Causes of tired legs and ways to solve the problem. Causes of leg fatigue after a long walk, how to relieve it and treat it


A person’s legs experience the greatest load every day, so you shouldn’t be surprised when in the evening after work or intense training your limbs hurt and cause some discomfort. Regardless of the reasons, fatigue and pain in the legs require close attention - it is advisable to get rid of this problem as soon as possible so that in the future it does not become a source of unpleasant complications.

Causes of fatigue and weakness of the limbs

There are many factors that cause weakness in the legs, pain, fatigue or heaviness. Let's look at the ones that occur most often:

  • A woman's foot looks charming in elegant high-heeled shoes. However, after work, walking for eight hours in such a pair or simply standing on your feet may not feel the most pleasant.
  • Limbs can hurt due to improperly selected shoes, which are often narrow, tight, or made of artificial, not very high-quality materials.
  • Athletes and passionate fitness enthusiasts are often tormented by the question of how to relieve fatigue from their legs, since intense training represents a certain stress on the body, which primarily affects the lower limbs.
  • Often, the factor leading to fatigue in the legs is serious pathologies, as a result of which blood circulation weakens. Atherosclerotic plaques, high cholesterol levels, and the presence of diabetes mellitus, smoking abuse.
  • Swelling of the legs contributes to their rapid fatigue; flat feet and varicose veins can also cause the same problem. In addition to fatigue, pain and cramps affecting the calf muscles may occur.
  • Unpleasant sensations can be caused by pathologies of blood vessels or joints, muscle tissue. Often this kind of problem is caused by diseases of the spinal column. If fatigue is accompanied by pain in the heart muscle, the risk of cardiovascular pathologies is high.

Weakness in the legs cannot be classified as an independent disease; often this phenomenon indicates decreased muscle tone, for which there can be many reasons. If weakness in the legs appears in conjunction with weakness in the arms, spinal pathologies may be suspected. Sometimes weakness in the legs causes osteochondrosis, which can result in destruction of cartilage and connective tissue. True, with this pathology, the hands suffer much more often.

How to cope with limb weakness

There is no doubt that therapy should be aimed at the underlying pathology, be it a problem with the spine, diseases endocrine system or vessels. However, to alleviate the condition, it will not hurt to additional measures– adjustment of the daily routine and properly organized rest are necessary:

  • It is advisable to increase your time outdoors; active recreation in the form of walks in the park will not hurt.
  • Good nutrition and the introduction of more vegetables and fruits into the diet will have a beneficial effect, which will help prevent anemia with vitamin deficiency.
  • A contrast shower and healing baths will help relieve weakness in the legs.
  • More attention should be paid to the selection of shoes - your feet should be cozy and comfortable in any pair.
  • It is advisable to avoid standing for long periods of time; if possible, you should walk or sit down for a while.
  • Posture is important for the health of the lower extremities - exercises that strengthen the back and preventive massage, which should be carried out annually, will have a good effect.

Traditional healers also know how to perfectly relieve weakness in the limbs, using natural ingredients and medicinal plants. Here are some very effective recipes to get rid of unpleasant sensations:

  1. A person who is weak and tired from standing for a long time can use contrast baths. Fill two containers with cold (no more than 15°C) and hot (no less than 40°C) water and alternately dip your feet in them. The procedure should be completed by lowering the feet into cold liquid.
  2. For effective treatment You can use compresses with natural honey - the lower limbs are lubricated with a liquid beekeeping product or pre-liquefied with a water bath. Then they are wrapped in bandages or soft cloth for 24 hours, after which the bandages are removed and the remaining honey is removed. warm water. The procedure is repeated, there should be seven in total. This type of therapy is also very effective for pain in the spine.
  3. An effective treatment is rubbing with essential oils - eucalyptus, peppermint or lemon balm oil..

Simple ways to forget about fatigue

After work, many people wonder what to do if their legs are tired and how to get rid of the problem in the most in a fast way. A simple and effective solution is to give your poor feet some quality rest. To do this, you need to move to a horizontal position and place your limbs on a pillow or other elevation so that the angle is 45° and the height of the cushion is about 15 cm. You should stay in this position for 15 minutes to feel noticeable relief. Massage procedures are no less effective - let’s look at how to get rid of tired legs using this method:

  1. If the massage is carried out using hands, use olive or other vegetable oil, preheated. It should be applied along the ankles and done circular movements palms from the toes towards the heel, then higher.
  2. During the procedure, special attention should be paid to the depression in the middle of the foot. It needs to be massaged, alternately rubbing and pressing, which will relieve tension and pain.
  3. You can perform massages using a special massager, on which the feet are placed and rolled on a horizontal surface for several minutes. Roller massagers are good because they help dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain and swelling.
  4. Instead of a massager, you can use a golf ball and roll it along the floor with your feet.
  5. To relieve pain in the fingers and improve their mobility, it is recommended to collect small objects from the floor - beans or beans.

Relieving fatigue and swelling

After determining the cause of fatigue in the legs, treatment is prescribed, and prescriptions cannot be ignored traditional medicine, which can be very effective. In order for herbal baths to bring the expected result, you must adhere to two rules - the temperature of the healing liquid should be no more than 37°C, and the duration of the procedure should not be more than 20 minutes.

  1. Take a large spoon of mint leaves, add the same amount of nettle leaves to them, brew the mixture with boiling water and leave until cool, then filter and pour into a container with water.
  2. Baths can be made with orange peel - pour a glass of peel with a liter of boiled water and cook for five minutes, then cool, filter, pour into a container.
  3. A simple way to quickly relieve tired legs is to use a solution dissolved in water. sea ​​salt and a few drops of orange, lavender or peppermint essential oil.

Let's look at how to relieve leg fatigue at home, using components that are readily available and almost always at hand:

  1. Swelling of the limbs and a feeling of heaviness can be removed by using cabbage leaves, which should be beaten until the juice appears and wrapped around the feet, putting bandages on top. This compress should be kept for half an hour; after removing it, a medicinal bath is given.
  2. Make a tincture from a crushed head of garlic - pour the resulting pulp with 200 ml of boiled water and leave for half an hour. The mixture should be lubricated on the feet, after 15 minutes it is washed off and the feet are dipped in cool water.
  3. A blue clay mask is also effective - two large spoons of powder are diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream and the mixture is applied to the feet. The duration of the procedure is half an hour, after which the clay is washed off with warm water, a massage is performed, and the skin is lubricated with cream.

Each of us has experienced that upon returning home after a hard day, we felt tired and heavy in our legs. How to relieve leg fatigue in such a situation is clear: just rest a little, take a bath, and after a couple of hours it will become much easier. But what to do when this condition torments you every day? Will a cooling cream help here or is a more serious product needed? First, it’s worth understanding why your legs get tired so quickly if you don’t have to walk a lot or don’t play sports.

Causes of tired legs

Fatigue and heaviness in the legs are not only a consequence of excessive activity. This condition can be caused by many circumstances, such as:

  • sedentary work;
  • narrow shoes or too high heels;
  • varicose veins and other problems with blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • flat feet.

These are the main reasons why you can feel tired and heavy in your lower extremities every day. It is clear that if such symptoms are repeated time after time, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can identify real reasons similar condition and prescribe treatment. Of course, in addition to taking medications, it would be useful to take independent steps to relieve leg fatigue. There are many procedures that will help alleviate the condition, and they can be done at home.

How to relieve tired legs at home?

A familiar way to everyone is to raise your legs higher. It is believed that this the best option to relieve tired legs. But this does not always work and not for everyone. Most often there is temporary relief. As soon as you lower your legs again, the heaviness returns. Since in most cases the problem is impaired blood flow, it needs to be stimulated. Therefore, it is worth remembering or writing down one (or even all) of the following recipes for tired legs.

  • Cold and hot shower

Everything is simple here: go into the bath and start watering your feet with either cool or hot water. Just don’t be overzealous with the temperature, don’t start with cold or boiling water. Increase the temperature difference gradually. Or you can make contrasting foot baths: just put two basins of water different temperatures and alternately lower your feet there.

  • Helps relieve fatigue, especially if you have flat feet.

Take the cream (it’s better if it’s herbal), lubricate your feet with it and begin to lightly knead it with your thumbs. Even if you do not have special knowledge in this area, regular kneading can already improve blood circulation. You may feel pain in your tense muscles at first, but this will gradually go away and your legs will feel much better. After you have warmed up your feet, you can move on to your shins. Here, too, everything is simple: rubbing and kneading. By the way, there are roller massagers on sale that will greatly simplify this procedure.

  • Orthopedic mats

Also a great way to relieve tired legs at home. There is an imitation of a pebble beach, pine cones, and even just a rug with small “pimples.” Have you come home and feel pain in your lower extremities? It is enough to take off your shoes and walk barefoot on such a rug, and you will be able to eliminate fatigue instantly.

  • Massage Slippers

Be sure to get them for yourself, even if there is no particular reason for concern. After a whole day on your feet, these shoes instantly bring relief; just walk around in them for half an hour.

  • Cream with menthol or horse chestnut for tired legs

Surprisingly, it’s enough to smear your feet with a similar product, and the heaviness instantly goes away. Be sure to look at the composition; the cream must contain natural plant extracts.

  • Foot baths with various herbs

Such compositions sometimes serve not just as a means of temporary relief - they are also an excellent treatment for the blood vessels of the legs. Why not do such baths periodically?

  1. Mix a tablespoon of nettle and mint, pour boiling water, leave until cool, then pour into a bowl of water - and you can make foot baths.
  2. Pour a glass of crushed orange peel into a liter of boiling water and boil for about five minutes, then cool, pour into a basin and soak your feet in this broth for about 20 minutes.
  3. Take two spoons of linden and chamomile flowers, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for five minutes, then add a liter of warm water and a tablespoon of honey, and you can make medicinal baths.
  4. You can simply add a little sea salt and a few drops of lavender, mint or orange essential oil to the water.

  • Rubbing with ice cubes.

If you don't have time for baths, then this can be a great alternative. And it’s better if it’s not just frozen water, but herbal decoctions. Take the same chamomile, nettle, mint, lavender. You can make a decoction of each separately or mix them all together. Pour boiling water and cook a little in a water bath. Cool the broth, pour into molds, and as soon as you feel that your feet need help, take out a cube and simply wipe your feet.

  • A regular cabbage leaf also helps.

Just knead it a little (you can use a rolling pin) and wrap it around your feet. After 15-20 minutes you can remove it.

  • There are even masks for tired feet.

For example, you can dilute blue clay with water, apply it to your feet and leave for 20 minutes. Or you can also mash bananas, add a little kefir and corn flour. This remedy not only relieves fatigue and pain, but also fights sweaty feet.

  • Garlic Salvation.

If the smell of garlic doesn’t bother you, you can grind it into porridge and apply it to your feet. After 15 minutes, rinse and spread. And in order to get rid of the smell of garlic, you can take a short bath, for example, with a decoction of sage or lavender.

In order to relieve fatigue from your legs, you can do: simple exercises. Some of them can be done while working. Move your foot from toe to heel for 10 minutes. Another exercise: put one leg on the other, and try to raise the lower one as high as possible, then change legs. Get up and stand on your toes for 10–15 minutes. You can even just do squats, this perfectly stimulates blood flow and, as a result, relieves heaviness and pain. But do not overdo it, otherwise your muscles will begin to ache and you will need another treatment.

Performing these procedures, in combination or separately, will help quickly restore lightness to your legs.

Buy herbs and essential oils for making medicinal baths at the pharmacy. Only here you can be sure that the plants were collected in non-contaminated areas and in accordance with all the rules, and that the oils are truly natural.

Prevention of foot diseases

Of course, all these procedures will help relieve fatigue from your legs quite quickly. This is especially important after a whole day spent on your feet, when your feet hurt, your calves ache, and your only desire is to lie down and not get up until the discomfort disappears. At such moments, the above tips will allow you to quickly bring yourself to normal condition at home.

But it is always better to prevent such a state. Therefore, if you do not want to periodically suffer from the fact that your legs hurt or are tired, or sometimes you already have such conditions, you should follow a few simple rules.

  1. Choose comfortable shoes. This is especially true for women who love to wear narrow high-heeled shoes, thinking that it is beautiful. Believe me, your deformed feet, swollen calves and clumsy gait caused by pain in your legs do not make you look good at all. Moreover, there are many models of shoes that will not be harmful to your feet and will look great. You can choose comfortable shoes for both work and going out.
  2. Buy orthopedic insoles. They are inexpensive, they definitely won’t bother you, but your feet will be much more comfortable, and you will forget about the pain.
  3. Try to wear stockings, socks and tights made from natural materials. And you don’t have to deny yourself the pleasure of wearing dresses and skirts. At modern diversity hosiery It is quite possible to purchase beautiful tights or stockings that will look good with a dress.
  4. If you have varicose veins and require treatment, do not forget about the need to wear compression tights.
  5. Buy yourself massage slippers, which were mentioned above. These shoes, massaging the feet, affect special points. And it not only relieves leg fatigue, but also has a positive effect on the entire body.
  6. Buy stimulating blood flow. Make sure it contains natural ingredients. For example, horse chestnut, tea tree, sage, nettle. You can add essential oils to the cream, which will enhance the effect of the product. And the deodorizing effect will not be superfluous. Or, alternatively, you can try making your own foot cream.
  7. Move more. Especially if you have a sedentary job. Try to take a break of about five minutes every hour. Even if you just walk around the office, this will help prevent severe leg fatigue.
  8. Lead an active lifestyle. Dancing, running, walking - everything that can give you pleasure and help train your legs. The swimming pool is good in this regard: it relieves pain and at the same time trains the muscles. Just don’t get too carried away with training your legs, this can cause other problems.
  9. Learn. At the end of the day, whether you've walked a lot or not, a massage will help your blood circulate properly.

In general, there is nothing difficult in preventing your legs from becoming very tired or from experiencing severe pain. A little attention to yourself and your feet, and such problems will rarely bother you, and serious treatment will definitely not be required.

Text: Evgenia Bagma

Majority modern women Even young people may complain to you that their legs are tired. This is due to many factors - fashionable high-heeled shoes, reduced physical activity, abuse bad habits and unhealthy food. How to restore the former lightness to your legs, and to yourself? wellness and mood?

Why do your legs get tired?

The reasons that you have my legs get tired, there can be a huge variety. Today it is difficult to meet at least one woman who would not complain of pain in her legs - frequent or periodic. First of all, this is, of course, incorrectly selected shoes. Unfortunately, most modern manufacturers, especially when it comes to shoes of a low or medium price category, do not think at all about whether their shoes are comfortable for walking. Most often, when choosing new shoes, modern girls are guided not by convenience, but solely by the beauty of the shoes, believing that beauty requires sacrifice. Apparently, they don’t think about whether dubious beauty is worth such a sacrifice as their health? If you don’t want your legs to get tired when walking, and so that over time this does not lead to the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities, make sure that your shoes are not only fashionable, but also comfortable for walking. So, when trying on shoes, pay attention to ensure that the foot rests completely and firmly on the insole, especially its middle side. Don’t buy shoes one size smaller with the intention of “breaking them in” - good quality shoes shouldn’t wear out a whole size! Finally, do not purchase shoes with heels greater than 4-5 cm for daily use - leave stiletto heels and high heels for parties and social events.

You may have tired legs due to your lifestyle, such as a sedentary job or a job that requires you to stand for long periods of time. Then preventive gymnastics will help you, as well as sports - running, swimming in the pool. Take preventative cool foot baths in the evening, use creams for tired legs, etc. Remember that such pain can signal the beginning of varicose veins, so preventive measures will not hurt you at all.

What to do if your legs get tired?

There are several proven methods and procedures that should be used if your legs are tired:

  • gymnastics - improve blood circulation in the legs and relax tense muscles with simple exercises such as walking on tiptoes, walking barefoot, rolling from heel to toe, pulling the toes away from you and towards you, as well as rotating your feet in one direction or the other;

  • medicinal baths - if your legs are tired, then relaxing baths with infusions of linden flowers, chamomile or sea salt can effectively relieve heaviness and buzzing;

  • massage or self-massage - any woman whose legs get tired knows what a relieving and pleasant remedy a foot massage can be for her. Unfortunately, not all of us have personal massage therapists, so it would be a good idea to learn the basics of self-massage of the feet - first you should stretch the entire foot, then each toe; It is useful to do a massage after a bath, and after it is finished, raise your legs up and lie in this position for 10-15 minutes.

If your feet are tired, change your shoes, play sports and do not neglect simple and effective procedures. But even better - contact an orthopedist and phlebologist: perhaps you have a problem in the structure of your feet, or maybe fatigue in your legs signals the development of varicose veins.

Who among us has not experienced tired legs? After hard work, long walks or, for example, after an airplane flight, this is a completely normal reaction of the body.

Women suffer most from leg problems. This is partly explained by the fact that the fair half is more willing to make sacrifices for the sake of beauty: stiletto heels, uncomfortable, but beautiful shoes, pointed noses. In addition, we are more susceptible to hormonal changes, which periodically undermine our health.

Legs also get tired from standing work. A number of professions simply do not provide conditions for good rest: sellers, teachers, tour guides.

It happens that your legs get tired when walking. This may be due to incorrectly selected shoes, and it is not necessarily about high heels, but also about flat soles, too big or small size, hard material.

In addition, excess weight can place additional stress on the joints, causing discomfort in the legs.

If your legs begin to get tired often, then this brings some discomfort to your daily life. The reasons can be very different, as well as ways to combat restless leg syndrome. Sounds scary? Let's figure out what it is.

What is restless legs syndrome

When episodic cases of discomfort in the legs become chronic, that is, they bother you almost every day, regardless of the level of physical activity or time of day, then this condition is called restless legs syndrome or tired legs.

Its characteristic manifestations:

  • legs buzz and ache;
  • swelling appears in the lower legs;
  • cramps calves;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • fingers go numb;
  • feet hurt.

Most often, these symptoms appear at rest - in the evening or at night.

Causes of tired legs

The main reason why legs get tired, swollen or ache is disruption of blood and lymph flow. Due to low mobility, blood flows worse to the top, and congestion forms in the vessels. Lack of physical activity leads to weakening of the core muscles, which are designed to maintain tone. internal organs. Impaired blood circulation leads to inflammation of the walls of blood vessels; after some time, the veins expand and begin to put pressure on nearby tissues and nerve endings, thereby causing discomfort and sometimes pain. If you do not tackle this problem in time, varicose veins develop, and then thrombophlebitis. Such problems threaten those who do not get up from the table for a long time, and also abuse smoking.

Vascular diseases can be caused by a hereditary factor. If someone in your family, especially on the female side, had similar problems, then it is better to start prevention in advance, without waiting for the thunder to strike.

The second most popular reason why legs get tired quickly, especially after walking, is joint problems. For example, it could be flat feet or a heel spur. Improper load distribution and degenerative processes lead to joint deformation, inflammation and even problems with the spine. Blood circulation is disrupted, tissue nutrition deteriorates and the process of tissue dysfunction and gradual death begins.

Tired leg syndrome can arise not only from low mobility, but also from excessive mobility. If your leg muscles get tired, then you should check your physical activity. Perhaps too much intense loads do not allow you to properly relax and unwind. A good practice is to train the upper and lower body alternately to allow recovery to take place. Don't neglect a good warm-up to warm up your muscles, ligaments and tendons and prepare them for full work. Otherwise, the risk of injury increases.

You should pay attention to your feet, ankles, calves, and everything in the body as a whole. Just 10-15 minutes of charging and you are ready for battle. If this does not help, take a closer look at your shoes - are they comfortable enough, do they have shock-absorbing properties, do they fit correctly. A good remedy To prevent leg fatigue, in this case there may be anatomical insoles that reduce the impact load.

What to do if your legs are tired

If discomfort and fatigue overwhelm your legs too often, this is a reason to consult a doctor for a detailed examination. He will help you choose medications that alleviate your symptoms and tell you what else can be done in your particular case.

But, as they say, rely on the doctor, but don’t make a mistake yourself. You can, in addition to your doctor’s recommendations or simply for prevention, regularly perform a set of the following procedures to relieve the feeling of fatigue and heaviness in your legs.

First of all, as soon as you have the opportunity, raise your legs up. This way you will help venous blood and lymph speed up their journey without stagnating. The optimal lifting height is at heart level or slightly higher (remember how Americans like to put their feet on the table).

If you have a sedentary job, don’t be lazy to get up every 40-45 minutes and do a little exercise to get your blood flowing. Shake your legs one by one, bend your knees, ideally do a few squats and rolls from heel to toe. Walk for a few minutes, preferably taking the stairs.

Avoid uncomfortable shoes, especially if your feet get tired in high heels. According to the recommendations of orthopedists, the ideal heel height is 2-4 cm. Select special orthopedic insoles that relieve stress on the feet. Carefully try on shoes and insoles before purchasing to avoid the slightest snags or inconvenience.

Don't overeat at night. This will not only help you maintain your figure, but also avoid swelling of the lower leg. Remember the rule of drinking about 2 liters of water per day? So, try to complete most of it in the first half of the day. Instead of coffee and tea, it is preferable to drink plain clean water. And less alcohol.

Watch your feet when you sit. Cross them less, do not cross one leg over the other. Change your position often. Sit up straight. If possible, remove your shoes.

Exercise regularly. It's about about moderate physical activity that will keep you in good shape. Optimal view sport with a minimum number of contraindications - swimming. It puts minimal stress on your legs, but enough to keep you in good shape. Do not ignore the usual morning exercises, stretching, joint exercises - this is the minimum that will help you meet old age with dignity.

Baths for tired feet

The first thing you want to do when you come home and get rid of those unfortunate heels is to run to the bathroom and rinse your feet with cool water. This causes blood to flow to the feet and reduces swelling.

An even greater effect can be achieved by preparing a special foot bath. Fill a bowl with water up to the middle of your calves, add a couple of tablespoons of coarse sea salt. The relaxing effect is especially noticeable in the evening, when fatigue reaches its peak. If you just want to relieve tension from your muscles, type warm water, if you need to reduce swelling - cool. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.

Herbal foot bath recipe: make a decoction of calendula and add it to a bowl of water. You can also use a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or a few drops essential oils.

A contrast bath for tired legs is one of the most effective means of restoring lightness. To do this, you need to use two containers of suitable size - put in one cold water, in the other - hot, but tolerable. Alternately dip your feet in them or water from them.

Do not overuse hot baths, showers, saunas and sun - excessive exposure to heat only further dilates the veins and aggravates the situation.

After water procedures Give yourself a massage and dry your feet. If necessary, apply a remedy for tired legs.

Baths can be replaced with compresses. Soak gauze in cold chamomile/calendula infusion and apply to your feet. Also wipe your feet with a cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar. The pain and buzzing will definitely go away.

Self-massage of feet

It is recommended to do a light foot massage for fatigue with the addition of essential oils (if you are not allergic to them): cypress, sandalwood, peppermint, almond. Movements should be leisurely, moderately strong, stroking and rubbing. You should start with the feet, working on each toe, then walk along the top of the foot, ankle and calves, in the direction of the lymph flow.

You can also use massage rollers. Today there are many modifications of them. See also what exercises you can do for your legs on a massage mat. By the way, if you don’t have a rug, you can fill a basin with water, put pebbles in it and walk on it.

Massage helps relieve tension from the muscles, because it is the tension that causes pain syndrome. Blood circulation improves, which means delivery nutrients to tissues and removal of toxins. If there are no contraindications, you can undergo a full massage course a couple of times a year.

Gymnastics for tired legs

If your legs get very tired, it means you need to strengthen them and increase your endurance. This is exactly what gymnastics is for. Perform exercise therapy for your feet, for your calves, and strengthen your knees. My blog has a whole section dedicated to health-improving exercises for feet and legs. Surely you will find useful complexes for yourself.

Remember that only systems approach will relieve all symptoms of fatigue and heaviness in the legs. Perform healthy treatments for your feet regularly. Do not start the problem, because its consequences are completely unpleasant. If necessary, consult a doctor for advice.

If a person experiences difficulty walking, especially when climbing stairs, pain and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, this is an alarming signal. Perhaps pathologies have begun to develop that cannot be ignored. Fibromyalgia, peripheral arterial disease, and other nervous and circulatory system, must definitely be excluded. More common causes of heavy legs are varicose veins or spider veins. Typical symptoms of such pathologies include increased fatigue in the legs, swelling, itching, restless legs syndrome, burning, cramps and changes in skin color.

Why do you constantly experience heaviness in your legs, where does the discomfort come from?

The legs are the furthest part of the body from the heart, which means that blood delivery back and forth requires considerable effort. In addition, the physical stress on the limbs is great, because they have to “carry” many kilograms throughout the day.

Physical activity requires a good supply of blood to the muscles, and accordingly the pressure on the blood vessels, especially the veins, increases. Therefore, it is the veins that most often become the first victims of negative factors.

Pain and heaviness in the legs most often occurs due to lack of blood circulation. Muscle cells do not have enough oxygen and other nutrients, and they persistently begin to signal this with pain.

It is worth noting that even with healthy leg vessels after a strong physical activity a feeling of heaviness and slight soreness will be present in any case, and this is considered normal. However, if the problem recurs, becomes regular, or any factors that increase the pain are noticed, you should contact a specialist to search for and exclude pathology, if any.

Causes of heaviness in the legs: diagnosis of diseases, symptoms and signs

Causes of leg pain are diseases of the bones, joints and muscles

It is characterized by sudden, tight, intense pain in the lower leg. This soreness is often caused by muscle fatigue, heat, or dehydration. Muscle cramps are more common among older people and professional athletes. In most cases, muscle spasms disappear after eliminating the factors that cause them. If necessary, gentle stretching of the legs or massage of the surface of the muscles is recommended at the time of pain. Applying heat to the cramped muscle area or a cold compress may help relieve the severity of the pain and symptoms.

  • Pain in the lower leg area

Pain in this area occurs when the connective tissue and muscles along the edge of the tibia become inflamed. This often occurs due to colds or severe sprains. Flat feet and toe deformity may also contribute to this problem. The pain usually disappears with the symptoms of the disease. Applying ice, taking anti-inflammatory drugs can help, and at such times it is better to avoid physical activity.

  • Tendon or muscle rupture

One of the first signs of tendinitis, or inflammation of the tendon tissue, is pain in the bottom of the foot or heel bone area. In this case, applying ice and taking anti-inflammatory drugs is indicated. In addition, you need to avoid anything that causes pain. Supportive shoes that reduce stress on the tendons can also help. If the pain is very severe, the Achilles tendon may have ruptured, which will require urgent medical attention.

  • Bone fracture, knee or ankle sprain

Fractures of the bones of the lower extremities and sprains of ligaments usually cause very severe pain that occurs immediately after the accident. However, the source of aching pain, especially at night, can be cracks in the bone, as well as mild sprains, which sometimes manifest themselves after some time.

Leg pain due to circulatory disorders

  • Thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis is a disease associated with the formation of blood clots - thrombi, which form in the bed of the deep veins of the lower extremities in combination with inflammatory processes in the walls of blood vessels. The process of blood clots is called deep vein thrombosis. Thrombophlebitis is more common in the deep veins of the lower leg or thigh. This disorder is often caused by long periods of inactivity, being overweight, smoking, or taking medications. These conditions cause increased blood clotting and, as a result, the formation of blood clots.

It is worth noting that thrombosis is a very dangerous disease. After all, the detachment of a blood clot is a common occurrence, and its delivery by blood flow to the pulmonary artery can lead to thromboembolism or blockage of the vein. Thromboembolism of large trunks of the pulmonary artery is fraught with sudden death.

Weak valves and walls of the external veins of the lower extremities lead to stagnation in the vessels, which provokes a disruption of the normal outflow of blood. Varicose veins - common reason pain in the legs, worsening after heavy physical activity. Externally, it is characterized by the presence of foci of blue or purple formations under the skin of the extremities, reminiscent of hematomas. You should be very careful and careful when handling these swellings. After all, the wall of the vein in these places is thinned, and the lumen is filled with blood. Therefore, even a small puncture can cause severe bleeding. Varicose veins cause dull pain, especially when standing for a long time.

  • Peripheral artery diseases

Sclerotic changes in the arteries lead to a narrowing of their lumen or complete blockage, which greatly reduces blood pressure and, as a consequence, the volume of blood required for the muscles. Often such phenomena lead to severe pain in the legs, cramps, gait disturbances, lameness. In particular severe cases The patient is not allowed to climb stairs or any other, even minor, physical activity.

If the arteries become significantly narrowed or blocked, the pain may persist while at rest. A characteristic symptom Sclerotic vein disease is a deterioration in the healing of wounds on the surface of the skin of the legs.

With prolonged or incorrect treatment of a disease that causes sclerotic lesions in the veins, necrosis of muscle tissue, so-called necrosis, can occur.

The risk of developing arteriosclerosis increases in patients with diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, or high level cholesterol. Heavy smokers are at particular risk. The disease requires careful attention proper treatment and regular examinations.

Leg pain due to nervous system disorders

  • Stenosis or narrowing of the spinal canal and lumbosacral radiculitis

Common cause of stenosis spinal canal is arthritis of the vertebrae. In some cases, it puts pressure on nearby nerve roots, which can lead to symptoms of sciatica.

  • Burning, cramping pain in the leg while standing or sitting.
  • Numbness of the legs.
  • Tingling.
  • Fatigue.
  • Weakness.

The pain may begin in the back and hip, then spread down the leg. Treatment may include rest for several days along with anti-inflammatory and pain medications. Cold and heat may help with some symptoms. Physical therapy in the form of specific stretching exercises is very helpful. You should not make sudden movements after sitting or lying for a long time.

  • Diabetic neuropathy

In diabetes, nerves can be damaged by high blood sugar levels, which is a common complication of diabetes. Pain usually occurs in both legs along with numbness and a feeling of weakness in the lower extremities. Treatment includes pain medications and a prescribed medication regimen to control blood sugar levels.

Heaviness in the legs, pain and swelling: which doctor will help?

A visit to a medical institution begins with a surgeon, or a more specialized specialist, if there is one on staff - a vascular surgeon (phlebologist). In case of unspecified changes, you should contact your local physician.

What is the danger of heaviness in the legs during pregnancy and how to get rid of painful sensations during this period?

Pregnancy is a physiological process that causes many changes in the body of the expectant mother. Frequent aching pain in the legs occurs due to weight gain and a shift in the center of gravity. In addition, the condition is aggravated by associated pathological processes that already exist or were previously present in the pregnant woman’s history.

After visiting a specialist and excluding complex pathological conditions requiring treatment, a number of measures can be recommended that may help reduce leg pain.

  • Constantly necessary monitor your own weight, adhering to the correct menu. This is especially true for drinking liquids. A lot of water is required during pregnancy, but if it is in excess, swelling of the legs may occur, which will aggravate the pain in the legs.
  • While driving it is necessary monitor the posture axis and distribute your weight as evenly as possible on both legs.
  • Pregnant women are recommended avoid prolonged standing to avoid unnecessary stress on the lower limbs.
  • During night sleep, you need to change body positions more often. You should not stay on your left side for a long time, since the weight of the abdomen puts pressure on the vena cava, which collects venous blood from the lower part of the body. Slowing blood flow in it makes it difficult for the exchange in the legs, which in the morning will cause a feeling of lack of rest.

Gymnastics and folk remedies to relieve heavy legs

There are several gymnastic exercises that help redistribute blood in the muscles of the legs, which reduces the feeling of fatigue and pain. It is recommended to conduct classes on an empty stomach no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

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