Crocodile dream book meaning. Why does a woman or man dream about a crocodile: interpretation from various dream books. Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about a Crocodile?

The crocodile is a symbol of treachery and gluttony, cruel betrayal and cold-blooded deception. In a dream, this animal can be associated with both actions specific person, and be a reflection of a certain situation in your life. Therefore, it is important to know why such a predator dreams.

I dreamed about a crocodile

In any case, seeing a crocodile in your night dreams is an unfavorable sign. First of all, it foreshadows betrayal and deceit of loved ones. But at the same time, such a dream is a warning, so everything can be changed if real life react in a timely manner. After having a dream, you need to analyze the events that are happening around you and take a closer look at the people around you.

Since the crocodile is a natural creature, this means that each person in the subconscious can have his own attitude towards it. Therefore, if the dream did not cause you negative emotions, after waking up, then you simply should not pay attention to it.

Also, a crocodile in a dream can symbolize your boss at work and indicate that he is exerting strong psychological pressure. Also, such a dream can emphasize the fact that in reality you are under pressure from your parents. Such dependence does not allow you to make independent decisions, and you do not have the opportunity to build your own life line.

Crocodile attack

A fairly common dream plot is a crocodile attack. In real life, this will be reflected in an open quarrel with a person whom you trust infinitely. Of course, such a situation will not be pleasant, but it will lead to the fact that betrayal and the person who uses you for selfish purposes will disappear from your life. You should assume that it is fate itself that protects you from insincere people.

Run away from a crocodile in a dream

When you see yourself in a dream running away from a crocodile, then in real life your reputation may suffer from an absurd accident. Be very careful about what you say and what you do in reality. Any careless words you say during this period can be interpreted by ill-wishers in their own way, and perceived incorrectly by others.

Lots of crocodiles

A very pressing question is why many crocodiles dream. The interpretation of such a dream depends entirely on the behavior of the reptiles. If they lie calmly in the water or are in natural conditions, without threatening you in a dream, then such a dream does not bode well. Most likely, it indicates that you need to listen to the opinions of close relatives or authoritative people. They will help you make the right decision in the future.

Being surrounded by crocodiles

But if you see a plot in which you are surrounded by a large number of crocodiles, then such a dream indicates that in real life you are under pressure from all sides. If reptiles in a dream do not have a natural color and behave aggressively towards you, then troubles await you not only at work, but also in your personal life.

Crocodiles in the water - dream book

If you see a large number of crocodiles in the water, then in real life you should expect an unpleasant incident. It won’t hurt to pay attention to your health in the future and take care of proper rest.

Why do little crocodiles dream?

To others a common question is why little crocodiles dream. If you see a dream in which baby crocodile eggs hatch, then this is an auspicious dream. It portends cash receipts. And the more crocodiles you see in your dreams, the more money you will receive soon. This dream is especially favorable for people whose activities are related to financial business.

Breeding by crocodile

If you see yourself in a dream on a farm where you breed crocodiles, you see cubs in large quantities, then this indicates that in reality you are determined to do everything possible and impossible to achieve your goal and make a profit.

A small crocodile seen in a dream indicates that in life you will encounter an unpleasant but minor deception.

Miller's Dream Book

Some dream books have an interpretation various stories with crocodiles. In Miller's dream book there is an interpretation of a dream in which you travel on the back of a crocodile. This means that you will have serious difficulties in your life, which you will try to cope with on your own and very successfully. But if you accidentally step on the back of a reptile, this means that a dangerous trap awaits you in life. Therefore, for some time after such a dream, you should rely only on yourself; you cannot trust even your closest friends.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga’s dream book, catching a crocodile in a dream and catching it means winning in real life over a strong, cunning and resourceful opponent. And if you see in a dream a reptile kept in a zoo, then this symbolizes your inner desire to dominate others.

Crocodile in the house

If you dreamed of a crocodile in your house, then this warns that someone is encroaching on your family happiness. After such a dream, you need to take a close look at the people who enter your home, since one of them may become a cause of discord in the future.

Crocodile fights - interpretation of sleep

Crocodile fights seen in a dream are not a very good omen. This means that in real life you will witness a violent conflict and it may very well happen between your close friends. In order not to harm yourself or aggravate the situation, it is important to hold back and not interfere with ongoing events.

Crocodile image

If you see in a dream not a living crocodile, but its image, then such a dream emphasizes the fact that in your environment there is a hidden enemy who is masquerading as a friend and will soon reveal himself. Perhaps he will try to drag you into a risky event. Be careful in reality and if you discover danger, then try to distance yourself from the insincere person as soon as possible.

Dead crocodile

In accordance with the interpretation of Miller's dream book, a dead crocodile seen in a dream symbolizes your victory over your ill-wishers and emphasizes the past danger. And if a reptile’s head lies in front of you in a dream, then this indicates that in real life a period of calm has begun and nothing threatens you.

In a dream, feed a crocodile

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, if you feed a crocodile from your hands in a dream, this means that in real life you are behaving very frivolously.

Tame a reptile

If you were able to tame a predator in a dream, then you will be able to get along with your enemy. But you should not relax, as the peace between you will not last long.

Why do you dream about hunting a predator?

But if you hunt a predator, then in reality great wealth awaits you. But at the same time, Miller’s dream book contains a warning that wealth will be lost soon if you acquired it dishonestly. If you managed to defeat a crocodile in a fight and kill it, then in real life you will defeat evil and peace will come to your soul. Since the crocodile in all world cultures is a symbol of danger, it is always better to be wary of a dream with a reptile. In most cases, in such a dream, your subconscious wants to convey certain information to you. The closer you see crocodiles to yourself in a dream, the more serious the danger that threatens you in real life.

To see a crocodile swimming towards you in a dream and not be afraid means to lure a desired groom into your net or to return an obstinate one.
To see a lying, sleeping crocodile and not be afraid of it means to experience a streak of failures in real life, including because of your gullibility.

The psychological meaning of a dream in which a crocodile dreamed:
Maybe you are a crocodile? Have you been fast all this time? The crocodile can be a symbol of aggressiveness and dark instincts. In addition, the dream may show that you, or someone close to you, were lying, feigning emotion, and shedding “crocodile tears.” The mystical meaning of a dream in which a crocodile dreamed:
It is believed that if you saw a crocodile in a dream, this means that your best friends they will deceive you.

A crocodile seen in a dream symbolizes freedom, hidden power and power. It also warns of hidden dangers. Someone is close to you, giving you bad advice and trying to persuade you to make bad decisions. Because crocodiles can live in water and on land, they also represent your conscious and subconscious, emotional and rational. Perhaps something is coming to the surface and you are on the verge of some new awareness.
On the other hand, maybe the crocodile can symbolize your character trait and your aggressive and “lively” relationship. Or it may symbolize that you are currently being insincere, showing false emotions and shedding crocodile tears.
To dream that you were chased or bitten by a crocodile means disappointment in love and business.

Dreaming of an alligator or crocodile means that you have an excess of feelings or they are under threat. Someone or something in a dream may provide clues to the dream.

In life, people associate the crocodile with originality and secrecy. The ability to hurt someone without remorse or compassion. A monster. A dream about a crocodile may symbolize that:

  • You have too many crocodile qualities, or that you could use them if there were fewer of them than now
  • You do not have enough qualities inherent in a crocodile or that you could use them if there were more of them than now
  • Someone or something in your real life with which you associate one of these qualities (events, situations, threats, etc.)
For further clues in dream interpretation, pay attention to what the animal was doing or any specific characteristic it stood out for.

If you dreamed that you were killing a crocodile, it means that you will communicate with a tough competitor.
If you dreamed of a crocodile, then this threatens you with failure in any business.
Dreaming of crocodiles or everything connected with them means that you will conduct your affairs honestly.

Popular interpretations of a dream in which a crocodile dreamed:
  • If you dreamed of a crocodile, it means that you are in danger or are being ambushed by enemies.
  • If you shed crocodile tears in a dream, it means that you want to help the plaintiff determine whether he is telling the truth.
  • To dream of a crocodile means great danger from an overwhelming number of enemies. This danger can only be avoided by using the mind. This dream can also mean a warning about the coming of difficulties and indicates an enemy. You need to be careful with new business connections, your closest friends are deceiving you,
  • If you saw a crocodile in a dream, it means that you have an urgent need to get to know your friend. The dream may also mean that you need to be on guard in the surrounding area, getting to know bad people will not lead to anything good.
  • A dream in which many see a crocodile foreshadows a surprise.
  • A dream in which a crocodile bit someone means that dangerous situation began to appear. In a dream, hitting a crocodile on the back means that you will not be able to hide your irritation, having made great irreplaceable efforts in vain - no one should trust anyone.
  • If you dreamed that you killed a crocodile, it means you will fight a strong opponent.
  • A dream about a crocodile warns you that you should watch out for bad people who will risk everything to harm you.

If you dreamed of a crocodile, it means that you will be deceived by your close friends. Enemies will attack you at every step. A dream in which you stepped on the back of a crocodile means that you may get into trouble from which you will have to get out on your own. Heed this warning when dreams of this kind come to you. Avoid giving your trust even to friends.

If you dreamed of a crocodile that was resting, then this is a warning that someone is trying to negatively influence you in a matter closely related to your happiness or income. If a crocodile is hunting you, it means further development success in your affairs. If he catches and bites you, then you will be disappointed in love and business, but if you see a dead crocodile, then your success will be extensive, exceeding your wildest hopes.

Our dreams are a whole separate world, and it, like our reality, is inhabited by a variety of creatures.

Animals, sometimes very dangerous and scary, sometimes don’t mind looking into our dreams - and sometimes they can seriously frighten the sleeping person.

However, they appear in dreams for a reason and most often carry important messages. Of course, these messages are not always pleasant, but it’s better to know where to put the straws!

One of these messengers is scary predator- crocodile. This toothy, deadly beast does not appear in dreams without a reason, and understanding why a crocodile is dreaming is extremely important. Because such dreams usually warn us, the sleeping ones, about some serious dangers.

It's easy to guess what's so creepy dangerous beast, like a crocodile, does not bring anything good, and sleeping with him hardly promises joy or a romantic adventure.

The crocodile in all cultures is a symbol of danger, deceit, enemy, and malice. But at the same time, it can be a symbol of wisdom and strength.

To understand why you dream about a crocodile, you should first remember all the details and scenery of the dream - the habits and appearance of the predator, the surrounding space, your actions.

All this will help you interpret the dream correctly - the crocodile probably wanted to convey an important message to you. Which one exactly?

“Crocodile” dreams can be divided into the following:

  • You just dreamed of a crocodile or an alligator.
  • You dreamed of many toothy predators.
  • You saw how the beast tormented the victim.
  • You dream of two or many predators fighting among themselves.
  • You saw a dressed crocodile.
  • You dreamed of an image of a crocodile on something, but not the animal itself alive.
  • In your dreams, you saw a crocodile in your own house.
  • You were hunting a crocodile.
  • You managed to kill the beast.
  • You dreamed of a predator that attacks you.
  • You are skinning a crocodile.
  • Eat crocodile meat.
  • You kill the beast.
  • Walk on the back of a crocodile.
  • You tame it, feed it by hand.

Of course, among these dreams there may be very strange ones, but that’s what dreams are for. To find out from the interpreter what the crocodile is dreaming about, you will have to remember all the details. And only after that we will open the dream book - the crocodile will tell us what to expect in reality.

See a terrible beast from the outside

It’s not so scary to see a crocodile from the outside - however, in such a dream it is important what he was like, what he did, how he behaved. Remember whether the animal was big or small, on land or in water, alone or not - and you will find out why you dream about a crocodile, an alligator, or even a whole family of predators...

1. Big, scary crocodile sitting in the water means strong and very unpleasant person, perhaps the enemy to whom you have to obey, serve, may work for him. This could be either a tyrant boss or an unkind spouse. You are in danger from this ill-wisher, so it is better to get rid of him safely.

2. If you saw a crocodile in water or on land tormenting its prey, eating meat, tearing apart an animal - in reality you will witness an insidious, cruel or vile incident, but you will not be able to intervene.

Even if you clearly feel that you should take part in the conflict, stay away. This could be very dangerous for you, don't risk it. Miller's dream book advises this.

3. A similar dream, if in it two or more crocodiles are fighting among themselves. Crocodile fights are not a good dream - you will see a cruel, evil conflict in your environment, but just don’t interfere, because you will suffer the most and you will achieve nothing! Stay away from conflicts.

4. If you happen to see not the crocodile itself, but its image - for example, in a painting, photograph, carpet or flag - this is a warning of danger. As Miller’s dream book says, you have an imaginary friend, a person whom you trust in vain - he is your enemy.

And this person will try to drag you into some bad, dangerous business - you may not even realize it right away and suspect nothing. Be very, very careful, discover the cause of the danger, do not get involved in the matter, and generally do not do anything that your mind and your sensitive heart do not sincerely want!

5. If a lady dreamed of a crocodile dressed in human clothing, for a woman this dream means a gentleman, a rich groom, possibly with a position.

  • If the animal was large, then the rank or status of the suitor would be high.
  • And if the crocodile was small, then the groom will be more boastful in words and exaggerate his own importance.

6. According to the dream book, a crocodile in the house was a danger to the family and hearth. Danger may come from enemies or ill-wishers; you may be harmed, and the result will be loss of property, poverty or quarrels in the house. Be careful, don't get into trouble.

7. If you dreamed of many predators swarming in the water, you have many enemies, they are preparing a plan to overthrow you. Avoid evil people around, be strong and honest.

Dangerous meeting

If you dream of crocodiles or alligators from the side, in the distance, this is not as scary as if you have to come into contact with a predator.

However, the dream means something important, and to decipher what the crocodile is dreaming about, remember it and your actions.

1. If you boldly and bravely hunted a toothy predator in your dream, this can promise you great wealth. But Miller’s wise dream book also warns that if you get rich dishonestly or unkindly, you will soon lose everything, and then you will shed what is called “crocodile tears.”

2. If you had to walk on the back of a crocodile or step on it with your foot, you will have to independently and desperately fight troubles and difficulties. Miller's dream book gives advice: to defeat problems and enemies, do not be too frank with anyone, do not accept help, you can handle it yourself.

3. If you had to kill a crocodile in your dream, expect victory over evil. It may not be easy for you, but your enemies will be defeated if you remember your conscience and tell the truth. In the end, you will win and rise to the occasion.

4. If a crocodile attacks you in your dreams and even bites you, expect a clash with an enemy who seemed like a friend.

As the dream book says, a crocodile bites in a dream to warn you - you will see the true face of an imaginary friend, and perhaps you will be shocked. But you will be able to bring the enemy out into the open if you don’t get confused and give up.

5. If you had to skin a crocodile in a dream, this is a serious dream; you dreamed it to warn you: soon they might somehow find out something about you that you really, really wouldn’t want to discover.

6. Eating crocodile meat in a dream is a sign that in reality you will receive power. New position, promotion, leadership position - you know best what to expect.

7. Feeding or taming a predator means that in reality you will get along with your enemy, but not for long. He will still remain an enemy to you, remember this, do not create illusions and do not be vulnerable.

It may sometimes seem that dreams with crocodiles are very evil and dangerous. But pay your attention to the fact that these dreams give you extremely valuable recommendations, help you not to stumble and take the right step.

Use the information wisely, do not let your enemies harm you, be strong and courageous, and do not become like an insidious beast - no matter what, maintain your honor and conscience. Then not a single enemy will be dangerous to you, and troubles will pass you by. Author: Vasilina Serova

If you dreamed of a crocodile, the dream book states: this is a symbol of problems and difficulties, the machinations of ill-wishers, gossip, and interference in business. Why else do you dream about him? This image in a dream sometimes foreshadows a truce, the end of a conflict, or victory over envious people.

Dream Interpretation Enigma: machinations of enemies

Found a crocodile in your home? An unpleasant guest will pay a visit. Make it clear that you do not intend to continue maintaining the relationship.

An attack by a crocodile in a dream promises a scandal with close friends over a trifle or stupidity. Be reasonable and make peace.

A crocodile bite should alert the dreamer. The Enigma dream book claims: spiteful critics are plotting against him.

I saw it talking crocodile? This means that you are too careless, and you need to be on guard: gossip and rumors will begin.

Interpretations of Vanga and the Muslim dream book

Why do you dream about a crocodile? Vanga believes: this is a harbinger of danger. Also, the sleeper may become a victim of betrayal.

Did two alligators fight each other in their sleep? In reality, there is a struggle between two people, using even prohibited methods. It’s better to step aside, Vanga recommends.

The Islamic dream book, after the plot where he attacked you, calls on you to be vigilant with those who claim your trust and friendship. This person can draw you into an insidious intrigue and deceive.

Also, the Muslim dream interpreter believes: the reptile personifies the enemy. pay attention to appearance reptile - it indicates how strong the enemy will be.

Interpretations by Miller and other interpreters

Have you seen a crocodile in a dream? Miller's dream book warns of troubles. Close friends can deceive. And ill-wishers will begin to find fault even more.

Freud calls this dream a signal of fear of changes in personal life or fear of losing a relationship with a partner. Understand your fears and try to get rid of them.

Why does a man dream? big crocodile? Dream interpreter Tsvetkova explains: he is in danger from envious people who are already planning some intrigues and intrigues.

What does it mean to see a crocodile?

To see in a dream how he, lying in the river, lazily watches the animals, is the personification of a person who has great powers. Perhaps it is the boss or parents. The dream indicates: in reality the sleeping person will be put in his place for some offense.

Did you dream of a crocodile waiting for prey in the swamp? The dream book explains: spiteful critics are hiding, but making plans on how to harm, so get ready to repel attacks.

Alligator woman night dream warns of the appearance of a rival who will try to conquer her lover. Everything will end well for the sleeping woman, but with serious worries.

What he was like in the dream:

  • aggressive - an open confrontation with someone who was pretending to be a friend;
  • kind - there is a spiteful critic lurking among friends;
  • manual - be careful: friends can betray you;
  • wild - a new enemy has appeared, you need to figure out who it is.

Why do you dream huge crocodile? This means that the enemy will take power over you, and you will not be able to oppose anything to him. We will have to put up with such circumstances. Did he bite you? Lots of trouble.

Dead or alive

A living crocodile in a dream, tormenting its prey, portends: you will witness a vile incident, but will not be able to intervene. Was he lying calmly on dry land? The dream book tells you: now you are relatively safe. Ill-wishers are busy with other things.

Did you see the dead man? Life will flow quietly and serenely, without big problems. Was the head separate from the body? Someone was planning bad things against you, but changed plans.

Dreamed about being in the company of animals

Was there a crocodile with a turtle in the dream? Meet a smart guy, but dangerous person. Stay away from your new acquaintance.

The fight between the alligator and the lion warns of a clash between two strong opponents, where you may also get hurt.

Was he chasing prey in the water and caught it? Be careful when communicating with people: someone may attribute someone else’s words to you.

Be careful when communicating: avoid words that can be interpreted in two ways. Envious people want to harm in any way. Don’t set yourself up, otherwise you’ll have to prove for a long time later that you meant something else.

What does it mean to see him swimming?

Have you seen in a dream how a crocodile swims peacefully along the river? The dream book says: the streak of bad luck will end soon. A calm time will come.

If he was dirty or muddy water- this is a sign of the dreamer’s delusions and wrong decisions. But if he floated away, the difficulties would end.

The meaning of a dream about an alligator in a pool is as follows: a certain event will greatly frighten a person.

Have you watched a reptile in an aquarium? This means: you are safe now, enemies have no opportunity to harm you. But there is no need to relax.

Why do you dream about your various actions?

Remember what you had to do:

  • to hunt - to obtain great wealth by dishonest means;
  • catch - a conflict with a competitor will be resolved;
  • catch - maintain control over a difficult situation;
  • pet, tame - a temporary truce with enemies;
  • play - views and judgments will change dramatically.

Were you able to escape from a crocodile in a dream? Protect your good name from attacks from spiteful critics. Did you manage to defeat him and kill him? The dream book tells you: get rid of the envious person in your environment and overcome problems.

Why do you dream about skinning it? Everyone will know your secret. The skin of a crocodile on the floor at home is a sign of victory over the enemy.

Cook and eat a dish made from reptile meat - get a promotion at work. Eat the head - neutralize the ill-wisher.

Interpretation of the dream alligator, crocodile in Miller's dream book

If you managed to kill a crocodile in a dream, the negative implications of the dream are softened.

Killing or catching a crocodile specifically for its skin - this dream plot indicates your hypocrisy or duplicity.

The alligator hunt was successful, and you got the desired skin - your ability to adapt to the situation and people will give you a certain sense of stability, but it is difficult to constantly be in such a tense state.

Playing with a crocodile in a dream through bars in a zoo is a warning that you are too confident in your impunity.

Why do you dream about crocodiles, Longo’s dream book

I dreamed that a crocodile was swimming in clean water This means that you can easily see the machinations of people who want to harm you with the naked eye, if you are not completely careless.

The plot in which you were about to break an ordinary egg, and a crocodile crawled out of the egg, is a warning as a warning that you have accidentally, unintentionally made an enemy for yourself. Remember the events last days, your actions and words. If at the same time there were a lot of eggs, it began to burst on its own, and small crocodiles crawled away, such a dream says that this person is not going to be inactive, he wants revenge.

If you dream of a crocodile being killed, it means that someone else will remove difficulties and dangers from your path. But, if at the same time you felt very sorry for him, then you are one of those whom life teaches nothing.

Crocodile, Loff's dream book

If you dream that a crocodile attacks suddenly, the sleeper should analyze the situation in which this happened. The surrounding environment, its correspondence to what happened, can indicate how unexpected the area of ​​your life in which trouble will happen will be. It’s one thing if you were sitting, for example, on the banks of the Nile, and quite another if you were in your own bath or bed.

A dream of a crocodile bite should be interpreted in the sense that an evil, unkind deed has already been committed against you, but you do not yet know about it or know, but you cannot determine its source and cause.

Particularly dangerous in a dream is white crocodile, since it is extremely difficult to discern in reality the danger emanating from some negative force due to its disguise, the external cover of piety. A kind crocodile in the river that you saw in a dream can have approximately the same interpretation.

A flying crocodile, as an impossible and abstract phenomenon, can be dreamed of as a reflection of an imaginary danger that you obsessively sense.

Why do you dream about crocodiles - modern dream book

If you dream that you are being chased by a crocodile, this means that you have already understood in reality what you should be afraid of, and now it will be easier (but not easy) for you to get rid of it.

If at the same time a crocodile bites your hand, something will prevent you from resisting your ill-wisher. You may not be able to step over your concepts and code of honor.

A dream in which a crocodile bites someone else in front of you means your involuntary assistance, participation in someone’s irreconcilable enmity.

If a girl dreams that a crocodile bit her boyfriend, it means that because of her he has made a very serious enemy.

If you dream that a crocodile is attacking a person whom in reality you would certainly rush to protect (for example, a child) - you will not be able to do without a direct collision with the enemy.

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