Biography of Tamara Tikhonova. The Udmurt land is proud of them. And when Tikhonov slammed the door, Mordyukova was even happy

Little is known about the artist’s personal life, since he did not like to give interviews. Tikhonov, bright on screen and phlegmatic in life, had three women who left a huge mark on his fate

Vyacheslav Tikhonov was born on February 8, 1928 in Pavlovsky Posad, near Moscow. The parents wanted their son to become an agronomist or turner. But the 13-year-old teenager, entering a vocational school, dreamed of a career as a film actor.

At this time, tattoos with the names of their lovers were popular among boys. Since Tikhonov did not have a girlfriend at that time, he tattooed his name on his hand - Slava. Perhaps this inscription became prophetic, because the artist gained all-Union fame.

School love

Tikhonov will meet his first love later at a dance. A tenth grader invited Yulia Rossiyskaya to a dance. A romance ensued. The young people did not have time to get married, since Tikhonov went to study in Moscow.

Journalists wrote that even during his first marriage he came to Yulia. But over time, their communication stopped.

After 50 years of separation, when Tikhonov had two marriages behind him, he again found his first love. According to some reports, the artist secretly communicated with Yulia Rossiyskaya by phone from his second wife when he lived in the country. True, they never had a chance to meet in person.

Reluctant marriage

Tikhonov met his first wife, actress Nonna Mordyukova, during the filming of the film “The Young Guard.” The young people quickly got married, and a year later their son Vladimir was born. At that time, Tikhonov was still a fourth-year student at VGIK.

It was not easy for the calm Tikhonov and the expressive Mordyukova to get along in marriage.

Close friend of the artist National artist Igraf Yoshka said that they did not get married of their own free will. Allegedly, Mordyukova had an affair with director Sergei Gerasimov, who filmed “The Young Guard” and was the director of her theater course. And in order to ward off the suspicions of a jealous wife, Gerasimov asked Tikhonov to marry a fellow student. The artist could not refuse the teacher and eminent filmmaker.

Nonna Mordyukova and Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Yoshka said that Mordyukova often complained about her husband’s cool attitude and called him a cracker, saying, “most often she only saw his back.”

There were rumors about Tikhonov’s relationship with the Latvian actress Dzidra Ritenbergs on the set of the film “Midshipman Panin”. Costume designer Tamara Kasparova said: when Mordyukova found out about the betrayal, she was so worried that she could not work.

However, this did not put an end to their relationship. They divorced only 13 years later life together, when Vyacheslav Tikhonov found his wife in bed with another.

He left, slamming the door, and this unexpected emotion even pleased Mordyukova, since she was repulsed by her husband’s excessive gentleness and calmness.

Vyacheslav and Vladimir Tikhonov

The son of Mordyukova and Tikhonov, Vladimir, was married to actress Natalya Varley, who gave birth to an heir. Over time, Vladimir Tikhonov became addicted to drugs. He died at the age of 40.

A quiet harbor

In 1967, 40-year-old Vyacheslav Tikhonov met a woman who understood him and lived with her until his death. Teacher French named Tamara helped him with the translation of the text when dubbing the film “Man and Woman”.

Tamara was the complete opposite of Mordyukova - silent and reserved.

However, the woman was jealous and often made scenes for her famous husband. To avoid clashes, Tikhonov began acting less, and at the end of his life he completely left for a dacha in the Moscow region and lived as a hermit.

Tamara and Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Tamara Tikhonova gave birth to a daughter, Anna, and this turned the life of the film actor upside down. He tried to spend every free minute with the child and admired every gesture.

In 2009, Vyacheslav Tikhonov began to have heart problems. He ended up on the operating table and underwent vascular surgery. Despite the fact that the surgery went well, the artist’s kidneys failed. He was connected to hemodialysis machines and artificial ventilation.

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Vyacheslav Tikhonov is a person who does not need any additional introduction. Many people know him, it couldn’t be any other way, because during his rather long life he was able to play many roles, in a variety of genres and roles.

And although this great man is no longer alive, he is still alive in the memories of many, because a whole generation grew up watching his films, watching with bated breath how he appeared before us in a new way every time. All this allowed him not only to live his life fruitfully and interestingly, but also to be loved by a wide audience. But where did the life of this glorious man begin? Let's take a closer look.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Height, weight, age. The years of life of Vyacheslav Tikhonov - all this can be answered in the following way: the actor died at the age of 81, his height was 185 centimeters, it is difficult to name his weight, because this is no longer relevant. But still, throughout his life, Vyacheslav Tikhonov strived to become a little better every day. He was in excellent shape until the last day, and he himself seemed to be a very pleasant person. He had to go through a lot in life, he could have chosen a different profession, but in the end he became an actor in order to long years to make people happy with wonderful work in cinema, so that the world becomes a little better.

Biography of Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Cause of death and funeral

The biography of Vyacheslav Tikhonov begins in a small town located near Moscow. His parents were very far from cinema, his father worked as a mechanic, and his mother was a teacher in kindergarten. They all lived in a large two-story house; the boy remembered his childhood as happy, because he had no worries. But this happened exactly until the war began. The boy was then only thirteen years old; he was then able to fully learn what hardships and human grief are. A hospital was then opened at the school, and he himself began to study to become a turner, thereby making his contribution to the fight against the war. I helped as much as I could, due to my age and skills.

Although the future actor’s youth was overshadowed by gunshots, explosions and other dangers, he still did not want to give up his dream of playing on stage or acting in films. Therefore, after the war ended, he began to act. Although few believed that he would succeed, because after the war there was devastation and poverty. But, nevertheless, people continued to watch films and the future star wanted to prove that even in the darkest times you can bring beauty to the people. He studied at VGIK, and after some time he was able to make his film debut. The filmography of Vyacheslav Tikhonov is very diverse; the actor had the opportunity to cover the most different areas. His first role was in the film “Young Guard”, after he received his diploma, he was able to star in the movie “Peaceful Days”. After he appeared on screen in these films, he began to receive regular invitations to various projects.

At the same time, the young man also entered the theater stage. He worked in the theater for seven whole years, but in the end, he received an offer to work at the Maxim Gorky Film Studio, and this forced him to leave the stage and focus on filming.

Filmography: films starring Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Since the late sixties, Tikhonov has appeared on screens in the form of simple but true intellectuals. He constantly acted either as a teacher or as a doctor, and also touched on royal images. I was able to play Andrei Bolkonsky in the film “War and Peace”; in general, the range of roles was simply huge, from princes to intelligence officers. All this confirmed that talented person could be talented in everything, in any genre and image.

But perhaps the greatest fame came to the actor after he played in the TV series “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, where he played everyone’s favorite Stirlitz. Although his fee was not so large, only five and a half thousand rubles, his success was simply triumphant. True, it must be said that the actor himself did not take the success very well, he was afraid that from now on he would be perceived only as Stirlitz. And when the color version of the film was released in 2009, he took it very negatively, saying that the director initially wanted to release it in black and white, so there was no point in remaking it and making it in color. He played in the film “Demons”, as well as “Burnt by the Sun”. His creative path was very eventful and interesting, although the actor himself believed that the main thing was to always remain himself, so he did not always agree to the roles that were offered to him.

Personal life of Vyacheslav Tikhonov

The personal life of Vyacheslav Tikhonov always remained a little under the veil of secrecy, because the actor did not like to share his secrets. There were women in his life who became key to him, but the actor was married only twice. His first real love there was Yulia Rossiyskaya, with whom he had a relationship for three years, but his friendship lasted his whole life. But he married not her, but the famous actress Nonna Mordyukova. The marriage with the actress lasted thirteen years, but in the end they separated. At the same time, a son, Vladimir, was born into the marriage. Unfortunately, his firstborn died at the age of forty, and the cause of death was an addiction to drugs and alcohol. WITH ex-wife, Vyacheslav parted quietly and calmly, as he was accustomed to acting in life. Moreover, there were two versions of the separation: some said that Mordyukova cheated on him, others claimed that Tikhonov fell in love.

The actor’s second wife was a certain Tamara Ivanovna, whom he met on the set of the film “A Man and a Woman,” where she worked in voice acting. After some time, they decided to get married, and Tikhonov lived with this woman for forty-two years. This time they had a daughter, Anya, who gave Tikhonov two twin grandchildren, Vyacheslav and Georgy. In addition, Anna followed in her footsteps and also became an actress. So we can say that Tikhonov succeeded not only as an actor, but also as a father, husband and grandfather. And this is also an asset; the actor himself admitted that his family played a huge role in his life and career.

Family of Vyacheslav Tikhonov

The family of Vyacheslav Tikhonov will always remember their noble father and grandfather. He left behind a daughter, Anya, who has two twin sons. After his death, in her father’s house, the woman found a whole box containing various notes, notebooks, diaries, where the actor wrote down various events from his life, shared his feelings and memories. All this made it possible to remove documentary, dedicated to life great actor. Now his daughter is telling the children about how wonderful their grandfather was, how much he did to make Russian cinema a little better.

Grandchildren and children of Vyacheslav Tikhonov

The grandchildren and children of Vyacheslav Tikhonov remember and honor the memory of their grandfather and father. Today, his daughter Anna lives happily married and acts in films. In addition, she has wonderful twin children growing up, one of them she named after her father Vyacheslav, the second is called Georgy. In addition, Tikhonov once had a son, whose name was Vladimir Tikhonov, who was his first-born from his first marriage to Nonna Mordyukova. Unfortunately, her son died at the age of forty due to her addiction to drugs and alcohol. For the actor it was swipe, at that time, he was not even happy about working in films.

Son of Vyacheslav Tikhonov - Vladimir

The son of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Vladimir, was born from his first marriage to Nonna Mordyukova. The actor lived in his first marriage for twelve whole years, they were happy, but in the end they still broke up. Moreover, it is difficult to say whose fault it is, but at the same time, calmly, without reproaches and accusations. In this marriage, Tikhonov had his first child, whom they named Vladimir. But Vladimir died when he was only forty years old. The cause of death was a harmful addiction to alcohol and drugs, which he could not overcome, despite the help of his parents. Although it was a terrible blow for the actor, he was able to survive it and find the strength to live on.

Daughter of Vyacheslav Tikhonov - Anna

Vyacheslav Tikhonov’s daughter Anna appeared in Tikhonov’s family when he was in his second marriage to a woman, Tamara. They had a wonderful girl, whom they named Anna. Anya grew up in an atmosphere of love, because her parents’ marriage was strong and lasted for forty-two years for them.

Today, daughter Anya is already an adult woman, she acts in films, is married, and manages to raise two twin children. Anya had a hard time with her father’s death, although she understood that it was inevitable. It was she who found a box with Tikhonov’s diaries and notes in an empty house, thanks to which a documentary film about the actor was released.

The ex-wife of Vyacheslav Tikhonov - Nonna Mordyukova

Ex-wife Vyacheslav Tikhonov Nonna Mordyukova became his first chosen one. Although the actor had several women in his life who played a key role in his life, he did not decide to connect his life with everyone. And Mordyukova became for him the same companion with whom he lived for twelve years. They had a son, Vladimir, who died at forty. They broke up according to different versions, either because Nonna cheated, or because Tikhonov himself fell in love. But, one way or another, they parted quietly and calmly, which is quite in the spirit of the actor, because he was always used to resolving matters peacefully and without unnecessary publicity.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov’s wife – Tamara Ivanovna

Vyacheslav Tikhonov’s wife, Tamara Ivanovna, became his second wife. They met when the actor took part in another film. Tamara, working as a translator, took part in voice acting in films. They became close friends, then began to communicate, and eventually decided to unite their destinies. Their marriage lasted forty-two years, their daughter Anya appeared, who today has also become the mother of two children. It was Tamara who throughout the entire time supported her husband in everything, both in his career and in personal matters. Together they overcame difficulties, fought adversity, and spent time together. In other words, they were prosperous family for more than four decades.

Wikipedia Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Wikipedia (,_Vyacheslav_Vasilievich) Vyacheslav Tikhonov will allow fans to get to know the actor’s personal life as best as possible, as well as his creative way. After all, Tikhonov did not use social networks, if only because he was a person of the previous generation. Until his death he remained faithful to his cause, although last days I tried not to communicate with the press and preferred to stay at home. He was even called a “hermit” because he cut himself off from the whole world. But he still continued to love and respect cinema, although not everyone did. Vyacheslav Tikhonov is a shining example that person who, thanks to talent and perseverance, achieved great success.

It's been three years since he died famous actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. All these years his widowTamara Tikhonova refused to give interviews. But now she agreed to dispel all the rumors that had circulated about her before. In addition, she believes that her husband, a great actor, is now undeservedly rarely remembered. " "

On the threshold of a three-room apartment in the Gogolevsky Boulevard area we were met by a neat, not yet old woman. Tamara Ivanovna smiled welcomingly. She invited me to go into the room and followed me, leaning on a crutch. Thirteen years ago Tamara Ivanovna broke her hip, and since then she has been disabled.

That’s why I didn’t go anywhere during Vyacheslav Vasilyevich’s life,” she explained. “I was not at his seventieth or eightieth birthday.” Because of this, there were rumors about me. Someone said that I was a drunkard, someone that I was a drug addict... God knows what they said. In fact, I simply cannot leave the house due to a severe leg injury! Now I'm completely lonely. Sometimes I have no other interlocutor than the portrait of my husband that hangs in the apartment. I talk to him. So when you asked: “How is your health?”, I was very surprised. None of my husband’s former colleagues asked me about this since Vyacheslav Vasilyevich died. Nobody ever called.

It turns out that I am already considered almost an 80-year-old grandmother, and I am only sixty-seven years old. Some even think that I died a long time ago.

In the apartment where Tamara Ivanovna invited me, the family Tikhonov lives for many years. Here, according to the widow, everything now is the same as during her husband’s life - neat, but modest. In the corridor there is a huge panel depicting Vyacheslav Tikhonov- a gift from fans, in the kitchen - dried roses - the last bouquet that the actor gave to his wife. No luxury. Tikhonov often appeared in the bosses' offices to ask for something, but not for himself, but for others. Now, unfortunately, many of those for whom Vyacheslav Vasilyevich worked have forgotten about it.

My husband’s funeral was poorly organized, there weren’t very many people, I’m generally silent about my colleagues! - Tikhonova is indignant. - Such a callous, indifferent attitude simply shocks me. Of course, during his heyday, people worshiped him, called him, we even got tired of this attention. But in last years this was no longer the case in his life.

He always helped people, including famous ones, who have now achieved a lot. It is impossible to list them all! But some of them now say: “I don’t remember him helping me!” But I remember well! I’m not even talking about the attitude towards me... Vyacheslav Vasilyevich told me: “Tamara, as for health, medicines, treatment, you will always have everything.” He believed that they would not abandon me, he believed in a kind attitude, he thought that out of respect for him, they would not forget me either. But it turned out, as it is now fashionable to say, that they “dumped” the old woman.

Tamara Ivanovna shows me a letter she received from the presidential clinic. The letter says that she can no longer be served there. And next to it is a piece of paper that lists all of Tikhonova’s diagnoses. They don't fit on one sheet - asthma, heart disease and those associated with leg injury...

I really need help, I need good medical care! - says Tikhonova. “And instead they call me from the clinic and say: “Your husband has died. We are deregistering you!” But there is a decree that says that after the death of a Hero of Socialist Labor, a widow has the right to special, extraordinary medical care. Not to mention the fact that he is a People's Artist of the USSR! This is disrespect for his memory. After all, I’m not just any fan, but a woman who lived with him in a legal marriage for 42 years. And they just took me and threw me out! This doesn't just apply to me. This applies to all unfortunate people of retirement age. And what about disabled people - what can I say! If only my legs could walk... Yes, I would consider myself the most happy man.

Tamara Ivanovna does not hide: if her husband had not left a small inheritance, the family would have had a very hard time. Both for her and her daughters and grandchildren.

- Tikhonov got a three-room apartment for my daughter in good area, she says. - But Anya and her husband prefer to live in the country. I live only on my pension, I try not to burden my daughter. After all, she has two six-year-old sons in her arms who will soon go to school, and this requires so much!

She is an actress by profession, but is not acting now. I do not know why. I watch these endless TV series, they star mediocre actresses. And Anya has an old, Soviet upbringing, she doesn’t go to castings, she doesn’t like to ask for herself. One day she was offered a role, but it required the actress to lie in a coffin; Anya didn’t want to. Once she refused, twice, they stopped calling her. Nowadays they love reliable actresses who will lie in the coffin, in bed, and anywhere. By the way, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich often watched TV, switching channels all the time. One day I asked him why he was doing this. And he replied that he was looking for talented young people. Of all of them, he singled out the then-beginner Maxim Averina and said: “This actor has a great future!”, and so it happened.

Now about Tikhonov if they show stories, it is only in connection with his relationship with Nonna Mordyukova. Both Nonna’s sisters and her daughter-in-law give interviews on this topic. “I don’t know why this would happen,” Tamara Ivanovna is surprised. - I find it funny when Mordyukov they call her “Tikhonov’s only love” and say that we were at enmity with her. This is wrong. We had a good relationship. When she called and conveyed something to Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, I always fulfilled her requests. True, it was not something personal, but always concerned the son. I never insulted her, I respected her as an actress.

The version that Tamara Ivanovna did not give Vyacheslav Tikhonov communicate with his son Volodya (who was born in a marriage with Mordyukova and at the age of 40 died from drugs. - A.P.), appeared a long time ago. Nonna Viktorovna herself even wrote about this in her memoirs. But Tamara Tikhonova says that this is not true.

Lord, Volodya spent the night with me on this sofa! - she shows. - Of course, he drank. But in general he was a good, well-mannered guy, if sober. Vyacheslav Vasilyevich tried to influence his lifestyle; he spoke with his son more than once. But what's the point of talking if he's already stuck in it? This is a disease! If his mother didn’t take care of him in childhood, his childhood was terrible, and that’s how he grew up. Volodya sometimes came and asked for money, and I gave it. The husband did not approve of this, he said: “He’s not spending it on what he’s asking for!” And, oddly enough, I was the first to find out about Volodya’s death and was forced to tell my husband about it. And further preparations for the funeral took place through me, because he did not want to Mordyukova communicate directly. She asked for a certain amount of money and we donated money for the funeral through our friend. And he left the funeral and did not go to the wake. We had our own wake, right here, in this apartment.

In general, Tamara Ivanovna remembers with tenderness the years spent together with Vyacheslav Vasilyevich. Despite the fact that there was a sixteen-year age difference between them, they understood each other well and created a family very quickly. For the sake of Tikhonova Tamara Ivanovna even refused her fiance.

When I married Tikhonova I got married when I was 24 years old,” she says. - I am a Muscovite, born on Arbat. We lived opposite the Vakhtangov Theater; many people lived in the alleys nearby. famous artists this theater. But my parents are ordinary employees who once came from the village to conquer Moscow. I graduated from Moscow State University and went to teach at school, although I was assigned to the Ministry foreign trade. I was just getting ready to leave for France, I had a French fiancé. We've even received a marriage license. The meeting with Vyacheslav Vasilyevich disrupted these plans. Our romance developed very quickly, and I moved in with him even before the wedding - I never suffered from prejudices. A year later, my daughter Anya was born, but for many years I periodically worked as a translator.

Surprisingly, Michel, that was the name of Tamara Ivanovna’s fiancé, was not offended by her and still maintains a relationship with his runaway bride.

Michel came to Moscow several more times, we met with him,” says Tikhonova. - And when he found out that Tikhonov died, then through friends he conveyed words of condolences to me. By the way, Michel also has two twin granddaughters, and I have twin grandchildren - Slava and Gosha. And now we dream of introducing them.

Tamara Ivanovna believes that without her wise attitude to fantastic fame Tikhonova their marriage would not last long.

I was never jealous of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, I calmly treated his fans. I knew that he wanted family comfort. He always went to filming without pleasure. He often called from filming and asked how I was and how my daughter was. And when they ended, he immediately hurried home. He said: “I have already lived through one bad family life, and therefore now the main thing for me is home, family.” I wasn’t jealous, but my husband was very jealous. True, now I remember these moments with humor. But, unfortunately, you can’t live by memories alone. Although I can't say that I don't want to live. I still want to live! But I will have to do this without my beloved husband.


Vyacheslav Tikhonov was born on February 8, 1928 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad in working family, received the profession of a turner, worked at a factory. The dream of becoming an actor brought him to VGIK, where he met his first wife, Nonna Mordyukova, with whom they lived for 13 years.

Tikhonov’s fame was brought to him by the films “It Was About Penkov,” “On the Seven Winds,” “War and Peace,” and “We’ll Live Till Monday.” In 1973, the actor starred in the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” as intelligence officer Stirlitz and became famous. The last role Tikhonov played in 2001 in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Andersen. Life without love."

In 2002, the actor suffered a heart attack, and in subsequent years he was hospitalized several times with various diseases. On December 4, 2009, Tikhonov died while in intensive care.

The two-time Olympic champion talks about the difficulties of her post-war childhood, her friendship with the great Galina Kulakova and doping charges.

Born on June 13, 1964 in the village of Kovalevo, Udmurtia.
Two-time Olympic champion of the 1988 Games in Calgary (20 km race, relay). Silver medalist of the 1988 Olympic Games in the 5 km race.
Two-time world champion (1985, 1991). Winner of the Universiade (1987).
Prize-winner of the World Cup in the biathlon relay (1992).
President of the Udmurtia Ski Racing Federation.

We met with the famous skier, leader of the USSR women's team in the second half of the 1980s, in the building of the representative office of her native republic of Udmurtia in Moscow. Our conversation began with memories of Tamara Tikhonova’s childhood, which took place in the town of Kovalevo, Kez district.

I was born in a small village with about 13-14 households. We had no hospital, no school, no store. I had to go to school in a neighboring village. Directly to it it was about 2 kilometers, if you go along the main road - then 2.5 km. I had such a bag, like a field bag - I carried it on my back, for skiing, and for lessons. Then, when I got older, I got a bicycle.

Now you look at some of the compilers: they may or may not, but they still climb. I am for the fact that every person should be in his place.

- At that time, it must have been crazy happiness?

I collected and donated pine and fir cones. With this money they bought me a bicycle.

- At what point did you realize that sport would become your profession?

For a long time I didn’t even think about it. We just had a small village stadium behind our garden. I played football there all day long. Growing up with boys, I never sat at home. I look at children today and feel so sorry: they don’t even know how to play properly! Girls join the cross-country skiing team, you start offering them football, volleyball, basketball, but they can’t. But games are about coordination, that is, the basis of everything in almost any sport. It’s a big mistake when coaches, starting from adolescence, crush their athletes with sheer volume and monotonous work. Children must play, no matter what sport they play.


- How did it happen that four-time Olympic champion Galina Kulakova suddenly became your coach?

At first, Galina Alekseevna seemed like such a legend to me that I was afraid to even approach her. In 1979, at a competition in Apatity, I just watched her in the dining room; it was scary to meet her. Already in 1981, we met by chance at the airport. Moreover, I was shocked that we were flying to the competition on the same flight. I thought that such great people Olympic champions, must travel on separate aircraft. Then we met during the flight. But they began to communicate closely a year later, at the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR. I lived in a room with Zinaida Amosova and Nina Paramonova, and they were very friends with Kulakova and Smetanina. Now I was sitting in the dining room with them all at the same table. Lyuba Egorova later admitted: “I even envied you that you communicate with them!”

- Is it true that Kulakova gave you her skis?

It happened. At that time I only had one pair of skis. And she didn’t go to the same Spartakiad at all. I cried a lot: it’s a shame to sit at the table with such people with my results! Nina Paramonova at some point asked what was happening to me. And I admitted that I don’t have suitable skis. Then Galina Alekseevna gave me her fighting pair, and I showed the second result in the relay race. That same year, she retired from professional sports, and gave these skis to me. They are still at my house.

- Kulakova didn’t just give you skis, but actually became a personal trainer?

I can’t say that she was my coach - I always had a coach on the national team. Galina Alekseevna became a friend, older sister, a life mentor, if you like... Between training camps, she herself took me to training. She helped with all everyday issues: getting an apartment, buying a car, etc. After the Olympics in Calgary, they gave me a two-room apartment. And Galina Alekseevna actually gave me one extra room: I moved into her three-room apartment, and she moved into my two-room apartment.

- So you still live in Kulakova’s apartment?

No. Apparently, the roots, the memory of village life make themselves known. For my 50th birthday, the republic gave me money, and now I live on earth, in my own house. I plant a vegetable garden, manage the farm and get great pleasure from it.


The national team coach of those years, Alexander Grushin, said about you: “Toma was a classic workhorse who achieved all her success through hard work.” Are you ready to agree with this statement?

In fact, all my strength and endurance indicators were below average. They even wanted to kick me out of the team for this, but when the main competition comes, I’m in the prizes. Of course, in terms of talent, I am far from Anfisa Reztsova, Larisa Lazutina, Lena Vyalbe. These are athletes from God. I can’t say that I worked harder in training than they did - we all worked hard there. If you look at the titles, they have achieved more in sports than me. But be that as it may, two Olympic gold medals are also not bad. Grushin later even tried to analyze this and concluded that even though my level of maximum oxygen consumption was low, everything that was consumed was then processed in the body.

Prize money and salaries, of course, beckon. We need to fight this. We need a scientific team that will help us competently restore athletes after competitions. Otherwise, we train everything, load it, but we have no idea how to restore it.

- Do you remember how much prize money was paid for the Olympics in Calgary?

Our prize money was, I think, normal. We received much more than we earned ordinary people. Although, of course, this cannot be compared with what they give after the Olympics today. I don’t envy anyone, I think: if you deserve it, you’ll get it. It’s another matter when young athletes have cars and apartments on their minds first, and then results. For the rest of my life I will remember the words of Raisa Petrovna Smetanina on this matter.

- Which?

It used to be that at competitions you go to the “company” and ask: “Give me a hat, give me gloves...”. We were young, we wanted to look beautiful. And Smetanina advised in a friendly way: “Tomochka, never follow the “company people.” Make sure they follow you.” And when I already became an Olympic champion, I realized how right she was.

The same Grushin actually accused you of the fact that after success in Calgary you caught star fever and were no longer ready to work as hard as before.

We met Grushin five years ago at Kulakova’s anniversary. And then I said to his face: “Alexander Alekseevich, you know how to bring an Olympic champion to the title, but you don’t always know how to work further.” I think it was his mistake too. As soon as something stopped working out, he immediately said: they say, you are arrogant. But we weren’t even remotely arrogant; I, for example, remained the same as I was before Calgary.

- Why were you sent to the biathlon team just before the 1992 Olympics in Albertville?

I didn't want to go there. But the choice was either to end my career completely, or to try myself in biathlon. I tried it, but to be honest, it’s not my thing at all. They didn’t really teach me anything, but they immediately took me to the training camp and took me to the World Cup...

And at one stage you took ninth place. In modern times, this is an achievement even for an athlete who has been involved in biathlon all her life...

Yes, in the sprint in Anterselva I was ninth, and during the race I also fell. I lost a lot at the turn, and not only because of misses, but on the approach, in preparation. After all, there was no experience; the automaticity of all these movements must be practiced over the years.

- In terms of speed, did you stand out among biathletes as much as Anfisa Reztsova did in your time?

No offense to the biathlon girls, but at first they just crawled along the distance. We sometimes held joint training camps, the difference was huge. When Reztsova came to biathlon, she made a revolution. The speeds increased greatly, and already when I crossed, many athletes there knew how to both run and shoot. I didn’t want to take someone else’s place on the team. Now you look at some of the compilers: they may or may not, but they still climb. I am for the fact that every person should be in his place. If I felt that biathlon was not for me, I left.

Anfisa REZTSOVA. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"


- How do you feel about Reztsova’s admission of doping?

You need to know Anfisa. She has such a character that she will say - so either stand or fall. I perceive her as she is. She is a strong athlete Strong woman, mother. For this I respect and love Reztsova very much.

- But if she used doping, it turns out that she beat you, including you, with the help of prohibited substances?

I never judge anyone. Anfisa said a lot of things about me, even though I don’t hold a grudge. She apparently can’t forgive me for winning the 20 km distance at the Calgary Olympics. And then, to be honest, I was glad not so much that I won the Olympic Games, but that I beat Reztsova.

How do you feel about another activity? ex-girlfriend on the team of Elena Vyalbe as the head of the Russian Ski Racing Federation?

I admire Lena. If I am modest by nature, afraid of everything, shy, then Lena boldly moves forward. Life hits her over the head: either there are no results, or all these dopings - but she still doesn’t stop. There are no mistakes, but as they say, only those who do nothing at all make no mistakes. I think that Sergei Ustyugov’s victories this year, at a time when few people believed in them, are a gift for Lena too. A reward for all her suffering.

Biathlon, at first glance, is more attractive than skiing. But he gets boring. When you switch to skiing after it, they seem much more interesting. It’s also a shame: Dmitry Guberniev advertises biathlon like this, but there are no results, it’s getting worse and worse.

What do you think about doping charges against Russian skiers, in particular your fellow countryman Maxim Vylegzhanin?

It’s difficult for me to judge because I don’t know many things from inside the team. But I can’t wrap my head around all this. Why if a person took a sample immediately after the race, positive result only emerges after many years? Where could the scratches on the can come from if the athlete closed it, handed it over to the inspector and then never saw it again? I want to believe that the guys are clean. I see how Maxim trains, he is a real hard worker. I hope that he and the others will be acquitted.

You worked as a coach and now head the regional cross-country skiing federation. How common is doping in Russian junior and youth sports?

Prize money and salaries, of course, beckon. We need to fight this. We need a scientific team that will help us competently restore athletes after competitions. Otherwise, we train everything, load it, but we have no idea how to restore it. Until recently, we didn’t even have a doctor on the republican team. Only recently did a physiologist appear. We work blindly, we don’t take any cardiograms or anything...

World Championship medalist Natalya Matveeva said that until she got into the group of German coach Markus Kramer, even at the level of the main team they didn’t even take a lactate test from her finger to monitor the condition of her body....

Even in my time we took biochemistry! But now this is not the case. Everything is done by eye, on a whim. But people from regional teams like ours come to the main team.

- Do you believe in the “purity” of Norwegian skiers?

Norwegians are strong because they know how to protect their athletes. I don’t think they are asthmatics at all. But since Teresa Johaug got caught, that means something is changing. On the other hand, if you are not caught, you are not a thief. We can't know anything for sure.

- In your life there were ski race, and biathlon. What sport do you prefer to watch on TV now?

Biathlon, at first glance, is more attractive. But he gets boring. When you switch to skiing after it, they seem much more interesting. It’s also a shame: Dmitry Guberniev advertises biathlon like this, but there are no results, it’s getting worse and worse. And the skis show little, although the results are growing.

- Do you like new formats of cross-country skiing - sprints, stage races?

It's very interesting to watch them. But I agree with Raya Smetanina, who once said: “Tomochka, how good it is that in our time all this did not happen!” I am never a sprinter by nature. And in children's sports I would cancel the sprint competition altogether. If a child reaches the finals, it turns out that he competes all day, from morning to evening. And the next day he has another race. All this emasculates the body.

The International Ski Marathon named after Galina Kulakova will be held in Izhevsk on December 23-24. Can we expect you to be among the participants?

No, only as a guest of honor! Competitions are a closed topic for me. Although I skate for myself, it’s not enough. I scold myself, I need more. Laziness is still taking over...

Honored Master of Sports of the USSR in cross-country skiing, two-time Olympic champion, two-time world champion. Born on June 13, 1964 in the village of Kovalevo, Kez district. She began skiing during her school years under the guidance of physical education teacher V. E. Chechegov.

After graduating from school in 1981, she entered the Mozhginsky Veterinary College, knowing that the Honored Trainer of the USSR S. Ya. Plekhanov worked there. A year later, under his leadership, she fulfilled the standard for Master of Sports of the USSR and was included in the country's youth team. She became a prize-winner at the youth championship in Norway. In 1984, after the World Junior Championships in Norway, where she won silver and bronze medals, she was transferred to the main team of the country. In 1985, at the World Championships in Austria, she won a gold medal in the relay race.

In 1986, she entered the Faculty of Physical Education of Udmurt State University. She combined her studies with training and performances in competitions. In 1987, she won gold and silver medals at the World Universiade in Czechoslovakia. In 1988, she became a two-time champion of the Winter Olympic Games in Calgary (Canada), winning the 20 km race and the relay. In 1989, T. Tikhonova was a silver (relay) and bronze (10 km) medalist at the World Championships in Finland. In 1991, she won gold (in the relay) and bronze (in the individual 10 km race) medals at the World Championships in Italy. She left big sport in 1993. Her mentors were Honored Trainers of the USSR S. Ya. Plekhanov, A. Ya. Lapukhov, A. A. Grushin, Honored Trainer of the RSFSR G. A. Kulakova.

After graduating from university, she worked at the Izhplaneta sports club, and since 1995 - at the Republican Council of the All-Russian Voluntary Physical Culture and Sports Society of Trade Unions and as a coach at sports school No. 7 in Izhevsk. In 2008, he became the coach of the girls' team of the Udmurt Republic. Her wards have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of republican and all-Russian cross-country skiing competitions. In 2014, her students Olga Sergeeva and Liliya Vasilyeva won gold in the team sprint at the Russian Championship in Khanty-Mansiysk.

Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1988). Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1988). Honorary citizen of the city of Izhevsk (2005).


  1. Tikhonova Tamara Ivanovna[Sound recording]: world champion and olympic games: entry dated June 9, 2005, school No. 69 / Nat. b-ka Udmurt. Rep. ; Recorded by M.V. Reshitko. - Izhevsk, 2005. - 1 cas. + 7 s. handwritten - (Program "Memory of Udmurtia").
  2. Batalov, Gennady. Successor to the Great: [sports biography of Tamara Tikhonova] / Gennady Batalov // Invozho. - 2006. - No. 4/5. - P. 77. - (Our glorious Olympic names).
  3. Emelyanova, Valentina Anatolyevna. Aste ke ӧd dunya, murt uz adӟy: [about the Honorary Citizen of Izhevsk, skier, Olympic champion T. I. Tikhonova] / Valentina Emelyanova // Udmurt dunne. - 2010. - June 11. - P. 5. - (Shorkarlen given adamiosyz).
  4. Permyakov, Stepan. Tamara Tikhonova - 50 / Stepan Permyakov // Udmurtskaya Pravda. - 2014. - June 17. - P. 1: photo.
  5. Poskrebyshev, Alexander. A wonderful person of real sports work: Olympic champion Tamara Tikhonova celebrated an excellent golden anniversary / Alexander Poskrebyshev // News of the Udmurt Republic. - 2014. - June 19. - P. 15: photo.
  6. Tikhonova, Tamara Ivanovna.: [one of the outstanding skiers of Russia] // Udmurt Republic: encyclopedia. - Izhevsk, 2008. - P. 652: photo.
  7. Tikhonova, Tamara Ivanovna. Life is like a movie: [interview with coach, two-time Olympic champion, skier] / Tamara Tikhonova; interviewed by Svetlana Syrygina // Center. - 2014. - January 23. - P. 10-11: photo. color - (Olympic legends).

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