Sobchak Ksenia Anatolyevna gave birth to a son, as they called. Sobchak and Vitorgana found the perfect name for their son. Rumors about Ksenia Sobchak and her pregnancy

Journalist and socialite gave birth to a boy in one of the maternity hospitals in Moscow.

Fans of Ksenia Sobchak began to practice belly fortune telling as soon as she had it. The shape and dimensions were subjected to detailed study. The location of the navel, the signs of the zodiac of the parents, the character of Sobchak and the order of the stars at the time of conception were taken into account. The conclusion was almost unanimous: Ksenia is expecting a boy. And after all folk omens worked! Although Sobchak and Vitorgan carefully concealed the sex of the baby even from their parents: they were afraid that happy grandparents might inadvertently give out information to journalists!

A strong baby was born in Lapino, beloved by stars near Moscow.

“11/18/16 is now the happiest day. I am the mother of a beautiful boy, ”the TV presenter wrote on her Instagram.

"Friends! Congratulate us! Was born!!! Mazal tov!!! We are crying!!! Grandfather Emmanuel and grandmother Ira,” Maxim’s happy dad left a message on social networks.

This center is very popular with celebrities. For example, the twins of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin Harry and Lisa were born there, youngest daughter Ivan Urgant Valery, daughter of Garik Kharlamov Nastya. In addition, it is only a 15-minute drive from the country house Sobchak and Vitorgan. According to Sobchak herself, another argument in favor of Lapino is that she wanted to give birth in Russia. Like, a person has a connection with the place where he was born.

Most likely, Sobchak gave birth without anesthesia. Partly - in order not to harm the child, partly - in order to test oneself for endurance again.

“I’m thinking of giving up anesthesia during childbirth,” Ksenia told reporters early in an interview. Suddenly this will not happen a second time, I want to feel what kind of strong pain that a person can endure anyway.

For the next three months, as Tatler reported, star mom planned to settle down in her country house and focus on motherhood.

“I’m actually a city person, but I understand that a child outside the city will be more comfortable, there Fresh air. Walking with a stroller along the Garden Ring is not fun, ”Ksenia admitted. - I have been dreaming of not going anywhere for a long time, but<…>then “Ksenia, you are very needed” begins. It seems I can say “no”, but I’m still going” (read more).

For Ksenia, the child is the firstborn, and her husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan, already has two children: 20-year-old Polina and 16-year-old Daniel.

An example of Sobchak is wonderful for all women over 30. After her famous sayings about children, for some reason everyone decided that Ksenia was a convinced child-free. Therefore, their marriage with Vitorgan was predicted to collapse soon - they say, what kind of relationship would last a long time without offspring. Then for some reason they decided that Sobchak could not get pregnant and all the talk that she was in given period time just does not want, just a cover.

At the same time, Ksenia’s position was very understandable and correct: giving birth because “age” or because “necessary” is wrong. The child should appear only when she really wants him. I wanted to at the age of 35, and she did it.

Pregnancy of Ksenia Sobchak

Sobchak is a devoted follower of the commandment that "pregnancy is not a disease." From the first months and right up to the very birth, Ksenia did not give herself a descent in anything.

First, she didn't stop working. Much and ruthlessly. She gave herself an indulgence only by stopping traveling at the 8th month. But in Moscow, activity at that moment seems to have doubled: she went to shows, led events and seminars. At the celebration of the anniversary, MUZ-TV even joked that she was afraid to give birth right on stage. However, after that it did not slow down.

Secondly, Sobchak did not forget about sports. In general, the figure is one of Xenia's "fads". She was so afraid of gaining weight that she practiced for two hours every day: she stood on her head during yoga classes, regularly swam in the pool and tried to walk more. I also monitored nutrition: no jamming of pickles with cakes! Taboo for baking! As a result, she recovered only in the abdomen.

Perhaps the intended cover in Tatler magazine. Ksenia graced the front page with her naked pregnant body, which caused a tsunami of emotions!

How Sobchak plans to raise a baby

Knowing the workaholism of Ksenia Sobchak, her close friends Natalya and Alexander Chistyakov, congratulating the TV presenter on the birth of a child, wished her not to rush to go to work.

“I wish that she fully felt the role of a mother and, most importantly, was able to find time to see everything. After all, when a child is born, we mothers always run to work. And my personal story was no exception, I returned to the stage just a few months later, therefore, having a similar experience, I want to wish Ksyusha to enjoy this period and see all the first victories of her baby, ”says Gluko’Za.

Mom will help with the upbringing of baby Xenia. But only, Lyudmila Narusova admits, if her daughter asks her about it.

“Ksyusha is one of those people who will never ask for help, but there were moments when I felt that she needed my support. That's why I'm a mother. But I understand that we must act carefully so as not to hurt her pride and so that she does not notice anything, - said Lyudmila Narusova in an interview. - I know that there are forbidden topics that I should not touch, and I do not. This is a question of her relationship with Maxim. I can watch from the sidelines, but if they don’t ask me, I don’t interfere.”

Lyudmila Borisovna says that Ksenia has changed a lot with the advent of Maxim Vitorgan in her life. She has become more calm, balanced, more responsible in her statements, in relation to problems, she always considers issues from one side and the other. Yes, and Ksenia herself has repeatedly admitted that she feels calm and reliable with her husband.

Despite the established reputation, Sobchak has a great experience in communicating with children. She gets along with teenagers - Maxim's children. She has two godchildren, the children of her friends, with whom she constantly keeps in touch. And recently Ksenia visited children's holiday- the son of her friend, businesswoman Oksana Lavrentieva, is 10 years old. "On the children's DR and happy !!!" and two ironic, quite in the spirit of Ksyushin, hashtags: #have come and #life is full of amazing changes. So everything flows, everything changes.

Ksenia at the presentation of Nobu watches

Lyudmila Borisovna is absolutely sure that Ksenia is ripe for motherhood and is ready to change diapers and not sleep at night.

“Ksyusha will be a wonderful mother, completely selfless and correct. Whether they will let me see my grandchildren, I can only guess, humbly ask, and I don’t know how they will decide. But I know in advance that I will go to any lengths to achieve this. I will humiliate myself, grovel and ask to work with my grandchildren. And how they will decide - I do not know. What will they call me? I don't care at all - even a great-grandmother, even a grandfather, anyone, as long as there were grandchildren. I'm not going to be young,” says Lyudmila Narusova.

Recall that the pregnancy of Ksenia Sobchak was just some kind of obsession. All the few months since it became known about her interesting position some fantastic theories were put forward. Users of social networks argued to calluses on their fingers: whether Ksenia herself is carrying a child or a consignment note, they accused her of PR during pregnancy. It got to the point that Xenia's nine-month-old belly was not noticed point-blank, insisting that the child was carried by a surrogate mother.

Such pressure is difficult to bear, and Maxim Vitorgan once could not stand it and broke down, saying a lot of harsh words on Instagram. But Xenia, it seems, does not notice this wild excitement. We hope that now, after the birth of a child, passions will subside somewhat, and Xenia and Maxim will be allowed to enjoy parenthood.

How much did the birth of Ksenia Sobchak cost

Lapino Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child"


Ksenia Sobchak gave birth to her first child photo - Vitorgan published the first video of Sobchak with a child

Ksenia Sobchak gave birth to her first child on November 18, 2016. The birth was successful in the elite perinatal center "Mother and Child" in Lapino near Moscow, the stay in which resulted in a star family in the amount of ~ one million rubles.

On November 22, Vitorgan published the first video of Sobchak with a child - Ksenia Sobchak was discharged from the maternity hospital with her son

After discharge from the hospital:

According to the observations of journalists, Maxim Vitorgan on his Range Rover appeared on the threshold of an elite clinic early in the morning. He left around noon, her mother remained with Xenia. Vitorgan returned for his wife three hours later.

Maxim Vitorgan met his wife with a newborn son without flowers and balloons (Ksenia and the baby were expecting balloons in the car !!!) and other generally accepted holiday paraphernalia that could attract the attention of passers-by and paparazzi.

Ksenia Sobchak gave birth to her first child - Children of Maxim Vitorgan visited Ksenia Sobchak in the hospital

During childbirth, Ksenia was near her closest and closest people: mother Lyumila Narusova and husband Maxim Vitorgan (Maxim's parents could not be present, since they are on tour far from Moscow).

Xenia's mother supported her daughter all the time from the moment the birth began and did not even leave the walls of the maternity hospital. During the days of Sobchak's stay in the hospital, she was visited by her husband with his children from his first marriage (Polina and Daniil), as well as close friends Oksana Lavrentyeva and Polina Kitsenko.
On the same day after discharge, Ksenia Sobchak received guests in a narrow family circle: her husband, Ksenia's mother and Vitorgan's children Polina and Daniel.

The name of the son of Ksenia Sobchak - What was the name of the son of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan

A couple of newly minted parents Sobchak-Vitorgan has not yet revealed the name of their child to the media. And also Ksyusha is in no hurry to post on her page on Instagram fresh photos, because she is clearly not up to it - she gets used to leading role in my life - the role of MOM. A photo of Ksenia Sobchak with a baby cradle, in which her son is already sleeping, has just appeared on Instagram.

Ksenia Sobchak will stay on maternity leave for how long - When Ksenia Sobchak comes out of maternity leave

Now Ksenia Sobchak is playing the role of a mother, but in December she already has corporate parties planned, although she previously informed fans that she would stay on maternity leave for three months. A qualified nanny was hired for her son, and the grandmother will be happy to take care of her grandson and help her daughter.

Rumors are circulating in the media that Ksenia Sobchak's mother, Lyudmila Narusova, insists that her grandson be named Anatoly. And on the part of her son-in-law, actor Maxim Vitorgan, the proud name of Emmanuel is offered as an option. However, experts unanimously argue that naming children after relatives is undesirable.


"Anatoly, Emmanuel? Not good. Neither in terms of the sound range, nor because there is a reference to relatives. It is not good to name children after someone close. I have many examples when children bearing a family name ended tragically," said Doctor of Psychology, author of the book series "Signs of Fate" Boris Khigir.

According to the specialist, the rather complicated patronymic of the baby, Maksimovich, complicates the task of choosing a name. “The ideal option for the son of Sobchak and Vitorgan is Elisha. Alexey, Tikhon, Timofey, Arkhip, Ruslan or Ilya are also acceptable. The guy will grow up just gorgeous! And you don’t have to listen to the arguments of Lyudmila’s grandmother. Fortunately, Ksenia does not really listen to her, since Anatolyevna and Borisovna are absolutely incompatible, "Eg.RU quotes a specialist.

Recall that Ksenia Sobchak gave birth to her first child on November 18 at about five in the morning. The baby was born with a height of 52 cm and a weight of 3350 g. The birth was quite easy. The boy of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan was born in the Lapino Clinical Hospital near Moscow.

After the presenter first became a mother, new articles about her appear in the media almost every day. The topic is also being actively promoted on the Internet. Reporters attack friends and relatives of newly-made parents. As a result, Ksenia was forced to make an official statement. The TV presenter said that her family and loved ones would not talk about her personal life.

However, this did not stop some media from reporting that Ksenia was allegedly urgently changing her surname to a double one, and she and her husband decided to call their son Plato. However, Sobchak's relatives denied this information.

It is known that the son of the star couple was born in an elite hospital, where mothers have a jacuzzi and a transforming bed at their disposal. The food there is like in a five-star hotel. According to media reports, the birth cost the journalist 930 thousand.


Barely, Sobchak left a message on Instagram. "11/18/16 is now the happiest day. I am the mother of a beautiful boy," the newly-made mother shared her joy with the world. Xenia's subscribers began to congratulate her and wonder what the baby was called.

The most popular assumption is Emmanuel or Anatoly. In honor of the famous grandfathers of the newborn - People's Artist Russian Emmanuil Vitorgan and former mayor Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. Moreover, now it is customary for stars to call children double names through a hyphen. For example, Philip Kirkorov, one of the first with a new addition to the family, named his daughter Alla-Victoria. Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina have the heirs of Mik-Angel-Krist and daughter Eva-Vlada. Singer Roma Zhukov also gave double names to his offspring: Sofia-Victoria, Victoria-Elizabeth and Stephen Anthony. Therefore, it seems quite logical that Sobchak and Vitorgan can name their child Anatoly-Emmanuel or Emmanuel-Anatoly.

As an option - Maksim. In many star families sons are named after their father. Like, for example, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. or Kirill Andreev Jr. So why, without further ado, Xenia not name the child in honor of her husband Maxim Vitorgan Jr.?

There is another version worthy of attention. Sobchak can give his son a name Vladimir. In honor of the President of Russia. The media have repeatedly written that many years ago Putin was a frequent visitor to Anatoly Sobchak. Some even stated that the president is the godfather of the journalist, although she once refuted this information. But there is no doubt that warm feelings bind old acquaintances.

Another popular option is Alexander. Some believe that Ksenia can name the baby in honor of the American businessman Alexander Shusterovich, whom she was going to marry in 2005. Although the wedding is cancelled, former lovers still have a tender friendship.

Further, the fans began to develop the topic and remembered another ex-boyfriend Sobchak - the ex-head of the Department of Culture Sergei Kapkova. But this version was quickly rejected, since, according to rumors, the couple's separation was painful for the journalist. And about relationships with statesman Ksenia subsequently recalled with coolness.

Ilya, in honor of the oppositionist Yashin, with whom Sobchak had an affair in 2012, Ksenia is also unlikely to name a child, although fans considered them a very beautiful couple.

Next, it is worth remembering Sobchak's star friends. In the days of dashing youth, the "blonde in chocolate" actively hung out with rapper Timati ( Timur), pop singer Sergey Lazarev and TV presenter Andrey Malakhov. She even starred in a provocative video for the first. A newly-made mother may well name her son in honor of one of the above friends.

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