What can you eat at 6 obstetric weeks. Development of the embryo by day and week. The process is usually accompanied by characteristic symptoms.

So the week has come when you are already carefully, having calmed down from the wonderful news that you are pregnant, follow the development of the baby, see how your body changes and how your stomach slowly grows. Are you expecting a baby...

How to determine the exact gestational age?

IN antenatal clinic the gynecologist considers the beginning of your pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation, that is, pregnancy is considered from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. That's why:

  1. The first week is menstruation.
  2. The second is the process of development of the egg, its maturation.
  3. On the third, the process of conception takes place.
  4. On the fourth embryo is attached to the uterus.
  5. In the fifth week future child develops intensively, during this period they often find out that they are pregnant, since the delay in menstruation.
  6. At the sixth week, the child is already developing and there are no big threats of miscarriage.

Of course, every woman wants to know as accurately as possible the duration of her pregnancy from conception, in order to see the cherished two stripes on the test as early as possible, and later, to make sure that the child develops according to her “age”. It is a pity, but it is impossible to determine exactly when the conception occurred. Indeed, even knowing exactly when ovulation occurred, and on what day you had sex with your man, it will not help to reliably determine the day of conception, since fertilization does not occur on the day the sperm enters the uterus, but at the moment the sperm enters the egg, but this can happen even a few days after intercourse. Either conception could have happened earlier than you expected, since sperm cells can live for several days and fertilization could be on the eve of the next sexual intercourse, or, conversely, ovulation is late, and conception will occur later than the time you calculated.

It turns out that 6 weeks obstetric pregnancy equates to 4 weeks of pregnancy from conception.
But, and since you will get up or are already registered in the antenatal clinic, so as not to get confused, we consider pregnancy, as gynecologists think. So you are now 6 weeks pregnant, that is, if you count by months - one month and two weeks.

What happens in the female body?

When pregnancy occurs, the female body begins to change. Due to the fact that the fetus, the unborn child, begins to develop in it, the load goes on the whole organism. After all, the child needs food, minerals, oxygen. In this regard, after the fertilization of the egg and the formation of the embryo, in female body there is a big load on important organs, metabolic processes.

To relax the muscles of the uterus, and to keep it at rest, the functions of the central nervous system change in the female body. And changes in the functions of the central nervous system change all life processes in the female body. The necessary hormones to maintain pregnancy are produced by the corpus luteum. When the follicle burst, releasing a mature egg, a corpus luteum formed, so it gives the necessary hormones to the body so that the pregnancy does not terminate.

Also, due to the fact that the embryo develops and grows, the placenta puts pressure on the uterus, and it begins to grow, increasing in size. Uterine enlargement begins at 5-6 weeks of obstetric pregnancy. But a very noticeable increase in the abdomen is visible only at 20-23 weeks. With growth, the uterus changes in shape and structure, at first it is pear-shaped and flattened, with an increase it becomes spherical and softened. During this period, blood circulation in the uterus begins to increase, blood vessels develop, which carry blood to the placenta. A mucous plug has already formed in the cervix, it is pushed out only before childbirth.

The load on the liver and kidneys is already beginning to increase, because now they serve not only the expectant mother, but also the child. The woman drinks more liquids, as she now drinks for two. Because of this, urination may become more frequent.

It is laid down by nature in such a way that even the heart changes its functions in work. The contractile work of the heart increases so that the blood is more oxygenated and delivers blood faster to the vital organs of the mother, including the uterus. Because of this, blood pressure may increase, which is why the antenatal clinic monitors him.

The respiratory system is also changing so that the lungs absorb more oxygen, since now not only the mother, but also the child needs it. The hormones in the placenta act on the lungs, which increases the patency of the lungs so that they absorb more oxygen, which is constantly needed in the right amount by the child's body.

How does the fetus develop?

During this period, the fetus is already 2-4 mm in size. The most interesting thing is that eyes, ears and mouth are formed this week. They are not yet fully formed, but already on the head of the embryo there are dark dots where the eyes and nostrils are formed, the ear cavities are already visible. The legs and arms of the baby are still only in the form of processes.

At the sixth week, the umbilical cord has already developed from the navel, now the baby can safely move in the fetal bladder. Now he is not very human-like yet, the embryo is more similar to the embryo of a fish, since the lungs have not formed, there are gills and a tail. During this period, the child also continues to form internal organs: lungs and liver.

The baby's heart is already beating. How amazing it is that your baby, when he himself is 3 mm in size, already has a heart that is beating hard. Although it is also primitive in the form of a tube. If during this period an ultrasound is done on a high-quality device, you can hear how a tiny heart contracts, the heart rate is from 100 to 160 beats per minute, which is twice as much as in an adult. This week, the circulatory system, the spleen, is already forming in the embryo. The body of a small baby is already circulating blood.

How does a pregnant woman feel?

Due to the fact that your body is completely rebuilt to feed and support not only you, but also your child, the symptoms of pregnancy begin to be more pronounced:

  • The breast continues to grow, of course, to hurt, because the mammary glands are preparing to feed the baby, and the darkening of the nipples is already noticeable.
  • Naturally, during this period there is no longer menstruation and this is a new sensation for a woman.
  • IN rare cases women at this time experience discomfort in the lower abdomen (as if pulling), as at this moment changes occur in the body.
  • The hormones that the placenta produces affect appetite, and toxicosis can also begin. During the sixth week, it is pronounced. Changes in taste are also clearly expressed, unpredictable desires in food appear.
  • The temperature may rise and sometimes dizziness appears, roughly speaking, this is a protective reaction of the body to new changes in your body.

The toxicosis has begun. How to deal with it?

This week, many women experience toxicosis. Some people tolerate it to a mild degree, a little sick and that's it. And for some, it is difficult - vomiting in the morning, dizziness and a constant nausea.

is the reaction of the brain to the development of the embryo in your body. It manifests itself due to the fact that your body is being rebuilt to a new metabolic process.

During toxicosis, not only suffers future mom but also baby. Since toxicosis comes at the moment when the baby's internal organs are formed, and at this moment he needs a lot nutrients. However, the expectant mother cannot eat, food is disgusting to her, as if poisoned. During this period, weight may decrease, since nature is arranged in such a way that the child will take all the necessary nutrients, even to the detriment of the mother's health. But the expectant mother will be patient, because this is your baby.

Of course, it’s good if your toxicosis is not in a pronounced form. Since in this case you are only worried about mild nausea and vomiting may occur at certain hours (usually in the morning). Then no treatment is needed. You just have to drink water regularly and switch to meals by the hour.

If you have severe toxicosis, you are constantly thirsty, you are tormented by constant vomiting. There are even cases that the skin worsens, brittle nails appear. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor for a treatment appointment. The doctor will establish for you, first of all, a drinking schedule, a work and rest schedule. He can also prescribe physiotherapy manipulation, which will allow you to restore strength. They also use infusion therapy, using solutions ascorbic acid and glucose. Based on urine and blood tests, you may be prescribed intravenous drugs.

Of course, toxicosis entails stress for the body, which affects the psychological state of the expectant mother. There may be lethargy, irritation. If toxicosis prevents you from sleeping, and you feel that your nervous system is exhausted, be sure to consult a doctor.

What tests to take?

You should already be registered with the antenatal clinic this week (and if not, it's time for you to get up). You have visited a gynecologist more than once, and you know that you constantly have:

  • Weigh;
  • Measure the belly;
  • Checking the mammary glands;
  • And of course, they are prescribed regular blood and urine tests.

At the 6th week of pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe:

  • Tests to check for vulvovaginal candidiasis and herpes.

According to statistics, these are common diseases in pregnant women.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis is, if you say plain language, inflammation of the vagina. It occurs frequently in expectant mothers. Such a replenishment cannot in any way affect the development of the embryo, but it causes a woman to feel uncomfortable. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor in the form of safe ointments. The future dad does not need to be treated.

What might this replenishment entail? If the doctor found vulvovaginal candidiasis in you, and you did not cure it, then during childbirth, when the child passes through the birth canal, it can become infected with candidal stomatitis (thrush). In treatment, the doctor often prescribes nystatin, as it is more effective.

You will also be given:

  • Blood test for herpes.

If the herpes in the blood is higher than normal, the gynecologist will prescribe you a course of treatment. What is this analysis for? High levels of herpes in the blood during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause a miscarriage. Also, when exiting through the birth canal, herpes can be transmitted to the baby.

What should be the allocation?

A clear or whitish discharge without an unpleasant odor is considered the norm.

The appearance of yellowish, greenish or cheesy discharge usually indicates an infectious disease.

Pathology are brown discharge daub that on early dates pregnancies for the most part testify to the rejection of the fetus by the female body. And the result of the onset of bleeding can be a spontaneous miscarriage.

Typically, with the advent spotting drugs are prescribed that maintain the normal pregnancy hormone, for example, Utrozhestan or Duphaston, and the pregnancy persists.

Cold. What to do?

A cold in early pregnancy can cause irreparable consequences for the development and health of the fetus, so colds should be treated with gentle methods.

The temperature can be brought down with the help of children's antipyretic rectal suppositories, runny nose can be treated by washing the nasal cavity sea ​​water, sore throat - warm milk with honey and a piece of butter or gargling with a solution of soda, and cough - gargling with infusion of birch buds, dropping a little eucalyptus or tea tree oil into it.

What should be the food?

The expectant mother has already switched to more proper nutrition: Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Do not deny yourself food, because now you have such a period when you want to eat something that you might never like at another time. Taste qualities completely changed.

Due to the fact that you may have pronounced toxicosis, it will be easy for you to quit. bad habits(smoking and caffeine). Take advantage of this week, it is the most favorable, because now your body itself looks with disgust at cigarettes and coffee. Because of this, quitting bad habits is very easy.

During the sixth week, your doctor may also recommend that you start taking a complex of magnesium vitamins and vitamin B6. After all, during this period there is an active development of the embryo, the formation of all its organs. A complex of vitamins is prescribed so that you and your baby have enough vitamins and minerals needed during this period. Also, maybe you are still taking folic acid, which your gynecologist prescribed you earlier.

  1. The main concern during this period in pregnant women is toxicosis. We need to find a way to alleviate it. Of course, which method to use depends on the individual organism. You need to change the mode of eating, eat less. And remove from the diet foods that are now disgusting to you. Lemon drops can also help, carry them with you at all times.
  2. Many people wonder if it is possible to have sex in the sixth week of pregnancy. There is no clear answer here, of course, unless the doctor said that you should not do this now. So in this matter you must decide for yourself together with the future dad.
  3. Quit bad habits: smoking and alcohol. After all, right now all the vital organs are being formed in your child. Moreover, in the sixth week it is easy to do, because toxicosis will help you with this, which causes disgust for tobacco smoke and alcohol.
  4. Get enough sleep. After all, sleep is the most important thing for you right now. Hormones in your body are seething, which causes an imbalance in the nervous system. At the same time, toxicosis. And so that you do not feel tired and irritated, you need to get enough sleep.
  5. If you have not been to an ultrasound yet, it's time to go so that the doctor looks at the fetus and says that there are no abnormalities. You also need to register with the antenatal clinic, if you have not done so before.

Current questions and answers to them

Q: I am 6 weeks pregnant. I don't have toxicity. This is bad?
A: The absence of toxicosis is not a sign of concern. This is normal, but the presence of toxicosis at an early stage, on the contrary, brings a lot of unpleasant moments. Nausea in the morning and even during the day is not a pleasant thing, but also quite normal. This is how the adaptation of the female body to a new state is manifested and nothing more.

Q: What is the normal level of hCG at 6 weeks pregnant?
A: Each laboratory has its own values ​​for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. You can check with your doctor if the reading is normal. Also important is not so much the level of hCG, but how the dynamics of its change. Therefore, in order to judge the course of pregnancy, it is necessary to trace the change in this very level at different weeks of pregnancy. So, normally, the level of hCG should double every 3-4 days, and its decrease in subsequent analyzes indicates deviations in pregnancy. By the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy, this figure reaches 10,000 - 30,000 mU / ml. An elevated level of hCG indicates a multiple pregnancy, i.e. twins or triplets or more are expected.


Photo of the embryo on ultrasound

So, you are already psychologically prepared for the fact that you are pregnant and are carrying your beloved baby, whom you will give life to. And all the small obstacles like toxicosis, irritability, this is not so big problems, because in a few months you will become a mother!

6 obstetric week of pregnancy corresponds to the fourth week from conception. This week, the fetus is already surrounded by amniotic fluid and resembles a tiny shell.

What happens in the sixth week of pregnancy

Along with the rapid development of the fetus, changes continue to occur in the mother's body. The level of hormones continues to grow, the concentration of hCG, progesterone increases. All hormones closely interact with each other, complementing each other's action.

Such a hormonal explosion causes a change in both the physical and psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman. She feels weak, constantly wants to sleep. Unmotivated aggression, tearfulness, Bad mood It's all about the hormones.

Important changes take place in the uterus. Its shape, size, consistency, reactivity change, blood flow increases.

The formation of the placenta is actively underway, which will be fully completed by the twelfth week of pregnancy. At the sixth week, the placenta already begins to produce hormones, and very soon it will be responsible for protecting and nourishing the baby.

Fetal size at the sixth week of pregnancy

The fetus at the sixth week has a size of 6.6 mm. It still weighs less than one gram, but two tubercles are already appearing on the sides, which will later become arms. A few days will pass and the same tubercles will appear in the back of the embryo, becoming the prototype of the legs. Hands develop faster than legs. By the end of the sixth week, the rudiments of brushes will form.

At the proximal end of the neural tube, at the beginning of the sixth week, a thickening appears, which is nothing more than the rudiment of the brain. Already by the middle of the week there will be a division into sections and hemispheres of the brain.

The fetus begins to form a face. The rudiments of the lower and upper jaws, ears, nose, eyes are formed.

The heart is actively functioning, it is the formation of the ventricles and atria. An ultrasound can clearly hear the fetal heartbeat.

The yolk sac and already formed liver begin to produce blood cells. In the sixth week, the rudiments of the large and small intestines, as well as the stomach, are laid.

The formation of the genital organs of the baby continues and very soon it will be possible to determine the sex of the unborn child.

The formation of the placenta will soon end. In the sixth week, chorionic villi and the umbilical cord are formed, which will later become the umbilical cord. All these processes prepare the child's body for the rapid supply of oxygen and nutrients from the mother.

Signs of pregnancy in the sixth week

This week the symptoms of pregnancy are already quite clear. Due to the restructuring of the body, which now has to work for two, a woman feels a breakdown, constantly wants to sleep and gets tired quickly.

She begins to react extremely sharply to some odors, possibly the appearance of increased salivation. Women who, due to toxicosis, have already experienced morning sickness and bouts of vomiting, note an increase in these phenomena in the sixth week. Those who did not have these symptoms before can get acquainted with toxicosis this week. Nausea and vomiting can be caused by both food intake and smells, which a pregnant woman begins to perceive very acutely.

At the sixth week of pregnancy, changes in the mammary glands continue, which are prepared by the body for the future. breastfeeding. Increases blood supply to the chest. It increases in size, the nipples become more sensitive, when a woman touches them, she feels a tingling sensation. The areas of the nipples darken.

The uterus also continues to grow. It already has the size of a plum, but outwardly the increase in the abdomen is not yet visible. In the body, there is an active production of progesterone, which does not allow the tone of the uterus to increase, preventing abortion.

belly photo at 6 weeks pregnant



Feelings of the expectant mother in the sixth week of pregnancy

The well-being of a pregnant woman in the sixth week is not the best. She feels tired in the morning, constantly wants to sleep. The unfortunate toxicosis fully manifests itself. Its manifestations may be different. In some women, there is a breakdown and morning sickness, in others, toxicosis is manifested by daily painful vomiting, it can even come to fainting.

In a small percentage of women, symptoms of toxicosis are practically not observed, which greatly facilitates the course of pregnancy.

Almost all pregnant women become very sensitive to smells by the sixth week. Their salivation increases, and their taste habits change dramatically. In most cases, this goes away with time, but if there is a strong deterioration in well-being, this is a reason to see a doctor.

Brown discharge in the sixth week of pregnancy may appear due to a lack of hCG. In this case, the doctor prescribes drugs that are synthetic analogues of the missing hormone and support pregnancy (Dufaston, Utrozhestan). These funds are usually taken up to a period of twelve weeks, after which there is no need to use them. In some cases, your doctor may recommend that you take these drugs longer.

If a woman has a stomach ache in the sixth week, this may indicate a threatened miscarriage.

Examinations at the sixth week of pregnancy

During a visit to a gynecologist, a pregnant woman is examined and, based on the results of the examination, they are given an appointment for the following tests:

  • Blood test for hCG. Positive result allows you to establish the fact of pregnancy with 100% probability. If the hormone is produced in insufficient quantities, the doctor prescribes a course of replacement therapy to prevent miscarriage.
  • Ultrasound at 6 weeks pregnant. Appointed according to indications.
  • Blood test for hepatitis B, syphilis, HIV.
  • Analysis to determine the blood group and Rh factor. It is carried out to prevent Rh conflict.
  • General analysis of blood and urine. Helps to determine the health status of a pregnant woman.
  • Vaginal smear. This analysis is necessary to identify possible urogenital infections.

What happens to the embryo: the heart beats twice as often as that of the mother; the liver produces the first blood cells; the neural tube closes, the brain is formed. The formation of the digestive excretory systems. There is a sexual differentiation. The thymus is formed (development of the immune system). Muscles, tendons, bones are formed.

The fetus is already moving, but the woman does not feel it yet. With such a high level of development, the weight of the embryo is 0.9-1.3 g, the length is 4-9 mm.

Mom's feelings in the sixth and seventh weeks of pregnancy intensify: toxicosis intensifies, profuse salivation joins, tingling appears in the mammary glands, nipples darken. Fatigue is sometimes accompanied by headache, dizziness, fainting.

Outwardly, pregnancy is almost not manifested yet - the stomach does not increase, some pregnant women, on the contrary, lose weight, some women develop acne (this does not pose any danger). The risk of "miscarriage" is also present, so abdominal pain, discharge cannot be ignored.

The baby is very susceptible negative factors environment. It is important to regularly consume vitamins, calcium-rich foods, split meals, and exclude medication. It is necessary to avoid stressful situations and measure pressure regularly.

In the ultrasound photo, the embryo looks like a bean. Small tubercles are already visible on his body - arms and legs.

What happens at week 6?

At the sixth week of pregnancy, further development systems internal organs. The beginning of the sixth week is essentially the key to the formation of the fetal nervous system. The neural tube, which is the prototype of the central nervous system, closes completely.

The nervous system is an integral morphological and functional combination of various interconnected, nervous structures, which, together with endocrine system provides an interconnected regulation of the activity of all body systems and a response to changes in the conditions of the internal and external environment.

And by the end of the week, it will take the main outlines of the nervous system. From the thickening of the neural tube, the brain develops, already at this stage, furrows and convolutions are formed. The brain becomes similar to the brain of an adult. The skull begins to form. The first nerve connections appear. The newly formed brain already controls the work of the heart and muscles of the fetus. Thus, the nervous system not only actively develops, but also begins to function slowly, of course, not yet as actively as it happens in a mature person.

brain development

A small heart does not yet look quite familiar - it is a tube. And although it is not yet perfect, however, blood circulation is already happening through the liver. Blood cells are formed in the liver, which enter the various parts of the heart with the bloodstream.

The rudiments of arms and legs appear, and by the beginning of next week the rudiments of fingers will appear. The skeletal system has not even begun to form yet, it is replaced by cartilage, the development of which goes full move.

Informative video

The face has not yet formed, while only the locations of the future eyes are visible on it - the eye sockets, and the mouth. And the bubbles from which the eyes are formed are now located on the sides of the head. There are also future auditory passages, which give rise to the inner ear. Just on this period its formation takes place while the baby does not hear anything, of course, but it is already beginning to feel.

At the same time, a very important organ of the immune system, the thymus, begins to form from the ecto- and endoderm. The rudiments of the bone marrow also appear, which later will be involved in the processes of hematopoiesis.

I continue to form the digestive, endocrine and respiratory systems, although the respiratory system will work only after birth, with the first breath of the baby, but for now, his breathing is carried out by the placenta. The reproductive organs have not yet formed, but sexual differentiation has already taken place - the germ cells have already formed.

And, of course, the development of the placenta continues at this time. At this time, it is already attached to the wall of the uterus. In addition to the placenta, the umbilical cord continues to develop, which began to form at week 2. Thanks to the umbilical cord, the baby not only communicates with the mother, but also gets the opportunity to actively move. The amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the embryo is about 3 ml.


Feelings remain the same, only their intensification is possible. Nausea and vomiting in the morning, and sometimes during the day, drowsiness, increased fatigue, irritability, breast engorgement, some women notice tingling in the chest, intolerance to certain smells and tastes that may have been loved before, and vice versa, frequent urination. Of course, all people are different and it is impossible to say with accuracy that all women feel the same thing during pregnancy. Some women do not notice any changes in their behavior or in the body at all.

Also, some women note pain in the lower abdomen, this may be due to the growth of the uterus or its hypertonicity. It is worth paying attention to the discharge, brownish spotting during the alleged menstruation does not pose any danger, but if they are plentiful and not associated with the cycle, and are also accompanied by pain, you need to visit a doctor. Even if at this time toxicosis suddenly stops abruptly, which some women are madly happy about, you should be wary, perhaps the pregnancy has died down.

Stomach ache

Pain in the abdomen, as mentioned above, may be due to the growth of the uterus, changes in the bowels. If they are not accompanied by bleeding and fainting, this is considered normal. But if a woman complains of severe sudden sharp pain in the abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, the reason for going to the doctor will be a pulling pain in the abdomen on one side, radiating to the side. In these cases, the doctor will usually do an ultrasound and rule out an ectopic pregnancy. A pregnant woman should understand that severe pain in the abdomen cannot be tolerated, she must urgently consult a doctor. Spontaneous miscarriage can occur at any time, but in the early stages it is more likely, in some cases the dead fetus leaves the mother's body on its own, and in some it remains in the uterus and decomposes, poisoning the woman's body. A missed pregnancy can only be determined by ultrasound.


As stated earlier, week 6 is still critical period in the development of the embryo: during this period, miscarriages most often occur, and malformations of the unborn baby are formed, so the behavior of the expectant mother should be very careful and meaningful, because any environmental factor can affect the course of pregnancy.

At this time, a woman can find out about the wrong course of pregnancy: about ectopic pregnancy, that is, the embryo does not develop in the uterus, but in the ovaries or fallopian tube. The doctor can confirm or refute an ectopic pregnancy with the help of ultrasound. Solve the problem promptly.

It is worth paying attention to toxicosis. In general, toxicosis is caused by the process of maturation of the placenta, so you should not be afraid of nausea and vomiting in the morning, but if it is accompanied by frequent vomiting, weight loss, fainting, you should consult a doctor for advice. A headache can also appear in a pregnant woman, this is most often due to hormonal changes, however, if the headache is accompanied by an increase blood pressure, it is worth taking action, of course, not on your own, but with a doctor.

Fetus and belly size

The fruit is actively growing and developing. At this time, he can already move, of course, the expectant mother does not feel it yet. Thanks to the appearance of the first nerve connections, the fetus begins to feel. With such a high level of development, the weight of the embryo is 0.9-1.3 g, and the length is 4-9 mm. On ultrasound, you can see the fetus, it looks like a small bean, on devices high resolution you can see the tubercles, which will soon become arms and legs. You can also hear his heartbeat. Now the baby's heart beats twice as fast as the mother's.

Changes in the abdomen are not yet visible, because the uterus still does not exceed the size chicken egg. Sometimes, due to toxicosis, a woman, on the contrary, loses weight. Many women note a rounding of the abdomen - this may be due to banal bloating due to the restructuring of the intestines.

Mommy's food

At this stage of pregnancy, nutrition is very important. After all, an unbalanced diet can lead to a deficiency of micro and macro elements that are necessary for the normal development of the fetus and, as a result, to malformations. It is also worth abandoning products containing flavorings and dyes, eating less flour, fatty, salty and smoked foods. Eat more fruits, vegetables, steamed foods. At this time, the nervous system is being formed, so taking folic acid is very important, which was described in detail at week 5. Calcium is also a very important macronutrient for pregnant women.

Calcium is an element without which the basic life processes cannot proceed normally.

In our body, the proportion of this macronutrient content is only 2%, it would seem that these two percent can affect, but this is more than the proportion of any other element, and we really need calcium. After all, it is an important part of the bones of the skeleton and teeth, as well as the blood coagulation system and other systems. During pregnancy, symptoms of calcium deficiency often appear: a feeling of "crawling", cramps in the lower extremities, joint pain, drowsiness, and sometimes irritability and insomnia, hair loss, constipation, tooth damage. In early pregnancy, a lack of calcium can lead to a delay in the growth and development of the fetus. In the future, it can increase the risk of developing rickets in a child, since during prenatal period conditions for normal bone growth are formed. daily requirement in calcium for a pregnant woman - 1300-1500 mg. The source of calcium are all dairy products, nuts, legumes, fish, seafood, garlic, celery. Consideration should be given to the presence of diseases in a pregnant woman in which absorption or absorption of calcium is impaired - diabetes, peptic ulcer, chronic hepatitis and others, as well as banal intolerance to dairy products. In such cases, an additional intake of drugs in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes is recommended. Of course, they must be taken wisely, because an excess of calcium is as harmful as its deficiency.

What to do

Week 6 - a reason to register in the antenatal clinic. During the consultation, the doctor will give the expectant mother an exchange card, which will record changes in the weight, size of the abdomen and the woman's well-being. Also, the doctor, together with the expectant mother, should find out the presence of hereditary and chronic diseases that can affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby.
But in general, a woman should rest more, especially if she feels sips in her stomach, breathe fresh air, walk more.

If there are no contraindications from a doctor, go in for sports, but, of course, in moderation, for example, swimming is perfect. Many women are fond of yoga for pregnant women - this is an excellent prevention of constipation and fetal hypoxia, but you can do it in the absence of abdominal pain and with the permission of a doctor.

If a woman works in production, where influence is possible chemical substances, it is worth going on vacation during pregnancy. Hard physical labor and strong emotional upheavals are also contraindicated, because the baby is already feeling what the mother feels, so try to get only positive emotions, and then the pregnancy will pass both for you and for the baby easily and will bring only positive emotions.

belly photo

6 obstetric week - this is the fourth week from the moment of conception - the second month of pregnancy. During this period, the expectant mother feels common signs of pregnancy: breast enlargement, susceptibility to odors, nausea. There is a 2 week delay in menstruation, and even those expectant mothers menstrual cycle which did not differ in regularity, they understand that they are in " interesting position". The tests will "stripe", and it's time to go to the antenatal clinic.

Now the body of the expectant mother is under the influence of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum. At week 6, an ultrasound of the ovaries will show it as a rounded formation with a diameter of 2-3 cm on one of them. If the size of the corpus luteum exceeds 30 mm, then this condition is called a corpus luteum cyst.

Despite its name, a corpus luteum cyst is a physiological manifestation of changes occurring in the female body and, as a rule, does not require special treatment. It resolves on its own by the beginning of the 2nd trimester.

At the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the first noticeable changes begin to occur in the mammary glands. The milk ducts begin to lengthen, branch and expand, while the secretory part (milk acini) remains unchanged.

Changes in the body of the future mother at the 6th week of pregnancy in the table.

Fetal development

The sixth week of pregnancy for the unborn baby is a real anatomical breakthrough, it was at this time that the rudiments of the main internal organs were formed in him.

Towards the middle, the neural plate, which is the precursor of the spinal cord, completely closes, forming the neural tube. At its head end, cerebral vesicles are outlined, which will become the brain.

The sixth week is developing respiratory system in the fetus, the rudiments of the lungs and bronchi are laid. Nerve ganglia are formed - nerve nodes, which in the future will ensure the transmission of impulses from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to the periphery (internal organs, muscles, skin), and vice versa.

The rudiments of organs appear digestive system: stomach, liver, pancreas. Groups of cells are identified that will become the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland.

At the head end of the embryo, a pair of lens placodes is formed - formations that will turn into the lenses of the eyes, as well as ear placodes - the future outer and middle ear and the organ of balance.

2 pairs of tubercles are formed at the anterior and posterior ends of the embryo. From these rudiments, arms and legs develop in the fetus.

At the head end of the embryo, 4 pairs of gill arches are formed. Despite such a "fish" name, they will very soon become the bones of the facial skull - the upper and lower jaw, auditory bones of the inner ear, cartilage of the trachea and larynx.

At week 6, the placenta begins to form.

The baby becomes like a thick comma enclosed in a hollow amniotic sac. Closer to the head end of the embryo is a pulsating point - the future heart, beating at a frequency approximately equal to the mother's pulse (about 83 beats / min). Every day the little heart will accelerate by 3 beats.

Many mothers ask if it is possible to hear the baby's heartbeat at 6 and, for example, using a fetal doppler or a CTG machine? No, this is impossible, because the baby is still too small - the size of the fetus during this period does not exceed 3-6 mm.

Embryo development parameters at 6 weeks of gestation in the table.

Signs and symptoms

The most important signs and symptoms at week 6 are the absence of menstruation. Even those women who are accustomed to a delay in menstruation due to an irregular cycle begin to doubt and buy a pregnancy test. With a high probability, he will show the second strip.

Mammary gland become sensitive and painful. Underwired bras are a particular inconvenience. It's time for the expectant mother to think about replacing underwear with more comfortable ones. Preference should be given to bras with wide straps, with good support under the breasts (especially for women with a lush bust), made of natural materials, without "pits".

A high level of progesterone, which helps a woman to bear a fetus, can manifest itself from an unexpected side in the form of constipation . Relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus, it simultaneously inhibits intestinal motility. This leads to constipation and flatulence. This also explains the discomfort in the intestines.

By the end of the sixth week of pregnancy, half of expectant mothers begin to suffer from nausea in the morning . She may be accompanied by vomiting, a reaction to smells, a change in eating habits. If vomiting occurs no more than 2-3 times a day, this is a physiological norm and does not require treatment. But if the expectant mother cannot eat and drink due to vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Blood at week 6 on underwear also requires emergency medical attention.

There is no toxicosis at the 6th week of pregnancy - is this normal?

Very often, pregnant women are upset because they do not have toxicosis. Is it worth worrying? Of course not. Nausea and vomiting, although frequent, are optional companions of pregnancy, so if there is no toxicosis at week 6, and the expectant mother feels great, this should only be rejoiced.

Lower back pain

At week 6, the lower back may hurt, but this is more likely to be the norm than a pathology. The body of a pregnant woman produces more and more progesterone. It softens not only the tissues of the uterus, but also the ligaments of the back. This is what causes back pain. Most often, back pain persists throughout the first trimester.

Sometimes pain in the lower back indicates a threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or inflammation. Bladder. Consultation of the gynecologist and US is necessary.

uterus at 6 weeks

Although the baby has grown noticeably, the size of the uterus at the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy practically does not differ from the “pre-pregnancy”, so the expectant mother does not need special clothes yet.


Elevated temperature indicators may persist: 37-37.2 ˚С. The basal temperature should also be increased at week 6. Its decrease indicates the threat of miscarriage.

High body temperature is extremely dangerous. It can cause the fetus to freeze, so you need to beware of viral diseases, avoid hypothermia.

In order for pregnancy to develop normally, the expectant mother needs to lead a certain lifestyle.


Nutrition at the 6th week of pregnancy should be balanced. The daily menu includes fats in the form of vegetable and butter, proteins, both animals (meat, fish, poultry,) and vegetable (legumes), complex carbohydrates (cereals).

But what if a woman is tormented by a feeling at 6 weeks - “pulls for salty”? Expectant mothers should not indulge their "pregnant" desires immensely. So, for example, excess salt puts a strain on the kidneys, heart, and increases blood pressure. Therefore, in food, you should adhere to the golden mean.

The problem of constipation at the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy is best solved with the help of a diet - the inclusion of laxative foods in the diet: dried apricots, fresh figs, prunes, boiled beets. Avoid foods containing coarse fiber, such as bran or wholemeal bread, which cause gas.


The expectant mother should continue to take folic acid at the doses prescribed by the doctor.

For women living in regions with iodine deficiency, a gynecologist may recommend an additional intake of drugs such as Iodomarin. Multivitamins for pregnant women are best postponed until the start of the 2nd semester.

Sex at 6 weeks pregnant

If the expectant mother and her baby feel good, then there are no contraindications to sex. If there is a threat of abortion or a corpus luteum cyst, sexual rest must be observed.

Physical activity

A healthy expectant mother can start attending pregnancy gymnastics courses. However, before starting classes, you should consult with your doctor.


Since during the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy all important organs and systems are laid down, the expectant mother should be especially careful. If a woman has a cold or is ill with SARS, then the only antipyretic drug that can be used is paracetamol. Other popular remedies for flu and colds at week 6 (Coldrex, Teraflu, Ferwerks) should not be taken.


Alcohol at week 6 is fraught with serious consequences. A woman either loses a baby, or gives birth to a not quite healthy child. These may be physical deformities, anomalies in the development of internal organs, mental underdevelopment or mental disorders.

Possible problems

TO possible problems include:

  • changes in sensations in the mammary glands;
  • stomach ache;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract;
  • frozen pregnancy.


Breast engorgement and soreness are reliable indicators of the state of the hormonal background of the expectant mother. Therefore, if a woman notices that her breasts have become soft in the sixth week of pregnancy, a gynecologist should be consulted. This may indicate a lack of progesterone.

Stomach pain at 6 weeks

A woman with a normal pregnancy should not have pain in the lower abdomen. If at the 6th week of pregnancy the stomach hurts and pulls above the pubis, sometimes it gives to the lower back, this may indicate the tone of the uterus.

Acute pain on the side, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and a drop in blood pressure, may indicate a rupture of the fallopian tube due to an ectopic pregnancy. Urgent need to call ambulance. And in any other case, if the stomach hurts at week 6, you need to consult a gynecologist.


Allocations at the 6th week of pregnancy of a scarlet color can indicate a miscarriage that has begun, and spots Brown- about retrochorial hematoma, which develops with a lack of natural progesterone. Even daub becomes a cause for concern.


Bleeding at 6 weeks pregnant is not normal. If the expectant mother has found blood stains on her underwear, this is an occasion to urgently consult a doctor to determine the cause.

Frozen pregnancy

At this time, non-developing pregnancy is most often due to genetic abnormalities in the fetus. Thus, a frozen pregnancy at week 6, no matter how difficult it is morally for a woman, is a natural reaction of the body to stop the development of an incapacitated fetus.


At 6 weeks of gestation, most antenatal clinics are in no hurry to register expectant mothers. But this is not a reason to postpone a visit to the doctor. The gynecologist will conduct an examination, issue a referral for a blood test for hCG and, possibly, for an ultrasound.

The level of hCG for 6 weeks on average ranges from 20 thousand to 50 thousand IU / ml.


Although ultrasound at 6 weeks of gestation is not included in the standard screening, the expectant mother can conduct it at will to assess the condition of the embryo and exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

Features of IVF pregnancy for a period of 6 weeks

Starting from the 6th week, the IVF mom goes from being under the supervision of a reproductologist to a gynecologist at the antenatal clinic. Mandatory progesterone support with drugs is carried out up to 16-20 weeks of gestation.

Features of multiple pregnancy

The expectant mother of twins in the results of a blood test for hCG has more high level hormone than in the case of a single fetus. This can lead to an incorrect assessment of the gestational age.

There are two ways to determine the gestational age: embryonic and obstetric. And for a period of 6 obstetric weeks, the baby was only 4 weeks old. This is due to the fact that the obstetric period for determining pregnancy begins from the moment of the last menstruation according to the woman's calendar. It is then that the egg, which will become an embryo, begins its development. Only two weeks later, she is ready for fertilization and leaves the follicle. The sperm is given one day for fertilization. And if this happens, then a long process of development from the embryo into a full-fledged baby begins.

Many people have seen what one grain of black pepper looks like. This is the size of the embryo now. Its length for a period of 6 obstetric weeks is about 4 millimeters. Weight is not more than 4.5 grams. At the same time, the baby looks completely disproportionate:

  1. The head is very large.
  2. The body is elongated and has a tail.
  3. Instead of arms and legs, only tiny rudiments can be seen so far.
  4. Instead of fingers, the embryo has only tubercles.
  5. The rudiments of future genital organs appear.
  6. The muscle tissue of the child begins to develop.

Although the child is now very small, the internal systems in his body are developing every day. The baby's heart is already capable of doing 140 beats per minute. It is possible to determine the frequency at this time only with the help of an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus.

Already at this time, the baby has folds where later there will be knees and elbows. The embryo develops small cartilages. Over time, they will become harder and turn into real bones.

The unborn child is already beginning to develop the inner ear. And the neural tube becomes nervous system baby at the embryonic stage.

The embryo at the 6th week of pregnancy already has the following internal organs:

  1. Heart.
  2. Lungs.
  3. Liver.
  4. Brain.
  5. Stomach and pancreas.
  6. Thymus or thymus gland, which will be responsible for the immunity of the child.

Organs are still imperfect. Most of them are still for a long time will develop. But at this time it is important that they appeared in the baby.

What changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman?

6 obstetric week of pregnancy is only the beginning of the first trimester of pregnancy. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then childbirth will occur only at the end of the third trimester. Now the woman is only getting used to the idea that she is pregnant. Presumably, only four weeks have passed since conception, and the woman's body is already functioning in a new way. Outwardly, the expectant mother changes little. The chest may swell slightly. Very often, women throughout pregnancy note increased sensitivity of the breast. Especially the nipple area. A pregnant woman may notice tingling in this area and an increase. It often happens that even the color of the nipples and areolas becomes much darker than before pregnancy. You shouldn't be afraid of this. After a woman gives birth and breastfeeds a child, the nipples will become lighter and smaller.

The belly of a pregnant woman will not begin to increase soon, but the size of the uterus is already changing. The baby needs enough free space. The size of the uterus at this time is the same as that of an average orange. A woman can already feel that the muscle tissue in the lower abdomen begins to stretch. Such sensations are considered normal if they are not accompanied by severe pain. Sipping should be irregular. A pregnant woman should definitely tell her obstetrician-gynecologist about them. If such sensations cause severe discomfort, then the doctor may prescribe drugs that relax the muscles. For example, no-shpa. The dosage is discussed with each patient individually.

At the 6th week of pregnancy, the development of a very important organ in the life of the baby and the pregnant woman continues - the placenta. Its existence is possible only during pregnancy. The state of the placenta will be monitored by specialists at all stages of pregnancy. After all, the correct and trouble-free development of the baby depends on its proper functioning. After childbirth, the placenta separates and comes out. Once the pregnancy is over, this organ becomes necessary woman. Nose new pregnancy the placenta reappears and goes through several stages of its development:

  1. Formation.
  2. Development.
  3. Maturity.
  4. Aging.

A woman with the onset of pregnancy may experience weakness and irritability. There are frequent cases of manifestation of excessive emotionality. Perhaps the relatives of the pregnant woman at this stage will have a hard time. After all, a storm of emotions of a pregnant woman will fall upon them.

Toxicosis in early pregnancy

For many pregnant women, the 6th week of pregnancy is associated with an unpleasant symptom - toxicosis. It occurs due to a sharp surge of hormones in a woman's body. As a result, the following symptoms may appear:

  1. Sharpening of the sense of smell. Most odors in a woman can be perceived very negatively. It is also interesting that some seemingly unpleasant odors can cause a woman to have a strong desire to smell them. At the same time, it is unrealistic to predict what addictions a pregnant woman may have.
  2. Change in eating habits. A pregnant woman may suddenly want herring with jam, cucumbers with fruit salad, or any other seemingly incompatible foods. Also, a woman may fall sharply in love with such products that previously caused hostility.
  3. Nausea is a common symptom during pregnancy. It can last the entire first trimester. You can reduce it with the help of salty foods, water with lemon, bread crusts. Many women find their own way to relieve nausea during pregnancy. It is important to understand that if you do not eat in a timely manner, then nausea will only worsen.
  4. Vomit. If a woman is sick no more than 4 times a day, then this is considered the norm. If the frequency is higher, then you should consult a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy. The pregnant woman may need to be hospitalized in a medical facility to maintain the pregnancy. There is a high chance of dehydration due to frequent vomiting. In addition, a woman cannot eat normally, and her body is not saturated with useful substances.

What should a pregnant woman pay attention to?

Now the woman must register with the antenatal clinic. The pregnancy will be managed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. At the first stage, a woman is given special cards pregnant. One of them is constantly stored in the antenatal clinic, and the other is in the hands of a pregnant woman. All data is entered into it, including biometric indicators, test results and ultrasound examinations.

At this time, it is advisable for a woman to go for an ultrasound scan to be sure of the normal course of pregnancy. If the embryo is attached not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube, then critical situation. Also at this time, the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics will be able to determine whether the pregnancy is developing and whether the baby's heart is beating. A pregnant woman will be able to find out if she is carrying one or two babies.

Now it is important to monitor the discharge. Normal are considered transparent or slightly whitish without any pungent odor. If a woman finds that her discharge has an unpleasant odor or an abnormal color (white, yellow or green), then this is a good reason to urgently contact her gynecologist. Such discharge indicates the presence of an infection. Most often, a pregnant woman is prone to a fungal disease called candidiasis or thrush. But abnormal discharge can also indicate other sexually transmitted diseases.

If a woman has a bright scarlet discharge, then it is urgent to call an ambulance. emergency care it is also necessary to call if a woman experiences acute pain in the abdomen.

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