The meaning of the name Ilona. Interpretation of the name. Name Ilona: meaning of the name and fate Church name Ilona

Ilona, ​​happy name day! Be happy and beautiful. Please accept my warmest wishes. You are smart, wise beyond your years, and also free like a bird. Pride, becoming - everything is with you, you are beautiful, like a queen. Happy Angel Day, dear, and live without troubles, so that your guardian angel will come to you, fly and stay with you forever. After all, today is your angel’s day. Be beautiful and young.

Ilona's birthday! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts! Ilona (“light”). Girls with this name are charming and spontaneous. She is easy going. Does not like the everyday side of life. She is popular with men and is a little frivolous. We wish this magnificent man great happiness and great love. Happy Angel Day, our dear Ilonochka!

Ilonochka, happy angel day!
This is a beautiful day,
We are happy to congratulate you,
We wish very tenderly,
Happiness in life is endless.

We want you to live
So that what you want, you can do.
Pockets full of money
And live life without deception.

We also wish zealously,
May glory overtake you.
Let everything you don’t take on,
It works in your life!

Our Ilona is good,
Beautiful body and soul.
We congratulate you on your name day,
We will deliver you on a platter of happiness in an instant.

Ilona is very charming,
She's charming like an angel.
Sometimes it can surprise you
And conquer with an ardent disposition.

We wish you a lot of diamonds,
So that your loved one suddenly brings it.
And millions of scarlet roses,
And the fulfillment of all dreams.

Ilonochka, Ilona - beautiful and cheerful! Congratulations on Angel's Day! Wishes of love and happiness, warmth and kindness, hope and beauty. so that on such a bright holiday day your guardian angel will fly in quickly and bring unprecedented happiness to you on the wings of saints. So that your name day goes so well, that you have fun and good. Happy name day, dear!

Happy holiday to Ilona, ​​happy angel day!
We congratulate you today
And now we wish
Smile at the world so that
It's like it's your very first time.

If there are tears, then they are from happiness,
If wealth is without loss,
We wish you good luck and success,
We also wish to raise the best children.

So that children respect
And there would be harmony in the family,
In general, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Let everything come true, a hundredfold.

Happy name day, Ilona!
We all congratulate you with joy today,
We wish you much success in life.
So as not to be sad, always have fun
And so that the bird of happiness settles in your home.

We wish you to live without worries and sadness,
So that loved ones never upset.
We wish you peace, comfort, warmth,
Well, in general, let your life be a fairy tale!

Ilona is the birthday girl!
Congratulations, congratulations, p
We congratulate you lovingly,
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that luck does not leave you.

May the sky be peaceful
Let the bread be warm
And every day lived
It's only beneficial.

We wish that forever
There was love with you
We wish you good luck
The Lord was with you!

We wish in heaven
Find your star
Hold her tight
And believe in your dream!

Beautiful Ilona's Angel Day! Congratulations, our birthday girl and hostess! Like a sea queen, she is beautiful - smart, brave, and proud. And in your eyes, pure and clear, there is beauty in the blue sea. We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you great happiness, may your guardian angel hasten to you. Ilona, ​​happy name day! With all my heart and soul!

Happy Angel Day, Ilona! Happy name day - accept it best wishes! You are always mysterious and serious with us. There is tenderness and mystery in your eyes, you are a little sensual and sad, charming and sentimental. You are beautiful, strict as a rose. Let me congratulate you, dear. Happy Angel Day, Ilona! May happiness always be with you!

Ilona - “light, bright”, this female name is especially common in Hungary.
baby with early age becomes a mystery to others, prefers not to share his secrets with anyone. for a girl it indicates excessive emotionality and lack of restraint. School friends must come to terms with the fact that in a fit of anger she will express everything she thinks, regardless of those around her. At the same time, the girl does not completely lose control of herself, she knows where to discharge herself.

When studying the meaning of a name for a child, parents should understand that instructions and suggestions in communicating with their daughter will be a completely useless waste of the name; Ilka prefers to make decisions on her own.

Such an interpretation will attract the attention of parents whose priorities in education are autonomy and independence.

If a young lady learns to trust her inner voice, she will be able to avoid a lot of unpleasant moments in life.

Ila differs from her peers in her individuality, she does not become a fan of stars, there are no authorities who are role models. The meaning of the name Ilona is especially attractive positive feature: Rely solely on your own strengths, without shifting responsibility to others.

At the same time, loneliness does not threaten her; her intelligence and sense of humor allow her to feel confident in various companies. Individuality attracts the most different people. Even if a girl is not naturally beautiful enough, her charm is the best decoration that magically attracts.

Not last role In her life, the opinions of others play a role, reputation matters, rash actions are excluded.

A girl's emotionality is the source original ideas, which Ilka happily turns into reality, but the first results of the work done discourage the desire to continue what she started.

The girl studies well at school, she has quite a lot of friends, without whose support and recognition Ila feels insecure. When entering a university, the ability to act intuitively often helps.

The female name Ilona is Hungarian form named Elena, although there is also a version that it was formed from the name Iolanta. It is interesting that in Hungarian pronunciation the emphasis in the name Ilona is placed on the first vowel, while in Russia, where this name can also sometimes be found, it is pronounced with the emphasis on the second vowel.

The origin of the name Ilona is not entirely clear - perhaps Ilona is a variant Greek name Elena, meaning "bright".

There is an emphasis on both the first and second syllables of the name Ilona.

Ilona celebrates her name day in different countries on different days. In Latvia - March 18, in Poland - January 27 and August 18, in Czech Republic- January 20, in Hungary - April 23, July 31, August 18, September 23, in Slovenia - April 15, August 18.

In Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, Ilona’s name day is celebrated on January 28, June 3, June 8, July 24, November 12, and also in these countries Ilona’s name day is celebrated together with Elena’s name day. Among Catholics, the name day of Ilona from Hungary is celebrated on November 9.

Character of the name Ilona

Ilona is very charming. She may not be beautiful, but no one will deny her charm. She amazes those around her with her big eyes, which seem to contain some kind of secret.

Since childhood, Ilona has been distinguished by her complex character. She is unusually secretive. He doesn't even trust his secrets best friend. Although outwardly the girl seems very calm, inside she is hot and temperamental, but she knows how to manage her emotions well.

A woman with this name always craves self-affirmation. At every opportunity, she tries to demonstrate her knowledge and abilities. He immediately rushes into battle if someone tries to challenge them.

Ilona often strives to appear aggressive and nervous. The girl refuses the help of others, even members of her family, and then complains about the indifference and hostility of others.

Ilona has a rebellious spirit, she is outraged by the authorities and the public, she hates to obey anyone. The girl makes an excellent leader. If she decides to open her own business, then it will most likely bring significant income.

Ilona is hot-tempered and has difficulty getting along with people, especially those born in winter. She is inquisitive, reads a lot, and constantly expands her knowledge. She has high self-esteem, is a self-confident, proud woman.

“December” - strongly depends on your mood: it can be the most kindness, and a minute later it can be rude to a loved one, drive away your lover. Stubborn, she will always find a way to insist on her own. It's difficult to convince her of anything.

The character inherits his father's. He studies well and, thanks to his hard work, achieves significant success in life. He has a sharp mind and a logical way of thinking. It takes a long time to choose a profession. Whatever she undertakes, she does it conscientiously, everything comes easy to her.

Materialist by nature, not suspicious, devoid of prejudices. Knows how to surround himself loyal people, close to her in spirit. She takes a long time to choose her future husband, is principled, scrupulous, and powerful. The first marriage may be unsuccessful due to Ilona’s desire to lead her husband.

She is a leader by nature; not every man will agree with the role of a subordinate in the family. Ilona is going through a difficult divorce, but he knows how to draw conclusions and does not repeat the mistakes in his second marriage. Ilona’s fate is not cloudless; she has to overcome many obstacles on the way to her goal.

But she successfully, although not quickly, builds a career and arranges her personal life. Not all Elons are ideal housewives. Ilons with patronymics Nikolaevna, Dmitrievna, Anatolyevna and who are “December” or “November” - put their career first, and then their family.

It is better for such Elons to live with their parents in order to be able to devote themselves to what they love. Ilona is moderately strict with children, building relationships with them on complete trust. More often boys are born. She is attentive to her family and treats all household members with care.

Meaning of the name Ilona for sex

Ilona is very sexy and can make love at any time of the day. She gets excited quickly, it doesn’t take long to persuade her. She herself is the initiator intimate relationships. Even your favorite job can wait for an hour.

With a professional partner, she can disappear for a few days and return cheerful, full of new strength to plunge headlong into business.

A temperamental, hot-tempered person collects men. In love, she behaves as if she were hunting. This means that it first selects a victim, and, having achieved it, abandons it. No man can resist her charm.

By demonstrating her power over the stronger sex, the girl asserts herself and fights uncertainty. Communication with a partner is of great importance; Ila has been preparing for physical intimacy for quite a long time, she must completely trust.

A man interested in a charming girl must first of all learn how to look after her beautifully.


Having enjoyed numerous love affairs, a woman decides to start a family. A lot changes after the wedding, an exemplary wife tries to fill the house with comfort, take care of her loved ones, but she turns out to be a mediocre housewife.

Loves his children. This means that he tries to spend as much time as possible with them, but will not show ingenuity in entertainment. The best option for her - various circles for the child.

Depending on the circumstances, she shows strength of character towards children, but she cannot be called a strict mother.

The husband should not relax and prepare for a quiet life; he can expect periodic emotional outbursts from his wife.

Business and career

Ila’s potential allows her to realize herself in various fields activities. Although she is used to making absolutely all decisions on her own, the support and care of loved ones is very important to her.

In addition, successful promotion in career ladder The opinions of others influence, which means it is very important who is nearby.

You can get a feeling of satisfaction from your activities by feeling confident actions from competitors; the lack of opportunity to relax is the best incentive for moving up the career ladder.

The ability to make the right decisions, relying on your inner voice, is important for doing business.
Having lost faith in yourself in the workplace, it is better to look for a new use for yourself.

Characteristics of the name Ilona according to B. Khigir

Translated from Hungarian - “light”.

Emotional, but outwardly restrained. Nature is whole, proud, vulnerable, with an innate feeling self-esteem, with developed intuition and very high level adaptation.

With very strong excitability, he never falls into a state of nervousness. For Ilona, ​​there are no authorities among her inner circle; she is always in search of the ideal created by her imagination.

She wants to experience the world in all its diversity. Usually Ilona is full of all sorts of projector plans, which she is not always able to implement. She always takes care of her loved ones.

Ilona can achieve great success in any chosen profession, but in order to complete the work she has begun, she must not lose faith in herself. Standards of generally accepted morality mean a lot to her. Everyday life always dominates her.

Ilona strives to establish herself in sex, but behaves wisely and cautiously. All her life she has been trying to achieve a balance between love and sex. She gets married late, since her claims to her future life partner are very great.

If her husband is close to her sexually, then there is a very high probability that Ilona will be happily married. She doesn’t really like to do housework, but she is a faithful and devoted wife and a caring mother. Doesn't like living with her mother-in-law.

What are the pros and cons of the name Ilona? On the one hand, this is unusual, quite rare and interesting sounding name, which goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics.

However, Ilona’s character is more a disadvantage than an advantage of this name; in addition, it is difficult to find a euphonious abbreviation and diminutive form for it (the only acceptable option is the abbreviation Ilonochka).

The influence of the name Ilona on fate

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the name Ilona was given only to girls from noble families. Later it became more widespread.

Since childhood, Ilona has been distinguished by her fighting character, extravagant actions and unwillingness to put up with order and established rules.

Ilona is attractive in appearance and has no shortage of admirers. Sociable and very energetic. She has no particular interest in learning and usually has no desire to build a career.

It happens that Ilona does not keep her word, does not arrive on time for an appointed meeting, forgets about this promise- but all this is forgiven for her irresistible smile. She is not touchy or aggressive.

Ilona does not envy anyone and does not gossip. She gets married out of passionate love, which, unfortunately, is not always happy. After the first serious disappointment, her ardor subsides a little, and she becomes more serious and reasonable. The second marriage is not so ardent, but more stable and thorough.

The key to communicating with Ilona

Ilona is characterized by some emotional instability, so you should not cause uncontrollable mood swings in her.

The mystery of the name

  • The stone is jasper.
  • Name days - February 12, March 15.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Virgo.
  • Blue color.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Ilona is suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Pisces, that is, from February 20 to March 20. In this sign, as in Elon, vital energy either not at all, or there, but nervous.

Under the influence of Pisces, the owner of this name will understand everyone except herself, will become very devoted, easily attached, sensitive, creative, prone to experiences, unable to fight and without ambition.

Professional astrologers convince us that any name contains energy of a certain nature, and is also capable of predetermining a person’s fate. We invite you to find out everything about the meaning and origin of the name Ilona.

History of the name

Ilona is extremely rare and quite beautiful name, which aristocrats used to call their daughters. Despite its centuries-old history, the meaning of the name Ilona has not been fully studied by astrologers. However, according to one version, it appeared in Ancient Greece, and the translation sounds like “moon” or “torch”. Another, no less popular version says that Ilona is a name with Hungarian roots, meaning “bright”.


The meaning of the name Ilona for a girl determines the difficult character of the young owner. As a rule, with early childhood she is overly emotional, fickle in her beliefs, unrestrained, sociable and at the same time secretive in nature.

Despite her rather complex character, little Ilona can be called a very reasonable child who performs extremely deliberate actions. She practically does not cause any trouble to her parents and loved ones. If Ilona is brought up in big family, then she tries to control other children so that they do not get carried away with various pranks.

She has problems communicating with her peers. Most of the children try to stay away from her, because they consider Ilona a sneak who reports to adults every step or word.

From an early age, she actively uses her artistic abilities, which nature has endowed her with. Astrologers see in the meaning of the name Ilona a tendency towards deception and pretense. She is able to get out of almost any situation. However, the ability to lie beautifully, as a rule, brings even more big problems, especially in adulthood.


The meaning of the name Ilona predetermines her love for exact sciences. If a girl manages to overcome her own laziness, then she is able to achieve significant results, for example, in physics or chemistry. The knowledge gained during her school years will definitely be useful to her in adult life and will help her move up the career ladder.

Ilona - creative person, whose imagination knows no bounds. She accepts Active participation in various competitions organized both within school walls and at citywide events. Lack of fear in front of a large public is her trump card, which can come in handy if Ilona wants to become a model.

The meaning of the name Ilona: character

Most often, the owners of this name try to look aggressive and principled. It is extremely important for them to convince others of their independence. Ilona often gets into arguments with both women and men. She will prove she is right by any means available.

Knowing the meaning of the name Ilona, ​​we can say with confidence that this girl will be very charming. No man can resist her gaze. Possessor luxurious eyes and a meaningful look always receives plenty of attention from the opposite sex. Ilona is overly talkative. She was used to talking always and everywhere. Even at the table it is difficult for her to stop. She tries to tell about everything she saw and heard.

Meaning female name Ilona predetermines her tendency to self-flagellation. Having found herself in an extremely difficult life situation, she continues to rely on her own strength and rejects any help from her family. But if nothing works out, she is ready to be offended by the whole world.

Adult life: career

Astrologers, knowing the meaning named Ilona, ​​the character and fate of its owner, they claim that these girls most often get married in quite mature age. Even though they for a long time live with their parents, they cannot be called parasites. They devote themselves completely to their work and achieve significant results.

The most suitable professions would be:

  • designer;
  • cosmetologist;
  • artist;
  • visagiste;
  • hairdresser;
  • model;
  • cosmetologist

Ilona is a born leader. She is used to relying only on her own experience and conclusions, and is ready to take responsibility. It is better not to enter into any arguments or conflicts with her, since this girl is very smart and is ready to counter every question with facts. These girls may have a bad character trait - a tendency to collect men. Their army of fans is constantly growing, as Ilona attracts members of the opposite sex with her temperament. But these girls cannot be called frivolous. Any flirtation almost never develops into something more. To go to bed with a man, Ilona must completely trust him.

Ilona tries to keep everything under control. She is very afraid of public reproach and a damaged reputation. In a group, she behaves with restraint, but, having an excellent sense of humor, she is able to lift the mood of any company.

Marriage and family

Choosing a life partner is extremely difficult for Ilona. As a rule, she is happily married. However, raising children is not her thing. She prefers to earn money, and shifts household responsibilities to her lover. Ilona loves her children very much, whom she raises strictly. Children adore her, considering their mother to be extremely fair.

Ilona is a very active person who cannot be forced into the kitchen or seen in a chair with knitting needles in her hands. She cannot sit in one place and tries to be on the move and travel more.


The most successful marriage will be with a man who celebrates his name day in the summer. It’s easier for him to find with Ilona mutual language, and their temperaments are very similar. The owner of this name will be happy with Ignat, Timur, Vadim, Leonid, Valery, Anatoly, Kuzma, Daniil, Alexander and Pavel.

What do the letters in the name Ilona mean?

The name, the meaning and fate of which we are considering, can be decomposed into letters. This will help you get a clearer picture of the person:

  1. And - a sophisticated and rather romantic nature. A little secretive and unsure of her own abilities. In order not to show his weakness, this person is capable of showing aggression.
  2. L - well-developed imagination, innate artistry and charisma. A person whose name contains this letter is, as a rule, lazy and lacking initiative. There is absolutely no sense of tact, no tendency to start conflicts. Striving for luxurious life, strong attachment to family.
  3. Oh - the inner voice never fails. The ability to set clear and understandable goals, sensitivity. Desire to develop and improve existing skills. From idleness they often become very irritable. Neutral towards bad habits, of which there are many. In an extreme situation, they can panic and lose their heads.
  4. N - analytical mindset, ability to focus on the main thing. Hard work. These people do not like “monkey work”, preferring to do exclusively useful work. Strength of character, ability to stand up for oneself.
  5. A - the desire to be the first in everything. The desire to create and live in abundance.


Since early childhood, Ilona has been in pretty good health. However, the vitality is weakened. Because of this, the girl develops laziness, which can negatively affect both the results of learning at school and later life already an adult woman. If you find the right approach and regularly motivate Ilona, ​​she will grow up to be active and hardworking. After pregnancy, gynecological diseases may develop.

The mystery of the name

Astrological characteristics of the name:

  • zodiac sign - Aquarius;
  • talisman stone - amazonite;
  • tree - aloe;
  • number - 6507;
  • planet - Eris;
  • animal - pika.

Name day

Ilona - no Orthodox name, therefore, at baptism the girl is given a different name. As a rule, the church name of this girl is Lena. Ilona celebrates her name day on the days of remembrance of saints and great martyrs named Elena, which fall on:

  • 15.04;
  • 03.06;
  • 18.08;
  • 23.09;
  • 9.11;
  • 12.11.

November 9 is the feast day of Saint Ilona of Warneton, who is revered in the Catholic denomination.

The meaning of the name Ilona: "light" (Hungarian)

Little Ilona is an extremely fair girl. She is always ready to stand up for herself and protect her loved ones. Ilona makes parents and teachers happy. She is a good student, patient and diligent. Since childhood, Ilona has had a good sense of humor and a developed imagination.

Adult Ilona is a very integral and harmonious person. She is emotional, but not prone to violent expression of her feelings. Ilona has a well-expressed sense of self-esteem and developed intuition. Ilona spends her entire life exploring the world, making grandiose plans, but is not always able to fulfill them. She lacks faith in her own strength, so she often does not finish what she starts. If she can fight this, she will succeed in anything she does. Ilona is very sensitive to moral standards.

Ilona gets married late, takes a long time and carefully chooses her spouse. She is very reluctant to do household chores. As a rule, she does not get along well with her mother-in-law. But overall, Ilona is a good wife and mother. True, she does not always remain faithful to her husband, but she is very good at hiding infidelity.

Other forms of the name Ilona: Ila, Lona, Ila, Ilusya, Ilonka.

Elon celebrates name day with Elena

Ilona is worthy and proud,
Endowed with intuition,
Caring and inquisitive
Well-mannered and attractive.

Be happy with life, unique,
Self-sufficient and loved,
Energy, goodness and great luck,
Let happiness illuminate your path!

Ilonochka, hearty congratulations!
Let all your cherished dreams now
Suddenly they will come true. And I wish
So that happiness shines in the heart like a diamond.

Let all doubts melt away,
Let all problems be erased.
I wish you spiritual inspiration
And be at your best at work.

Dear Ilona, ​​congratulations. AND intelligent, L uchezarnaya, ABOUT enchanting, N irresistible, A angelically beautiful - always be like this and let every day of your life be as beautiful and bright as you. I wish you great happiness bright love and constant good luck, Ilonochka.

It's always warm in my soul with you,
I want you to be lucky
And everything you wanted was possible,
Everything we planned came true.

Ilona, ​​you illuminate the world,
May you not know sadness and melancholy,
Let your dreams come true,
You will always be cheerful.

You are a big optimist
You are inspired by a dream.
I wish you to keep it up
Incomparable Ilona.

Fulfillment of dreams
I wish today.
Let him lead you to success
Your bright dream.

I, Ilona, ​​congratulations
I'll put it in a big bouquet,
I'll bring it to you today
May it bloom for many years.

There is success and luck in it,
Sad little flower
Delicate aroma of happiness
Every petal breathes.

Save the bouquet as a keepsake,
Let it bloom all year round,
Let it be with silent steps
Love will come to your home.

Ilona, ​​you are like the first ray of the sun,
I want to wish you today
There are no clouds on the horizon of life
And you will never know grief again.

Let the days be colored
Spring freshness and summer warmth.
Let your beloved friends surround you,
May your life be full of love!

Dear, dear Ilona,
How beautiful you are, my dear,
Like a delicate forget-me-not flower,
You have always been like this!

You don't hide your beauty,
But besides her there is in you
Willpower, hope and faith,
That's why you are happy in fate.

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you
Do not lose these qualities of yours,
Stay as nice as you are
And your plans will come true.

Like a fairy tale flash
At work, at home.
Charge with positivity
All around, Ilona.

I want to wish you
Peace and good luck.
Radiant eyes
Let yours not cry.

I want to congratulate you on this holiday,
You are beautiful, amazing, smart,
I wish you girlish happiness,
Let your soul not grow old.

And also dear Ilona,
I wish you good, clear days,
Forget your past sadness,
Good luck to you, sincere people!

You are beautiful, smart, reserved,
You know how to support friends
Ilona, ​​you are impeccable,
And you can always understand everything.

And on your bright day, I wish,
Happiness, joy and kindness,
Just don't give in to sadness
Let all your dreams come true instantly!

Congratulations: 15 in verse, 5 in prose.

The name Ilona is popular among Greeks and Catholics.

A short derivative of the name Ilona is Ilonushka, Ila, Ilonka, Ilusya and Ilka.

Analogues of the name Ilona are Ellona, ​​Elona, ​​Elena.

To date, there is no exact explanation of the origin of the name Ilona. It is possible, however, that Ilona came from the name Elena, common among the Greeks and translated meaning “bright”. By the way, in Ilona, ​​stress can be placed on any syllable!

Ilona's name day is celebrated among different nationalities, which fall on different days. For example, in the Czech Republic the name is honored on January 20, in Poland - on January 27, August 18. In Latvia, Ilona's birthday is on March 18, and in Slovenia on April 15 and August 18. But the most numerous days of Ilona’s name day fall on the Hungarians - April 23, July 31, August 18 and September 23, and also November 9 according to the Catholic calendar. Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians celebrate the day of the angel Ilona on January 28, June 3 and 8, July 24 and November 12. In addition, these nationalities equate Ilona with Elena and therefore additionally celebrate her name day on Elena’s day.

The influence of a name on character and destiny

All those named after Ilona are distinguished by a special charm that makes them beautiful and charming even if they have some flaws. Elon has large, expressive eyes that hide a certain secret. Elons tend to be very sociable and lose their sense of reality when talking. For example, the hostess of a name may be so carried away by the conversation at the table that she will not pay attention to the food itself, simply absorbing it mechanically.

Since childhood, Ilona has been characterized by a complex character, which often manifests itself in secrecy - Ilona sometimes does not trust her secrets even to a close friend. Outwardly, the bearer of the name seems calm, but inside her lies a hot temperament that few people see, since Ilona perfectly knows how to control her own emotions.

The one named Ilona is constantly burdened by self-affirmation. As soon as the opportune moment comes to demonstrate personal abilities and knowledge, Ilona definitely does it. And she will even rush into a fight if anyone doubts her abilities! Often Ilona looks nervous and aggressive. He tries not to accept the offered help, and, having refused, begins to consider everyone indifferent and hostile to himself! This is due to the fact that within Elon lies a rebel, always dissatisfied with the government and society. Because of this same trait, Ilona does not like to be subordinate to anyone. A girl with this name makes a good leader, so she should consider creating her own business, which will most likely bring her a decent profit.

Ilona is not always nervous and aggressive - she calms down and begins to have fun when she relieves tension. In this state, Ilona is able to think constructively and impartially. Ilona is practically not interested in household chores, especially needlework and cooking - she loves traveling and moving frequently.

With men, Ilona acts like a true collector - she strives to conquer everyone, and then, having played enough, abandon her for a new “victim”. This behavior comes easily to Ilona due to the fact that she knows how to start everything from scratch, completely erasing all past moments of life from her memory. And this is how Ilona can behave until her 50th birthday! Ilona's husband must be a truly extraordinary person in order to withstand her emotional disposition, disloyalty and others negative traits character. It is very difficult for Ilona to decide on marriage, even if she is madly in love with her boyfriend. And her decision is not influenced by the prospect of having children!

It is possible that Ilona has some kind of inferiority complex, which is why she behaves so inconsistently. But what you can’t deny Ilona is romance and sensuality. To prove the strength of her character, Ilona has to “conquer” men. However, with age, Ilona begins to understand that it is time to stop, and then she can try to become a wise, conservative and exemplary wife. True, cooking and other worldly wisdom are not this young lady’s strong point. And her mother doesn’t turn out to be a particularly diligent one, because even though Ilona cares about her children, she doesn’t at all try to invent things for them interesting entertainment and teach them something. Rather, she will hand them over to all sorts of tutors and section leaders.

Ilona's name day falls on January 20, 27 and 28, March 18, April 15 and 23, June 3 and 8, July 24 and 31, August 18, September 23, November 9 and 12.

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