Description of the name Daria. Middle names that go with the first name. What does a woman's name mean?

Daria is active, energetic, capable. She has a rather practical outlook on life. The girl does not look back, lives in the present and makes plans for the future. I am inclined to erase from life everything bad, interfering, and unsuccessful. He does the same with loved ones, protecting them from the mistakes of the past. The main meaning of the name Daria is fiery character, temperament and enthusiasm. He is completely dedicated to his work and reacts instantly to any changes. He is quite a risky person. In addition, he is distinguished by intolerance, straightforwardness and a certain cruelty.

Brief meaning of the name Daria

He lacks diligence, but makes up for it with quick acumen. He has excellent taste, dreams and fantasizes. Because of this I am in love. At the same time, she is capable of hurting with words; Dasha’s sharp tongue limits her circle of friends. And she likes it. Dangerous critical situations they only invigorate her.

The meaning of the name Daria speaks of a person who knows how to adapt. Prefers profitable and pleasant communication. Does not tolerate criticism, excessive attention and anxiety. She tends to think about her actions, but mainly after a quarrel. Has a habit of self-flagellation.

He needs love, without it he begins to mope and even get sick. Constantly doubts loved ones on this basis. In relationships with men, the line between sympathy and attraction is often blurred. Wherein sexual relations don't bring joy. The inability to understand her feelings makes Daria dissatisfied in any relationship with the opposite sex.

From the outside it may seem that Dasha is not a supporter of morality, but in her heart she honors generally accepted rules. Daria is an attentive and neat worker, but finishing things is not in her nature. He has a good memory and skillfully uses his analytical mind. Due to poor intuition, she is not very curious.

The fate of the owner of the name is quiet, but full of feelings. She will marry late, but will be faithful. Happiness in marriage is possible only with a man who will envelop her with love and make her trust. The meaning of the name tells a woman to be the head of the family. She keeps the house in order, but treats her husband and children as wards, which is why she is rude and harsh with them. However, this does not prevent them from becoming friends.

In the professional field, she is more of a coordinator than a performer. She is no longer interested in creativity. She is good at engineering, teaching, research, calculations and translation.

Due to her weak lungs, smoking is contraindicated for her. Fate is preparing for her problems with the bronchi and frequent allergies.

The origin of the name Daria is associated with Persia. Translated, it means “good”, “kind”. Resembles from male name Darius and Dareios (possess+good). From Irish it means " rocky mountain” and came from the name Darren. The name Daria means “possessor”. The name was mentioned back in the 2nd century (Saint Daria) and in the 3rd century (martyr Daria of Rome). Here the name acquired the meaning of a gift or a gift. History says that popular name was in the 17th-19th centuries among merchants and peasants.

The meaning of the name Daria and characteristics for different ages


In infancy, Daria is very active. Among Muslims, the name Daria (Daria) also promises a girl a playful streak. The characterization of the name says that she learns quickly, begins to walk and talk early. In the company of her peers, she is a leader and commander. She knows how to command even boys; if necessary, she is ready to prove her advantage in a fight. He doesn’t approach unfamiliar children, but he doesn’t like being alone either. She is not capricious about toys, as she is prone to active games and competitions among her own.

The meaning of the name Daria speaks of a child who is affectionate and soft with his parents. The girl does not show her violent character in any way. Adults should immediately explain to the girl the difference between playing and falling in love, because she is not always able to predict the consequences. Dasha rarely helps her mother, but she respects adults. At the same time, he may be jealous of the new child in the family. Especially if her mother spoiled her a lot, which is where the moodiness comes from.

In general, Dasha is a pleasant child. With adults she is calm and friendly, with friends she is loyal and unenvious. Good at studies, but slow. Shows hard work, perseverance and responsibility. Loves handicrafts and music.

Characteristics by season:

  • Winter girl is slow. A diligent character makes it possible to study and develop well.
  • Spring Dasha is mysterious and silent. Very feminine and more prone to manual creativity.
  • Summer Daria is attractive and lively. Communication is easy and pleasant. Loves children.
  • Autumn Darina is a dreamer and visionary. Extremely interesting as an interlocutor and friend. She loves art.

Young woman

Young Dasha is a real flirt, which may become a habit in the future. He does not like to put on makeup and create excessive beauty, although he dresses with taste. At this age, parents should pay more attention to her, because it is at this age that she can be educated and needs adult advice. The interpretation of the name says that she is overly impressionable, but moderately modest. Quarrels with friends, failures in love and problems in school upset her very much. However, she has a good understanding of people and rarely encounters this.

She also succeeds in studying at the university. Selects future profession balanced and rational, and is not afraid to change his decision in case of a mistake.

Adult woman

Sensitivity and slowness - this is what the name Darina means for an adult woman. The childlike aspects of her character make living with her easy and relaxed. Smart, but not smart. He values ​​himself highly. Her work often doesn't work out. Tends to change professions and positions. She carries out assignments only out of a sense of duty, because her career does not appeal to her.

Dasha doesn't know how to get excited. She devotes herself completely to family or work if there is no husband and children. Thoughtfulness and silence predominate in behavior. Shows himself to be phlegmatic. Prefers home comfort. He perceives all problems as someone’s evil machinations or unforeseen circumstances.

Loves animals and walks fresh air. Loves the sea and other bodies of water, even those where you can’t swim. With age, he becomes more and more interested in caring for himself. The meaning of the name Daria speaks of a person who is cautious with new acquaintances and does not quickly show trust.

Name forms and declension

Full forms: Daria, Darina.

Short form: Dasha.

Diminutive forms: Dashulya, Darya, Darunya, Dashunya, Dashuta, Danya, Dara, Daryusha, Dashenka, Darinochka, Dashka, Daryushka.

Declension of name by case

Them. Daria

TV Daria, Daria

Etc. Daria

Name days and church significance

According to the church: Daria.

There are few holy women with this name, but all were endowed with strength of spirit and pure love for God. Most of these women are martyrs who had difficult lives. They all overcame their trials with kindness and humility.

I celebrate Daria's name day on April 1, when the martyr Daria of Rome is venerated. Other saints of Darin are remembered on March 14, April 4, August 17-18.

Relationship Compatibility

Interpretation of the name for relationships - has the ability to choose only the best. In a family, only what will bring happiness and joy to everyone is allowed. Daria is friendly with her husband's relatives. He treats his former adventures calmly and can easily turn a blind eye to any past of his chosen one. Focused on the present. She is very tactful and never makes comments to her husband in the presence of strangers.

Evgeny, Ivan, Sergey, Alexander, Anton, Yuri are able to make Daria happy. Less rosy relationships develop with Taras, Oleg, Felix and Eduard. Muslims Daria is an impressive woman with many admirers.

Spelling and translation into other languages

It is quite difficult to predict the character from the letters, but the overall picture can always be seen. Characteristics of the name by letter:

  • D – discipline, responsibility and commitment.
  • A – diligence and hard work.
  • P – professionalism and desire to improve.
  • L – peacefulness and love of refinement.
  • I have great self-esteem, a desire to lead and rule.

Name in English: Daria.

For international passport DARIIA.

Belarusian: Dar'ya.

Ukrainian: Daria, Darina, Dar’ya.

Polish: Daria.

Finnish: Tarja.

Bulgarian: Daria.

Romanian: Daria.

Croatian: Darja, Darjja.

Czech: Darja, Daria, Darya.

Slovenian: Darija, Darja.

Hungarian: Dária, Dára, Darina, Darinka.

Serbian: Darija.

Italian: Daria.

German: Daria.

French: Daria.

Chinese: 达丽娅.

Persian: دریا.‎

Daria as a name for a daughter will seem to many to be too simple an address, but only until the parents read its interpretation. “Conquering”, “possessing wealth”, “strong”, “great fire” - all this is about her.

Origin of the name

According to the main version, the name was formed from the ancient Persian male name Darius, which at one time was obtained by shortening the Greek Dareiros (5th century BC).

Another version says that the nickname originally appeared in Greek, and was formed from the Persian royal name Darayavaush.

It is possible that the female form “Daria” is originally Slavic origin, which is an abbreviation of the ancient Russian names Darina and Darena. Hence the interpretation of the meaning of the name - “gifted”, “gift”.

general characteristics

Dasha is growing up as a smart girl; she begins to talk, walk, and learn to read earlier than other children. In games, he always tries to show leadership, and if one of his friends tries to drag the blanket over himself, he can defend his rights by using force. This little hooligan cannot stand loneliness; if she goes out for a walk, she invariably gathers a lot of children around.

Usually a girl is her mother’s favorite, and due to spoilage, she is not accustomed to order and household work until adulthood. However, the innate desire for neatness and cleanliness inherent in the owner of the name will later smooth out this missed moment in upbringing.

At school, the girl studies diligently, although she doesn’t get straight A’s. Dasha is kind and sympathetic, always comes to the rescue of her peers.

Positive character traits

Daria is a temperamental and perky girl; it’s never boring with her. In any noisy company, at any holiday, she is like a duck to water. Dasha’s ability to adapt to any environment plays a significant role.

In building a career, the bearer of the royal nickname is facilitated by such personal qualities as the ability to analyze and quickly make decisions, quick wits and complete dedication to work.

Negative character traits

Being a hot-tempered person, Dashka often fights with his peers, trying to prove his superiority.

Attempts to manage children in the yard as a child can turn into commanding habits in adulthood, so parents should monitor their daughter and stop such behavior.

Daria is characterized by maximalism, and with her straightforwardness and rigidity she is capable of offending her interlocutor without realizing it.

Zodiac sign

For such a straightforward and stubborn person like Dasha, the sign of Aries is ideal.
The patron of the name is Mars, who imparts the desire for victory, energy and courage.
The color that accompanies luck in life is scarlet, and the talisman stone is bloodstone.


Dasha, Dashenka, Dashulya, Dashunya, Daryushka, Dashuta, Darena - all these name options will appeal to the girl.

Name options

The Germans, Czechs and Romanians have Daria, in Spanish and Italian there is Dario, in Portugal there is Dariu.

Historical figures

  • 1767 - 1842 - wife of the poet Gabriel Derzhavin, Daria Derzhavin.
  • 1785 – 1857 – socialite and the Russian government's secret agent in Paris and London, Daria Lieven.
  • 1804 – 1863 – granddaughter of Kutuzov, Daria Fikelmon.
  • 1822 – 1892 – heroine of the defense of the city of Sevastopol and the first sister of mercy Dasha Mikhailova.
  • 1901 – 1982 – dramatic actress Daria Zerkalova.
  • 1907 – 1982 – Ukrainian writer Daria Polotnyuk.

Our days: writer Daria Dontsova, Swiss athlete Daria Nauer, Belarusian biathlete Daria Domracheva, opera singer Daria Zykova.

When choosing a name for a girl, parents are guided by different principles: some look at the calendar, others choose a name that is consonant with the beautiful surname and patronymic, and others follow fashion. The name Daria is at the peak of popularity today.

In the ranking of the most common names given to girls in Russia, it ranks 3rd - out of 10,000 newborns, almost 520 receive certificates with the name Daria (up to 85-90%) or its derivatives - Darina (10-12%) or Daria (1-2%).

But in any case, parents are interested in what fate awaits a girl named Daria, how the chosen name will affect her character, upbringing, and habits. The resource Zatusim has collected all the information about the name Daria and will tell you what the name Daria means for a girl, what difficulties she will have to face, and how they can be avoided.

Daria - winner, fiery, great fire, bestowed, gift, gift, sea, mountain river, rocky mountain - this is how the name is translated from various languages.

And, oddly enough, it was precisely this meaning of the name Daria that was reflected in the character of its owners. Moreover, character traits practically do not change with age. But first things first.

What does the name Daria mean for a little girl?

Little Dashenkas are mothers’ favorites, because they are not just a child, but a real gift of fate. This is exactly how parents treat their Darias, pampering them and allowing them various pranks. The older ones are especially touched by the ability of the little ones to find something to do under any circumstances and not bother the adults.

Even in infancy, Dasha is not capricious, and if she cries, that’s why the real reason. It's hard to find a more prosperous child. She begins to talk and walk early and quickly learns new skills.

Little Dasha is not too inquisitive, she does not show interest in everything that surrounds her, she does not require new clothes or toys.

Daria is purposeful, but she cannot be called constant.

Her hobbies and interests may change during childhood. The main hobbies are music and handicrafts.

The immediate environment tries to pamper the child, so problems often arise with establishing order and maintaining a routine.

By nature, Daria is clean and hardworking, painstaking and obligatory. If you don’t miss the moment, the girl will be happy to help her mother.

Moreover, she tries to do everything efficiently, to bring everything to the end, and not to abandon what she started halfway.

Daria loves to be the center of attention in the family; she will carry out all orders for the sake of praise. However, he will never express his gratitude or affection, while all the child’s emotions are literally written on his face.

But among her peers, Daria tries to be a leader, a winner. She will persistently defend her position, even using fists is possible.

Frequent colds are the main childhood health problem.

Some people have weak lungs for life, so Daria is strictly forbidden to smoke or work in harmful conditions in the future.

Daria in her youth

IN school age her ardor fades a little. You shouldn't expect great success from your studies. She will have excellent knowledge of subjects that are interesting to her and will learn “for show” subjects that are boring.

And she gives preference to music, the humanities, and those areas where you can show your creative nature.

There will be no bad grades - she will not allow this because of her natural responsibility.

She rarely uses her excellent memory and analytical mind to its full potential.

She moves forward only out of a sense of duty.

Dasha is critical of her shortcomings and admits her mistakes, and accurately sets her life priorities.

Social life is not about Daria.

Here she not only does not strive for leadership, but even tries to avoid any participation.

She is sensitive to criticism and is embarrassed by her appearance, which is the reason for ignoring any public appearances.

Problems arise with communication skills - it’s hard for Daria to find mutual language with peers.

Therefore, her circle of friends is often limited. Dasha surrounds herself only with those people who fully meet her established criteria.

But if anyone is lucky enough to win her trust, he will know what true friendship is.

Friends and teachers are even afraid of her sharp tongue, but they love her for her even character and original sense of humor.

Any signs of attention either make Daria nervous or overly worry her. She prefers smooth relationships. And this applies both to relationships in the family and with young people.

Daria is incredibly amorous. It may even seem that she is not picky in her relationships.

This impression is deceptive - her natural decency will not allow her to descend into promiscuous sexual relations.

However, it would not hurt for parents to pay attention to this issue - preventive conversations will yield results if a trusting and respectful relationship has developed between the daughter and parents.

At the same time, excessive falling in love will cause big disappointments and mental anguish that the girl will experience very painfully.

At all, nervous system– this is Daria’s weak point. Nervous breakdowns, headaches, symptoms of VSD, depression are the main problems in adolescence.

Fatigue and depression are common. Daria is reserved and slow, but very emotional and can break down.

Daria is a pragmatist who soberly assesses any situation and is guided by exceptionally solid calculations.

However, the impression of Daria's strong and independent character, who always goes through life with her head held high, is deceptive.

The girl is very vulnerable and needs love, although she tries not to show it outwardly. Any criticism can provoke a wave of doubts, and even the development of complexes.

Dasha attributes all her failures to external factors. Constant self-analysis can develop into narcissism.

Then Daria will not spare any money or effort to improve and satisfy her desires and hobbies.

And although Daria does not like to put on makeup or dress up, her natural taste cannot be taken away from her.

By the way, improving a girl’s appearance may well become a hobby for her.

She doesn't like it too much homework, but fixated on orders.

She will never have clutter in her workplace or room: everything is not just arranged on shelves, but has its place.

Moreover, Dasha is sensitive to outside interference in her personal space.

Name Daria: the meaning of the name and the fate of an adult woman

Adult Daria remains a small child at heart. She is touchy, vulnerable, capricious, and sometimes even rude and hot-tempered.

Nevertheless, Dasha remains kind and non-conflict - in principle, she does not like scandals, so she tries to avoid them by any means.

Everyone also perceives any problems as a coincidence or someone’s evil machinations.

She is pleasant and easy to communicate with. In it up to old age there remains something childish that appeals to many.

She is charming, charismatic, with excellent taste and great imagination. Sensitive and slow, Dasha expects love and warmth from life.

Without love, Daria fades and loses the meaning of life.

Therefore, Dashenka often gets married quite early if she lacks love in the family, but she is also quickly disappointed, not finding high feelings.

Daria, surrounded by love, will search for her ideal for a long time, relying on her intuition, which women with that name completely lack.

In the family, her husband and children come first for her - she simply idolizes the comfort of home and gives all of herself to her family.

Many are surprised by how the often lazy and amorous Daria turns into a wonderful wife and mother.

If things don’t work out with her family, Daria will not devote herself to work. Career is not about Dasha; she has little interest in professional growth and positions.

The exception is when work becomes a hobby for Daria, and here she will give all of herself.

In most cases, she can often change not only her place of work, but also her profession.

She is able to adapt to circumstances, but her narcissism does not allow her to do something she doesn’t like.

However, even if necessary, he carries out unloved duties and finishes what he starts.

In general, the fate of women with this name is successful, life proceeds without any special shocks.

Daria's character according to the horoscope

Despite common features, Daria’s character largely depends on her horoscope.


The girl Dasha is principled and straightforward. She is incredibly amorous and capable of rash actions, but is firmly convinced that this time it is for life. Egocentrism is her main character trait.


Dashenkas are charming and sexy coquettes. It is easy to communicate with them, they charm the interlocutor. Despite the crowd of fans, she will remain faithful to her loved one. The pitfall is incredible stubbornness, which Dasha perceives as integrity.


Daria, energetic and inquisitive. Routine and its monotony wear them out. She is always ready for change, even if we're talking about about work or profession, a man or place of residence, which ultimately leads to unsettled life, both professionally and personally.


And women named Daria are apathetic and melancholic. They go with the flow, not resisting any circumstances. Initiative is not about them. They need to be reminded, and sometimes asked, even about small responsibilities. Women in marriage do not find an outlet, as they recklessly marry the first person they meet. They also cannot decide on divorce. And they don’t even command respect from children.

a lion

Daria, who are bright personalities who are used to achieving everything on their own. They are sincere and cannot stand empty coquetry, promises, or flirting. But they give themselves completely to their loved one.


September Darias are scrupulous and pedantic. They are excellent performers, as they approach any work responsibly. They approach the choice of a spouse with the same responsibility, which is why they get married late, but successfully. However, she does not waste warmth and tenderness on her children and husband.


Women born in late September - October are incredibly hardworking. A hundred things to do at once - this is about them. They are passionate and open, not greedy at all. Therefore, there will always be many friends, employees, fans, and acquaintances in the house. But her husband should not worry, since Daria is devoted only to him and the children.


Daria's November girls are unpredictable and impulsive. Even as adults, they love to change everything, often without logical reasons. You can expect surprises both in her appearance and in relation to a change in profession. Only a pragmatic husband can restrain her impulsiveness. However, there will be many fans, as they literally flock to the sensuality and attractive appearance of Dasha the Scorpio.


The only sign with the name Daria for whom work becomes the center of life. They are born businesswomen with the gift of suggestion and a commanding character. But in their personal lives they remain lonely, because men are simply afraid of them. For a daredevil who decides to marry Daria, she will become the best wife.


Cold and reserved Darias are very emotional. They react painfully to any remark, listen to the opinions of strangers, worry about it or not. And they see themselves as to blame for everything. Achieve peace of mind and confidence, even in family relationships, will only help sweet words and praise.


And women named Daria are great dreamers. They dream and idealize everything around them, which often becomes the cause of huge disappointments. Unfortunately, they do not understand people and look at the world “through rose-colored glasses.”


Intellectual and feminine. They absolutely cannot tolerate any kind of aggression and arrogance. However, their innate delicacy does not allow them to express strong opinion, which is perceived by others as lightness of character, cheerfulness and arouses respect. They will not have to face any special difficulties in life. Most achievements will come naturally and easily.

Fate with the name Daria

How will the fate of the girl named Daria turn out, what surprises should we expect? Perhaps our characteristics will allow us to prevent possible incidents and pay attention to character flaws, weaknesses, and maybe even get to know your Dasha better, find an approach to her, and choose a good gift.

Business, money and career

For Daria, money, as such, is not the goal, although wealth is important. Therefore, she tolerates a change of job or activity painlessly and even often initiates such changes herself.

Her career is not important to her; leadership positions mean great responsibility and publicity.

In principle, work for Daria is a series of duties that she tries to perform efficiently, because it is her duty.

She copes well with routine and paper work. Therefore, he often becomes an accountant, merchandiser, or bank employee.

Daria often chooses teaching and working with children. Suitable for Dasha and creative work art critic, designer, literary critic, translator or journalist.
Among Daria’s interesting areas, she chooses social work and volunteer activities.

Modern trends in remote work are an ideal choice for some women with this name, for whom it is important not to tear themselves away from home and children.
They are respected in the team, since Daria is ambitious and does not participate in intrigue. By the way, they can get by on an average income.

Therefore, conflicts or complexes due to lack of money never arise.

Love and sex

Regarding sex, Daria may experience a number of complexes, as she does not feel confident and liberated.

First of all, this is due to her complexes associated with appearance and feminine charm. Only next to a spiritually close and trusted person will she be able to relax.

But her impulsiveness can also play a cruel joke.

A logically developing relationship may simply reach a dead end, since Daria herself does not know what she wants in this regard.

On the other side, chance meeting may end in marriage.

Despite her natural calm and prudence, volcanoes of passion can explode in Daria, frightening her partner.

Daria's family

Daria's slowness and laziness do not prevent her from being an excellent housewife and a caring wife and mother.

It is difficult for her to find a suitable life partner, since this should be an ideal. They never forgive betrayals and remain faithful.

If she is comfortable with a man, she becomes a passionate and ideal lover, completely opening her soul to her beloved.

Daria will be able to live only with that person whom she will trust, love and respect.

Therefore, he never shows his leadership in the family, although, in fact, he is its head.

But he breaks up with a deceiver without hesitation. She goes for divorce without regrets, obeying her impulsiveness. Although later he may regret and even become depressed.


The most weak spots Daria is the nervous system, lungs and stomach.

She begins to suffer from colds since childhood.

In adulthood, it is difficult to tolerate any inflammatory and viral diseases.

She will have to watch her diet, since indigestion, poisoning, gastritis, colitis and other gastrointestinal problems will haunt her all her life.

In more mature age Daria faces allergic diseases and problems with her back and joints.

Nervous diseases are one of Daria’s main problems.

Hobbies and interests

Daria's slightly melancholic character also affected her hobbies. She likes to knit, embroider, and do needlework.

She also likes cooking. She bakes well, loves to experiment with seasonings, recipes, and come up with new dishes.

Dasha gives herself completely to any hobby.

She is not satisfied with the result - she must always bring what she started to its logical conclusion, and not just do it, but do it perfectly.

But active recreation, sports and extreme sports are not about Daria. The most she can agree to is walking, visiting the pool, relaxing trips, excursions.

It is believed that each person is responsible for his own destiny and is able to create it with his own hands, but a lot here also depends on the name. That is why, at baptism, adults try to name their child with a name that promises a good future and will certainly play important role V family life and career. What benefits should the baby, whose parents named Daria, expect from the future, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls?

The meaning of the name Daria for a girl is brief

Dasha – beautiful name, which parents often choose for their daughter. Many adults don’t even know what it means, but they are sure that the baby will be fine. They are not mistaken, because the meaning of the name Daria for a girl is briefly “victorious” or “strong.” This is most often true, because the baby shows her character and stubbornness almost from the cradle.

It is believed that Daria was first mentioned in the chronicles preserved from Ancient Greece. The wife of one of the outstanding commanders bore this name. History has preserved information about her because after the death of her husband, she could not remain alone and jumped off a high cliff. Legend has it that a beautiful tree grew in this place, which bloomed only once every few years and the aromas from it spread for many miles around. Unfortunately, there is no information about what kind of plant it was.

The ancient Greeks knew about what future awaited the girl who was christened Daria, the meaning of the name, character and fate. Of course, I didn’t expect everyone tragic fate, most often, women with this name lived happily ever after, preserved the family hearth and achieved considerable benefits from life.

What does the name Daria mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Are there any mentions of Daria in the church calendar? Of course, here too there were saints bearing this wonderful name. The girl, so named by her parents, will be able to celebrate her name day several times a year. The patron saint will certainly help the baby not only grow and develop quickly, but will also help adults in raising their daughter.

What does the name Daria mean for a girl according to the church calendar, and is there anything unusual here? Church calendar does not disagree with the ancient Greek interpretation of this popular and widespread name - it states that it means “victor”.

One of the holy great martyrs, about whom there are many mentions in church books, is Daria, the bride of one of the martyrs who endured incredible torture for the sake of their Teacher. The woman failed to survive after the death of her fiancé - she also had to endure incredible torment for the sake of the Lord. Daria, the meaning of the name, character and fate - in church books, unfortunately, there are no pleasant moments promising a happy future for the girl. Despite this, parents should not be upset - it has been noted that it is the owners of this name who are carefully guarded by their patron saints and protected from all adversity.

The secret of the name Daria - what is hidden in it?

Could the secret of the name Daria influence the girl’s future in any way? You should not refuse to baptize your baby with this name - many parents are already convinced that the child succeeds in everything from birth, and he is capable of manipulating even the strictest and most unforgiving adults.

An interesting fact is that many healers and seers bear this name. Most likely, a lot here depends on the meaning of the name - “winner” is quite suitable for clairvoyants. Many adults become convinced that their child really does have some inexplicable talents. Sometimes these are just hunches or well-developed intuition. It happens that a girl can foresee the near future, but you shouldn’t trust her words too much - Daria also has an excellent imagination, and much of what the girl says may simply be fiction in order to attract attention.

Origin of the name Daria and its meaning for children

Despite the fact that it is accepted by the country where the name Daria came from, it is considered Ancient Greece, scientists have their own opinion on this matter. More recently, they found confirmation of one of their hypotheses that girls were often called this name in Ancient Persia. This did not in any way affect the meaning of the name - the Persians also believed that it meant “leader” or “strong.” In some ancient books there is another interpretation of the name Daria - “strong flame”, “great fire”.

The origin of the name Daria and its meaning for children - this information is often primarily of interest to parents who are planning to name their baby that way. Adults don’t have to worry about what difficulties they will have to endure when raising a girl - from an early age she will be attentive and diligent. Daria has the following traits:

  1. perseverance;
  2. obedience;
  3. respect for adults;
  4. curiosity;
  5. the desire to constantly learn something new.

The girl simply loves reading, and adults don’t have to make a lot of effort for this or look for a free minute to read to their beloved child. Dasha will quickly learn letters and independently learn about the world around her from books. She will be happy to read to her younger brothers and sisters, grandparents. The main thing here is not to forget about praise, otherwise the girl will refuse to do it in the future and will become withdrawn.

Character of a girl named Daria

Will the character of a girl named Daria bring trouble to adults? If you raise your baby correctly, then no problems will arise with this. The girl has the following traits:

  1. intelligence;
  2. hot, even a little hot-tempered character;
  3. ability to adapt to any conditions;
  4. talent to win people over;
  5. caring for loved ones and relatives;
  6. love for children;
  7. great sense of humor;
  8. enthusiasm;
  9. cleverness.

Another remarkable character trait of Dasha is reckless courage. She climbs trees fearlessly as a child. It is worth mentioning another excellent quality of a woman named Daria - in adulthood, for the sake of her family, she is capable of the incredible. She may even sacrifice her health or life so that her loved ones feel good.

The fate of a girl named Daria

If adults are concerned about the fate of a girl named Daria, they can be calm about the future of their beloved child - she will certainly receive incredible gifts from life. Parents also play a significant role here—much depends on their upbringing. From an early age, their daughter gets used to the fact that she has her own responsibilities in the house, putting away toys, sweeping the floor, wiping dust, and cooking. These habits of keeping the house tidy are maintained throughout life - Daria's house will always look cozy, comfortable, and clean. The girl will choose a life partner almost the same as herself - neat, attentive, keeping order in the house.

Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist also to expand your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Daria, manifestation of love

Daria, self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “basic necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant they are, cannot replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

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