Shrimp cholesterol is good or bad. Useful and harmful properties of cholesterol in shrimp meat. Nutritional value and health benefits

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Whoever says anything about the benefits of diets for weight loss, physical activity is always the basis of loads. In this case, the emphasis should not be on strength exercises, but on running on a treadmill for weight loss. To date, treadmill and a long walk are the basis for perfect figure. No wonder it is used by professional athletes.

Fundamentals of cardio

The most effective cardio workout for weight loss is running on a treadmill, as weight loss is based on a calorie deficit. It can be achieved in several ways:

  • Decreased calorie intake. All diets for weight loss are based on this principle.
  • Increasing the number of meals. In this case, the body begins to produce energy more efficiently, accelerating metabolism.
  • Increase in loads. Due to any muscle activity, the same deficit is created.

Let's stick to the basic principles though. To increase the effectiveness of weight loss exercises, you need to adhere to a certain heart rate. How to calculate it? Everything is very simple. We take the maximum heart rate (220), subtract age from it and make an adjustment for the gender of the practitioner (+5 beats for men, -5 beats for women). This is the maximum allowable heart rate. Fat burning (the process when the body begins to burn triglycerides for energy) occurs when the heart rate is in the range of 65-75% of the maximum. So let's do some simple calculations.

Example: for a woman aged 30 years weighing 70 kilograms. The optimal pulse will be (220-30-5) * 0.65; (220-30-5)*0.75. that is, it will fluctuate between 125-135 beats per minute. In this case, every hour of running can burn up to 5 kilocalories per kilogram of body. That is about 300 kilocalories.

Why 300 and not 350? Everything is very simple. When calculating weight, not the total weight is used, but the fat mass is subtracted. That is, we believe that 10 kilograms is overweight, which you need to get rid of.

Running and figure

When trying to burn extra pounds by cutting back on food, you need to take into account many points that are often taken into account incorrectly in classic diets. That is why running on a treadmill is better for weight loss than rigid diets. These points that are important to pay attention to when trying to lose weight are listed below:

  • combination of proteins and carbohydrates;
  • the presence of omega 3 fats;
  • correct calculation of calories;
  • intake of fiber and vitamins;
  • differentiate carbohydrates by digestion rate and glycemic load.

And even in this case, the body, most likely, will first begin to burn not fat cells at all, but protein ones. Which will lead to:

  • deterioration of the skin and hair- the ends are split, the skin looks flabby;
  • deterioration of joints and ligaments- they simply dry out, which increases the risk of injury;
  • reduction in muscle volume- instead of elastic priests and chest, you will have sagging legs and arms. And the "orange peel" will not disappear anywhere.

What happens during physical activity? Particularly when running. At first, while the body is not accustomed to constant, resource optimization occurs. Build up the heart muscle and leg muscles. Due to this, the protein component increases. Therefore, after the first week, the weight may increase by 200-400 grams. After that, glycogen in the muscles begins to be stored (another + 0.5-1 kg of weight). At the same time, the main working muscles, calves and buttocks will visually tighten in the figure. As a result, after a week of running, and even in combination with the gym, the weight, instead of falling, will begin to grow. Because of what, many, frightened of "shwarzenegirization", will abandon this business ( we are talking exclusively for ladies).

After that, when the main body systems are ready, fat burning will begin, the calculation of which was carried out earlier. Further, when creating a moderate calorie deficit (no more than 10% of the consumption rate), every day it will be possible to lose 50-80 grams of adipose tissue. And this is up to 3 kilograms per month.

Naturally, if we take pure weight loss, then it will be possible to add those kilograms that will go away with:

  • a decrease in the amount of salts;
  • a decrease in water in the epidermis;
  • reducing slagging (due to increased metabolism).

By correctly combining balanced proper nutrition, heavy anaerobic exercise and running on the track, you can speed up the results of losing weight by 2-3 times.

How to practice?

To begin with, it’s worth telling diet lovers the following: of course, in short term, diets will give greater effect. But, most likely, the weight will return immediately with its end, and it will return in the reverse order, first fat, then proteins. But still running on a treadmill gives great results for weight loss. Globally, there are two main techniques for practicing on the track:

  • extended run;
  • interval loads.

Everything is clear about the principle of prolonged running (with counting the pulse and duration with the correct calculation of calories). It is enough to choose a suitable exercise (walking, running, walking with slopes) and keep the right pace.

As for running on a treadmill for speed, everything works according to similar principles. The main difference lies in the presence of an intensive (sprint phase) and a rest phase.

Sprint phase - running to the max possible speed up to 300 meters. In this case, you need to monitor the pulse so that it does not exceed the maximum allowable mark (so as not to harm the heart muscle), it usually takes up to 120 seconds.

rest phase - the time it takes for the muscle to recover. It is at this time that the body begins to actively drown fatty tissues and fluid in order to generate the necessary energy for the next phase. The approximate speed should be such that the pulse does not exceed 55% of the maximum allowable (80-90). The rest phase should be approximately 300-500 seconds.

In one approach, you need to use up to 5 circles of interval loads.

But what to use for weight loss?


The first exercise on the treadmill is, oddly enough, walking. Even with it, you can develop a suitable pulse, but:

  • the maximum intensity for a trained organism is limited;
  • it takes more time to accelerate and decelerate the heart muscle.
  • Who is it for? Mainly for beginner athletes and obese people.

    How to walk?

    • set a suitable speed on the track (5-8 km per hour);
    • walk, keeping pace - for 40-60 minutes.

    That's the whole secret.

    Walking can be used:

    • as a warm-up before;
    • as a calorie burn for people to whom such a load will allow to accelerate the pulse;
    • as a general warm-up before training.


    Running on a treadmill for beginners is the perfect exercise. It combines:

    • the possibility of a controlled high-intensity load;
    • easy control over the state of the pulse;
    • simplicity in the technique of running itself;
    • development of quadriceps, femoral, gluteal and calf muscles.

    The running technique is extremely simple:

    • set a suitable speed on the track (8+ km per hour);
    • install positive angle tilt (up to 5 degrees);
    • run, keeping pace - for 60-120 minutes.

    Why over 60 minutes? Even with a properly selected pulse, intensive fat burning begins only after the 40th minute of training. Why? Because before that, the body, in conditions of sufficient oxygen, burns the glycogen located in the muscles. But no need to worry, as glycogen stores are restored within 48 hours after training. That is why running is prescribed at the end of strength training.

    Incline walking

    Incline walking, like incline running, allows you to combine the benefits of aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise. Due to the large inclination (up to 30 degrees), the load on the carp and calf muscles is significantly increased. In addition, it is comparable to running uphill. Designed for experienced athletes who do not want or cannot increase their running speed, but at the same time, their heart muscles are so trained that standard running does not allow them to be accelerated to the required 120-130 beats.

    Harm and contraindications

    Unfortunately, such an intense exercise as running has its negative sides. Firstly, it is a big load on the joints, which increases with weight. That is why, it is contraindicated for athletes weighing over 80 kilograms, since there is a risk of abrasion of the joints into powder, which reduces the entire effectiveness of running for weight loss to zero. In addition, many do not take into account the need to use a heart rate monitor, focusing on their own feelings. This is very dangerous, especially when using interval training.

    Working in the maximum mode, there is a big risk of exceeding the maximum allowable heart rate. What does it threaten? In this case, the harm from running on a treadmill far outweighs the benefits. The heart receives microtrauma, like any other muscle. But, unlike other muscles, such injuries are not overgrown with muscle tissue capable of contraction, but with connective tissue. This leads to an increase in the mass of the heart and a weakening of muscle contractions. That is, the heart becomes larger, but its useful volume decreases. In addition, when contracting, it must pump the damaged areas with blood, which complicates its functioning.


    Consider the main running programs and its use in general training:

    The name of the program Running is time Workout type Benefit / harm
    Warm up10-15 minutesSolid (low intensity)Helps warm up the heart muscle, increases the efficiency of anaerobic exercises
    Slimming classic40-60 minutesMedium intensity (pulse 65-75%)Classic weight loss - up to 3 kilograms of adipose tissue per month
    Slimming (beginners)40-60 minutesLow intensity (walking)Preparing the body for the upcoming loads - up to 1.5 kilograms of adipose tissue per month
    Slimming - marathon120-180 minutesWith a gradual decrease in speed (focus on the indicators of the heart rate monitor)Weight loss works intensively, along the way it burns part of the muscle tissue. Recommended for obese athletes with a high fat content
    Slimming - intensive2+5 minutes lapHigh-intensity running (80-90% heart rate) 2 minutes - low-intensity running (45-55%) 5 minutesThe most effective program for burning fat exclusively, helps to develop speed, suitable only for experienced athletes


    If we consider reviews of running on a treadmill and its benefits for weight loss, then among all the patient ones (who do more than 3 days), the results are obvious. No wonder it has been used for more than a dozen years. For people with problem joints, ellipticals are recommended, which allow you to achieve the same pulse intensity.

    But most importantly - do not forget: no matter how much you want to lose weight, you should not run on the scales immediately after the end of the run. All you will notice is a decrease in the amount of liquid. And do not worry if after the first month of classes, the weight has only increased. It is possible that the body adapted to the increased load, increasing muscle mass.

    Use a warm-up run at the beginning of your workouts, and if your goal is to lose weight, then add 60 minutes at the end of your workout. You will not only lose weight, but also greatly develop endurance, improve your health, and your heart will thank you, and will be able to knock for several years longer.

    Interval running is designed exclusively for experienced athletes whose task is not so much to lose weight as to dry out with minimal loss of muscle mass. It must be clearly controlled. And even in this case, no one guarantees the absence of microtraumas of the heart. Therefore, keep this in mind when you want to get a relief figure as quickly as possible. Is the game worth the candle?

    Morning jogging, according to experts, is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. But not everyone has the opportunity to practice outdoors. Some people don’t have a suitable area for running, some don’t like the weather outside, or maybe they just feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the same experts suggested replacing jogging on the street with classes at home on a treadmill. How to use this simulator correctly and is it possible to overcome excess weight exclusively by training on it?

    How effective is the treadmill for weight loss?

    The main question that worries everyone who wants to lose weight with a treadmill is how many calories can be burned and how quickly this happens. It is important to understand here that the amount of energy consumed by each person is different. It depends on weight, physical fitness, regularity and duration of training, diet, and many other indicators. And also it should be noted that the calorie counter located on the simulator does not give a 100% correct result, it “averages” it. This is especially true for the first 10 minutes of training, when the body manages with glucose and glycogen, without using fat.

    Calculating calorie burn during exercise

    Calorie consumption when exercising on a treadmill depends on the pace and mode of training. Burning kilocalories on average is:

    • with fast walking - 200-300 kcal per hour;
    • with light running, about 400–500 kcal are burned per hour, which already allows you to lose weight;
    • at a high pace of running per hour, from 600 to 800 kcal are lost.

    Starting to exercise on a treadmill (magnetic, electric or mechanical), do not get hung up on calories. The main thing you should strive for is to improve your health. Remember to get good sleep. And in order to lose weight correctly and without harm to your health, exercise regularly and for as long as possible, but do not overload and monitor your heart rate. The recommended zone of this indicator for those who want to lose weight is 119-139 beats per minute. Running speed, calories lost, time, modes, heart rate and other indicators are visible on the computer screen built into the treadmill.


    Treadmill workouts are high intensity. In this regard, it is contraindicated in the following diseases:

    • cardiopulmonary insufficiency;
    • problems with the bronchi;
    • angina;
    • hypertension;
    • mitral stenosis;
    • heart disease, etc.

    In order for treadmill training to be effective and safe for health, follow the recommendations:

    1. Choose comfortable shoes that provide proper foot placement, cushioning and ventilation. It is best to consult with an orthopedist, who will give professional advice on choosing shoes for your feet.
    2. Start your workout with an easy walk - 7-10 minutes. Then get off the machine and do a few squats, bends, swings, and calf raises. Muscles should be warmed up.
    3. When running, keep your arms at an angle of about 90 degrees, let them move freely. Do not hold on to the handrails so as not to shift the center of gravity.
    4. Don't slouch. With incorrect posture (and when running on a treadmill, and in Everyday life) you will have problems with the spine.
    5. While running, look at the finish line. You can not bend down and look at your legs, as you can lose balance or stretch your back, neck.
    6. Land correctly to avoid injury to your knee or ankle. If your running speed is about 8 km / h, it is best to land on your toe, distributing the load further on the entire foot.
    7. Do not jump off the track at full speed to avoid injury. Better lose a few seconds, slow down and get off the track safely.
    8. Do not take very large steps, choose the optimal width. Ideally, this is 3 steps per second.
    9. Skip a workout if you don't feel well. Cold, high blood pressure or a racing heart give you a reason to take a day off today.
    10. To burn more calories and keep the concentration of movements will help the change of running modes. Don't always work at the same pace. It is better to switch to a lighter mode, then to a more intense one.
    11. If you run in the morning, don't do it on an empty stomach. A few spoons of oatmeal, an apple and a glass of water before training is what you need. And immediately after training, it is better to refrain from eating.
    12. Do not immediately take too high a pace. The load should be increased gradually.

    2 ways to lose weight on a treadmill

    In three months, you can lose 4 to 8 kg of weight if you use the following exercises:

    1. Long but effective. Every day or even twice a day, train for an hour, light jogging or walking. In particular this applies fat people. Don't forget about correct mode nutrition and good sleep. Carbohydrates and proteins - that's what should be in your diet in sufficient quantities. Fatty and fried foods are best avoided. It is also important to eat according to the regime, 5 times a day, in small portions.
    2. Not slowly, but surely. Interval training allows you to lose weight quickly. After the warm-up - a moderate run for three minutes, then a minute of accelerated mode. Slowly increase the difficulty of the workout by increasing the intervals in the direction of speed. You will end up with a 1:1 ratio and finish your workout at 2:1 intervals (where 1 is your recovery time). Be careful not to overwork. The session lasts 20-25 minutes. This method of losing weight should be applied 3-4 times a week for three weeks. Then you should switch to a lighter course (also for 3-4 weeks).

    By exercising on a treadmill, you can lose weight from 4 to 8 kg

    Watch your breath. Breathe deeply through your nose. Each inhalation and exhalation should be equal in time to two steps. If this breathing becomes difficult, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The occurrence of shortness of breath indicates that you have chosen too high a pace of running.

    Walking at a fast pace is great for burning excess fat. Such training makes it possible not only to lose weight, but also to achieve the elasticity of the muscles of the whole body. Start walking fast for 30 minutes a day, increasing your daily time until you reach 60 minutes or more. Listen to your body - it will tell you when it's time to stop walking.

    Switching the speed will help you get a charge of vivacity from your workout. From monotony, time drags on long and boring. By changing the pace, you will not only lose weight faster, but you can also get real pleasure from exercising on the simulator.

    Whether you walk or run, it doesn't matter. Increase the angle of incline and thereby you will increase the load, which means you can burn more calories. Set the angle of the track so that you are comfortable.

    Training in the maximum acceleration mode is most effective for losing weight, but you have to work to the limit, because sprinting is a super-fast running mode. However, calories are burned at full capacity. To begin with, we do a sprint for 30 seconds, then a calm step for 2-3 minutes. So we repeat 4 times. Over time, gradually increase the sprint to 10 visits.

    Treadmill workout programs

    For beginners, training with different speed modes is most suitable: from low to high. It is also called "fartlek" (Swedish).

    1. Easy run - speed 4, time - 1 minute.
    2. Moderate run - speed 5, time - 1 minute.
    3. Fast run - speed 7, time 1 minute.

    The cycle must be repeated without stopping 7-10 times (in time - about 30 minutes). Switching to easy running, you rest. If you want to increase the load, change the incline of the treadmill or add speed. Beginners are recommended to do such runs 3 times a week for a month.

    When exercising on a treadmill, it is important to choose the right training mode.

    After you pass the beginner level, you move on to the intermediate level, where the running methods are more dynamic and there is a more complex interval load.

    • Fast run - speed 8.0, time - 90 seconds.
    • Fast run - speed 8.2, time - 80 seconds.
    • Fast run - speed 8.4, time - 70 seconds.
    • Fast run - speed 8.6, time - 60 seconds.
    • Fast run - speed 8.8, time - 50 seconds.
    • Fast run - speed 9.0, time - 40 seconds.

    After each "step" you need to take a rest - 1 minute of brisk walking. Having passed all this “ladder”, go back in reverse order (from bottom to top), only do not change the speed, stay at the maximum all the time - 9.0. If you feel that you can take an even greater load, add an acceptable angle of inclination for yourself.

    Experienced runners always use interval running, raising their level of training even higher. Look at one of the most complex programs for running on a treadmill:

    • 1 minute fast (10) + 1 minute rest (7).
    • 1 minute fast (9.8) + 1 minute rest (7.3).
    • 1 minute fast (9.6) + 1 minute rest (7.6).
    • 1 minute fast (9.4) + 1 minute rest (7.9).
    • 1 minute fast (9.2) + 1 minute rest (8.2).
    • 1 minute fast (9.0) + 1 minute rest (8.5).
    • 1 minute (8.8) +1 minute (8.8).
    • 1 minute (8.6) +1 minute (9.1).

    Using this 8-cycle training scheme, you will lose calories as quickly as possible. This technique is used if you want to lose weight in a month. However, do not forget that before moving on to the third level, you must complete the previous two.

    Video: running for weight loss

    Mistakes when running on a treadmill

    Mistakes in training are made not only by beginners, but also by experienced people who at one time were inattentive to the rules of training on a treadmill. But if you make mistakes, you can not only not achieve the desired results, but also harm your health. We list the most common:

    1. You lean on the handrails, thereby shifting the center of gravity and transferring the load intended for the legs to the hands. The skeletal system and joints of the hands suffer from this error.
    2. You do not increase the load from workout to workout. All body systems should feel an increase in the intensity and pace of running - then they tune in to active correct work.
    3. Wrong breathing. Breathe through your nose, calmly and evenly.
    4. You are a beginner on the treadmill, and already take the maximum start. Loads should increase slowly and gradually, from day to day.
    5. You don't feel well, but you still train. Your willpower is, of course, a plus. But experts strongly recommend resting while at least some discomfort is felt.
    6. Wrong landing. At high speed to avoid injury, you should put your foot on the toe.

    This is just a small list of mistakes that can be made while running on the treadmill. To avoid these and other blunders, it is best to have a few runs with a professional trainer or at least consult with him.

    Running on the treadmill completely replaces outdoor training. On this machine, you can exercise in walking, light or high-speed running, with full control over the intensity and speed of the exercises, while being in the target heart rate zone. The purchase of this sports equipment allows you to fully enjoy all the benefits of regular workouts right at home, maintain overall tone, improve health, and get rid of extra pounds.

    Modern treadmills are significantly different from their predecessors. Built into many models latest generation iFit technologies make it possible to engage in "virtual" running - compete with athletes, choose any coach, including a famous person, as an instructor.

    The popularity of the running machine among those who want to lose weight is incredibly high. This, above all, is facilitated by the incredible ease of handling and ease of management, which do not require any special skills from the athlete. Home models have more limited functionality than professional ones installed in gyms.

    The equipment of the former implies the presence of a timer, counting the “traveled” distance displayed on the display, and the latter, as a rule, includes special sensors for monitoring heart rate. With the ability to track heart rate, the athlete can coordinate the goal of the activity, which can be directed to training of cardio-vascular system or fat burning.

    Options for some models include:

    • personal trainer;
    • strength training;
    • burning fat.

    Expected results

    Depends on the speed of running and the person's own weight. Running at an average speed burns 100 calories every mile. Half an hour training at a speed of 5.5 km per hour allows you to get rid of 121 calories. The higher the speed, the faster calories are burned. Weight has the same effect. The more the runner weighs, the more intense the kilograms go.

    Tempo is important. It should be such that a person is a little out of breath, but is able to talk to someone around him. Once the correct tempo is set, it must be maintained. This applies to training and weight loss, and the cardiovascular system.

    The effectiveness of the treadmill in the fight against excess weight is beyond doubt. The only obstacle to achieving results can be your own laziness. Hardy and persistent people who have a clear intention to lose weight achieve high results with this simulator.

    The simulator, regardless of model and functionality, supports several types of workouts. It allows you to exercise both for weight loss and for maintaining good physical shape.

    It would be a mistake to concentrate on one type. The desired effect is achieved by combining various ways. This is due not only to the correct distribution of loads, but also to the preservation of motivation. A variety of workouts will never get bored.

    Training program

    Walking should be alternated with jogging. This can be done cyclically, for example, run for 3-4 days, and devote the rest of the time to walking or change modes every time.


    Intense and short workouts break down body fat and slow down the formation of new ones more effectively than long ones.

    The body does not have time to adapt to the loads if the training is varied. When classes start to get boring, two simple tricks help maintain motivation:

    1. Watching TV

    The option is present in all modern models of treadmills. You can watch your favorite shows and programs not only at home, but also in the gym. In order not to disturb others, connect headphones to the simulator and select the desired channel.

    1. Listening to music

    You can choose your favorite song or a dynamic melody. An excellent solution would be to create a selection of songs specifically for doing exercises on the track.

    Effective Fat Burning Exercises

    The best treadmill in the fight against excess weight is made by properly selected exercises that fully open up the possibilities and potential of this simulator.

    Interval training

    They showed consistently high results in the fight against extra pounds and mean combining periods of performing various exercises with breaks. The most effective are workouts with alternating exercises.

    Workout plan

    Interval miles traveled Speed
    Warm up00,0 – 1,0 6,50-7,00
    First1,0-1,25 8,00
    respite1,25-1,30 3,50
    Second1,30-1,55 8,00
    respite1,55-1,60 3,50
    Third1,60-1,85 8,00
    respite1,85-1,90 3,50
    Fourth1,90-2,15 8,00
    respite2,15-2,20 3,50
    Fifth2,20-2,45 8,00
    respite2,15-2,50 3,50
    Sixth2,50-2,75 8,00
    respite2,75-2,80 3,50

    All intervals are divided into separate segments. They involve first performing simpler, and then complex exercises. The first should have a duration of ten to forty seconds, while the second should be shorter and last no more than half a minute. This approach allows you to exhaust yourself to such an extent that after the end of the workout, a person simply cannot do even the easiest exercise.

    Intensive training should be carried out at least three to four times every week. It is necessary to clearly ensure that it is really difficult, that is, it does not come easily. Otherwise, no effect will be achieved.

    It is best to start training with walking. No need to immediately take on high loads. The next task after that is to choose a pace for jogging and maintain it for half a minute, further slowing down with the transition to walking for forty seconds.

    In other words, interval training is a combination of running and walking. Each mode is done after a certain time interval. This leads to an increase in metabolic rate and an increase in the rate of burning excess calories by half.

    A great exercise for weight loss, which is great for those who do not really like just running in one place. The speed during the first lessons can be kept on the order of five miles per hour.

    You need to start with a three-minute warm-up at the same pace. Then turn left and run for another thirty seconds, repeat the same action to the right. The main thing is to rearrange, but do not cross your legs.

    As soon as the run to the left and right is completed, they return to their original position, that is, turn their body and face forward, jog for another three minutes.

    The whole procedure is repeated until the total duration of the training is half an hour. It should end with a three-minute "jog" jogging.

    "Running" plus "Walking"

    Ideal for trained people who play sports on a regular basis. Training involves, as the name implies, a constant alternation of "running" and "walking" modes.

    A great alternative between regular walking, jogging and slow running. Thanks to a more intense approach, this type of training allows you to burn about three hundred calories.

    Doesn't require a huge amount of time. Enough to do about forty minutes. The secret to success lies in doing an intense interval workout, which should be done four to five times every seven days.

    Of course, you need to try to find time for classes. The result is worth it. For seven days of training, the practitioner will lose almost half a pound, that is, approximately 200-225 grams. This allows you to give your silhouette the desired harmony in a short time.

    Workout for all muscle groups

    The versatility of training main secret success for those who seriously decided to take care of their weight. Daily training according to this technique gives a stunning result. Giving classes for 35 minutes, after 10-14 days, the arrows of the scales will show a change in weight downward by 3-5 pounds (1.36-2.27 kg).

    Jogging has always been and remains the best solution for those who want to lose weight. However, running on a simulator is much more comfortable than running on asphalt and concrete surfaces. If there is such an opportunity, then it is impossible to imagine a better solution than buying a treadmill.

    Due to the well-thought-out design and ease of use, the risks of injury on this simulator are practically reduced to zero. Classes on it are useful not only for those who are losing weight, but also for those who want to get back in shape after a long break, who previously had a sad experience of joint damage.

    It is necessary to accustom the body and muscles to loads gradually. It is recommended to start with a half-hour workout.

    If there is no physical preparation, the first lesson can last about ten minutes. Increase the speed by three points should be each subsequent workout.

    When the training ceases to cause difficulties and discomfort, you can increase its duration to a quarter of an hour. In this case, it is better to set the speed to the fifth (5.0).

    During training, the speed can be increased to 3.5 units and gradually reduced. As soon as these loads become comfortable, total duration training is brought to twenty minutes and so on.

    Increasing loads

    You can change the type of training after a month of training on the treadmill. Most the best option is walking. It perfectly stabilizes the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, contributes to a good study of the muscles on the legs.

    The recommended initial duration of a workout is about twenty minutes. Next, produce an increase in the angle of inclination, that is, the position of the track. By changing the angle of inclination, the loads change. If it is increased, the load increases, and when it is reduced, then, on the contrary, it decreases.

    The main thing is to comply with the following requirements:

    1. stick to the usual duration of classes of 20 minutes;
    2. increase the speed within 1.5-3.5 units for 5-7 minutes;
    3. change the angle of inclination within 2.0-3.0.

    Popular ways of walking such as "endurance path" and "ladder" help both in the fight against extra pounds and in muscle development. Performing the "ladder" allows you to train the calves, hamstrings, affecting all the large muscles of the legs.

    The “path to endurance” also contributes to the strengthening of the muscles, but is not limited solely to this effect. This exercise develops endurance, adds variety to training, and activates the fat burning process.

    It is important to know:

    This type of training is not only effective, but also great option in order to dilute a long lesson into several separate segments. This is an indisputable advantage of both ways of walking.

    You can do a wide variety of workouts on the treadmill. It is not a boring and monotonous simulator, as many beginners mistakenly believe. And these are not the only advantages of sports equipment.

    The main advantages that all modern models of treadmills have include:

    1. easier training for the joints than when running on roads and sidewalks;
    2. the ability to play sports in any weather, and if the simulator is also installed at home, then in the most comfortable conditions without the need to visit the gym;
    3. no need for a large free space, complete safety and protection from various types of injuries that can occur during outdoor jogging;
    4. a completely relaxed environment for classes, during which you can listen to music or watch TV.

    These simulators, of course, have their negative sides. However, given the many positive aspects, they are great to help maintain physical fitness, fight overweight.

    The treadmill is a powerful and effective weight loss machine. It allows you to burn calories without any special efforts, skills, and, most importantly, quickly enough.

    To achieve maximum performance, you need to choose the right exercises, not concentrate on only one type of training, follow all the recommendations and advice.

    Purchasing a treadmill or using this equipment in gym listening to your favorite song or watching a program is not just an opportunity to lose weight, but also to do it with pleasure and comfort.

    Treadmill and bench press — Video

    You will need

    • - room;
    • - treadmill;
    • - instructions for using the track;
    • - convenient form;
    • - run.


    Best start training is a warm-up, i.e. warming up the muscles. The biggest mistake is not warming up the muscles. A good warm-up before exercise reduces the risk of injury and muscle pain. Without it, you won't be able to make the most of your lower body muscles. And you will not achieve the desired result. The best way to warm up is walking at a speed of 5 km / h for several minutes. It will prepare you for a stronger load. With more physical preparation, you can increase the speed to 8 km / h. It is important to work with both feet and hands. Steps can be fast, but not long. The most important thing is not to overdo it.

    You need to start with minimal loads, gradually increasing the speed. Be sure to monitor your pulse. The pulse should not exceed 65-75% of the maximum. Try to control your speed. If you set the pace of movement at the same speed, you will quickly get tired, which will make the workout boring. Therefore, it is significant to change the speed every 11-13 minutes. You can change the angle of the track. First, light running on a flat surface, then increase the angle of inclination. This will speed up the metabolism and burn fat. Do not forget about the pulse, as soon as you see that it begins to decrease under load, immediately increase the speed of running or the angle of inclination.

    Start to pick up speed and increase the load of running for a few minutes. Alternate rest and acceleration, without changing the angle of the track, work out, 2 minutes in an enhanced mode (rapid running), then 2 minutes in a slow one (jogging). Do 5 such approaches. Often training on the track using the help of handrails for the purpose of safety and convenience, people are mistaken. Holding on to the handrails, the body bends forward and assumes a stooped position. As a result of jogging, performance disappears and the load on the legs decreases and increases on the spine.

    Self-cooling is necessary, as well as warming up. With a sharp end to a workout, there is a possibility of injury and muscle spasm. Slow down the speed of movement and allow the muscles and heart rate to return to normal. Alternate walking with slow running for 3-5 minutes. Then get off the track and do a few minutes of warm-up in free space or on the floor. In order to improve the state of health, it is necessary to systematically engage in more than 4 times a week. Regularly exercising at the same hours, you will come to the desired results.

    Hello dear readers! Running on a treadmill - it would seem, there is nothing easier. However, this type of training is beneficial and effective only if performed correctly. In this article, I will tell you about all the subtleties and pitfalls that you may encounter when starting to run on the track.

    Running is The best way compensate for the lack of physical activity inherent in modern man. This is the simplest sport, everyone can choose their pace and distance on their own.

    Running increases stamina, improves sleep and mood, strengthens many body systems, improves immunity and emotional condition person. And regular classes build willpower and help get rid of bad habits.

    What muscles work when running

    In the process of exercising on a treadmill, almost all muscle groups are involved. First of all, these are the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks: the gluteal, iliac, quadriceps, calf and foot muscles.

    In addition, the process includes the abdominal press (rectus and oblique abdominal muscles), as well as biceps, triceps and intercostal muscles.

    The benefits and harms of running

    What gives us running? Regular exercise can bring invaluable benefits to the body:

    • The work of the heart improves. While running, even at a slow pace, the pulse quickens, and the blood flow accelerates. This means that all organs and tissues receive more nutrition and can develop and function normally.
    • Lungs are trained. With an increase in breathing, residual air comes out that did not leave the lungs during exhalation (yes, we have such in our body).
    • The body's endurance increases, apathy and drowsiness disappear.
    • Metabolism normalizes and calories are burned. This is especially important if you want to lose weight.
    • The blood flow to the pelvic region is activated. It is useful both for women (normalizes the functioning of the genital organs) and for men (improves erection).

    In addition, psychologists say that running helps fight stress and depression. And this is true - during exercise, endorphins are produced in the body: the so-called hormone of happiness. Regular jogging can make a person more friendly, calm and sociable.

    As for the harm of running, then of course, like any kind of load, it can have a negative effect on the body. However, its detrimental effect is somewhat exaggerated: often in the literature you can find "horror stories" that professional runners suffer various diseases- they say, running takes away health, and does not add it.

    Indeed, excessive physical exercise"for wear and tear" can greatly undermine the body. Professionals train most of the day - that's their job. Of course, under such conditions, health suffers. You're not going to run for eight hours, are you? Therefore, if you have no contraindications to exercise and you have chosen a normal intensity of training, and also observe the technique, there will be no harm.


    For healthy person jogging is a storehouse of benefits, but if there are any diseases, it is better to think carefully: is it worth starting classes?

    • Serious disorders in the work of the heart: myocardial infarction, stroke, angina pectoris and other pathologies.
    • Diseases respiratory system: bronchial asthma, pulmonary insufficiency.
    • Problems with the joints and spine: arthritis, arthrosis, hernia, osteochondrosis in the acute stage.
    • Visual disturbances: severe and progressive myopia, glaucoma.

    Please note that you can not run during colds, after injuries and operations. Girls should give up intense and long runs.

    Types of running

    Exist different types running: even beginners notice that a neighbor who runs in the park in the morning does not do it like an athlete in a competition.

    And it is classified according to several criteria. So, depending on the speed, they distinguish:

    • Time running (sprint) - used by professional athletes. However, every person at least once in his life also ran like this: at school or at the university when passing the standards. In this case, the running time of a short distance demonstrates the level of physical fitness, so that it is easier for the teacher to navigate when adjusting the training program.
    • Healthy running - assumes a pace that is comfortable for the body without increased load.

    Health running has the following varieties:

    • Jogging (jogging) is movement at a moderate speed (7-9 km/h). Perhaps this is the most popular type of running: its pace is ideal for beginners, and professionals often include jogging in their workouts to relax, relieve tension and restore muscles.
    • Interval (jerky running) is a movement in which the runner sharply increases speed for a short distance, and then reduces it to his recovery pace (this is the speed at which the heart rate does not exceed 120 beats per minute). Interval running is used to develop endurance, but it is not recommended for beginners.
    • Fartlek is a special running technique that changes the speed of movement. However, this is not the same as interval running. Fartlek provides for various variations of the pace change: from maximum to fast walking. It is useful for training the heart.

    Jogging and fartlek are best suited for running on a treadmill.

    What is the difference between running on a treadmill and regular running?

    There has always been controversy surrounding treadmill training. Some vehemently argue that it is much more convenient: there is no dependence on the season and weather, and if you have your own simulator, you can even practice at home. Others insist that the treadmill will not replace Fresh air, change of landscape, and in general, running on the street is free.

    In fact, the main difference lies in the biomechanics of the running process. While moving on the treadmill, the cadence increases - that is, the pace, and the impact force. In simple terms, a person spends less time in the air. Surely you have noticed that when running on the street, the flight phase is pronounced - you literally fly several tens of centimeters. Often, careless landing ends in injuries. Therefore, the likelihood of injury on the track is less than when exercising on the street.

    In addition, on a treadmill, the human body does not adapt to acceleration, while when exercising outdoors, you will involuntarily increase the pace: after all, your body is moving, not the track.

    Professional athletes and coaches say that running is useful - no matter where you do it: on the simulator or on the street, it is in any case a cardio load. Ideally, they recommend combining these types of running.

    Track running technique

    In order for classes to bring only benefits, you need to follow the rules of running technique. Neglecting them can not only minimize the effect of training, but also lead to injury.

    The technique of moving on a treadmill is quite simple. First, you should stand up straight on the tape - as you usually stand. Then select the desired settings on the control panel and remove your hands from the handrails. You need to run calmly, the optimal speed for beginners is 5-7 km / h. When moving, you do not need to slouch - on the contrary, you need to straighten your shoulders and keep your back straight. The gaze should be directed forward.

    You should not wave your arms too much and take too wide a step - the range of motion should be moderate.

    When running, make sure that your feet land on your toes. If you get tired or feel dizzy, slow down and try to just walk along the path first.

    Workout program

    A lesson for a person with average physical fitness should be built as follows:

    • Warm-up joints - circular rotation of the legs, feet, pelvis - 5 minutes.
    • Warm up on the track - light jogging or brisk walking - 5-7 minutes.
    • Wellness run - 20 minutes. During this time, you can run in any convenient way: jogging, jogging or fartelk. Wherein, average speed should be 5-8 km / h, and the maximum - 8-11 km / h - depending on the level of physical fitness.
    • Cooldown - light jogging or walking - 3-5 minutes.

    Before you start regular jogging, you need to prepare - draw up an approximate training plan, determine their frequency, and also purchase equipment that suits you.


    The first thing you need to know before class is that you can’t run without shoes on the treadmill. So you have to buy running shoes. Choose special models for running - their sole should be of normal thickness, moderately flexible, and the material should be soft for the foot and wick away moisture, because the feet can sweat a lot while running.

    As for clothing, it should be light, not restricting movement. If you are working out in the gym and feel uncomfortable in clothes soaked with sweat, choose dark colors - moisture is not so visible on them.

    Advanced runners can use dumbbells and weights to put extra strain on their muscles.

    Choosing a time for classes

    Despite the fact that even among athletes there are two camps: for evening runs and for morning classes, you must determine the time individually in accordance with your biorhythms and lifestyle.

    If you decide to run in the morning, then the lesson should begin about a quarter of an hour after waking up. If in the evening - then a few hours before bedtime.

    How often should you run?

    The frequency of training is determined depending on the endurance of the body and the level of physical fitness. For beginners and those wishing to lose weight, 3-4 sessions per week will be enough.

    If you have other workouts, then you must first think about how to combine them with a run so that the load is not excessive and does not go to the detriment.

    Run duration

    At first, classes should not last more than 20 minutes, and when the body gets used to it, the time can be increased to 30-40 minutes. No more - otherwise you risk overloading the spine and joints.

    Why does the track stop while running?

    The treadmill is a complex exercise machine. In the event of a malfunction of one of its components, it may stop right during the run, which is fraught with injury.

    Consider the main reasons for this phenomenon:

    • Excessive web tension. To check the tension of the blade, try to lift its edge up. If it rises by less than 1-2 cm, then it needs to be loosened.
    • Worn motor drive brushes. If the brushes are weakly pressed against the contacts, then they should be replaced;
    • Overheating of the elements. In this case, the temperature sensor is triggered and the operation stops. Try to clean the engine compartment from dust - most often overheating is caused by its pollution.
    • Dead battery. With a significant loss of battery or accumulator power, with the help of which the parameters selected by the runner are adjusted, the mechanical track may spontaneously stop.

    To prevent device failure, check its maintenance regularly, lubricate it at least once a year and center the blade as needed.

    During the run, observe the operation of the simulator - if you notice any extraneous noise: squeaking, buzzing, buzzing, you should immediately contact a maintenance specialist.

    Do not repeat this ever: TOP mistakes when exercising on a treadmill

    Let's look at the main mistakes beginners make when exercising on the treadmill.

    • Mistake #1. No workout.

    Indeed, why do you need a warm-up? It's just a run. Perhaps this is the most common misconception. After all, running is a huge load for the musculoskeletal system. By neglecting the warm-up, you risk, first of all, the health of your joints and spine.

    • Mistake #2. Handrail support.

    Many beginners hold on to the rails throughout the run. This is easy to explain - this way a person feels safer and does not worry about the fact that he can fall off the track at any moment. But this way you will only increase the load on the spine.

    To break this habit, imagine that you are running on the ground. You don't hold on to anything during a normal run, do you? And you don't have to do it on the track. The handrails are designed to grab onto if you lose your balance or feel unwell. Many trainers have built-in heart rate monitors.

    • Mistake #3. Lack of concentration.

    Surely you have noticed that a person can do several things at the same time only if one of them is brought to automatism. For example, eat and read a book.

    Therefore, only experienced athletes who have been running for a long time can afford to run on the track and watch TV. For beginners, it is better to focus on running technique, monitor your posture and listen to your own feelings.

    • Mistake #4. Look down.

    The moving surface instinctively attracts the eye. Beginning athletes receive a huge number of injuries precisely for this reason - with constant concentration on the tape, a person loses the sense of space, his head starts to spin, and as a result, everything ends with a fall from the simulator.

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