How old is Yulia Baranovskaya? Who does Yulia Baranovskaya live with now? Biography of Baranovskaya: three big disappointments

Yuliya Arshavina is known to everyone as the wife of the popular football player of the London Arsenal. She was presented on the screen as a true homemaker and a wonderful mother. She always believed that the husband should be the head of the family. However, in 2012 the marriage broke up. What happened to Julia? Let's first find out how it all began.

First meeting

Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Arshavina met in the hot summer of 2003. That day the girl was not at all lucky. While she was driving to a friend's house, her car was hit. However, everything happened without any serious consequences. Having finally reached her friend, she went with her to the beach, where she ended up getting burned. To cheer up, the girls decided to go to a restaurant. And for good reason! In front of the restaurant they decided to take a walk along Nevsky. Three guys walked towards them, among them was he - Andrei Arshavin. As they say, it was A month after they met, the young people began to live together. At that time, Andrei was twenty-two years old, and Yulia was only eighteen.

When they met, Arshavin’s football career was just beginning. He was still sitting on the Zenit bench. Who was she and what did she do before? fateful meeting Julia?

Yulia Arshavina: biography

Little is known reliably about the girl’s life before meeting Andrei. She was born in the summer, June 3, 1985. She grew up in St. Petersburg. Yulia studied at a regular school and was diligent student. Finished educational institution Honours. Then the heroine of our article became a student at the University of Aerospace Instrumentation and entered the specialty “management”. However, she was never able to obtain a diploma, since she left her studies at the university due to pregnancy. According to Yulia, she didn’t really like studying this specialty. She wanted to enter the Faculty of Journalism, as she considered herself creative person. But relatives dissuaded me. Her parents divorced when Julia was ten years old. She took the break with her father very hard, as she was very close to him. Mom remarried. Julia has two more younger sisters - Ksenia and Alexandra. The girls get along well with each other. Another fact is known that maiden name Yulia - Baranovskaya. However, in the media she was always called nothing less than Yulia Arshavina. The biography of that period ends here, since our heroine does not like to talk about her life. In principle, for people who are not too interested in sensations, this information is quite enough.

Mother of three children

Arshavina Julia - happy mom. On December 7, 2005, she gave birth to her first child, a son named Artem. And on April 3, 2008, a daughter was born. They named her Alina, but soon changed their minds and gave her the name Yana. The birth was difficult, the doctors had to C-section. However, in the end everything was fine with the child and mother. On August 14, 2012, the third baby was born, a boy named Arseny. This is how Julia became a happy mother of three children. She now lives with her children in north London in a two-room apartment.


What about career? Before the birth of her children, she worked briefly at Radio Chanson. I planned to launch my own program called “Zenith”, but I had to leave for London. For Yulia, family always came first. Therefore, any attempts to get a job were unsuccessful, and in principle, there weren’t really any. As Arshavina Yulia herself said, a career should be built by those who really succeed. And so she consciously made her choice in favor of her family and became a housewife, an exemplary wife, a homemaker and a caring mother.

Yulia Arshavina: photo, a little about style, about filming

Julia prefers comfortable clothes for home and leisure. Mainly T-shirts, jeans, tracksuits, sneakers, sweatshirts and light dresses. The photo below shows several images in which Julia attended events alone or with her ex-husband.

Her photos adorn the covers of glossy publications. Once she starred with children in HELLO magazine, where she gave frank interview about your life.

In 2014, after a long silence, she decided to talk in detail about the beginning and, alas, the end of the happiness that she tried to build with Arshavin. Yulia gave an interview to Andrei Malakhov. The girl’s almost confession was shown in the scandalous show “Let Them Talk” on Channel One.

Life after a breakup

The relationship lasted with Andrey for about ten years. Alas, it was not an official marriage, but only a civil one. In 2013, the fairy tale ended. Julia had a hard time with the breakup. However, she does not want to be pitied, but only supported. Arshavin’s own friends condemned the football player and did not leave the girl alone. She is invited to parties and gets a job. Now Julia appears on television as a presenter.

At the moment, Yulia Arshavina is actively working. She attends and hosts various events and participates in programs. However, in no case does he forget about his children and takes care of them with pleasure.

In March 2014, she spent top level celebration of Maslenitsa in London (the co-host was an actor and showman. Yulia also makes her debut on television as a presenter in the program “Girls” on the Rossiya channel. On this moment she is one of the experts on the post-show “The Bachelor,” which airs on TNT. Judging by the broadcasts, she does a good job and has mastered television and show business. Julia plans to release a collection of children's clothing in the future.

Now he is suing Arshavin regarding alimony.

Yulia Baranovskaya - Arshavin's wife, but alas, already ex - is Strong woman with developed maternal instinct. Little is known about her biography, and anyone who wants to learn how to keep their life secret should contact this girl.

Yulia Baranovskaya comes from a simple family in St. Petersburg. Her mother worked as a school teacher, and her father was an engineer. When Yulia was in school, her parents filed for divorce. Mom married a second time, and Yulia had two sisters, with whom she still gets along well.

When the time came to choose a profession, Yulia thought about journalism, but her mother dissuaded her from this step. She believed that it was better for her daughter to major in Management, and Yulia listened to her and entered the University of Aerospace Instrumentation. She failed to graduate: on a summer day, while walking along Nevsky Prospect with a friend, she met Andrei Arshavin, a young promising football player. The romance developed rapidly, and within a month the couple began to live together. In 2003, the first child, Artem, was born. Julia left the university and took care of her son. Three years later, another daughter, Yana, was born. Andrei's successes influenced the life of the family: in 2009, he signed a contract with London's Arsenal, and the family moved to England. Yulia admits that at first it was hard for her to live there: her husband is always at games, but she doesn’t know the language, the children follow her. Gradually she got used to the new place, and in 2012 she became pregnant with her third child. Yulia Baranovskaya’s husband returned to Russia and began playing for Zenit again, but she decided to stay in London so that the children could continue to study at their school.

When Yulia was still pregnant, quite unexpectedly, Arshavin admitted to her that he was leaving the family. Julia then took this news very hard: just then her mother fell ill, and she herself was admitted to the hospital for safekeeping. 9 years of happiness life together ended, and it was necessary to live on something. Julia filed for alimony. The process was drawn out, because they were not officially married. As a result, the St. Petersburg court put an end to establishing the amounts, obliging the football player to pay half of his income.

TV presenter career

Having come to her senses, Baranovskaya returned to her dream. She did not study to become a journalist, and it was not necessary: ​​she took part in several shows and instantly became famous, because then the whole of Russia sympathized with the breakup of her family. She made useful contacts, which allowed her to take her first steps on TV. Baranovskaya tried herself as a TV presenter of the program “Girls” on the Russia 1 channel, then she was a consultant on the show “Bachelor”, which took place on TNT. She gained great popularity at the same time as changing her life and overcoming her doubts.

In 2014, she permanently moved from London to Moscow. Her career continued with the new talk show “Male / Female”, where she became co-host of Alexander Gordon. In the summer of 2016, Julia decided to describe in detail all her experiences associated with divorce, and wrote a biography entitled “Everything is for the Better.”

Personal life of Yuliya Baranovskaya

There are only rumors about the personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya. After breaking up with Arshavin, she was noticed in society, and it was rumored that the couple was on vacation together in Italy. In 2015, she was credited with an affair with stylist Evgeniy Sedym, but she herself does not comment on the rumors.

Personal life of TV presenter Julia Baranovskaya - today

Find out everything about Yulia Baranovskaya now Name: Yulia Baranovskaya Date of birth: June 3, 1985 Gemini Place of birth: Leningrad Occupation: TV presenter

Weight: 58 kg Height: 168 cm

Today, Yulia Baranovskaya is a successful TV presenter, independent creative person , leading by example with her positive and optimistic attitude. Despite quite short biography, this girl has experienced a lot and gained invaluable experience, which she can now safely share with TV viewers. Personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya you can freely take it as a plot for another melodrama about everyday difficulties. And the audience will definitely like the ending of this film, because our heroine withstood the trials that befell her with honor and eventually became an absolutely happy person.

The biography of Yulia Baranovskaya began on June 3, 1985. For the first time she encountered male betrayal back in childhood when the father left the family. However, together with their mother they were able to survive this period. Probably, in many ways, it was her mother’s example that served as a support for Yulia Baranovskaya when she herself faced similar problem. Dreaming of becoming a journalist, she nevertheless went to study management, following her mother’s persuasion. However, she never received her diploma. In the summer of 2003, an acquaintance took place, which left an indelible mark in the biography of Yulia Baranovskaya - with football player Andrei Arshavin. At that time, the girl was a university student, and her chosen one was far from being a football star. The young people’s romance developed rapidly, as did the career of Yulia Baranovskaya’s common-law husband. Two years later, their first child was born - son Artyom, and a little later - daughter Yana. All four of them went to London, where Andrei Arshavin was invited to play for Arsenal. Considering herself completely protected and happy next to her husband, Yulia Baranovskaya stopped even thinking about formalizing the relationship. Therefore, the news that the husband met in St. Petersburg, where he returned to play for Zenit after the expiration of the contract alone (since the children had already gone to London school) another woman and was leaving the family, took Yulia, pregnant with her third child, by surprise.

To say that it was hard for our heroine is to say nothing. She survived this period only thanks to incredible efforts. Moreover, after the news that Yulia Baranovskaya had lost her husband, news came about her mother’s serious illness. A lot of time passed before the girl could confidently say that life had completely improved. Nevertheless, despite the misfortune that befell her and the betrayal of her husband, whom she completely trusted, Yulia Baranovskaya recalls the years family life like the happiest time and grateful ex-lover for the most valuable gift in the world - three children Artyom, Yana and Arseny.

Andrei Arshavin with his wife Yulia Baranovskaya and children - photo

The press has already written about the TV presenter’s alleged romance with actor Andrei Chadov, but these rumors have not been confirmed by either party. This spring, Yulia Baranovskaya was seen in the company of stylist Evgeniy Sedoy. However, the girl’s marital status still remains the same - as long as she is not married. But the abundance of fans suggests that this situation can change for the better at any moment.

Private life of TV presenter Yulia the Baranov (Julia Baranovskaya) - today

Alone with everyone - TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya (Video)

Today she is a popular TV presenter, strong and successful woman. But three years ago she was known exclusively as the common-law wife of football player Andrei Arshavin. After her divorce from Arshavin, she actively pursued a career on Russian television., became a guest on many popular TV shows on TV channels "Russia 1", "TNT" and others. Became the host of the popular project “Reboot”

View free photo biography and personal life of TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya website. Everything about Yulia Baranovskaya is available on mobile phones online.

Source of biography and personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya:

Yulia Baranovskaya - former common-law wife Zenit striker Andrei Arshavin, and now a TV presenter, tells the press little about her childhood. According to her, the point is not that she is hiding something, but rather that interesting facts The biography of Yulia Baranovskaya has not been completed for some time. She was born into an ordinary St. Petersburg family: her mother is a school teacher, her father is an engineer in a company. When Yulia was ten years old, her parents divorced. The girl did not communicate with her father for 15 years. Baranovskaya’s mother married a second time, and in this marriage two more girls were born - Ksenia and Sasha. Julia has a good relationship with her sisters.

Being a housewife is actually more difficult than building a career. Of course, I could ask my husband for money and organize some kind of business like a beauty salon. But it wasn’t interesting to me, I’m not a businesswoman. You only need to do what you love

After graduating from school, Yulia wanted to enter the Faculty of Journalism. But the mother insisted that her daughter study at the University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Faculty of Management. However, the girl did not manage to graduate from university. In 2003, there was a meeting that changed her whole life. That summer day, everything went wrong for Yulia: she was burned on the beach, her car was scratched. A friend insisted on a walk along Nevsky Prospekt. There, Andrei Arshavin, a promising football player at that time, met Yulia Baranovskaya. The couple quickly begins to live together, in 2005 the couple had their first child, son Artem, and three years later the second, daughter Yana. In 2009, Andrei Arshavin received interesting offer from London Arsenal, which he accepted. The entire family moves to London. And here the first difficulties begin. Yulia has difficulty adapting to her new life; she does not know the language and is busy only with the children all day. But gradually she is drawn into the measured English life. In 2012, Andrei Arshavin returns to Zenit. Yulia stays with the children in London because she does not want to tear the kids away from their studies and new friends. On August 14, 2012, Yulia Baranovskaya gave birth to her third child, a boy, Arseny. In the same year, Andrei Arshavin leaves the family. “I was in London when Andrei announced that he was leaving the family. And the next day I found out about my mother’s illness. God forbid someone goes through this! A few days later I was admitted to the hospital for safekeeping. I believe that public people like Andrey simply cannot do this. Like this? I still don’t know what happened to him, but it was a betrayal!” Yulia said in an interview with Andrei Malakhov. This was the first time Yulia commented on the breakup with her common-law husband Andrey Arshavin.

The couple could not reach an agreement regarding alimony for a long time. The St. Petersburg court put an end to this case. Andrei Arshavin was ordered to pay half of his income to his ex-common-law wife and children. According to some reports, the amount is about 10 million rubles per month.

After separating from her husband, Yulia Baranovskaya actively took up her career. She tried herself as a TV presenter of the “Girls” program on Russia 1 channel. Since the fall of 2014, Yulia, together with Alexander Gordon, has been hosting the “Male and Female” program on Channel One.


  • In one of her first interviews with the English press, Julia admitted that she did not like Britain. Baranovskaya had to pay for these words. For a long time journalists ridiculed Yulia's every appearance, speaking unflatteringly about her outfits.
  • Yulia Baranovskaya was credited with an affair with Andrei Chadov.
  • Yulia Baranovskaya does not have a higher education



Yulia Baranovskaya is a sought-after TV presenter and an attractive girl. Helped her gain popularity ex-husband- football player Arshavin, with whom she has not lived for more than 5 years. Now Baranovskaya’s personal life interests many of her fans.

Yulia's ex-husband - Andrei Arshavin

The young people met in 2003. Yulia was a student, and Andrey was an aspiring football player. Having met on Nevsky Prospekt, they immediately felt a strong attraction to each other, and after several dates they decided to be together. Arshavin and Baranovskaya lived in civil marriage, without even thinking about going to the registry office. Julia wanted a magnificent wedding, but the lovers did not have time for this.

Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrey Arshavin

Two years later, the future TV presenter gave birth to Andrei’s child and left the university. Three years later, the couple had a girl, and Julia devoted herself entirely to the family. The husband's career took off, and in 2009 the family moved to England. It was not easy for the girl abroad, but for the sake of her husband she was ready to do anything.

Andrey Arshavin with his son and daughter

During his wife's third pregnancy, Arshavin decided to return to his homeland to play for Zenit. Soon Baranovskaya found out that her husband was cheating on her. In 2013, their union broke up, although Julia was ready to forgive Andrei. Now the ex-husband, who lives happily married to his wife Alice, occasionally sees the children and pays alimony.

Children of Yulia Baranovskaya

An experienced mother is proud of her children and supports them in everything. After breaking up with her husband, she free time spends time with her sons and daughter, trying to be both mother and father.

Son Artyom

In December 2005, Yulia gave birth to her first child, a boy, Artem. At this time, the presenter lived happily in a civil marriage with Andrei Arshavin.

Yulia Baranovskaya with her son Artem

The young people even wanted to get married after the birth of their son, but things never came to a celebration. Now Artem is already 13 years old, he is studying at a prestigious gymnasium in St. Petersburg.

Baranovskaya with children

He attends various clubs, studies well and enjoys football. Many say that the boy is very similar to his father.

Jan's daughter

On April 3, 2008, Baranovskaya gave birth to a daughter from Arshavin. Initially, the parents sent the girl to study in an English school, but upon Yulia’s return to her native country, Baranovskaya transferred her to a St. Petersburg gymnasium.

Julia with her beloved daughter

Yana supports her mother in everything and helps in raising her younger brother, doing creativity with him. Relatives note that the girl is very similar to Yulia.

Julia with her daughter Yana

Julia's daughter is an excellent student and athlete. She participates in various school activities.

Son Arseny

On August 14, 2012, Julia gave birth to her third child. They named him Arseny. Until now, Andrei Arshavin treats the child coldly, believing that the son was not born from him. This year Arseny turned 6 years old.

Baranovskaya's youngest son Arseny

He is growing up as a smart, healthy and cheerful boy. Learns to write and read to enter school. The child is engaged in modeling and drawing with his sister.

Who is Yulia Baranovskaya with now: personal relationships

There are many rumors about Julia's novels. The presenter is credited with relationships with many star men. Among them are the lead singer of “Ivanushki”, her co-host on the program “Reboot”, singer Alexey Vorobyov and others. More recently, the public learned about.

Romance of Galkin and Baranovskaya: truth or speculation

IN Lately Many rumors began to appear about the relationship between the popular presenter and Maxim Galkin. The reason was a video shared by Dmitry Nagiyev, where various celebrities gathered at Ostankino to receive their salaries.

Subscribers paid attention to the couple Galkin and Baranovskaya.

Maxim talked enthusiastically with Yulia, and then sat her on his shoulder. After this, for some reason they decided that the showman was divorcing the Prima Donna, and Baranovskaya was completely pregnant with his child. Galkin reports that there is no relationship between them, and he is happily married.

Relations between Baranovskaya and Chadov

After Julia began to be recognized on the streets, many rumors about her chosen ones appeared in the press. It was believed that the girl was dating famous actor Andrey Chadov.

Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrey Chadov

There were them online joint photos graphy, but the young people themselves spoke negatively about such information. It is unknown whether Julia and Andrei really had an affair, since people from close circles claim that for a certain period of time they were really in love with each other.

Yulia Baranovskaya and Evgeniy Sedoy

Yulia’s relationship with her work colleague Evgeny Sedym is of interest to many Baranovskaya fans. Together with her man, she hosted a program called “Reloaded,” and now they are touring the country with master classes.

Yulia Baranovskaya and Evgeniy Sedoy

Numerous joint photos on the pages of Yulia and Evgeny give reason to wonder whether they are really connected by just friendship. They themselves deny the possibility of relationships developing into more serious ones.

Yulia Baranovskaya: about herself in the book and TV show

Failures in family life gave Baranovskaya the opportunity to prove herself and move forward. In a short time, the girl has become famous and is not going to stop there.

“Everything is for the better” - a story about my life

The famous TV presenter is the author of a book called “Everything is for the Better.” In this work she shares her personal experience with women, talks about relationships with her ex-husband. The book is a success, because, according to the girl, it is imbued with sincerity and emotions.

Yulia Baranovskaya with the book “Everything is for the Better”

She talks about her problems without embellishment, noting that it was incredibly difficult for her to recover from the breakup. On the pages of the book you can find many experiences of a woman who was unfairly left alone with three children.

Gordon and Baranovskaya: Male/Female

After a series of failures associated with financial difficulties and personal experiences, in 2014 Julia began to white stripe. She was invited to become co-host of Alexander Gordon. The “Male/Female” project quickly gained popularity.

Baranovskaya and Gordon in the project “Male / Female”

The presenters of the TV show examine complex relationships and family situations, looking at the problem from different angles. Thanks to Alexander and Yulia, many guests are trying to draw conclusions and learn to correct the mistakes of their lives.

Yulia Baranovskaya in the program “Let Them Talk”

In the spring of 2014, after breaking up with her husband, Yulia appeared with Andrei Malakhov on the show “Let Them Talk.” For a long time, the girl did not comment on the situation, but decided to tell everything a year later.

Julia on the show “Let Them Talk”

A scandal broke out on the set, because no one at that time knew that Arshavin left his wife and children while pregnant with their third child. Julia said that she was ready to forgive him everything, but he had no intention of returning.

Yulia Baranovskaya with Andrei Malakhov

The girl had to sue him because her husband was not going to solve the problems peacefully. Now the footballer pays her more than half of his income every month.

Friendly family of Yulia Baranovskaya

Despite the ups and downs in her personal life and the unsettled relationship with the father of her children, Baranovskaya managed to create a real life for her sons and daughter. family happiness. In addition, she realized herself as a person and is now one of the most sought-after women on television.

Photo: Instagram,,,,

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