Konstantin Kryukov personal life Alina Alekseeva. Konstantin Kryukov and his wife took part in a photo shoot for Tatler magazine. Interests and hobbies

Minion of fate - this is how people who were born in famous families. From childhood, they get benefits and opportunities that are inaccessible to most people. Such children can only take advantage of opportunities and try not to turn into pompous snobs.

Fortunately, the fate of becoming a snob has passed. And the prerequisites were very real. He became the successor of the Bondarchuk and Skobtsev dynasty. And the guy's father is a famous jeweler, who is also a Ph.D.

But Konstantin did not rest on the laurels of his relatives. He himself sought to achieve something so as not to shame his relatives. The guy received an excellent education in Switzerland. There he graduated from an external school and at the same time from the art school in Zurich. After received higher education at American University. This seemed to Kryukov not enough. He returned to Moscow and entered the law academy.

But this is not all the achievements of Konstantin. He is fond of painting and has his own gallery in Prague, where he paints his paintings and arranges exhibitions. He also designs jewelry. The guy sings and dances well, knows a few foreign languages and in general is a versatile person.

But at the same time, Kryukov has a drawback. He is somewhat arrogant. One day this led to an unpleasant story. Guests gathered in the restaurant to celebrate the birthday of Christina Orbakaite. Naturally they were accompanied by journalists. And then Konstantin Kryukov attacked them with his fists. It seemed to him that it was his person who became the center of attention of the press. He could not even think that there is someone more interesting than him. When the conflict was settled, the guy left without even apologizing.

According to relatives of the actor, now his character has begun to change for the better. Thanks for this should be the second wife of Konstantin Kryukov - Alina Alekseeva. But in order to achieve this, the girl had to work hard, and Konstantin went a long way of mistakes.

First marriage

Kryukov met his first wife at a young age, he was only 18 years old. His lover was the daughter of a coal magnate and deputy Yevgeny Varshavskaya. Young people met for several years. In 2007, the couple decided to formalize their relationship.

Eugene and Konstantin were considered perfect couple. Beautiful, successful and rich. They were perfect for each other. But this marriage did not last long. Kryukov was not going to be faithful to his wife. He was seen every now and then in the company of other girls, everyone knew about the betrayals, except for his wife. For her, this was an unpleasant discovery. After that, Eugene filed for divorce. From decision did not hold back the birth of her daughter Julia.

Now Konstantin is actively involved in the life and upbringing of his daughter. They spend a lot of time together. The ex-wife of the actor was able to recover after parting. Evgenia remarried and gave birth to a son.

Favorite PR manager

The life story of Alina Alekseeva is similar to the fairy tale about Cinderella. The girl was born in ordinary family. She does not like to share the details of her life, but she managed to find out that her childhood was spent in Saratov. Her parents were in no way connected with the world of creativity and cinema, but were simple workers. After leaving school, Alina decided to become a lawyer and graduated from a specialized university. It was not possible to find out whether the girl worked in her specialty.

The world knew about her thanks to romantic relationship with Konstantin Kryukov. Alina says that she did not seek to find a husband for herself. She was just looking for a job. The actor invited her for an interview. Based on its results, he offered her a position as a PR manager in the company.

At first, their relationship was exclusively business. Alina fully managed all the affairs of Kryukov and coped with it perfectly. They spent a lot of time together, and the actor noted that his assistant is a very interesting and intelligent conversationalist. After Konstantin's divorce from his first wife, young people could talk to each other for hours.

Interesting Notes:

After meeting with Alina, the actor's friends noted that he became calmer and appeared less frequently at various parties. He was less often seen with different girls, acquaintance with whom lasted only a few days. Yes, and Konstantin himself noted that he was not interested in parties and girls of model appearance. He increasingly thought about Alina and was only interested in her.

Test of feelings and wedding

So imperceptibly Konstantin fell in love with Alina. Although the guy was nice to her, the girl was not going to immediately rush into the pool of feelings. For several years she tested his feelings for her. She wanted to be sure that Konstantin's love was not for a few days, as was the case with numerous admirers before. It turned out that for the sake of his beloved, the actor is ready for cardinal transformations. He forgot about the riotous lifestyle and became a homebody and monogamous.

The wedding of Konstantin Kryukov with his second wife

After several years together, the lovers legalized their relationship. They married by mutual agreement Orthodox church, and then went for a drive around the capital. It was not possible to make a secret out of the celebration. Guests who attended it posted numerous photos on social networks.

Familiar families claim that Konstantin and Alina are very different people in character. But this is what helps them complement each other. They are together almost all the time. The couple themselves say that they had a period of adaptation. Lapping and addiction lasted about two years. That period can hardly be called simple, but it has passed and now in their family relationships everything is fine.

Every self-respecting actor at least once resorted to the services of a PR manager. IN Russian show business cruel rules, and who does not know them, as the closest assistant to the star. Alina Kryukova - a prime example a person who, with the help of her love for work, was able to achieve great success in her career and build her family happiness.

Alina Kryukova: biography and parents

A young careerist was born in Holy holiday- January 1, 1985. Parents from childhood instilled in Alina a love of work. The family did not live well, but relatives tried to give everything their daughter needed. Alina Kryukova graduated from a law school, but to this day it is not known whether she worked in her specialty. She does not like to shine in front of the cameras and talk about herself, but the work and status of her wife famous actor oblige.

Personal life

Alina Kryukova met her “prince on a white horse” in the person of Konstantin at the age of 24, when she came to try for a vacancy for a PR manager at that time.

From the first conversation between the couple, a real spark flashed, but there could be no talk of any romance, since Konstantin was still married. The actor recalls that he was very struck by the erudition and education of the girl, and even the most famous movie actresses could envy the way she behaved in public.

The situation changed after high-profile divorce Kryukov. At first, the young man set off, so to speak, in all serious ways, but after a while he realized that he did not need anyone - Alina Kryukova conquered his heart. A young couple could talk for days about everything.

Before getting married, the guys dated for five years. During this time, for everyone, he turned into a lover of family evenings and a homebody.

The wedding took place in late spring 2013. The newlyweds got married Orthodox rite, which can only mean one thing: they are sure of their feelings for each other.

Konstantin Kryukov is one of the young popular film actors. He played in in large numbers films that are loved by many fans of Russian cinema.

The artist is currently entrepreneurial activity. He sells jewelry in his shops. Especially popular are jewelry, the production of which the artist had a hand in.

The hero of the "9th Company" and "Swallow's Nest" is happily married to Alina Alekseeva. So far, our hero has only one daughter, who was born from previous relationships film actor.

Height, weight, age. How old is Konstantin Kryukov

In 2016, Timur Kizyakov, who hosts the program “So far, everyone is at home,” came to visit the popular film actor. Viewers were able to learn about the star of the "9th Company" and "Swallow Star" all the most detailed information including his height, weight, age. How old Konstantin Kryukov is reliably known. In 2018, our hero celebrates his 33rd birthday. Relatives and relatives came to the gala dinner. The next day, the couple left for Prague, where an exhibition of the film actor's art paintings was held.

Konstantin Kryukov, a photo in his youth and now which can be viewed on his Instagram page, weighs 79 kg with a height of 184 cm. He often visits the gym, doing weights. Man leads healthy lifestyle life. He prefers to eat food prepared by his wife. The artist ignores fast food and soda, believing that the use of this junk food leads to death at a young age.

Biography and personal life of Konstantin Kryukov

The biography and personal life of Konstantin Kryukov is incredibly rich, interesting and informative.

The baby was born in the mid-80s of the last century. His parents named Kostya. Father - Vitaly Dmitrievich Kryukov taught philosophy at one of the capital's institutes. Mother - Elena Sergeevna Bondarchuk played in various films.

When the boy was a few months old, he moved to Switzerland with his parents. It is this country that the popular film actor considers the same homeland as Russian Federation. From childhood he was engaged in drawing, he showed promise to become a talented artist. Kostya studied at an art school in Zurich. The man is currently engaged in free time from filming a movie. Recently, he organized his own exhibition, which attracted numerous art lovers. After the exhibition, an auction was organized, all the funds of which he directed to charitable foundations.

From the age of 12 he began to live in his homeland. At the beginning of the new millennium, our hero studied at the capital's university. He studied craftsmanship precious stones. The film actor often releases his own jewelry collections. The first ring made by him is kept by the mother of a popular film actor, who considers him her greatest asset.

From the age of 18 he has been acting in films. At the present time, the artist has more than 50 films in his collection. Konstantin Kryukov dubbed several foreign films.

The star of the "9th company" loves to take pictures, draw, swim. He is fond of reading. The artist especially likes books about Russian history.

The film actor plans to write a book about Peter the Great and the Time of Troubles.

The personal life of the artist is full. He was married twice. Educates only daughter Julia.

Filmography: films starring Konstantin Kryukov

Our hero has played in more than 50 films. For him, his debut was the role of Private Petrovsky in the film "9th Company", which was released on the screens of the country in 2005. The film actor thought that he would never appear in the cinema again. He believed that he had absolutely no talent. But numerous fans of Russian cinema thought differently. The film directors liked the type of the artist, so his filmography began to be actively replenished. Films with the participation of Konstantin Kryukov in leading role began to appear quite often.

A year later, the actor played in "Heat", "Love as Love", "Three Half Graces". Then the filmography was replenished with "Kilometer Zero", "Soldiers", "Classmates", "Cucumber Love" and many others.

Numerous movie lovers fell in love with his work in "Saving Pushkin", where he was embodied on the screen the image of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The image in the movie "Swallow's Nest" turned out to be incredibly beautiful. After the film was released on the screens, numerous movie lovers began to associate the artist with his colleague Tatyana Arntgolts, with whom he appeared on the screen together.

Currently, our hero is busy in several projects. Movies will soon be available to movie lovers. The release of the films is planned for the spring of 2019.

Family and children of Konstantin Kryukov

The family and children of Konstantin Kryukov live in several countries. The actor himself often visits Prague, Paris, London. The movie star has Swiss citizenship. But Konstantin Kryukov prefers to live in Moscow.

The film actor was married twice. He is currently happy with Alina Alekseeva. In his first marriage, he became this moment until the only time dad. He had a charming baby who looks like her mother. But the character, according to the stories of Konstantin Kryukov himself, is similar to the character of our hero.

The film actor's family consists entirely of artists, directors and artists. Big influence Konstantin was rendered by his grandfather, who developed his grandson's artistic talent. The man taught how to hold a brush and draw.

Father - Vitaly Dmitrievich Kryukov taught philosophy. He defended his doctoral dissertation. In the difficult 90s, the dad of the star of the "9th company" began to engage in entrepreneurship. It has several stores both in Moscow and abroad.

The mother of the film actor played in several films. You can watch her work in the works of Fyodor Bondarchuk, Nikita Mikhalkov and other famous filmmakers.

Our hero is friendly with Fyodor Bondarchuk. He often plays in the films of the master of cinema.

Daughter of Konstantin Kryukov - Julia

At the end of 2007, our hero became a dad for the only time so far. The couple decided to name the baby Yulia. Despite the birth of a daughter, the marriage soon fell apart. The girl stayed with her mother. But she often sees her father, spends a lot of time with him.

Currently, the daughter of Konstantin Kryukov, Yulia, is studying at school. The girl is one of the best students in the class. She especially likes humanitarian subjects. But mathematics is difficult for her, although the girl’s diary is full of good and excellent marks.

In her free time, Julia goes in for sports and dancing. She likes to play in the school theater studio. The girl's father always comes to performances. He encourages her and tells her to consider a career in film.

During the holidays, the artist often takes his daughter and goes with her to travel to European countries. Recently, they rested on the Mediterranean coast.

The ex-wife of Konstantin Kryukov - Evgenia Varshavskaya

Konstantin Kryukov and his wife met in their youth. Both future spouses were 18 years old. Seeing Zhenya for the first time, our hero realized that he could not live without her. He began to take care of her. Soon Warsaw surrendered to the mercy of the winner. They walked together along the streets of the capital, came to parties.

In 2004, young lovers officially registered their marriage. They spent their honeymoon on a trip to European countries.

At the end of 2007 ex-wife Konstantin Kryukov - Evgenia Varshavskaya gave birth to a charming daughter, Julia. Soon disagreements began to arise in the artist's family, which led to the divorce of a beautiful married couple.

After the divorce, the couple kept friendly relations for the sake of my daughter. The woman is currently living with a man. In the future, she is going to marry a second time.

Wife of Konstantin Kryukov - Alina Alekseeva

In mid-2011, the popular film actor met his second wife. He saw the girl by chance on the street. She impressed him so much that the man immediately approached her and introduced himself.

For several years, Konstantin actively courted Alina. He gave her gifts and large bouquets, made surprises. In mid-2013, the lovers officially registered their marriage. Konstantin Kryukov and Alina Alekseeva, a wedding whose photos can be found simply on the Internet, spent their honeymoon in the city of lovers - Paris. They went to the Louvre, visited various places that are always popular with lovers.

The wife of Konstantin Kryukov, Alina Alekseeva, provides a reliable rear for our hero. She cooks deliciously, waiting for the artist at home.

Spouses often like to travel. They visit exotic cities, like to swim in warm waters seas.

Instagram and Wikipedia Konstantin Kryukov

Instagram and Wikipedia Konstantin Kryukov are sources of information about the life and work of the popular film actor. They are often viewed by movie lovers who want to know all the most detailed information about the star of the 9th Company, Swallow's Nest.

On Wikipedia, you can find out how the artist's childhood and school years went. It tells about the relatives of the man, his filmography. Particular attention is paid to the classes of the actor outside the set.

On Instagram, Konstantin Kryukov has his own page. He often posts photos from the set and at home on it. Subscribers can see pictures with his wife Alina, daughter Yulia, colleagues and relatives of the artist. On the page, the film actor posts photos of his own jewelry and artwork.

More than 100 thousand subscribers have subscribed to the artist's page. They view photos of Konstantin and his relatives and write positive comments.

Alina Alekseeva is primarily known as the second wife of the popular Russian film actor, producer and jeweler K. Kryukov (pictures "New Year's Trouble", "9th Company", "Eternal Vacation", etc.). Today, a girl can sometimes be seen on the pages of various magazines in the company of her husband.


Alekseeva Alina was born in 1985, January 1, in Saratov. She has a sister. Alekseeva has a higher education in the field of jurisprudence. Galina, Alina's mother, has for many years led the Family of Russia short film festival, which is supported by the government and Orthodox Church. The girl, in turn, was periodically the host of this event.


In addition to law, Alina also works in the field of PR. It was through this occupation that she met her future husband. In 2009, Kryukov Konstantin was recommended Alina as a new PR manager. In the end, Alekseeva managed to get a position in Kryukov's team. Currently, in the company of her friend, actress Alina plans to create an enterprise that will supply the country's film studios with healthy food. In addition, for a year and a half, the girl has been broadcasting a morning program on the air of the 360 ​​Moscow Region channel.

Personal life

Business relationship Alina and Konstantin were quickly replaced by romantic ones. The actor began attending premieres and other official events exclusively with new sweetheart. There was no doubt about their romance, because the couple posed for photographers holding hands. They dated for about five years, and in May 2013 Alina Alekseeva became Kryukov's wife. The famous and well-known relatives of Konstantin in the film industry reacted rather coldly to his new chosen one, probably because Alina is not the daughter of a deputy and co-owner of Russian Coal, who was the actor's first wife. Apparently, Konstantin is not interested in anyone's status in society.

The newlyweds not only went through the standard process of registering a marriage, but also got married in the Sretensky Monastery. When choosing an outfit, the bride complied with all the rules of the sacred event (the dress was devoid of a deep neckline on the chest, and her hands were covered up to the wrist). A delicate image completed a bouquet of lilies of the valley.

At the end of the ceremony, Alina and Konstantin Kryukov left their guests for a while in order to travel by car around the capital and visit Novodevichy cemetery, where in 2009 the groom's mother, actress Alena Bondarchuk, was buried. Then the couple and invited persons arrived at Vasilyevsky Spusk, after which a celebration in the restaurant followed. The wedding ended with spectacular fireworks and a fire show. The newlyweds postponed their honeymoon, because after a couple of days Konstantin was forced to return to filming. Alina herself often travels with her husband on business trips.

After the girl attended the premiere of the film "Spiral" at the "October" cinema in Moscow, the public actively discussed her plump figure and, as a result, the alleged pregnancy. Of course, a lot of assumptions appeared in Russian publications that it was the expectation of a child that served as the reason for the wedding. However, later it turned out that the girl was not pregnant.

Konstantin's wife is the full namesake of actress and fetish model Alina Alekseeva. As a result, many journalists and moviegoers confuse them for years in a row, attributing to Kryukov an affair with another woman.

present tense

In one of the joint interviews, the couple shared that they are both obsessed with their professions. It is on the basis of employment in their family that conflicts most often occur. During their married life, the couple flew around more than two dozen countries. says that Jerusalem is the only place where she travels without her husband. A similar place for Konstantin is Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic.

In the spring of 2016, the idyll was shaken due to the alleged betrayal of Kryukov. The paparazzi published materials made in one of the capital's restaurants. The photo and video show that the actor was on a full date with a mysterious long-haired brunette. A few weeks before this event, Konstantin's fans discussed rumors about the tense relationship between the idol and his wife. Moreover, there was information about the actor's intention to divorce Alina Alekseeva. At the moment, the couple has no common children. It should also be said that Alina has an extremely warm relationship with Kryukov's daughter from her first marriage.

The ex-girlfriend of Konstantin Kryukov shared family secrets actor. Unexpectedly, surprising details about Alina Alekseeva were revealed.

Lera Kondra told reporters about her relationship with the relatives of her ex-lover. It turns out that the actor’s family fell in love with the girl very much. For the bohemian Kryukov family, it is very important that the chosen one of their beloved son, grandson and nephew correspond to their position. And Lera was quite consistent with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal daughter-in-law.

But the relatives of Konstantin immediately disliked the girl from a simple family, Alina Alekseeva. Nevertheless, the director of the actor managed to become indispensable in the eyes of Kostya himself, and this is the most important condition for a happy family life.

“Alina had a hard time. Kostik is so dandy, glamorous. To adjust to the level of himself and his family, it was necessary to learn to understand the history of cinema, study the history of art and know everything about premieres at the Bolshoi Theater - after all elite. I think Alina did a great job. Now she can relax and enjoy the new status of a wife, ”this is how Lera Kondra commented on the development of relations between the newly-married spouses.

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