Two fishes in marriage. Pisces woman - compatibility. Business compatibility between two Pisces

If you want to know in advance what to expect from your loved one and you are interested in the prospects for a relationship, then Astrology! After all, horoscopes and descriptions of compatibility of zodiac signs are exactly what you need! In this article we will look at the compatibility of two identical types of Zodiac - the Pisces man and the Pisces woman.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Pisces woman is very good. And this compatibility is good in all areas, both spiritual, physical and emotional.

Their union will be long-lasting and harmonious, although, like any relationship, it will not be completely cloudless. Since Pisces are dreamers, not realists, relationships will be built in to a greater extent on fantasies. True, this is not always good and favorable.

In order to achieve something, you need to be able to filter your fantasies and dreams. You need to carefully select those that can be implemented in the future and that are actually very valuable. The same applies to career growth, self-development, self-improvement. Both the Pisces man and the Pisces woman expect initiative and responsibility from each other. But they do not always understand that they are too similar to expect actions from their loved one that they themselves are not ready for. For everything to work out well, one of the couple must become more responsible and practical.

Love between such people, as a rule, appears out of nowhere and becomes all-consuming and immeasurable. Such feelings are filled with romance and tenderness. When they are together they are happy. Although relationships do not always lead to marriage, even though compatibility is quite high.

Their romance can develop unpredictably and shock everyone around them. And this is facilitated by some inconsistency that both the Pisces man and the Pisces woman are endowed with. They can successfully love and hate each other, and at the same time! And all this is intensified due to the power of illusions.

Compatibility in such a couple depends very much on the age of the partners. Age refers not only to a number, but also to a person’s experience and wisdom. The younger the partner, the more he will avoid constancy and responsibility. Such a partner will want to shift all decisions and problems onto the shoulders of their loved one.

In sex, a Pisces man and a Pisces woman will be able to satisfy each other as much as possible. Also, with the help of sex, they will be able to smooth out all the misunderstandings that happen to them in other areas. If there is anyone in the zodiac who can make peace during sex, it is this couple.

Each of them has a rich imagination, tenderness and subtle eroticism. They embody all ideas, doing it sensually and elegantly. In sex, people often like games and fetishism, and since both can enjoy it, the partners will be simply happy.

None of them makes a secret of their desires, telling their loved one directly what is expected of him. This may seem wrong to some, but to get true pleasure in sex, you can’t do without honesty and sincerity.

Marriage can be a bit of a trap for them, as they will have to make decisions and not rely on their partner. They weave, each around themselves and around each other, an invisible web of dreams and fantasies. But sometimes these illusions have nothing to do with reality.

Naturally, if both are young, it will be more difficult to create something stable. Therefore, compatibility will be higher when lovers have some experience and are ready for constancy. IN early age they can ruin everything by getting married. After all, it often happens that happy and harmonious relationships are broken by simple everyday problems. And if other zodiac signs can somehow cope with this, then for Pisces everything can end tragically. Everyone will consider themselves a victim and their choices wrong.

It would be very simple and logical to associate yourself with a responsible and powerful partner. After all, such a partner will be able to take care of Fish, protecting him or her from everything negative. However, as a rule, it is after a relationship with such a person that a Pisces man and a Pisces woman begin to appreciate each other. If Pisces tie the knot in... at a young age, then the problem of financial support for the family may fall on the shoulders of the parents. To grow up, such a union needs time and the support of loved ones to overcome all difficulties.

Despite the fact that compatibility in the union is good, the couple will have regular quarrels. Under the influence of emotionality and frequent mood swings, real “Brazilian” scandals with breaking dishes and stormy reconciliations can occur.

In friendship, a Pisces man and a Pisces woman will excellent option for each other. Each of them loves to help and support loved ones, taking everything to heart and participating in each other’s problems.

Since friendship does not involve solving family problems and making responsible decisions, everything will turn out great for them. In addition, it is Pisces who can direct each other in the right direction. They can say without hesitation everything that others may simply remain silent about. Therefore, the advice of such a friend will be more than valuable.

Their tastes and interests are very similar, so they will always find something to do. By the way, it is from such friendly couples that love couples often turn out. These two will get so used to each other and will know all the little things to build strong union it won't be difficult. And even if each of them is married, they can turn into lovers.

One should not expect great results from such a union, since they are not the best in business and work. efficient employees. If you give them a clear assignment, then Pisces will cope well.

But where the boss is Pisces and the subordinate is Pisces, everything can be complicated. And it’s difficult not because they don’t understand each other, but because neither of them has an entrepreneurial spirit.

In this tandem there must be someone else who would harmoniously dilute Pisces and direct them in the right direction. By the way, if a good boss appears, then managing two Pisces will be simple and pleasant, especially in the field of science and art.

Compatibility of Pisces man and Pisces woman (video)

Questions that astrologers are often asked about concern the compatibility of representatives of the zodiac signs. There is an opinion that it is most difficult for representatives of the same signs to build relationships. How great is the compatibility of Pisces and Pisces, taking into account the internal constancy that is characteristic of the element of water?

Centuries of observations allow modern astrologers to identify with a high degree of probability the problems and advantages of any zodiac union. They can give recommendations for developing relationships, preventing and overcoming conflicts.

The compatibility of representatives of the Zodiac signs in love depends on the characteristics of a woman and a man born under the same zodiac constellation, but in different years.

Pisces Woman

A woman born under this sign is gentle, fragile, charming. The man next to her feels like a hero, a knight. If we take into account the characters of the Pisces and Pisces union, their compatibility in love will take place against the backdrop of tenderness and kind attitude towards each other.

The year of birth adds some characteristics:

  • A distinctive feature of the Rat girl is creativity and intuition.
  • The lady born in the year of the Ox is full of mysteries.
  • The tiger combines kindness and strength.
  • Rabbits are secretive and changeable.
  • The dragon attracts with its brightness and artistry.
  • The horse needs protection and patronage.
  • Monkeys are distinguished by their strangeness, but they respect their intelligence.
  • The Rooster girl is overly exciting.
  • Those born in the year of Dogs are insecure and dependent.
  • The goat is doubly sensitive and defenseless.
  • The snake is distrustful and closed.
  • The pig is very calculating.

The love of a woman of this sign is difficult to achieve. In a marriage, the Pisces wife will never be the leader; she will allow the man to take care of her.

Pisces Man

Male representatives of the Pisces sign are responsive and good-natured, quick-tempered, but easy-going. They are wonderful lovers, often getting carried away, even while married. Pisces have enormous potential and are capable of much, but they prefer to go with the flow and wait for a favorable combination of circumstances.

Shades of characters help to understand the traits highlighted by the eastern horoscope:

  • Being born in the year of the Rat gives Pisces men practicality and the ability to realize any idea.
  • The bull is unhurried and assertive.
  • The tiger is self-confident and aggressive.
  • The dragon is distinguished by its bright appearance and ability to please people.
  • The Horse man is hardworking and submissive.
  • The Goat requires confidence in a partner.
  • The Cat (Rabbit) is mysterious, vulnerable, creative.
  • The Snake man is shy, wise and sociable.
  • The boar (pig) is hospitable, company-loving, generous.
  • The rooster is energetic, but lacks self-confidence.
  • A dog is a devoted friend and a good family man.
  • The Monkey Men of this zodiac sign distinguished by intelligence and insight.

A happy marriage with a Pisces man will only be if the woman knows the characteristics of her partner, can highlight his strengths and compensate for his shortcomings.

Common characteristics of partners

The patron of the zodiac sign Pisces is Neptune - the planet of illusions. The character of Pisces can also be influenced by the Moon if at birth it was within this zodiac sign.

Representatives of the sign are distinguished by a variety of characters, aspirations, manifestations of feelings and desires, however, it is possible to identify traits inherent in the majority that will either contribute or hinder harmonious development relationship between a Pisces woman and a Pisces man.

  • Daydreaming, a tendency to fantasy, which sometimes makes it difficult to soberly assess what is happening around.
  • Susceptibility to outside influence. The Pisces girl can easily succumb to pressure social group, close surroundings.
  • Entering the world of illusions: watching movies, TV shows for many hours, long conversations with friends, even drinking alcohol and narcotic substances.
  • Secrecy, reticence; with external restraint and taciturnity, inside there is a constant assessment of what is happening, passions rage.

If these inhabitants water element want to be together, it is necessary to take into account such features of the nature of the sign, otherwise their relationship will resemble the classic astrological symbol: Pisces, which intertwined their tails, but strive in different directions.


The union of two Pisces has good prospects. This is especially true for the spiritual sphere and emotional manifestations of partners.

Unlike other signs, they are unsure of themselves, feel unclaimed and lonely. It is this vision of oneself in the world that can become the basis of mutual attraction, which will develop into love. Pisces establish non-verbal contact with each other very easily. They literally eat each other with their eyes. Even in a large noisy company, a couple can isolate themselves and create a small world for two.

Representatives of the sign are very romantic and tender, therefore (especially on early stage) the relationship will be exciting: both will plunge headlong into the sensual world. The danger at this stage is that a man and a woman may be led by illusions and not see reality behind the haze of love romance.


Astrologers believe that intimate relationships couples of the zodiac sign Pisces are close to ideal. In sex, both are ready to show imagination and ignite a spark of passion. As creative people, they both tend to be diversified. love games, introducing some theatricality.

Sometimes their sexual fantasies are perceived by others as a manifestation of deviations from generally accepted norms, but misunderstanding and condemnation do not stop them: they are ready to experiment in bed, the main thing for them is to please their partner.

Marriage and family

After marriage, a couple may face many everyday problems: impracticality, reluctance to take initiative and responsibility can call into question the longevity of the relationship. The inability of both husband and wife to run a household and manage finances is a consequence of illusory perception real world, to which both men and women of this sign are so inclined.

The basis of the “fish” union is not material benefit or animal passion, but all-consuming love, so the child in this family is surrounded by care and attention. Children grow up in an atmosphere of goodwill and love for their neighbor.

Pisces are not inclined to spend their time chasing money. Being artistically gifted people, they often choose a creative profession. However, their work is not always a source of financial well-being. There are often wealthy relatives who take care of the family’s well-being.

Spouses rarely follow a diet; many of them are vegetarians.

A few more features family union two Pisces:

  • often early marriages occur between them, the whole burden of everyday problems falls on the parents of the young spouses;
  • the changeability of the mood of the representatives of the sign sometimes results in quarrels, clarification of relationships, which end in reconciliation and mutual repentance;
  • the desire to avoid stress in marriage can lead to partners acquiring bad habits(inactivity, alcohol), which can alienate spouses from each other.

Having excellent inclinations and taking into account pitfalls, a Pisces couple is able to overcome life's difficulties. Happy marriage- the result of the spouses’ work on themselves.

Pisces men and women are perfectly compatible in love and marriage, but astrological forecast their union does not guarantee longevity. A few recommendations to keep your love and save your family.

  • A common cause of disagreement is material problems and everyday unsettled conditions. Spouses must determine ways to improve their well-being and distribute housework among themselves. Contemplation and passivity must be replaced by activity.
  • To avoid idealizing your partner, you need to not only hear, but also correlate his words with his actions.
  • According to astrologers and psychologists, hobbies and visiting your favorite corners of nature will help you avoid getting caught up in various kinds of addictions.
  • To maintain a marriage, Pisces needs to periodically warm up mutual feelings: small surprises, signs of attention, sweet words, romantic dates will help preserve love.

This magical union comes from castles in the air. Two dreamers meet and feelings of incredible depth arise between them. defines a happy, harmonious relationship, decorated with all kinds of romantic surprises and serenades.

Pisces have the rare ability to empathize and support Hard time. They are to a certain extent prone to self-sacrifice, and value this quality in each other. Moreover, they are very careful, and this feature allows them to stay afloat even in times of crisis for everyone.

The compatibility of the Pisces and Pisces signs is characterized by a common love of art: they can form an excellent creative tandem and achieve great success. In addition, seeing the world through the prism of beauty allows Pisces to always experience a feeling of bright joy, distracting from unpleasant moments. However, there is another side, which is determined by the softness and pliability of this water sign. Together they are able to achieve high altitudes and receive recognition from society, and sink to its very bottom. The euphoria associated with the use of drugs and alcohol is very tempting for Pisces, so you should be extremely careful and not step on a slippery slope.

Pisces are very evasive, sometimes they can be caught in a lie. This is not a reflection dark side fishy nature, but simply their desire to avoid any confrontation. Pisces are prone to altruism, and are afraid of offending someone with a careless statement, which is why they are so often silent and do not say anything. Of course, the compatibility of the signs of Pisces and Pisces determines a calm relationship, but friction also arises between them from time to time. They can be irritable and touchy, their tendency towards melancholy is not in the best possible way affects the general atmosphere in the relationship.

Their dislike of public attention has a positive effect on the union of two Pisces. Even if work activities force this representative of the water element to be the center of attention, Pisces will perceive this as a burden that must be borne. But they will not experience pleasure in these uncomfortable conditions. Thanks to such closeness and timidity, they are more open and sincere to each other.

The obvious disadvantage of such a couple is their inability to quickly make important decisions and some immaturity. In alliance with other signs, Pisces completely surrender their lives to the power of a stronger and strong-willed partner, but here it is difficult to determine which of the two will become the leader and who will be the follower. Perhaps both partners will adapt to changing conditions, due to their slowness, without making any effort to achieve any goals. It’s good if there is a friend nearby who will push and guide his friends a little.

The union of two Pisces is quite harmonious; they are calmly happy, exploring the depths of the subconscious together and expanding the expanses of fantasy. Such relationships can last for decades.

Sexual compatibility of Pisces

These partners feel each other at the level of instincts. Their physical attraction to each other is truly fantastic, which is reinforced by their spiritual unity. Sexual compatibility The signs of Pisces and Pisces are characterized as ideal. They dissolve so much in each other that no one in the world is able to destroy their pair. This mutual attraction gives partners an amazing range of feelings and sensations - from hot passion to shy tenderness.

Compatibility: Pisces man - Pisces woman

A lady born under the sign of Pisces is very wise and at the same time submissive and shows gentleness towards her partner. She will easily be able to get into her arms a man born under her sign. He is impressed that she does not seek to command, unlike other representatives of the Zodiac circle. She will be glad to see a gentle partner nearby, with the same spiritual sensitivity that she herself possesses.

For such a relationship, it is very important not to get hung up on the daily routine. Pisces more often than others need to travel or simply change their environment. Then their feelings will not turn into heavy shackles, and they will not want to run away from each other. If they remain in an atmosphere of warm stability for a long time, they will begin to harass each other with a depressed mood, irritable remarks, and begin to resort to lies in order to avoid open confrontation. It will be sad and sad for such an idealized relationship.

Business compatibility between two Pisces

The creative collaboration of these two extraordinary people will bring excellent results. Compatibility of Pisces and Pisces signs in business must be based on equality. Pisces occupying diametrically opposed positions in the company are unlikely to find mutual language. The best thing for such signs is a partnership in art, where everyone can reveal their inexhaustible potential.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, the last in the astrological zodiac circle. Its element is water; representatives of this sign rarely subject their lives to changes, preferring to move along the usual flow.

The constellation Pisces is under the influence of two planets at once - Jupiter and Neptune, so the character of such people can be dual, holding two personalities at the same time. Pisces is a spiritual, emotional and inspirational sign, capable of capturing harmony in the surrounding chaos.

Advantages and disadvantages

The sign of Pisces is a sign of people “not of this world” who are capable of living in their own illusory world. They are used to relying on their feelings and intuition, they are altruistic and peace-loving.

Pisces find it difficult to tolerate the absence of support; without it, they often withdraw into themselves and experience severe depression. Most Pisces are representatives of creative professions: musicians, actors, designers, artists. It is difficult for Pisces to occupy leadership positions; they are not able to cope with great responsibility.

Since the sign of Pisces is the last, it has absorbed the advantages and disadvantages of the previous signs. Pisces can share two personality types: unwavering idealists, overly sentimental and good people capable of coming to the aid of another person and dirty, dishonest, vile, capable of doing anything for profit.

Pisces don't take criticism well– in order to avoid unpleasant words addressed to them, they are ready to cheat, skillfully changing information to the opposite.

People born under this sign often hide many facts about themselves in order to maintain harmony in their lives. Life harmony Pisces is reflected in their aesthetic senses, it is important for them to be surrounded by elegant things, they know a lot about fashion, they can spend hours looking at objects of art and prefer to spend a lot of time in nature.

Excessive closedness and mental vulnerability of Pisces causes frequent protracted depressions, neurasthenia, and drug addiction.

Excessive emotionality and sensitivity, although it looks quite elegant, such behavior has disastrous consequences. People of this sign are prone to weaknesses that can relieve mental hardships, so weakness and instability to life’s adversities are their main problem.

A happy union occurs in Pisces with reserved and enterprising Taurus, but only in the case of a Taurus man. Romantic Cancers are able to create harmony when paired with Pisces, while calm ones will ensure reliability and well-being.

The most common marriage occurs between Pisces and Scorpios; the energies of these two signs complement each other perfectly, creating the basis for emotional nourishment.

Pisces are waiting difficult relationships with Gemini, Aries and Leo. Complete incompatibility with Libra and Sagittarius.

Pisces and Pisces: compatibility of signs in love relationships

Love between representatives of this can break out spontaneously. Their relationship will be filled with warmth, romance and will resemble a weaving of their joint fantasies and dreams. The romance between these two people may develop in unpredictable ways in the future. In a relationship with a partner representative of the same sign, the totality of their positive and negative qualities multiplies several times. Pisces are strongly subject to life's illusions and are unable to protect their partner from a similar situation.

Marriage between Pisces

The success in marriage of a Pisces woman and a Pisces man largely depends on the age at which the partners decide to create a new unit of society, as well as on the wealth of life experience. The younger the guy and the girl, the more often they will try to evade responsibility, shifting it onto the shoulders of their other half.

Such behavior can lead to discord in the family and destroy it even at the very beginning of the marriage. To avoid such situations, it is better for Pisces to choose representatives of other signs, whose character contains confidence, energy and great strength will.

Pisces tend to marry early. This happens until they become able to provide for themselves. Parents have to be held accountable for such children's behavior. A young Pisces family needs quite a lot of time to become independent.

Partners will need a lot of patience and positive thinking, which this sign especially lacks. Often Pisces women start a family with a man of the same sign due to an unsuccessful previous experience of communicating with an overly thick-skinned and authoritative man.

Compatibility in bed

In intimate terms, Pisces partners have unconditional compatibility. If relationships were built only on harmony in bed, then their couple would probably be the happiest. Full compatibility of Pisces in bed comes out thanks to the developed imagination of both partners. They try to bring into their intimacy the tenderness, romance and light eroticism that is characteristic of this zodiac sign.

Many Pisces have a positive attitude towards various types of fetishism, and also gravitate towards specific “adult” games. The Pisces union allows you to turn secret desires into reality without any embarrassment or misunderstanding on the other side. Only communication difficulties that arise outside of bed can destroy the union of this couple.

People born under the sign of Pisces are very changeable, their element is water. They have compassion and flexibility, and at the same time they can show real courage, throwing all their strength into saving the world. The most important thing for Pisces in marriage is sincerity and understanding. But unfortunately, these feelings are becoming less and less common in modern people, so Pisces often encounter problems while searching for a soul mate.

Characteristics of people born under the sign of Pisces: first decade

(February 19-28) People whose birthday falls in the first decade are the deep-thinking type who are not inclined to soar in the skies. It is important for them that their significant other shows love and tenderness; the relationship must be orderly and reliable. People whose element is earth are more suitable for them.

Characteristics of people born under the sign of Pisces: second decade

(March 01-10) People born in the second decade are very flexible, extremely changeable and emotional. They are characterized by sudden mood swings and are very impressionable. The main thing for these people is love and care, so they will perfectly build relationships with people whose elements are water and earth.

Characteristics of people born under the sign of Pisces: third decade

(March 11-20) People born in the third decade show unprecedented toughness, self-confidence, and stability. They are able to accept the thinking of anyone, so they will get along well with any sign. But it is worth considering that not everyone is able to understand their character.

Pisces in relationships

Compared to other signs, Pisces are the most extraordinary people. Pisces' thinking is more intuitive than rational, and they are extremely impressionable. These are people who listen well, but at the same time do not really like to engage in conversation. They are often dominated by indecision and receptivity. They very carefully select their circle of close people. Sometimes when communicating with Pisces, a person may get the impression that the interlocutor knows much more about the topic and considers the narrator naive. But despite this, they are very kind and are always ready to help their neighbors. At the same time, they often involve themselves in other people's problems and place them on their own shoulders.

The combination of tolerance, calmness, understanding and creative thinking attracts everyone without exception to the representatives of this sign. At the same time, they are always ready to go to great deeds, but at the same time their indecision often slows down the process and reduces all enthusiasm to zero. Therefore, having inspired someone, Pisces often retreat, falling into melancholy and suffering due to unfinished tasks.

What Pisces needs about relationships

Regardless of whether they are a man or a woman, all people born under this sign desire support and attention, they need it very much. If they feel that their partner is reliable and always ready to support them, then it will not be difficult for them to realize their abilities in any area, they can safely reach the greatest heights. But more often than not, not finding such support, they increasingly move away from reality, living their lives in the world of their own fantasies. Very complex sign Pisces, compatibility with other signs in love is therefore unpredictable.

To make a marriage with a Pisces a success, you need to seriously try. After all, it’s not only important here common interests, but daily support and understanding. You will constantly need to dispel doubts, strengthen your partner’s self-esteem, rationally solve all problems and deal with all emotional difficulties. This will show them how much the partner is committed to the marriage and loves the representative of the extraordinary zodiac sign. In addition, you need to constantly maintain romance in a relationship, because this is the only way to protect Pisces from depression. The worst thing is if the girl is Pisces. Her compatibility with other signs is very difficult, but you can find the best option.

Disadvantages of people born under the sign of Pisces

  • It is very important to continuously support morally a person who may fall into melancholy, regardless of the reason.
  • It is necessary to clearly understand that emotional needs have thousands of directions, and all of them, without exception, will have to be satisfied; the Pisces woman requires this most of all; compatibility with other signs is therefore very complicated.
  • You need to constantly adapt to your partner’s temperament.
  • Pisces will very often remain silent, at the same time despondent and not explaining what happened.
  • They are very suspicious and will demand constant proof of their partner’s selfless love and fidelity.
  • Control in relationships is very important for Pisces, so you will have to constantly report where, what and how is happening.
  • If there are real problems ahead, representatives of this zodiac sign can step aside and entrust their solution to their partner without thinking about anything.
  • In addition to the fact that they tend to go into a world of fantasy and live in self-deception, they can also simply lie to the people around them.

Pisces compatibility within its own element

In addition to Pisces themselves, the water element also includes Cancers and Scorpios. The union between water signs is cemented by almost fraternal understanding, maximum spiritual closeness and a thirst for active action, which multiplies in a couple. Living together Such couples are filled with sensitivity between partners and mutual assistance; they are able to overcome absolutely all difficulties and adversities together. But it is worth considering that such an idyll has its own price - one of the partners must make self-sacrifice.

Well-being of the union of water signs

Thanks to Pisces' inexhaustible reserves of prudence, calmness and confidence, true family intimacy arises between partners in marriage. And if spouses adjust to each other emotionally, then they will be able to self-realize and give life to any joint ideas.

There can be no lies in such relationships, since the partners see through each other and intuitively feel all the emotions emanating from the other half. A stumbling block in this marriage may arise from quarrels over everyday life or emotional incompatibility, which, by the way, is extremely rare. Therefore, for Pisces, compatibility with other signs in marriage is extremely important.

Compatibility of Pisces with the element of earth

Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are extremely favorable zodiac signs in a marriage with Pisces. Such relationships will become productive and multifaceted. If we compare Pisces with the signs of the earth, then against their background the representatives of the water element are very active. The adaptation of earth signs to Pisces occurs very quickly; they satisfy the emotional needs of their partners by playing drama. But Taurus and Capricorn have limits to their patience, so you need to play extremely carefully here. If a man is Pisces, compatibility with other zodiac signs of the earth element can be very positive for him.

Combination of water and earth

If consider excellent compatibility, competent division of interests of partners, respect for personal internal space, then the union can safely be considered indestructible. The right touchpoints will bring wonderful results that you can be proud of.

Also, a marriage can be pleasant and strong due to the physical closeness of the spouses. Thanks to the developed intuition and wisdom of representatives of the water element, they are able to see the potential risks of relationships. And rationalism earth element will allow you to bring your partner’s crazy ideas to life or convince him of their unreality. Therefore, the compatibility of the Pisces woman with other zodiac signs of the earth element is very acceptable.

Compatibility of Pisces with representatives of the elements of air and fire

It is difficult to imagine a strong marriage of the water element with Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, and even more difficult to meet them next to purposeful Sagittarius or active Leo. Such unions are extremely unfavorable due to differences in perception of the world and the Universe. Representatives of air and fire elements always act impulsively, according to circumstances.

And for Pisces, the main indicator is emotions, so any decision they make depends on doubts and long thoughts. Therefore, fire is not at all suitable for Pisces. Compatibility with other signs - water and earth - will bring much more joy and understanding.

Unfavorable relationship of Pisces with fire and air

They will get along peacefully only if the tasks are distributed and unnecessary questions regarding dominance in the relationship disappear even in thoughts. Representatives of the fire elements will undoubtedly pull the blanket over themselves, but Pisces will not tolerate this; compatibility with other signs will be much more pleasant for them. Air signs speak to Pisces on different languages, because their emotions are in the background, and the most important thing is intelligence.

Detailed compatibility of Pisces with all zodiac signs

  • Aries. Aries's love for Pisces may be sincere, but people born under this sign do not have the depth that Pisces needs. Therefore, no matter how you seal the union, there will always be something missing in it, because Aries does not see even half of what is open to Pisces.
  • Calf. A wonderful choice for Pisces, because he can become the strongest support and even a real hero. And for Pisces this is almost the most decisive factor in choosing a partner. Both Taurus and Pisces value caring, reliability and understanding. Such a couple will create a very strong family, because both value feelings and intimate relationships equally. But conflicts can still exist, since Pisces need emotions, proof of love, and Taurus are conservative.
  • Twins. Such a couple will be brought together by constant emotional variability and understanding. From the side of Pisces, sensitivity and understanding will come, from the side of Gemini - the logical side of the inner “I” of impulsive individuals. Such a couple can merge completely harmoniously, combining logic and intuition.

  • Cancer. For Cancers, the most important thing is family values and true feelings, and because of the dreaminess and mystery of Pisces, he can constantly suspect something, doubt: is he being deceived about the authenticity and sincerity of feelings? Cancers are real owners, and Pisces, as you know, do not know how to give themselves completely to be torn to pieces. Therefore, everything here will depend on general agreements, because they both need support and logic. Who will win - Cancer or Pisces? Compatibility with other signs is filled with much less struggle in Pisces.
  • A lion. This fire sign often demands worship. Pisces do not tolerate such an attitude, because support and love are important to them, and not an authoritarian regime in a relationship. But if the pair is a Pisces woman, compatibility with other signs becomes much easier, and even with Leo she can find a common language, finding in him the masculine traits she needs. She will be able to provoke Leo to slow down, because he will be fascinated by her cunning and gentle attitude. Such couples often create family rules in which the husband is in charge, but the wife points the direction in which he should move.
  • Virgo. Marriage between representatives of these two signs is very favorable, because despite their differences and the complete opposite of their worldview, they are able to understand each other perfectly. The differences between them do not cause irritation for the couple, and from points of contact they build a strong foundation for marriage. Having gotten together with Virgo, he will receive a reliable assistant and girlfriend, which is why Virgo is so valued by the Pisces man. Compatibility with other signs will not give such a high-quality result for him. And for representatives of the sign of Pisces, in a marriage with Virgo, his love for the family will be clearly visible, such a husband will become a reliable protector.
  • Scales. The marriage of Pisces with Libra will give representatives of the water sign a feeling of similarity and kinship. Pisces will receive all the attention they need, starting from romantic surprises and ending with a wonderful courtship. But here conflicts may arise due to the softness of the signs and their weak resistance to everyday and life problems. If the marriage has already taken place between two people who are firmly on their feet, it will be good, but in youth, most likely, it will not last long.
  • Scorpion. Such a marriage is very attractive. It's more like a series plot than a real life Therefore, it often attracts envy and admiration from others. Even quarrels in such a family will be bright and intense, taking place according to all the rules. Such couples are formed against the backdrop of a desire to find sincere and strong feelings. But at the same time, a marriage will be stable only in mature age. Scorpios are very jealous, but in Pisces they see their ideal, so they protect and protect it from all adversity. This is how Pisces manifests their zodiac sign. Compatibility with other signs reveals a variety of features in them.
  • Sagittarius. Pisces likes wisdom and justice in Sagittarius. But taking a closer look at Sagittarius, Pisces will be able to discover other qualities that will bring problems to the marriage. These are independence, interest in society rather than in the individual, the desire for success and the inability to settle down. This prevents Pisces from building the deep relationships they need. In addition, Pisces will be able to understand what Sagittarius means, but the opposite happens very rarely in a partnership where there are Sagittarius and Pisces. Compatibility with other signs may look much more positive.

  • Capricorn. By nature, Capricorns look very reserved and dry, but any Pisces can stir them up and awaken the most hidden feelings in them. In addition, this search for qualities and emotions gives Pisces confidence. Capricorns can give Pisces a sense of reliability and stability; the expression “like behind a stone wall” is applicable here.
  • Fish. This marriage is similar to a marriage with themselves, because they see themselves in their partner. Understanding, reliability, trust and awareness of what the other needs for happiness makes this union ideal. It all depends on personal preference. In such a marriage, a real safe haven and a storm of feelings and emotions can arise, which is what Pisces (zodiac sign) values ​​most in a marriage. Compatibility with other signs is not important in this case, because the connection between partners in such a marriage is the strongest.
  • Aquarius. This is a very strange and unusual union, but if they understand each other, they will never part. These two types of representatives of different zodiac signs and elements are very similar, they both help people and their character is built according to the same principle.

Here is the entire Pisces horoscope. Compatibility with other signs in relationships and love, as well as basic character traits were considered. With its help, you can seriously evaluate all the pros and cons of a relationship with a particular person.

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