inhabitants of fresh water - a marsh turtle, snake-necked or red-eared. Reptile lovers prefer the latter.

Let's meet?

Pond slider- a representative of waterfowl turtles living in fresh water. America and Mexico are considered the ancestral home of these reptiles, but their distribution in the world is expanding. Perhaps the “human factor” played a role: negligent owners could well let the annoying pets “free”. In our conditions, such "freedom" does not pass - in winter time the animal will simply die. That is why you need to think it over well before you go to buy a turtle, and buying “on emotions” is completely unacceptable.

In principle, representatives of this species can live in any body of water, under natural conditions they can withstand fairly low temperatures (but not Russian winters!) And at the same time they are unpretentious in their choice of food. Perhaps this was the reason for its great popularity among reptile lovers.

The red-eared turtle owes its name to the stripes that extend from the eyes and look like "ears". The head, neck, paws and tail are decorated with yellow spots and stripes. On the paws - membranes, without which in the water you can not do. Aging, animals lose their brightness of color, and males can even become almost black.

If the turtle is threatened by some kind of danger, it hisses: her vocal cords are not developed, so there will be no noise in the apartment. The animal has a developed vision and sense of smell. The organs of hearing are weaker, however, at the slightest rustle, the reptile tends to hide in the water.

Distinguishing a female from a male is not difficult: the male has a longer tail than the female, and he has dents on the underside of the shell that help him climb onto the female when mating. Another one distinguishing feature males have longer claws on their front paws than females. With regard to the content, there is no difference who to take - a girl or a boy. Whoever you like, take it. Under natural conditions, sexual maturity occurs at 6-8 years, at home - in males at 4 years, in females - 5-6 years.

Attractive appearance and relatively easy care have made this type of turtle popular. Fast growing animals (it takes 5 years for a baby turtle to grow to 30 cm in shell diameter) will need to expand their living space if you don't provide enough space right away.

Aquaterrarium (Paludarium)

This is how you can call a home for your future pet. Neither an aquarium (albeit a water one, but a turtle, not a fish!), Nor a terrarium, as for land counterparts, are not satisfied in a “pure” form. Animals need water and land equally. And it is better to prepare for the reception of a new tenant in advance, so that immediately upon arrival from the pet store, put the newcomer to the prepared living space.

For one turtle, a container of at least 100-150 liters should be prepared, for an adult it is possible for 200. You can buy an aquaterrarium specially modeled for waterfowl turtles. In the ZooIdea online store, Tetra models (Repto AquaSet) are presented, fully equipped for the life of a turtle: scenery, land areas, lighting using the latest technologies, a compact shockproof heater and a filter element with replaceable cartridges. In a word - come in, buy and go for a turtle!

You can also buy a closed terrarium from the company Imac (Italy), where the purchased turtle will be quite comfortable, and you don’t have to rack your brains over the arrangement of housing. True, in a few years, when your turtle becomes quite an adult, you will have to expand this living space - the turtle needs a fairly large space. But these worries are coming in the future ...

It should be borne in mind that in the aquaterrarium, land areas should be at least 25% in area. All kinds of floating islands, such as pieces of foam plastic, do not pass, just as it is not enough to simply stick a piece of plastic to the wall. Turn on your own imagination or use ready-made design ideas: driftwood, stones, decorative rocks - not only beautiful, but also convenient for the turtle. Well, if the coast is sloping and not too high, so that the turtle can easily get out of the water to rest and warm up, you can also feed it on land.

A heating lamp should be installed above the equipped shore. In nature, turtles like to bask in the sun, lying on the bank: “I lie in the sun and look at the sun ...” In our version, the role of the sun is assigned to the lamp. Ultraviolet light is especially needed for growing baby turtles. IN winter months UV irradiation is required for three to four minutes from a half-meter distance, do this at least three times in 7-10 days. You can use "tanning lamps", or you can buy irradiation lamps at the pet store. For red-eared turtles, it is better to purchase the Repti Glo 5.0 model. Lamps are produced under an ordinary base, but it is better to use with Repti Zoo lamps.

Cover the bottom of the aquaterrarium with coarse soil so that your pet does not swallow small pieces, and it is easier to get out on land on rough, rough ground.

A prerequisite for a comfortable stay: clean living water with temperatures below 20 degrees. Distilled, mineral, boiled and chlorinated is not good! The balance of minerals (300 mg / l), neutral pH should be observed in the water.

Cleaning should be carried out weekly, but the installed aquarium filter can significantly increase this period of time - up to a month. Filters are especially relevant for large aquariums, where the water can be changed as it gets dirty. Red-eared turtles can also adapt to tap water (it’s better to defend it anyway), but the filter is much more reliable and safer for health. By the way, the growth of young animals directly depends on the quality of water: what cleaner water the faster the turtle grows.

So that your ward does not decide to run away, it is better to cover the top of the aquaterrarium, but then you should think about a ventilation device. And when arranging various devices in the turtle house, try to place them in such a way that the turtle cannot reach them, otherwise sooner or later they will simply be destroyed. Strongly fixed, reliable structures out of reach - this is what will guarantee the preservation of the interior of the turtle's home.

Microclimatic conditions of detention

The creation of conditions for the life of a reptile must be approached with all responsibility - both the health and life expectancy of the animal will depend on this. Turtles can't stand low temperatures. In winter, they will definitely need to be heated, for which a lamp is equipped. An ordinary incandescent lamp will do - it has good heat dissipation. If you heat up a piece of land where the turtle rests and warms up, then water heating is not required.

In the pet store, you can buy a timer, then the lamp will turn on and off at the set time, which is very convenient. But this is not the main argument for acquiring a timer: the animal has its own biological “clock”, literally up to minutes calculated, so the timer will also be needed to set daily rhythms.

Whatever good lamps you did not install a turtle in a dwelling, natural light is vital to it. IN summer months you can take the turtle house out into the fresh air, but you should avoid open spaces where the direct rays of the sun fall. You just need to look at the thermometer: the temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees C. Having organized a turtle walk, you need to think about protecting it from crows, dogs and other animals that can harm your pet.

If you create comfortable conditions, then the turtle will not fall into hibernation, how in natural conditions. The only thing is that in winter it can become lethargic, lose interest in food. You can activate the reptile with good lighting and heating.

We support beauty and health

The turtle needs to do a “manicure” from time to time, cutting off overgrown claws. The procedure must be carried out very carefully with manicure accessories. Try not to cut your hair too short, as capillaries pass through the claws of the red-eared turtle.

With a sharp beak, the reptile tears food, therefore, no matter how much you would like to shorten it a little, you should not do this.

Your pet may get sick if some conditions of detention are violated. These can include diseases such as pneumonia, eye diseases, skin diseases, and shell problems. If you find symptoms that indicate that the animal is unwell, contact your veterinarian without delay.

What should you pay attention to? If the animal has lost its appetite, is inactive, floats on the surface, and when trying to dive it does not work, this may indicate pneumonia. Inflammation of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and purple mucous membrane of the eyes speaks for itself - a disorder with the eyes. Lethargy, lack of appetite and, at the same time, a “softened” shell or peeling of the plates is a problem with the shell. If the skin is flaky or covered with a whitish coating, then this should also be a reason to consult a doctor.

About power mode

There are no special problems with feeding the turtle, if you follow some recommendations. Young turtles should be fed daily - until the age of two years, then you can switch to two to three meals a week (!).

Your ward will not refuse bloodworms and minced meat, ready-made granular feeds and boiled fish, which can and should be given with bones (calcium balance is maintained). Do not give fatty fish and do not keep on a purely meat diet - then rickets cannot be avoided. Young turtles can be given predominantly animal food, while older turtles can be given more vegetable food.

On modern market Animal feed can be purchased and feed, and top dressing, and vitamins. In the ZooIdea store you can buy food for turtles. For your pet, gammarus will be a real delicacy - a healthy, inexpensive and satisfying food for turtles. In addition, you can buy turtle food, specially balanced in certain proportions: algae, worms, gammarus, vitamins and micro-, macroelements are selected in the best way.

In addition to food, foreign and domestic manufacturers - Zoomir, Beafar, Sera and Tetra offer vitamin complexes, bioadditives, vitamin-mineral complexes and treats for turtles, which can also be purchased at ZooIdea. Then the turtle will receive all the necessary nutrients, and the algae planted in the aquaterrarium may remain intact. It is not bad to diversify the menu with plant foods - lettuce and young cabbage, pond algae will appeal to your wards. If available houseplants, you can sometimes treat them to a turtle: leaves of hibiscus, hyacinth, aloe, fuchsia, cacti (pre-remove the needles). Of the wild - oregano, clover, timothy, succession, thistle can be included in the diet. To grind off the horny jaw plates, give shoots of fruit trees.

About several "DO NOT"

When generalizing, it will not be superfluous to focus on what is categorically NOT possible.

- Keep in a container without arranging islands of sushi.

- Keep without providing heating.

— Keep without UV lamp.

- Feed only animal food.

- Feed only food of plant origin.

- Introduce vitamins and supplements into food "by eye".

— Keep in dirty water.

- Clean the turtle shell with a coarse brush or try to remove the horny shields.

- Keep several males “under one roof” or settle new animals without going through quarantine.

- Keep reptiles of different sizes in one aquaterrarium.

- Use plastic, glass for islands and ladders, i.e. slippery materials.

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