A message about the coldest place on earth. The coldest: cities around the world, as well as other places where temperatures drop to record lows. Is there life in Antarctica?

People will always be divided into those who love the scorching summer heat and the harsh winter frosts that chill to the bones. Fans of ultraviolet roasting will definitely not appreciate a trip to these coldest places, where only crazy people will wear bikinis.

Vostok Station, Antarctica

Many people already guess that we will be in first place in the ranking. This is the Vostok station, located in Antarctica. It has existed since the times of the USSR, and in 1983 the most low temperature in the world since the time when the Celsius scale and the very concept of measuring temperature began to exist. At that time, the thermometer dropped to a record low of -89.2°C. However, this is not constant temperature in these places.

The warmest month in the “East” is January, the average temperature at this time of year is -35.5°C. Winter here begins in July, then the thermometer can drop to -73.8°C, which is also quite extreme, when the lungs begin to freeze if you inhale carelessly.


Oymyakon is a Yakut settlement near North Pole, and it's very cold here too. In 1933, a temperature of -67.7°C was recorded here. Unofficial data indicate that in 1938 the temperature here dropped to -77.8°C. At the same time, in summer the temperature often rises above 30 degrees, which makes this place unique in its the biggest difference minimum and maximum temperatures.

Oymyakon is recognized as the coldest place on the planet despite the existence of the Vostok station. This is due to the fact that the station is located at an altitude of 3448 above sea level, therefore the temperature there will be lower. Oymyakon is located much lower, so the title is rightly deserved.


Like Oymyakon, Verkhoyansk is located in Yakutia. And this city also claims to be the coldest place on Earth. The Yakuts themselves believe that the title of the coldest city belongs to Verkhoyansk, but world scientists are ready to argue with them, and do not deviate from their opinion regarding Oymyakon.

In January, the temperature in Verkhoyansk drops three degrees below the minimum in Oymyakon, but judging by average annual temperature, then in the latter it is 0.3 degrees lower, so the right of primacy still belongs to him.


Rumors about Siberian frosts are circulating all over the planet, but we should not forget about the cold romance of the island of Greenland. It is difficult for it to compete with Yakutia, but here, too, frosts can reach critical levels. In 1954, at the Northern Ice research station, a temperature of -66.1°C was recorded here.

Canada and Europe

In Canada, the record for the lowest recorded temperatures belongs to a community with interesting name Snow. In 1947, meteorologists recorded -66°C here, while local people have long been accustomed to such frosts and look with bewilderment at those who are afraid to stick their nose out into the street.

If we talk about Europe, the lowest temperatures were recorded in the Komi Republic, namely in the village of Ust-Shchugor. In 1978, nature gave the villagers beautiful weather under New Year– 58.1°C.

Africa, Australia and South America

To be fair, it is worth paying attention to the continents south of the equator. If you do not take into account the mountain tops, then in South America the lowest temperature was recorded in Argentina, in the city of Sarmiento in June 1917. The thermometer then dropped to -33°C.
Australia traditionally has a hot climate, but it also has record low temperatures. In July 1903, the town of Ranfurly recorded a temperature of -25.6°C.
The Moroccan city of Ifrane is considered the coldest place in Africa. Morocco is the closest to Europe, so the climate in this country is close to European. In 1935, the local population was pretty frozen when the temperature dropped to -23.9°C.

Where is the most cold city in the world? The time has come for the hot summer that we have been waiting for so long. But don’t you think that as soon as the temperature rises just above 27 degrees, we panic and begin to look for shade and dream of getting into the coolness for at least a few minutes? website We have compiled for you a list of the “coolest”, coldest places on planet Earth.

10 Rogers Pass, Montana, USA

Rogers Pass is located at an altitude of 1,710 meters above sea level near the Canadian border. On January 20, 1954, the temperature was recorded here -56.5 °C. Outside of Alaska, this is the coldest temperature ever recorded in the United States. In memory of this event, they put up the sign you see in the picture.

9 Fort Selkirk, Yukon, Canada

If you want to freeze thoroughly, choose the Canadian Fort Selkirk. In 1950, the temperature was recorded here -58.9 °C. There are no roads here, and you can only get here by water or by helicopter. Low temperatures prevail in January.

8 Prospect Creek, Alaska, USA

We are returning to the USA, but this time to Alaska. In the very center of Alaska there is a small settlement of Prospect Creek, where on January 23, 1973 it was recorded -62.1 °C. How can they withstand this if, at a temperature of about -60 °C, the fluid in the eyes begins to freeze?

7 Snug, Yukon, Canada

The village of Snug was founded during the gold rush and is currently uninhabited. In February 1947, the temperature here dropped to -63.9 °C. Cold? It will be even colder soon.

6 Ismitte, Greenland

There is ice everywhere, where you can’t see ice, so it is not surprising that Eismitte means “among the ice” (English: “mid-ice”). The record negative temperature was recorded during the expedition to Ismitte, and amounted to -64.9 °C, while on the warmest day it was -2.9 °C

5 Northais, Greenland

We remain in Greenland, which is 85% covered by ice. The lowest air temperature was observed here during a research expedition in 1952-1954 -66.0 °C. The station was located at an altitude of 2341 meters above sea level. Entry registered January 9, 1952.

4 Verkhoyansk, Russia

1434 inhabitants inhabit the town in Yakutia. Average annual temperature amounts to -17 °C, and the average temperature in January -50 °C. Record temperature was recorded here -67.7 °C. Interestingly, in summer the temperature can rise by more than 100 degrees! before +30 °C.
coldest places in the world

3 Oymyakon, Russia

With a population of 521 inhabitants, the village of Oymyakon is also located in Yakutia ( Eastern Siberia). In Yakut, the name “Oymyakon” means “non-freezing key”. Where does this connection come from? Not far from the village there are hot springs, which, despite temperatures above -71.1 °C (as of January 26, 1926), made it possible to create a settlement here. A high annual temperature range of 104°C (-71°C to +33°C) was also reported. Oymyakon is the coldest city on earth.

In these places, despite the average annual sub-zero temperature and record frosts in winter, people very rarely suffer from ARVI. Viruses and bacteria do not coexist here, but people feel good. The list of top 10 coldest cities in the world included 5 at the same time, excluding o. Spitsbergen, as well as a domestic research station in Antarctica. Which confirms that Russia is the most cold country on the planet.

10. Vostok Station – a city of polar explorers and penguins

An inland Arctic station that has existed since 1957. The location is a small town consisting of several complexes, including residential and research modules, as well as technological buildings.

Having arrived here, a person begins to die, everything contributes to this: temperatures up to -90C, low concentration of oxygen, solid snow whiteness causes blindness. Here you cannot make sudden movements or experience prolonged physical exercise- all this can lead to pulmonary edema, death, and guaranteed loss of consciousness. When the Arctic winter sets in, the temperature drops below -80C, under such conditions gasoline thickens, diesel fuel crystallizes and turns into a paste, human skin dies in a matter of minutes.

9. Oymyakon is the coldest settlement on the planet

Absolute minimum: -78С, maximum: +30С.

A small settlement located in Yakutia is considered one of the “cold poles” of the planet. This place is recognized as the harshest on Earth with a permanent population. In total, about 500 people settled down in Oymyakon. The sharply continental climate is characterized by hot summers and extremely cold winters, which is ensured by the distance from the oceans that warm the air. Oymyakon is also notable for the fact that the difference in maximum temperatures, – and +, is more than one hundred degrees. Despite its administrative status - a village, the place is included in the world rankings of the coldest cities in the world. For the whole of Oymyakon there is one store, a school, a boiler room, and a gas station. People survive by raising livestock.

8. Verkhoyansk is the northernmost city of Yakutia

Absolute minimum: -68С, maximum: +38С.

Verkhoyansk is recognized as another “pole of cold” and constantly competes with Oymyakon for this title, the competition sometimes reaching the point of exchanging accusations and insults. In summer, the dry heat can suddenly change to zero or negative temperatures. Winter is windy and very long.

There are no asphalt surfaces; they simply cannot withstand the temperature difference. Population – 1200 people. People are engaged in reindeer herding, cattle breeding, forestry, and tourism in the local economy. The city has two schools, a hotel, a local history museum, a weather station, and shops. The younger generation is engaged in fishing and mining mammoth bone and tusks.

7. Yakutsk is the coldest large city on Earth

Absolute minimum: -65, maximum: +38C.

The capital of the Republic of Sakha is located at the foot of the Lena River. Yakutsk is the only large city in the ranking of the coldest cities in the world where you can pay bank card, go to a SPA, a restaurant with Japanese, Chinese, European, any cuisine. The population is 300 thousand people. There are about fifty schools here, several higher educational institutions, theaters, opera, circus, an innumerable number of museums, small and medium-sized industry is well developed.

This is also the only settlement in the ranking to which asphalt has been laid. In summer and spring, when the ice melts, the roads are flooded, and continuous canals similar to the Venetian ones are formed. Up to 30% of the world's diamond reserves are concentrated in these regions, and almost half of the Russian Federation's gold is mined. In winter, it is very difficult to bring a car into Yakutsk; you have to heat the fuel line with a flame or a soldering iron. Every local at least once in his life confused morning with evening and vice versa.

6. Norilsk is the northernmost city on the planet with a population of more than 150 thousand people.

Absolute minimum: -53С, maximum: +32С.

Industrial city, part of Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is recognized as the northernmost city on the planet, with a permanent population exceeding 150 thousand people. Norilsk is included in the Earth rating, which is associated with the developed metallurgical industry. A state higher education institution has been opened in Norilsk, and an art gallery operates.

Guests and local residents constantly face a number of problems: due to low temperatures in winter, cars are usually stored in heated garages or not turned off for a long time, the height of snowdrifts can reach the 3rd floor, the force of the wind can move cars and carry people away.

5. Longyearbyen - the tourist capital of Barentsburg Island

Absolute minimum: -43C, maximum: +21C.

This place is as far from the equator as the Vostok station. The world's northernmost airport with regular flights is located here - Svalbard. Longyearbyen is an administrative unit of Norway, but visa restrictions do not apply here - at the airport they put the mark “Departed from Norway”. You can get there by air or sea. Longyearbyen is the northernmost settlement with a population of more than a thousand people. The city can safely be called one of the coldest in the world, but it is more than suitable for a comfortable existence, compared to Verkhoyansk, for example.

What is noteworthy: it is forbidden to be born and die here - there are no maternity hospitals or cemeteries. The corpses, which are most often the result of an encounter between a person and a bear, are transported to the mainland. In the city, as on the entire island of Spitsbergen, two types of transport prevail - helicopter, snowmobile. The main activities of the locals are coal mining, dog sledding, skinning, and research activities. The island is home to the largest repository of male semen on the planet, which should save humanity in the event of a global catastrophe.

4. Barrow is the northernmost city in the USA

Absolute minimum: -47C, maximum: +26C.

Oil workers live here. The population of the city is 4.5 thousand people. In the summer, it is impossible to predict exactly what you will have to use to get to work tomorrow - by snowmobile or car. Snow and frost can come to the region at any time and replace the rare warm days.

Barrow is an atypical American town; here you can see tanned skins on houses and large bones of sea animals on the roads. There is no asphalt. But there is also a piece of civilization: a football field, an airfield, clothing and food stores. The city is drowning in the polar blues and ranks fourth among the coldest cities on the planet.

3. Murmansk is the largest city built beyond the Arctic Circle

Absolute minimum: -39C, maximum: +33C.

Murmansk is the only hero city located beyond the Arctic Circle. The only place in the Arctic where more than 300 thousand people live. The entire infrastructure and economy is built around the port, one of the largest in Russia. The city is heating up warm current The Gulf Stream, which comes from the Atlantic Ocean.

Locals They don’t deny themselves anything; there are McDonalds, Zara, Bershka, and many other stores, including the largest Russian chain supermarkets. A developed hotel network. The roads are mostly asphalted.

2. Nuuk - the administrative center of Greenland

Absolute minimum: -32C, maximum: +26C.

From Nuuk to the Arctic Circle it is 240 kilometers, but the warm ocean current warms up the local air and soil. About 17 thousand people live here, who are engaged in fishing, construction, consulting, and science. There are several higher educational institutions in the city. In order not to plunge into depression associated with the climate, the houses are painted in different colors, gilding is often found on the streets, municipal transport is replete with bright signs. Something similar can be found in Copenhagen, which was not included in the ranking of the coldest cities on Earth due to warm currents.

1. Ulaanbaatar is the coldest capital of the state on the planet

Absolute minimum: -42C, maximum: +39C.

Ulaanbaatar - first place in Central Asia from the list of the coldest cities on the planet. The local climate is sharply continental, which is explained by the very large distance from ocean currents. The capital of Mongolia is located much further south than all representatives of the rating, except for the Vostok station. More than 1.3 million people live here. The level of infrastructure is far ahead of the rest of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar closes the ranking of the coldest cities on the planet.

Climatic and weather conditions on our planet are characterized by significant diversity. When a snowstorm is raging at one end of it, warm tropical rain is falling somewhere or the scorching sun is shining. Do you know where the coldest place on earth is? If you ever decide to engage in extreme tourism or simply want to expand your horizons, be sure to read this kind of information.

Unofficial record holder

The coldest place on Earth is located in Antarctica, in the so-called ice dome. The thickness of this unique block of ice is approximately 2.5 kilometers, which represents the largest reserves of frozen water. This area is completely uninhabited, and research is not being conducted on its territory. It is generally accepted that temperatures down to minus 100 degrees Celsius can be recorded here, but there is no official confirmation of this information.

Recognized leader

Since the information described above is not confirmed by reliable sources and research, it is generally accepted that the coldest place on Earth is located on the territory of the Vostok polar station in Antarctica. It was here that the official minimum was recorded, amounting to 89.2 degrees Celsius (the record was set in 1983; according to some secret sources, 14 years later, the temperature dropped another two degrees lower).

An explanation for this phenomenon could be natural features local places:

  • the thickness of the ice located under the station is approximately 3.5 kilometers (altitude above sea level);
  • significant distance from the ocean;
  • long period of polar night.

Negative temperatures are common in the area where the station is located; as a rule, even in summer the air does not warm up above minus 21 degrees.

The coldest inhabited cities

Where is the coldest inhabited place on Earth? You shouldn’t be surprised by this question; some people feel comfortable even in the harshest climatic conditions. The official data is as follows: the pole of cold is located in Russian Federation on the territory of Siberia. The leading positions in terms of the most extreme temperature indicators here are held by two settlements: Oymyakon and the city of Verkhoyansk.

A little more than a thousand people live in modern Verkhoyansk; this city is relatively young, located within the Arctic Circle, the first mentions of it date back to the end of the 18th century. At this time, convicts who violated the law or opposed state power. Air temperature in winter period in this region, according to average indicators, it is approximately minus 46 degrees. Record figures were recorded in 1885 (-67.8)

An even more difficult weather situation occurs in Oymyakon, located on the banks of the small Indigirka River. About 500 people live on its territory, who annually have to withstand truly severe cold. According to long-term meteorological observations, winter temperatures in this area is significantly lower than in neighboring Verkhoyansk. The absolute minimum was recorded in 1926 and amounted to -71.2 degrees.

When answering the question, where is the coldest place on earth, you have to choose between these two settlements.

The coldest populous city

The title “The coldest place on planet Earth” can easily be claimed by a large Russian city Yakutsk is the center of the Sakha Republic. The settlement was founded back in 1632, and today the number of its inhabitants has reached 250 thousand people. The townspeople easily tolerate frosts and are not afraid of even the most severe cold, so their bodies have adapted to difficult conditions. weather conditions. Dry figures from official statistics can confirm such a bold statement:

The kingdom of cold outside Russia

When searching for an answer to the question of where the coldest place on earth is located, you most often hear about various residential and non-residential locations on the territory of the Russian Federation, however, outside our country there are also areas of the kingdom of cold and ice. Of course, the island of Greenland can be considered such a place. average temperature for individual altitudes in this area - minus 47 degrees (data recorded in the center of the island, are averages for February).

How do people live in extreme conditions?

Who is he, a resident of the coldest place on earth? Of course, even in the most northern latitudes there are representatives of the world of flora and fauna, but we will talk about whether ordinary people can live in such an area.

At Vostok station all year round Polar scientists live, hundreds of the most ordinary people, defying the elements, frost and cold. What difficulties do local residents have to face? Biggest problems northern life usually associated:

Being outside at very low temperatures is quite difficult, if not impossible. So, at minus 70 degrees, the liquid in a person’s eyes freezes, which means that for carrying out scientific research special uniform is required. Without such devices, even with milder indicators, you can stay on the street for no more than a quarter of an hour, and sometimes even 10 minutes. In addition, in extremely low temperatures, it is not recommended to try to run or breathe frequently and deeply. Experts advise paying significant attention to shoes; for example, platform models with the thickest soles are in high demand in this case.

There are many in the world different places, differing from each other not only in history and culture, but also climatic conditions. We invite you to consider the coldest places on Earth. When selecting the top 10 locations, we took into account not only the low temperature, but also the duration of the cold weather. At the same time, we will not consider Antarctica or Russia as a single whole. Instead, let's imagine separate zones within which any traveler will feel the real cold. Thus, you can learn about the amazing features of our planet. So:

TOP 10 Coldest places in our world


I would like to start with the coldest place in Africa – Ifrane. Because everyone knows about the warm climate, but few people know that on February 11, 1935, a temperature of −23.9 °C was recorded here. This is very uncharacteristic for Africa, but the data is officially recorded. This place is located in Morocco! Currently, Ifrane is inhabited by people. Very rarely the temperature drops below zero. An exception may be January. At the beginning of the year, frosts can even reach 1 degree below zero. In July the temperature rises to +30 degrees!

−56˚C (not official)

Rounding out the Top 10 Coldest Places in the World is Rogers Pass. The settlement is located in America. In 1954, a record of -56 degrees was observed in this place. No other frosts like this were observed, so a well-deserved 9th place! The city is located at an altitude of 5.6 thousand meters above sea level. On this moment People live here and it’s quite warm in the summer. However, the peak of the drop in air temperature was seen in America. Thus, we have dispelled the myths that Antarctica is the leading place in terms of cold weather.

Are you interested? Then read our article about the hottest places and learn even more interesting facts!

−62 °C (not official)

An uninhabited corner of the earth that was once home to hundreds of thousands of builders. In 1971, during the construction of a pipeline system, a temperature of -62 °C degrees below zero was noticed here. No more similar declines were observed. After the order was completed, local residents left Alaska. It is worth noting that over 200 people died during construction. The average annual temperature here is -27 degrees. In winter it can drop to -45˚C. For this reason, the campsite was disbanded. To this day, no one even conducts research in this place.

−65.9 degrees

Speaking of the coldest places in which people live, it is necessary to mention Yukon, Canada. It's about about a small village located in Canada. The lowest figure was observed on February 3 in 1947. Local residents claim that the temperature reached -65.9 degrees, but this has not been confirmed. Currently, the lowest temperature drops to -36˚C. The cold is so severe that wooden houses crack. There is no vegetation to heat the fireplace. Despite this fact, people live here, or rather survive!

We are talking about a research center inhabited by only 8 people. Naturally, they are scientists who are responsible for the functioning of the facility. The record low frost temperature was recorded in 1947. According to instrument readings, it reached 55.3 °C below zero. From October to February it is impossible to see the sun in this place. The annual average is -16 degrees. Despite this bad conditions for the development of plants, many different flowers and animals are observed in this place. Currently the temperature does not drop below -40°C.

The coldest place in Europe is Ust-Shchuger. We are talking about a small village located in the northern part of the Russian Federation. Record low temperature in this locality was registered on New Year's Eve (December 31) in 1978. The indicator is 58.1 degrees below zero. The village is located in the Komi Republic. Currently, less than 50 people live here. Surely they have their own secrets, which are passed down from generation to generation, and help them survive in such frosts. There is simply no other explanation for the existence of people in Ust-Shchuger!

Another cold place in Greenland is considered the “Middle of Ice”. This is what the country calls a zone that is devoid of any buildings. The record low temperature was recorded at the end of 1930. The expedition, which was sent to study the nature of the ice floes, managed to record a drop in air temperature to -65° degrees. There is no doubt that throughout the entire period the temperature dropped below this level. Not here at all research stations who could record the phenomenon.

Northais, Greenland

Northais is one of the coldest places on Earth. For a long time, the North American station, located in Greenland, was considered a secret facility. Research was done here environment. On January 9, 1954, specialists working at this base officially registered -66.1 degrees Celsius. After 2 decades, tourist trips began to be organized here. Temperatures currently reach a maximum of -47 degrees.

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