Lawyer Dobrovinsky biography briefly the most important. In a state of “flow” with Olga Kasatkina: conversation with Marina Dobrovinskaya. What is your dacha doing?

Being a gallant gentleman and a socialite, Alexander was always courteous to the fair sex - and never went beyond the bounds of decency. Even gossip about his affair with TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya (former common-law wife football player Arshavin) gradually subsided: the couple really had a lot in common - but not adultery, but a bill. Secular chroniclers had already decided that such an exemplary family man It’s not worth following, but here the star master of divorces unexpectedly got himself into trouble.

Dobrovinsky often appears surrounded by fans, and there is nothing strange about this: in addition to his other advantages so beloved by women - such as wealth and a big name - he recently made his film debut. And not just anywhere, but by Stanislav Govorukhin - in the stylish black-and-white film “Weekend,” which quickly became fashionable. There are more than enough spectacular young ladies among his clients (Little Red Riding Hood Yana Poplavskaya, former sausage queen singer Angelica Agurbash, Mata Hari of the 21st century Goga Ashkenazi, Ekaterina Liepa, Lada Dance and many others - beautiful, rich and famous). Therefore, the appearance of Alexander with new passion At first, no one was alarmed - society columnists decided that this was just another client.

However, the couple became more frequent: starting in March, they appeared here and there, absorbed in each other and not paying attention to anyone. And this is the courteous gentleman that Dobrovinsky has proven himself to be! The ladies of secular Moscow were offended - and rumors spread throughout the Mother See.

MK photojournalist Natalia Gubernatorova was the first to react. An interesting blonde, she entered a lawyer's office disguised as a client, hiding equipment in a folder with papers. While waiting for the owner of the establishment, I tried to ask the office staff, but they remained professionally silent.

But then, thanks to her journalistic luck, that same stranger emerged straight from the master’s office - and in an embrace with him.

Then it turned out that the couple was not particularly encrypted (or so relaxed). The brunette clung to Alexander, and he enthusiastically showed her new additions to his famous collection of paintings (opening day at Dobrovinsky right in the office) and told the lady about his new grandiose undertaking - a historical epic from the life of Grigory Alexandrov and Lyubov Orlova (in their house Sasha visited as a child and described it in his book “Dobrovinskaya Gallery”). However new project promises to become not a book, but a museum exhibit - such rare facts and photographs are collected there. A creative group of historians, art historians and artists also met here, discussing requests to the British Museum and other most significant museums world, where there may be exhibits related to Alexandrov’s life at different stages of his creative path- and even these people already knew the unknown brunette!

Where did she come from in the life and in the office of Alexander Dobrovinsky?

Are you an artist? - Natalia threw out her fishing rod.

No, I’m a writer,” the stranger readily responded.

This is my Zhanna! - Dobrovinsky corrected his friend.

Then it turned out that next to the master all this time was Zhanna Golubitskaya, the author of 7 books for women (“A Man as an Object”, “One Woman in big city", "Reports from high heels", etc.) And, at the same time, it became clear how she managed to get closer to Alexander: she was looking for materials for her new book about the behavior of men during the division of property. At first, for the purity of the experiment, she also wanted to pretend to be a client, but, Having read “The Dobrovinskaya Gallery”, I realized that Dobrovinsky would understand it, like a writer’s writer without any tricks. And so it happened.

It was in March,” Zhanna Golubitskaya clarifies. - And now I’m really getting a divorce. I fell in love with Alexander! - and the writer looked at the lawyer with inexpressible tenderness.

But he's married! - the MK photo correspondent couldn’t stand it; who else but she is aware of the matrimonial arrangements of secular Moscow.

So what! - Zhanna responded easily. - You understand, when I’m next to you a real man, everything else becomes unimportant! I call Alexander my Messir. Do you know why? An incredible power emanates from him - but not ordinary, as with formal power - but something downright unearthly! I have always dreamed of meeting a man who is truly influential, powerful, strong, generous and that his main erogenous zone there was a brain. From whom, like Bulgakov, you don’t need to ask for anything - he will offer it, he will give it. My Messire can do anything - I feel it! He is extraordinary: he should live in the era of picaresque novels - in in the best sense this word! In times of enchanting adventures, court passions, duels of honor and love that flares up from an ankle accidentally seen at a ball beautiful lady! And my Messire is also kind: in divorces, he always takes the side of the unhappy spouse. He is very subtle - he immediately senses who is having the hardest time breaking up. It’s usually harder for women, so he often protects his wives. Well, then, my Messire conducts seminars on love and is an experienced nudist, so he knows how to make a woman happy in all forms - both mentally and physically. What else does a woman need for complete happiness?

“I don’t know,” Zhanna answers. - When Messir is next to you, this answer is quite normal. If your lover is an expert in love and divorce, you don’t have to think about anything at all. I only know that I met the Man of my dreams, who led me into a fairy tale. As a child, I thought that my prince should live on Arbat (because I myself was born there, but moved long ago, and now I want to go back) and drive a Rolls-Royce. Imagine, it came true! My Messir lives on Arbat and has a hammam right in his apartment, which I adore. Such fateful coincidences! Yes, now I will get divorced for the rest of my life, just to be close to Messire.

Alexander, what do you say? - I couldn’t believe the press photographer’s ears.

But the mysterious and unpredictable Messire pretended that he did not hear the question. But everyone saw how that very piece of the devil flashed in his eyes - which is so often mentioned in his connection.

Based on press release materials

Stylish and creative, popular and scandalous, a regular participant in talk shows, organizer of personal training, and also a famous lawyer - Dobrovinsky. The biography of this man is quite unusual for Russia. He became famous for his collaboration with Russian stars pop singers and businessmen.


Alexander Andreevich (Abramovich) was born into a family of a Jew and a French woman. The father of the future human rights activist died early, his mother remarried, his stepfather adopted the boy and gave him his last name. After coming of age, Dobrovinsky returned his father’s name, but left his patronymic to Andrei Ayvazyants, who raised him.

Biography of lawyer Dobrovinsky, whose parents belonged to two different peoples, was inextricably linked with her mother’s native country - France. From 1972 to 1975 He studied at the Faculty of Economics of VGIK, but, having failed to study, he left for Paris. There, the young man worked in a restaurant for some time and became familiar with the peculiarities of the food business. At the same time, Dobrovinsky graduates from a prestigious business school and becomes a co-owner of a Russian cuisine restaurant in the capital of France.

Beginning of legal practice

The biography of lawyer Dobrovinsky takes on a new twist with his move to the USA. In America, a purposeful young man received a higher legal education and spent some time in one of the law firms. Moreover, to pay for his studies he had to work as a taxi driver. Later, the lawyer noted this fact not without pride in his interviews.

Professional activity in Russia Dobrovinsky started only after the collapse of the USSR. Upon returning home, he confirmed his American diploma and already in 1992 opened his first law office. At that time, such companies were still new to citizens of the new democratic country. Only wealthy people could use the services of private lawyers. Because professional biography Lawyer Dobrovinsky’s practice in Russia began with divorce proceedings, consideration of cases of businessmen and corporate clients.

High-profile cases in Russia

Already in the 90s, a special style of doing business, communicating with partners, clients and judges was being formed. And most importantly, the aspiring lawyer focuses on public hype and fame through high-profile trials. Thus, the professional biography of lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky begins with the scandalous lawsuit of the Swiss company Noga regarding the settlement of debts from Russian Federation. The process was widely covered in the domestic media, aroused many comments from both professionals and ordinary people, and Dobrovinsky became a well-known personality in the country.

For several years, Dobrovinsky represented the interests of opponents of the long-suffering YUKOS. Almost all of his clients are famous personalities. He led the divorce proceedings of L. Cherny, A. Mordashov, the owner of Severstal, acted on the side ex-husband K. Orbakaite R. Baysarova in the matter of determining the place of residence of their common son. He also represented the interests of V. Slutsker regarding the division of common property with his ex-wife.


The biography of lawyer Dobrovinsky is updated with scandalous stories from time to time. One of the loudest and most memorable was caused by the story of extorting a million dollars from Philip Kirkorv. The pop singer accused the leader of the French group Space, Didier Marouani, of a serious crime. The controversy flared up around one of the songs of the king of pop - “Cruel Love”. The French singer accused Kirkorov of using his music, while Philippe claimed that he had registered all his copyrights much earlier.

Marouani suggested that the Russian singer agree to a settlement and not file a lawsuit in exchange for $1 million. While trying to transfer money, Didier was detained in one of the Sberbank branches. The media claimed that it was Dobrovinsky who arranged the fake meeting. Moreover, this is not the first time that the lawyer has defended Kirkorov’s interests. Thanks to his efforts, the sensational case of Kirkorov’s beating of an assistant director also ended with a peace agreement.

Famous clients

List Russian stars who turned to Dobrovinsky for support, very impressive. In addition to the individuals already mentioned, among his clients at various times were:

  • Yulia Baranovskaya, who was suing her former common-law husband Despite the fact that their relationship was not officially registered, Dobrovinsky ensured that the football player gave half of his income to support his children every month.
  • No less scandalous person is Anastasia Volochkova. Thanks to her, she was able to prove her innocence regarding the insults against Joseph Prigozhin and Valeria.

Not all rumors about Dobrovinsky turn out to be true. On principle, he did not interfere in many conflicts and did not always defend the interests of only wealthy clients. According to the lawyer himself, he takes on only those cases where he sees the prospect of a successful outcome. Thus, he refused to represent the wife of football player Kirzhakov, who was accused of drug use, and did not take money from Volochkova, Maya Plisetskaya and other stars whom he wanted to help on his own initiative.

Family. Hobbies

The personal life of lawyer Dobrovinsky, whose biography is closely connected with the problems of family and marriage, has been successfully arranged for many years. He met his wife Marina in the early 90s. In one of the interviews, the lawyer said that their meeting was planned by his future mother-in-law, with whom Dobrovinsky had many mutual acquaintances. Marina at that time lived in Paris, where she successfully maintained a private dental clinic. Her mother asked her daughter to come to Russia, where she met Alexander Andreevich.

Their romance almost immediately ended with a painting in the registry office. Dobrovinsky has mentioned more than once that he and his wife have a very realistic view of things, so a marriage contract was concluded between them long ago, according to which, in the event of a divorce, almost all the property remains with his wife and two daughters. A passion for antiques also brings husband and wife together.

Lawyer Dobrovinsky’s biography, family, successes in work and business - all this proves his non-trivial thinking and ability to bring his undertakings to the end. Today Alexander Andreevich is happy to share the secrets of his success and conduct seminars personal growth, gives interviews and writes articles.

The girl is going to sell her toys to pay off her loving father.

Famous lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, representing the interests Philip Kirkorov, Anastasia Volochkova and many other media persons, due to his profession, he has more than once sorted out other people’s family scandals. But in his own life he always denied the possibility of such conflicts. He assured that he and his family reign mutual love and consent. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, information about him appeared on the Internet portal and in a number of online media. legal proceedings with his teenage daughter. Moreover, as stated, this was not a daughter from his wife Marina, with whom he lived for many years, but from a completely different woman.

I think the yellow press knows my life better than I myself,” Alexander Andreevich told us in response to a request for comments. - Therefore, all questions should be addressed to her. I don’t see any point in explaining or justifying myself to the yellow press.

With great difficulty, we found Lyubov - the mother of the very girl with whom Dobrovinsky was suing. She also did not express a desire to discuss the relationship with the lawyer. But we still managed to find out some details of this scandalous story.

Recently, my daughter Polina turned 10 years old, and although her father does not allocate money for her maintenance, I did not file a lawsuit for child support,” Lyubov answered our questions. - You see, Dobrovinsky is a public person, any lawsuits involving him would be covered in the press, and I did not want to traumatize the child’s psyche. Unfortunately, the lawsuit came from an unexpected direction, and it was not possible to protect the daughter from the fuss.

In 2014, Dobrovinsky registered 90 percent of the apartment on Vorobyovy Gory as Polina’s property. However, he kept 10 percent for himself. He motivated this by the desire to protect his daughter from scammers who might covet her living space. But apparently the situation has now changed. And he filed a lawsuit against his daughter in the Nikulinsky court with a demand to move him into the 15 that belonged to him. square meters.

In order to obtain a decision to move in, Dobrovinsky even abandoned his wife Marina, whom he had called his only beloved for 20 years. He claimed in court that she was not his wife, but just a friend. And his representatives said that Marina was a “woman for going out” - something like a “beard”. This is simply rare cynicism - to betray your family, all your previously so diligently advertised values, for the sake of an apartment.

There are always a lot of greedy ladies hovering around a venerable lawyer (on the left - common-law spouse Marina)

Exclusive real estate

Dobrovinsky was confident of his victory, continues Lyubov. “I thought that just by hearing his last name, everyone in court would “do ku,” as in the film “Kin-dza-dza.” To his displeasure, the Nikulinsky court refused to satisfy his demands in full.

But this did not stop Dobrovinsky. Before the court decision was published, a letter was sent to his daughter from him, in which he offered her to buy out his share in the apartment for 420 thousand dollars. There are no such prices for 15 square meters either in Moscow or in New York. In reality, this area costs several times less. But this is Dobrovinsky’s share. Accordingly, this is an exclusive property, and the price is set, as at the Sotheby's auction he often attends.

Moreover, if the daughter does not pay the appointed amount within a month, the loving father reserved the right to sell his 10 percent to another person. That is, theoretically, there could be some kind of gypsy camp in the apartment in the near future. It seems that the great lawyer is not at all concerned about the psychological state of the child or the violation of his rights as a minor.

In addition to this, Dobrovinsky sent an official document to the HOA with a request to reimburse him for the costs of maintaining housing, which he had paid for his daughter for the last three years. The amount of expenses amounted to about a million rubles. In general, the child’s debts to his father grow by leaps and bounds.

Dobrovinsky - richest man. He always boasted about his unique art collections, his cool Rolls-Royce, his huge office building in Last Lane, an apartment on Arbat with an area of ​​220 square meters and a dacha he bought Lyubov Orlova on two hectares of land in Vnukovo. And it is extremely unworthy of him to mock such own child. Polina, together with one boy at school, opened a website. He is going to sell his crafts to raise as much money as he needs. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Lawyer Dobrovinsky’s biography, family, successes in work and business - all this proves his non-trivial thinking and ability to bring his undertakings to the end. Today, Alexander Andreevich is happy to share the secrets of his success, conduct personal growth seminars, give interviews and write articles. What does your nose shape say about your personality? Many experts believe that you can tell a lot about a person's personality by looking at their nose. Therefore, when you first meet, pay attention to the stranger’s nose... Psychology What happens to the body of a person who does not have sex? Sex is almost as basic a need as eating. At least once you start doing it, you won’t stop. Even if you adhere to...

Lawyer Dobrovinsky: biography, career, family

In November 2016, Dobrovinsky, as a lawyer for Philip Kirkorov, was the organizer of a scandalous story about the “extortion” of $1 million from a Russian pop artist for his true or imaginary musical plagiarism - by the leader of the Space group Didier Marouani. This story with the involvement, in addition to Dobrovinsky, also of pranksters Vovan and Lexus, was described by the French musician as “a setup and a stupid, criminal act.” Dobrovinsky is Russian golf champion (2002). President of the Moscow Country Golf Club.

Known as a collector. The largest in the world private collection Soviet porcelain belonging to Dobrovinsky was exhibited at the Pushkin Museum, where it occupied five halls. I changed apartments several times for a convenient display of this collection.

Dobrovinsky, Alexander Andreevich

In 2009, he represented the interests of businessman R. Baysarov, former common-law husband K. Orbakaite, in their conflict over Denis’s son. Alexander Dobrovinsky was also the lawyer of the co-owner of the Fininvest company V. Slutsker in the case of divorce from his wife, the owner of the World Class network O.

Slutsker. In 2010, he represented the interests of F. Kirkorov, who was accused of beating assistant director M. Yablokova. Not in all disputes Dobrovinsky took the side of public figures. Thus, in July 2011, he represented the interests of a photojournalist for the newspaper " TVNZ"E.
Guseva, sent a statement to the police demanding that a criminal case be opened against the singer Valery Meladze on charges of beating a journalist. In 2012, the Dobrovinsky Bar Association opened a branch in London, which will serve clients with business and personal interests in the UK.

Biography of Alexander Dobrovinsky


Guseva, sent a statement to the police demanding that a criminal case be opened against singer Valery Meladze on charges of beating a journalist. In 2012, Dobrovinsky Bar opened a branch in London, which will serve clients with business and personal interests in the UK. Winner of the open annual All-Russian competition “Leader of the Year” in the category “Best Lawyer of Russia 2003”.

Former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arbat Prestige company. In March 2013, he was appointed chairman of the board of the Potok company, and a month later became a co-owner of Pushkino Bank. Scandals September 30, 2013 Central Bank of the Russian Federation due to repeated violations federal laws revoked the license of Pushkino Bank, the owner of a 19 percent stake in which is Dobrovinsky.

Dobrovinsky Alexander Andreevich


In March 2008, in the Moscow City Court, during a trial in absentia on charges of former Yukos shareholder Leonid Nevzlin of organizing murders and assassinations, Dobrovinsky gave evidence incriminating the accused. In 2009, he represented the interests of businessman R. Baysarov, the former common-law husband of K. Orbakaite, in their conflict over their son Denis. He was the lawyer of the co-owner of the Fininvest company V.

Slutsker in the case of divorce from his wife, owner of the World Class network O. Slutsker. In 2010, he represented the interests of F. Kirkorov, who was accused of beating assistant director M. Yablokova. Not in all disputes Dobrovinsky took the side of public figures.
Thus, in July 2011, he represented the interests of photojournalist for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper E.

Alexander Dobrovinsky: court and honor

Now they are raising two daughters. Interesting fact: the spouses entered into a marriage contract; if they divorce, all property will remain with the wife and their common children. Hobbies Dobrovinsky is a very versatile and enthusiastic person: - Soviet porcelain; — Lacquered boxes; — Tibetan icon painting (Middle Ages); — Vintage photographs; — Playing golf, etc. Image A. A. Dobrovinsky is one of the most shocking Russian lawyers.

This is evidenced by the business he conducts and his image. For example, he always wears a bow tie and wears numerous glasses. different times years, and the floor of his office is covered with carpets with images of Soviet leaders. All photos belong to their authors. Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved.

“I persuaded Marina to sign a marriage contract”

Among his clients were such celebrities as Vyacheslav Fetisov, Maya Plisetskaya, Nikas Safronov, Joseph Kobzon, Katya Gordon, Leonid Yakubovich, Stanislav Govorukhin, Alexander Rosenbaum and many other artists, athletes, businessmen, and politicians. It is interesting that Dobrovinsky did not always work on the side of the stars. At least once he had the opportunity to defend the interests of a non-public person against the singer Valery Meladze, whom the lawyer’s client accused of beating.
VIP Lawyer | Direct Press Among the latest high-profile cases of Alexander Andreevich, the scandal of plagiarism between the Russian singer Philip Kirkorov and the legendary French musician Didier Marouani, founder of the group Space, stands out. In this scandalous story, a lawyer represented Kirkorov, and the situation itself, which led to Marouani’s short-term arrest in Moscow, was described by the French as a “stupid criminal act.”
Specialized in corporate law, as well as divorce proceedings. Dobrovinsky's first fame came from scandalous story with the Swiss company Noga, which tried to sue the Russian Federation for debts for food supplies and threatened to seize state-owned property. For several years, he represented the interests of Yukos opponents who were fighting for the assets of Eastern Europe. oil company. Participated in the processes covered in the press regarding the division of property during the divorces of the entrepreneur L. Cherny in 1999, and the owner of Severstal A. Mordashov in 2001. In 2007, he represented the interests of the editor-in-chief of the Russian version of Forbes magazine M.
Kashulinsky in the case brought by the Inteko company, the owner of which was the wife of the then mayor of Moscow Yu. Luzhkov E. Baturina.

Lawyer Dobrovinsky biography

  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Origin and education
    • 1.2 Lawyer and entrepreneurial activity
    • 1.3 Scandals
  • 2 Hobbies
  • 3 Style
  • 4 Family
  • 5 Notes

Biography Origin and education Alexander Dobrovinsky was born in 1954 in Moscow. He lost his father early - Abram Aleksandrovich Dobrovinsky. At the age of 14, Alexander was adopted by his stepfather Andrei Bogdanovich Ayvazyants, and for three years the teenager bore his last name.

After coming of age, according to his own statements, he regained his father’s surname, adopted an adapted patronymic, and since 1972 he has been referred to in documents as Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky.

Dobrovinsky lawyer biography

Interesting biographical facts Dobrovinsky collects Soviet porcelain; his private collection is the largest in the world. The lawyer also collects lacquered boxes from the times of the revolution, photographs, paintings of the first half of the 20th century, Tibetan iconography and regimental breast badges. Seriously interested in golf, Alexander Andreevich won the Russian Championship in 2002.

A lawyer always follows rituals for good luck before a court hearing, namely, he puts on a “lucky” bow tie and enters the courtroom only with his right foot. His wife Marina is a dentist; the marriage produced two daughters. Reviews: When adding a review to the page Dobrovinsky Alexander Andreevich, try to be objective.

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Alexander Dobrovinsky is a fairly well-known metropolitan lawyer who has become famous for quite high-profile cases related to protecting the interests of domestic stars and politicians. Born on September 25, 1954 in Moscow. He lost his father early big influence The maternal grandfather helped raise his grandson. Alexander Dobrovinsky’s wife is a dentist and the mother of his two daughters.

After her divorce from her husband, Alexander’s mother lived in Paris and was a Frenchwoman of Russian origin. In 1976, the future lawyer went to her. At first he had to work as a waiter, then he opened his own restaurant serving Russian cuisine. However, after a while the guy decided to move to the USA, where he began studying law. In order to be able to pay for his studies, he had to work in a taxi service and as an assistant in a law office.

In the early 1990s, Alexander decided to return to Russia. He receives a law degree as an external student and opens his first law office. His career began to develop rapidly and gain momentum after the scandalous process with the Norga company, which wanted to sue the Russian Federation for a debt for supplied food products.

Lawyer Dobrovinsky has many high-profile cases involving names famous stars domestic show business. However, he does not always act as their representative. In addition, in 2014, the lawyer became the owner of a part summer cottage, which previously belonged to actress Lyubov Orlova and her husband Grigory Alexandrov. In addition, Alexander acquired Orlova’s personal archive.

In the photo: Alexander Dobrovinsky

Dobrovinsky is quite fluent in English and French languages. He published over ten scientific works in the field of jurisprudence. Received the title of Candidate of Legal Sciences.

In addition to jurisprudence, Alexander is also a radio host on the popular radio station “ silver Rain" He is also a co-owner of Pushkino Bank.

In the photo: Alexander Dobrovinsky

Alexander's hobbies also include sports, in particular golf. He is the chairman of a famous golf club. He is interested in collecting.

Alexander Dobrovinsky's wife, Marina, is a practicing dentist. A marriage contract was concluded between them. It was she who gave her husband two beautiful daughters.

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