Biography of Tamara Tikhonova. Tamara Tikhonova: "I don't believe that Norwegian skiers are really asthmatics." Difficult family relationships

And now, after three and a half years on the grave

Vyacheslav TIKHONOVA on Novodevichy cemetery the long-awaited tombstone appeared.

The grand opening to the tune of "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and in the presence of relatives and colleagues of the deceased took place on the last day of spring 2013.

Author of the monument, sculptor Alexey Blagovestny, is not the first time creates amazing monuments to famous people.

This time the artist depicted his hero, the favorite of millions of viewers Tikhonov, in his most recognizable role - Stirlitz.


And behind the figure of the legendary actor (its height is 185 cm) there is a relief based on the famous story “The Adoration of the Magi”, which depicts three dozen biblical characters, the central of which are the Mother of God with the Child.

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich in the image Soviet spy, as if coming out to meet us, fans, from the famous painting Leonardo da Vinci.

The sculptural composition was cast in Italy and, according to Blagovestny, it cost a round sum - 5 million rubles.
At the opening ceremony, the daughter of the late actor thanked Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Mashkov and sponsors for their help in erecting a monument to my father.

Daughter of Vyacheslav TIKHONOV, Anna

Apart from Anna Tikhonova her mother, the widow of the actor Tamara Ivanovna, came to the Novodevichy cemetery.

She does not feel well, walks leaning on a stick and cannot stand for a long time. Therefore, for elderly woman prepared a place of honor right in front of the monument, where she could watch what was happening.

Widow Vyacheslav TIKHONOVA Tamara Ivanovna with her grandchildren Slava (in the foreground) and Gosha

The widow was surrounded by relatives - twin grandchildren Slava and Gosha, son-in-law - director Nikolay Voronovsky, as well as relatives of Tikhonov from Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow, where he was born and grew up.

Actress Eleonora SHASHKOVA was remembered for her role as Stirlitz's wife in the television series "Seventeen Moments of Spring"

Many colleagues of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich also came, including actors Larisa Luzhina, Vladimir Konkin, Eleonora Shashkova, Viktor Rakov, Anatoly Yabbarov, Semyon Morozov, Sergey Nikolaev, Natalia Drozhzhina, director Gennady Poloka, poet Andrey Dementiev.

Almost all of them shared touching memories of the wonderful master.

The Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky, who also considered it his duty to come to Novodevichy that day, in his speech stated that the images created by Vyacheslav Vasilyevich are symbolic images Soviet Union and Russia.

- The monument to Tikhonov is a small material confirmation of the immortality of the beloved actor, - the minister summed up and added, - I want people to come to his grave, talk here with Vyacheslav Vasilyevich.

Olga GOBZEVA, former actress, now a nun

Son-in-law of Vyacheslav TIKHONOV Nikolay VORONOVSKY with sons Slava and Gosha

The widow of the People's Artist Tamara TIKHONOVA

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich in recent years led closed image life, because he had no one to be friends with.

Best friend and beloved director Stanislav Rostotsky (he shot Tikhonov in many of his films), close comrades-colleagues Yuri Nikulin, Nikolai Kryuchkov died.

And it's hard to find new friends in old age.

Tikhonov lived in a fertile place - in Nikolina Gora.

Here he built a red brick house - exactly the same as Stirlitz's in the film.

When friends were alive, he often and with pleasure went fishing with them.

He was accompanied by the dog Styopka - a mongrel mongrel was thrown to Tikhonov as a puppy.

At the dacha. 2009

But about a year ago, trouble happened with a four-legged friend.

The dog disappeared, and after a while someone threw Vyacheslav Vasilyevich his collar.

Alone, the actor stopped leaving the house altogether.

Whiled away the days in front of the TV, slowly drank.

Often reviewed his work in the cinema.

Tikhonov could not come to terms with the fact that life was coming to an end.

When Vyacheslav Tikhonov was already 40 years old, he married a second time.

His chosen one was the 25-year-old teacher Tamara.

With wife Tamara

They met while working on the French film "Man and Woman", where the actor voiced the role of the main character, and Tamara Ivanovna was at that time a French teacher at the Institute international relations- Helped with translation.

The girl was married, but for the sake of Vyacheslav she broke up with her husband.

Soon in new family daughter Anya was born.

Tamara Ivanovna so tormented Tikhonov with her jealousy that in the end the couple divided the house in half and lived like that until Tikhonov's death: Vyacheslav Vasilyevich in one half, Tamara in the other.

Vyacheslav Vasilievich stopped wearing wedding ring, and Tamara Ivanovna said that Tikhonov ruined her life.

To calm her nerves, she began to drink heavily and attempted suicide several times.

Tikhonov's daughter Anya lived in the Moscow apartment of her parents, but in order to control her mother, she often began to visit the suburbs.

Tikhonov was happy - so he could see his tiny grandchildren - twins Slavik and Gosha.

They said that Vyacheslav Vasilyevich even had to meet with his son Volodya from his first marriage in the garage.

son Vladimir

When Volodya died of a drug overdose (he was only 40 years old), Tikhonov tried to help his son's second wife and his grandson.

But the actor's wife and daughter quickly stopped his noble impulse and forbade him to communicate with "former" relatives.

The wife and daughter made Tikhonov unhappy.

It's sad, but there was no one to cry at Tikhonov's coffin.

By the end of his life, he had only two close people - his wife Tamara and daughter Anna.

These two women made up all Tikhonov's happiness and all his punishment.

Few people know that the hero on the screen, a handsome man, self-sufficient and independent, in ordinary life Tikhonov was a very gentle and helpless person.

It was this “spinelessness” of his that once pushed Nonna Mordyukova, his first wife, away from him.

The Don Cossack Mordyukova herself was a woman of hot temper and just twisted ropes out of him, trying to stir him up.

Tikhonov's patience ended only when he caught his wife Nonna with her lover.

And when Tikhonov slammed the door, Mordyukova was even delighted:

“Well, finally, at least some emotion!”

Their son Volodya was then 13 years old, and despite the separation of his parents, he received the full love of both parents.

True, she did not save him from a tragic death.

From the age of 18, Volodya Tikhonov became addicted to drugs.

To rid my son of an addiction, and Tikhonov, and Mordyukova all the time they patronized the guy for different roles.

in the film "Russian Field"

Volodya resisted, but played.

Soon Volodya fell in love with the actress Natalya Varley, having seen her brilliant performance in The Prisoner of the Caucasus, they got married and gave birth to Tikhonov's grandson Vasily.

But soon divorced...

Vyacheslav Tikhonov always coordinated all his roles with his wife, reported on each scene with a hint of love.

Tamara Tikhonova was literally obsessed with jealousy!

Gina Lollobrigida and Oleg Vidov

Perhaps due to a difficult relationship with his wife, with age, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich began to act less and less.

And then it stopped completely.

In old age, the wife's jealousy became pathological.

Tamara Ivanovna literally "was on duty" on the phone.

If Tikhonov was asked by a female voice, she threw a tantrum.

Most of all got from Tamara Tikhonova to young journalists.

“I remember how everyone was surprised that Tikhonov was not at Nonna’s funeral,” says Nonna Mordyukova’s sister Natalia.

- Even then I thought - God be his judge.

But then I remembered his crazy Tamara.

She probably didn't let him in.

Because Slava Nonnochka himself respected, and after all, they were not strangers.

And his wife even forbade them to communicate on the phone.

The moment came when it became clear - you can make good money on the actor Tikhonov.

daughter Anna

Anna and her husband organized a small film studio, where they began to make films with the participation of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich.

Anna managed her father's affairs, refusing to give interviews to all film companies and TV channels.

By the 80th anniversary of her father, she let him in only one channel - "First", and then for a huge fee.

Konstantin Ernst personally paid 15 thousand dollars for the shooting from his own pocket! Naturally, Tikhonov did not receive a penny of this money.

On the same anniversary, the sponsors of the festive evening at the Cinema House presented the great actor with a luxurious car.

But he never rode it either.

Anya unfolded good business in the name of the father.

With this money, she supports her family and pumps her mother out of hard drinking.

And as for the wishes of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich himself, few people considered them

The will of the deceased was never fulfilled.

Firstly, Tikhonov was against the funeral service in the temple.

But Anna Tikhonova desperately beat out posthumous honors to her father - and Tikhonov was buried already in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Well, he's no worse than Zykina and Rostropovich!

Another wish of the deceased was also violated.

Vyacheslav Vasilievich personally wrote in his will that he wanted to be buried in the same grave with his son Volodya at the Kuntsevo cemetery.

His first wife, Nonna Mordyukova, also rests there.

But here, too, the jealous daughter and wife acted as they pleased.

Tikhonov's body was interred at the Novodevichy Cemetery, next to Oleg Yankovsky.

Immediately, in the neighborhood, Tamara Tikhonova bought a place for her future grave.

Only in one thing was the great Tikhonov happy - a couple of years before his death, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich again found the meaning of life.

After 50 years of separation, he found his first love Yulia.

It was still on small homeland Tikhonov - in Pavlovsky Posad.

Tenth-grader Slava fell in love with nine-grader Yulia Rossiyskaya at a dance.

The young were even going to get married, but Tikhonov went to study in Moscow.

Already married to Mordyukova, he often wandered to Pavlovsky Posad to Yulia.

Gradually, life separated them.

But Tikhonov could not forget this girl all his life.

In old age, he tried to find her himself, but in vain.

Then he turned to his daughter's husband Nikolai.

Yulia Rossiiskaya remembers very well that evening when the bell rang and such a familiar and familiar voice sounded in the receiver:

"Julia, it's me, Slava."

They found each other after almost 50 years of separation.

Of course, Tikhonov spoke with her furtively.

And he called only when his wife was not at home.

But these conversations were an outlet for him.

At 81, Tikhonov realized that all his life he loved only her, that girl from the past.

She and Yulia were all going to meet, but either one had a sore, or the other.

The famous actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov was born on February 8, 1928 in Pavlovsky Posad. Parents wanted the boy to become a turner or an agronomist. But a thirteen-year-old teenager, entering a local school, dreamed of an acting career. During the youth of the Soviet Stirlitz, tattoos with the names of lovers were popular. Then the future actor did not have a girlfriend, so he stuffed his own name on his hand - Slava. Perhaps this became a prophecy, because the artist gained nationwide popularity. But he managed to find personal happiness only in his second marriage with a French teacher Tamara Tikhonova (and even then his wife tormented him with jealousy).

Vyacheslav Tikhonov was born in 1928 in the Moscow region. His father worked as a mechanic at a local weaving factory, and his mother worked as an educator in kindergarten. Tikhonov spent his childhood among the children of ordinary workers. He was absolutely no different from other yard boys who spent most of their free time on the street. After the outbreak of war in 1941, Vyacheslav, then still a schoolboy, went to study at the school. His school housed a military hospital. Teaching a profession was not difficult for Vyacheslav. He was inquisitive, from childhood he loved to do something around the house or make things. Like many teenagers of that time, after graduation he got a job as a metal turner at a military factory. He worked instead of the men who had gone to the front.

After the shifts, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, along with other teenagers, ran to the Vulkan cinema to see heroic films. His favorite movie heroes were Alexander Nevsky performed by N. Cherkasov, Chapaev performed by B. Babochkin, as well as everyone's favorites and Mikhail Zharov. Tikhonov later recalled that it was these people who eventually led him to art. Then he began to dream of such a job, but his father saw his son exclusively as a mechanic, and his mother wanted him to enter the Agricultural Academy. At the insistence of the elders, Vyacheslav entered the Automotive Institute, but closer to the victorious 1945 he decided to try his hand at the entrance exams to VGIK.

The beginning of an acting career

At first he was not accepted, but then, by the will of fate, he nevertheless became a student at VGIK. enrolled Vyacheslav Tikhonov in his course. The parents were immensely outraged by the obedient Slava's act, but the grandmother stood up for her grandson. She did not allow Tikhonov to say goodbye to her dream just like that. So Vyacheslav Tikhonov became a student at VGIK and ended up in the workshop of teachers Olga Pyzhova and Boris Bibikov. Acting debut young man took place during my studies. The first work of Tikhonov was the role of Osmukhin in the film "Young Guard". The work was atypical for Soviet cinema: the directors thoroughly recreated the artistic environment, there was a long period of preparation before filming the picture, the actors got used to the images of the characters, and a thorough development of the characters was carried out. The film could be considered a successful debut for a whole generation of domestic actors.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov's first love

The young man, whom censorship did not let on the screens for "some kind of non-Soviet" and "noble" appearance, met his first love at a dance. In the tenth grade, he invited a familiar girl, Yulia Rossiyskaya, to a slow dance. A romantic relationship began, but the young people did not have time to legitimize them, because Tikhonov left for the capital to study. Journalists often mentioned that he came to Yulia even during marriage, but later these meetings stopped. Fifty years later, when Vyacheslav Vasilievich already had two marriages behind him, he again found his first love. According to some reports, furtively from Tamara Tikhonova, he talked with Yulia on the phone when he lived in the country. They did not have time to meet in person.

Hasty marriage with Nonna Mordyukova

On the set of The Young Guard, fate brought the young man to Nonna Mordyukova. Vyacheslav was nineteen years old, and Nonna was twenty-two. At first, the young man did not pay attention to the stately beauty, so it cost her considerable efforts to turn his head. They quickly got married. First they lived in the hostel of VGIK, then they moved to a nine-meter room, in which Tikhonov especially did not like the floors. Both actors received Stalin Prizes for The Young Guard, and young Vyacheslav was outraged that the state was trying to leave the award-winning artists without good living space. The fighting girlfriend bothered, so that soon the young spouses were allocated a little more living space.

Suspicious Rumors

There were rumors that young people got married not from great love. Close friend Tikhonov and National artist I. Yoshka recalled that Mordyukova, as a student, had an affair with S. Gerasimov, who was the head of her course and filmed The Young Guard. The director asked Vyacheslav Tikhonov to marry a fellow student in order to avert suspicion from himself (a jealous wife suspected Gerasimov of infidelity). Vyacheslav could not refuse his teacher and eminent director. Even then it was clear that the calm Tikhonov and the expressive Nonna were unlikely to get along in marriage.

Discord in relationships

Directors liked Vyacheslav Tikhonov very much, but the censorship considered his appearance too “noble” for Soviet cinema. Therefore, Nonna earned money in the family. For the young and beautiful girl many men tried to court, she never encountered a lack of attention. She talked with one of the fans in the room when Tikhonov returned home. The couple did not explain. Nonna did not consider herself guilty, so she did not make excuses. Tikhonov was sure that he had found his wife with her lover. He did not ask questions, but simply left, hastily packing his suitcase.

For fifty years, Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Nonna Mordyukova did not communicate. At the bedside of a dying son died at the age of forty due to a passion for drugs) they did not say a single word to each other. When journalists were filming a biopic about her, they asked the actress if she wanted to call Tikhonov. The woman said that she would have contacted a long time ago, but there is no phone. The number was found immediately. They called each other and forgave each other. In the same year, Nonna Mordyukova passed away.

Acquaintance with Tamara Ivanovna

Forty-year-old Tikhonov in 1967 finally met a woman who understood and accepted him completely. Teacher French Tamara Tikhonova worked together with the Soviet actor on the set. She helped the film crew with translation. Tamara and Vyacheslav worked on the film "Man and Woman". The partner was the complete opposite of Mordyukova. Twenty-five-year-old Tamara was quiet and silent. The girl was married, but divorced her husband to marry Tikhonov. He greatly valued the institution of marriage. But the passion was so strong that he took the woman away from the family.

Tamara's life before meeting with Vyacheslav

Few facts are known from the biography of Tamara Tikhonova before her meeting with the Soviet artist. It is known that the girl learned to be a French teacher and taught at the Institute of International Relations. She was married and had no children in her first marriage. Beloved woman Vyacheslav Tikhonov and his wife became after joint work over the movie. By the way, the daughter of the Tikhonovs, Anna, said that at the time of their acquaintance, her mother was not married, she had a French fiancé, but she was in no hurry to tie the knot. Everything went to the wedding, but Tamara's relatives were against it, because at that time this was not welcome in the USSR.

Happy unhappy marriage

The inconspicuous Tamara Tikhonova, the wife of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, managed to keep her husband under total control. A handsome man in ordinary life was completely helpless and too gentle man. Vyacheslav Tikhonov had to report to his wife about every scene with a hint of love relationship to coordinate their roles. It soon became clear that Tamara was simply obsessed with jealousy. Perhaps it was precisely because of the tense relationship with his wife that Vyacheslav practically stopped acting after the film "A Man and a Woman" and several other works. He could not stand the constant tantrums, packed his bags and moved to Vacation home in Nikolina Gora.

Tamara did not calm down, she tormented her husband so much that until the end of her life they actually divided the house in half. Vyacheslav himself was in one half, and Tamara was in the other. Vyacheslav Tikhonov stopped wearing the ring, and Tamara Ivanovna did not forget to mention that her husband ruined her life. There were rumors that even with the son from his first marriage, the actor had to meet secretly in the garage. He did not appear at the funeral of his first wife. However, Tikhonov's daughter, Anna, who shared with Tamara, spoke very warmly about the atmosphere that reigned at home. She calls the actor a loving father and a happy family man, says that the father and mother were in love and inseparable with each other until old age. At the same time, it is known that Tamara Ivanovna (in order to somehow calm her nerves) became addicted to alcohol when her daughter grew up, and even tried to commit suicide several times.

The last years of Vyacheslav Tikhonovoa

The actor's personal life took shape in his second marriage, although his wife tormented him with baseless jealousy and threw tantrums. However, they also had a happy period. For example, when their joint daughter Anna was just born, Tikhonov simply shone with happiness and tried to spend every free minute with the girl. Vyacheslav Ivanovich was also very fond of his grandchildren - the twins Vyacheslav and Georgy, whom Anna often brought to visit her parents. In those years, it became necessary to monitor the mother, who drank alcohol, but Tikhonov was glad that his grandchildren often visited him.

Since 2000, the actor has led a secluded life. He had no friends left: his beloved director S. Rostotsky, close colleagues Yu. Nikulin and N. Kryuchkov had already departed to another world. Then the daughter of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, actress Anna Tikhonova, organized a film studio, where her husband began to shoot films with the participation of the Soviet Stirlitz. She managed all the affairs of her father, and for his anniversary she organized an interview for a fee of fifteen thousand dollars. Vyacheslav Tikhonov did not receive this money. The sponsors of the evening at the Cinema House presented the actor with a car that he had never driven. But Anna Tikhonova built herself a business on behalf of famous father.

In the same time Soviet actor started to hurt. In 2002, he suffered a heart attack, in 2007 he was hospitalized after an injury with complaints of heart pain, in the spring of the following year he underwent surgery, and in the fall of 2009 he was admitted to the Central Clinical Hospital. Another operation on the vessels followed a week after hospitalization. Vyacheslav Tikhonov endured the surgical intervention very hard, but the doctors still hoped that the actor would recover. Alas, he died the next day. The last hours of his life, the Soviet Stirlitz was in intensive care, was connected to a ventilator and hemodialysis. The attending physician, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, said that loneliness, which was difficult for the artist, and the lack of good patient care from relatives, played a role in this death.

Difficult family relationships

After the death of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, addiction to alcohol almost killed Tikhonov's widow, Tamara Ivanovna. Anna had to take her mother to the hospital so that qualified doctors could monitor her condition around the clock. Even when Tamara Tikhonova coped with alcoholism, it turned out that everything in the family was not as smooth as it could be. Tamara Ivanovna did not get along with her son-in-law, she complained that her daughter was trying to deprive her of her apartment and dacha. At one time, the widow even said that her daughter's husband beat her, drinks, and does not want to work. declined to comment on these allegations.

What the relationship in this family actually was is unknown. Anna spoke of her parents with love, saying that they communicated well with her husband. At the same time, Tamara Ivanovna herself mentioned that Vyacheslav Tikhonov did not love his son-in-law, and they did not have any harmony in the family.

It's been three years since he died famous actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. All these years his widowTamara Tikhonova refused to be interviewed. But now she agreed to dispel all the rumors that circulated about her before. In addition, she believes that her husband, a great actor, is now undeservedly rarely remembered. " "

On the threshold of a three-room apartment in the area of ​​​​Gogolevsky Boulevard, we were met by a neat, not yet old woman. Tamara Ivanovna smiled affably. She invited me to go into the room and went after me, leaning on a crutch. Thirteen years ago, Tamara Ivanovna broke her femoral neck, and since then she has been disabled.

That is why I didn’t go anywhere during the life of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, ”she explained. - Neither at his seventieth birthday nor at his eightieth I was not. Because of this, there were gossips about me. Someone said that I was drunk, someone said that I was a drug addict ... God knows what they said. In fact, I just can't leave the house due to a severe leg injury! Now I'm quite lonely. Sometimes I have no other interlocutor, except for the portrait of my husband, which hangs in the apartment. I am talking with him. So when you asked: “How are you?” I was very surprised. None of my husband's former colleagues have asked me about this since Vyacheslav Vasilyevich died. Nobody ever called.

It turns out that they already consider me almost an 80-year-old grandmother, and I am only sixty-seven years old. Some even think that I died a long time ago.

In the apartment where Tamara Ivanovna invited me, the family Tikhonov lives for many years. Here, according to the widow, and now everything is the same as during the life of her husband - neatly, but modestly. In the hallway there is a huge panel depicting Vyacheslav Tikhonov- a gift from fans, in the kitchen - dried roses - the last bouquet that the actor gave to his wife. No luxury. Tikhonov often appeared in the offices of the chiefs to ask for something, but not for himself, but for others. Now, unfortunately, many of those for whom Vyacheslav Vasilyevich tried, forgot about it.

The funeral of her husband was poorly organized, there were not very many people, I generally keep quiet about my colleagues! - Tikhonova is indignant. - Such a callous, indifferent attitude just amazes me. Of course, during his heyday, people worshiped him, called him, we even got tired of this attention. But in the last years of his life this was no longer the case.

He has always helped people, including famous ones, who have now achieved a lot. It is impossible to list all! But some of them now say: “But I don’t remember him helping me!” But I remember well! I'm not talking about the attitude towards me ... Vyacheslav Vasilyevich told me: "Tamara, as for health, medicines, treatment, you will always have everything." He believed that they would not leave me, he believed in a good attitude, he thought that, out of respect for him, they would not forget me either. And it turned out, as it is now fashionable to say, "threw" the old woman.

Tamara Ivanovna shows me a letter she received from the presidential polyclinic. The letter says that she can no longer be served there. And next to it lies a piece of paper listing all Tikhonova's diagnoses. They do not fit on one sheet - asthma, heart disease and those associated with a leg injury ...

I really need help, I need good medical care! Tikhonov says. - And instead they call me from the clinic and say: “Your husband died. We're deregistering you!" But there is a decree, which says that after the death of the Hero of Socialist Labor, the widow has the right to special, extraordinary medical care. I'm not talking about the fact that he is a People's Artist of the USSR! This is disrespectful to his memory. I'm still not some fan, but a woman who lived with him in a legal marriage for 42 years. And they just took me and threw me out! This concerns not only me. This applies to all unfortunate people of retirement age. And the disabled - what can I say! If my legs could walk ... Yes, I would consider myself the most happy man.

Tamara Ivanovna does not hide: if her husband had not left a small inheritance, then the family would have had a very difficult time. Both her and her daughters and grandchildren.

- Tikhonov received a three-room apartment for his daughter in good area she says. - But Anya and her husband prefer to live in the country. I live only on my pension, I try not to burden my daughter. After all, she has two six-year-old sons in her arms, who will soon go to school, and so much is needed for this!

She is an actress by profession, but now she is not acting. I do not know why. I watch these endless series, they star in mediocre actresses. And Anya has an old, Soviet upbringing, she does not run around auditions, she does not like to ask for herself. Once she was offered a role, but there it was necessary for the actress to lie down in a coffin, Anya did not want to. She refused once, twice, they stopped calling her. Now, after all, they love trouble-free actresses who will lie in the coffin, and in bed, and anywhere. By the way, Vyacheslav Vasilievich often watched TV, switched channels all the time. Once I asked him why he does it. And he replied that he was looking for talented young faces. Of all, he singled out then still a beginner Maxim Averin and said: “This actor has a great future!” And so it happened.

Now about Tikhonov if they show stories, it is only in connection with his relationship with Nonna Mordyukova. Both Nonna's sisters and her daughter-in-law give interviews on this topic. I don’t know why it would be, - Tamara Ivanovna is surprised. - I find it funny when Mordyukov called "Tikhonov's only love" and they say that we were at enmity with her. This is wrong. We had a good relationship. When she called and conveyed something to Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, I always fulfilled her requests. True, it was not something personal, but always concerned the son. I never insulted her, respected her as an actress.

The version that Tamara Ivanovna did not give Vyacheslav Tikhonov communicate with his son Volodya (who was born in marriage with Mordyukova and died at the age of 40 from drugs. - A.P.), appeared a long time ago. Nonna Viktorovna herself even wrote about this in her memoirs. But Tamara Tikhonova says that this is not true.

Lord, yes, Volodya spent the night with me on this sofa! she shows. Of course he drank. But in general he was a good, well-mannered guy, if sober. Vyacheslav Vasilyevich tried to influence his way of life, he talked with his son more than once. But what's the point of talking if he's already bogged down in it? It's a disease! If his mother did not take care of him in childhood, childhood was a nightmare, so he grew up like that. Volodya sometimes came, asked for money, and I gave. The husband did not approve of this, he said: “He doesn’t spend it on what he asks for!” And, oddly enough, I was the first to know about Volodya's death and was forced to tell my husband about it. And further preparations for the funeral went through me, because he did not want to Mordyukova communicate directly. She asked for a certain amount of money and we donated the money for the funeral through our friend. And he left the funeral, did not go to the wake. We had our wake, right here, in this apartment.

In general, Tamara Ivanovna recalls the joint years spent with Vyacheslav Vasilyevich with tenderness. Despite the fact that there was a sixteen-year age difference between them, they understood each other well and created a family very quickly. for the sake of Tikhonov Tamara Ivanovna even refused the groom.

When I got out Tikhonov married, I was 24 years old, she says. - I am a Muscovite, I was born on the Arbat. We lived opposite the Vakhtangov Theatre, many people lived in the alleys nearby. famous artists this theatre. But my parents are ordinary employees who once came from the countryside to conquer Moscow. I graduated from Moscow State University and went to teach at school, although I was assigned to the Ministry of foreign trade. I was just preparing to leave for France, I had a French fiancé. They even got a marriage license. The meeting with Vyacheslav Vasilyevich disrupted these plans. Our romance developed very quickly, and I moved in with him before the wedding - I never suffered from prejudices. A year later, my daughter Anya was born, but for many years I periodically worked as a translator.

Surprisingly, Michel, that was the name of Tamara Ivanovna's fiancé, was not offended by her and still maintains a relationship with his runaway bride.

Michel came to Moscow several more times, we met with him, ”says Tikhonova. And when he found out that Tikhonov died, then through friends he conveyed to me words of condolences. By the way, Michel also has two twin granddaughters, and I have twin grandchildren - Slava and Gosha. And now we dream of introducing them.

Tamara Ivanovna believes that without her wise attitude to fantastic fame Tikhonov their marriage would not last long.

I have never been jealous of Vyacheslav Vasilievich, I was calm about his fans. I knew that he wanted family comfort. He always went to the shooting without pleasure. From filming, he often called, asked how I was, how my daughter was. And when they ended, he immediately hurried home. He said: “I have already lived one bad family life, and therefore now the main thing for me is home, family. I was not jealous, but my husband was very jealous. True, now I remember these moments with humor. But memories alone, unfortunately, cannot be lived. Although I can not say that I do not want to live. I still want to live! But I'll have to do it without my beloved husband.


Vyacheslav Tikhonov was born on February 8, 1928 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad in working family, received the profession of a turner, worked at the factory. The dream of becoming an actor led him to VGIK, where he met his first wife, Nonna Mordyukova, with whom they lived for 13 years.

Glory to Tikhonov was brought by the films “It was in Penkovo”, “On seven winds”, “War and Peace”, “We'll Live Until Monday”. In 1973, the actor starred in the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" as a scout Stirlitz and became famous. last role Tikhonov played in 2001 in Eldar Ryazanov's film Andersen. Life without love."

In 2002, the actor suffered a heart attack, and in subsequent years he went to the hospital several times with various diseases. On December 4, 2009, Tikhonov died while in intensive care.

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich led a secluded life, because he had no one to be friends with. Best friend and favorite director Stanislav Rostotsky (he directed Tikhonov in many of his films), close comrades-colleagues Yuri Nikulin, Nikolai Kryuchkov died. And it's hard to find new friends in old age. Tikhonov lived in a fertile place - in Nikolina Gora. Here he built a red brick house - exactly the same as Stirlitz's in the film. When friends were alive, he often and with pleasure went fishing with them. He was accompanied by the dog Styopka - a mongrel mongrel was thrown to Tikhonov as a puppy. But about a year ago, trouble happened with a four-legged friend. The dog disappeared, and after a while someone threw Vyacheslav Vasilyevich his collar. Alone, the actor stopped leaving the house altogether. Whiled away the days in front of the TV, slowly drank. Often reviewed his work in the cinema. Tikhonov could not come to terms with the fact that life was coming to an end.

It's sad, but there was no one to cry at Tikhonov's coffin. By the end of his life, he had only two close people - his wife Tamara and daughter Anna. These two women made up all Tikhonov's happiness and all his punishment. Few people know that the hero on the screen, a handsome man, self-sufficient and independent, in ordinary life Tikhonov was a very gentle and helpless person. It was this “spinelessness” of his that once pushed Nonna Mordyukova, his first wife, away from him. The Don Cossack Mordyukova herself was a woman of hot temper and just twisted ropes out of him, trying to stir him up. Tikhonov's patience ended only when he caught his wife Nonna with her lover. And when Tikhonov slammed the door, Mordyukova was even delighted: “Well, finally, at least some kind of emotion!” Their son Volodya was then 13 years old, and despite the separation of his parents, he received the full love of both parents. True, she did not save him from a tragic death.

From the age of 18, Volodya Tikhonov became addicted to drugs. To save their son from addiction, both Tikhonov and Mordyukova all the time patronized the guy for different roles. Volodya resisted, but played. Soon Volodya fell in love with the actress Natalya Varley, having seen her brilliant performance in The Prisoner of the Caucasus, they got married and gave birth to Tikhonov's grandson Vasily. But soon divorced...

When Vyacheslav Tikhonov was already 40 years old, he married a second time. His chosen one was the 25-year-old teacher Tamara. They met while working on the French film "Man and Woman", where the actor voiced the role of the main character, and Tamara Ivanovna, at that time a French teacher at the Institute of International Relations, helped with the translation. The girl was married, but for the sake of Vyacheslav she broke up with her husband. Soon, a daughter, Anya, was born in a new family.

Unlike the bright and sometimes overly emotional Nonna Mordyukova, Tamara was a match for Tikhonov - just as restrained and silent. However, it was this inconspicuous woman who managed to keep her husband under tight control for many years. Tikhonov coordinated all his roles with her, reported on each scene with a hint of love. Tamara Tikhonova was literally obsessed with jealousy! Perhaps due to a difficult relationship with his wife, with age, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich began to act less and less. And then it stopped completely. In old age, the wife's jealousy became pathological. Tamara Ivanovna literally "was on duty" on the phone. If Tikhonov was asked by a female voice, she threw a tantrum. Most of all got from Tamara Tikhonova to young journalists.

- Vyacheslav Vasilyevich was very fond of communicating with young people, - says the "victim" - journalist Anna Vershinina. He liked to share his experience. Yes, and he loved to flirt with young maidens. Once, when I arranged an interview with Tikhonov on the phone, Tamara Ivanovna grabbed the phone from his hands and yelled: “I know, this is your mistress !!!” It's funny! Tikhonov was 80 years old.

“I remember how everyone was surprised that Tikhonov was not at Nonna’s funeral,” says Nonna Mordyukova’s sister Natalya. - I thought then - God be his judge. But then I remembered his crazy Tamara. She probably didn't let him in. Because Slava Nonnochka himself respected, and after all, they were not strangers. And his wife even forbade them to communicate on the phone.

Tamara Ivanovna so tormented Tikhonov with her jealousy that in the end the couple divided the house in half and lived like that until Tikhonov's death: Vyacheslav Vasilyevich in one half, Tamara in the other. Vyacheslav Vasilyevich stopped wearing a wedding ring, and Tamara Ivanovna said that Tikhonov ruined her life. To calm her nerves, she began to drink heavily and attempted suicide several times. Tikhonov's daughter Anya lived in the Moscow apartment of her parents, but in order to control her mother, she often began to visit the suburbs. Tikhonov was happy - so he could see his tiny grandchildren - twins Slavik and Gosha.

They said that Vyacheslav Vasilyevich even had to meet with his son Volodya from his first marriage in the garage. When Volodya died of a drug overdose (he was only 40 years old), Tikhonov tried to help his son's second wife and his grandson. But the actor's wife and daughter quickly stopped his noble impulse and forbade him to communicate with "former" relatives.

The moment came when it became clear that you can make good money on the actor Tikhonov. Anna and her husband organized a small film studio, where they began to make films with the participation of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich. Anna managed her father's affairs, refusing to give interviews to all film companies and TV channels. By the 80th anniversary of her father, she let him in only one channel - "First", and then for a huge fee. Konstantin Ernst personally paid 15 thousand dollars for the shooting from his own pocket! Naturally, Tikhonov did not receive a penny of this money. On the same anniversary, the sponsors of the festive evening at the Cinema House presented the great actor with a luxurious car. But he never rode it either. Anya launched a good business in her father's name. With this money, she supports her family and pumps her mother out of hard drinking. And as for the desires of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich himself, few people considered them. The will of the deceased was never fulfilled. Firstly, Tikhonov was against the funeral service in the temple. But Anna Tikhonova desperately beat out posthumous honors to her father - and Tikhonov was buried already in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Well, he's no worse than Zykina and Rostropovich! Another wish of the deceased was also violated. Vyacheslav Vasilievich personally wrote in his will that he wanted to be buried in the same grave with his son Volodya at the Kuntsevo cemetery. His first wife, Nonna Mordyukova, also rests there. But here, too, the jealous daughter and wife acted as they pleased. Tikhonov's body was interred at the Novodevichy Cemetery, next to Oleg Yankovsky. Immediately, in the neighborhood, Tamara Tikhonova bought a place for her future grave. Only in one thing was the great Tikhonov happy - a couple of years before his death, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich again found the meaning of life. After 50 years of separation, he found his first love Yulia.

It was still in Tikhonov's small homeland - in Pavlovsky Posad. Tenth-grader Slava fell in love with nine-grader Yulia Rossiyskaya at a dance. The young were even going to get married, but Tikhonov went to study in Moscow. Already married to Mordyukova, he often wandered to Pavlovsky Posad to Yulia.

“He tortured me terribly,” Yulia recalls now. - I knew that he had a pregnant Mordyukova in Moscow, and he flirted with me. And it was a pity for him, and she herself was tormented.

Gradually, life separated them. But Tikhonov could not forget this girl all his life. In old age, he tried to find her himself, but in vain. Then he turned to his daughter's husband Nikolai. Yulia Rossiiskaya remembers very well that evening when the bell rang and such a familiar and familiar voice sounded in the receiver: "Julia, it's me, Slava." They found each other after almost 50 years of separation. Of course, Tikhonov spoke with her furtively. And he called only when his wife was not at home. But these conversations were an outlet for him. At 81, Tikhonov realized that all his life he loved only her, that girl from the past. She and Yulia were all going to meet, but either one had a sore, or the other.

So we didn't get to see each other.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov is the kind of person who needs no further introduction. Many people know him, it cannot be otherwise, because in his long enough life he was able to play many roles, and of various genres and roles.

And although this great man is no longer alive, all the same, he is alive in the memories of many, because a whole generation grew up on his films, watched with bated breath how he appeared before us every time in a new way. All this allowed him not only to live a fruitful and interesting life, but also to fall in love with a wide audience. But where did the life of this glorious man begin? Let's take a closer look.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Height, weight, age. The years of the life of Vyacheslav Tikhonov - all this can be answered as follows, that the actor died at the age of 81, his height was 185 centimeters, it is difficult to name the weight, because this is no longer relevant. But still, in his life, Vyacheslav Tikhonov strove to become a little better every day. He remained in excellent shape until the last day, and in himself he was a very pleasant person. He had a chance to go through a lot in his life, he could choose another profession, but in the end he became an actor in order to long years to please people with excellent work in the cinema, so that the world becomes a little better.

Biography of Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Cause of death and funeral

The biography of Vyacheslav Tikhonov begins in a small town near Moscow. His parents were very far from cinema, his father worked as a mechanic, and his mother was a kindergarten teacher. They all lived in a large two-story house, the boy remembered his childhood as happy, because he had no worries. But this happened exactly before the war began. The boy was then only thirteen years old, he was then able to fully learn what deprivation and human grief are. A hospital was then opened at the school, he himself began to study as a turner, thereby contributing to the fight against the war. He helped in any way he could, due to his age and skills.

Although the youth of the future actor was overshadowed by gunshots, explosions and other dangers, he still did not want to give up his dream of playing on stage and acting in films. Therefore, after the war ended, he began to act. Although few believed that he would succeed, because after the war there was devastation and poverty. But, nevertheless, people continued to watch films and the future star wanted to prove that even in the darkest times one can bring beauty to the people. He studied at VGIK, and after a while he was able to make his film debut. The filmography of Vyacheslav Tikhonov is very diverse, the actor had the opportunity to cover the most different areas. His first role was in the film "Young Guard", after he received a diploma, he was able to act in the movie "Peaceful Days". After he appeared on the screen in these films, he began to receive regular invitations to various projects.

At the same time, the young man ascends to the stage. He worked in the theater for seven whole years, but in the end, he received an offer to work at the Maxim Gorky Film Studio, and this forced him to leave the stage and focus on filming a movie.

Filmography: films starring Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Since the end of the sixties, Tikhonov appears on the screens in the form of simple but true intellectuals. He constantly acted either as a teacher, or as a doctor, and also touched on royal images. He was able to play Andrei Bolkonsky in the film "War and Peace", in general, the range of roles was simply huge, ranging from princes to scouts. All this confirmed that talented person could be talented in everything, in any genre and image.

But perhaps the greatest fame came to the actor after he played in the series "Seventeen Moments of Spring", where he played everyone's favorite Stirlitz. Although his fee was not so large, only five and a half thousand rubles, but the success was simply triumphant. True, it must be said that the actor himself did not take success too well, he was afraid that from now on he would be perceived only as Stirlitz. And when the color version of the film was released in 2009, he took it very negatively, they say, the director initially wanted to release it in black and white, so it was not worth redoing it and making it in color. He played in the film "Demons", as well as "Burnt by the Sun". His creative path was very rich and interesting, although the actor himself believed that the main thing was to always remain himself, so he did not always agree to the roles that he was offered.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov's personal life

The personal life of Vyacheslav Tikhonov has always remained a little under the veil of secrecy, because the actor did not like to share the innermost. There were women in his life who became key for him, but the actor was married only twice. His first real love there was Yulia Russian, with whom he had a relationship for three years, but friendships lasted a lifetime. But he married not her, but the famous actress Nonna Mordyukova. The marriage with the actress lasted for thirteen years, but in the end they parted. Then the son Vladimir was born in marriage. Unfortunately, his first child died at the age of forty, and the cause of death was addiction to drugs and alcohol. WITH ex-wife, Vyacheslav parted quietly and calmly, as he used to act in life. Moreover, there were two versions of the breakup: some said that Mordyukova had cheated on him, others claimed that Tikhonov had fallen in love.

The second wife for the actor was a certain Tamara Ivanovna, whom he met on the set of the film "A Man and a Woman", where she worked in voice acting. After some time, they decided to get married, and Tikhonov lived with this woman for forty-two years. This time they had a daughter, Anya, who gave Tikhonov two twin grandchildren, Vyacheslav and Georgy. In addition, Anna followed in the footsteps, also became an actress. So we can say that Tikhonov took place not only as an actor, but also as a father, husband and grandfather. And this is also a property, the actor himself admitted that the family for him played a huge role in his life and career.

Family of Vyacheslav Tikhonov

The family of Vyacheslav Tikhonov will always remember their noble father and grandfather. He left behind a daughter, Anya, who has two twin sons. After her death, in her father's house, the woman found a whole box, where there were various notes, notebooks, diaries, where the actor wrote down various events from his life, shared his feelings and memories. All this made it possible to remove documentary, dedicated to life great actor. Now his daughter tells the children about what a wonderful grandfather they had, how much he did to make the national cinema a little better.

Grandchildren and children of Vyacheslav Tikhonov

The grandchildren and children of Vyacheslav Tikhonov remember and honor the memory of their grandfather and father. To date, his daughter Anna is happily married, acting in films. In addition, wonderful twin children are growing up with her, she named one of them in honor of her father Vyacheslav, the second is named George. In addition, Tikhonov once had a son, whose name was Vladimir Tikhonov, he was also his first child from his first marriage to Nonna Mordyukova. Unfortunately, her son died at the age of forty, because she had an addiction to drugs and alcohol. For an actor it was swipe, at that time, he was not even pleased with the work in the cinema.

The son of Vyacheslav Tikhonov - Vladimir

The son of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Vladimir, was born from his first marriage to Nonna Mordyukova. In his first marriage, the actor lived for twelve years, they were happy, but in the end they still broke up. Moreover, it is difficult to say whose fault it is, but at the same time, calmly, without reproaches and accusations. In this marriage, Tikhonov's first child was born, whom they named Vladimir. But Vladimir died when he was only forty years old. The cause of death was an addiction to alcohol and drugs, which he could not overcome, despite the help of his parents. Although it was a terrible blow for the actor, he was able to survive it, find the strength to live on.

Daughter of Vyacheslav Tikhonov - Anna

The daughter of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Anna, appeared in the Tikhonov family when he was in his second marriage to a woman, Tamara. They had a wonderful girl, whom they named Anna. Anya grew up in an atmosphere of love, because her parents' marriage was strong and lasted forty-two years for them.

Today, daughter Anya is already an adult woman, she herself acts in films, is married, manages to raise two twin children. Anya was very upset by the death of her father, although she understood that it was inevitable. It was she who found a box with Tikhonov's diaries and notes in an empty house, thanks to which a documentary about the actor was released.

The ex-wife of Vyacheslav Tikhonov - Nonna Mordyukova

Ex-wife Vyacheslav Tikhonov Nonna Mordyukova became his first chosen one. Although the actor had several women in his life who played a key role in his life, he did not dare to connect his life with everyone. And Mordyukova became for him the very companion with whom he lived for twelve years. They had a son, Vladimir, who died at the age of forty. They parted according to different versions, either from Nonna's betrayal, or from the fact that Tikhonov himself fell in love. But, one way or another, they parted quietly and calmly, which is quite in the spirit of the actor, because he is always used to solving things peacefully and without too much publicity.

Wife of Vyacheslav Tikhonov - Tamara Ivanovna

The wife of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Tamara Ivanovna, became his second wife. They met when the actor took part in the next film. Tamara, working as a translator, took part in voice acting in the cinema. They became close friends, then they began to communicate, in the end they decided to unite their destinies. Their marriage lasted forty-two years, their daughter Anya appeared, who today has also become the mother of two children. It was Tamara who, throughout the whole time, supported her husband in everything, both in his career and in personal matters. Together they overcame difficulties, struggled with adversity, spent time together. In other words, they were happy family for over four decades.

Wikipedia Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Wikipedia (,_Vyacheslav_Vasilievich) Vyacheslav Tikhonov will allow fans to get to know the actor's personal life as well as his in a creative way. After all, Tikhonov did not use social networks, if only because he was a man of the past generation. Until his death, he remained true to his cause, although in last days tried not to communicate with the press and preferred to stay at home. He was even called a "hermit" for the fact that he fenced himself off from the whole world. But cinema still continued to love and respect, although not all. Vyacheslav Tikhonov is a prime example the man who, thanks to talent and perseverance, has achieved great success.

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