Why dream of Broken Dishes? Variants of interpretation of such actions. Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Crockery is a common household item. Therefore, when she appears in a dream, this can hardly alert. And very often such a symbol is ignored. But, when attention is focused on a certain object or action with it, the question immediately arises of what the dishes are dreaming of.

A lot of dishes - dream book

If you dreamed of dishes, then try to remember its appearance. If you see a lot of dishes in a dream and do not perform any actions, then this indicates that in real life you should pay attention to your own home, and not get carried away with empty ideas on the side.

Why dream of new dishes?

Many people are interested in what new dishes are dreaming of? This indicates that you are a very neat and economical hostess. If a young woman sees how she enters a modern utensils supermarket in night dreams and admires new dishes, then this indicates that she will soon marry successfully and be happy in marriage. But if in a dream you had to go into a sloppy and untidy china shop with a small amount of dishes, then this warns that confusion will reign in business.

Washed dishes

It is also a good sign when dreaming washed dishes neatly arranged on the shelves. This indicates that everything in your life is going according to plan and in the near future no troubles are planned in reality. For family people- this is a sign of a family idyll and absolute harmony in relationships.

Interpretation of sleep by type of dishes

You need to pay attention to the type of dishes seen in a dream, as follows:

    Plates portend a quarrel with loved ones; Spoons predict an addition to the family; Large dishes, salad bowls or bowls are a harbinger of a comfortable household life; The service indicates that it will soon appear in life influential person, which will greatly affect your fate; A variety of dishes in in large numbers promises a pleasant pastime with the household.

old crockery

Old crockery with cracks and punctures is not a very good sign and can mean the following:

    Unpleasant conversation; Receiving unpleasant or unreliable news; A little disappointment in life.

Dreamed of broken or broken dishes

If you dreamed of broken dishes, for example, a pan with a broken handle, then this predicts sad events in real life. And if you dreamed of a bucket without a bottom, then you should expect serious material problems.

You should also know the following:

    A broken ceramic pot portends a happy coincidence; Old plates predict a short successful life span; An old frying pan is a harbinger of trouble.

Clean dishes

Very positive interpretation of clean dishes in a dream female dream book. In real life, there comes a very successful period for any new undertakings. At this time, fate is so favorable to you, all positive changes in life will take place on their own and the most secret desires will gradually come true.

Packed tableware

Seeing packed dishes in a dream that have not yet been used is not very good. This is a sign that troubles are to be expected in personal life. Most likely, there will be a break with a partner. But if you see in a dream that you were presented with very beautiful dishes, then this indicates that in the near future you will receive good advice, which should not be ignored.

If you dream of dirty dishes scattered around the house, then this portends quarrels and conflicts in the family. For a young girl who is about to get married, a broken dish indicates that hopes for happy marriage will not be justified. That is, such a dream focuses your attention on the fact that you are wasting time. If unwashed dishes are dreamed of against the background of depression, then this indicates that the time has come to fully relax.

Interpretation of a dream according to the material of the dishes

To interpret the dream, it is very important to remember what material the dishes were made of:

    Porcelain and ceramic dishes are considered to be harbingers of a prosperous life; Gold and silver dishes predict a fateful meeting; Copper or bronze dishes portend quarrels and disagreements with loved ones; Wooden dishes indicate good health; Aluminum dishes portend illness; Glass dishes reflect a prosperous state of mind dreamer; Pewter warns that in the coming period you need to save, but this will not last long.

If the dishes are made of expensive material and look very beautiful, then it portends well-being, happiness. After that, you should be expected to make new acquisitions, and sometimes such a dream portends a win.

Dreams with silver utensils should be singled out in a separate group, as follows:

    If you dream that you are receiving dishes as a gift, then soon you will be thanked by the person who received help from you in Hard time; Buy dishes - expect big and happy changes in life; Be present at the sale of dishes - expect troubles in the material sphere that will lead to change social status.

You also need to pay attention to the type of dreaming porcelain dishes:

    Exquisite porcelain cups predict a pleasant pastime in the digging of friends; Porcelain plates portend a quarrel with a partner or soulmate, the cause of which will be a trifling occasion.

A very good sign for married women is a white dish seen in a dream. This indicates that soon the husband will receive a promotion, which will guarantee well-being in the house.

Washing dishes in a dream

With dishes in dreams, you can carry out different actions. This is very important factor for the interpretation of dreams. A very common question is, why dream of washing dishes? If you saw in a dream that you were washing dishes in a strange house, then soon your life will be filled with bright unforgettable events. But at the same time, you should pay attention to some nuances:
    Washing dishes in a friend's house means you need to slow down the pace of life and do quiet things; Washing dishes with relatives means that soon you will need to get vivid life impressions in order to avoid depression; Washing someone else's dishes in a dream in an unfamiliar house - soon do new business that will become your hobby.
When you get the feeling that you have to wash the dishes in the house in a dream cold water, then you should prepare for betrayal. If you wipe the freshly washed dishes with a towel in your night dreams, then this portends a good deal. A dream in which you have to wash the dishes with rubber gloves indicates that you cannot focus on important matters. And if you happen to break the dishes while washing, then this indicates that you pay too much attention to your own problems. If you use detergent while washing dishes in night dreams, then you should expect that you will soon be in the spotlight. Lather, on which attention is focused, warns that you can commit a rash act. When you have to wash dishes in your own house in night dreams, this indicates love. Moreover, if you broke the plates, then this symbolizes mutual feelings. And if, according to the plot of the dream, you had to break the cups, then this indicates that love is unrequited.

In addition, it should be noted a dream in which you wash an old service. Such night dreams portend a business trip. And if you have to wash a modern service, then this indicates that dreams will only come true when you show your natural talents. It is important to remember for the correct interpretation the entire plot of the dream:

    When you have to wash dishes in the bathroom, this predicts reconciliation with your loved one; If you have to wash pots and pans, then there will be a fun feast in the near future; When you feel like a dishwasher and are very upset about this, this indicates that soon you will have to become a victim of partner jealousy.
When you dreamed that you were washing pots and other camping utensils at a picnic, this indicates that an important event will happen in your life. Besides:
    Rinsing one-time dishes - to soon wealth; Washing metal plates portends a meeting with an old friend; Cleaning a cast-iron pot symbolizes self-confidence; Wiping ceramic dishes - be ashamed of your own complexes.

Why dream of breaking dishes

It is very important to know why one is dreaming broken dishes? Beat dishes in a dream - in general, this is very good sign. Almost all dream books predict positive changes in real life. You need to prepare for the fact that you have to experience new vivid feelings and experience new unforgettable sensations. It is very important to pay attention to how the dishes were broken:
    If you accidentally dropped it and broke it, then this portends a fleeting romance; If the dishes fell and pricked, then this portends a deception. The period has come when you need to be especially careful in everything; If you dream of broken dishes after it has been thrown at someone, then this is a harbinger of a promising marriage; If you break dishes in a dream filled with festive dishes, then this portends prosperity, associated with career advancement; If empty, dirty dishes were broken, then this predicts the end of a streak of bad luck.
A very bad omen is a broken crystal dish during a quarrel in a dream. This portends serious conflict situations with a loved one in real life, which will have bad consequences. In this case, most likely, the cause of misunderstandings is your wrong behavior. You will have to listen to completely justified accusations from your partner and you will have to look for compromises to save the relationship.

Break your favorite cup or plate

An unkind sign is the plot of a dream in which your favorite cup or plate was broken. This warns that you will soon have to endure a serious loss. It can be both the loss of a friend, and the loss of some material value. On the other hand, such a dream indicates that one should not be upset about this. Despite the fact that the loss will be very painful, you need to remember that time heals and soon the ability to feel the joy of life will appear again. If the dishes were broken, but the process of this went unnoticed in a dream, then this is a good omen, especially for a sick person. This predicts a speedy recovery. In other cases, such a dream indicates a surge of vitality, which will allow you to successfully implement any undertakings. A warning is also a crack that has formed on the dishes that have fallen. This indicates that a person's health can significantly deteriorate, against the background of a developing disease. This is a sign that you need to urgently consult a doctor, only in this way it will be possible to avoid problems. For a young woman, such a sign also indicates that she may have problems conceiving a child. For a pregnant woman, such a dream promises problems during the period of bearing a child and childbirth.

In a dream, a cast-iron boiler breaks

Sometimes in night dreams there are scenes in which a cast-iron boiler breaks? This promises the onset of difficult times associated with a streak of bad luck. It also indicates that the support of closest friends will be needed soon. It should be expected that the dark streak of life will drag on for for a long time and can lead to the development of self-doubt, as well as undermine faith in a happy, cloudless future. On the basis of this, depression can develop, which can cause serious damage to health. Therefore, you need to make every effort to believe that bad luck will end sooner or later and the sun will shine brightly again in a person’s life. Fragments of broken dishes are treated similarly. And the more of them, the longer the black life streak will drag on.

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Beautiful and whole dishes in night dreams symbolize home comfort and strong family relationships. Based on this interpretation, most people believe that breaking dishes in a dream is a bad sign that predicts quarrels, losses and other troubles for a person. However, dream books do not always interpret dreams in which they had to break dishes in a negative light. In some cases broken plates and glasses can portend joyful events to the sleeper.

To understand what events breaking dishes can predict for a person, you need to familiarize yourself with the interpretations of this dream presented in different dream books. Miller is sure that the night vision, in which the sleeper picked up the dishes, but accidentally dropped it and broke it, predicts a short period of luck for him. If a person needs to decide any important issues, do it best in the coming days, as long as luck is on his side.

If you believe the Esoteric dream book, then breaking the dishes should be considered as a bad sign, foreshadowing trouble for the dreamer due to his excessive temper. Unable to control his emotions, he risks spoiling an important matter on which his career and material wealth depend. To avoid the problem, difficult situation it is best to refrain from expressing your opinion and keep silent.

In a dream, did a person deliberately beat plates, enjoying the sight of fragments flying in different directions? Compilers Modern dream book we are convinced that such a plot of a dream indicates an excessive complexion of the dreamer. Being overly shy by nature, he suffers from isolation and self-doubt. These shortcomings do not allow him to enjoy life and achieve career development. If he does not engage in self-improvement, he will never be destined to reach the heights of life.

What if you dream of breaking dishes

Breaking dishes in a dream - to loss close friend. Such an interpretation is presented in Miss Hasse's dream book. Loss can be understood in different ways. It can become like sudden death friend, and a major quarrel with him, which will entail the complete cessation of any relationship.

According to Loff's dream book, accidentally breaking cheap glassware in night dreams is a trouble that arose due to the dreamer's carelessness. If the dreamer dreamed about how he specially beat expensive plates, cups or glasses on the floor or walls, then the dream should be considered as a good sign promising a happy change in life. It is likely that the dreamer will meet his soul mate, open a new business, or find his dream job.

When interpreting night dreams with broken dishes, it is necessary to pay attention to the personality of the sleeper. If it turned out to be a person who will soon marry, then his family life will be filled with happiness, love and mutual understanding. Was the smashing of the plates accompanied by a loud clink of glass? In this case, a person need not worry about the future celebration: the wedding will turn out to be fun and leave only good memories for the guests and newlyweds. But if a married man dreamed of breaking the dishes, then the meaning of the dream for him would be completely different. Dream Interpretations claim that such a plot predicts quarrels and scandals with a soulmate that can lead to divorce. In order not to escalate the situation to the limit, the dreamer should avoid disputes and conflicts in the family, and also learn to respect the point of view of a loved one. It is possible that his opinion is not as erroneous as it seems at first glance.

If in night vision a person, apart from dishes, destroyed everything that came in his way, then in reality he will have to get into an unpleasant situation that will deprive him of peace for a long time. The more objects were broken in a dream, the more serious the problem awaits a person.

What portends to beat the dishes

A dream in which a woman quarreled with her husband, furiously throwing dishes at him that fell under her hands, predicts a scandal to her in reality. Its cause will be the dissatisfaction accumulated by the representative of the weaker sex with her husband, which unexpectedly for her will spill out. Such outbursts of anger can destroy even the most strong family, therefore, a woman needs to learn how to control emotions and express her husband all her dissatisfaction in a calm atmosphere.

Beat dishes in a dream, what else can you dream of? If in night dreams a person happened to break his favorite cup or plate, then in the coming days he will have to experience a serious loss. It can turn out to be both a material value and a person with whom the dreamer values ​​​​the relationship very much. Despite the fact that the loss will be huge, higher power advise the sleeper not to be upset. Time will help you get over the pain of loss and feel the joy of life again.

In a night vision, a man broke a dark cast-iron cauldron? A dream with such a plot promises the onset of difficult times in the dreamer's life when he needs the support of friends and loved ones. The dark streak will last a long time and will finally undermine the sleeper's faith in a happy future. But do not despair, because problems and hardships cannot last forever. One day they will end, and the sun will shine again in the dreamer's life. The same interpretation will be in a dream in which a person dreamed of fragments of broken dishes. The more there are, the longer the losing streak will be.

Did you dream of a plate on which a crack formed after the fall? Sleep warns a person about the exacerbation of chronic diseases or the occurrence of any serious illness. Turning to the doctor in time, he will be able to avoid a long illness. If a woman dreaming of a child breaks a cup in night dreams, then in reality she will have problems with conception. For a pregnant woman, a broken cup promises problems with bearing a baby and difficult childbirth.

A dream about household utensils always reminds you that you should pay attention to the state of affairs in your home and not get carried away with empty ideas. Sometimes such a dream predicts quarrels in the house.

Clean, neatly arranged dishes on the shelves are a sign that everything is going well for you and you should not try to disturb the family idyll. Scattered, bent, broken, dirty dishes in a dream portend quarrels and confusion in the house.

New dishes in your house in a dream portend the addition of a family, marriage, or new acquisitions. But if you see that some vessel has fallen apart, bent or even deteriorated, then your hopes for marriage with some person will not come true. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you are wasting your time.

In a dream, dishes shiny from expensive metal or with expensive coating portend well-being, happiness, new acquisitions, and sometimes winnings.

Seeing dishes on the shelves of a store in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life. Silver utensils in a dream means well-being and family happiness.

To receive silverware as a gift in a dream is a sign of gratitude to you for the person you helped in difficult times. Buying silverware in a dream is a big and happy change in life.

To be present in a dream at a sale (auction) of silverware portends troubles that will lead to great material losses and a change in your social status due to the betrayal of people whom you trusted as yourself. See interpretation: porcelain, drinks.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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If you dream that you are admiring your shelves with sparkling dishes, the dream portends you prosperity in the house and a well-established life.

If a young woman enters a beautiful china shop and admires the goods, a happy marriage with a decent person awaits her.

An untidy china shop with empty shelves - promises confusion in business and discouragement.

Interpretation of dreams from

Everyone knows that they beat the dishes, fortunately, but this is in reality. In dreams, kitchen utensils are associated with family relationships, the warmth of the hearth. Therefore, broken dishes, according to the dream book, are associated with the appearance of relationship problems in the dreamer. True, this does not apply to all nightly incidents; it is important to clarify the nuances of the scenario played out in a dream.

The appearance of plates and cups, as a familiar household item, in the paintings of night rest is not considered an alarming symbol. Therefore, they often do not attach much importance to the image, but when it happens to see broken dishes in a dream, such an incident is already alarming.

Dreaming with dishes

In the general case, visions with household items are interpreted as follows:

  • as a harbinger of surprises in reality, household chores, and sometimes a change of residence;
  • an abundance of dishes in night dreams indicates a lack of attention to one's own home due to undertakings on the side;
  • if it was not broken dishes that were dreamed up in a dream, but new and clean ones, the image portends order and harmony in the family, prosperity;
  • buying new items promises a change for the better, seeing old vessels with chips and cracks is a harbinger of poverty.

Important: as the dream book indicates, broken dishes are a warning about an upcoming difficult conflict in the family, which will be accompanied by strong feelings. Moreover, both close and distant relatives, the existence of which the dreamer did not even suspect, will be involved in the conflict.

Remembering the details for the correct interpretation of night dreams, attention should be paid to the type of household utensils. For example, a broken glass portends disagreements between lovers, a saucer - quarrels with household members, a broken vase warns of oblivion from friends.

It is important to figure out what material the broken dishes were made of in a dream in order to understand the meaning of the dreaming picture.

  • Porcelain - you should cherish friendship, do not offend your best friends. If the dreamer manages to break clean plates or cups, unintentional resentment awaits him. Damage to unwashed dishes portends an unflattering review from a friend.
  • glass items. bad sign it is considered to see broken crystal dishes; in real life, such a picture prophesies a serious conflict with loved ones. Moreover, a misunderstanding with bad consequences will occur through the fault of the dreamer.
  • Wood, metal. Why dream of broken wooden dishes? This is a warning about the need to listen to the opinion of more experienced colleagues in order to earn more money. A broken aluminum pan portends waste due to unexpected guests.

In general, the dream book warns, broken dishes are a sign of an offensive difficult period failures. The dreamer's uncertainty in his abilities will result in a deterioration in material prosperity, a lack of career growth. Accidental damage to household items portends the contemplator of nightly illusions of failure due to his own carelessness.

Options for popular interpretations of the image

Against the backdrop of negative interpretations, the symbol of broken dishes in a dream for a sick dream contemplator is considered a good omen of a speedy recovery. However, a crack on a fallen vessel predicts a deterioration in health for someone who is sick. Despite the fact that night vision warns of various losses, the very process of damaging kitchen items may be left without the dreamer's attention.

Why dream of broken dishes according to some dream books?

  • According to Miller's Dream Book, taking a plate with your hands in a dream is considered an omen of good luck. However, the fall of the plates promises a short duration of a good period, especially when the plates break. Dirty dinner items warn of a bleak future, clean dishes - a period of prosperity will come.
  • Freud's dream book says that to see broken dishes - to serious problems sexual sphere, possible diseases genitals. Women should especially think about it, because the psychoanalyst associates a set of lunch containers with the feminine. Therefore, the contemplation of sparkling objects symbolizes the dreamer's sexual health.
  • Why dream of broken dishes Dream Interpretation XXI? If the utensils were porcelain, then the dreamer cannot avoid fatal deeds due to his own delusions. Dream Interpretation XXI refers to the image of dishes from night dreams as good signs, especially when it is old and not empty. The dream book associates empty dishes with the need for something, and the contemplation of the service with the support of influential people.

In a dream, seeing broken dishes with small fragments prophesies tears and disappointments for a woman, and such a dream plot warns men about problems in the service. Chipped utensils in a dream for a girl hint that pregnancy is worth waiting for, and broken specimens from the night picture portend the severity of pregnancy and childbirth.

Dreams with dishes according to author's dream books

  • According to Dream Interpretation Hasse, broken dishes in a dream will turn into separation from a friend for the dreamer.
  • Grishin's dream book suggests taking into account the reasons for the damage caused to the dishes. If in a dream the plate is broken by negligence, in reality one should not forget about caution.
  • According to the Dream Interpretation of the Chinese Prince Zhou-Gong, seeing broken dishes is a nuisance. If damage is done to the cast-iron cauldron, Hard times. The streak of failures will last for a long time, even mourning is possible.

Interestingly, not every dream book interprets broken dishes in the same way. This is especially true of the process of breaking dishes, which is observed by the dreamer during the broadcast of night pictures.

For example, according to the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation, breaking cups or plates can be considered a happy omen. However, according to Esoteric Dream Interpretation, broken utensils in a dream will result in collapse (family, prosperity, work) in reality.

Why dream of broken dishes, depending on the psychological type of a person contemplating the night illusion? The direction of the interpretation of the image by an optimist will be unequivocally positive - the dishes beat fortunately, promises relief from life's problems, material and moral grace.

For a pessimist, broken dishes in a dream will be a warning about the negative future. domestic problems. However, despite the psychological type of the dreamer's personality, dreams with dishes constantly falling to the floor can be considered an omen of the need to start life with new page. A time of change is coming, the direction of which will be told by the smallest details of night vision, actions with household items.

Dreams about dishes can have completely contradictory interpretations. New, clean kitchen utensils portend peace and harmonious relations between spouses, the absence of conflicts at work, a stable financial situation, and the successful implementation of the dreamer's ideas and projects. Unmarried girls promise such dreams successful marriage. Old, dirty dishes with damage indicate that soon a person will have to solve many problems that will take a lot of physical and moral strength. The dreamer should carefully monitor his actions and words. Otherwise, ill-wishers and envious people may have an opportunity to spread false rumors.

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    Appearance of dishes

    A dream symbol is considered to be polished to a shine, clean dishes. This suggests that if the dreamer is not lazy and works hard, then his family will live in abundance for a long time and will not need anything. Also, clean dishes can promise the dreamer the fulfillment of all his even wildest desires and good luck in all endeavors.

    Beautiful, well-groomed kitchen utensils are a good sign, portending a thaw in relations with loved ones.

    If the drawing is erased on the dishes, there are chips - a dream is a big dream. family quarrels and scandals over trifles.

    If you dreamed of new dishes that no one has yet seen or unpacked, this is an unfavorable sign that portends problems in the dreamer's personal life due to her dismissive and disrespectful attitude towards her young man.

    For an unmarried girl, dirty dishes portend the development of a depressive state. It will be caused by a large number of household chores that the dreamer has to do. To avoid negative consequences for mental health, the girl needs to unwind and take a break from household chores. A different interpretation of sleep according to Freud's dream book - promiscuity in choice sexual partner.

    Empty dishes on the festive table promise a search new job due to the difficult financial situation. If the dreamer was hungry in a dream, and he dreamed of an empty plate - a sign of the upcoming struggle with bad habits.

    Tableware for women white color is a good symbol. Soon the dreamer's spouse will receive a substantial salary increase or new position. This will help the family get rid of debts and financial problems.

    If you dream of dishes painted in the Gzhel style, it is a sign that the dreamer is dissatisfied with his abilities. If there was no clear pattern, but there was just a beautiful pattern, this is a symbol of well-being and peace in the family.

    Old mixed-sized kitchen utensils with chipped handles portend the dreamer to poverty and large debts.

    What does a dream about broken dishes promise?

    Seeing a lot of broken dishes in a dream is an unfavorable sign, portending minor conflicts with family members due to household duties. To avoid discord with relatives, the implementation homework must be distributed among all who live in the house.

    Dream Interpretation of a Housewife claims that broken household utensils dream of fleeting happiness, which will become inspiration for making new achievements.

    If in a dream plates are constantly falling from the dreamer's hands, then this is a symbol that portends the collapse of hopes and unfulfilled desires. Everything that was developed by a person earlier will go to dust, a streak of bad luck and failures will come. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of such a situation, it is necessary to control your temper and impulsiveness.

    If broken dishes were dreamed of by a person who was born in the spring, then this promises a big family scandal based on unreasonable jealousy and excessive suspicion of one of the spouses. The best solution in this situation would be a frank conversation with your other half.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    The material from which the dishes are made

    The correct interpretation of sleep about kitchen utensils is impossible without taking into account the material used in the manufacture of dishes:

    Material The meaning of the dream
    Crystal Soon a person will have to make an important decision, on which not only his fate, but also his loved ones will depend
    porcelain Porcelain cups portend a pleasant pastime in the company of good friends. A dreamed porcelain plate promises a scandal with a loved one over a trifle. Drawing on porcelain dishes - to peace and harmony in the family. Broken porcelain promises problems due to the dreamer's rash act
    Silver Soon the dreamer can count on meeting an authoritative and respected person who will help solve many old problems.
    glass Relations between spouses will become harmonious, peace and tranquility will reign in the house
    Tin The dreamer has to make a difficult choice
    enamelled To receive unexpected news
    metal good time to start a business or a successful marriage
    Wooden To the deterioration of the financial situation. In the near future, spending on food will have to be significantly reduced
    Clay To big financial losses
    Aluminum For unexpected guests or a camping trip
    plastic To disappointment and deception on the part of a loved one
    Copper To unpleasant conversation and squabbles
    Nickel To a big win or a big inheritance
    Golden To move up the career ladder
    From semi-precious stones To receive outside help in the near future

    Dreamer's actions

    The interpretation of a dream about dishes also depends on the dreamer's actions that he performed in a dream:

    Action The meaning of sleep
    Keep in hand Good luck in new endeavors
    Deliberately smash Intentionally breaking dishes in a dream “for good luck” is a sign of great luck and good luck in all areas of life
    Buy To cardinal changes in life, which will affect not only relationships with their other half, but also careers. The dreamer will be offered a new interesting position with a higher salary. It is also possible that he will have to move to another city due to a change of sphere. labor activity. For those who dream of creating a strong family, a dream promises quick wedding. Family long years will live in peace and harmony
    Present Handing dishes as a gift to your boss - to a significant increase in salary, relatives - to improve relationships with loved ones
    Wash Washing kitchen utensils indicates to the dreamer that he has all the signs of severe nervous strain. It is necessary to take a short vacation and relax not only physically, but also mentally. Otherwise, the human psyche may not withstand - then a nervous breakdown cannot be avoided. Another interpretation of sleep warns that a person may be drawn into some kind of scam or deception. Do not sign important documents with unfamiliar people. According to Freud's dream book, a dream suggests that a person dreams of children
    Clear the table For women, such a dream is an unfavorable symbol. He speaks of the increased vulnerability and vulnerability of the dreamer, her mental suffering due to an undeveloped relationship with a young man.
    arrange dishes Good luck in the planned event
    Pour food into it The dreamer will need to arrange important information and give it to your superiors
    Accept as a gift For a happy occasion
    Admire the dishes on the shelves To prosperity in the house and the absence of financial problems. unmarried girl such a dream promises a successful marriage. A worthy and decent young man will become her chosen one. If the shelves for dishes in the store were empty - this is a sign of chaos and confusion in business, the dream speaks of physical and moral exhaustion
  • Spoon - to the appearance of a son or grandson.
  • Taz, a large bowl - to great happiness, an addition to the family.
  • Knife - to losses, quarrels, separation from a loved one.
  • Mug - to cardinal life changes in fate.

Why else dream of kitchen utensils?

Night dishes portend happiness in the house and complete understanding between family members.

To dream of a mountain of unwashed dishes standing in a sink is an unfavorable symbol. He says that it will be difficult for the dreamer to find mutual language with a special person who always understood him perfectly.

To see shards in a dream - to the big family happiness and an unexpected turn of fate for the better.

Looking at someone else's dishes in a dream - to the betrayal of a best friend or second half.

To see how the contents of the dishes overflow - to unexpected wealth.

If the dreamer in a dream raised a basin or a bucket whose bottom fell off - an unfavorable sign portending ruin.

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