Yuri Shatunov: biography, personal life, wife, children (photos and videos). Yuri Shatunov (Tender May) - biography, photo, personal life Where is Shatunov

On September 6, 1973, the idol and favorite of the fair sex, Yuri Shatunov, was born in Bashkiria (Kumertau). Now he is over forty years old, but his charming smile still excites the hearts of women. What can we say about the 80s, at that time this singer, together with the group “ Tender May"was at the very top of the musical Olympus Soviet Union. Judge for yourself, the singer gave about 7 concerts a day, sometimes more. Not many people have ever achieved such stunning popularity, given the fact that Shatunov’s career began in an orphanage.

They say that childhood is the happiest time, but this statement does not apply to Yura. His mother got married at the age of 18, Shatunov’s father was also not many years old at that time, only 23. The couple was too young to take life seriously, or maybe two frivolous people simply came together by nature. Be that as it may, the child born shortly after the wedding did not add seriousness to the parents.

The boy's father, Vasily Klimenko, did not adequately react to the appearance of an heir, although most fathers were overjoyed at the birth of their son. Vasily did not even want to give the newborn his last name, so the guy grew up under his mother’s last name.

In a word, dad and mom were minding their own business, and they entrusted the upbringing of their son to his grandparents. However, the parents were never able to create strong family After living together for only 3 years, they divorced. Left alone, Yura's mother decided to move to the village, little son took it with me. Grieve alone, young and attractive woman wasn't going to, she soon met new love and got married again. New chosen one was partial to alcoholic drinks, Yura could not put up with his drunken brawls and often ran away from home.

It is interesting that it was at that time that Shatunov made his first public debut. A wedding was celebrated in the village; instead of the ensemble, the village accordionist played, as usual. It was to this kind of musical accompaniment that Yura sang the song, the boy liked it so much that he decided to become a singer. Only before this dream it was like before the moon.

Place of residence – boarding school

When Shatunov was in third grade, his relationship with his stepfather completely deteriorated. At the same time, the boy’s mother experienced serious health complications; she suffered from acute heart failure. They decided to send the boy to a boarding school; there was no other choice. Soon after this, his mother died, one year short of her thirtieth birthday.

After the death of his mother, Shatunov, one might say, was left an orphan. Klimenko, as before, did not show fatherly feelings for his son; he did not need Yura. Native sister The mother became the boy's guardian, but raising him turned out to be very difficult. He was too independent and stubborn, despite his young age. The aunt's guardianship ended with the boy running away from her. He liked wandering around the expanses of Bashkiria more than living under his aunt’s wing.

Naturally, the unauthorized traveler was caught. His further fate ended up in the hands of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs. According to her decision, Shatunov was assigned to Orphanage in the vicinity of Orenburg. The guy, accustomed to freedom, would not have stayed there either, but he developed a trusting and warm relationship with the headmistress. She found an approach to the stubborn rebel. When she is transferred to manage the Orenburg orphanage, Yura, without a moment’s doubt, runs away and goes after her.

The birth of “Tender May”

If it had not been for the move to Orenburg, perhaps Shatunov’s fate would have been completely different. The fact is that in the city orphanage the boy’s vocal abilities were noticed by Sergei Kuznetsov. Being the leader of amateur performances, he composed songs himself. Kuznetsov began singing seriously with Shatunov. It was decided to create the “Tender May” group.

The young team began their path to fame from the stage of the boarding school assembly hall. The year was 1986, the group’s success was stunning, it exceeded all the expectations of Kuznetsov and his charges. In addition to the “Tender May” orphanage, he began performing at the Orenburg House of Culture and at discos. Their songs instantly became hits; it seemed that “Grey Night” and “White Roses” were sung by everyone without exception.

The group included only children from the orphanage, their popularity was off the charts. At the end of the eighties, the first album “ Happy May" Kuznetsov simply sold it at the station for only 30 rubles. Immediately after this, Sergei and Yura left for the capital in order to find a way to further development creativity.

The pinnacle of fame of Yuri Shatunov

Shatunov was looking for happiness in Moscow, not suspecting that happiness itself would soon find him. The fact is that the album “Tender May” falls into the hands of the famous producer Andrei Razin. Andrey collaborated with the popular group “Mirage”. Experience told him that the Orenburg orphanage children, under his sensitive mentoring, could go very far. Razin goes to Orenburg to find Shatunov, but the guy went to visit his aunt in the village.

The producer does not stop halfway; he leaves an invitation to the young talent. Soon Yura is already standing at the Moscow station in the company of Razin, who is meeting him. This was followed by Shatunov’s transfer to a Moscow boarding school. From this moment on, “Tender May” is moving by leaps and bounds to the pinnacle of glory. After a tour across the vast expanses of the Soviet Union, cassettes with the group's recordings are selling out like hot cakes on a frosty day. Shatunov started new life with crowds of fans and the popularity of a pop star.

Kuznetsov gave way to Razin, but the lead singer of “Tender May” did not collaborate with Andrey for long. In the early nineties, the singer began a solo career. During this time his popularity declined. This did not stop Shatunov from touring, starring in videos and recording songs. Times were turbulent in the country; after his friend was killed in front of Yura, the singer thought about traveling abroad. Soon a suitable opportunity presented itself to him.

In the mid-nineties, Shatunov left for Germany; he never returned to his homeland. The singer not only stayed to live abroad, but also began studying there to become a sound engineer.

Wife and personal life of Yuri Shatunov

On New Year's party in 2000, Shatunov met his love. The singer’s chosen one turned out to be Svetlana, who also drew attention to handsome guy with a mesmerizing voice. The romance flared up instantly! The couple did not formalize their relationship for 7 years. It’s good together, what else is needed!

The birth of her son Dennis forced her to walk down the aisle. Shatunov’s little heir was 4 months old when his parents finally got married in Frankfurt am Main.

They decided to baptize their son in a church in Sochi in 2007. The Shatunov couple does not forget their homeland. In the same city they have a huge cottage with 5 floors. Godparents Dennis became the sister of Svetlana and Andrei Razin. In 2013, his wife gave Shatunov a daughter. They named the baby Estella.

So the personal life of the idol of the 80s. V in perfect order. The family lives in Germany, visiting their homeland, Moscow, from time to time.

A legend of the nineties, whose name everyone knows. The man who created a revolution in music at the beginning of perestroika. Yuri Shatunov, lead singer of the group “Tender May”.

There is probably not a single person born in the 80s who does not know this wonderful group. Their hits, such as “White Roses”, “Gray Night” or “Pink Evening” were hits of that time. They packed stadiums, and fans were ready to follow them to the ends of the earth.

Let's find out more about this man whose name evokes Nice memories about those times.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Shatunov

There is not a single fan who could not answer the questions: height, weight, age, how old is Yuri Shatunov? How tall is the singer? In fact, this is a very controversial issue, since in different sources, it is spelled out differently. Some say that Yuri is 169-170 centimeters tall, while others claim that he is taller than 175. Shatunov himself once stated that he is only 173 centimeters tall and weighs 73 kilograms.

Only his age remains certain. Today, Yuri Shatunov is 44 years old, at which time the star feels excellent.

Yuri Shatunov's photos in his youth and now differ only in the appearance of gray hair and a network of wrinkles around the eyes. From this we can conclude that the singer is still a cheerful person who has learned to overcome all difficulties with a smile on his face.

Biography of Yuri Shatunov

The biography of Yuri Shatunov is the most important thing that fans want to know about him. Yura was born in the Orenburg region, in the city of Akbulak, on September 6, 1973. The boy’s childhood cannot be called happy; his father abandoned them almost immediately after the boy’s birth. Mom tried to find a worthy replacement for her husband, but the second husband turned out to be a drinker.

Basically, Yuri Shatunov spent his childhood with his grandmother, but she died. When the singer was 11 years old, his mother fell ill and he had to be transferred to a boarding school.

After some time, the mother dies, and Yura’s aunt takes custody of her nephew. But, not getting along with his relatives, the boy repeatedly ran away from home. His aunt had to give him to an orphanage. This is where it begins creative career. Sergey Serkov, Vyacheslav Ponomarev and Sergey Kuznetsov - these guys, together with Yura, were brought up within the walls of the Akbulak orphanage. Here they organized their group.

They performed their songs in front of the young children of Orenburg. One day, hearing Yuri’s clear voice, he was invited to join Andrei Razin’s new, newly formed group, “Tender May.” The song “White Roses” heard by the producer soon became a hit.

In the period from 1987 to 1991, their team gained tremendous momentum. They have more than 6-7 concerts per day, their songs are heard on every corner, and fans do not give way. But, by the end of 1991, the group fell apart due to internal disagreements.

On this moment Shatunov lives in Germany. He comes to Russia mainly for concerts. The singer continues to create, but the past does not leave him. As in my youth, not a single performance is complete without everyone’s favorite hits.

Personal life of Yuri Shatunov

The personal life of Yuri Shatunov is a mystery shrouded in darkness. The fact is that the singer really doesn’t like to advertise his family relationships. In this regard, Yuri was credited with a number of affairs with famous girls. For example, articles appeared in the press about his relationship with Tatyana Bulanova. Alsou and Lada Dens also fell under a hail of guesses. But Shatunov refutes all these rumors. He doesn't deny that he's friends with many of them, but that's about it. He never had any relationships with his stage colleagues.

It is known that today the singer is married. He also has two children: a son and youngest daughter. Yuri tries to give his children everything that he himself was deprived of as a child.

Family of Yuri Shatunov

The dream of strong and friendly family, our hero has cherished since childhood. His first real home was the “Tender May” group, in which Yura felt somehow at home. After the breakup, Shatunov did not despair and continued to believe that one day he would have his own strong and loving family.

Today, Yuri Shatunov’s family consists of four people, including the singer himself. He has a wonderful wife and two small children. Shatunov lives abroad with his family and comes home extremely rarely.

Children of Yuri Shatunov

Perhaps someday, the children of Yuri Shatunov will repeat the stunning story of the birth of their dad’s star. In the meantime, his two kids are growing and delighting their parents.

Yuri also does not forget about the children who, like himself, grow up in orphanages and boarding schools. He regularly maintains contact with the boarding school where he spent his childhood. Congratulates students on holidays and sends gifts for each new year.

When he comes to his hometown, he always visits these establishments. He visits his teachers, to whom Yuri is grateful for helping him find his path in life.

Son of Yuri Shatunov - Dennis

In 2006, the son of Yuri Shatunov, Dennis, was born. By coincidence, the boy was born just before his father's birthday.

Later, the boy was baptized in Sochi. Shatunov’s wife’s sister, Irina and old friend the singer himself - Andrei Razin.

On current time, the boy is successfully studying at a German school, takes vocal classes and really loves cycling.

Dennis is in no hurry to get to his father's homeland. Yuri does not want his family to be bothered by fans and journalists. Therefore, for now the Shatunov family does not leave Germany for Russia.

Daughter of Yuri Shatunov - Estella

Yuri Shatunov’s daughter, Estella, was born much later - in 2013. The girl received a rare and very beautiful name, which is literally translated from Latin language like a star.

The child spends a lot of time with the singer’s mother-in-law and wife. He loves to play and walk with them. Shatunov loves his daughter madly and was looking forward to her birth. During childbirth, he did not leave his wife a single step.

Although the girl is mostly in the company of women, her character is truly masculine. Despite early age, she is already very demanding and persistently achieves her goals.

Yuri Shatunov's wife - Svetlana

Already living in Germany, the singer met his future wife. In one of the local restaurants, he approached and invited a girl to his concert. Imagine his surprise when Shatunov learned that Svetlana had never heard of him before.

They dated for about 6 years before Yuri proposed to her. On that moment, future wife The musician was pregnant with her first child.

Yuri Shatunov’s wife, Svetlana, is a highly qualified lawyer. And also combines this strict profession with raising two beautiful children.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yuri Shatunov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Yuri Shatunov are resources that should be teeming with information about this person. But oddly enough, Wikipedia contains only basic information, supported by the artist’s hits. Here you will not find any sharp sensational statements or scandalous facts from Yuri’s life. Only brief information about the singer’s family and information about career successes.

Shatunov’s Instagram was created more for fans, where they write comments for Yuri and wishes for the future. The singer himself visits his page extremely rarely. Due to his busy tour schedule, he is increasingly trying to devote time to his family, and there is no time for social networks.

I would like to wish the singer creative success And family happiness. Yuri deserved this piece of joy, having traveled such a bright path without knowing the warmth of family in childhood.

The name of Yuri Shatunov is known to everyone in our country. The group "Tender May", whose lead singer he was, simply thundered on all stages of the USSR in the late 80s. Rarely has anyone achieved such popularity as this group had; it was simply stunning. There were periods when musicians gave up to 8 (!) concerts a day and up to 40 concerts a week.
Yura Shatunov was born on September 6, 1973 in Bashkiria in the city of Kumertau. His parents were young and got married when his mother was 18 and his father was 23. The father was not too interested in the baby, and the first years of his life, Yura’s grandparents were raised by his maternal grandparents.
The parents did not live together for long; their marriage broke up three years later. The mother remarried, but new husband had problems with alcohol, little Yura disliked him and kept running away, as a rule, to his grandparents.

At the age of 7, Yura, like all children, went to school. And four years later, tragedy struck - his mother died of heart failure. Two months earlier, she transferred Yura to a boarding school, as she learned about the exacerbation of the disease. Since his own father did not need his son, his mother’s sister took custody of him. But Yura, who had a wayward character, decided to run away and wandered until the fall of next year in the Orenburg region and Bashkiria.
In November, a commission met in Orenburg that decided the boy’s fate. The director of an orphanage in the suburbs of Orenburg felt compassion for the boy and took him into her orphanage. There he became seriously interested in hockey and was a left winger.

Career of Yuri Shatunov

And a year later, the director of this orphanage was transferred to the same position in Orenburg, and Yura fled there after her. It was in Orenburg that he met Sergei Kuznetsov, who led an amateur art group. The boy began to study singing and together they recorded the first songs composed by Kuznetsov. This is how the story of creation began Happy May" They came up with the name of the group together, taking a line from a song.

Yuri Shatunov is a soloist in the group "Tender May"

At the New Year's party, Yura already performed several songs in the assembly hall of the boarding school.
A group gradually formed and included other performers. The group began to actively perform at discos and at the local House of Culture. Over the next year, the group recorded its main hits, which later brought it fame.
At the beginning of 1988, the group’s first album was recorded, which Kuznetsov sold to a record kiosk at the railway station, and in the fall Kuznetsov decided to go to Moscow. Yura followed him, escaping from the boarding school.

Andrei Razin, who at that time was producing the Mirage group, once listened to a purchased recording of “Tender May” on the train. He went to Orenburg to find a talented performer, but did not find him in the city. They later met in Moscow. Yura and the other guys from the group were transferred to a Moscow boarding school, where they lived for the first time.
In the fall of 1988, the group’s first big tour took place in the cities of the USSR. Soon, performances of “Tender May” began to be shown on central television. The popularity grew like a snowball.
And in March 1989, Kuznetsov left the group and Andrei Razin became its leader.
In October 1991, Yuri Shatunov left the group, deciding to pursue a solo career. After his departure the group broke up.

After leaving the group, Yura moved to live in Germany, trained as a sound engineer and began studio work. Over the next ten years he recorded several albums.

In 2009, the film “Tender May” was released, dedicated to the history of the group. During these years, Yuri actively toured Russia in support of the film, and today he is also a frequent participant in retro concerts.

Personal life of Yuri Shatunov

Now in family life he's quite happy. With your chosen one Svetlana he met back in 2000. He wanted the girl not to know about his popular past, but to treat him as to a simple guy. Sveta, who lived in Germany, really knew nothing about Tender May.

7 years after they met, they got married, and a year before that their son Dennis was born, and their daughter Estella was born in 13. Yuri lives mainly in Germany, but often comes to Russia for concerts.

Musicians from different genres around the world, see their biographies and photos

Today, September 6, the idol of millions, Yuri Shatunov, celebrates his fortieth anniversary. For this significant event, we decided to recall the most striking facts from the singer’s biography.

1. Many years ago, when Shatunov was not yet married, at one of the parties he announced that he saw only the singer Alsou as his wife, and had long been in love with her. They say that he even came to Ralif Safin’s house to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. However, the singer’s mother met him at the door, and Yuri was immediately refused. The motivation was strange: Alsou’s mother said that the girl was not going to get married until she was 25.

2. Shatunov said many times in interviews that when “Tender May” was at the peak of its popularity, there were about twelve “fake” groups that toured throughout the country. Unfortunately, Andrei Razin could not stop this disgrace, since the legislation in this area did not work. By the way, Yuri made his first recordings in 1986 together with Sergei Kuznetsov, whom he met at a boarding school.

3. When Razin boasted in all his interviews that he and his group earned as much per day as simple people for a year, Shatunov and other participants in “Tender May” had a very hard time. Such scandalous fame was not good for the guys - they were forced to hide from racketeers. Several times armed gangs came to them and demanded money. Even after the breakup of the group, Yuri received serious threats. Once he got into a firefight. In fact, only one person in the group earned millions - Andrei Razin, and all the other guys were content with handouts from him.

4. Shatunov - no real name singer Yura Shatko was born in Kumertau, and early childhood The artist took place in the tiny village of Savelyevka, which is located a few kilometers from the city. When he was eight, his mother died, and his aunt took over Shatunov’s upbringing. However, four years later she sent Yura to an orphanage.

5. Now Yuri lives with his wife in Germany. In 2006, their son Dennis was born, and in March of this year, Svetlana gave the singer a daughter, who was named Estella. The singer was personally present at the birth. Shatunov sometimes comes to Russia if he is invited to participate in some event, but in Russia he is now only a guest. In the German city of Bad Homburg, he is doing well - Yuri is engaged in business.

6. After the collapse of the group, Shatunov did not have millions of capital. Talk about him being the owner of a luxurious mansion in Sochi and a chain of restaurants is complete nonsense. Shatunov himself says that Razin composed these gossips. Several years ago, Yuri finally decided to file a lawsuit in order to take away from Razin everything that was rightfully due to him. Razin did not even resist and paid the singer about ten million dollars. With this money, Shatunov was able to open his own business. After the trial, he no longer conflicted with Razin and said that his youth and his success were connected with this man. Of course, they did not remain friends, but sometimes they still meet to have dinner together or take part in some kind of program.

7. When the entire female half of the country went crazy for Shatunov, he didn’t have own car. If he was late for something, he could take the subway instead of taking a taxi. The singer says that such trips were very painful. Almost every second people came up to him and asked if he was Yura Shatunov? Now the singer travels exclusively in his own car and admits that even in public places he has become recognized quite rarely, although his appearance has remained virtually unchanged since the early nineties.

8. After performing in 1986 at a disco in a boarding school, together with Kuznetsov, Yuri recorded several songs, and a year and a half later his debut album appeared with the hit “White Roses”. The song ends up in a recording studio in Orenburg, and within a few days Shatunov becomes famous. Soon the tape gets to Razin, who decides to create a youth group. Almost by force, Razin transports Shatunov to a Moscow boarding school, and a week later the guys begin a tour. A year later, the whole country knows the “Tender May” group.

9. At Yuri Shatunov’s concerts, the audience always asks to perform “White Roses”. The singer is already sick of this song, but he never refuses fans, but he is a little offended. In his repertoire you can find many new interesting compositions, but fans do not want to listen to them.

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