The most romantic places in the world (photos)

Available on our planet Amazing places, in which even the most pragmatic and down-to-earth people suddenly begin to dream about something. And true romantics are ready to spend their whole lives contemplating the beautiful sunsets on Bora Bora and walking along the narrow streets of Santorini.

In today's top ten we have collected the most romantic places on earth. Any of them will be ideal for a date with your loved one that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Hundreds of loving couples rise to the top every day Eiffel Tower, enjoying the magnificent view, and then relax right on the emerald lawn of Trocadero Park or have dinner in one of the many cozy restaurants. It’s hard to even imagine how many declarations of love were made in the most romantic city on Earth!

9. Venice and St. Mark's Square

The indescribable atmosphere of the Italian city, cut by canals, pigeons cooing everywhere, handsome gondoliers singing in Italian and the most delicious ice cream in the world make Venice an ideal place for a romantic date. Here even inveterate cynics become poets, and a smile begins to flicker on the most gloomy face.

8. Thai Phi Phi Islands

The whole world learned about these islands after the release of the film “The Beach”. Now the paradise lagoon with turquoise water and snow-white sand is visited by thousands of tourists. And so that nothing gets in the way of romance, you should go in search of secluded beaches, of which there are plenty. Phi Phi is one of those places that looks even better in reality than in the amazing photographs in tourist brochures.

7. Prague and Charles Bridge

Even a simple walk here leaves a feeling of harmony, peace and peace in the soul. And at night, when quiet splashes from the Vltava River and the twinkling stars make the atmosphere even more romantic, couples in love come to the bridge to wish for the most beautiful thing together. cherished wish. It is believed that a wish made on the Charles Bridge will certainly come true.

6. Greek island of Santorini

Snow-white houses, windmills and blue domes of churches - this landscape is known to almost everyone from bright postcards and photographs in booklets. However, you can feel the romantic atmosphere of this place only by walking along the narrow streets on your own, feeling how the sun caresses your skin and seeing how turquoise the water is right next to the shore.

5. Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Abandoned city ancient Empire Khmer is shrouded in huge roots mangrove trees. The buildings are partially covered with moss and seem to grow out of the surrounding natural landscape. The atmosphere of the place is filled with secrets, peace and fills the soul with amazing harmony.

4. Central Park in New York

Rarely is an American love film complete without a confession scene filmed in Central Park. An island of peace and romance in the middle of a bustling city, where you can have a picnic right on the lawn or take a boat ride. And very close is Broadway with its theaters and many cozy restaurants suitable for a candlelit dinner.

3. Rio de Janeiro and Mount Corcovado

The panorama, opening from a height of 710 meters, is breathtaking: beaches, bays, mountains and a city stretching along the coast for tens of kilometers. It is not for nothing that this place was chosen for the famous statue of Christ. Starting the day with a romantic walk to Corcovado, you can end it with a walk along the beach or just a pleasant evening in one of the bars by the sea.

2. Butterfly Valley in Turkey

This romantic bay near the resort of Fethiye is located far from crowded beaches and huge hotels, and can only be reached by sea. Those who want to spend the night in Butterfly Valley can stay in small cozy bungalows. Or you can just take a nap in a hammock on the beach to the sound of the surf and watch one of the most beautiful sunrises on Earth.

1. Bora Bora Island

The most romantic island in French Polynesia surrounded by many satellite islands called motu. Those who come here live in bungalows installed on high stilts right in the water. The beaches here are simply luxurious, and the sound of the Pacific wave fills the soul with harmony. In the evenings best entertainment on the island is the contemplation of indescribably beautiful sunsets.

Parks, cafes, embankments, cinemas - this is where people most often make dates and spend time. But in almost every city in Russia there are very special, iconic places where you should go with your other half!

“Heart of Love” in the Hermitage Garden, Moscow

In this quiet garden, located in the very center of the bustling capital, you can meet many strolling couples at any time. In 2006, this place became even more attractive for those who had found their other half: a monument to all lovers appeared there in the form of a heart made of copper pipes, inside of which silver bells are suspended. It is believed that you need to go through it and make a wish that will definitely come true!

Kissing Bridge in St. Petersburg

Among the many beautiful and romantic bridges of St. Petersburg, the Kisses Bridge, located in the Admiralteysky district and connecting the two banks of the Moika River, is considered special. It was named after the merchant Nikifor Potseluyev, who owned the Kiss drinking house, located on one of the banks. This place has always been considered iconic: lovers were met and said goodbye on the bridge. It is believed that back in the old days, lovers had a tradition of kissing on the bridge in order to always be together. This pleasant custom has been preserved to this day!

Arch of lovers in Kazan

One of the main attractions of Kazan is the Lovers' Arch, located at the entrance to the park " Black Lake" This elliptical-shaped structure was erected in the 30s. Thanks to its unusual design, the arch has an interesting acoustic effect: two people standing inside from different sides can hear each other, even if they speak very quietly, but random passers-by will not understand a word. There is also an urban legend about this place, according to which a kiss under the arch promises a long and happy relationship for the couple.

Monument to loving dogs in Krasnodar

In the center of Krasnodar there is an unusual symbol of love - a monument to lovers... dogs. According to the author's idea, two dogs, dressed like real dandies, met on the corner of Mira and Krasnaya streets and went on a date. This funny couple appeared in the city in 2007 and were so loved by its residents that they became the most popular place for meetings and dates. It is customary to rub the paws and noses of these lovers to make wishes. Judging by the dazzling shine of polished bronze, they really are coming true!

Sculpture “Sphere of Love” in Chelyabinsk

Chelyabinsk has never been considered a romantic city, but it also has its own “place of strength” for all lovers - the “Sphere of Love”. This incredibly beautiful design is luxury dome made of blue glass, which is supported by forged trees. Inside it you can see large figures of a young man and a girl, rushing towards each other. This beautiful sculptural composition, symbolizing the masculine and feminine principles, was installed on Vorovskogo Street in 2000 and has become an iconic place for couples and newlyweds who always come here on their wedding day.

Fountain of Love in Volgograd

On October 14, 2005, the Fountain of Lovers was opened in Volgograd, on Mira Street. The mayor of the city presented this gift to the residents. The date was not chosen by chance: this very day was officially declared Newlyweds Day. In the center of the fountain is a beautiful bronze sculpture of two lovers holding hands. This statue, made by the Italian master Silvio Bellucci, was brought from Italy and became a real decoration of the city! And the square where the fountain is installed was also given a symbolic name - Love Square.

Lake of Love in Arkhyz

Among the many lakes of Arkhyz, one especially stands out - Lake of Love. It got its name thanks to unusual shape. If you look at the lake from above, you can see a heart so beautiful and correct form that it’s hard to believe that it was created by nature and not by man. This attraction of Arkhyz is located on the slope of the Morg-Syrty ridge and is very popular among lovers who travel a long way and remain enchanted by this magical creation of nature!

Gazebo of love in Yaroslavl

One of the most famous and beautiful places in Yaroslavl is the gazebo on the Volzhskaya embankment near Myakushkinsky descent. It is worth noting that there are four of them in the city, but this one is particularly popular. And this is not surprising! An open round six-column rotunda gazebo with a dome stands in a very beautiful place on the very bank of the river, so it offers an incredible view! Snow White"pearl" The embankment has become not only a symbol of the city, but also a favorite walking place for couples in love. Many newlyweds living in different cities Russia is united by one tradition - hanging locks as a sign of their strong and reliable love. In Nizhnevartovsk they made a special place for this. On the embankment of the Ob River they placed a huge castle in the shape of a heart, surrounded by cast-iron trees of the same shape. It is on them that lovers hang locks and then throw the keys into the water. At first there were only two such trees, but the number of those wishing to perpetuate their love in this way is growing, so now a whole alley has already “grown” on the embankment.

When you are in love, your legs (or maybe wings?) themselves carry you somewhere along the streets and squares, forests, embankments, bridges, with a fair wind meeting the sun, and every little thing pleases the eye. And if the feelings are reciprocated, then the rain, blizzard, monotony of panel houses - dullness and ugliness - remain unnoticed. On the contrary, a change in weather, for example, can be endowed with a special romantic quality. On the other hand, every young man wounded by Cupid’s arrow tries to invite the object of his desire on a date to the most beautiful, pleasant place. It remains to be seen whether the love will be mutual - and, correctly, let the atmosphere itself help you tune in to a sensual mood. The girls are trying to find interesting routes walks later, when the places in the neighborhood have been explored and it is necessary to add fresh notes to the relationship that is growing stronger day by day. This is how public gardens and monuments in cities and villages are endowed with “magical” powers: somewhere lovers have their own experience, somewhere sculptors are trying together with park directors, and some legends are rooted in past centuries, the fates of writers and their literary heroes , ancient legends. This time, the online guide and I will tell you about the most famous places pilgrimages of romantics in Russia.


Moscow State University, Vorobyovy Gory nature reserve

Even if you have not been a student for a long time, you can always feel young, carefree and in love while walking around the Moscow State University campus. The majestic main building, built in 1953, which houses classrooms, a dormitory, and even a museum, reminds you of how small a person is compared to the world of science, of the approaching session or of the free days remaining before study, when you want to walk endlessly. The complex of buildings of Moscow University is not only an architectural and visual feast for the soul, but also a wonderful place for active recreation. Cyclists and rollerbladers are everywhere here, volleyball, tennis and football are played on sports grounds, and a tour of the local Botanical Garden is good for the lungs and doubly interesting. They often make their first date at the fountain opposite the main building, and then come to take photos - already during the wedding celebrations. It’s pleasant to wander here in any season: you’ll be surrounded by blooming lilacs or falling red maples, the midday heat easing in the shade of the trees, or clean, crisp snow underfoot.

Having passed through the territory of Moscow State University, you will find yourself on the famous observation deck Sparrow Hills. Here Herzen and Ogarev took their famous oath (there is even an obelisk dedicated to that event), here Bulgakov’s Master said goodbye to Moscow, before disappearing with Margarita “to where countless suns melted glass across the river, where there was fog and smoke above these suns , the steam of the city hot during the day.” It is always noisy and crowded here, so the walk will become more romantic if you start it from ecological trails nature reserve "Sparrow Hills", continue on the quiet embankment and return to its center to watch the sunrise over Moscow.

Bridge near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Although the first project of the temple was laid precisely on the Sparrow Hills, today everyone knows very well where the main Orthodox Cathedral of Moscow is located. In 2004, a pedestrian bridge was “thrown” from it, connecting Prechistenskaya and Bersenevskaya embankments. Although it is not shrouded in the secrets and legends of the past, but is only stylized as traditional architecture of the 19th century, the lovers quickly noticed it as a “special” place. Of course, because from here there is a magnificent view of the Kremlin and its surroundings, especially in the evenings.

Immediately after its opening, the Patriarchal Bridge became the first capital “prisoner” of newlyweds who got used to hanging padlocks on the fence. Now the palm for “consolidating feelings” is at the Luzhkov Bridge (it is located a ten-minute walk, on the Vodootvodny Canal), but in terms of popularity the Patriarchal Bridge, leading to a fashionable party and cultural place - the former Red October complex - is still not inferior to it.

Monument to All Lovers

In Moscow there is a special place for romantic people, which is called the “All Lovers” monument. It has its own interesting, albeit “newest” history. For many years in a row, the famous radio station “Silver Rain” celebrated Valentine’s Day with listeners in the oldest pleasure garden in the capital - the New Hermitage. “Legend” says that on February 14, 2005, a girl approached the presenters and showed a photograph. There was a heart on it: many years ago in Verona, someone painted it on the wall of Juliet's house. This symbol of love became a sketch for the pedestal, which the Silver Rain employees made to order. Four metal pipes are bent in the shape of a heart. Inside are bells that jingle merrily in the wind. Today, few Muscovites in love have not yet made a wish at the “To All Lovers” monument. After completing the ritual, you need to go through the “heart” hand in hand with your loved one. But many, following a long-standing tradition, tie a ribbon as a keepsake. Only 10 years have passed since the founding of the symbol, but it is already believed that if you kiss for the first time under these bells, the feelings will not fade away for the rest of your life.

Patriarch's Ponds

fotoimedia / The Moscow Times / Igor Tabakov

The Patriarch's Ponds, or rather the only pond that has survived to this day, became “Patricks” for young Muscovites. If in the late nineties and early 2000s this square was considered a gathering place for informals, at best with guitars, today couples in love or families with children float around the well-maintained reservoir. What attracts romantics to this area? A quiet and nice place in the very center of Moscow, where in summer you can walk in the shade of trees, and in winter you can find yourself on a “spontaneous” skating rink. It’s very pleasant to sit on a bench or go to one of the nearby cafes, for example, the vegetarian Fresh or the newfangled Nude Coffee&Wine Bar, or the reputable restaurants Ulliam’s or Saxon + Parole.

The Patriarch's Ponds Square is widely known in literature, as well as in the memoirs of artists. The studios of Surikov and Polenov, architects Shekhtel and Zholtovsky rented here, Blok spent the winter and Leo Tolstoy’s daughters skated here. Marina Tsvetaeva was born in Trekhprudny Lane, and of course, it was here, “at the hour of an unprecedentedly hot sunset,” that the heroes appeared on the first page of Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita.” Along the route of the characters (not left, of course, without artistic fiction), you can also reach the “bad apartment” in house No. 10 on Bolshaya Sadovaya, where the author of the novel once lived.

Saint Petersburg

Palace Square and embankment

TASS / Interpress / Elena Palm

The city on the Neva, as an open-air attraction, itself attracts couples in love at any time of the year. What place in St. Petersburg is considered the most romantic? Everyone decides for themselves. For those who come for a short time, one of the most popular places is the grandiose ensemble of Palace Square. Here you can, standing in one place and holding hands, just slowly look around and never cease to be amazed at the circular panorama of beauty, harmony and grandeur. Architectural shapes and colors, historical facts - who will talk to whom on such an intellectual date?

Any route from the heart of the northern capital will be wonderful - Milionnaya or Bolshaya Morskaya, north or south, to a museum or to boat trip along the canals and waters of the Neva. With your lover you can walk along Palace Embankment and see part of the famous arrow Vasilyevsky Island and outlines Peter and Paul Fortress on Zayachiy. Raising bridges - a necessity for the city and entertainment for tourists - can have a special meaning for lovers: a temporary discord must necessarily end in reunion. In any case, this daily St. Petersburg ritual will charm both you and your man with its beauty.

Kisses Bridge

TASS / Interpress / Elena Mulina

On this bridge, contrary to popular belief, initially no one kissed. The crossing of the Moika got its name from the surname of the merchant Potseluev, who, in his honor, opened a tavern on the river bank with an attractive sign “Kiss”. This is how it turned out to be a special, seemingly self-explanatory name for the place, which was immediately chosen by romantically minded people. Soon people began to talk about the bridge, saying that here wives and girls in love shed tears and waved handkerchiefs to sailors departing on a long voyage. It was here that the convicts parted with their betrothed: there was a prison nearby, where they were to go. Today, another legend is associated with Kiss’s “brainchild”: the longer you kiss right on the bridge, the longer the lovers’ feelings will not cool down. So it’s better to come there in the warm season, and after a course of “training”.

Rooftops of St. Petersburg

fotoimedia / Maria Zhukova

One of the most important romantic places in the city on the Neva are the roofs of residential and non-residential buildings in the historical center. Once upon a time, lovers, literally risking their health and lives, climbed to the tops of buildings on their own: some sought to prove their feelings, others wanted to surprise the girl with an unusual place for a date. Today there are special services of official excursion bureaus and volunteer roofers. You can choose to walk at altitude along one of the suggested routes. Basically, they are, of course, illegal (the entrances are equipped with intercoms, which you need to be able to “deceive”; residents swear and complain at the rumble of dozens of feet) - but that makes them even more interesting for desperate dreamers. The main thing is to be careful, follow safety precautions and not make noise. They say that there are enthusiastic residents of some apartments in the most tall buildings cities that at will allowed on closed roofs. There's a lot to think about if you want to surprise someone.

Most of the houses in St. Petersburg are connected to each other, so long walks around upper tier cities are not uncommon. Looking at the courtyards, wells, narrow streets and wide avenues closed on all sides from the roof is a real pleasure.


Sculpture “Lovers”

In 2006, on the 285th birthday of Yekaterinburg, an interesting sculptural composition created by Sofia Prokhorenko was solemnly opened on Vayner Street. Residents of the city admit that “Lovers” evoke a feeling of tenderness every time you pass by them. They are also loved by tourists. Legend has it that when creating it, the sculptor turned to the image of a real-life couple. It is believed that the prototypes of the bronze young man and girl were architecture students from the art academy - Anna and Alexander.

The sculpture “Lovers” has renovated the city center in its own way, and has also become a constant meeting place for city residents in love. She begins many dates and then relationships. In a seemingly insignificant period of time, the composition became incredibly popular. People take pictures with the “Lovers,” one might say, and at random: “So that everything is like theirs.”


Lover's Arch

Marat Gaptrakhmanov

In Kazan, which with its centuries-old history attracts more and more tourists, there is a popular monument to romantics - the “Arch of Lovers”. It is known that it was installed in the 1930s, but the name of the author, unfortunately, remains unknown in the archives. An elegant white arch greets guests at the entrance to the territory of the Black Lake, and every city dweller knows that it was created specifically for declarations of love. Thanks to the laws of physics, an acoustic effect is created under an elliptical arch: if two people stand on opposite sides of the base and whisper something into the inner niches of the arches, they will hear each other’s words. Be sure to repeat this trick yourself and prove love theorems again and again. In addition, there is a belief: lovers who stand hand in hand under the arch for at least some time will be very happy together.


Lover's Bridge

The two banks of the Tura River in Tyumen are connected not just by an engineering structure, but, imagine - the Bridge of Lovers! Once upon a time there was its small wooden predecessor, which, unable to withstand the test of time, collapsed into the water in 1982. Only five years later, according to the design of architects Nadezhda Purgina and Vladimir Strigulin, a spreading cable-stayed bridge was erected, which received its name relatively recently. On February 14, 2003, employees of a local radio station held a “Longest Kiss” competition on the pedestrian bridge, and since then, couples began to make dates and leave inscriptions on it, newlyweds began to hang up locks and throw away the keys in Tura, “so as never to be separated.” At night, this romantic crossing is especially beautiful thanks to the complex and spectacular lighting. Before entering the Lovers' Bridge, it is difficult not to notice the original clock. They are said to remind us: there is always time to love.

Even animals can be in love. And although biologists will most likely argue with this statement, many similar facts have been described in the literature. And in Krasnodar there is even a special monument (if someone still doesn’t believe it) - the “Dog Capital” monument. The dogs, in human clothes, however, but in the latest fashion of the last century, appeared at the building with an old clock at the intersection of Krasnaya and Mira streets for a reason. According to the author of the project, Valery Pchelin, the dogs in love made an appointment under the clock, as young people and girls have been doing in the city for many years. From there they go to the boardwalk, girlfriend with an umbrella and boyfriend with a hat in hand. The name of the sculptural composition is explained by a memorial plaque with a quote from Mayakovsky, who once said about Krasnodar: “This is not a dog’s wilderness, but a dog’s capital!” But now, thanks to the eared and furry lovers, this dating place has become a cult place. While waiting for your soulmate, you can rub the dogs' paws and make your deepest wish.


Holy Trinity Monastery

It is no coincidence that Murom ended up in our review: he may not attract the due attention of those whose feelings have flared up recently or are too fleeting, but he will impress a couple with serious intentions. In that ancient city The Holy Trinity Monastery is located - the tomb of the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia, whose history has become a symbol of Christian marriage. The love story of the saints has been known to everyone since childhood. Prince Peter, wounded by a poisoned sword, was healed of ulcers by herbs by the peasant daughter Fevronia. Peter married his savior, but they had to go through trials and travel for a long time due to various social status and the strict boyar morals of that time. However, Fevronia was able to earn trust and the couple ruled Murom for a long time. IN old age they became monks.

On June 25, 1228, Peter and Fevronia died on the same day and hour. Legend has it that their bodies were placed, as expected, separately, but in the morning it was discovered that they were lying in the same coffin. A miracle, nothing less. The Murom Saints are revered as examples of love, loyalty and devotion, which they carried throughout their lives, despite all adversity. At the Holy Trinity Monastery, people ask for help in marriage and having children. Here people get married with special feelings and pray to strengthen family ties. Isn't it possible to consider this place truly romantic for those who believe in true love?


Sphere of Love

fotoimedia / Alexey Stoyanov

For City Day in 2000, Chelyabinsk acquired the “Sphere of Love,” built according to the design of sculptor Viktor Mitroshin. Since then, Vorovskogo Street has been a favorite vacation spot for residents and newlyweds: wedding processions under the blue glass dome are endless. According to the authors, the “Sphere of Love”, 12 meters high, is a symbol of the unity of masculine and feminine principles, love, marriage. It rests on four metal supports in the shape of trees, and under the dome two tall figures rush towards each other: boys and girls. The stone on the right represents the masculine principle, the one on the left represents the feminine. The paths from them lead under the dome, from where the newlyweds emerge as husband and wife.

The sphere already has its own traditions. The bride and groom must climb two staircases from different sides, and guests shower them with rose petals, rice and confetti. Uniting under the dome, the newlyweds present their first dance to the guests and kiss.

Valentine's Day is coming, aka Valentine's Day. Someone may think this holiday is stupid, but obviously not the same couples in love who are ready to find romance and love in everything around them. For those, and also for those who simply wouldn’t mind refreshing their relationships on such a day, we suggest you think about traveling—a romantic one, of course.

We present to you a list of the 10 most romantic places in the world, which will help you choose the right direction.

1. Paris, France

When mentioning the most romantic place in the world, many people associate it with Paris. It is believed that this is the best place to propose marriage. For example, you can climb the Eiffel Tower to a restaurant and see together a wonderful city from a height of more than 100 meters.

Include in your romantic program a walk around Montparnasse, a visit to the Louvre and Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral, and also eating croissants with French chocolate in numerous cafes in Paris.

2. Venice, Italy

This a beautiful citya real find for romantics. Narrow streets, ancient buildings, a web of bridges and canals - there is always an atmosphere of romance and passion here. And who can resist a gondola ride with your loved one?

3. Verona, Italy

They say that if lovers kiss under the famous balcony, they will live happily ever after.

This city is considered one of the most romantic in the world - Shakespeare's tragedy still excites the imagination. Letters are still coming to the address of the beautiful Juliet’s house in which lovers from all over the world ask for help in matters of the heart. Inside the Capulet House itself there is a museum with props and photographs from the filming of the Romeo and Juliet films.

They say that if you touch the right breast of the statue of Juliet, which is located in the courtyard, you can meet your love, and if lovers kiss under the famous balcony, they will live happily ever after.

4. New York, USA

This city has two sides to the coin: on the one hand, it high level urbanization and the frantic pace of life, and on the other hand, the special magic and charm of the metropolis. After all, the majority of the world famous films about love filmed in New York!

The Brooklyn Bridge, Carnegie Hall, 5th Avenue and Central Park, so beloved by the Americans themselves, are where the romance of the 21st century is hidden.

5. Havana, Cuba

Havana is the perfect place to relax with your significant other. It’s not even romance that’s in the air, but outright passion!

On the seashore you will meet the sunset with a panorama of the city that you will not be able to forget for a long time.

Hot streets, tropical air, warm sea ​​water, delicious pina colada and the sounds of salsa - it's all Havana. On the seashore you will meet the sunset with a panorama of the city that you will not be able to forget for a long time.

6. Bali, Indonesia

The island of the gods, an island between two worlds, an island of twenty thousand temples, an island of dances and smiles... The Indonesian island of Bali is the leader in repeat visits by vacationers.

The island has unique nature, distinctive culture and friendly locals, as well as a well-established resort life. If you are looking for an exotic destination for your wedding ceremony or honeymoon, go to Bali!

7. Austria

Romantic tours to Austria are very popular, as this country is rich in natural beauty. Boating on Austrian lakes offers wonderful scenery and sights.

Boating on Austrian lakes offers wonderful scenery and sights.

Of course, the pearl of Austria is its capital Vienna. You can enjoy the city views from Mount Kahlenberg, go to the famous Vienna Opera, take a boat ride on the underground Lake Hinterbrühl, take a carriage ride and be sure to drink a cup of Viennese coffee.

8. Bahamas

These islands are suitable for both romance seekers and lovers of water sports and other entertainment. To hide from prying eyes in the Bahamas, go to the remote islands (there are about 700 of them). Here you will find many unique beaches, such as Cale Beach on New Providence Island or Pink Beach on Harbor Island.

9. Bora Bora, Tahiti

The island of Bora Bora is an excellent choice for a romantic getaway. This island of French Polynesia has a lot of secluded places where you can retire with your loved one. You will be captivated by the magical local landscapes: clear water, white sand beaches surrounded by coconut palms, as well as the remains of an ancient volcano in the center of the island.

10. Maui, Hawaii

"Aloha!" - this is how one of the most romantic resorts in the Hawaiian archipelago welcomes you. The island of Maui has everything for a luxurious one-on-one holiday: fabulous resorts, magnificent beaches with white sand, unique rainforests and waterfalls.

"Aloha!" - this is how one of the most romantic resorts in the Hawaiian archipelago welcomes you.

Be sure to visit national park Haleakala Volcano, Iao Valley and the Hana Coast. Do you want exotic entertainment? Enjoy scuba diving, whale watching, submarine sailing and a helicopter flyover of the western slope of Mauna Kahalawai volcano.

Some will choose sandy beaches, while others will want to climb together to the very top high mountain or visit the ancient city. Everyone has a different idea of ​​a romantic getaway. Travel with pleasure, love and be loved!

    The most romantic place in the world:

Every city has amazing corners that create a unique and romantic atmosphere where you want to invite a girl on a date or just spend the day in a pleasant atmosphere. Some of them are traditionally chosen for marriage proposals, atmospheric wedding photo shoot. There are a huge number of such beautiful iconic places in Moscow, and almost everyone has some kind of connection with them. interesting story. Our Big city offers romantics a huge selection of different parks and estates that are conducive to tenderness and beautiful deeds. Some of them are very lively, while others can be hidden from prying eyes even on weekends. I want to talk about the most popular dating destinations, my favorite romantic places in Moscow.

Romantic places in Moscow

1. Moscow State University and the observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory

Observation deck of Moscow State University

The majestic Stalinist high-rise building of the main building of Moscow University is located in a picturesque location on the banks of the Moscow River. It is surrounded by a huge area where you can go rollerblading or cycling. It also has its own botanical garden, where you can go on a tour and admire the flowering of a wide variety of plants. In addition, in front of the entrance to the main building there is a public garden, where there are almost always few people and you can sit on benches in privacy. On the other side there is a long series of fountains that are refreshing on hot days. summer days. The observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory is one of the best in the city, it offers magnificent views of Moscow, life is always bustling here and a wide variety of people gather here. Newlyweds come here on weekends. There are recreation areas near the river, and numerous river buses also stop, crossing the center of the capital and allowing lovers to admire the main attractions from an unusual angle. In addition, excursions are periodically organized that allow you to climb to the very spire of Moscow State University, the views from which are even cooler than from the observation deck of the Vorobievs.

Read more about the excursion to the observation deck in the Moscow State University Building

2. Novodevichy Convent

Novodevichy Convent

In this ancient monastery, Peter I imprisoned his sister Sophia, who tried to take the throne from him. Now to the right of the entrance you can see the Nadprudnaya Tower, which was nicknamed Sophia. There is a legend that because of unrequited love, the former princess threw herself from this tower and died. In fact, she died quietly in her cell, but people believe that Sophia helps the lovers. There is a belief that you need to make your deepest wish and touch the outer wall of Sophia’s Tower, and it will certainly come true. To be sure, many began to write down their desires on the wall, and not just say them to themselves. If at the beginning it was assumed that Sophia helps the lovers, now they don’t ask for anything. Most of all, of course, there are requests for help to get married, but there are also those who ask for wealth, for a successful exam, for dad to stop drinking, and one frame wrote the following: “Saint Sophia, help me find a girl of my type, with a good character and an apartment and a car, and so that she never leaves me!” So Novodevichy has something to laugh at, and you will agree that this also brings people together.

Novodevichy Monastery

In addition, next to the monastery there is a wonderful park with a pond. On the bridge, lovers hang traditional locks with names. In this park there is a very cute sculptural composition “Make Way for Ducklings”, which was given to us by the United States in 1991 as a sign of love and friendship.

After the walk, you can relax in the cozy restaurant "Golubka" or the cafe of the same name.

3. Neskuchny Garden

This park, the former Neskuchnoye estate, was also chosen by lovers. Here you can walk along numerous secluded paths, ride a bike, play tennis and visit a museum. In Neskuchny there is the Alley of Love, while walking along it you can see a clock whose hands always show the same time, 17-55. This composition reminds us that lovers do not notice the clock. In addition, a stone bridge from the noble estate of Count Orlov has been preserved. There is a legend that a girl and a boy who are connected by romantic feelings need to make a wish, hold hands and walk across this bridge.

Grotto in Neskuchny Garden

Then it will definitely come true. And in order to live together all your life, you must definitely kiss in the center of the bridge.

4. Patriarch's Ponds and "Bad Apartment" on Sadovaya

Bad apartment

There are not many green corners in the center of Moscow. The Patriarch's Ponds seem all the more valuable to us, as they are a real oasis amid the noise and frantic rhythm of life in the capital. The quiet, secluded square puts you in a romantic mood, while at the same time there are quite a lot of cafes and restaurants nearby where you can continue your date. In winter, the pond turns into a skating rink, on which L.N.’s daughters also skated. Tolstoy. In addition, A.S. loved this place very much. Pushkin, A. Blok, V. Mayakovsky, V. Surikov, V. Polenov, F. Shekhtel and many others famous personalities. M. Bulgakov gave the park particular popularity, because it is on the Patriarchs that the action of the mysterious novel “The Master and Margarita” begins.

Be sure to go together to Bulgakov’s Bad Apartment-Museum, which is located at Sadovaya 102.

5. Hermitage Garden

In the small Hermitage garden in the center of Moscow, a monument to the Lovers was recently erected. The radio station “Silver Rain” held festive events every February 14th, dedicated to the day Saint Valentine's. One day, a listener showed the radio station staff a photograph with a heart that was painted on Juliet’s house in Verona. This is how the idea of ​​installing a monument in the shape of a heart came about. Since 2006 he has been decorating the Hermitage Garden. Lovers are invited to perform the following ritual: in order for the union to be happy, they hold hands and walk through a metal heart. Then their desire is for a cloudless and successful family life will definitely come true.

6. Kolomenskoye Park

You can spend more than one day in Kolomenskoye and find something new every time. However, lovers have their own “place of power” here. This is the Golosovy ravine, in which there are two miraculous stones. Huge boulders are designed to fulfill love wishes. One stone is called the Maiden Stone, and the second is the Goose Stone. The first fulfills women's dreams, and the second, accordingly, men's. Their power is especially effective when a couple asks for the birth of a child. They say that to do this you need to get water from the nearest spring, silently walk to the boulders, each sit on his own stone, make a wish and drink the water. Afterwards, to be sure, it is better to tie a ribbon on the nearest tree.


In addition to performing love rituals in Kolomenskoye, you can have a great walk along the Moscow River or admire the city from the high hills. There are several activities in the park historical museums, there are restaurants, and fairs are held regularly.

7. Kuskovo Estate

The former summer pleasure residence of the Sheremetev family is still one of most beautiful places in the capital. All the buildings here have been preserved almost intact. in its original form and they remember the love story of the rich nobleman Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetev and the serf actress Praskovya, to whom he gave the surname Zhemchugova. The influential patron was so smitten by the beauty and talent of his ward that he granted her freedom, and later made Praskovya his wife. Their love story began in Kuskovo, and the feeling turned out to be so strong that no gossip and gossip about an unequal marriage could prevent it.

They say that in Kuskovo there are several places where life-giving energy is concentrated, fueling the brightest and best aspirations. Lovers can stroll through the park, visit the palace, listen to a classical music concert, ride on boats or in an old carriage drawn by a pair of horses. In addition, a wedding ceremony can be organized in the Italian Pavilion.

8. Tsaritsyno Estate


The architectural ensemble of the estate was created by order of Catherine the Great, and worked on the project famous architect Vasily Bazhenov. Unfortunately, even before the completion of construction, the Empress’s interest in the estate disappeared, and Tsaritsyno turned into the most romantic ruins of Moscow for many decades. However, a cascade of ponds, islands and pavilions have always been favorite places for walks and recreation for city residents. The lover I. Turgenev took his muse Pauline Viardot on a boat here and enjoyed her unusually beautiful singing.


Now young people bring their lovers to Tsaritsino to admire the light show and listen to the singing fountains. In addition, the park has a huge number of secluded corners, restored Grand Palace, where you can visit numerous exhibitions, as well as hold wedding ceremonies and banquets.

More about Tsaritsyno

9. Luzhkov Bridge and Bolotnaya Embankment

Bolotnaya Square

First, one metal tree of love appeared on the Luzhkov Bridge leading to Bolotnaya Embankment. Lovers and newlyweds hung locks with their names on it, and threw the key into the river. Gradually, there were so many castles that the city authorities had to plant a whole alley of them. metal structures, which immediately acquired new symbols of love unions. By the way, the second name of the Luzhkov Bridge is the Kisses Bridge. On the Kadashevskaya embankment side, in 2007, a Reconciliation Bench was installed here, which, according to the creators’ plan, should reconcile quarreling lovers. From Bolotnaya Square, couples can relax in a cozy park, admiring the best views capital Cities.

For entertainment, you can ride on a double-decker red excursion bus, because they depart from here.

10. Lyublino Estate

Another noble pleasure residence - former estate Lyublino, by its very name, should attract all lovers. At the beginning of the 19th century it belonged to the wealthy landowner N.A. Durasov, who organized balls and receptions here, organized his own serf theater. Now the manor house and outbuildings have been restored. You can take a very nice walk around the palace picturesque park, going down to the ponds. Old fruit trees have also been preserved in Lyublino. In the most beautiful Pink Hall of the Lyublino Palace, you can organize a solemn wedding ceremony or make a beautiful photo shoot.

More about the Lyublino estate

This list can be continued endlessly: Gogolevsky Boulevard, Izmailovsky Park, Boulevard Ring, Uzkoe Estate, evening VDNKh. The main thing is a romantic mood!

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