Qualities of an ideal wife. An ideal wife, what is she like? It creates an atmosphere in the house where you want to return

Every woman always really wants to be an ideal wife for her beloved husband. And if she wants to become that unique life partner who will be valued, respected and loved by her husband, then she needs to think about what should be done for this.

An ideal is a combination of many factors that change over time. IN different times the ideals were radically different, but there are several qualities that will always be relevant. Perfect wife through the eyes of a man - it’s not just a beautiful doll with a beautiful figure and makeup, it’s a combination of external and internal beauty. She should be an interesting conversationalist, a partner, an assistant, a beautiful and well-groomed woman.

Most surveys conducted have shown that ideal figure and beautiful appearance actually do not have a defining and decisive significance for the male part of the population of our planet, as women mistakenly believe. The most important thing for them will be the presence of inner peace and confidence, not associated with aggressiveness. Independence, understanding, sincerity and femininity are the qualities that almost all men value in women.

An ideal wife is a person with highly developed intuition, thanks to which she manages to immediately guess her man’s desires and fulfill them. In the same time modern woman from a young age she is endowed with worldly wisdom and endurance, mythical for most ladies, which allow her to ignore the shortcomings of a man, as well as unprecedented intelligence and cunning, thanks to which she turns the faithful as she wants, while maintaining the illusion that he is the head of the family.

Many women want to be ideal wives. Everyone has something to strive for, because everyone has disadvantages. You should always strive for the ideal through self-improvement and rethinking some of your actions. To become ideal it is not at all necessary to break your character, it is enough just to turn negative and positive features. Unfortunately, it is not possible to become 100% ideal, but it is quite possible to get closer to this.


When getting married, every woman is sure that she will become the only one for her beloved man for life. But for some reason it doesn’t work out – this is evidenced by divorce statistics.

There is a misconception that in order to become an ideal wife you need to learn how to cook, clean and do laundry well. Some people think that they still need to go to work or earn more than their husband. However, not all so simple. Being husband and wife is not enough, you also need to become good lovers and best friends so as not to look for these people on the side.

In different eras, in different countries the qualities of an ideal wife may not coincide or be completely different; everyone sees the ideal in their own way. Currently, there are several main qualities that an ideal wife should have.


A faithful wife always loves her man. He is especially pleased when he is loved not for his achievements, car or status, but for his human qualities. A man needs unconditional love, absolute acceptance and maternal care. Having married, he transfers all worries about himself from the hands of his mother to the hands of his wife. Home for him is his mother’s womb, where he forgets about all his worries. Love is an essential quality of an ideal wife.

External data

Beauty is a relative concept, however, what man doesn’t want to go arm in arm with luxurious woman? At the very least, a wife should never forget that she is, first of all, a woman, and taking care of herself is her direct responsibility.

Unfortunately, people don't get any younger. All a woman has to do is relax, stop taking care of herself, and her husband is carried away by someone else. Therefore, you simply need to listen to the advice of stylists and cosmetologists and change your image at least once a year. Both the beauty and irresistibility of a woman will always be at their best, because at any age you can be beautiful, especially in the eyes of your loved one and loving man. You just need to want it, apply your strength and knowledge to it.

No matter what they say, no man can fall in love at first sight with inner world women. They are attracted to a beautiful, energetic and femininity, confident representative of the opposite sex. Skirts, dresses, jewelry, clean hair, and well-groomed skin add femininity.


Every ideal wife should take care not only of the comfort and cleanliness of her home, but also of her appearance. If she doesn’t go to work, this is not a reason to wear a nightgown or robe from morning to evening. When you get up in the morning, first of all, you need to get yourself in order, do makeup, manicure, and only then begin your household duties. Even if you rarely dine in restaurants, you should do your hair from time to time and wear an evening dress just because. Until a woman can love herself, she will not be loved by her man.

All ways to take care of yourself: manicure, hairstyles, massage, saunas, etc. greatly enhance feminine energy, which is in some unknown way transmitted to a man in the form Have a good mood and increased performance.

The ideal spouse should be a “pleasant” woman. A happy smile on your face, a pleasant tone, a neat, clean appearance, pretty haircut- this attracts a man. Therefore, she tries to look attractive every day. She doesn’t allow herself to think: “When I’m married, I don’t have to think about how I look anymore.” She always wants a man to be pleased to see his other half attractive woman. Therefore, among all the worries, she finds time to take care of herself, working on her appearance and attractiveness.


An ideal wife should not only be an excellent housewife, but also a good lover. The ability to captivate, seduce, excite, and give pleasure to yourself and him should not atrophy after the wedding. Of course, over the years in a marriage, the nights become increasingly calmer, but a woman needs to make an effort to be as sexually attractive to her husband as possible.

A man needs a woman who can not only give, but also receive unforgettable pleasure. Therefore, it is important for a woman to develop sensitivity and know massage techniques and manual caresses that will bring untold pleasure to her partner.

Sexuality is one of the main components of marriage. Love real woman intended for only one - the only man. A wife who completely satisfies her husband in bed does not have to worry about his having mistresses. Regular sexual relations and love are the key to fidelity and devotion in marriage. Neither of the parties, neither the husband nor the wife, will then have a desire to look for someone on the side and cheat. Therefore, an ideal wife knows how to make her husband happy sexually, because her happiness depends on this.

Cooking skills

The ideal wife is the one you want to return to constantly. And the one that creates the place and the space in which you want to be, that is, home. Coming home from work, a man wants to rest and relax near the family hearth. Accordingly, this fireplace should be clean, cozy, and smell of buns and pies.

A skilled housewife in the kitchen will always please a man with delicious and delicious dishes, and he will appreciate her for this and love her even more. The wife must be diversified and have time to do a lot.

No man will agree that it is his responsibility to take care of the house, so there is no point in arguing. Even if the wife and her husband agreed to clean the house and cook in turns, controlling everything is her sacred duty. And if she sometimes pleases him delicious pastries- this will completely melt his heart: the aromas of vanilla and cinnamon are, although weak, aphrodisiacs.

Culinary skills are a wonderful quality for a spouse. The smell of a baked pie, cleanliness in the house, comfort and coziness can only be created by a woman, so in order to get one step closer to ideality, do not be lazy to take care of the house and your husband. It is important that he is always full, even if breakfast is at 6 in the morning, therefore, in order not to torment himself with constant cooking, the ideal wife makes the preparations in the evening, and in the morning all that remains is to heat it up.

Successful interesting personality

The ideal wife should be an interesting person. For the good ones family relations it is important to have a desire to communicate with your spouse on a variety of (not just everyday) topics and to have common interests. Hobbies are a must-have quality for an ideal wife.

A faceless, emotionless woman who agrees in everything is just as uninteresting to a man as a notorious housewife. A wife should be able to interest her husband not only with her body, but also with her intellect.

A man wants to see a realized, creative, holistic personality next to him, so his wife must be successful in a professional or any other field. The ideal spouse has a broad outlook and can give useful advice. You can appear everywhere with her without fear of stupid phrases and inappropriate behavior.

Wisdom and intelligence

Only those who don’t know that the Earth is round want a stupid wife. It’s good to talk to a smart wife about “smart” topics; she will always support the conversation, without hesitation to insert a remark into the conversation about serious matters. A smart wife is an adviser and ally, this is the pier where you can always go for repairs, and at the same time take on board the necessary reserves of wisdom. However, this important quality should be accepted with a slight reservation. The wife must be smart. But the husband, after all, should be a little smarter.

A wise wife never shouts about her experience or brags to her man.

The ability to listen and hear are the qualities of an ideal wife. Wisdom is to learn from others, to constantly develop, and for this you need to hear someone other than yourself.

There is a proverb: “ Ideal relationship No. There is a woman’s wisdom not to notice men’s stupidity.” Perhaps this is true, because a wise wife is not only experience accumulated over the years, but also constant work on oneself.

Enthusiasm and optimism

Men love positive women who know how to laugh, have fun and sometimes be reckless. Depression, Bad mood, lack of a sense of humor - these qualities have never graced any woman. An ideal wife should be cheerful, positive, understand jokes and not be offended over trifles. Sometimes you should play along with your husband, even if you don't quite understand his humor.

The ideal wife is a faithful friend and support of her husband

Although men are called the stronger sex, they are by no means that. They also want feminine warmth, attention and support, so you need to be able to cheer up in time, give strength, and an impetus to new achievements.

The qualities of an ideal wife are also faith in her beloved man, support in difficult situations. The hugs of his beloved wife will warm and lift the spirits of any man. To become an ideal wife, you need to understand your soulmate, be there, and give compliments. Ridicule and humiliation are the lot weak women, but the wise act completely differently, finding a reason for praise in any event.

Good health

A well-known saying says that a wife should be healthy, and a sister should be rich. We won’t discuss the latter, but the wife’s good health is a significant point. What kind of husband would want to have a wife who constantly complains about something?

Respect his relatives

If on initial stage In a relationship, this point can be smoothed over by fire-breathing passion for each other, but over time, the wife’s unwillingness to get along with her husband’s family can become the reason for constant showdowns. Every man wants his closest people not only to maintain relationships, but to sincerely enjoy communication.

An ideal wife has a goal - to help her husband achieve his goals. Of course, at the same time, she herself can, like any other person, realize herself. But a husband cannot become truly successful without the support of his wife. A few tips that will help strengthen the family and its further development.
1. If a wife treats her husband like a king, he will treat her like a queen!
2. Do not contradict him and do not tell him that your advice is better than his.
3. Don't say anything that would offend him.
4. Be careful when your husband is angry. At this moment, be neither cheerful nor grumpy - smile and speak quietly.
5. Don't expect the impossible from him. Take him as he is.
6. Keep his secrets. If he brags, keep it secret.
7. If you are attentive to his requests, he will become your slave.
8. Do not approve of his enemies and do not hate his friends.
9. Be careful with his money. Don't hide your money matters from him.
10. Don't make your husband wait for food. Hunger is the father of anger.
11. Don't lie. Always tell your husband the truth and try to act honestly.


Becoming an ideal wife for your husband is not so difficult. The main thing is to be yourself, understand your soulmate, love yourself, live and enjoy every day. The ideal woman must be natural, beautiful, cheerful and unpredictable. There are only a few steps on the path to becoming a perfect wife, attracting love, making a perfect marriage. Follow the main rules, develop, do not be afraid to change, improve - and you will not notice how you will become an ideal wife!

What should a wife be like?

Many men, when they get married, already have some idea about family life. They dream about what their wife should be like not only in bed, but also in everyday life. everyday life. Each nationality, and even religion, has its own requirements for a wife.

Below we will look at Christian wives and Islamic wives. These are two world religions that have little in common and many differences. In these cultures, women are perceived completely differently. But for a husband, a wife should always be the best.

The ideal wife will not be passive in bed. She understands perfectly well that sex is one of the important components of family life, and it must be taken seriously. It is not a boring duty or duty when it satisfies physiological needs husband This is pleasure that was created by God.

And in order to experience the best feelings, you need not only to rely on your partner, but also to try yourself and take the initiative. Rest assured, many husbands are delighted when their lovers come up with new ideas and ways to spice up their sex lives.

The man should always be the head of the family. His nature gives him the instincts of a hunter, a conqueror, a master, and his beloved wife should always be there to support, caress and help. A loving spouse will not reproach you that you earn little, and will not focus only on your shortcomings. She will love you for who you are.

This is true sacrificial love. The opinion of some men is so selfish that they think that the role of a helper wife is tantamount to the role of a maid. But this is a misconception: loving wife will please and respect you, but voluntarily, out of love, and not forcibly out of fear.

Future family life is always painted in the best possible colors. But be prepared to face and survive problems together. Many girls dream of being the wives of an oligarch. They are confident that full financial security can make them truly happy. But that's not true. Men who amass huge capital, as a rule, are not very attached to the family hearth. Their values ​​are slightly different; sometimes the spouses of millionaires have a hard life, because almost all the time they are left to their own devices.

What should a wife be like in Islam?

Islam places a lot of emphasis on family. Women have a special manner of behavior not only at home, but also in in public places. The man definitely plays the most important role V family union, but the woman is also very important and is perceived as an honorable ally.

This culture clearly defines the principles by which married couples should live. The Messenger of Allah left his heirs a list of qualities that a pious wife should have. For example, a happy husband is the one whose wife takes care of him all the time when he is not there; she also takes care of him when he looks at her - he is happy and pleased; if he asks or orders something, she easily obeys.

It is piety, wisdom, morality, intelligence that are the key characteristics of any Muslim wife. Girls with such qualities will easily get married and will give pleasure to their lovers.

  1. Muslim wives are obliged to obey their husbands in absolutely everything. They honor their loved ones and observe the necessary fasts and prayers. In Islam, obedience to Allah is placed above that of one's husband.
  2. The wife is responsible for the cleanliness of the house and the safety of property. She can never, under any circumstances, talk about her man’s shortcomings, especially when it comes to bed. Also, girls do not have the right to spend money or make purchases without first consulting with their loved ones.
  3. When leaving home for any reason, they always ask their husbands for permission. The same goes for inviting guests, even if they are parents, brothers, sisters.
  4. Muslim women abstain from sex only during menstruation or in cases of illness. And so they must fulfill their marital duty.
  5. Respect for parents, raising children correctly, restraint, the ability to hide one’s anger - all this is about Islamic beauties.
  6. The wife always tries to look perfect in front of her lover, smiles, dresses up and adorns herself according to the culture.

What should an Orthodox wife be like?

The Christian wife is a joint heir of the life of grace, for this is exactly how she is characterized in Holy Scripture. She must honor her husband and submit to him. In Christian families, everything is built on love, harmony, and mutual respect. The husband is the head of the house, and the head of the husband is God.

A wife should be kind, meek, humble, loving. Real Christian girls are brought up in purity, holiness, and modesty. They know that they must keep themselves chaste until marriage and not lose their innocence.

A Christian woman respects her husband, puts his interests above her own, tries to support him and help him in everything. And he thanks her for such behavior. There should be no divorce in Christianity, but the current age, unfortunately, does not always observe this rule. Here, from childhood, they teach that marriage must be approached with all seriousness; it is a sacred union that is concluded once and for life.

The Bible (Proverbs) says a lot about what a virtuous wife should be like, and that her price is higher than pearls. Men who possess such a treasure must be the happiest in the world. Christian wives are taught that they should always fulfill their marital duties, not shy away from their husbands, not making excuses (headache, too tired, etc.).

Everything should be by agreement and love, without violence and oppression. If you decide to abstain from sex for some time, then this is only a joint decision. Christian wives should be patient, compassionate, merciful, loving and caring for their neighbors.

All these qualities can be achieved only by hard work on yourself. But you will get such a happy family life that you could never even dream of.

In Protestant churches, all this is told to the newlyweds during the wedding, when they stand before the altar, God, people and take vows of marital fidelity. The task of every Christian family is to cope with all the difficulties that life throws at it. A godly wife is a husband’s crown and reward, of which he is rightfully proud.

What other qualities should a wife have?

A real ideal wife must have a set of qualities. Of course, being a homemaker, organizing a home, and maintaining order is a standard set of feminine virtues.

Wives become helpers and closest friends; they have the ability to comfort both the child and the upset spouse. But what do men value most in their loved ones?

So, 10 qualities of a good wife could be:

  1. Reliable. For men, it is very important that their spouse is reliable, able to listen and support. The main thing is that she can be trusted.
  2. Ongoing support. Men often hesitate if they want to start a new business or change their field of activity. It is important that his beloved is always on his side, then he will definitely cope.
  3. Purposeful. Desperate Housewives, which free time spending time in front of the TV or gossiping with friends does not cause male delight.
  4. Sexuality. You should always strive for variety in bed. Men are sure to admire such wives who love to try everything new. After all, they are looking for their own sex goddess.
  5. Understanding. Women and men are built completely differently, they think differently. But the ability to understand and read each other’s thoughts is very highly valued.
  6. The ability to share the values ​​and preferences of the spouse. You need to learn to find a compromise in all your disputes and misunderstandings.
  7. The ability to constantly surprise your lover. Everyone likes pleasant surprises.
  8. The ability to speak the same language with your husband.
  9. Constant interest in her husband's life.
  10. Wisdom, without which family life will never be complete.

What should an officer's wife be like?

Being a military wife is a real feat that not every woman is capable of. An officer's wife should not only be beautiful and well-groomed, but also devoted, faithful, modest, neat, and match her husband in mental development.

Her behavior in society should always correspond to the rank of her husband; she is always head and shoulders above the rest of the fair sex.

Every woman wants to be loved and admired not only in the first year of marriage, but also after 20 years. No, of course, over time a habit comes, and your husband will accept you for who you are. But you want to be not only accepted, but loved and idolized. Moreover, there is nothing difficult about becoming an ideal companion; the main thing is to start changing.

1. You should definitely cook for your husband. No one, of course, will ask you for the delights of French cuisine every day for dinner, but you must learn to cook borscht and cutlets to perfection. The ability to cook truly delicious food can come with time and experience. So practice every day. Now the Internet is in almost every home, read recipes, experiment, try it. You can buy a multicooker, it makes cooking easier, and a booklet with recipes comes right away.

2. Your home should always be clean. Of course, there is no need to “lick” the house until it shines every day. It is enough to do a little cleaning every day, and then do a thorough cleaning on the weekends. By the way, you can involve both children and husband in daily activities. Let them help put away the toys, wash the dishes, and wipe the dust. Eventually, you too will get tired and need help.

3. Laundry must be washed in a timely manner. So that both the husband and children always have clean things. You should also always have a couple of clean sets of bed linen available.

4. You are a mother and you must be able to calm a raging child. If a child screams without doing anything, sheds tears, demanding a toy or not wanting to go to sleep. It is you who must calm him down, no, not indulge him just to keep him quiet, but convince him through conversation to calm down. You must also ensure that the child behaves decently at a party and on the street.

5. You must know which pill to give to your husband or child, who has a fever or a toothache and you should always have medicines available in your medicine cabinet at home.

What should a wife be like?

1. Even if you are a housewife, you must have your own interests and hobbies. You don't have to live only as a husband. While he is watching football, there is no need to nag him or try to watch it with him. Mind your own business, show that you are also an individual and you have your own interests.

2. Don't stay at home all the time. You should have your own circle of friends. Leave home sometimes, let your husband get bored. At the same time, dress nicely and put on makeup.

3. No matter how meager your wardrobe may be, you should always have Nice dress according to the figure for going out in public. Let's say your husband has a bonus and he invited you to celebrate this event in a restaurant, to which you answer him that you have nothing to wear and you just stay at home. It is for such occasions that you should always have something to wear.

4. Always engage in self-development. Read books, interesting articles on the Internet, no, not gossip about the stars, but educational articles. When your husband comes home, show off your knowledge and tell him something at dinner interesting fact, which he doesn't know about.

5. Be nice and friendly to others, try to smile and behave decently. His friends must like you and always be a hospitable hostess. The same applies to your husband’s relatives; try not to conflict with them and not nag your husband about them.


In order not to be jealous of your husband and not to be afraid of his cheating, you need to behave correctly in the bedroom.

1. There is no need to punish your husband for misconduct, lack of intimacy, or, conversely, reward him for something with intimacy.

2. Don’t act too shy in bed, because you have nothing to be shy in bed with your loved one.

3. But, of course, there is no need to act unnatural and behave like a worker in the Dutch sex industry. When asked how many men were before him, answer with a smile that everything that came before him does not matter.

4. Be ready to try something new and diversify your intimate life.

5. Do not discuss your intimate life with your friends, this is only your personal and others do not need to know about it.

10 rules in appearance

A wife should remember that men love with their eyes. Therefore, you should always look decent under any circumstances.

1. You should always have clean teeth and no bad odor coming from your mouth.

2. It is not necessary to dress according to the latest trends at home, but clothes should be clean, neat and in size. Therefore, eliminate oversized faded robes from your wardrobe. You can wear, for example, tights, leggings, shorts, t-shirts, tunics and shirts.

3. Your face and body should be free of hair.

4. Don't forget about proper nutrition and sometimes remind your husband that a hamburger is the wrong food.

5. Hair should always be clean and smell nice. There is no need to do your hair while at home and cover it with a layer of varnish to fix it. If your husband wants to run his hand through your hair, he should not get tangled in it.

6. Watch your gait, it should be smooth and graceful.

8. There is no need to cover yourself with a layer of foundation and cosmetics at home. Simply apply face cream, tint your lips with gloss and mascara on your eyelashes. And that's it, you are beautiful.

9. Keep your nails clean and beautiful. Forget about extended nails, this has long been unfashionable. If the varnish begins to peel off, remove it immediately with liquid. Clean them regularly from dirt and shape them with a nail file.

10. Don't worry about your weight. Believe me, 3-5 extra pounds your husband won’t notice, but if you constantly remind him of this, he will start to take a closer look and think that there is really something wrong with you. You don't have to refuse to eat in front of him because you're on a diet. Don't talk about it. Say that you don’t just want fried chicken today, you want a light salad.

1. There is no need to educate your husband and talk to him in a commanding voice. You are not raising a shepherd, but communicating with your loved one. Often women complain that they are tired of carrying everything on themselves and being the man in the family. Don't take on too much, be a woman. Always ask your husband for help, even if you can drive a nail yourself, he must do it.

2. Do not constantly criticize your husband for what he did not do or did, but not so. Don't spoil yourself nervous system. Well, it doesn’t matter that he stained the bathroom with toothpaste again or didn’t take out the trash.

3. Take an interest in his work and affairs. Even if you don’t understand anything about his profession, still ask and listen.

4. Don't swear or argue with your spouse in public. No one should know what is happening in your family. Besides, there is no need to humiliate your loved one in the eyes of other people.

5. Thank him for the gifts he gives you, especially if it is not a holiday. He will have a desire to give them to you further. Mark any piece of mammoth that he brought into your “cave”.

6. Don't give reasons for jealousy. Yes, I want my husband to somehow demonstrate that he cares about you. But this is not the most successful way. Especially if you try to make him jealous with the help of his friend. You and your friend can quarrel with him and in the general company everyone will seem like a flighty lady. And then you’ll get the first number from your husband.

These are just a few basic rules of what a wife should be like for her husband. Yes, at first glance, it seems that being an ideal wife is not easy. But no one promised that everything would be easy and smooth. The main thing is to start changing yourself; at first it will not be easy, but then it will become a habit.

It would seem that men are so unique and different from each other that for a harmonious relationship with them an individual approach to each is necessary. But, one way or another, they all dream that future wife possessed certain qualities that would satisfy and inspire them. So, what does an ideal wife look like in the eyes of men?

1. Beautiful

Of course, every man, when asked about his dream woman, will always answer that she must, first of all, be beautiful. But by beauty they mean far from ideal external data. Beauty in their understanding is rather the ability to emphasize advantages and competently smooth out disadvantages.

2. Economic

There is nothing that any man wants, when he comes home from work in the evening, to see a clean and tidy house, a lush table with homemade goodies and well-mannered and tidy children. Therefore, an ideal wife must be able to create comfort in the house like a housewife.

3. Understanding, respectful

What is the difference between men and women? A woman needs to be loved and not necessarily understood. But a man needs to be understood rather than blindly loved. After marriage, men are always faced with a lot of obligations that they cannot always cope with. A woman’s task in such situations is to support and understand her husband, and not to nag him and give smart advice. Moreover, it is important to respect his interests and not infringe on the free time he wants to spend doing what he loves.

4. Sexy

Yes, in the list of qualities that an ideal wife should have, sexuality is not in last place. A woman must arouse sexual interest in her life partner. Otherwise, over time, they may turn into cohabitation or neighborhood.

5. Flexible

Men rarely mention this quality when talking about ideal women. But in reality they dream of someone who can bend. Therefore, one of the most terrible marriages for men is the prospect of being under the heel of his wife. They are terribly afraid of this.

6. Well-mannered

Every representative of the stronger sex, if we talk about adequate men, believes that the ideal wife should be well-educated and intelligent. Nobody needs a loud and grumpy boor, because a woman is a kind of business card men.

7. Passionate

A woman who is passionate about what she loves always creates an aura of happiness, harmony and satisfaction with life around herself. This is why it is so important that every woman finds her calling. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a job or just a hobby for the soul, the main thing is that the activity inspires it. Any man will be happy to walk hand in hand with such a woman.

8. Compassionate

Naturally, if a man decides to connect his life with a woman, then he implies that she should be unobtrusively interested in his successes and affairs in general. By the way, the ideal wife should do this so subtly and competently that the man does not get the impression that they are trying to set him on the right path. Compassion and obsession are radically opposite concepts.

9. Initiative

It is generally accepted that the initiative should always come from the stronger sex in everything. But it is not so. In family life there is a certain list of responsibilities that are divided between men and women. If the husband cares about the well-being of the family, then the wife is responsible for organizing the leisure time of her loved ones. Family traditions, choosing a vacation spot, preparing for trips out of town - all this, according to most men, should be done by a woman.

10. Believing

And, of course, faith. This is a quality that an ideal wife also possesses. A man, if they truly believe in him, is capable of unthinkable acts and conquering incredible heights. A woman who knows how to believe and wait always stands out noticeably among her peers in the eyes of the men around her.

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The eternal question of what an exemplary wife should be is sooner or later faced by everyone. What is this ideal? Is it achievable at all? And what do you need to change in yourself in order to soon walk in the status of a bride, and then a wife? Let's try to figure it out today.

1. “I have to trust her.”

Trust is the foundation on which any relationship is built, and mutual respect is their collateral. A man must be sure that a girl who went dancing with her friends will not cheat on him, and he, in turn, will not be exhausted by her jealousy because of his meeting with friends. Trust is a kind of mutual agreement for a long time.

2. “She should support me.”

If he suddenly wants to quit his job and fulfill his dream of becoming a famous screenwriter or inventor, the ideal girl should help him with this. Of course, it may seem strange that a man loses his job, takes out a loan and opens his own (new) business at the age of 40, but a dream is a dream. A girl will need a lot of patience, love and understanding when times are difficult and there are no signs of improvement. And this is a “two-way street”, because partners demand the same from their companions.

3. “She must have goals and ambitions”

It’s quite simple to post motivational pictures on your page, but a man wants to see someone next to him who actually does something. Personal happiness is the key to a healthy relationship, so you should have goals as a couple, as well as individual goals that you can gradually achieve.

4. “She should be outgoing.”

An ideal passion should not be tied to a man in the literal sense of the word. Men dream of a girl who shows her independence at least once a month and goes out with her friends. She should have her own life, her own entertainment and hobbies.

5. “We should have good sex.”

Sex is far from the most important thing in life, but it still matters. It is very clear that a man is not looking for a personal sex goddess, but simply wants to find one with whom he is compatible. His wishes should be taken into account, which means if he likes to have sex once a week or three times a day, then it will be very difficult to “remake” him.

6. “She must understand me.”

Human beings are very strange and it is important to accept the strange qualities in each other. Be lenient with little things, because that's what ideal wives do.

7. “She will share my values ​​and ideals.”

No matter how much such a couple argues, it will never lead to a serious quarrel, since the partners can always take each other's place. It is important to be interested, interested and come to a mutual understanding of the essence of your relationship. This is very important because when you get married, you will almost certainly have children.

8. “She will continue to amaze even after a few years.”

An impeccable woman must constantly change. If you know people who seem interesting at first glance, but then tell the same stories three times, then you know what they mean.

9. “She should praise me.”

Communication is of utmost importance, so if you have the opportunity to tell him how nice and smart he is, it is better to do so than not.

10. “She will grow with me”

The one who wants to learn everything about him and grow with him in the future will most likely live a long, happy and fulfilling life with a man.

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