Biography of Karachentsev and family life. Nikolai Karachentsov: the vicissitudes of stellar fate. Personal life, family, son of Nikolai Karachentsov - Andrey Karachentsov

In 2003, the actor bought an apartment with an area of ​​256 square meters in the Swedish dead end. As they wrote then, luxury housing cost him almost a million dollars. Today, as the realtor said, the price of such real estate can reach 300 million rubles (4 million and about 13 thousand euros).

Four rooms, a kitchen and a couple of bathrooms - they were decorated by the actor’s wife Lyudmila Porgina. Stucco molding, antique bronze door handles, antique furniture from the Art Nouveau era, paintings and icons - the actor’s apartment is very cozy. He also had Vacation home in Valentinovka near Moscow (in the same village for a long time lived singer Valery Leontyev), near the Losiny Ostrov national park.

After the accident and long rehabilitation, the family decided to move here permanently. At first they bought ten acres here, then they bought more land until they had half a hectare of property. There are benches along the entire perimeter, a gazebo and swings are installed. Nearby there is a natural garden with rose bushes, linden and rowan trees, and a small swimming pool. Nearby are the simulators on which Nikolai Petrovich worked out his legs and arms.

In 2014, the “Ideal Renovation” program came here - they updated and repainted the facade, completely converted the balcony on the second floor into a winter garden, performing it in the style of the legendary Lenkom performance “Juno and Avos”.

As realtors say, the price of such a house today is at least 400 million rubles. Moreover, the big name of its owner adds about 100 million rubles (5 million 351 thousand euros) to the cost.

The actor also owned several cars. Unfortunately, they twice caused accidents that undermined the health of the artist beloved by millions of viewers...

The heirs of Nikolai Petrovich are son Andrei and widow Lyudmila Porgina. By law they have the right to equal shares. But since the family is very friendly, there is no need to expect any scandals with the division of property - everything will be resolved peacefully.

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"We understood each other." Andrey Karachentsov about last meeting with Father

Andrey Karachentsov is considered successful Russian businessman, but most Russians learned about him only after the tragedy that happened to his famous father, actor Nikolai Karachentsov. Together with his mother Lyudmila Porgina, Andrei did everything to make it easier for his father last years life.


Since childhood, Andrei had many envious people who considered him a star boy. Even then, the son of a famous actor decided that he would not choose an acting profession so that he would never be compared with his famous father.

From a young age, Karachentsov Jr. showed his leadership qualities. He wanted to be an individual on his own, without being tied to the fame of his famous parent.

The boy grew up in a creative family. Both of his parents were actors, but he deliberately did not want to follow in their footsteps. Andrei has always been wary of fame and popularity. In one of his few interviews, Karachentsov Jr. admitted that he had never used his name in his life. famous father to resolve any issues.

The boy had no acting talent or he himself did not want to show it. Andrey did not participate in school theater productions.

His mother tried several times to involve her son in family business, but the boy categorically opposed this.

In high school he was going to enter Moscow state institute international relations. Andrey's choice was the Faculty of Law. At school, Karachentsov Jr. did not study very diligently exact sciences– mathematics, chemistry and physics.

After graduating from MGIMO, he became a certified lawyer.

Personal life

Andrei did not like to communicate with journalists. Karachentsov Sr. also avoided talking about his wife and son. He considered his family and close people the most precious thing in his life.

Getting to know future wife Irina happened after Andrei graduated from university. His wife was trained as a gynecologist.

In one of his rare interviews Karachentsov Jr.’s wife told some details of the development of their relationship. Before meeting Andrey, Irina dated another guy. Even when the girl met her future husband, at first she did not see her betrothed in him. She rejected all of Andrei's advances, but he persistently sought her affection. It took Karachentsov Jr. several years for Irina to pay attention to him.

Now Andrei Karachentsov lives with his wife Irina and three children - Peter, Yana and Olya.

With wife and son

With his wife, parents, son Peter and daughter Yana

With daughter and son (in blue swimming trunks)

With daughters

Nikolai Karachentsov's accident and life after

On the night of February 27-28, 2005 famous actor hurried home. Karachentsov was in a terrible accident. An ambulance took the actor to the hospital with a severe traumatic brain injury, after which he underwent emergency surgery. Then Nikolai faced intensive care and a coma, in which he remained for a whole month. Subsequently, Karachentsov Sr. was in long-term rehabilitation. The hardest thing for him was learning to speak and move again. But he managed to overcome himself with the help of his wife and son.

With mom

The accident of the famous actor completely changed the life of the entire Karachentsov family.

Previously, Andrei did not like to communicate with journalists, but from all over Russia and from abroad, his father’s fans were constantly interested in the state of his health. Then he began to give short interviews and talk last news related to his dad.

The story of Andrey Karachentsov and his life:

Before this tragedy, photographs of the Karachentsov family rarely appeared in the press, but after the famous actor began to gradually regain his strength, he, with the support of his relatives, began to attend various events from time to time.

It was Karachentsov Jr. who became the support of the family.

Paying for the treatment and rehabilitation of his father fell on the shoulders of the young businessman. He showed his parent to the best doctors in Russia and took him abroad. According to Andrei’s recollections, his father fought for life, dreamed of getting better and going on stage again, but this, unfortunately, was not destined to come true.

Continuation of father's work

Last photo of Karachentsov with his granddaughter Yana

Hundreds of fans of the famous artist came to say goodbye to him at Nikolai Karachentsov’s home theater Lenkom.


After his father’s death, Andrei admitted to journalists that all his life he learned from him to feel responsible for his family and loved ones, and also to protect them from everything bad that can happen in life. Karachentsov Jr.’s wife supported her husband all these years. After the ordeal, their family united even more.

Now Andrey runs the Cultural Foundation, which his father once created.

Nikolai Karachentsov is one of the best actors in Russian cinema. He played in a large number of films, which numerous fans of the great master of the film industry never tire of watching and re-watching. The artist gave his voice to numerous cartoon characters.

Currently, the film actor is struggling with a serious illness. Fans hope that the idol will be able to cope with oncology, because he managed to recover from a serious accident.

The personal life of Nikolai Karachentsov is happy. The artist’s wife has become his soul mate, who supports him in everything.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Karachentsov

The popular film actor currently has a large number of fans who are worried about the health of Nikolai Karachentsov. He has become famous since the mid-70s of the last century. Every appearance of our hero on the screen aroused incredible interest among fans of Soviet cinema. They wanted to know everything about their idol, including his height, weight, and age. How old Nikolai Karachentsov is is quite easy to answer, knowing that the artist was born at the end of 1944. In 2018, the man will celebrate his 74th birthday.

Nikolai Karachentsov, whose photos in his youth and now are posted by his close people on social networks, has always attracted attention with his charisma and smile. Weighing 80 kg, the man is 178 cm tall. Despite his illness, the actor tries not to lose heart and live as his conscience tells him. He starts his day with exercise. During the day, a man performs several such approaches. According to the master’s close people, it is sport that helps the artist overcome his severe illness.

Biography of Nikolai Karachentsov, cause of death, funeral

The future great artist was born on a nice October day in 1944 in the capital Soviet Union. His parents named the boy Nikolai. Father - Pyotr Yakovlevich Karachentsov was an artist. Mother, Yanina Evgenievna Brunak, worked for many years as a choreographer at the Bolshoi Theater. She staged plays and wrote scripts for plays.

The kid spent a lot of time behind the scenes of the theater where his mother worked. From the age of 5, Kolya dreamed of acting in theatrical productions. It was at this time that he discovered perfect pitch. Judge about creativity our hero can be by his creative destiny. In many films, the actor himself performed songs that immediately became hits.

The boy went to school with great desire. He enjoyed reading, writing, and solving problems. IN free time Kolya played football with the neighboring boys and attended music school. The guy amazed me with his ability to read poetry. When he quoted poetry, all the students in his class froze, afraid to miss a word. In 9th grade, Nikolai began going to the drama studio. From that moment on, our hero decided to connect his life with the theater.

After receiving his certificate, the talented young man set off to conquer the capital’s theater institutes. On the first attempt, Karachentsev was enrolled as a student at the Moscow Art Theater. Teachers noted his talent. During his studies, Nikolai Petrovich showed his creative potential. The teachers said that the guy would certainly become a famous theater and film actor.

After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater, the young artist began working in one of the capital’s theaters. Within a few months, the head of Lenkom trusted Nikolai Petrovich with leading roles in a variety of productions. Viewers loved his work in “Smoke of the Fatherland”, “Faith, Hope, Love” and others. One of his best theatrical roles was his role in the rock opera “Juno and Avos.” The artist played in the opera for several years. Many theater lovers still listen to recordings of the production, amazed by the purity and power of our hero’s voice.

Since the late 60s of the last century, the popular film actor began acting in films. At first, he played only episodic roles. But after some time, Karachentsov began to be invited to lead roles in films. Nikolai Petrovich is remembered for his work in “The Adventures of Electronics”, “Treasure Island”, “Donkey Skin”, “Battalions Ask for Fire”, “Pious Martha” and a large number of others.

The artist also became famous as a master of dubbing. He gave his voice to many heroes from foreign films. For example, Karachentsov voiced characters in films such as “The Corpse of My Enemy”, “The Monster” and others.

The actor has released several discs with songs performed by him. In just over 30 years of acting career, the artist recorded about 200 songs that were loved by admirers of his talent.

During creative path Nikolai Karachentsov was awarded various prizes and awards.

Biography of Nikolai Karachentsov, cause of death, funeral - these questions began to interest lovers of Russian cinema after information spread that the great artist had an accident. Some means mass media wrote that the man had passed away. The date of death was soon refuted. It became known that Karachentsov is in a coma. His condition was serious. Domestic and foreign doctors did everything to bring the man to consciousness. Nikolai Karachentsov, whose funeral was announced more than once, came to his senses. He began to recover little by little and take part in some performances.

In 2017, the Soviet cinema star was involved in an accident again. Rumors began to appear that the man was in serious condition. Doctors diagnosed him with cancer. Nikolai Karachentsov, news about whom often appears in the media today, is struggling with a serious illness. It recently became known that the actor was undergoing rehabilitation in China and Israel. Many fans of Nikolai Petrovich believe that he will be able to win serious illness and will also delight you with his performance on stage.

Personal life of Nikolai Karachentsov

Many fans of the artist believed and still believe, seeing his sparkling heroes, that Nikolai Karachentsov’s personal life is incredibly rich and bright. In fact, the film actor was married only once. Our hero met his wife back in the 70s. Soon they got married. The marriage produced the only child of the star couple, who was named Andrei. He's old enough now. Works successfully in a law office. The man is happily married. He and his wife have two children. The daughter was named in honor of Andrei's grandmother Yanina, and the son was named Peter in honor of his great-grandfather, father Nikolai Karachentsov.

Despite rumors appearing in the press about the selfishness of Nikolai Petrovich’s wife, she did not leave her husband in difficult situation. Lyudmila Porgina became the guardian angel of the great actor. She helps her husband cope with a serious illness. It is she who does not allow a man to give up, which angers his ill-wishers so much.

Family of Nikolai Karachentsov

Nikolai Karachentsov’s family is helping their husband and father cope with his serious illness. After the accident, the artist’s wife and his son did everything to ensure that their father and husband returned to normal life. Currently, our hero’s wife and his son are helping to fight cancer. Despite doctors' predictions, Nikolai Petrovich is trying to recover from cancer.

The actor's father was an artist. The man worked at the Ogonyok magazine. When Nikolai was 12 years old, his father left the family. The reason was new love men. Despite this, he never forgot Nikolai, supporting his creative endeavors.

Mother worked at the Bolshoi Theater. She staged musical plays and ballets. It was the woman who influenced the formation of the future great actor, developing his musical and artistic talent. Our hero's mother worked in various theaters during her life. The woman’s passing was a real blow for her son, which he endured hard.

The actor has younger brother, who was born into his father’s second family. Currently he is a fairly famous artist. The brothers often see each other and talk. Peter supports Nikolai, wanting him to win a difficult fight against a dangerous illness.

The popular film actor considers his many colleagues to be his family, with whom he not only played in films, but also became friends off the screen.

Children of Nikolai Karachentsov

At the moment when the artist became famous, fans began to wonder if Nikolai Karachentsov had a wife and children. The actor has an only child, who was born in the late 70s of the last century. Karachentsov and his son have recovered friendly relations. Now the only offspring is already an adult. He works in one of the famous law firms. The man is married and has a son and daughter.

Our hero played in a large number of films. Currently, the number of works has exceeded one hundred. Karachentsov loves each of his roles, as he puts it, with fatherly love.

Son of Nikolai Karachentsov - Andrey Karachentsov

In 1978, the popular film actor became a father for the first time. The parents decided to name their child Andryusha in honor of one of the friends of the popular film actor, Andrei Mironov.

The son of Nikolai Karachentsov, Andrei Karachentsov, from a young age spent a lot of time behind the scenes of the theater where his parents worked. The boy did not strive to follow in the footsteps of his parents, despite his great creative potential. Famous actor did not influence the opinion of his only offspring, believing that each person has his own path.

After graduating from school, Andrei becomes a student at the Moscow University without any problems. humanitarian university named after M.V. Lomonosov. After receiving his diploma, the actor’s son became a famous lawyer.

Soon the young man met his beloved. The grandchildren of the popular film actor were born in the marriage. The girl was named Yanina in honor of Nikolai Petrovich’s mother, and the boy was named Petya in honor of his great-grandfather.

Nikolai Karachentsov's common-law wife - Lyudmila Porgina

In the mid-70s of the last century, a popular film actor saw a girl at one of his performances. She played his lover. The couple got into the role so much that they soon realized that they could not live without each other. After a short time, the lovers got married. At the end of the 70s of the last century, happy marriage added a son.

Nikolai Karachentsov’s common-law wife, Lyudmila Porgina, also works in the theater. She is successful and has many fans. The couple never argued about which of them was more talented.

Lyudmila became a real support for her husband after a terrible accident in which he got into. The woman pulled him to his feet. But unfortunately, she was driving a car that overturned. Currently, the artist is doing everything to ensure that her husband, with whom she has lived for more than 40 years, recovers.

Photo by Nikolai Karachentsov before and after plastic surgery

In the 90s of the last century, rumors began to appear every now and then that a popular film actor was resorting to the help of a plastic surgeon. These rumors were not supported by anything.

After our hero got into a terrible accident, photos of Nikolai Karachentsov before and after plastic surgery began to appear on the Internet every now and then. Many people could not believe that the accident passed without a trace on the artist’s appearance. Close people urge the public to keep their speculations to themselves. Recently, the actor’s son filed a lawsuit against a cosmetic clinic in the capital. Russian Federation, which used photographs of the actor for its own purposes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nikolai Karachentsov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Nikolai Karachentsov are of interest a large number of fans of the film actor.

The artist’s Wikipedia is quite popular. Here you can find out about the parents, wife and son of Nikolai Karachentsov. Collected on the page full list films in which the master of Soviet cinema took part. In addition, fans can find out what compositions the artist sang and in what films they were performed.

IN in social networks the film actor himself is not registered. His pages are run by fans of Nikolai Petrovich’s talent, who are trying to do everything to make as many people as possible fall in love with this sparkling and talented artist.

Today, Friday, October 26, Nikolai Karachentsov, a famous Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. This weekend the artist was supposed to celebrate his 74th birthday, but the illness turned out to be stronger. His son Andrei reported the death of Nikolai Petrovich.

Cause of death

In September 2017, the actor was diagnosed with an inoperable cancerous tumor in his left lung. To all this, pneumonia was added in October 2018, which is why the actor ended up in intensive care.

If Kolya only had oncology without a first group disability and loss of part of his brain, without inserted metal collarbones and broken ribs, it would be much easier for doctors. And since Kolya was seriously injured in that terrible car accident 13 years ago, it is not easy for doctors to get him back on his feet. The body is worn out, and now new sores have appeared. But Koka is great - he doesn’t give up. He enjoys every day, asks to read Pushkin to him, it lifts his spirits,” the actor’s wife said in early October.

According to Lyudmila, in the hospital Nikolai Petrovich was very bored without his pets - a parrot, a cat and a dog.

Let us recall that at the end of last year it became known that Nikolai Karachentsov had an inoperable cancer tumor in his left lung. The artist underwent treatment in Israel for some time. Most of the amount for medical procedures was provided by the Nikita Mikhalkov Foundation, and the actor’s colleagues also donated several million. Unfortunately, radiation therapy did not help, and after some time the tumor began to grow in size again. However, the troubles of the Karachentsov family did not end there.

At the beginning of October, Nikolai Petrovich was admitted to intensive care in one of the Moscow clinics with bilateral pneumonia. It was there that he died, without waiting for his birthday.

As the artist’s wife Lyudmila Porgina told the radio station “Moscow Speaks,” Karachentsov died at 9 a.m. on October 26 in the Moscow City Oncology Hospital. His kidneys failed.

Biography of Nikolai Karachentsev

Nikolai Karachentsov was born on October 27, 1944 in Moscow, on Chistye Prudy. Father Pyotr Yakovlevich Karachentsov (1907-1998) worked for many years in the Ogonyok magazine as a graphic artist, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1967). Mother Yanina Evgenievna Brunak (1913-1992), choreographer, staged performances in major musical theaters, participated in staging performances at the Bolshoi Theater, Kazan Musical Theater, Ulaanbaatar Musical Theater in Mongolia, ran a ballet school and organized the First National Ensemble of Vietnam , worked in Syria, in London.

In 1967, he graduated with honors from the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School (now the School-Studio, Institute, named after Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after A.P. Chekhov), where he studied on the course of Viktor Monyukov .

After this, the young actor was supposed to enter the Moscow Art Theater, but the management of the Moscow Theater contacted the theater school. Lenin Komsomol(now the Moscow State Theater "Lenkom"), which, following the departure of the main director Anatoly Efros, many actors left. After this, ten of the best graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School, including Nikolai Karachentsov, were sent to work at Lenkom.

On the Lenkom stage, the actor played in more than 20 productions of different genres - from drama to rock opera. His first success came with the role of Till Eulenspiegel in Mark Zakharov's play "Til" (1974). Nikolai Karachentsov was also involved in the performances: " Cruel Games"(1972), "Autotown 21" (1973), "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta" (1976), "Optimistic Tragedy" (1983), "Hamlet" (1986), "...Sorry" (1992), "Jester Balakirev " (2001), etc. The most popular among the artist's theatrical works was the role of Count Rezanov in the rock opera "Juno and Avos", which he performed since 1981 for more than 20 years.

Nikolai Karachentsov was widely known as a film actor. His debut was the role of Ivan Shulga in the historical adventure television film by Maria Muat "...And May Again!" (1968). Among the most famous film works of Nikolai Karachentsov are Vladimir Busygin in the drama “The Eldest Son” based on the play by Alexander Vampilov (1975, directed by Vitaly Melnikov), the Marquis Ricardo in the musical film “Dog in the Manger” based on the play by Lope de Vega (1977, Jan Fried), Mick Urry in the film "The Adventures of Electronics" based on the book by Evgeny Veltistov (1979, Konstantin Bromberg), Jefferson Hope in the film "Bloody Inscription" from the series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle (1979, Igor Maslennikov), Vasya Khodas in the drama "White Dews" (1983, Igor Dobrolyubov), Nikolai Orlov in the military drama "Battalions Ask for Fire" based on the story by Yuri Bondarev (1985, Vladimir Chebotarev and Alexander Bogolyubov), Billy King in the adventure comedy "The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins" (1987, Alla Surikova), “Japanese” in the adventurous comedy “Deja Vu” (1989, Juliusz Machulski), etc.

He also starred in films and TV series: “My Destiny” (1973, director Leonid Pchelkin), “Once Alone” (1974, Gennady Poloka), “Yaroslavna, Queen of France” (1978, Igor Maslennikov), “Pious Martha” based on the play Tirso de Molina (1980, Jan Fried), “Treasure Island” based on the novel of the same name by Robert Louis Stevenson (1982, Vladimir Vorobyov), “The Trust that Broke” based on the works of O. Henry (1982, Alexander Pavlovsky), “Moonzund” based on the novel Valentina Pikulya (1987, Alexander Muratov), ​​“Criminal Quartet” (1989, Alexander Muratov), ​​“St. Petersburg Mysteries” (1994–1998, Vadim Zobin, etc.), “Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky” (1999, Alexander Muratov), ​​etc. IN total played various roles in more than 90 films and TV series.

The actor performed all the stunts in the adventure films independently, without stuntmen.

The artist performed songs for various feature and animated films, many of them were released on CDs and audio cassettes. In total, Nikolai Karachentsov recorded more than 200 songs.

Nikolai Karachentsov dubbed foreign films, including all the films with the participation of the French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo, which were shown in the domestic box office. The actor also voiced animated films (“Trap for Bambra”, “Dog in Boots”, “Space Aliens”, “Lost and Found”, “Captains Island”, etc.), participated in audio plays (“Roadside Picnic”, “Cossacks” , "Peter Pan", "Romeo and Juliet").

He was elected secretary of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia. He headed the jury of the Actor's Song Festival named after. Andrey Mironov.

Was a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy cinematic arts "Nika".

People's Artist of the RSFSR (1989).

Was awarded with orders Honor (1997) and "For Services to the Fatherland" IV degree (2009).

Laureate State Prize Russian Federation (2002; for his role in the play "Jester Balakirev"), prize from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (2001).

Was awarded a special prize at the Amur Autumn Film Festival (2004, Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region), the “Own Track” award (2005; established Charitable Foundation Vladimir Vysotsky, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Committee for Culture), the special prize "Crystal Rose" of the Moscow theater award "Crystal Turandot" (2005), the Russian National Acting Award named after. Andrey Mironov "Figaro" (2011), etc.

The unique beauty of Nikolai Karachentsov amazed many women. At first glance he might not have been liked, but when he went on stage, he had no equal. It was difficult not to fall in love with the artist. This also happened to Lyudmila Porgina, a young actress at Lenkom. At the time she met Karachentsov, she was married to stuntman Viktor Korzun. But what did it matter if the woman realized that she had settled in her heart real love? The couple legalized their relationship in 1975. This marriage turned out to be strong and long.

Nikolai Karachentsov’s personal life was as successful as his career. In 1978, the actor had a son, Andrei, who did not follow in his parents’ footsteps and became a lawyer.

The charismatic and popular actor was credited with many novels. Many people called him women famous actresses. Before meeting Lyudmila Porgina, Karachentsev had an affair with his colleague Svetlana Savelova. Then there were rumors about the artist’s relationship with Olga Kabo, dancer Marina Shirshikova and Irina Gribulina. But whether this is true or the speculation of sensation-hungry journalists is known only to Nikolai Karachentsov himself and his wife. Be that as it may, the couple has been together for four decades.

Throughout his career, Nikolai Petrovich tried to avoid acting parties, but never refused fun companies in a close family circle. In contrast to the increased demands on his own creativity, in everyday life the actor was particularly unpretentious. His favorite sport has always been tennis.

Currently, Nikolai Karachentsov has three grandchildren: Peter, Yanina and Olga.

The artist got into an accident

On the night of February 28, 2005, the car of actor Nikolai Karachentsov was involved in a terrible accident. Then the star of Russian cinema hurried from his dacha to Moscow, excited by the news of the death of his mother-in-law Nadezhda Porgina. As a result, the icy road, unfastened seat belts and excessive speed of the artist’s car led to a terrible accident, as a result of which Nikolai Karachentsov received a serious traumatic brain injury.

At the clinic, he urgently underwent craniotomy and brain surgery, after which Nikolai Petrovich was transferred to the Sklifosovsky Institute. There, the actor lay in a coma for almost a month, but the doctors’ efforts were crowned with success: he began to recover. A long recovery process allowed the star to return to life.

In 2007, Nikolai Karachentsov took part in the gala concert “The Stars Came from Heaven...”, at which he presented discs with his own repertoire. At that time, many of his star friends came to support the actor on stage, including Mikhail Boyarsky, Alexander Marshall, Oleg Gazmanov, Laima Vaikule.

But after the accident, Nikolai Karachentsov was never able to fully restore his speech and movements, so he continued acting career he could not. In 2011, the artist underwent a rehabilitation course in Israel.

On June 24, 2012, some media reported the death of the great artist, which shocked not only fans of Nikolai Karachentsov, but also his friends and colleagues at Lenkom. As it turned out, the shocking news of the actor’s death was provoked by information about a sharp deterioration in Nikolai Petrovich’s health. Careless journalists, hungry for sensation, came up with a “canard” about death, agitating thousands of people.

In 2013, the artist underwent treatment in leading clinics in Beijing. In October 2016, the Moscow Peace Foundation awarded the artist the golden Order of Service to Art.

Exactly 12 years later, on February 27, 2017, Nikolai Karachentsov was again in a serious accident. Belonging to his wife Toyota car Highlander collided with a Gazelle in the Moscow region. The accident occurred on Pushkin Street in cottage village Zagoryansky. After a collision with the Gazelle, the car in which Karachentsov was in overturned, and the actor had to be urgently hospitalized at a nearby clinic - he was diagnosed with a concussion.

Creativity of Nikolai Karachentsev

Roles at the Lenkom Theater

1967 - “Smoke of the Fatherland” by K. Simonov - Shurka Basargin “A Farewell to Arms” by E. Hemingway (dir. A. Ginzburg, O. Chubais) - Soldier “The Golden Key” by A. Tolstoy; production by S. Stein - Cat Basilio “Madonnas of Sudzhan” - Kolka “On the Wedding Day” by V. Rozov; production by A. Efros - Zhenya “Molière” after M. Bulgakov - Charlatan with a harpsichord, brother of Sila

1972 - “Faith, Hope, Love” by A. Arbuzov; production by V. Monakhov - Danila

1973 - “Colonists” by A. Makarenko; production by Yu. Mochalov - Karabanov

1973 - “Autograd 21”; production by M. Zakharov - choir

1974 - “Music on the 11th floor” by I. Olshansky; production by V. Monakhov - Kostya

1974 - “Til” by G. Gorin after S. de Coster; production by M. Zakharov - Till Eulenspiegel “The End of the Khitrov Market”; production by V. Monakhov and V. Vsevolodov - Senya Bulaev

1976 - “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta” rock opera by A. Rybnikov based on the poem by Pablo Neruda; production by M. Zakharov) - Death and the Leader of the Rangers “Hamlet” by W. Shakespeare; production by A. Tarkovsky - Laertes

1979 - “Cruel Intentions” by A. Arbuzov; production by M. Zakharov - Misha Zemtsov

1981 - “Juno and Avos” rock opera by A. Rybnikov based on the poem by A. Voznesensky; production by M. Zakharov - Count Rezanov

1983 - “Optimistic tragedy” Sun. Vishnevsky - Alexey “Fear and Despair in the Third Empire” by B. Brecht - Stormtrooper and Young Worker

1986 - “Dictatorship of Conscience” by M. Shatrov; production by M. Zakharov - Karbyshev

1990 - “School for emigrants” - Serge

1992 - “...Sorry” A. Galina; production by G. Panfilov - Yuri Zvonarev

1995 - " Czech photo» A. Galina; production by A. Galina - Lev Zudin

2001 - “Jester Balakirev” by G. Gorin; production by M. Zakharov - Menshikov

2004 - “City of Millionaires”; production by R. Samghin - Domenico Soriano

Works on television

1970 - “Ivan and Altynshash” (television play) - “Ivan, projectionist”

1970 - “Boyan Chonos” (television play) - Costa Lazar

1974 - “Feast during the Plague (television play)” (television play); production by M. Zakharov - Chairman Walsingham

1976 - “In one microdistrict” (television play) - Valera Seregin (credited as Karachentsev)

1976 - “The Magic Lantern” (television play) - Widow, Parisian

1980 - Benefit performance by Tatyana Doronina - Orpheus, Gypsy, Sinbad the Sailor, Count the Tinsmith, Kai

1996 - “Love of the Great” (television play)

2002 - “My Sweet Dream” (television play) - Vikenty Vitoldovich Largo

2002 - “Juno and Avos” (film-play) - Count Rezanov

Nikolai Karachentsov is a versatile personality, a wonderful actor, musician, performer of original songs. His talents can be listed for a long time. Of course, he could have achieved much greater results, if not for an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances that completely changed his life. The biography of Nikolai Karachentsov is full of various life stories, experiences, and dramatic changes. Despite the difficulties that happened to him 12 years ago, the actor was able to survive them and recover.

“Dog in the Manger”, “The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines”, “The Adventure of Electronics”, these are probably the most notable paintings in track record actor. He is the pride of Russian cinema.

The actor was born in the capital of the Soviet Union in 1944. The small town of Chistye Prudy can be called its homeland. The family was also involved in creativity and art. My father worked in the artistic direction, worked for the benefit of the famous magazine “Ogonyok”. Mom connected her entire life with ballet and staged various dance performances. She was very often invited to famous capital theaters, where she helped organize performances.

Childhood photos of Nikolai Karachentsov

Thanks to such talent of his parents, Nikolai was given a natural gift. Already during his school years, he began to actively participate in school plays. He was attracted to amateur performances, as he could easily transform into any characters. His first theatrical association was the group "Active", which was organized at the children's theater.

N. Karachentsov in his student years

Of course, his love for art allowed him to immediately choose a profession. Karachentsov entered the Moscow Art Theater. Already in 1967, he received the long-awaited diploma, with a large number of recommendations and excellent grades.

He was constantly set as an example, as the actor had incredible charisma. It's not for nothing that he entered the rating best students of the year.

The Lenin Komsomol Theater became a refuge for him for life. Here he performed his best performances and works that deserve public viewing.

Nikolai Karachentsov in his youth


Nikolai Karachentsov's irresistible performance on the theater stage helped him realize a wide variety of images. According to viewers, his actions always fascinated. The actor’s first theatrical works were “104 pages about love”, “A movie is being made” and so on. According to many critics, Nikolai became a new star who shone in the bosom of Russian theatrical art and cinema.

The first works in the theater were staged by Anatoly Efros, but after Mark Zakharov came, the performances completely changed. The actors called this time for Lenkom a key one, since Mark was able and knew how to stage good theatrical works. Zakharov did not lose sight of Karachentsov’s talent. The first one collaboration“Autograd 21” allowed Nikolai to get very important roles for him.

IN theatrical production"Juno and Avos"

The performance “Til” was attended by an incredibly large number of spectators. Karachentsov played a mischievous hooligan, about whom many critics wrote. It was an incredible role. He was called the idol of youth and for good reason. Nikolai Karachentsov was not only an actor, but also a singer, acrobat and mime. The combination of such qualities cannot but attract.

The artist’s career included a huge number of genres and roles. He never sought to play certain roles, as he was a versatile personality. “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta” is the first rock opera in his career in which Karachentsov took part. He was fascinated by the experience he was able to gain. From 1976 to 1993, the presented work was constantly staged on the Lenkom stage. Karachentsov was one of the best actors who played Death and the leader of the Rangers. The biography and personal life of Nikolai Karachentsov has always developed in an extremely successful way, which did not interfere with the development of his career.

You cannot miss the work “Juno and Avos,” which has become one of the most famous in the actor’s repertoire. It was a rock opera staged at Lenkom.

Actor at the premiere of the play "Till Eulenspiegel"

In 1981, the premiere was presented, which attracted a full house. Nikolai Karachentsov played the role of Count Ryazanov and was loved by many viewers. Critics from all over the world came to Moscow to watch the artist’s wonderful performance. The rock opera “Juno and Avos” was presented in the best theaters in the world. The tour of the Lenkom theater troupe was a huge success.

Nikolai Karachentsov rightfully became the star of Lenkom. Here incredible prospects opened up for him; he played several dozen leading roles in productions of various genres. Special mention can be made of such works as “Czech Photo”, “School for Emigrants” and so on. For 30 years professional activity, he managed to become what he dreamed of being. There were successes not only on the theater stage, but also in cinema.

Movies and music

After the play “Til” was staged, the actor began to receive a huge number of offers from directors. Despite the fact that he had already taken part in various films, the general public learned about him only after this premiere. The first drama “Eldest Son”, filmed in 1975, captivated millions of viewers. A large number of famous people played here Soviet actors, namely, the eldest son was Nikolai Karachentsov.

Still from the film “The Adventures of Electronics”

Even today the film deserves a lot of positive feedback. Now not only theater visitors learned about him, but also television viewers who saw the actor for the first time.

After the long-awaited premiere, he became one of the most sought-after artists. The incredible schedule and workload did not interfere with him, but on the contrary helped him keep himself in good shape. He has worked with various genres and roles. Of course, we can mention the film “Dog in the Manger,” which the audience really liked. The film “The Adventures of Electronics” won children's hearts. Also in the repertoire were the films “Deja Vu”, “Bright Personality”, “White Dews” and so on.

Still from the film “Eldest Son”

In modern cinematic art, the actor made his mark with the series “The Files of Detective Dubrovsky”, “Petersburg

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