Presentation on the theme of elk kindergarten. Forest beauty - elk. Topic: "Wild animals: elk, deer."

  • He came out of the forest again
    Not a deer or a cow.
    We had to meet
    Meet it (elk)
  • What kind of monster is this
    In the thicket of the forest started
    Like a hanger with horns
    Well, of course it is (Elk)

Have you seen Moose? ( )

(In the woods)

Let's go to the forest!

But in order to get into the forest, guys, we need to say magic words! Let's stand up together, circle around ourselves three times, close our eyes, clap our hands and say - sim salabim!

Yes) Let's now draw this animal in its habitat. But for this we need to get back to the classroom! Do you know how to do it? Let's get started! Let's stand up together, circle around ourselves three times, close our eyes, clap our hands and say - sim salabim!

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Performed by Kasatkina Anna Ivanovna teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 10 municipality city ​​of Goryachiy Klyuch

Theme: Forest handsome man - Elk.

Purpose: to introduce children to a wild animal - elk, its habits, habitat.

Course of the lesson: Today, guys, we will get to know you with a wonderful animal - handsome forest. Listen to a poem about him:

Forked horns:
"I'm a toothy enemy
I'm not afraid at all
Let him just laugh!
It is unlikely that he will drag his legs,
Only annoying: the whole day
I carry horns more often
Hard and, right, laziness.

Guess what we're talking about? Of course it's moose.

Guess the riddles: (Slide 2)

    The horns are heavy by weight,
    He walks importantly through the forest:
    He is a host, not a guest -
    Gloomy and angry (elk)

    He came out of the forest again
    Not a deer or a cow.
    We had to meet
    Meet it (elk)

    What kind of monster is this
    In the thicket of the forest started
    Like a hanger with horns
    Well, of course it is (Elk)

What good fellows you are! All riddles solved!

Have you seen Moose? ( in the zoo, in pictures, in the movies)

Today I invite you to visit this beautiful animal.

Where do you think the moose lives? (In the woods)

Let's go to the forest!

But in order to get into the forest, guys, we need to say magic words! Let's stand together, circle around ourselves three times, close our eyes, clap our hands and say - sim salabim!

Now open your eyes, we are in the forest. Let's take a walk with a beautiful elk! Let's see what he likes to do.

Tired? (yes) Well, let's take a break and listen to the story of V. Zotov "Moose" (slide 6, the sound turns on automatically)

Consolidation of knowledge: questions on the story, discussion.

Guys, do you like moose? ( Yes) Let's now draw this animal in its habitat. But for this we need to get back to the classroom! Do you know how to do it? Let's get started! Let's stand together, circle around ourselves three times, close our eyes, clap our hands and say - sim salabim!

And now we take pencils, leaves and draw.

The result of the lesson is an exhibition of children's works.

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municipal budgetary educational institution average comprehensive school No. 10 of the municipality of Goryachiy Klyuch

Forest beauty - Elk

Well extracurricular activities Ecos 1 class

Primary school teacher

Kasatkina Anna Ivanovna

Branching horns: “I am not afraid of a toothy enemy, Let him only dare! It is unlikely that he will drag his legs, Only annoyingly: the whole day I carry the horns more often It is hard and, right, laziness.


  • The horns are heavy in weight, He walks importantly through the forest: He is the host, not a guest - Gloomy and angry …..
  • He came out of the forest again, Not a deer and not a cow. We had to meet. Get to know this ... ..
  • What kind of monster is this? ……..

general characteristics Elks are the most great view deer families. This is a large and hardy animal, it is not at all whimsical to its habitat, climate. The resettlement of the elk occurs at an enviable rate for many animals. Moose are the largest species of the deer family. This is a large and hardy animal, it is not at all whimsical to its habitat, climate. The resettlement of the elk occurs at an enviable rate for many animals.

Appearance Male body length up to 3 m, height at the withers up to 2-3 m, tail length 1213 cm; mass kg; on Far East Russia and Canada up to 655 kg. The females are smaller. By appearance elk is markedly different from other deer. His body and neck are short, his withers are high, in the form of a hump. The legs are strongly elongated, therefore, in order to get drunk, the elk is forced to go deep into the water or kneel on its front legs. The head is large, hook-nosed, with an overhanging fleshy upper lip. Under the throat there is a soft leathery outgrowth (“earring”), reaching 2540 cm. The body length of the male is up to 3 m, the height at the withers is up to 2-3 m, the tail length is 1213 cm; mass kg; in the Far East of Russia and Canada up to 655 kg. The females are smaller. In appearance, the elk is noticeably different from other deer. His body and neck are short, his withers are high, in the form of a hump. The legs are strongly elongated, therefore, in order to get drunk, the elk is forced to go deep into the water or kneel on its front legs. The head is large, hook-nosed, with an overhanging fleshy upper lip. Under the throat is a soft leathery outgrowth (“earring”), reaching 2540 cm.

Moose Diet Moose feed mainly on woody and shrubby vegetation. In summer, they willingly eat leaves and very little herbaceous plants(fireweed, nettle, meadowsweet), eat wetland plants, especially love the three-leaf watch. However, even in summer, with an abundance of leaves, grassy and wetland vegetation, the basis of elk nutrition is branch food. In the complex stomach of moose, only he creates the necessary regime in which the digestion process proceeds normally. Moose feed mainly on trees and shrubs. In summer, they willingly eat leaves and quite a few herbaceous plants (fireweed, nettle, meadowsweet), eat wetland plants, especially like the three-leafed watch. However, even in summer, with an abundance of leaves, grassy and wetland vegetation, the basis of elk nutrition is branch food. In the complex stomach of moose, only he creates the necessary regime in which the digestion process proceeds normally. This was not known for a long time, and only for this reason, in many zoos of the world, moose did not survive. They were fed with hay, all kinds of concentrates, but they did not give branch feed. This was not known for a long time, and only for this reason, in many zoos of the world, moose did not survive. They were fed with hay, all kinds of concentrates, but they did not give branch feed.

social structure and breeding Males and single females live alone or in small groups of 34 animals. In summer and winter, adult females walk with calves, forming groups of 34 animals, sometimes males and single females join them, forming a herd of 58 animals. In the spring, these herds break up. Males and single females live alone or in small groups of 34 animals. In summer and winter, adult females walk with calves, forming groups of 34 animals, sometimes males and single females join them, forming a herd of 58 animals. In the spring, these herds break up. Moose rut occurs in the same season as deer, in September-October, and is accompanied by a characteristic deaf roar of males (“groan”). During the rut, males and females are excited and aggressive, they can even attack a person. Males arrange fights, sometimes to the death. Unlike most deer, the conditional monogamous elk rarely mates with more than one female. Moose rut occurs in the same season as deer, in September-October, and is accompanied by a characteristic deaf roar of males (“groan”). During the rut, males and females are excited and aggressive, they can even attack a person. Males arrange fights, sometimes to the death. Unlike most deer, the conditional monogamous elk rarely mates with more than one female. Pregnancy in a moose cow lasts days, calving is extended from April to June. Usually one calf; old females can give birth to twins. The color of the newborn is light red, without white spots characteristic of deer. Pregnancy in a moose cow lasts days, calving is extended from April to June. Usually one calf; old females can give birth to twins. The color of the newborn is light red, without white spots characteristic of deer.

"Beasts of the Forest" - Elk. natural areas. Hedgehog. Fox. Brown bear. Dwelling. Bear. Lynx. Squirrel. Hare. Forest. Silent corners. Hedgehogs. Wolf. Animals.

"Who lives in the forest" - Who hid in the forest. Wolf. Hare. Tell me about the bunny. Hedgehogs are omnivores. Clarify and expand children's ideas about wild animals. Red cheat. Wool. Who lives in the forest. The wolf is a predator. Brown bear. Hares. Bear. Squirrels. Mystery. Fox. Angry nerd.

"Animals of the Forest" - Butterfly. Ant. 6 legs. Animal adaptation. Wolf. Nightingale. Forest floors. Crow. Insects. Birds. Eagle. Animals. Squirrel. Forest animals. How to call these animals in one word. Hare. Basement. Owl. Nature. Butterfly cabbage. Plants and animals are interconnected. Bug. Plants. The science that deals with the study of animals.

"Community Forest" - Larch. Aspen. Under the canopy of trees many find shelter forest plants. Birch. Science lesson for grade 2 according to L.V. Zankov. Linden. Spruce. Methods: verbal, visual, partially search. Cedar. Fir. Municipal Gymnasium No. 56. Broad-leaved. Maple. Lesson type: generalization lesson using critical thinking strategies.

"Forest dwellers" - natural community plants and animals. Bullfinches and tits feed in the crowns of the second tier and on bushes. Take care of the forest! Bullfinches. Herbivores. Animal habitat. Predator birds. Marten. Source natural wealth: berries and mushrooms. B. Zakhoder. Owl. Source of oxygen. Elk. Owl. Forest.

"Forest and its inhabitants" - coniferous forests. What groups can these trees be divided into. Deciduous forests. mixed forests. What bird is called a forest doctor. A forest in which spruce and pine grow. Forest. Deciduous and coniferous trees. Plants of the middle tier. Look closely at the plants. Plants of the lower tier. Shrubs. Soft, not fluffy.

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1) clarification and systematization of students' knowledge about wild animals; developing the ability to make a comparative description;

2) correction of thinking based on exercises in comparison, classification;

3) education of emotional adequacy of behavior.

During the classes

I. Organizing time. (Slide 1)

I am very glad to see your kind faces, radiant eyes. Let's give a piece of our good mood to each other.

The girls sat quietly, the boys sat quietly.

II. Elements of auto-training, mood for the lesson. (Slide 2, calm music is playing)

Nature will tenderly pity the earth,
It will soak with rain, and then it will warm,
Blowed by the wind, scorched by the sun,
And heal everything that hurts her.
As a person, I value the most
Mother nature, with all her beauty,
Winter, summer, autumn, spring.
I thank you for everything, nature,
You, my life, at any time of the year!

What is this poem about?

Today we again plunge into the magical world of nature.

III. Introduction to the topic.

1) I suggest going on a journey for new knowledge. Ready?

You need to get a pass to the mysterious world.

You have fragmented pictures in colored envelopes, they need to be collected. (Slide 3)

Who got this picture? (Slide 4)

Who has this picture? (Slide 5)

What time of year is shown in your pictures? Why do you think so? How did you know? name winter months? Briefly describe your picture.

Listen to what beautiful words said our Ural poetess Bryleva Tamara.

Subdued cold winter blue skies, meadows.
There is thin frost on the trees, painted lace.
The warm forest was covered with a feather bed,
He sleeps in warm felt until spring.

What happens in nature in winter?

Vyacheslav Bogdanov spoke about this very beautifully in his poem “Nature”, which Nastya will read to us.

2) Today we talk a lot about nature. And what do we refer to nature?

You have diagrams on your desks. You need to arrange cards with words in the appropriate blocks of the diagram. (Slide 6)

Swap and check with each other using the diagram on the screen.

What other birds do you know? (Fish, domestic animals).

Why do we call these animals pets?

What wild animals do you know? Why do we call them wild? (Man does not take care of wild animals, they get their own food)

IV. Learning new.

1) Today we will learn something new about another wild animal.

Solve the riddle.

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest.
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide. (Elk) (Slide 7)

2). Look closely at the animal in the picture.

Name the body parts of the animal. (Head, torso, legs)

Describe the head (torso, legs).

Where do you think the moose lives? So the moose is what kind of animal? (wild)

What animal does the moose look like? (Slide 8) What is similar?

What do you think moose eat?

Do we classify it as a carnivore or a herbivore?

What shall we name his children?

3) The teacher's story about the moose. ( slide 9)

Everything you said is right, right. Indeed, the elk is the largest animal in our forests. Moose daddies reach a length of up to 3 meters and weigh more than 500 kg. Moose prefer swampy areas of the forest, overgrown with dense willow.

The adornment of moose-fathers are horns in the form of a shovel with a different number of processes extending from the edges. Moose have no horns.

Elk, as moose-dads are called, annually in the middle of winter shed their old antlers. At the end of March, in April, they grow new ones, on which, in comparison with the old ones, there are usually more shoots.

In winter, moose feed on the shoots of young deciduous trees, willingly scrape the bark of willow, aspen, pine, mountain ash, and partially birch. In frosty winters, elks are taken care of by huntsmen (people who care protect wild animals). Since autumn, they have been preparing hay for them, knitting brooms from deciduous trees, and building special feeders.

Listen to the sound the moose makes.

V. Consolidation.

1) In white envelopes geometric figures (Slide 10), try to add the figure of an elk out of them. We work in pairs.

What did you get? Look what I got. (Slide 11)

Who will be able to tell from the compiled picture about the moose?

This is an elk. Wild animal. Elk is a herbivore. He has huge branched horns. Legs are long and thin. Short tail. Broad chest and long head. Small eyes and a droopy nose. His cubs are called moose. He lives in the forest.

This is an elk. It refers to wild animals. He has a big body. Stretched head. Beautiful branched horns, similar to a shovel. Long legs. Moose feed on grass and tree bark. Lives in the forest.

2) Individual work on compiling a story about a moose. Paperwork.

Group 1 - according to the plan with reference pictures . (Slide 12)

Group 2 - insert words into the text and write down.

We approached the edge ... (forests). Tree branches stirred. Slowly and carefully went out ... (moose). He had big and beautiful ... (horns). Again the bushes stirred, she went out for the stag ... (moose cow). Then jumped out ... (calf).


3) Teamwork. Continue with suggestions. (Slide 13)

Once, on a frosty winter morning, an elk quietly wandered through the forest. He really wanted... He was cold. The elk looked closely at .... Under his feet... His hooves sank into...

How would you continue the story?

VI. Summary of the lesson.

Tree, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet!
Animal hole, bird's nest
We will never break!
Let the chicks and small animals
It's good to live next to us.
Beautiful, beautiful motherland,
More beautiful never to be found.
Green spaces, forests and fields,
And blue water in the river.
Take care of nature, friends! (Slide 14)

What did they talk about in class?

What animal is the moose?

What did you like about today's lesson?

Lesson development oral speech in 4th grade.

Prepared by: teacher elementary school,

Zabolotneva Irina Igorevna


MBOUS (K) OSH No. 57

Wild animals: elk, deer.

Topic: "Wild animals: elk, deer."


    consolidate knowledge about wild animals, expand ideas about them on the basis of acquaintance with elk and deer, form the ability to compose a narrative story with a pronominal connection of sentences,

    carry out correction of thinking on the basis of exercises in classification, comparison,

    to cultivate emotional adequacy of behavior

During the classes:

    Org. moment.

    Hands? On the spot.

Legs? On the spot.

Elbows? At the edge.

The back is straight.

An exercise in classification

    Read the line, find the extra word. Prove why.

Slide 2.

dog, cat, wolf, cow

chicken, goose, turkey, fox,

goat, bear, sheep, horse

Name the words for each animal.

What other wild animals do you know?


    What animals did you learn about in the last lesson? - about home.

    Let's check what you remember from the last lesson.

Where do pets live in winter? - in the pens.

Where do cows live? - in the barn.

Where do pigs live? - in the pigsty.

- Where do horses live? - in the stable.

Well done, pets you know. Let's find their similarities and differences.

    Learning new material

a) Introduction to the purpose of the lesson

Now guess riddles about one wild animal:

Touching the grass with hooves,

handsome man walks in the forest

walks boldly and easily,

horns spread wide.

He has branched horns,

thin legs, fast legs (moose)

Slide 3.

Slim, fast

The horns are branched

Grazing all day

Who is this? (deer)

Today in the lesson we will talk with you about these beautiful, amazing animals.

Write down today's date and the topic of the lesson.

slide 4.


Page 73, task 2.


Deer is an amazing animal.

There are many types of deer

Slide 5.

look at the pictures of the red deer and the reindeer.

The red deer lives in southern forests. This graceful, shy animal, with long legs.

The Reindeer lives in the Far North.

It is well adapted to the harsh conditions of the tundra. Length up to 2 meters, height about 1 meter.

Its body is covered with long hair, thick hairs cover even the nose. He is stocky and holds his head low.

Both females and males have horns.

In winter, the main food is "reindeer moss" - reindeer moss, which animals dig out from under the snow with hooves with a depression in the form of a spoon.

slide 6.

To make it easier to survive in winter, deer are united in large herds.

Well, in the spring, at the beginning of summer, a cub is born to a deer. Food becomes varied: grass, leaves, tree shoots, sometimes mushrooms.

Life expectancy is about 10 years.

Slide 7.

The main enemy of this animal is the tundra wolf; bears and wolverines attack less often.

Previously, the reindeer was distributed throughout the territory Kola Peninsula, but its numbers dropped sharply and the Lapland Reserve was created to protect the deer.

slide 8.

Now almost exclusively there they live. Hunting these animals is prohibited.

Man domesticated reindeer and breeds for their needs.

    Physical minute.

    Consolidation of knowledge

slide 9.

Moose and deer are the closest relatives, and their relationship is not lost in the seventh generation, but manifests itself in common features, characteristic of the densehorn family. However, and according to appearance, and the way of life of the elk differs significantly from other members of the deer family.

    Elk is the largest animal of the deer family. The male can reach a weight of 700 kg. For representatives of other species of deer, the record weight is 400 kg.

    Elk has special structure limbs. Its legs resemble high and thin stilts with a disproportionately wide base in the hoof area. Most deer have more proportionate and shorter legs.

    In all deer, except for moose, antlers develop vertically in relation to the body. Moose antlers are deployed in a horizontal plane and have flat spade-shaped branches at the ends.

    Unlike deer that form herds, moose live alone, in pairs, or in small family groups.

    Elk can for a long time spend in water. Most deer do not.

    Comparison . Textbook work.

Open the textbook on page 75, task 1.2 - orally.

slide 10.

Read the words on the cards, divide into 2 columns:

Big, shy, reindeer reindeer moss, powerful, horns in females and males, branches, graceful, horns only in males, small., Noble.

    What did you learn from this assignment?

    Changing words according to the pattern.

Slide 11.


Boar - boar, boars.

    Summary of the lesson.

- What animals did we talk about in class?

    Who do you think was the most active?

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