The benefits and harms of pomelo for the health of the body. Pomelo fruit: beneficial properties, benefits for the body and possible harm

Pomelo is a wonderful dietary fruit. It can often be identified by its pale green, yellow or orange color. Inside, the fruit takes on a reddish, yellowish, pale or green tint.

The average fruit is larger than a grapefruit and weighs approximately one kilogram. But “hot” countries can offer fruit with a diameter of up to 30 cm and a weight of a couple of kilograms. This is also the norm.

Pomelo is characterized by a thick skin with large fibers. By taste qualities it is not inferior to grapefruit - the fruit is many times sweeter.

The homeland of the pomelo is considered to be south Asia with China. It is here that the fruit symbolizes prosperity with well-being. It is especially popular in Thailand. It is from this state that it is brought to other countries. In addition to Thailand, the fruit is cultivated in the southern part of Japan. India is no exception with Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Israel and California.

It has a lot of benefits. This is facilitated by the presence of a huge number of vitamins.

It is dominated by:

  • vitamin A (30 mg per 100 g),
  • vitamin C (30-50 mg per 100 g).

Vitamins belonging to group B are also available.

Contains in large quantities:

  • phosphorus and calcium (27 mg per 100 g),
  • sodium (1 mg per 100 g),
  • and iron (0.3-0.5 mg per 100 g).

Limonoids with essential oils have a positive effect on the human body.

In addition, pomelo contains a lipolytic enzyme, thanks to which the human body quickly copes with the breakdown of fats and proteins

The fruit is rich in fiber, so it has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines.

Due to the presence of potassium, heart function improves. An important role is played by limonoids, which can fight cancer tumors.

Due to the fact that pomelo has the power to dull the feeling of hunger and quickly break down proteins and fats, it is often used to combat excess weight. It is an indispensable product in the dietary industry.

The calorie content of pomelo pulp is 32 kcal (per 100 g of product). In this case, 0.6 g is allocated for proteins, 0.2 g for fats, and 6.7 g for carbohydrates.

About medicinal properties and contraindications

Before you start consuming such an exotic fruit, we suggest you familiarize yourself with it. medicinal properties and contraindications to avoid negative consequences.

  • Many scientists are calling for the inclusion of pomelo in your diet. After all, this fruit can strengthen the immune system.
  • Since the fruit is a low-calorie product, it is taken as a basis for developing diets.

The entire complex of vitamins contained in pomelo not only promotes weight loss, but also enriches the body with essential microelements.

  • Pomelo contains a lot of potassium, so it is used for medications aimed at improving heart function.
  • Due to the presence of essential oils, the fruit is contained in antiviral agents.
  • It also prevents the occurrence of cataracts, diseases nervous system and even the occurrence of cancer due to the presence of limonoids - substances of natural origin, which are characterized unique characteristics. Systematic consumption of the fruit helps block the growth of all kinds of tumors.
  • The enzymes contained in the fruit normalize digestion.
  • If you often eat pomelo fruits, you can improve your blood pressure and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
  • Has a positive effect on asthmatics.

Chinese and Malaysian healers prepare preparations from pomelo that help with all kinds of swelling with cough, discomfort in the abdomen, tumors, stomach problems and poisoning from alcoholic beverages.

Pomelo is often used in cosmetology. It is put into nourishing face masks, and scrubs are made from the peel.

Benefits for women and use during pregnancy

Every pregnant woman, and not only, should eat pomelo in order to:

  • Increase resistance during colds.

This is important for women because it is not recommended to use powders with tablets during pregnancy.

  • Reduce blood pressure if it is higher than normal.
  • Get a lot of energy.

Pomelo gives strength and increases performance.

  • Quench thirst.
  • Strengthen bones and teeth.
  • Activate metabolic processes.
  • Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Prevent constipation.
  • Prevent the appearance of a sad mood.
  • Increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

Impact on men

Men who use pomelo note that their health has improved significantly. This fruit tones men and gives them strength. Regular consumption of an exotic product reduces the incidence of cancer and other dangerous diseases.

Due to the calcium contained in pomelo, bones become stronger and are less susceptible to fractures. Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on intellectual abilities.

Contraindications of pomelo and harm caused to the body

In addition to its beneficial properties, it also has contraindications. In order not to harm your body, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them.

  • It is not recommended to eat pomelo if citrus fruits cause allergic reactions. Even a small piece of fruit can lead to an attack.

Excessive consumption of pomelo can have a negative impact if a person has a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, or increased acidity in the stomach. Doctors prohibit trying this delicacy at all during periods of exacerbation of these ailments.

  • Hepatitis, nephritis and colitis react negatively to pomelo.

Doctors call for moderate use in such cases, and it is better to completely abandon it.

Pomelo will not harm the body if used wisely. For the average person, it is enough to eat 5 slices of fruit per day. It can be diluted with other fruits.

It is better to eat it raw. This is explained by the fact that after heat treatment some of the vitamins disappear.

Traditional medicine recipes

It is actively used to treat many diseases. Therefore, now we will tell you how to cook pomelo in medicinal purposes Right.

Natural Medicines

You need to extract 100 ml of concentrated juice from the pomelo pulp. It is diluted in 100 ml of water. It's best to take warm water. It is recommended to gargle with the solution 3 times a day.

  • Acute bronchitis.

100 ml of undiluted juice must be heated to 40ºС. After this, the patient should drink it. The heated juice will clear the respiratory tract of mucus that has formed there.

  • If atherosclerosis occurs.

You need to eat pomelo salad. To do this, take the pulp of the fruit. The slices are cleared of films, crushed and mixed with vegetable oil(approximately 10 g). Eating this salad will cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.

Application in cosmetology

Used for making masks.

  • If you have oily skin.

You need to take fruit pulp and kefir. Peel and mash the fruit slice, add 1 tsp. kefir and mix. Drain some liquid. We soak a swab in it and wipe our face with it. We wait until the skin becomes dry. Then apply the mixture to your face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off the mixture with cool water.

  • For all skin types.

A universal pomelo mask will do. To do this, take a slice of fruit, chop it, add 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount lemon juice. Mix the ingredients and apply the mask to your face. After 15 minutes it needs to be washed off green tea and apply a moisturizing cream.

Rules for selecting and storing pomelo

This is an unusual fruit for our area, so you need to know how to choose and store it correctly.

To choose a fresh fruit, pay attention to the peel, which should be shiny, smooth to the touch and moderately soft. A strong aroma indicates the ripeness of the fruit.

The purchased pomelo is quite easy to store. You can leave it out of the refrigerator for a month without spoiling. The main thing is not to remove the peel.

The peeled fruit will not lose its properties for several days.

But in this case it is better to place it in the refrigerator. The broom is easy to clean. The peel can be removed without much difficulty.

Sometimes you can find dried pomelo in stores. He is considered alternative option fresh fruit. This type can be stored for a whole year in a dry place.

Thanks to its rich composition, its use is not limited to cooking. The fruit is popular in medicine and cosmetology. Moderate consumption of the fruit does not cause negative reactions in the body.

We will devote today's article to this and other issues related to the presented product.

Biological description

Before you figure out what kind of fruit pomelo is, you should find out exactly what it looks like this product and where does it grow? As you know, such citrus is the fruit of an evergreen tree, which has a similar name. The height of this plant reaches 15 meters, and the crown has spherical shape with large leaves and white flowers with a diameter of 3 to 7 centimeters.

Pomelo is a fruit (a photo of the fruit is presented in this article), covered with a thick peel and divided into large segments, which are sealed with a harsh partition. You can often find seeds inside this citrus. The size of such fruits is almost twice the size of a large grapefruit. The color of a mature pomelo can be pale green or yellow. As for the weight of the fetus, it often reaches 10 kilograms (with a diameter of 30 centimeters).

Where does pomelo (fruit) grow?

This citrus originally appeared in Malaysia and South-East Asia, and also grew in Tonga. In China, the presented fruit was known back in 100 BC. However, it appeared in Europe only in the 14th century thanks to sailors.

Currently, pomelo is actively grown in Thailand, Southern China, Taiwan, Vietnam, southern Japan, India, the Tahiti Islands, Indonesia and Israel. This citrus also grows in small quantities in other warm countries(for example, in the USA, or more precisely, in California).

Main varieties of fruit

When answering the question of what kind of fruit pomelo is, one cannot ignore the fact that this citrus has many varieties. We list the main ones that you can find on store shelves.

  • Khao horn. The pulp of this fruit is white and sweet, and the color of the peel is yellowish-green.
  • Khao namphung. This citrus is distinguished by its pear-shaped shape, yellowish-green peel and sweet white pulp.
  • Khao paen. This pomelo is a flattened ball with a yellowish-green peel, white flesh and a sour taste.
  • Khao phuang. This fruit is also pear-shaped with a greenish-yellow skin, yellowish-white flesh and a sweet and sour taste.
  • Thongdi. The presented variety is distinguished by its spherical shape, dark green peel, pink and sweetish pulp.

Beneficial properties of pomelo fruit

The presented product is very beneficial for the body. This is because it includes a huge amount of minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium) and vitamins (A, C, beta-carotene, B1, B2 and B5). In addition, pomelo contains essential oils and limonoids. Thanks to this composition, this citrus has a pronounced anti-cancer activity, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens the immune system, and also tones and energizes. It should be noted that pomelo contains quite a lot ascorbic acid, which makes eating this fruit especially useful during viral and infectious diseases.

By the way, this citrus is actively used for weight loss. After all, it promotes the rapid breakdown of fats and proteins. That is why, if you are overweight, then you should definitely include pomelo in your daily diet.

Another useful property of this wonderful fruit lies in the fact that it quickly restores normal arterial pressure. In this regard, doctors very often recommend their patients to use this product.

Choosing the right fruit

What kind of fruit is pomelo? Not everyone knows the answer to asked question, not to mention the fact that few people have any idea how exactly they should choose it. After all, today there is an incredible number of supermarkets where such citrus can be sold at absolutely different prices. So what does this have to do with? And with the fact that pomelo can grow in different countries and imported to us from China, Thailand, and even from America. Moreover, the cost of this product differs significantly depending on one or another variety.

So, (fruit)? To purchase the right citrus for you, you should first pay attention to its aroma. It should be pronounced and felt at a short distance. In addition, it is recommended to examine the fruit from all sides and note the uniformity of its color. If you see any stains on the peel of the fruit, it is better not to take it.

When purchasing a broom, it is very important to feel it. In this case, you should note the uniform thickness of the peel throughout the fruit, without any compaction. If they are still present, then this indicates that the citrus was grown in the wrong conditions. You should not buy such fruit, as it will be bland, dry, tasteless and with a lot of seeds.

How sweet and ripe should a product be?

If you want to enjoy citrus, then it is better to put the fruit with stains on the peel, as well as with an uncharacteristic color (burgundy, red or brown), aside. After all, such signs indicate that the fruit-bearing plant was sick during the ripening of the pomelo. Of course, these diseases are not dangerous for humans, but there will be no benefit from such a fruit, and its taste is unlikely to please you.

To buy a sweet and ripe product, you need to check the top of the fruit, which should be dense, but not exceed 1 centimeter in diameter. You should also pay attention to whether there are any damage or growths on the peel of the fruit.

By choosing the right citrus, you will provide yourself with a lot of useful substances and vitamins, and also get rid of bad mood and many diseases.

How to properly peel fruit?

You should peel a pomelo in the same way as an orange or grapefruit. But due to the fact that such a product has a thick peel, this process becomes significantly more complicated. Thus, in order to quickly free the citrus from its shell, you should make several longitudinal cuts up to 1 centimeter deep. Next, you need to pry the peel at the base with your finger and literally pull it off into slices. As a result of such actions, you should get a fruit completely covered with film. It must be carefully separated from the pulp and begin to eat the tasty and healthy product.

Methods of application

A fruit with dryish pulp and a slight bitterness is most often consumed fresh. However, some housewives use this product when preparing main courses. To do this, it is completely cleared of thick skin and hard films, and then cut into small pieces and added to stewed or fried meat a few minutes before turning off the stove. It should also be noted that pomelo is often used for cooking various salads. For example, a dish made from citrus pulp is quite popular, boiled shrimp and celery greens, seasoned with rich sour cream and flavored with spices. In addition, this fruit can be included in desserts made from kiwi, banana, apples and pears. It is recommended to top this delicacy with either melted creamy ice cream (seal) or sweet and tasty yogurt.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of recipes that use the pomelo fruit. Take advantage of them - and your guests will never forget the festive table you set!

Bright exotic citrus can be found on the shelves of our supermarkets. What is known about the beneficial properties and harms of pomelo fruit for the body? How to choose and use it correctly?

Pomelo fruit - chemical composition and calorie content

Shaddock, broom - these names have the most big representative citrus fruit with a pink tint of thick peel. The homeland of pomelo is China; references to the beneficial properties of the fruit date back to 100 BC. e.

Large fruits weigh up to 10 kg, having a diameter of about 30 cm. Round fruits are more common, but there are also pear-shaped ones, flattened on both sides. Many people who have tried pomelo say that the taste is similar to grapefruit. Only it is not so bitter, and the slices are a little dry.

The fruit has a pleasant aroma and a rich composition of useful components:

  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, A, E, group B);
  • organic acids;
  • minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus);
  • fiber (up to 1%);
  • essential oils.

Pomelo consists of water (85–90%), nutritional value represent carbohydrates (7–9%), proteins (0.5–0.8%), fats (0.1–0.4%), ash (0.4–0.7%). The fruit has a very low calorie content (28–40 kcal); the sweeter the fruit, the more calories.

Beneficial properties for the human body

Pomelo Features:

  1. Has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. Potassium strengthens the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and heart rhythm.
  2. Strengthens the immune system, improves resistance to viral and colds. Ascorbic acid accelerates the healing process and improves human well-being. Using the fruit for prevention reduces the risk of seasonal diseases.
  3. Increases hemoglobin, relieves anemia.
  4. Reduces the level bad cholesterol. Vitamin E helps cleanse blood vessels of plaque, which reduces the chances of atherosclerosis and its complications - heart attack and stroke.
  5. Improves metabolic processes in the body. Lipase promotes the breakdown of proteins. Fiber stimulates the removal of toxins.
  6. It fights cancer and is an excellent preventative against tumors. Limonoids prevent cancer cells from multiplying.
  7. Strengthens bone tissue. Calcium promotes rapid rehabilitation after fractures.
  8. Improves mood, increases tone. Essential oils increase efficiency and concentration.
  9. Promotes weight loss. Low calorie content and the ability to quickly saturate the body make it possible to use pomelo in dietary nutrition.
  10. Makes tooth enamel stronger. Ascorbic acid and calcium reduce bleeding gums.
  11. Promotes the removal of phlegm in respiratory diseases (cough, asthma).
  12. Improves skin condition and makes it elastic.

Rare fruits are sometimes a real adventure for those who dare to introduce them into their diet. Once upon a time, such an exotic surprise could be an acquaintance with the pomelo fruit. But in Lately the fruit has already acquired fans. Pomelo is one of the largest citrus fruits. It is usually 2 times larger than a grapefruit and can reach a weight of 8 kg. The fruit has a thick yellow-green peel. The slices are usually white, sometimes with pinkish streaks if the fruit has been hanging on a certain side in the sun. The partitions between the slices are quite dense, bitter, not considered edible, and easily fall away from the pulp.

The trees on which these fruits grow are cultivated in Asia: China, Japan, Thailand, India, etc. The leaves are evergreen, hard, shiny, as if covered with wax.

Chemical composition of pomelo

Vitamins: B1, B2, B6, C, PP.

Macronutrients: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus.

Microelements: iron, manganese, copper, zinc.

Calorie content of pomelo- 32 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and benefits of pomelo for the body

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • copes with colds and flu,
  • helps with asthma, swelling and cough,
  • normalizes high blood pressure,
  • normalizes heart function,
  • protects against the formation of blood clots in blood vessels,
  • cancer prevention,
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis,
  • improves digestion,
  • improves mood,
  • increases attentiveness,
  • helps fight excess weight,
  • removes toxins from the body,
  • alleviates the condition of alcohol poisoning,
  • quenches thirst
  • strengthens bones,
  • improves skin condition.

Benefits of pomelo peel

It is quite thick, bitter in taste, but has a pleasant aroma. It contains many beneficial properties, especially the peel is saturated with vitamin P, which is responsible for removing excess estrogens from the human body and combating gastrointestinal problems.

Contraindications and harm

  • individual intolerance,
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers,
  • increased stomach acidity,
  • hepatitis, nephritis and colitis.

How to grow pomelo at home

Each piece of fruit contains approximately 5 seeds, from which you can even grow your own pomelo tree under suitable conditions.

Place them in a saucer and cover with a damp cloth or gauze. Let them lie like this for 2-3 days in the sun. After this time, sow the seeds in a pot and place it in a warm and well-lit place. The vessel can be made of any material, but most importantly with a drainage hole at the bottom. Be sure to place a shard at the bottom of the pot, covered with a drainage layer of sand (maximum 3 cm).

The first sunrises, as a rule, appear after 2-3 months. First, a sprout will appear, then the leaves will begin to lengthen, and only then the trunk will begin to form. The first fruits will appear only after 10-15 years. The plant must be replanted, pruned and maintained at a humidity level of 56-58% every year.

How to choose a ripe pomelo

There are several basic rules when choosing this citrus. Its peel should be of a uniform color, without dark (brown, rich red) spots. In addition, it should be smooth and shiny, in no case wrinkled or dry. The aroma should be quite strong, characteristic citrus. The top of the fruit should be slightly denser than the rest of the peel, but no more than 1.5 cm in diameter. Unripe fruits are not dangerous to human health, but often contain a large number of seeds inside, have not yet acquired a sweet taste and are not saturated with useful substances.

How to eat pomelo

Of course, the fruit should be eaten raw, as it retains more vitamins and other useful substances. The fruit is easy to peel: lightly cut the peel, then peel it with your hands like an orange. Thick films of pulp can also be removed by hand or with a knife.

Video: how to clean a broom

Pomelo face mask

This fruit has also found application in cosmetology. Like other citrus fruits, pomelo, with its freshly squeezed juice, eliminates oily skin and tightens pores. It is also invaluable in procedures for moisturizing and nourishing facial skin.

Mask for the face. 2-3 slices of fruit + 1 tsp. + 1 tsp. oatmeal Apply the mixture regularly to your face for 15 minutes. This miracle mask will make your face bloom, tighten, give you a healthy look and relieve inflammation.

Nourishing and moisturizing mask. 1 piece of fruit + 1 tsp. lemon juice + 1 tsp. honey Apply the mixture before going to bed for 15 minutes. It is advisable to rinse off with green tea, but you can also use plain water.

In addition, you can freeze pomelo juice and wipe your skin with ice at night to normalize blood flow and skin respiration.

Use of pomelo in cooking

And, of course, pomelo gets along well in the culinary field. It is often eaten simply in its raw, peeled form, but various desserts can be made using it. Add to fruit salad or make marmalade. Pomelo juice can be used to soak cakes and rolls. In combination with orange, you can make it into a filling for various confectionery products. Sometimes they make pomelo in caramel and sesame.

So it's obvious that this fruit can safely be called a useful fruit in every sense.

Useful properties of pomelo

The largest fruit in the citrus family is the pomelo. Other famous name- sheddock. It is similar to a grapefruit with its smooth skin and rounded outline, but is much larger and sweeter. A protrusion often forms near the stalk, making the shape pear-shaped.

Under the zest - the upper, thin layer of skin, there is a white, loose subcortical layer, which serves as reliable protection for the juicy slices.

This unique natural packaging helps transport and long-term storage of fruits without compromising their taste.

The main territories where the pomelo fruit grows, like its homeland, are China. Since ancient times, the Chinese have treated the giant citrus with respect and love to give it to loved ones.

There are plantations in Thailand, Vietnam, Israel evergreen trees giving bountiful harvests. The height of the pomelo tree varies depending on the variety and region. The record-breaking citrus weighs 10 kg. Average weight- from 1 to 3 kg.

Flowering and fruiting of trees occurs 1-2 times a year. Fruit ripening lasts about 5 months. Numerous green or golden balls the size of a ball hanging on the branches are a bright sight, surprising for tourists and residents of northern countries.

Calorie content of pomelo and the chemical composition of the fruit

The edible part of the citrus is contained in leathery segments, consisting of individual fiber bubbles filled with juice. Delicate taste Pomelo is pleasant, devoid of pronounced bitterness.

The light yellow or reddish bubbles have a slight crunch and burst on the tongue with sweetness and freshness. You don’t have to pay for this pleasure with savings. excess weight. The calorie content of 100 g of pomelo is minimal and amounts to no more than 40 Kcal.

The aromatic pulp combines low energy value with necessary for the body elements. For everyone who has metabolic problems, this is how pomelo fruit is useful. 100 g contains:

  • 220-235 mg potassium,
  • 26 mg calcium,
  • 26 mg phosphorus,
  • up to 1 mg sodium and iron,
  • 40-50 mg of ascorbic acid,
  • 25-30 mg beta-carotene,
  • physiologically acceptable amount of B vitamins.

The low glycemic index of pomelo - 30 units - allows you to safely use it if you have diabetes. Half of a medium-sized fruit will serve as a good snack, make you feel full, quench your thirst, and be suitable for dessert.

The pulp fibers, which are denser than those of other citrus fruits, retain juice well, which is valued when preparing light, vitamin-rich salads.

  1. A high content of vitamin C is characteristic of all representatives of the Citrus genus. Oranges contain the most ascorbic acid. Pomelo is only 10 mg behind and can be used to prevent influenza and alleviate ARVI. The antioxidant activity of the natural vitamin will keep blood vessels clean and improve blood composition.
  2. From a nutritionist's point of view, a fruit with such a low calorie content is ideal for reducing body weight. There are other important properties.
  3. The lipase enzyme helps the proper absorption of protein, activates fat metabolism, and protects against early atherosclerosis.
  4. Plant fiber moves through the intestines, carrying ballast deposits and waste to the outlet. Satisfaction from food occurs more harmoniously and faster.
  5. Pectin works to help fiber, which improves metabolism, cleanses the digestive tract, and protects the mucous membrane and stomach from excessive irritation by ascorbic acid.
  6. The allergist will warn you that you need to objectively evaluate beneficial features pomelo fruit and the harm it can cause when excessive consumption. Allergic reactions to citrus fruits are common. Children should be given them with extreme caution, in small portions.
  7. A gastroenterologist will recommend avoiding consumption of fruits for patients with acute colitis, peptic ulcers, or gastritis with high acidity.

Pomelo fruit: benefits and harm for women

Cleansing your colon naturally is important for beautiful skin. Feminine beauty vulnerable to heavy foods and the aggressive influence of fats hidden in foods.

Constipation quickly affects your appearance, making your complexion dull. Shaddock fruit will help ladies and girls who have similar problems. You can include it in your diet regularly if there are no contraindications.

Not only internal, but also external use of pomelo will increase the elasticity of the skin. Rub the face with pure juice for freshness and tone, add it to masks for normal oily skin.

Dry areas of the face respond better to diluted juice. The peel is used to wipe nails and cuticles. Fruit acids make the nail fold smooth and the plate strong.

The harm and benefits of pomelo for women during pregnancy are assessed depending on the state of the immune and digestive system. Babies may react even to the smell of citrus fruits if future mom I was overly interested in them. Shaddock can be present in a pregnant woman’s diet 2-3 times a week in the amount of 100-150 g.

How to clean a broom correctly

The fruit is peeled from its thick peel using a knife. The surface is cut into sectors and the zest is removed in fragments, along with a white loose mass. Cutting the peel in a spiral with a knife is possible, but difficult.

Starting from the top, forcefully divide the peeled ball in half and then into slices. Remove each slice completely from the film, only then eat the juicy pulp.

The pieces turn out dry, they can be easily divided into any parts. They can be stored in the refrigerator, in a bag or covered, for no more than a couple of days.

How to eat pomelo

Cleaning a broomstick correctly, as well as eating it, is not a difficult task. If the slices don’t turn out whole and neat, it doesn’t matter. Small pieces are suitable for salad. You can add shrimp, avocado, Chinese cabbage, herbs, and olive oil to the salad mixture.

You can find a lot of information similar to science fiction about how the Thais, who are skilled in cooking, eat pomelo. In Thai cuisine, it is customary to combine slices with coconut, peanuts, seafood, hot peppers, garlic, sugar and even salt.

Delicious salads are prepared in expensive restaurants, and pure sheddok is eaten here all the time, in large quantities. Now the giant fruit occupies its rightful place on store shelves all over the world.

A real, ripe fruit is difficult to hold in one hand, it is so weighty. Light specimens should not be taken. The peel should shine, be elastic to the touch, bend, but not be pressed too much.

There are tips on how to choose ripe pomelo fruit by smell. The event is difficult, since most often this product is sold packaged in film. Polyethylene keeps the product fresh for 1-2 months.

Exotic in appearance, but already beloved, pomelo gives sun to residents of countries with cold climates. Fruits travel thousands of kilometers to make people's diets more varied and healthier.

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