Where are the monsoons? Monsoon is a phenomenon that affects the climate of entire continents. Wind monsoon occasions

MONSOON(from Arabic. mausim- “season”), a wind blowing in opposite directions in summer and winter due to a change in the ratio of land and sea temperatures. Monsoons with an annual period correspond to coastal winds (breezes) with a daily period, but differ in strength, often completely overwhelming the general air circulation prevailing on the earth. In particular, the name of the monsoon is especially inherent in the winds prevailing in the regions indian ocean, in comparison with the trade winds blowing equally regularly in other oceans under the same latitudes.

During the summer, the mainland of Asia heats up more than the water of the ocean; over the continent, the air tends to rise upward, which causes a fall in the barometer and an air current from the Indian Ocean to the countries lying to the north, and the winds, according to the general law of wind direction, blow in the northern hemisphere from the southwest, and in the southern hemisphere from the northwest. The southwest summer monsoon saturated with water vapor, blowing from April to October from the eastern coast of Africa to the shores of India, China and the Philippine Islands (sometimes to the Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean), causes on the Malabar coast and the western coast of Indochina, especially in June, July and August frequent showers; stop him high ridges Himalayas and other mountains Central Asia. When the sun again begins to approach the equator in September, the temperature in continental Asia drops, the southwest wind ceases, and in October, the most formidable month in the Bay of Bengal, partly variable winds, partly strong thunderstorms and hurricanes prevail. Meanwhile, the air pressure over the cooling continent of Asia is increasing, the sky is clearing, and from October to March, in the same areas, the reverse northeast monsoon begins to blow, although with less force.

This regularity in the change of monsoons was known even in antiquity and made possible maritime navigation between Egypt and India, and in the Middle Ages between Arabia or Persia, and China. Phenomena similar to the East Indian monsoons occur in all tropical regions. Thus, in the hot season, the southwestern monsoon from the Gulf of Guinea dominates in the Sahara; in January, when the Sahara is cooler than the equatorial sea and the coast of the Congo, the northeast trade wind again becomes predominant, sweeping over all of northern Africa to the coast of South Guinea, blowing with great force for 2-3 weeks, after which it again gives way to the sea monsoon.

On the banks of the Red, Chinese, Seas of Japan And Persian Gulf such winds, regularly varying with the seasons, are a modification of the trade winds, creating special navigation conditions for certain periods of the year, at least in the recent past, and especially for sailing ships. Similar phenomena are also observed on the coasts of Chile, California, Australia, between the islands Pacific Ocean, in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Antilles Sea. A real monsoon sweeps through the Mississippi region and over the Texas plateau in summer, abundantly irrigating this part of the continent and causing local lows. Severe cold polar air current, the so-called. Nortes, even passes through the Gulf of Mexico without encountering any obstacles on the way.

Eastern winds mediterranean sea were called in antiquity etesian, i.e. winds of the seasons, are also monsoons, attracted to the shores of Africa by the heat of the Arabian desert and the Sahara.

Almost a whole year air masses southern Europe are transferred to Africa, and even in countries of variable winds, like Italy, southern France, Spain, these prevailing northern air currents are known.

Over the entire northern part of the Balearic Islands, mainly over Menorca, they blow constantly, especially during the mistral, northerly winds, devastatingly affecting the local vegetation.

In winter - from the continents to the oceans; characteristic of tropical regions and some coastal countries temperate zone(for example, the Far East).

The monsoons have the greatest stability and wind speed in some areas of the tropics (especially in equatorial Africa, South and South-East Asia and in the Southern Hemisphere up to the northern parts of Madagascar and Australia). In a weaker form and in limited areas, monsoons are also found in subtropical latitudes (in particular, in the south of the Mediterranean Sea and in North Africa, in the Gulf of Mexico, in eastern Asia, in South America, in southern Africa and Australia).


  • Khromov S.P. Monsoon as a geographical reality // Proceedings of the All-Union Geographical Society, 1950, vol. 82, c. 3.
Köppen classification of climate types
Class A: Tropical (af)- monsoon (Am)- Savannah (Aw, As)
Class B: Arid (BWh, BWk)- Semi-desert (BSh, BSk)
Class B: Humid subtropical (cfa, cwa)- Oceanic (Cfb, Cwb, Cfc)- Mediterranean (Csa, Csb)
Class G: Humid continental (Dfa, Dwa, Dfb, Dwb)- Subarctic (Dfc, Dwc, Dfd) -
Alpine mediterranean (Dsa, Dsb, Dsc)
Class D: Polar (ET, EF)- Alpine (ETH)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Monsoon" is in other dictionaries:

    MUSSONS, steady seasonal winds. In summer, during the monsoon season, these winds usually blow from the sea to the land and bring rain, while in winter there is a sharp reversal of direction, and these winds blow from the land, bringing dry weather. Some regions... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    Modern Encyclopedia

    Monsoons- (French mousson, from Arabic mausim season), steady winds, the direction of which sharply changes to the opposite (or close to the opposite) 2 times a year. They are mainly due to seasonal differences in the heating of the continents. ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Monsoons) winds that periodically change their direction depending on the season. M. are observed mainly in tropical zone. M. are formed due to the difference in air pressure arising from the uneven heating of the land and ... ... Marine vocabulary

    - (fr.). Periodic winds on the Indian Ocean, blowing six months on one side, and the other six on the opposite side. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. MOUSSON winds of tropical countries, what is happening ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (as suggested from the Arabic mausim) the winds of the seasons or blowing from opposite directions in summer and winter. Summer winds blow from the sea and bring damp, rainy weather; in winter, they blow from land and bring clear and dry weather. Classic country M. India.… … Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Monsoons- MOUSSONS. See Sea Winds... Military Encyclopedia

    - (French mousson, from Arabic mausim season), steady winds, the direction of which sharply changes to the opposite (or close to the opposite) 2 times a year. They are mainly due to seasonal differences in the heating of the continents. Winter… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Air currents over significant regions of the Earth, characterized by the predominance of one wind direction during the winter season and the opposite (or close to it) during the summer. In accordance with the season, winter and ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    - (French mousson, from Arabic mausim season) stable seasonal air transfers earth's surface and in the lower part of the troposphere. Characterized by sharp changes in direction from winter to summer and from summer to winter, manifested over ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • The Phantom of Bombay, Shilpa Agarwal. From the Publisher: One day, as the monsoons plunge Bombay into a state of unsettling exhaustion, a girl named Littlefinger opens a door that children are forbidden to approach after...

We invite you to embark on an unusual journey. Let us follow the winds of the seasons today. "Mausim" - in Arabic - the season, the season, it was from there that the word "monsoon" came from. The winds of the seasons that blow from opposite directions in winter and summer.

Let's go first consider the situation in the summer: there is a lot of sun and it heats the land to a greater extent. But why? Everything is not so complicated, firstly, water has the property that it is difficult to heat it and difficult to cool. Water, of all substances, is the most difficult to heat, so they say that its heat capacity is one. The volumetric heat capacity of air is 0.000307, ​​i.e., in order to heat the air, it is necessary to apply 3257 times less heat than is required for water. Conversely, it is 3257 times easier to cool air than water.

Plus, water, unlike land, is also transparent, which means that the sun's rays penetrate the water column and warm it up, and not just the surface layers.

So, we settled on the fact that in summer the sun heats the land more than the ocean. Therefore, over land, the air is heated and rises, leaving behind an area low pressure. Over the ocean, the air is colder and, therefore, is located closer to the earth, and here a region arises high pressure. That's almost all!!! A holy place is never empty and cold air is sent from the ocean to land to fill the "empty" space. Or, in other words, high pressure pushes air into areas of lower pressure.

Why is the air humid in summer? Here, too, everything is simple, he came from the ocean, and there is a lot of water 🙂 In summer, under the influence of the sun, it evaporates and saturates the air.

Now consider, what happens in winter. Here the sun is already small and it does not play important role. But again, everything happens thanks to amazing properties water discussed earlier. Behind long summer, the water has absorbed a lot of heat, and in winter it begins to slowly give it away, while the air over the land cools almost as soon as the sun goes down. Therefore, now, all the air that is above the ocean is heated due to the heat accumulated in the water, and the air above the land cools down without the sun.

And again, where the air is warm, the pressure is low, where it is cold, the pressure is high. And the wind blows from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure. Those. in our case, winter monsoon winds they blow from land to the ocean, and I think it’s clear why they are dry :-).

For a better understanding, see also the video: “Why does the wind blow?”

Monsoon climate areas.

Summer monsoons come from the sea and bring rain and dampness, in winter the wind blows from the land and gives dry and clear weather.

India is a classic monsoon territory. It has long been a natural phenomenon known to navigators, because the correct change of winds was very important for shipping.

What does spring mean to us? Awakening of nature, rebirth. Rainy start summer monsoon bears the same meaning on the Indian mainland. Many poets sang this season in their works. The South Asian monsoon captures, in addition to India, Indo-China, and then China.

And finally, the Australian monsoons cover the northern part of Australia and the Malay Archipelago. These are the territories of the country of monsoons.

Modern Russian physical map world with sea currents. In particular, you can find the monsoon current enveloping India.

And now, we offer to get acquainted with humid and variable-humid monsoon forests.

Permanently wet forests. Huge humidity and always hot air temperature. vegetable and animal world very rich. These forests are impenetrable jungle, the presence of several tiers of plants that never shed their leaves. Animals are usually small in size, since large individuals could hardly make their way through difficult areas. For humans, these forests are also difficult. Even today you can find places untouched and unexplored by us.

Variably moist forests. Precipitation is not all year round but only during the rainy season. Plants have to shed their leaves to protect themselves from excessive evaporation. Animals also have to adapt, so the diversity of flora and fauna here is inferior to constantly wet forests.

Unfortunately, these forests are increasingly threatened by our civilization. And the restoration of the former species requires a very long time. Therefore, it is worth thinking again about how to preserve this wonderful splendor of nature.

And finally, I suggest watching a video film: BBC: The Natural World. Monsoon / Natural World. Monson.

SUMMER MOUSSON - A moist wind from the ocean towards a warmer continent. In San Francisco, this is what they call a sea day , penetrating through the Golden Gate, sometimes 150 km deep into the continent, to the confluence of the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers. It is accompanied by a cold snap of 5-8 "C. It intensifies with the intensive heating of the Big Valley. Brings fog to the continent (see. ), arising over the cold California current, forming a “sea of ​​clouds” over the Golden Gate, while at an altitude of 700 m the slopes of the mountains are brightly lit by the Sun. Thanks to the L. m. in San Francisco, the air temperature in summer is the same as on the pass through the Sierra - Nevada at an altitude of 2140 m. 22 km northwest of San Francisco at an altitude of 730 m in summer 4 ° C warmer than below, due to the presence of a stable temperature inversion monsoon type.

Dictionary of winds. - Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat. L.Z. Proh . 1983

See what "SUMMER MOUSSON" is in other dictionaries:

    Monsoon off the northeast coast of Africa. See Tropical monsoons ... Dictionary of winds

    Monsoon- This term has other meanings, see Monsoon (meanings). Monsoon (from Arabic "موسم" (mysem), season) steady winds that periodically change their direction; in summer they blow from the ocean, in winter from land; characteristic of tropical regions ... Wikipedia

    - (from Arab, mausim season) large-scale air flow with a corresponding weather complex. A seasonal wind that occurs at the border of the sea and the continent as a result of their unequal heating and changes its direction twice a year to ... ... Dictionary of winds

    Refers to extratropical. Winter weather is due to the strong cooling of continental air under anticyclonic conditions. In the Amur Region and the Khabarovsk Territory, in winter, the air temperature drops to 40 ° C with a clear sky, frosts are kept ... Wind Dictionary

    MONSOON- Origin: from the Arab, mausim season is a steady system of winds that act between land and ocean and change direction twice a year by 120 180 °. The main reason for M. is seasonal temperature contrasts between the surface of the ocean and the adjacent ... ... Marine encyclopedic reference book

    Cold autumn winds from the mountain coasts towards the unfrozen lake (sarma, kultuk, barguzin, etc.). Before freezing, the temperature differences between the surface of the lake and the shores reach 40 ° C, which is the reason for the monsoon intensification of coastal ... ... Dictionary of winds

    Summer oceanic tropical monsoon in the northern Indian Ocean. See Tropical Monsoon ... Wind Dictionary

(presumably from Arabic mausim) - the winds of the seasons, or blowing from opposite directions in summer and winter. The summer monsoons blow from the sea and bring wet, rainy weather, in winter from the land and bring clear and dry weather.

The classic country of monsoons is India (see the corresponding article). The correct change of winds on the seas washing India (northeast in winter, southwest in summer) is so important for navigation that monsoons were known from ancient times to navigators who sailed to India. The Europeans got acquainted with them during the campaigns of Alexander the Great, and the Chinese, Arabs and Phoenicians, of course, were aware of the monsoons much earlier.

On the Indian mainland, the beginning of the rainy summer monsoon is as important as our spring, and the awakening of nature after a long drought is even faster than in the spring in our north. The beginning of the monsoon is sung in many poetic works of India. The region of the Indian, or, more precisely, South Asian monsoon, captures, in addition to India, the Zagang Peninsula or Indochina (see the corresponding article), then China.

Japan, Manchuria and the Amur Territory are in the region East Asian monsoon(see "Climate of the monsoon region of East Asia", "Izvestiya Imp.

Russian Geographical Society"for 1879). It is not the northeast and southwest winds that are replaced here, as on the shores of southern India, but the northwest dry and cold in winter and southeast. humid and rainy in summer.

In this part of Asia the monsoons therefore set far north of the tropic, up to 55° northern latitude and even further north.

African monsoon occurs between 5° and 17° north latitude almost throughout the African continent from Atlantic Ocean west to the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea to the east.

Dry northern and northeastern winds also dominate here in winter, all the more dry because they blow from the Sahara, the most extensive desert. the globe; in summer they are replaced by humid and rainy winds from the south and southwest. The Arabs call this season kharif.

Finally, in the northern part of Australia and the Malay Archipelago - the region Australian monsoons, wet and rainy from the northwest, during the summer of the southern hemisphere (our winter) dry and relatively cold from the southeast in winter. From this it can be seen that real monsoons are characteristic of the eastern and equatorial shores and slopes of vast continents (i.e., southern in the northern hemisphere and northern in the southern hemisphere). The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows.

Consider the equatorial (southern) shores big mainland. In winter, north of the sea, the air will be colder and denser, both influenced by higher latitude and position on the mainland. Therefore, the pressure will be higher, and the air will flow to the south, i.e. to the sea, deviating due to the rotation of the earth to the right, i.e., the northeast wind will dominate. This air will be dry, both because it moves from a colder region to a warmer one, i.e., moves away from saturation, and because its movement is downward (see.

Over the mainland in winter tropical countries and low middle latitudes, the temperature is higher than over the sea, the air density in bottom layer less, it helps to reduce pressure over the mainland, so the air rushes from the sea to the mainland, deviating, due to the rotation of the Earth, to the right, i.e., the southwest wind. Moist on its own, this air becomes even wetter as it rises up the mountain slopes, cooling and approaching saturation as it rises. Similar phenomena occur on the eastern shores and slopes of the mainland. In winter, the air flows down to the sea, in the form of a north-western cold and dry current; in summer, the movement of a warm and humid southeast wind from the sea to the mainland.

This text was written using material from
encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus F.A. and Efron I.A. (1890-1907).

monsoon– monsoon
wind - wind
change of winds - change of winds

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Travel, Leisure

What is the monsoon season?

The time when most Europeans begin their vacation and summer vacations, in traditionally popular holiday destinations in Southeast Asia, as well as in the equatorial part of Africa, the monsoon season begins, which can ruin such a long-awaited vacation. Therefore, when going on a tour of India, Bali, Vietnam and some other countries, it is important to ask about the weather forecast for the tour. What is the monsoon season and what can you expect from it?

From the course of geography, you can find out that monsoons are called strong steady winds, in which the direction of movement of air masses depends on the time of year. Monsoons predominantly prevail in the tropical latitudes of the Earth, although they are present in a weakly expressed form in the northern parts of the subtropics and southern regions of temperate latitudes.

In winter, monsoon winds blow from the land towards the ocean, and in summer, on the contrary, from the ocean to land. All problems begin in the summer, because the air masses collect moisture over the ocean expanses, from which they are then released, pouring it out on the mainland in showers. The peculiarity of this rain is its special strength and duration. Sometimes it can go on endlessly for several days or weeks, flooding the territory. The countries of Southeast Asia very often suffer from floods caused by monsoon rains: crops are flooded, buildings collapse, people die. This climate is called monsoonal.

The rainiest place on the planet is the Indian city of Cherrapunji. During the month of the rainy season, a water column 10 m high can easily pour out here. And the famous Wai-ale-ale mountain in the Hawaiian archipelago is almost always shrouded in a veil of rain - precipitation is observed here 300 days a year. On average, more than 10 m of precipitation falls here per year.

Advice to those vacationers who are going on vacation to tropical countries: at least in general terms, study the climate of the country of travel, and be sure to find out the weather report for the near future in order to adjust the departure time and not regret the lost vacation.

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  • Variable winds (air currents) are monsoons (Arab, mawsim - season). These are winds that change their direction twice a year: in summer they blow from sea to land, in winter - from land to sea. The reason for the change in direction is that in winter and summer, different pressures are established over land and sea, and the wind always blows from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure. In summer, the mainland heats up more (because the land heats up faster than water). Air from the mainland heats up, it expands, becomes light and rises, so a low pressure area is established above the ground. The ocean heats up more slowly, an area of ​​high pressure is established above it, and the wind begins to blow from the ocean to land. It brings not very hot, but moisture-saturated air, from which precipitation falls. In winter, the mainland cools much faster than the ocean, and an area of ​​high pressure is established above it. An area of ​​low pressure is forming over the ocean. The winter monsoon blows from the mainland to the ocean and carries cold, dry air. The climate of the Russian Far East is highly dependent on the monsoonal circulation.

    Constant and variable winds - air currents - are part of the general system of atmospheric circulation.


    Even in the Middle Ages, when only sailing ships plowed the sea and ocean, many Arabs went in June - July to fabulously rich India. At this time, the south-west wind inflated the sails of the ships and they quite quickly passed from the coast of South Arabia to the peninsulas of Indostan and Indochina. In the winter months, the ships were loaded with the necessary goods and went back. And again a fair wind, but now blowing in the opposite direction, drove the ships.

    The wind that helped the sailors so much, the Arabs called "mausim", which in their language means "season", "season". The name of the wind was given quite aptly, because in one season (in summer) it really blew in one direction, in another season (in winter) - in the opposite direction. Subsequently, the French began to pronounce this word in their own way - “monsoon”; with a slight change, it came into use of all peoples.


    Territories that are subject to the action of the monsoons are said to have a monsoonal climate. The monsoon climate is observed in certain regions of the Far East, on the Korean Peninsula, Indochina, Hindustan and in a number of other regions, but it is most pronounced in India.

    Description of the monsoon

    Monsoons in India

    Summer monsoons in India sometimes come quickly, suddenly. Just yesterday, the hot southern sun was mercilessly hot, and it seems that there is nothing in the world that would moderate its heat, but today on the horizon, where the mighty chest of the ocean touches the sky, it turned blue. There is no limit to the joy of local residents: the long-awaited monsoon is finally coming.

    - Mansoon, mansun, - is heard everywhere (as the Indians call the monsoons). After a few hours, the sky turns lead-black, the sea begins to worry, the waves crash against the shore with a roar. And over land, complete calm. Everything seems to calm down, as it happens before a thunderstorm. And suddenly lightning cuts the sky, peals of thunder and the sound of the surf will drown out human voices, streams of rain rush to the parched land.

    And this four-kilometer thick cloud, from which streams of rain fall, cut by lightning bolts, moves for about a month from the ocean to the Himalayan mountains.

    Rain pours day and night like a bucket, thunder peals almost do not stop. A day passes, two, ten days, a month passes, the second, and the rain comes and goes with short breaks. Yearning for moisture, nature is transformed. Delicate greenery covers fields, meadows and trees. Material from the site http://wikiwhat.ru

    But here comes autumn. The land cools and again becomes colder than the sea. The pressure over the land begins to grow, and the wind blows again, but towards the warmer sea, transferring dry air from the continent to the ocean.

    The summer monsoon ends, the sky clears of clouds and turns blue. Now, for six months, India will be dominated by continental air masses coming from the north of the country. At this time, dry, clear weather is in most of the country. Dryness and temperature increase from month to month. In March-April during the day the air temperature reaches 30°C, and at the end of May in some areas it reaches 50°C. In those places where there is no artificial irrigation, the vegetation burns out; from the unbearable heat, the trees shed their leaves; the dust raised by the wind obscures the horizon. From excessive dryness here and there fires break out. At night, the heat subsides somewhat and people can take a break from the heat of the day. When the sun rises, people close their windows, and on the doors, many hang wickerwork made of grass, richly moistened with water.

    At the end of winter, the air over India gets very warm. A low atmospheric pressure is established over the country. Moist ocean air moves and goes to land. The summer monsoon is back in India.

    Monsoon is Arabic for "season". Monsoon A wind that changes direction twice a year. During the summer season, the monsoon blows from the sea to the land; during the winter season, on the contrary, from the land to the sea.

    On this page, material on the topics:

    • What is monsoon definition grade 6

    • Musons concept

    • Wind monsoon occasions

    • Additional monsoon wave material

    • In what direction do summer monsoons blow and why do they form

    Questions for this article:

    • In which direction do the summer monsoons blow?

    • Describe winters in India.

    Material from the site http://WikiWhat.ru

    Musoni- stays in the lower ball of the troposphere, which alternately change its direction twice on the river.

    Winter monsoon can go straight from dry land to the sea, summer - from the sea to dry land.

    Characteristic areas of the monsoons are the shores of the continents, as well as the tropical latitudes of the pivnichnoy pivkul.

    Width[ed. ed. code]

    The greatest strength and swidkistyu of monsoon winds are in some regions of the tropics (especially in equatorial Africa, the krains of Pivdenny and Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia near Pivdenny pivkul right up to the peninsular parts of Madagascar). In weaker forms on the bordering territories, monsoons appear at subtropical latitudes (zocrema, on the Mediterranean Sea and near Principal Africa, in the area of ​​​​the Mexican inflow, on the convergence of Asia, near Pivdenniy America, on the peninsula of Africa and Australia). Musoni are found in certain areas of middle and high latitudes (for example, on the Far Skhodі, on the Alaska Pivdni, along the Pivnichniy outskirts of Eurasia). In a number of places, there is less of a trend until the monsoon is settled, for example, there may be a seasonal change in the most important direct winds, but the rest are characterized by less seasonal stability.

    Utvorennia [ed. ed. code]

    The monsoons repeat the currents, as if they all manifested a global circulation of the atmosphere, they are connected with rotting and interdependence of areas of low and high atmospheric pressure (cyclones and anticyclones). The specificity lies in the fact that during the monsoons, the mutual expansion of these areas is saved three times (by stretching the whole season), the destruction of this distribution is due to interruptions in the monsoon. In quiet areas of the Earth, decyclones and anticyclones are characterized by rapid movements and frequent changes, monsoons are not blamed. The vertical tension of the monsoon currents near the tropics becomes a snail 5-7 km, a narrow one - 2-4 km;

    The main reason for the monsoon is the seasonal displacement of areas of atmospheric pressure and wind, caused by changes in the right sony radiation, as a result of this, - with the difference in the thermal regime on the surface of the Earth. The area of ​​low atmospheric pressure near the equator and the poles, as well as two zones of subtropical anticyclones near the skin pivkul, shift until midnight, and from the linden until midnight - until pivdnya. At the same time, from these planetary zones of atmospheric pressure, the zones of winds move and intertwine with them, which also may be global expansions, - the equatorial zone of winds, shifts in the tropics (pasati), winds of dead latitudes. Musoni are guarded in quiet parts of the Earth, as if during one of the seasons, they are planted in the middle of one such zone, and in the past season, the rock is in the middle of the land, moreover, the regime of wind during the season is steady. In this rank, he rozpodіl musonіv zagal obumovleniya laws of geographic zonality.

    Another reason for the monsoons' dampening is the uneven heating (cooling) of the sea and the great landmasses. For example, over the territory of Asia, there is a tendency to increase the tendency to more repetition of anticyclones, and inflow - cyclones, in opposition to the waters that adjoin, oceans. The dawn of the presence of the majestic continent on the equatorial winds in the basins of the Indian Ocean inflow penetrates far into Pivdenna Asia, forming the summer rain-sunset monsoon. У позатропічних широтах, завдяки стійким зимовим антициклонам і літнім циклонам над Азією, мусони спостерігаються й на Далекому Сході Росії (літній - південний і південно-східний, зимовий - північний і північно-західний) і на північній окраїні Євразії (улітку перевага північно-східного, Uzimka - pivdennogo and pivdenno-zahidnogo vіtrіv).

    Dzherelo [ed. ed. code]

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