Who is Anastasia Mutalenko (Zarya), talking head, KGB personnel. ONF activists from Buryatia lied to Vladimir Putin? Life under lock and key

15.11.2018 19:20

The dubious decision of the administration of the Rudnyansky district became the reason for the inspection of the All-Russian Popular Front. ONF expert Svetlana Kalinina visited the site and tried to understand the situation.

“Here are children's things. They're all new. They're all moldy. And I don’t know how to live here with a child.” Olga Leonenkova, a boarding school graduate and young mother, shows ONF expert Svetlana Kalinina the apartment in which she has lived since May. She received it as an orphan from the administration of the Rudnyansky district. Just two weeks after the long-awaited housewarming, mold appeared on the walls. Now the wallpaper is blackened from floor to ceiling, the walls are wet, and the ceiling is dripping. Olga’s three-month-old daughter fell ill in such an environment and was hospitalized.

Why don't I send the authorities here?

They replied: “Ventilate the windows!” That's all they answered.

In other apartments in the building, which also received orphans, the situation is similar. A resident of one of them fell ill with pneumonia due to dampness and is now in the hospital. The administration of the Rudnyansky district paid more than a million rubles for each apartment purchased as social housing. According to ONF activists, this price is excessively high, because an old building was rebuilt, which was not even residential.

I understand it was an office building?

Situations where an orphan is given housing that is unsuitable for living happen quite often in the region, they say in the “House for Mom”. Yesterday's graduates of boarding schools with babies in their arms often find themselves in a crisis center, where they try to defend their right to motherhood. After all, at first their children constantly get sick because of the dampness, and then they may even end up in a boarding school.

Tatyana Stepanova, director of the Smolensk “House for Mom”:

"Indeed bad option the mother is in danger of being separated from this child. Since the guardianship authorities, quite rightly, recognize the housing as unsuitable for the life of mother and child. A lot of orphan girls who are released from the boarding school - they simply don’t know that there is a possibility of help, that they have the right to normal housing.”

To solve the problem of unsuitable housing for orphans in Rudny, representatives of the ONF invited the district administration to a round table.

Tatyana Mikhalutina, deputy head municipality"Rudnyansky district":

Svetlana Kalinina, member of the central headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front:

“The children must be moved to other premises. You can’t live in these premises.”

Svetlana Kalinina intends to draw the attention of the Prosecutor General's Office to the situation that has developed in Rudny. The remaining apartments where orphans were resettled in the area will also be inspected.

Head of one of the most important and image-bearing projects for the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF), “For fair procurement“Anton Guetta has been removed from his position, an interlocutor close to the movement told Vedomosti, and one of the “front-line soldiers” confirmed it. Another member of the movement is also aware of changes in the project's leadership. On March 23–25, Moscow is scheduled to host the next forum “Government Orders - for Honest Procurement” in the field of state, municipal and corporate procurement. Representatives of the ONF are going to take stock of the implementation of the president’s instructions to increase the efficiency of procurement procedures, formulated after Vladimir Putin’s meeting with ONF activists on November 27, 2015. This is stated in an address to the forum participants by the co-chairman of the ONF central headquarters, Alexander Brechalov. Guetta was also supposed to participate in the forum. But Guetta's transfer to another direction could be announced at the event, two people said.

Today we will talk about a young, beautiful and promising woman who was not afraid to tell the President the truth about bureaucratic lawlessness and budget fraud on the part of his charges. Her name is Mutalenko Anastasia Aleksandrovna. From funds mass media you can find out almost everything about her work, plans for the future and civic position, but the personal life of this young politician And public figure remains a secret behind seven seals. It is family, children and husband that are the blank spots in Mutalenko’s biography. Anastasia jealously protects her loved ones from the encroachments of the press and curious compatriots, but we still managed to find out something.

Breakthrough of the Year

Mutalenko Anastasia Aleksandrovna literally burst into the media space and the minds of her compatriots in 2015. This happened during a meeting between Vladimir Putin and representatives public organization, advocating transparent government procurement. Then she shed light on some frauds officials, in particular, she told the guarantor that government funds allocated for the construction of a technology innovation cluster in Zelenograd (Moscow) ended up in the accounts of banking institutions, and contractors, instead of completing the project, have been skimming profits from deposits for years.

There were other high-profile frozen programs in her report; the country spent a lot of money on them, but their implementation was never completed. The words that Anastasia Aleksandrovna Mutalenko so honestly pronounced became almost the talk of the town; at the peak of its popularity, the recording of her speech was ranked among the top videos on the Internet.

Fast-paced career

Many skeptics are seriously concerned about how this girl rose through the ranks so quickly. career ladder. This fact is especially interesting if you consider that there are people who are involved in politics very seriously. They have been tramping their way into big politics for years and investing colossal funds and resources in their own advancement. Regarding the heroine of our article today, there is talk that her husband helps her in many ways. Mutalenko Anastasia Aleksandrovna is married for the second time, and it was with the appearance of her current husband in her life that she achieved very respectable heights.

In her early thirties she (at this moment) holds the post of Deputy Prime Minister Udmurt Republic, that is, she turned from a public figure controlling officials into their colleague. This metamorphosis occurred in just three years, during which Anastasia Aleksandrovna Mutalenko went from an estimating engineer to a deputy prime minister of republican significance.

Unblemished biography

So, what does it mean in curriculum vitae about this person? Note that official information There is very little information about Anastasia on the Internet. The website of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) Foundation says that she was born in Kharkov in 1984. She received her education not at home, but in Russia. Her entire further biography is connected with the Russian Federation. Anastasia Mutalenko studied the specialty “Expertise and Real Estate Management”, graduating from the Moscow State Construction University in 2006.

Almost immediately the girl started working, and she worked in her field for quite a long time:

  • 2007-2009 - engineer at the Defshore company;
  • 2009-2011 - was listed as an engineer of the first category in a closed joint stock company"Aerodromdorstroy";
  • 2011 - worked as an engineer in the accounting department of the Energokaskad company;
  • 2011 - 2014 - went to work at the Moscow Transkomplektstroy LLC, where she worked as an estimating engineer in the contract department.

Since 2014, Anastasia Aleksandrovna Mutalenko (photo with her family can be seen below) began to actively express herself as a professional. She was invited to participate in the “For Honest Shopping” project as a leading expert. Soon she became the head of the department and oversaw the work of the Fund, which monitors government procurement.

Two years later (2015-2016), Mutalenko was already deputy executive director of the Foundation, and then took his position (2016-2017).

Life under lock and key

Anastasia Alexandrovna’s work activity is known to everyone. She often and happily communicates with journalists, often appears on television, where she comments on the fight against corruption, and participates in various talk shows and programs. Another thing is that the taboo in all these conversations is her family. Anastasia Mutalenko does not want to give away the secrets of her personal life, although the public is very interested in this issue.

But no matter how much the girl hides her loved ones, their photographs still leak into available sources of information. However, one can only guess about Nastya’s real state of affairs and guess how exactly she lives.

Let us note that she is far from poor; she lives in a luxurious mansion surrounded by a high fence. Mutalenko’s sources of income are simply explained, because she is now married to a millionaire, and she herself did not quit her job even during maternity leave. Let us also note that the one who monitors excesses and wastefulness on the part of officials, herself looks very restrained and neat. Anastasia adheres business style in clothes, she always has good hair and makeup, although quite bright colors are not alien to her image.


Our heroine was married twice, her first husband was Igor. Anastasia Mutalenko does not provide any information about him, and it is not even clear whether this is his real name. Little more is known about who she lives with now.

The girl entered into an official marriage with her current husband in 2015. Judging by the photographs from social networks, the celebration took place in a very expensive restaurant. Her husband is Kaliningrad millionaire, lawyer and businessman Alexander Olegovich Mutalenko.

At the moment he is no longer active in the legal field, although he is a member of the Board of Advocates in Kaliningrad. He is one of the co-founders of the NO SKO company. This organization mainly engaged in the provision of services in the field of financial law, auditing and accounting. Let us remind you that Anastasia Mutalenko herself worked in the field of accounting.

The girl’s husband also holds the post of deputy chairman of the board of directors at Avtozapimport. This is a diversified company that sells food products and also has heavy weight V construction business. Its latest major projects are the construction of large shopping and entertainment centers in St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad.

Children of Mutalenko

In 2017, Anastasia turned 33 years old. By this age, she managed not only to realize herself professionally, but also became a mother twice. From her first marriage she has a daughter, presumably born in 2010. The girl is very similar to her influential mother. It is quite possible that her daughter will follow in her footsteps, because even in her at a young age she takes part in socially significant events.

In February 2017, Mutalenko gave birth again. The second child is the son of her husband Alexander. It is noteworthy that so significant event did not become an obstacle for active work Anastasia. Moreover, the current year has become a landmark year for her, because she has taken a very respectable position. It is difficult to understand how she combines motherhood and such a responsible job, especially since she even had to move to Izhevsk for her sake. Anastasia Mutalenko, whose marital status apparently is not an obstacle to her career, spends most of her time in Udmurtia, and not in her Moscow home with her husband.

Free time

The fact that a girl looks rather modest compared to her colleagues in the industry does not mean that she does not have enough money for branded clothing or a vacation on the islands Pacific Ocean, and other “joys of life” of the rich in power.

Mutalenko chose a positive strategy and tactics of behavior for herself. She does not boast about her husband’s financial well-being or her success. This is a manner of behavior familiar to European officials and those in power who jealously guard their reputation.

Anastasia Alexandrovna, despite her rather young age, is seen not in pretentious nightclubs and parties, but in theaters and at exhibitions. If we take into account the data that can be found about her on the Internet, then she devoted herself entirely to everyday work and family.

Does it speak?

Surprisingly, she is great at what she does. All her speeches and interviews are not unfounded. They are based on carefully collected documentation, charts and calculations. According to Anastasia herself, many of her interlocutors were initially skeptical that she, a young girl, would be able to freely handle any data about abuse of power by officials and civil servants. Nevertheless, higher education helped her a lot construction education, making her well versed in the procurement issues required for many projects.

Mutalenko sincerely believes that people themselves can change the country in which they live. But this is only possible if they are not indifferent. The project “For Fair Procurement”, with which it began social activity, was born from the idea of ​​several enthusiasts. Now the number of activists submitting information about abuse of power by the authorities has increased to several thousand. He was joined by specialized specialists from among doctors, lawyers, and financiers. The experience of such work is useful for Anastasia Alexandrovna, who now manages public money herself and is responsible for implementing the budget.

Presidential protege?

Mutalenko’s career began to develop most actively after her first speech before Vladimir Putin at the congress, which took place in 2015. Many connect this event (or rather, the girl’s acquaintance with the president) and her further successes, because few people manage to independently go from a public figure to a privileged official in such a short period of time.

Some sources also report that Anastasia is being deliberately pushed to power. There are several versions of who her protégé is. Those who follow Mutalenko’s career may notice that she rises to each subsequent level with some help

Pharmacy Boss

This man is one of the founders and main leaders of the ONF. His career breakthroughs can also only be envied. However, having achieved success, he did not forget about his colleague Anastasia Mutalenko and appointed her to the main pharmaceutical networks of the Udmurt Republic.

The girl was faced with the task of stopping the artificial process of bankruptcy of a pharmacy chain; she also needed to figure out in a short period of time why a priori profitable business had become illiquid and began to generate losses.

Mutalenko was able to thoroughly understand the situation; she stated that the State Unitary Enterprise “Pharmacies of Udmurtia” will continue to work even with the most remote settlements, despite their small numbers.

Non-core activities of the new deputy chairman

Since the end of 2017, Anastasia Alexandrovna has held the responsible position of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Urals Republic. Her department includes units social sphere(education, healthcare, employment). Critics dubbed Mutalenko’s promotion a deliberate promotion, pointing out that neither her education nor her past activities had anything to do with the rank she received. However, her defenders note that Anastasia does not hold a public position, but is a deputy chairman, so there are no strict requirements for her education. Time will tell what successes Anastasia Mutalenko will have in practice, but we can only follow her work.

The head of the ONF project “For Honest Purchases”, most likely relying on the information of her colleagues from Buryatia, with one word, not to the void, but to the head of state, put an end to all Tunkin tourism.

Anastasia Mutalenko

Anastasia Mutalenko, head of the ONF project “For Fair Procurement”: They promised balneological clinics, new hotels, restaurants, shopping and entertainment centers. To do this, they spent 230 million rubles, built a road, a wastewater treatment plant, but there are no promised business plans or infrastructure facilities there.

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation: There are always doubts about whether they really wanted to create some kind of new tourism cluster or just wanted to give some contractors close to their hearts some work.

The local Ministry of Economy tried to dispel doubts, albeit five time zones late.

230 million federal rubles were spent on the construction of 10 kilometers of roads and a water intake structure; there was no longer enough money for treatment.

Ekaterina Mukhina, Deputy Chairman of the Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Economy of Buryatia: The most offensive thing is that it was said that there are no real investors.

Ekaterina Mukhina

Guest house with 200 beds in the Tunkinsky district. There were open-air baths, concrete baths. Today there are full-fledged pavilions there.

There are 15 investors working in Tunka; they have attracted 730 million rubles into tourism, which is three extra-budgetary rubles for one federal ruble. Investors are also investing in other tourism clusters.

Alexander Bituev spent his personal 25 million in the Ivolginsky and Kabansky districts.

Alexander Bituev

Alexander Bituev, entrepreneur: Very short season tourist visit coast, that is, in fact it does not exceed 2.5 months. The rest of the time we are forced to protect the objects that we have created. In such a short season, it is very difficult to justify even the money we earn in the summer.

Tatyana Dumnova

Tatyana Dumnova, ex-Minister of Economy of Buryatia: There are restrictions that really hinder the implementation of projects, and the fact that investors did not enter these areas, because the crisis, such a time, many have revised their plans, also played a role.

In total, there are four tourism clusters in Buryatia. Almost eight billion rubles were spent on their development. Every year the tourist flow increases by 15%. Last year, more than one million people visited Buryatia.

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