When is the best time to go to Jordan? Jordan: tourist information, weather, seasons The best time to travel to Jordan

Climate of Jordan

Jordan is a small Arab state located in the Middle East. The feature that makes tourists interested in visiting it is not only its rich heritage ancient culture, but also the possibility of treatment on water and mud Dead Sea. The southernmost tip of Jordan reaches the shores of the Red Sea, where the city of Akkaba, which bears the same name as the bay of the sea, is located. It is very close to the popular Israeli resort of Eilat. The possibility of year-round swimming in the warm, clean sea also attracts tourists here.

The country is located in the subtropics with some influence Mediterranean Sea. Despite the relative proximity of the sea, in Jordan there is a sharp continental climate, which will determine the weather patterns at any time of the year. Unlike countries with a more maritime climate, day and night temperatures here differ significantly. And if during the day in summer there is unbearable heat, then at night the temperature can drop significantly.

Weather at Jordan resorts

The peak season for tourist visits to Jordan is spring and autumn. For residents middle zone they resemble the usual summer - quite hot during the day and warm at night. The Jordanian summer heat can seem like pure hell to visitors, when the merciless sun shines overhead for fifteen hours and there is not a hint of cloudiness. The lack of rain from mid-spring until almost the end of autumn also leaves its mark on the perception of the country's climate.

The resort regions of Jordan are the coasts of the Red Sea in the south and the Dead Sea in the center of the country. Despite the fact that the Dead Sea is located somewhat to the north, the peculiarities of its microclimate make all seasons here warmer than near the Red Sea. In summer or spring, autumn or winter, the air temperature here is a couple of degrees higher both day and night. Also warmer is its very salty water.

Both resort regions are accessible to tourists all year round. The water temperature in the coldest months in both seas does not fall below +21…+22 degrees. You can also sunbathe on the beach all year round without fear of freezing.

Sights of Jordan

Jordan – ancient country, which is full historical monuments, perfectly preserved to this day due to the arid climate.

In addition to resort areas where you can swim, sunbathe or dive, the country is full of interesting places, full of historical meaning, where every person strives to get to at least once in his life.

The most famous, legendary city is the city of Petra. Found quite recently - already in the twentieth century ancient city in the rocks, amazes the imagination of travelers from different countries. Abandoned for unknown reasons, it still excites the imagination of historians, archaeologists and ordinary people. One of the episodes famous movie Steven Spielberg's Indiana Jones movie was filmed here - under the scorching sun of Jordan. After watching the film, you can also form some impression about the weather in Jordan.

The most interesting historical center is the country's capital - the city of Amman and many nearby cities and villages. This is also a typical Ottoman city of Salt, by visiting which you will have an idea of ​​how the Arabs lived and live. The Iraq al-Amir Palace is a trace of Hellenistic settlements dating back to the 2nd century. BC e. The city of mosaics is Madaba, where a mosaic map of the 6th century AD is perfectly preserved. with an image of the Holy Land. Mount Sky - according to legend, it was from its top that God showed Moses the Promised Land.

To the north of the capital there is an interesting historical center - the city of Jerash. All the ancient buildings of the city have survived to this day, carefully preserved by a mudflow that once descended on the city. The inhabitants, who did not have time to escape from the wrath of the elements, unfortunately died, but the ancient city itself was perfectly preserved thanks to this event.

Jordan is full of history and, having visited it once, an inquisitive researcher will return here again and again, despite the fact that the weather in Jordan can be very, very hot.

The Kingdom of Jordan is not yet the most popular tourist destination. Our compatriots generally avoid traveling to the Middle East due to the unstable political situation in the region. But for those who like a holiday in Jordan, reviews from experienced travelers can be very useful. In this article we tried to collect the most important information about the country and holiday options in it. Let's start getting acquainted!

Kingdom of Jordan: Pearl of the Middle East

Keep in mind that holiday reviews in Jordan are not always fully disclosed. Each traveler has his own travel experience and baggage of impressions, so some see unprecedented beauty and friendly people in Jordan, but others only notice the poverty of the local population and devastation in small towns. All these reviews can mislead prospective tourists, so it is best to decide to travel and form your own opinion about the country.

Be sure that you will get a lot of impressions in Jordan. This country is ready to offer tourists holidays in the Dead and Red Seas, excellent diving and an excellent excursion program, which simply has no equal anywhere on the planet. Many tourists have already appreciated the hospitality local residents and sincerely consider this country to be the pearl of the Middle East. And this is not surprising, because to see all the beauties of these lands, you obviously won’t have even ten days, which are usually offered travel agencies to our compatriots.

Holidays in Jordan (tourist reviews): safety

Travelers are most concerned about safety issues during their trip. And this concern has some basis. In recent decades, the situation in the Middle East has been extremely unstable; military conflicts often break out here, which, of course, is not good for the tourism industry.

Every tourist wants to get the most comfortable stay in Jordan. Reviews from travelers can convince anyone that vacationing in this country is more than safe. The Kingdom is one of the most stable countries in the region, there is quite low level crime, and police patrols are found in all resort areas in large quantities. Religious strife is also not typical for Jordan - such conflicts have long since exhausted themselves, and all faiths live quite peacefully.

The only danger is tap water, so do not drink it under any circumstances. In hotels, tourists always receive bottled water in sufficient quantity. Also be careful when buying food on the street. Poorly fried meat or fish can significantly harm your body and ruin your entire vacation.

When is the best time to vacation in Jordan with children?

Very often for married couples cherished dream becomes Jordan. Holidays with children, reviews of which can be found in many sources, seem to them to be a fun adventure. Keep in mind that with a child in hot country It's better to go in spring or autumn. During these seasons, the weather is quite comfortable, and the water temperature does not drop below twenty-one degrees Celsius.

Many travelers prefer to buy a tour for the summer season. At this time, the resorts experience hot and dry weather. Changes in night and day temperatures become almost imperceptible, and swimming becomes a complete pleasure. But in summer it becomes almost impossible to visit the Wadi Rum desert: the scorching sun will not allow you to do this.

In winter, Jordan is also quite welcoming, but less suitable for families with children. In the center of the country, the temperature during the day does not rise above ten degrees Celsius, and in the desert in the afternoon it becomes extremely cold. Tourists say that you can freeze during an excursion even in a warm jacket and several sweaters. But still, the sunset in Wadi Rum is worth this inconvenience. The differences between night and day temperatures are very noticeable. If during the day you can bask in the warm sun, then in the evening it becomes very cool in the shade.

Judging by the reviews of tourists, it is possible to vacation in Jordan with children, but it is better to choose spring or autumn for this purpose. In addition, it is worth considering that with kids you are unlikely to allow yourself numerous excursions. And in this country the excursion program is one of the best in the world.

Cost of a holiday in Jordan

When planning a trip to this country, keep in mind that holidays here are not budget-friendly. It is chosen by people who are willing to spend above average amounts. After all, most hotels in the country are chain hotels and are ready to provide extremely high level service.

Your choice of hotel can have a significant impact on your holiday in Jordan. Reviews from network guests hotel complexes allow us to conclude that, if possible, you should choose the best and most prestigious hotels. You can order all-inclusive meals here, and use several swimming pools, cinema halls, sports grounds and other services for free. Many travelers with children prefer not to leave the territory of the complexes at all, where it is so cozy and comfortable. In addition, even the beaches in the country are protected and extremely conveniently arranged. The approximate cost of living in a five-star hotel (and there are most of them in the country) ranges from 4,500 rubles per night per person. Family vacations will be significantly more expensive.

If you really want to go to Jordan, but can’t afford to spend a large amount money, then take a closer look at small hostels. They are present in the country, but not very widespread. In this case, almost anyone will have access to a holiday in Jordan. Reviews from tourists about hostels will help you make right choice and avoid ending up in unsanitary conditions that will definitely ruin your vacation. A cheap hotel or hostel is one where the cost starts from 2000-2500 rubles. For this money you will be offered an air-conditioned room and a rich breakfast.

Keep in mind that you can safely buy from street vendors. They will be much cheaper than from a tour operator. For example, a trip to Petra will cost tourists 100-120 dollars per person, and a day in the desert will cost about 150 dollars.

Where to go in Jordan?

The Kingdom of Jordan is not the most big country, so getting from one region to another is quite easy. The country's most important resort cities - Amman and Aqaba - are separated by only three hundred meters.

The capital of the kingdom - - is located in the northern part of the country, it can hit beautiful architecture and quite developed infrastructure. A European will be quite comfortable here, because the city residents are friendly towards tourists from all over the world.

Aqaba is one of the southern resorts; it is a fairly small town where you can freely walk the streets. Snow-white beaches stretch for several kilometers. Most of them are private and make your holiday in Jordan simply unforgettable. Reviews from tourists about spending time on the beach allow us to form an opinion about the level of service in hotels and the variety of entertainment.

Most excursions at resorts are outside, because the most Beautiful places The kingdoms are located between the two most important cities of the country.

Jordan: attractions

When coming to this country, be prepared to move around often and a lot, otherwise you simply won’t see anything. The beauties of Jordan are scattered throughout different parts kingdoms, but they are worth the time spent exploring them.

Most tourists note mandatory item programs the ancient city of Petra, built in a gorge. In the sandy cliffs you can see temples, amphitheaters and numerous residential buildings. Bedouin tribes still live in such houses and resist with all their might any attempts by the authorities to move them to more comfortable housing.

The Wadi Rum desert will present travelers who are not afraid of risk with unique landscapes that change color depending on the light. This makes it completely different from all other places on the planet. The excursion to the desert takes the whole day, but it is simply impossible to forget everything you saw.

History buffs will appreciate the ancient city of Jerash, reminiscent of settlements dating back to Roman rule. But Christian pilgrims should definitely visit Madaba. In its vicinity there are numerous shrines that are dear to the heart of every believer.

Holidays in Jordan, Aqaba: reviews

Aqaba is the youngest resort in the kingdom. It is completely focused on European tourist and can please you with a wide range of services at the hotel. For many who choose Aqaba to spend a long-awaited vacation here, the Kingdom of Jordan will forever fall into their hearts. Reviews from tourists always characterize holidays on the Red Sea as extremely positive. Aqaba is located in the northern part of the Gulf of Aqaba, and the topography of the seabed is suitable for diving.

There are more than six major diving centers in the city, they provide several activity programs for tourists with different levels preparation. The city itself contains several historical monuments and museums. You can visit them on your own or as part of a group.

Dead Sea: wellness holiday

Jordan attracts many of our compatriots. Holidays at the seaside, about which tourists leave reviews and comments in large numbers, seem extremely simple and relaxing.

The fact is that there are practically no settlements on the coast and entertainment centers. The beach strips are divided between hotels and are equipped with everything necessary. If you decide to collect some dirt to take home, for a small fee the hotel staff will show you the most convenient places to collect it and help you with the process.

If you do not plan to stay at a hotel, you can relax on a paid beach. It is also well equipped and there is a discount for children.

Given the versatility and variety of leisure options the country offers, the best time to travel to Jordan in 2019 depends on the purpose for which you are coming here.

  • If you want to soak up the beach and get a bronze tan, you should pay attention to high season.
  • If you want to improve your health, it is advisable to do this during a low period.
  • For those going on a pilgrimage, in principle, any time of the year is suitable.

Considering that the country is dominated by a Mediterranean subtropical climate, it is quite comfortable to be here at any time of the year.

IMPORTANT. When going here, it is worth remembering that the difference between day and night temperatures can be quite significant (take warm clothes). This is due to the characteristics of the desert area (it makes up about 90% of the country’s territory).

Jordan in winter

Winter is an excellent choice for those who want to bask in the sun and even swim in the sea during New Year's holidays, on February 23 or St. Day. Valentina. And this is despite the fact that all the winter months here are usually considered to be the low season. At this time, people usually come here for health treatments at local spa centers.

Also, the weather is quite conducive to excursions. In the southern part during the day in winter the air warms up to an average of +18 oC, in the northern part - up to +13 oC. But at night in the desert it can be about 15-17 degrees below zero.

Jordan in spring

The first month of spring is usually considered to be the low season. But at this time, in addition to pilgrims, lovers of excursions and those who came here for a recreational holiday, heat lovers also begin to arrive in the country. Therefore, if you want, you will not regret it.

The period from to here is considered the beach season. Tours to the shores of the Red/Dead Seas are in great demand. And they are not very cheap at this time.

Starting in May, it also starts favorable season for divers. There is something to see here for diving enthusiasts.

Jordan in summer - low season

No matter how strange it may sound, the period from to here is considered a low season. However, this does not mean that when deciding when is the best time to go to Jordan, you should brush it aside. At this time, the weather here is quite comfortable and pleasant for excursions. And there is a lot to see in the country. After all, about 20 thousand monuments left over from ancient civilizations have been preserved here.

By the way, for those who suffer from diseases respiratory organs, it’s worth planning for given time. Summer is considered the most favorable season for this.

Jordan in autumn - high season

Again, it may seem paradoxical, but the period from to is high season. And if your vacation in 2019 falls in the fall, you can safely go on vacation to Jordan. At this time, you can bask in the sun, go on excursions, and visit holy places. In addition, the favorable diving season lasts until November, when visibility under water is simply amazing.

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It just so happened that behind the backs of its neighbors, Egypt and Israel, Jordan remained in the shadows for Russian tourists. But the situation is changing, Egypt is closed due to the threat terrorist attacks, and Israel is not for everyone. And the Russians began to discover new country with familiar seas. It is worth saying that the territory of Jordan is large, but coastline Not good. This is, first of all, the shore of the Dead Sea, and a small piece of the Red Sea, which reaches the shores of the country thanks to the Gulf of Aqaba. Let's take a closer look at the country's weather in different time of the year.

January is low season.
In January on larger territory Jordan is cold. During the day it is no higher than +12 degrees, and at night it is completely close to zero, and up to +1 +2 degrees. Only in the resort of Aqaba is the hot weather up to +21, and the sea here is just as warm, not lower than +21 degrees. This month there are not many tourists here, and you can relax for half the price.

February – winter ends.
Yes, in February winter ends in the territory and tourists begin to attack local resorts again. During the day it is already warmer and the temperature reaches +16 +18 degrees. the sea is just as warm, reaching +20 +22 degrees. There is little rain, discounts in hotels are slowly disappearing and prices are starting to rise. February is a good time for treatment and excursions.

March – beginning beach season.
March can rightfully be considered the beginning of a new beach season. In the southern resorts of the country it is already very warm, with daytime temperatures not lower than +23 degrees. True, the nights are cold, and after sunset the temperature drops sharply, dropping to +6 +8 degrees. but both seas are warm, up to +21 degrees. There are significantly more tourists this month. They are in a hurry to relax on the coast of Jordan before real heat and strong winds set in.

April is the time for diving enthusiasts.
In mid-spring, Jordan's resorts are full of scuba diving enthusiasts. There are so many of them here that it seems that if they all sink under water, the sea will overflow its shores. During the day the weather is already hot, up to +31, and the nights are no longer cold and you can walk safely in the evenings, because it’s +18 outside. Both the Red and Dead Seas are becoming even warmer, showing the same results of +22 degrees.

May - summer heat has arrived.
It is in May that the summer heat sets in at the country's resorts. The air is heated to +35, and the scorching sun only makes it hotter. In May, you can no longer spend the whole day on the beach, because at lunchtime, when the sun is at its highest, it is so hot that you can easily get a sunstroke or a skin burn. Even special creams are not strong against such sun. But the sea is simply gorgeous, and shows a temperature of +24 degrees. In May there is absolutely no rain here, but strong wind sand can rise up, which is very unpleasant and there is practically nothing to breathe, sand flies everywhere.

June is the last month of comfortable rest.
If relaxing on the beach in the sun and at a temperature of +35 degrees is comfortable, then come to Jordan in June. It will only get hotter in the coming months. The country's resorts are becoming crowded; there are more tourists here than the beaches can accommodate. Huge demand is taking its toll and room prices are rising to the maximum. If it’s hot during the day, then at night it’s a little cooler to +24. The water in the seas is almost boiling, rising to +26.

July – without a single cloud.
The middle of summer pleases with the heat of +39 degrees. If you can bear such heat, then you are welcome to Jordan. It is not only hot here during the day, but also at night, when after sunset the temperature hardly cools down and is about +26 degrees. The sea is also warm, not lower than +27. It’s hot here in July, and you shouldn’t expect any mercy from the weather, there’s not a single cloud in the sky!

August – continuation of the heat.
In August the heat continues, and seeing a cloud in the sky is like a miracle. Neither the air weather nor the sea temperature differs from the previous month. From morning until late evening it’s hot, you can’t breathe and it feels like you’re in a frying pan. It’s very uncomfortable to relax here this month; the water in the sea doesn’t even help, it doesn’t cool you down, but rather warms you up.

September is a continuation of the hot summer.
September does not bring coolness - the heat continues here. During the day, everything is also unbearable up to +35 degrees, and the nights are a little cooler, about +27 degrees. The only salvation from all this heat is swimming in the sea in the evening. Yes, after sunset it becomes easier to breathe, and the sea, which does not drop below +31 degrees, seems like a real salvation. It is not surprising that it is in the dark that here on the beach more people than during the day.

October is a great month for a vacation.
Finally, the heat is receding, and the temperature is becoming more comfortable for relaxation, reaching +30 degrees. in the evening and at night it is also comfortable around +20, and you can walk around the cities and along the seashore. There are a lot of fans here in October beach holiday, excursion and active. It’s no secret that rock climbing is developed in Jordan, so after a hot summer, lovers of rock climbing and conquering heights gather here. Most of the tourists here come from ships. Hundreds of luxurious yachts land on the shores of Jordan every day. cruise ships, which bring new tourists for 2-3 days. Such a vacation is very convenient, because during the trip tourists manage to visit 5 or more places, get acquainted with their culture, and relax on their beaches.

November is cool, but the water is warm.
In the last autumn month the heat has completely receded, and during the day it is no higher than +25 degrees. In the southern resorts there are a couple of days below +30, but this is an exception to the rule. The nights are becoming noticeably cooler, and you can no longer walk without warm clothes. After sunset it’s +8 +12. But the sea makes you happy and doesn’t think about cooling down, showing a crazy +25 degrees! You can swim here both day and night.

December - winter has come.
In December, beach holidays are not popular; during the day it’s already +15, and at night it’s almost freezing to +3. Only in the southern resorts are the nights warmer, about +10 degrees. The sea is warmer, but swimming in it is not recommended. In December, lovers of excursions fly in and out of the country, who can explore cities, sights in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy low prices.

Wanted to see rain in the desert? You're definitely at the wrong time! In summer, precipitation is out of the question. This is a time of drought and heat in Jordan. It’s a great time for divers and fans of beach holidays, because by the sea a light breeze and the opportunity to plunge into the embrace of the sea at any time will save you from the sweltering heat. Connoisseurs of the country's historical heritage and architectural wealth should refrain from excursions at this time. The highest temperatures are recorded near the Dead Sea and near the Jordan River.


The first month of summer and at the same time the most “gentle” month of the Jordanian summer. Temperatures in Petra, Amman and the entire northern region are close to +32 °C during the day and +16 °C at night. When setting off to explore the sights of the kingdom, it would be a good idea to adequately assess your strengths. If you can tolerate the heat well and can easily walk for several hours in a row under the scorching sun, this is an acceptable vacation option. Otherwise, the time has come for wellness treatments at the Dead Sea, the water of which has already reached +28 °C, and for active diving in the depths of the Red Sea with a temperature of a confident +26 °C. Weather on southern resort- in Aqaba reaches +38 °C during the day and +24 °C at night. At this time, overnight excursions to Wadi Rum are gaining popularity; by the way, the heat in Jordan is much easier to bear due to the dry desert climate.


Here it is - real desert heat, and, as you know, the country’s territory is 90% covered with deserts. At the hottest point - Aqaba, the air warms up to +39 °C during the day and +24 °C at night. The sun also does not bypass the cooler northern regions and bakes with all its might in the middle of summer. The temperature in Amman and Petra is +32 °C during the day and drops to +16 °C at sunset. Not a single cloud in the sky will save the earth from the scorching heat. The water in the Red Sea has reached +27 °C, so swimming in it resembles relaxation in a warm bath. The diver will not need to worry about possible hypothermia. You can enjoy the cold-blooded inhabitants of the sea as much as your heart desires. The water in the Dead Sea tends to catch up with the air temperature and usually reaches +30 °C by the “top of summer”.


Jordan in August has no major differences compared to the previous month. The same heat, the same dryness, the same unusual hot water in reservoirs. Without sunscreen there is a high probability of getting sunburn. Real Middle Eastern heat - this is the exotic weather awaiting tourists. In the northern part of the country the temperature reaches +32 °C..+34 °C in daytime and +17 °C..+18 °C at nightfall. The temperature in the resort of Aqaba in August breaks all records with figures of +39 °C during the day and +24 °C at night. Water in the Dead and Red Seas peaked at +30°C and +28°C respectively.

With the arrival of autumn, another high season returns. Gradually, although not very willingly, the sun reduces its ardor and gives the opportunity to get acquainted with historical Jordan. Since almost all of its attractions are located in the open air, the air temperature plays a decisive role in the question: go on an excursion or hang out in the sea? In addition, the water will retain the warmth given by the passing summer for a long time.


This is a border month in Jordan. The frantic Arabian heat has not yet gone away, but there is a clear tendency for the temperature to drop to a comfortable level. Weather in Aqaba continues to fry arriving tourists with temperatures of +36 °C during the day and approximately +23 °C at night, and the Red Sea warms the body more than warm water at +28 °C. In the cool resorts of Jordan - in Amman and Petra, the temperature is more favorable for children and the elderly, and fluctuates between +31 °C..+32 °C in the daytime +15 °C..+17 °C in the dark days. The water in the Dead Sea continues to amaze not only with its salt concentration: +31 °C seems unthinkable, especially in the evening, when it becomes much cooler on land than in the embrace of the sea.


But in October, Jordan will pamper its guests with a mild Mediterranean climate. Temperature changes when changing the time of day are not yet too sharp: in Amman and Petra during the day the average temperature is +27 °C, and by night it drops to +12 °C..+14 °C. In the south of the country, the summer heat persists a little longer: +33 °C during the day and + 20 °C at night. At this time, any entertainment is available: diving, excursions, swimming or treatment in the sea, rock climbing - the weather will only accompany your adventures. Water in Krasnoye and Dead Seas remains comfortable for long swimming, diving and other entertainment and is +27 °C and +30 °C. In addition, the tan acquired at this time will be more stable and even. Another popular pastime during these months was cruise vacations. Or rather, a journey lasting from several days on a liner across the expanses of the Jordanian seas, which can give vacationers an unforgettable experience.


The month leading up to winter continues to cool the desert. The air became noticeably cooler, and the need to stock up on clothes arose again. different weather. In Amman and Petra, the daytime temperature remains within +20 °C..+21 °C, and towards night it drops to a cool +7 °C..+10 °C. Hot Aqaba is also losing ground to the approaching Arabian winter: during the day the temperature is +27 °C, and at night it drops to +15 °C. Only sea ​​water is in no hurry to succumb to the cold. Although, in its usual meaning, the word “cold” in the desert cannot be taken literally. +28 °C of the Dead Sea and +25 °C of the Red Sea hold positions for their admirers - lovers of soft autumn on the beaches of Jordan.

A time of rain, piercing winds and relatively low temperatures in the Kingdom of Jordan. Moreover, snow rarely falls in the capital of the country. What a miracle! Snow on desert land is a real curiosity and its impact safely blocks roads and all transport life in the city. During these months, it is better not to think about T-shirts and shorts; rather cold temperatures in tourist centers will require warm clothes. It's time to discover the rich culture and history of ancient civilizations.


First winter month brought perfect weather for sightseeing in the country. Comfortable weather will not allow you to take a break from the oppressive heat. In the south the temperature stays at +22 °C during the day and drops to +10 °C at night. In Amman and Petra it is cooler and you can’t do without a sweatshirt: +15 °C in the daytime and +3 °C..+6 °C should be expected after sunset. In the north of the country it often rains at this time, so an umbrella should become a must-have attribute for a traveler. The water temperature in the Red and Dead Seas remains warm like summer and is +23 °C, but conditions on land will not allow you to fully enjoy swimming. The cool breeze coming out of the sea will be appreciated only by seasoned swimmers and lovers of experiments. There is also not the best news for divers: visibility under water is significantly hampered by seasonal underwater currents.


This is one of the months low season. The flow of tourists at this time is noticeably reduced. But everything has its advantages. Thanks to the cool temperatures at this time, and in Amman and Petra the air is about +12 °C..+13 °C during the day, and +2 °C..+4 °C at night, prices for tours are noticeably reduced, and for a successful You won't have to fight for a hotel room. In “hot” Aqaba, the air warms up to +21 °C during the day, and at night the temperature drops to +9 °C. average temperature water in the seas of Jordan is about +21 °C and this a great opportunity harden your body.


Jordan in February, as at any other time of the year, is open to travelers. And everyone can find something to their liking here, but it’s worth considering that the weather in February is quite changeable. Although we can already see a warming trend and nature’s preparation for a new tourist season. In the north of the country (resorts: Amman and Petra), the air warms up to +13 °C..+15 °C during the day, and cools down to +3 °C..+4 °C at night. The south of the country has more comfortable temperatures with temperatures of +22 °C during the day and a minimum of +10 °C at night. In February, the water temperature in the seas reaches its minimum: +20 °C in the Red Sea and about +19 °C in the Dead Sea.

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