Husbands of Maria Mironova. Maria Mironova: There are two beloved men in my life. Former husband of Maria Mironova - Igor Udalov

Few people do not know the Soviet actor Andrei Mironov. He named his daughter from Ekaterina Gradova in honor of her mother - Masha.

Now Maria Mironova is a popular actress who plays in the theater and appears in films. This is not all of her achievements.

Childhood and first filming

Little Masha was born on May 28. It was 1973, and then her parents lived in Moscow. Almost immediately after the birth of their daughter, they separated. Mironov left Gradova and soon married someone else. The actress became his new chosen one.

Little Maria with Andrei Mironov

When Maria was only two years old, her parents noticed her dancing talent. And they even dreamed that she would become a ballerina. But this never happened. In front of the choreographers, the girl began to feel tense and nervous.

In 1983, she starred in a film for the first time. It was the film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn,” where Maria played the role of Tom Sawyer’s classmate and friend, Rebecca. Masha had no great desire to act in this film, but her parents insisted.

Despite the fact that Maria Mironova’s first role is officially considered to be the character of Rebecca Thatcher in the film about Tom Sawyer, the future actress has already appeared on screen before.

It was in the film “17 Moments of Spring,” where her mother Ekaterina Gradova played the role of radio operator Kat. It was Masha who was the baby in the hands of the young heroine, although according to the plot of the film, Kat had a son.

There are other events in the actress’s biography that became an invisible pointer to her future life.

So Maria met her first husband at the age of 9 in Yalta, where her father took her with him. Andrei Mironov filmed the film “The Tale of Wanderings” in this city. It was during filming that the first meeting of the future spouses took place.

Another coincidence of fate is the fact that Mironov’s last performance became the premiere for Maria Mironova. It was in The Marriage of Figaro that the graduate of the Shchukin School played her first role on stage. A few years earlier, her father lost consciousness precisely during the playing of the last scene of this play.

Two days later he died in the hospital, and Maria saw him too last game, and was with him in the last moments of his life. The girl was only 14 years old at the time, but the death of her father made her look at life differently.

Student years

After graduating from school, Maria became a student at the Shchukin Theater Institute. She had to stop studying because in 1992 she gave birth to a son. But the desire to engage in acting did not leave her, and a little later Mironova entered the All-Union State Cinematographic Institute.

Maria understood that she was not mistaken in choosing a profession. She enjoyed attending classes in the workshop of M. Gluzsky, where her first work entitled “Lullaby for a Daughter” was presented. It was a sketch that lasted 17 minutes, where Masha took part not only as an actress, but also as a director. In 1996, she received the long-awaited diploma from VGIK and began working at Lenkom.

Film roles

The year two thousand became triumphant for Mironova. She played in the films “The Wedding” and “Russian Riot”. The tragicomedy “The Wedding” brought the acting ensemble a prize at a film festival in France. Critics and ordinary viewers highly appreciated Maria's acting.

In 2002, the drama “Oligarch” was released, where Maria starred along with such actors as Marat Basharov, Andrei Krasko, Vladimir Mashkov. Mironova became a truly famous and sought-after actress.

In 2003, she played in the TV series “Main Roles” together with Marina Alexandrova, and in 2004 in the film “State Councilor”, where her colleagues in the frame were Oleg Menshikov, Nikita Mikhalkov, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Konstantin Khabensky and many other celebrities.

In the same year, the film “Night Watch” by Timur Bekmambetov was released. Maria played the mother of Oleg, a teenager hunted by vampires. In 2005, she starred in the films “Death of an Empire” and “Day Watch”.

Mironova was remembered by the viewer in the films “The Man from Capuchin Boulevard”, “Leader of the Redskins”, “Sniper. Weapon of retaliation."

In 2010, Artem Mikhalkov and Ivan Okhlobystin filmed the comedy “Moscow, I love you!” Maria Mironova starred in it along with Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Evgeny Stychkin. In 2015, the Russian TV series “Motherland” was released, where Vladimir Mashkov and Victoria Iskovaya became Maria’s colleagues on the set.

In December 2016, the disaster film “Earthquake” directed by Sarik Andreasyan, which also starred Maria Mironova, was released. The film is about the story of two different lives who are constantly pitted against each other by fate.

The film tells about the events of 1988, when an earthquake occurred in Armenia, destroying almost half of the republic, killing 25 thousand people, leaving half a million residents homeless.

Maria starred in more than 30 films. She has a large number of awards and titles. In 2006 she received honorary title Honored Artist of our country.

Maria Mironova is known as a hardworking and talented actress who is not afraid of difficulties and devotes herself one hundred percent to her work. The actress believes that it is better to star in one, but worthy film, than in ten mediocre ones.

Theater career

Maria played her first theatrical roles in the works “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Two Women”, “City of Millionaires”. Her fame began to gain momentum after the productions of “Phaedra”, “Carmen”, “The Seagull”.

Still in the same “Lenkom” Mironova played in the films “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Tartuffe”, “The Lady’s Visit”, “The Jester Balakirev”. Maria worked on the stage of the Theater of Nations in Moscow, where she played in the plays “Caligula”, “Carmen. Exodus".

The star has been awarded many prizes in the field of theatrical art. In 1998, she won the E. Leonov Prize. In 2007, she was awarded the Golden Mask Award for her role in the play Phaedra.

She was awarded the Golden Ear and the Idol acting award as the best actress of the year. In 2008, Maria became the best among actresses according to Teatral magazine, and in 2011 she received the Figaro Award named after her father for achievements in the field of acting.

In addition to filming and theatrical performances, the actress also participates in cultural and social events and charity projects. In 2008, she became one of the founders and president non-profit organization“Artist”, where they provide assistance to elderly and lonely stage veterans.

The actress works as the art director of the TERRITORIA art festival. Since 2013, she has been a member of the Public Moscow Chamber and a confidant of S. Sobyanin.

Personal life of Maria Mironova

At nineteen, Maria became the wife of businessman Igor Udalov. They lived together for almost eight years. Mironova gave birth to a son, Andrei, in marriage. There were rumors that Andrei’s dad was Anton, Masha’s classmate, with whom she had an affair.

With Igor Udalov

Maria divorced Udalov and became the wife of Dmitry Klokov, who was 10 years younger than her and worked as an adviser to the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation. Despite the separation, Igor did not stop taking care of his son and speaking well of Masha. The actress lived with Klokov for 5 years and broke off relations with him because of his infidelities. Soon she got back together with her ex-husband, but the second attempt to build happy family was never successful.

With Dmitry Klokov

Mironova’s third husband was Alexey Makarov, the son of Lyubov Polishchuk. Maria secretly visited him on the set, and soon the couple appeared together at the premiere of the film “Elena.” The actors got married without much fanfare or lavish celebration in 2011.

Soon they both began to play in the film “The Three Musketeers,” where Alexei had the role of Porthos, and Maria played the role of the queen. The husband took candid scenes with Mironova to heart and was constantly jealous of her film partners.

With third husband Alexei Makarov

Maria Andreevna Mironova – Russian actress theater and cinema, known primarily for productions of the Lenkom Theater and Pavel Lungin’s films “Wedding” and “Oligarch”. She is the daughter of the famous actor Andrei Mironov.

Childhood and family

Maria Mironova was born on May 28, 1973 in the family of the outstanding Soviet actor Andrei Mironov and his first wife, actress Ekaterina Gradova, who became famous for her role as radio operator Kat from the mini-series “17 Moments of Spring.” It was in this film, by the way, that Maria herself made her debut - the radio operator held the tiny baby in her arms (although in the story the child was male).

Andrei and Ekaterina met at the Satire Theater. The marriage proposal followed quickly, after a couple of dates. Evil tongues said that by doing so the artist wanted to annoy his ex-lover Tatiana Egorova. One way or another, the wedding took place in 1971, and two years later Masha was born. The girl was named after her paternal grandmother.

In 1976, the couple filed for divorce. Andrei Mironov left the family for his longtime lover, actress Larisa Golubkina, adopting her 3-year-old daughter, also Maria. Subsequently, Ekaterina almost abandoned her profession, and in the early 90s she completely moved to the village Vladimir region, where she lived with her new husband, physicist Igor Timofeev. Soon after the wedding, they took into their care a boy from the orphanage, Sasha Sukhoverkov (born 1992).

As a child, Masha rarely saw her father, but all close families claimed that she inherited his refined manners, great taste, memorable appearance and, of course, his inner core. She grew up as a calm, silent child; she loved to look at her mother’s stage outfits and give her advice on their design.

Interview with Maria Mironova in the program “Temporarily Available”

From the age of three, Maria dreamed of becoming a dancer. The girl begged her mother to send her to ballet school, and at home she loved to dress up, turn on music and imagine herself in the place of Maya Plisetskaya or Isadora Duncan. However, she had to be content with an ordinary dance class, which gave her an even posture and a smooth gait.

First role

Maria Mironova's full-fledged film debut took place in 1981. A 10-year-old girl played Becky Thatcher in Stanislav Govorukhin’s children’s film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” Maria recalled that she herself had no particular desire to act in film, but, as often happens, her parents decided everything for her. By the way, the film became the acting debut for Vladislav Galkin.

But she really enjoyed the filming process itself, despite the many inconveniences. Filming took place in Sukhumi in forty-degree heat. Masha, sweltering from the heat, was supposed to perform a scene with the bull, but he did not listen. Then they put a goat in the schoolgirl’s arms, which smelled quite bad. Then the filming moved to a terribly cold cave - it was necessary to walk through stalactites.

Maria also recalled that she was terribly afraid of the main villain of the film, Injun Joe, so she constantly asked the team “Where is he?” The panicked fear of the Indian did not go away even after the actress was introduced to the actor Talgat Nigmatulin, who played his role, who treated the young actress to candy.

Father's death

At the age of 14, Maria experienced a terrible loss - the death of her father. He lost consciousness during the last scene of The Marriage of Figaro, without finishing it. At that fateful moment, Maria was sitting in the auditorium. During the intermission, the girl came into Mironov’s dressing room - he told her that he wanted to go to Holland in the fall. It seemed to her that her father’s face was red, but he just waved it off: “Overheated in the sun - playing tennis.” When Andrei fell to the floor in the final scene, Maria seemed to feel that this was the end.

His death made me re-evaluate a lot of things. For a long time I myself could not understand what had happened...

After being hospitalized with a diagnosis of “brain aneurysm,” doctors fought for the actor’s life for two days. Maria spent the night of August 14-15 at her hospital bed. On August 16, 1987, Andrei Mironov passed away without regaining consciousness.

Education. Birth of a son

Maria did not intend to become an actress, but after graduating from her native school No. 113 on Degtyarny Lane, she thought - why not? In 1990, she became a student at the Theater School. Shchukin, where her father once studied. The girl studied on the course of Yuri Lyubimov.

She failed to graduate from Shchuka - the reason for this was an affair with businessman Igor Udalov, 8 years older than her. She met him in Yalta, on the set of the film “The Tale of Wanderings” (her father took her with him), while still a 9-year-old girl. After finishing the first course, Maria took maternity leave. On June 4, 1992, their son was born, named Andrei in honor of his famous grandfather.

In 1993, having completely devoted a year and a half of her life to her son, Maria transferred to Mikhail Gluzsky’s course at VGIK. Maria received the long-awaited diploma in 1997. Her graduation performances were a vaudeville based on the stories of Arkady Averchenko and the play “The Last” based on Gorky.

Even before graduating from VGIK, Maria Mironova became part of the troupe of the Lenkom Theater, for which she had tender feelings with early years, rejecting the invitation of the “School of Contemporary Play”. The first performance with her participation was “The Marriage of Figaro”, where she got the role of Fanchetta. Subsequently, she took part in the productions of “Two Women”, “The Executioner’s Executioner”, “Barbarian and Heretic”, “City of Millionaires”, “The Taming of the Shrew” and many others.

Film career

Maria came to big cinema relatively late - in 2000, having received the main female role in Pavel Lungin’s film “The Wedding”. As Maria recalled, the newspapers then were full of headlines “Maria Mironova returned to cinema 20 years later” - the authors counted the time since the release of “Tom Sawyer”, which misled readers.

Maria got into the picture with virtually no auditions - Lungin was impressed by her performance in the play “Two Women” and tried her in his previous film “Life Line”. Moreover, Maria was entrusted with the choice of an on-screen partner, who eventually became Marat Basharov. According to the actress, an unprecedented atmosphere of harmony and mutual understanding reigned on the set.

The film was shot near Tula. The actress recalled that the film crew lived there almost continuously for two months, only sometimes the actors were allowed to go to Moscow. With such a schedule, everyone was on the rise and easily withstood the next night shooting - it was at this time that work on the set was simply in full swing. I had enough strength for everything, even with a minimum amount of time to sleep.

Maria Mironova and Pavel Lungin. Interview

Pavel Lungin managed to gather a unique acting ensemble in one place: Maria Mironova, Maria Golubkina, Marat Basharov, Andrey Panin, Alexander Semchev, Natalya Kolyakanova... The young actors brought energy and a share of recklessness to the filming process - the film received many warm reviews, as well Cannes Film Festival prize “For the best casting”.

In the same 2000, Maria Mironova worked on the drama “Russian Revolt” by Alexander Proshkin, and two years later she again worked with Lungin. This time she got the main one female role in the drama "Oligarch", which told about the fate of businessman Platon Makovsky, modern Ostap Bender, whose role was masterfully played by Vladimir Mashkov.

Initially, Pavel Lungin did not see Maria as the only woman in Makovsky’s life (her heroine’s name was also Maria), who could not be bought for any money. The director believed that the fragile and tender Mironova did not have enough life experience to embody the role of an unhappy woman-muse. Lungin gave Maria the script to read with the words: “There is no role for you, but you can become a model or a journalist. I don't think it's yours."

Mironova went through the script and realized that this beautifully written, complex role in the excellent script of the film of her favorite director simply had to go to her. And she managed to convince Lungin by presenting an argument in the form of her 9-year-old son.

During filming, she had to play an explicit scene with Vladimir Mashkov. After the premiere of the film, journalists repeatedly asked whether it was difficult to play love scenes, to which the actress replied that this was her profession. And she added that she would never participate in such scenes if they were “far-fetched.” But in “Oligarch” the scene looked harmonious - there was no place for rudeness and vulgarity.

One of Maria Mironova’s striking works was Madame Julie in “State Councilor” by Philip Yankovsky. Although the much-hyped film did not live up to the advances, critics spoke with enthusiasm about Maria’s work, which did not fade even against the backdrop of the powerful charisma of Nikita Mikhalkov, and her tandem with Konstantin Khabensky.

Over the course of several years, Maria’s filmography has been replenished with many high-profile projects. Among them: “Night Watch” by Timur Bekmambetov and its continuation (the role of Yegor’s mother), the historical series “The Death of an Empire” (the role of Elena Saburova), the tragicomedy “Dispatching from Mars” (the role of Natasha Strelnikova), the new “The Three Musketeers” from Sergei Zhigunova (the role of Queen Anne).

Separately, we can note the detective series “The Cry of an Owl”, in which Maria got the role of postal worker Nina Kaverina, the object of desire of two policemen who disliked each other (Sergei Puskepalis and Andrei Merzlikin).

As Maria noted, her current roles are different from those at the beginning of her film career. “I choose only interesting scripts with a clearly defined character. If I open a script and see something like “tall, attractive blonde,” I immediately close it.”

Personal life of Maria Mironova

As Maria’s comrades at the Shchukin School recalled, in her first year the girl had an affair with the actor’s son

All fans of Russian cinema are very interested in the biography and personal life of Maria Mironova - what new works she is starring in, what kind of relationship she has with her son, who will be her new husband. Last question is the most frequently asked question during numerous interviews to which the actress is willingly invited. And there is nothing surprising here, because this beautiful woman became famous not as a daughter famous parents, but as a successful and accomplished artist.

Family and biography of Maria Mironova. Father's death

Back in 1971, on the sidelines of the Moscow Satire Theater, two outstanding personalities— Andrei Mironov and Ekaterina Gradova. There was no long period of courtship in this couple, since Catherine categorically did not agree to a fleeting affair. Just a few dates and Andrei proposed marriage to Gradova. The girl answered “yes,” because it was simply impossible to resist Mironov’s charm and assertiveness. They got married that same year.

Star family Maria

And on May 28, 1973, Ekaterina Gradova and Andrei Mironov had a daughter, Masha. Much to the regret of all admirers of this beautiful star couple, the girl did not become a bond between her parents. She was still just a baby when, in 1974, her father left the family due to betrayal. And even though Ekaterina took on the main responsibility for raising her daughter, Andrei also took part in the fate of the future actress. He willingly took Maria to rehearsals for performances and filming, so that his daughter would be immersed in the unique theatrical and filming atmosphere from an early age.

The official divorce between Masha's parents occurred in 1976. Soon after him, Mironov moved to live with Larisa Golubkina. And in the early nineties, Catherine also married for the second time.

From about the age of two, little Mironova Masha was fond of dancing. Her parents, who saw undeniable talent in their child, took her to choreographers, where the girl had to show herself. But during the screening, Maria became stubborn and began to behave capriciously. It turned out that she did not like to expose herself in front of completely strangers. Mironova made no more attempts to connect her life with dancing.

Maria on the set of the series “Garden Ring”

In August 1987, fourteen-year-old Masha had to endure a terrible tragedy - the death of her beloved father. This happened in the building of the Riga Opera, where Andrei Mironov played in the play “Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro.” During the final act, the actor fell. His daughter, who was near the stage at that time, immediately rushed to him. Hospitalization followed. In the hospital, Maria did not leave her father’s bed. Andrei Mironov was diagnosed with a cerebral hemorrhage. Early in the morning of August 16, the actor died in the arms of his daughter without regaining consciousness.

No matter how great the tragedy of the loss loved one, life and youth still took their toll. In 1990, Maria Mironova graduated from Moscow school No. 113. And since at that time she already had experience in filming films, one path was prepared for her - the Shchukin Theater School, where her illustrious father once studied. Really, finish this educational institution the actress was not destined. Dramatic changes took place in the biography of Maria Mironova, and although many believed that it was too early to have children at 18, the girl decided to take this step, putting her husband and personal life first.

Still from the film “Wedding”

When her son Andrei, named after his father, grew up a little, the woman decided to continue her studies. In 1993, Mironova transferred to the All-Union state institute cinematography (VGIK). Now nothing stopped her from developing as an actress, and she plunged headlong into the process of studying acting.


The very first film work for Maria Mironova was the role of the charming Becky Thatcher in the story about Tom Sawyer. Despite quite young age, the actress did a great job with her role. The filming process seemed tedious to the girl, but very exciting.

Then there was a break for study, personal life and family that lasted almost twenty years. In 2000, Maria again appeared on the screens in the films “Wedding” and “Russian Revolt”.

Actress on the set of the film “The Leader of the Various Skins”

Since then, her filmography has been regularly replenished with quality roles. Almost all films and TV series in which Maria Mironova takes part are highly praised by viewers and film critics:

  • the drama “Oligarch” is another work by Mironova in the project of Pavel Lungin;
  • the series “Main Roles”, which finally revealed the actress’s talent;
  • duology “Night Watch” and “Day Watch”;
  • historical painting “The Death of the Empire”;
  • “State Councilor” is the third film in the series about Erast Fandorin. It just so happened that the film did not live up to the viewer’s expectations, but Mironova’s performance, who played the role of the eccentric Madame Julie, was highly praised by critics;
  • a new film adaptation of The Three Musketeers, where Mary played Queen Anne;
  • drama "About Love".

Maria in the film "The Three Musketeers"

Now the actress’s biography includes about 30 film roles.

Personal life

The personal life of Maria Mironova is under close attention of the press and fans, who are looking forward to changes in the actress’s biography, because everyone is wondering whether she will have new husband and is it possible to see his photo now? No one believes that this beautiful young woman can be alone for so long. However, Maria is in no hurry to tie the knot again.

Maria Mironova and Igor Udalov

Her first marriage happened very early. The artist’s husband was businessman Igor Udalov. The man is 10 years older than his chosen one, and they met when the girl was still in school. A whirlwind romance ensued. They played a wedding. Ekaterina Gradova was pleased with her daughter’s choice, because Igor is a serious and wealthy man. In addition, it was clear that he loved Masha very much. In 1992, the couple had a son.

What caused the break in the relationship is unknown, but in 1999 the family broke up. Andrey stayed with his mother. At the same time, Udalov and Mironova communicate well to this day.

The second official husband of the actress was Dmitry Klokov. This marriage did not last long. Maria could not forgive the betrayal and showed the man the door. Dmitry Klokov and Maria Mironova had no children.

Maria Mironova and her second husband Dmitry Klokov

The artist married for the third time in 2011 to the son of Lyubov Polishchuk, Alexei Makarov. If you look at the photo, you can see that it was very a beautiful couple. It is known that Alexey was very jealous of Maria, especially when she had to act in explicit scenes. Such violent passions family boat couldn’t stand it and the couple broke up two years later.

Maria Mironova with Alexei Makarov

Many are surprised why Maria Mironova no longer decided to have children with such a turbulent personal life and rich biography, but the artist claims that she is quite happy with the fact that she has only one son and she is ready to devote all her love to him. The photo shows with what trepidation the woman looks at Andrei, who, by the way, is very similar to his grandfather.

  • Maria Mironova was named after her paternal grandmother, Maria Vladimirovna;
  • Andrei Mironov officially adopted the daughter of Larisa Golubkina, which caused a feeling of jealousy in little Masha, my own daughter Mironov;
  • Maria has another stepbrother - Sasha. Being in her second marriage, Ekaterina Gradova took the boy from an orphanage;
  • on the set of the film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn,” eight-year-old Masha was very frightened by Talgat Nigmatulin’s hero, Indian Joe;

Maria's son Andrey looks like his famous grandfather
  • shortly before her father’s death, Masha talked with him in the dressing room during intermission. Andrei shared his plans for the future, and his daughter understood that something was wrong with him - his face was too red. Unfortunately, Mironov did not listen to his daughter and brushed off her concerns;
  • the tragic comedy “The Wedding,” where Maria played the main role, was awarded at the Cannes Film Festival;
  • in the film “Night Watch” Mironova kisses Klokov, her husband. It turned out that the actor chosen for this episode mixed up the cities and went to St. Petersburg instead of Moscow. To quickly film the scene, Dmitry took his place;
  • Mironova is already ready to become a grandmother and is looking forward to having grandchildren.

Maria Mironova now

In 2018, Maria turned 45 years old, but she does not look her age at all - beautiful, sophisticated, intelligent, always in the center of attention. She is gladly invited to talk shows on central channels.

Actress during an interview

From latest news It is known that in June Mironova found herself in a very unpleasant situation - she was robbed right in the center of Moscow. The woman lost valuables totaling three thousand dollars. She herself told her subscribers about this through a popular social network. We can only hope that the criminals will be detained and Maria will get her things back.

Three broken marriages. Now she does not change anything in her environment or carefully hides the changes. She doesn’t like to talk about her personal life, but fans are interested in who she was married to and whether she has children?

Husbands and personal relationships of Maria Mironova

Bright, beautiful, talented Mironova Maria Andreevna - daughter famous actors Ekaterina Gradova and Andrei Mironov.

Legendary Soviet actor Andrei Mironov with his daughter Masha, 1980

She inherited her appearance and character from her mother, and her love of love from her father, as evidenced by her numerous relationships.

Andrei Mironov and his daughter Maria

With such an acting dynasty, Masha had no other future except cinema and theater. She started acting at the age of eight. After graduating from school, she became a student at the Shchukin Higher Theater School.

First husband - Igor Udalov

Quite early, after the first year, she married a businessman, President of the television company World Fashion Channel Russia, Igor Aleksandrovich Udalov. She was eighteen years old, and Igor was nine years older.

Maria Mironova with her ex-husband Igor

Their acquaintance occurred when the future actress was still in high school. Igor at that time already had a reputation successful person in television business.

Udalov tried to provide everything for his young wife, took care of her and fulfilled her every whim, bought an apartment where they lived for seven happy years.

Igor did not pay attention to his wife’s fleeting affairs, but she liked to make young guys fall in love with her. For example, at the Lenkom Theater, where she works, many actors know how much Inna Churikova’s son was in love with Masha. Ivan offered her a wedding, but Maria Mironova did not agree. The young man suffered greatly and for a long time, and still has not married.

Andrey Udalov and Maria Mironova

Married to Igor Udalov, the actress gave birth to a son, Andrei (June 4, 1992). After giving birth, Masha took an academic leave, and then transferred to VGIK, from which she graduated in 1996. However, a common child could not save the family from divorce.

Second husband - Dmitry Klokov

In 1999, changes occurred in the personal life of Maria Mironova, then it seemed to her that she had met the man of her dreams.

The young actress fell madly in love with Dmitry Klokov. He was four years younger than her, worked in Russian Academy sciences on a voluntary basis.

A slight age difference did not prevent the lovers from starting a family. Masha divorced Igor Udalov and married Klokov.

Maria Mironova with her ex-husband Dmitry Klokov

They lived together for five years. Dima got along well with both her son and her ex-husband Igor. Their marriage seemed ideal, but when rumors of cheating began to appear young spouse Masha immediately filed for divorce, but they were able to maintain a warm relationship. According to the actress, she parted well with all her husbands even after divorces ex-spouses became friends, called each other, met and even vacationed together.

Maria Mironova with her second husband and son

After breaking up with Klokov, Masha returned to Udalov, who had also divorced his second wife by this time. In many interviews, the actress admits that she will be grateful to Igor for everything until the end of her life. He is a rare breed of person - absolutely selfless, he gave her a huge amount of his love and support.

Third marriage with Alexei Makarov

Masha's third husband was the famous actor Alexei Makarov. Although the actress herself does not confirm information about this marriage. Alexey advertised his relationship with Maria Mironova, showing a stamp in his passport. Masha said in an interview that Makarov has always been, is and remains an excellent friend for her.

Masha with actor Alexei Makarov

Relations with Anton Yakovlev

The fate of Maria Mironova also includes the name of the Russian director, screenwriter and actor, television and radio presenter Anton Yakovlev (son of actor Yuri Yakovlev).

They studied together at the Shchukin Theater School, where a stormy romance broke out between the young people. There are a lot of witnesses to this - their classmates, who even confirm the rumors that Yakovlev is most likely the father of Masha’s son Andrei.

The lovers did not hide their bright romance. When Masha became pregnant, her mother Ekaterina Gradova gave her a scandal, and young girl left home to Yakovlev. However, soon the young people quarreled so much that Masha left Anton and moved in with Igor Udalov. The actress herself completely denies such rumors.

Son: Andrey Udalov

In her personal life, actress Maria Mironova can only talk about two men openly and for a long time, without making any secrets. This is her father and son Andryusha. For a long time the boy bore his grandfather's surname, but then the actress nevertheless decided that he should inherit the surname of his father - Udalov.

Actress with son Andrei Udalov

She is publicly proud of her child, who early childhood grew up as an active and friendly boy. After school, Andryusha became a student at the University of Management.

He decided not to continue acting dynasty, but after studying for a year, the genes still took their toll.

Andrei Udalov graduated from the Shchukin School, and in his last year he joined the Vakhtangov Theater troupe. Today he continues to act in films.

How Maria Mironova lives today

At the end of May 2018, actress Maria Mironova turned 45 years old. On her Instagram page she wrote: “She gave birth to a son, built a house, planted a tree!??” What's next?

Workers wake Mironova

Now her heart is free of love, Maria Mironova is busy charitable foundation“Artist”, where he is the founder.

She still acts in films a lot, plays on the stage of the Lenkom Theater and in Lately I really loved traveling around the world.

Increasingly, she tries to go somewhere far away from civilization, to hide from DC voltage and responsibility to rest mentally.

Mironova at a meeting with the mayor of Moscow

According to Maria Mironova, in her personal life she could not pass the only test - she was unable to create one family once and for all. She dreamed of just such a family, and sincerely admires the people who succeeded. But everything worked out for her in her profession; Masha is one of the most sought-after actresses in Russian cinema.


Talented, beautiful Soviet and Russian actress Maria Mironova. Daughter famous actor Andrey Mironov. There are still many different talents hidden in this fragile woman. She besides creative work, is also involved in charity work.

He is also the president and co-founder of the foundation. Member of the Moscow Public Chamber. You can write about her achievements forever, but her most important achievement is that she is the mother of a talented son. And she did not hide behind the name of her parents, but tried to achieve everything on her own.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Mironova

Maria looks great. On this moment The actress is 43 years old, although she doesn’t look her age. Masha has many fans who follow her life and achievements. So on the Internet you can find many questions of this nature: height, weight, age, how old is Maria Mironova.

Finding answers to these questions couldn't be easier. There is a lot of information about this actress. For example, a woman is 176 centimeters tall and weighs 58 kilograms. Quite a fragile and athletic personality. Maria carefully monitors her physical fitness.

Biography of Maria Mironova

Maria was born into a creative and beautiful family. Her mom and dad are actors. Masha herself played her first role in her mother’s arms when she was just a baby. So she debuted quite a long time ago.

The girl was named after her grandmother, her father's mother. Happy and complete family she didn't have it. The parents decided to separate almost immediately after Masha’s birth. The father himself left them, and soon married for the second time, and adopted the woman’s daughter, the girl, by the way, was also called Maria. Both daughters are now actresses.

In Mary with early age began to notice talent for dancing. Her father even believed that she would make an excellent ballerina. They found her good teacher, but because of her capriciousness, the girl did not show what she was capable of. She really didn't like being looked at. Although she really loved to follow everything that was happening around her. The girl was quiet, calm and silent, like her father.

The biography of Maria Mironova began to change from the moment she was offered a real full-fledged role, at that time she was only 10 years old. She was offered to star in the film for children “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” As the actress herself says, she didn’t really want to act, but her parents decided everything for her, and it was with their encouragement that she got into the world of cinema.

Maria still remembers her first role with trepidation and excitement. It's like everything happened yesterday. She liked everything very much. Even though it was insanely hot, 40 degrees. She was supposed to film with a bull, but he was very capricious, and she was given a goat, which did not smell very good. After filming, we were moved to a cave, which, on the contrary, was incredibly cold. But the actress did a great job, and was very happy about it.

Already in the 90s she entered Shchyukinskoye. But she didn’t study for long. While a student, she got married and in 1992 they had a son, because of whom she left her studies. When her son grew up, she decided to continue her studies. She's seriously into it acting skills. Not for show, but for yourself. While studying, she directed her first picture.

Filmography: films starring Maria Mironova

She played her first major film role in the film “The Wedding.” Maria remembers that time with positive emotions. They were filming a movie near Tula. The group was so busy with work that they did not go home for almost two months. But, despite all the difficulties, these were the best times for the actress.

followed the main role in the film "Oligarch". Where the actress was not supposed to go, but she was taken.

Now Maria works more in the theater, she believes that this is stability. She also often receives film offers, but she is in no hurry, maybe less, but better.

Personal life of Maria Mironova

Maria has a very hectic life. She was married three times. Unfortunately, Maria Mironova’s personal life was not as successful as any woman would have liked. The longest marriage lasted eight years, and all the others were much shorter. But the woman does not lose heart, and believes that she has not yet met the one person with whom she wanted to live her whole life.

Maria Mironova, the daughter of Andrei Mironov, is just like her father, beautiful and smart, and everyone believes that everything will be amazing for her. So far there is only one man in her life, and this is forever. This man is her son. She herself admits that she still loves her first husband, and they have very friendly relations and to this day.

Now information has often begun to appear on the Internet that Maria has a new husband, but the actress herself denies this fact and says that she currently has no one except her son.

Family of Maria Mironova

At the moment, the family, although small, is very friendly. She has a friendly and warm relationship with her son. He listens to all his mother’s advice and tries in every possible way to follow it. Since childhood, she noticed acting skills in him, but did not insist, she gave him the right to choose. After studying for a year, Andrei realized that he was drawn to the acting profession, which greatly pleased his mother.

Now the guy is dating a girl, and it is possible that soon Maria Mironova’s family will be replenished, and maybe even by several people; Maria herself does not lose hope of finding her love.

Children of Maria Mironova

Despite the fact that Maria was married three times, she only has one child. Of course, many women dream of having several children, and Maria is no exception, but fate turned out this way, all hope remains for her son, so that he will give her as many grandchildren as possible, and then perhaps Maria will decide to have a new child, which is of course unlikely, but that’s it, it's possible.

But for now, the children of Maria Mironova are her beloved and only son. And there, perhaps soon grandchildren will follow, then Maria’s family will become much larger.

Son of Maria Mironova - Andrey Udalov

Maria has only one child, her son Andrei from her first marriage. Despite the divorce of his parents, Andrei did not need either a mother or a father. He always felt the love of two. The guy is very similar to his mother, just as active, cheerful and cheerful.

The son of Maria Mironova, Andrei Udalov, is a very promising young actor. He decided to follow in the footsteps of matter and devote his life acting career. Which makes his mother very happy, he tries to achieve everything himself. But if you need help, star mom does not deny him this. He is now playing in the theater and has already starred in several films. Now Andrey has a girlfriend, whom he first introduced to his mother. Maria really liked the girl. She hopes their relationship will last a long time and give her many grandchildren to look forward to.

Former husband of Maria Mironova - Igor Udalov

Maria married Igor at the age of nineteen, while a student. This marriage was the longest, almost eight years. In their marriage, the couple had a son, Andrei. There were often rumors that Maria gave birth not from her husband, but from a fellow student with whom she had an affair. Ex-husband Maria Mironova - Igor Udalov denies this, he says that this is his son.

And Maria herself denies these rumors. Unfortunately, their family broke up. But Masha admits that she still loves him. They even tried to get back together, but it didn’t work out. Now they maintain friendly relations, and together I help my son.

Former husband of Maria Mironova - Dmitry Klokov

It turned out that Dima is 10 years younger than Masha, but despite this, they were a happy couple. He was an adviser to the Minister of Energy. Their marriage seemed ideal; it lasted five years. Dmitry fell in love with Mary's son very much, and did not separate him from himself. But soon the couple broke up. Maria Mironova's ex-husband, Dmitry Klokov, began to cheat on her.

Maria endured for a long time and did not believe, but still could not stand it. After the divorce, they tried to get together, but it didn’t work out. Dmitry maintains friendly relations with Masha and her son. They have no children together. Despite his infidelities, Maria forgave, and now communicates well with him, without remembering the past.

Former husband of Maria Mironova - Alexey Makarov

Third and last husband Maria became actor Alexey Makarov, the son of star mother Lyubov Polishchuk. The couple met secretly when Lyosha was filming. Soon they appeared in the same film. In 2011, they married, quietly, modestly. Soon they starred in the same film, “The Three Musketeers.”

Maria Mironova’s ex-husband, Alexey Makarov, was painfully and jealously sensitive to his wife’s bed scenes, and was jealous of her co-stars. Because of this, their marriage did not last long, only a year. Alexey returned to ex-wife and the mother of her child. He and Maria have no children together. Maria herself considers this marriage a mistake.

Of course, there are rumors on the Internet that Maria looks so good and young because of plastic surgery. Yes, she really looks very young, but Maria does not confirm that she turned to plastic surgery for help.

Photos of Maria Mironova before and after plastic surgery can be seen quite often on the Internet, but the fact that this is true is not confirmed. If you look closely at her photographs, you can see small, interesting wrinkles on her face, which suit her very well. If she had undergone plastic surgery, she would not have looked natural, and this was immediately visible. Few people believe that she took such a step; naturalness suits her.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Mironova

Almost like all the stars, Maria also uses social networks. It can be found on Wikipedia and Instagram. And this is not surprising, she is a very progressive person.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Maria Mironova are full of interesting personal photographs of the actress and her family. She tries to communicate with her fans herself and delight them with new interesting publications. She is subscribed to by many people who love and respect the actress. She has many photographs from travel, from filming and with colleagues. She tries to maintain her page herself, updating it every time.

There are a huge number of fans of the actress’s talent. Many people like her work. Her successes are closely monitored on the Internet. Of course, you can find a lot of negative reviews, many are trying to throw mud at her, but the actress does not react to this, and she does the right thing. You can't please the whole world. And there is a lot negative people, who really want to scratch their tongue, and find a victim, and mostly these are actors.

I would like to wish this talented person, creative breakthroughs, play the best roles that every actor dreams of. Climbing the stairs, and being recognized in a naked photo. Maria Mironova will gather more fans of her creativity and personality.

And as a woman, I would like to wish you to meet your only love for the rest of your life. So that the son pleases his mother with his achievements and successes. Great happiness to this family.

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