Andrei Razin: biography, personal life, photos, musical ups and downs. Andrei Razin: biography and personal life Who did Andrei Razin start with?

Only after the death of his son did it become known about the secret wife of the creator " Happy May»

Andrei RAZIN was orphaned for the second time in his life - he lost his beloved son Sasha. The teenager felt unwell while walking with his girlfriend. Alexander’s companion immediately called an ambulance, but Unfortunately,The doctors were powerless, and the 16-year-old boy died.The cause of death was heart disease. The disease was asymptomatic and no one knew about it.

The musician’s second wife, Faina, is called Sasha’s mother. In fact, she was Razin's third wife - a beautiful girl with beautiful name Maritana. Before the tragedy happened Almost no one knew about its existence.

It’s no wonder to get confused in the wives of Andrei Razin. If you don't count civil marriages, then his first official wife was Natalia Lebedeva, and second - Faina Razina, who is mistakenly called Sasha’s mother. The misunderstanding arose due to the fact that Alexander’s real mother is Razin’s third wife, Maritana, who gave birth to the producer while he was still married to Faina. The fact is that all of Razin’s weddings and divorces took place in strict secrecy. Andrei Alexandrovich first secretly divorced Faina, and then secretly married Maritana. After living with Maritana for a couple of years, he divorced her and secretly married Faina again. Thus, Faina became his fourth wife. Although everyone considers her the second, since no one knew about Razin’s intermediate third marriage with Maritana.

Love at first sight

They met Maritana in 2000. Seeing her walking along the Sochi embankment, Razin could not muster up the courage to speak, and could not think of anything better than sending his guard after her. He later told friends that for the first time in his life he felt timid. He was delighted not so much by the girl’s appearance, but by the wave of some unearthly charm emanating from her.

During the first month of dating, he lost 12 kilograms from love. This is how he won the beauty’s young heart. Returning to her former physical form, Andrei took her to Miami for their honeymoon, and then Sasha was born.

Crazy with happiness, Razin rushed between unexpected fatherhood and actively building a political career. Being a deputy, participating in the elections for governor of the Stavropol Territory - all this did not fit in with his desire to go on stage and shout into the microphone about his new love. My son and additional wife had to be hidden from everyone.

For a divorce from Faina and secret wedding He decided with Maritana only after being elected to another parliamentary term. Sasha was already six years old.

At the wedding ceremony in Moscow, only the closest people were present, mainly from Maritana’s side. Many of them then saw Sasha for the first time - a cheerful blond boy, an exact copy of Andrei, whom he doted on.

At some point, Razin was so carried away with raising his son that he lost his wife. The divorce, like the wedding, took place in complete secrecy. Since then, Sasha lived with each of his parents in turn. He considered himself very lucky because both his mother and father tried to love him for both of them.

“My pain of loss is unbearable,” Andrei Alexandrovich wrote on his page on the social network when he learned about the death of his son.

Fake documents

In the hospital when examining things in a purse Razin Jr. They found a driver's license with his photo, but the owner was recorded as Razin Alexander Andreevich, born in 1996. The second document turned out to be a social card of a Muscovite in the name of Alexander Andreevich Razin, born in 2001, which corresponded to his real age young man.

There is no mystery here. Sasha’s license was real, and the years that gave the teenager the right to drive a car were given to him by traffic police officers interested in improving their standard of living.

By the way

Andrei Razin has a 32-year-old son, Ilya, from a fleeting relationship with a fan, whose existence the producer learned about only in 2003.

June 30, 2015, 00:33

1. Andrei Razin’s real name is Vadim Krivorotov. Born on September 15, 1963 in the Stavropol region. A year later, his parents died in a car accident. But this official version Razin himself. In the Stavropol region they say that Vadim was born in a forced labor camp and his mother abandoned him there.

Andrey (in the center in a checkered coat) with his comrades. Svetlograd orphanage.

2. Andryusha Razin earned his first money in agriculture even at the age of 12, when he organized from his orphanage classmates mobile brigade for grape harvest. At the age of 13, I went to a resort with the money I earned.

3. From 1978 to 1979 he studied at the Stavropol State Technical University No. 24, after graduating from college he received the profession of a bricklayer and, in the direction of the Komsomol, worked in the regions of the Far North - he built the Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod pipeline. Graduated from the cultural and educational school. After demobilization from the army, he worked as deputy director of the Ryazan Regional Philharmonic.

4. In 1986, Razin became deputy chairman of the collective farm for supplies. Here the young adventurer caught his lucky break. His adoptive grandmother at one time helped with the housework of the mother of Mikhail Gorbachev, who at that time was the main person in the Stavropol region. Seizing the moment, Razin took a photo with Mikhail Sergeevich’s family, and later showed this photo, introducing himself as “himself”’s nephew.

A photograph from the archive of Andrei Razin - the whole story of his dizzying career began with it. Approximately 1975, Stavropol region. Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev with his wife Raisa, daughter and “nephew” Andrey.

5. Having received money to buy a “particularly valuable thresher” for the collective farm, he left for Moscow and never returned. In the capital I met the composer Yuri Chernavsky. He complained that he was tired of living in a communal apartment. Taking advantage of his mythical relationship with the General Secretary, Razin solved the problem with a couple of calls.

With a friend in Moscow

6. At first, Andrei Razin’s main project was the group “Mirage”. Our hero worked as a group administrator, and also sometimes acted as an opening singer. Then he started “cloning” this team. His “Mirages” traveled throughout the USSR and sang in the voices of Gulkina and Sukhankina. The real “Mirage” greatly disturbed Razin with constant showdowns and its entire existence. However, soon the prioritization was changed by a disc with the group’s recordings that accidentally fell into his hands. Tender May».

With Yura Shatunov, 1989

7. Unlike other Soviet artists, who gave the lion's share of the proceeds from performances to the State Concert, Razin, using the self-financing system, took all the profits from the Tender May concerts for himself. By the age of 26 he became a millionaire. He kept the money in bags in a rented apartment.

With his first wife Natalya, 1989

8. Andrei Danilko lived at Andrei Razin’s entrance for a month. He was a big fan of Tender May and dreamed that Razin would notice him and take him into the group. “I once had a childhood dream, not just to take part in Yurik Shatunov’s concert, but to sign his photo,” Danilko admits. - Of course, their arrangements are already somewhere in the past, but still “May” is an era, a legend. This is the first real show business."

Andrei Danilko visiting Andrei Razin’s grandmother in the village of Privolnoye, 2007

9. Razin supported friendly relations with thief in law Otari Kvantrishvili, who provided “ Tender May"roof". According to Razin, the group paid him 20% of their income.

10. In 1989, Andrei’s son-in-law Ruslan introduced him to his colleague, then still very young, who had just returned from the army, Rashid Dayrabaev. Rashid worked for Razin as an administrator and director of the “Tender May” Studio for gifted children. A few years later, Rashid Dayrabaev became Nikolai Baskov’s producer.

Andrey Razin and Rashid Dayrabaev, 1989

11. In the film “Tender May,” the role of Andrei Razin was brought to life by actor Vyacheslav Manucharov. Vyacheslav believes that this role is a real success in his career. Not every artist gets the opportunity to play such a colorful character. He believes that Razin - Great Schemer our days and a rather unique personality. “Why Razin? This is a big dramatic role, one of my first big roles,” says Vyacheslav. I was attracted not so much by Razin’s personality as by the story itself. He is the Ostap Bender of our days. This is actually the story of Cinderella, and people are usually attracted to such stories. And I just got sick of this time, when I learned about him everything that is not in the frame.”

Stills from the film “Tender May”

12. After the collapse of Tender May, Razin actively pursued a political career. He was elected three times to the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory, was deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Industry, Construction, Energy and Housing and Communal Services, rector of the Institute of Culture and chairman of the Farmers' Union of Southern Russia.

One of the most talented producers and managers of the 90s, Andrei Razin, does not require any special introduction. Even if the audience has suddenly forgotten this name, then it’s worth putting it together with the title “Tender May” and the memory will immediately helpfully tell you who it’s about.

Andrei Aleksandrovich Razin was born in September 1963 in Stavropol. Father Alexander Vatslavovich came to the city from Belarusian Grodno. The young man met with future wife Valentina Ivanovna Krivorotova within the walls of a local university. The romance that broke out soon culminated in marriage, which resulted in the birth of a son, Andrei. The young family did not have time to enjoy happiness life together: The couple died in a car accident in 1964. The one-year-old son was left an orphan and ended up in the Svetlograd orphanage.

Children's and teenage years Razin took place here in Svetlograd, Stavropol Territory. Andrey graduated from a local school and received a specialty as a mason.

Soon the Komsomol sent the young man to the Far North. Andrei returned to Stavropol in 1982 and immediately entered the local cultural and educational school, where he studied for a year. In 1983, Andrei received a summons to the army, where he served for 2 years in a tank unit. He returned to Stavropol for a short time. The road called Razin again. This time to Ryazan. There, for the first time, an innate talent for entrepreneurship emerged, and a brilliant creative biography Andrey Razin.

Show Business

In Ryazan, an enterprising young man easily got a job at the regional philharmonic society, where he took the place of deputy director. Andrey was able to demonstrate his ability to find necessary connections, negotiate with the necessary officials and instantly generate creative ideas. Soon the opportunity presented itself to move to a new career step: Andrei Razin went to Siberia, where he found a place in the Chita Committee for Television and Radio. In the absence of specialized education, Razin managed to become the first assistant director.

The cultural life of Siberia was rich. Soviet pop stars often came to Chita on tour, with one of which the young man was immediately able to find mutual language. When the popular singer’s tour ended, Razin left Chita with the singer, receiving the position of administrator. In this capacity, the young man traveled to dozens of big cities Soviet Union, acquired useful connections and experience necessary in show business.

There is no reliable information about why Razin left the singer. But for a short time, the young man returned to his native Stavropol region, where he got a job as deputy chairman of a collective farm in the famous village of Privolnoye. This place is famous for the birthplace of the then General Secretary of the Soviet Union. Rumor has it that the choice of Andrei Razin was not accidental.

One day, the deputy chairman of a collective farm, taking money to buy a tractor, left for Moscow. They never saw him or the money again on the collective farm. As it turned out, the money for the new tractor was invested in future career Razin. Andrey found a place at the Record recording company, where he began searching for young talents. To those around him, Andrei Alexandrovich introduced himself as the nephew of the Secretary General. Razin’s first successful project was the group “Mirage”, with which Andrei tried his hand as a “warm-up” singer.

Tender May

Gained experience working with music group and the space they occupied turned out to be useful. One day, a disc with songs from the little-known group “Tender May” fell into the hands of Andrei Razin. The soloist was a guy whose fate turned out to be similar to the fate of Razin himself. And he immediately got excited about the idea of ​​putting his strength and skills into promoting the project.

Rumor has it that a young “combinator”, posing as an employee of the Ministry of Culture, persuaded the creator of “Tender May” to transport the group to Moscow. When this happened, Andrei Razin showed truly miracles of advertising art. Having recorded a million cassettes with the group’s songs, the producer found a way to “promote” the unknown group into Soviet pop stars.

Train conductors traveling to all parts of the USSR began distributing the cassettes. For a fee, the songs were performed on the same trains along the route. In addition to producing, Andrei Razin also performed as a soloist with the songs “ Old forest", "Kaleidoscope", "On the White Blanket of January", for which clips were created.

Soon there was not a single “corner” in the country where “Tender May” was not listened to. The group became a cult in the 90s. Stadiums packed into concerts. And, no less interesting, “Tender May” was miraculously able to perform simultaneously in Nadym and Stavropol. The brilliant producer first invented and tested the “cloning” of the team. Rumor has it that there were at least two dozen “clones”. The sound was provided by “plywood”. The record of commercial success of “Tender May” seems to have not been broken even today.


But no matter how successful a project is, it tends to fade away. After “Tender May” disappeared, a new period began in the biography of Andrei Razin. The showman became involved in politics. In 1993, the producer became the rector of the Institute of Arts at the University of Stavropol. In 1996, Razin worked as a confidant for presidential elections.

Andrei Razin also headed the Stavropol Cultural Foundation. In December 1997, he participated in the elections of the Stavropol Regional Duma and tried to get into the State Duma of the Russian Federation as an independent deputy.

In July 2008, Razin was appointed general director International Olympic Festival "Sochi-2014".

Personal life

Andrei Razin's first marriage was a civil one, which happened in the 80s, in which his son Ilya was born. It just so happened that the father learned about the boy’s existence in 2003. Ilya was trained as a stylist and opened his own studio in St. Petersburg, and then in Sochi.

Andrei Razin's personal life changed in April 1988. The artist married Natalya Lebedeva. The marriage lasted a year. The couple divorced without having time to create a full-fledged union and give birth to children. Later Natalia left for Hungary.

Razin’s third wife was Faina, whom the producer met in 1984, but formalized the relationship only after his divorce from Natalya. In the late 90s, Andrei met the beautiful Maritana at a Sochi resort, who in 2001 gave birth to Andrei’s son, Alexander. The young couple managed to formalize their relationship only in 2007. The union of Andrei and Maritana did not last long: the artist returned to Faina again. Son Sasha lived alternately with his father and mother.

The fact that Andrei Razin’s personal life had taken a new turn became known in 2013. The 50-year-old producer and politician announced the news of his upcoming marriage in the “Live” program. Became Razin's wife former soloist group “Tender May” Natalya Grozovskaya, with whom Andrei has long maintained close relations. Natalya showed the ring to those present and said that the wedding would be luxurious.

Andrey Razin now

2017 brought Andrei Razin a heavy loss. March 10 from heart attack caused by a complication after ARVI, . The tragedy occurred while the teenager was walking in the company of a classmate. The girl called an ambulance. While they were waiting for the car, a doctor, Alexey Koshcheev, who happened to be passing by, tried to revive the young man.

Alexander’s heart started up twice, but his body was unable to cope with the crisis. Later, the young man was diagnosed with a heart defect that was not previously diagnosed and was asymptomatic. The death of his beloved son was a blow for Andrei Razin; the artist experienced the event painfully. Last thing joint photo with his son appeared on the singer’s personal account in “ Instagram ».

Impressed by what happened, Andrei’s friends, who had a son in the summer, named the child Alexander and invited Razin. Andrey was touched by the actions of his loved ones.

In August, a joyful event awaited Razin - the wedding of Ilya’s eldest son to the girl Elizaveta, with whom the young man had a long-term relationship. The producer's wife, Natalya Grozovskaya, told reporters that Andrei Razin hopes for the appearance of grandchildren who will bring former joy to life.

Now Andrei Razin continues to participate in concert activities, going on tours throughout the country and neighboring countries. In November, the producer became a participant in the Live Broadcast program, dedicated to the topic of rape.


  • 1990 - “Island for Two”
  • 1996 - “Eldorado”
  • 2000 - “You are alone on the whole Earth”

This is the life story of a simple Stavropol guy who, thanks to his talent and enterprising character, was able to become one of the richest people in the USSR. There were various rumors about him, young fans of the orphan musical group “Tender May” wished for his death and prayed for him. How I made my way through the scene, created legendary group And Andrei Razin managed to survive in the turbulent 90s?


Born on September 15, 1963 in Stavropol. Fate did not give him a chance to grow into a loving and happy family. Andrei's parents died in a car accident 11 months after his birth. The child ended up in a sanatorium orphanage, where he was raised until 1972. It was there that, as a third-grade student, he was photographed with Mikhail Gorbachev. Subsequently, this photo will play a key role in his life.

After graduating from school, he entered a vocational school, where he mastered the profession of a bricklayer. For the next three years he worked in the Far North, laying a gas pipeline. Finished evening there high school. His creative nature required other employment, and he returned home, where he entered a cultural and educational school. However, it was not possible to get a second profession, as he was expelled for poor academic performance. He joined the Bravo ensemble and performed in it before the army.

Creative endeavors

Having repaid his debt to his homeland, he decides to build a career in television. He worked as an assistant director for several months until he met Anne Veski. The singer came on tour, and Andrei Razin became her administrator. Having studied the entire pop cuisine, he decides to become a singer, especially since he had the data for this.

In 1985, a truly historic debut took place in the program “Morning Mail”. Back then, they didn’t pay much attention to the slender, twitchy boy, but his backup dancers alone were worth it - Boris Moiseev himself and his trio “Expression”.

Having never received recognition, he returns home and becomes deputy chairman of the collective farm. He needed money for a successful start. Not having a wide vocal range, he understood perfectly well that he would not become a competitor to Leshchenko or Kobzon. Having received money to buy a tractor, without hesitation, he leaves for Moscow.

Starting the conveyor

In the capital, he joins the Mirage group. Working as an administrator of a popular group, he quickly realizes that changing soloists does not in any way affect popularity. The director doesn't even bother with re-recording the soundtrack - people simply don't have time to remember all the singers. It makes no difference who opens their mouth, the main thing is that the people love the song and want to see a girl dancing on stage. Soon several groups called “Mirage” are already touring the country.


In 1986, several children from an orphanage were preparing for a school disco and deciding what to name their starting group. When there are a few minutes left before entering the dance floor, everyone agrees on the name “Tender May.” The team is wildly successful among their peers, and soon Andrei Razin was lucky to hear several songs from their repertoire. Being the same orphanage resident as the boys, he decides to help the boys get promoted. The head of the musical group, Sergei Kuznetsov, agrees to move to Moscow with the boys. At that time, soloist Yuri Shatunov was only 13 years old, and he had to study at school. The songs were recorded directly in the boarding school, and Andrei Razin himself took up further promotion.

Having a cassette with recordings in his hands, Razin simply did not know what to do with it now. There is no point in bringing it to television: even famous performers have to fight their way there. The radio will not play songs by unknown boys. Then a brilliant idea comes to mind. Where else can people hear compositions, and many times too? Of course, on the train. Razin does a large number of copies and distributes to conductors. For weeks, songs performed by the group have been played on all long-distance trains. People like both the repertoire and the voices. You can start producing a real edition and wait for profit.

The tapes were scattered all over the country. Sales were phenomenal. “Tender May” was listened to by everyone - from young to old. When the story about the boys from the orphanage leaked to the press, the country drowned in tears. Never before have Soviet performers known such fame as a few young orphans. Yuri Shatunov became an idol of the generation of the late 80s of the last century.


But before his first tour of the USSR, even Razin himself did not know how enormously popular his team was. Something unimaginable happened at the concerts - girls from 12 to 18 years old went crazy, screamed and tried to tear off at least a piece of Shatunov’s T-shirt. Full halls, sold-out crowds and incredible profits led to Andrei Razin quickly and without any problems becoming a millionaire. In the Soviet Union, a salary of 120 rubles was considered very decent, but his apartment was filled with bags of money.


Devoting a lot of time to his studies, Yura could not constantly travel around the country and enrich his producer. Then Razin decided that it was not worth interrupting the tour because of such a trifle. People will go to the performance even if Shatunov doesn’t sing. He records several songs and himself becomes the lead singer of the group. It is worth noting that the public received him well, he gained his own fan base. But still, he was far from the glory of his protégé, even though the same Kuznetsov wrote songs to Andrei Razin. Yes, people went to concerts, but not so willingly. Then he remembers his experience at Mirage and decides to repeat the trick with several teams.


At first, people did not notice anything unusual. Shatunov was shown on TV extremely rarely, and recently Razin completely forbade filming guys without his knowledge. But the photo of Andrei Razin adorned all the posters. Dozens of groups traveled around cities and gave concerts. Outwardly similar to Shatunov, the boys diligently opened their mouths to the soundtrack and received applause. But it was not possible to hide such a scam for long. Razin was facing a criminal case, so he quickly announced the recruitment of talented guys into the group. Now he could officially send dozens of young men on tour. In addition, at the beginning of his career he managed to tell everyone that he was the nephew of Mikhail Gorbachev. He showed the photo to those who needed it and who didn’t need it, and they preferred not to touch it for the time being.


The group has been at the peak of popularity for three years. Money flows like a river. It was they who became the reason for Sergei Kuznetsov’s departure from the team. They did not share the income with Razin, and Andrei became the absolute director of the group. The ambitious Kuznetsov prophetically declared that there would be no “Tender May” without him, but he could create new team and repeat the success. The last big breakthrough was 13 concerts at the Olimpiysky sports complex. Every day 60 thousand people came to listen to their favorite band. But then the decline began. The new songs did not become hits, and after two years of fruitless attempts to repeat the success, the group broke up. Shatunov went to live in Germany.

Life after success

Back in 1985, Andrei Razin lived civil marriage with my beloved girl. The relationship did not work out, and they quickly separated. At that moment, the aspiring singer did not yet know that ex-lover gave birth to a child from him. Only in 2003 did information reach him that he had a son, Ilya.

By that time, Razin’s life was already more reminiscent of a Brazilian TV series. Faina’s second wife was forgotten when the producer met the blonde beauty Maritana on the Sochi embankment. He could not resist, and soon they were already living together. But Razin was in no hurry to get a divorce: he officially broke off relations with his wife when his and Maritana’s son was already 6 years old. But in new family he didn't find what he was looking for and soon got divorced again. He returned to Faina, who became his second and fourth wife.


In 2017 youngest son Andrei Razin Alexander turned 16 years old. The guy grew up athletic and very sociable. While walking with his girlfriend, he suddenly fell in the street and died. Ambulance I arrived quickly, but they were unable to bring the guy back to life. The young man recently suffered from acute respiratory viral infection, and the doctor who discharged him did not notice any complications. They caused cardiac arrest. Andrei Razin was devastated by the death of his son, but he did not start scandals and sue the hospital. His comments were laconic and did not contain any angry or offensive words.

On this moment Razin is engaged in his political career and is not officially married. He is regularly seen with charming companions, but he is in no hurry to propose to anyone. Sometimes he appears at retro concerts and performs his most popular hits. He continues to be friends with Yuri Shatunov, but no longer aspires to be a producer.

Former leader of the “Tender May” group, politician.

Born September 15, 1963. Parents died in a car accident. Was brought up in orphanage.

From 1978 to 1979 he studied at the Stavropol State Technical University No. 24. After graduating from college, he received the profession of a bricklayer.

From 1979 to 1982 he worked in the direction of the Komsomol in the regions of the Far North in the cities of Nizhnevartovsk, New Urengoy, Nadym. Participated in laying the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod pipeline.

In 1982, he returned to Stavropol and entered the Stavropol Cultural and Educational School.

From 1983 to 1985 he served in the ranks Soviet army. After demobilization, from 1985 to 1986, he worked as deputy director of the Ryazan Regional Philharmonic.

From 1986 to 1988 he worked as deputy chairman of supplies at the Sverdlov collective farm in the village of Privolnoye, Krasnogvardeisky district, Stavropol Territory.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1988, having received money to buy a tractor, he went to Moscow, where he got a job at the Record recording studio. There, his responsibilities included looking for new talents, as well as communicating with suppliers of film, equipment, etc. He collaborated with the Mirage group. According to his own statement, he created it (although the official website of the group claims that this is not so).

"Tender May"

In June 1988, the album of the group “Tender May”, recorded in the city of Orenburg, fell into the hands of Razin. On July 4 of the same year, succumbing to the persuasion of Razin, who introduced himself as an employee of the Ministry of Culture, the poet and composer, creator of the group “Tender May” Sergei Borisovich Kuznetsov arrived in Moscow.

On September 9, 1988, the lead singer of the group, Yura Shatunov, arrived in the capital. This is followed by work in the studio and countless tours of the team, whose leader is Andrei Alexandrovich. Soon Razin convinces Kuznetsov to record a solo album for him, which is subsequently presented under the guise of “Tender May.”

On February 3, 1989, the “Vzglyad” program announced the opening of a criminal case against A. Razin by the prosecutor’s office of the Dzerzhinsky district of Moscow under Article 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. On April 29 of the same year, Andrei Aleksandrovich Razin married Natalya Evgenievna Lebedeva.

In January 1990, the criminal case against A. Razin was terminated due to the lack of corpus delicti.

In the summer of 1990, Razin’s first book, “Winter in the Land of Tender May,” was published. On August 1 of the same year, the first issue of the newspaper “Tender May” was published.

At the beginning of 1992, Razin announced the collapse of the group “Tender May”.

Entering politics

In 1993, Andrei Razin became the rector of the Stavropol Institute of Contemporary Arts at Stavropol University. During the presidential elections in the Russian Federation in 1996, he was a confidant of Gennady Zyuganov. On April 2 of the same year, they, together with Yuri Shatunov, took part in a concert at the Taganka Theater.

In 1996 he headed the Stavropol Cultural Foundation. In the fall of this year, he led the campaign to elect Alexander Chernogorov as head of the administration of the Staropol region.

In May 1997, he was elected chairman of the board of the Stavropol branch of the Cultural Foundation. Later, on December 14, he was elected to the Stavropol Regional Duma of the second convocation. Also in December, he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation in the Stavropol single-mandate electoral district No. 55 as an independent deputy. In the elections he took 2nd place out of 16 (14.38% of the votes), losing to Vasily Iver (18.08%).

In February 2000, according to media reports, he was appointed advisor to the President of Karachay-Cherkessia Vladimir Semyonov and authorized representative Karachay-Cherkessia in Belarus. In October 2000, he registered as a candidate for the post of governor of the Stavropol Territory. In the elections on December 3, he took 6th place out of 13, receiving 3.78% of the vote.

In February 2001, he stated that the Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Stanislav Ilyasov invited him to take a place in the republican government as Minister of Culture. On December 16 of the same year, he was again elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory in the Oktyabrsky district of Stavropol No. 17. Was the deputy chairman of the committee State Duma Stavropol Territory for industry, energy, construction and housing and communal services. He was elected chairman of the Stavropol Cultural Fund.

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