What does it take for a man to want to get married? How to get a guy to marry: simple and proven ways

You have been together for a long time, love each other, and everything is fine with you. But you really want to take your relationship to a new level and get the coveted ring on your ring finger right hand, and the faithful may not be going to do this at all. Yes, it is quite normal for men to live for about ten years in civil marriage what can not be said about us. This once again proves how different we are with them, but this is not the point now. How to make it so as not to force your man to marry, but so that he himself wants this and will soon please you with a cherished offer?

1. Does he know about it?

Often men simply do not understand what we want from them. You can dream of marriage for five years, but do not show it to him, because he will think that everything suits you. So, your task is to very subtly hint to him that it's time for you already. You can casually mention it in a conversation, but not quite directly, or buy a wedding magazine and put it in a prominent place in your house.

2. Befriend his loved ones

In addition to the beloved woman, a man is greatly influenced by his family and social circle. And their opinion about his life partner will be very important to him. Therefore, your task is to be as sweet, friendly and welcoming as possible with his relatives and friends. A special moment is his mother. We may underestimate this woman, but believe me, if you want to get married, then it is better to be friends with her.

3. Grow

Every man wants to have a wife who is not just a cook and dishwasher, but also a person who is smart, strong and beautiful woman. Be exactly like that. Be sure to take care of yourself, improve in the professional field, expand your skills - do everything to be interesting to him.

4. Make you jealous

Here, of course, it is important not to go too far, but the method really works. You are a young and attractive woman, and men certainly pay their attention to you. So, let your beloved understand this, because often men think that "she will not go anywhere anyway." Of course, do not go to extremes: you can just smile at your mutual friend and revile more short dresses than usual. Perhaps then your loved one will think about making you "his" at the official level.

5. Show indifference

Not to him, of course, but to marriage. Here, try to let him know that you are not at all interested in all this, that all this is meaningless, and you do not need it. Perhaps he will be indignant: as it is, they do not want to marry him, and will begin to act more decisively. But even here it is important to do all this wisely, since he can simply be delighted, then you do not want to get married, and go with the flow further.

6. Give him freedom

Men really do not like when their precious freedom is limited. Therefore, if you nag him, are jealous of everything that moves, and are suspicious of his every step, then he, of course, will immediately decide that things will get even worse in marriage. First of all, learn to trust a person and not hold him, but make sure that he does not want to leave.

7. Love him

Of course, the main methods to get the status of a wife is to be affectionate, loving and caring. Be sincere, express your feelings, become indispensable, let him understand that you need him and that you want to be with him all your life, and then he will definitely see you as a wife and will do everything to make you feel good.

If you have been dating a guy for a long time or even live together, then you, like anyone normal woman I want him to propose. Even more fuel can be added to the fire by friends and relatives who are constantly wondering if you are going to get married, and how long you will live without deciding. And inappropriate jokes drive you crazy. This is where the question may arise: how to get a guy to marry? In this matter, psychology, women's tricks and magic (for the most desperate) can help you.

Magic and marriage

If you are going to marry him to yourself with the help of various love spells and conspiracies, then you should be aware of their negative consequences:

  1. Mental disorders in your missus. Any magical manipulation of a person is considered a kind of violence aimed at his subconscious. He has certain mental disorders. Your husband after a love spell will become simply unrecognizable, but you want to marry the person you know.
  2. Health troubles. Moreover, you will feel this problem for yourself and then do not be surprised that, having reached the goal, you will suddenly realize that something is wrong with your health.
  3. A curse for many generations to come. Superstitious people claim that the negative that is formed during the conduct of such magical rites does not disappear. It passes from generation to generation, bringing troubles and misfortunes.

Women's tricks

There is a list of female tricks that will help get your lover to propose. There are not so few of them, but you should always remember that resorting to tricks, one way or another you will have to be responsible for the consequences that may arise.

  1. Quite often, girls are blackmailed by pregnancy. They think: "He will definitely marry me when he finds out about the pregnancy." However, you should not deceive a man. After all, if the deception is revealed, then he may not forgive you or treat you with distrust for the rest of his life. If you really find yourself in a position, then remember that marrying a pregnant woman is only for real loving person. He loves you, but is not sure of himself, in this case the child will just push him a little to make the final decision. If a man does not want to marry you because he does not have special feelings for you, then he will not marry you in this case either. You will just scare him away. He will disappear and will not appear again or will insist on an abortion.
  2. Live separately from each other if you live together for a while. Do not make a scandal with breaking dishes, but simply say that you need to be alone for some time and think carefully about the current situation. If he cherishes you, he will certainly want to live together again. He will make an offer, as he will understand that he can lose you at any moment. But that also only works if he really loves you.
  3. Find an approach to it through relatives and friends. Here everything will depend on your relationship with his parents, brothers, sisters and friends.
  4. Jealousy can well stimulate a man. A man is a hunter by nature, and if his prey begins to elude him, he will do everything to return it.
  5. Your independence and self-sufficiency in the first place will help you get distracted from the idea of ​​​​marriage. If you stop hunting him, he will look at you with different eyes and, most likely, he will want to marry.

If you want to hear the advice of a guy or a psychologist, then you will be very surprised. They, in turn, say that the best way marrying a guy to yourself is a frank conversation.

Psychologists, like men themselves, unanimously claim that they do not understand hints and do not perceive tricks. In fact, their male psychology works that way. They only understand what is said to them directly. Want to get what you want? Here are some tips from a practicing psychologist:

  1. Just say what you want. In order for a man to correctly understand and fulfill your desire, you need to tell him directly. After all, if a woman wants a new dress or a handbag, then she goes and buys what she needs, wants a promotion, talks with her superiors, and so on. A man deserves to be honest and frank with him. Tell him if he just doesn't dare to talk to you about it first.
  2. The conversation should take place at the right moment. Do not suddenly ask the main question, for example, when he has breakfast or is going to work. If he is focused on something, then he will not hear you.
  3. The place to talk should be neutral. It is better if at this moment you are alone without unnecessary witnesses.
  4. Be firm in your decision. Tell him that he can lose you if he keeps you hanging.

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Finding a good guy is one thing, but keeping him around is another. Both the first and second are important steps. But now you have already found the man of your dreams, and you have a serious relationship. You know for sure that this is “your only one” with whom you want to live to old age and die on the same day. So what does a girl need to do, or what mistakes should not be made in order to finally hear from Mr. Perfect the cherished “marry me”? Is not comprehensive guide, but the following tips can help take your relationship to the next level.

1. Love yourself

First, think about whether you would like to marry yourself? If you are not happy with yourself, then you should not expect others to love you. Analyze yourself and change what you don't like. Positive self-esteem is key.

2. Communicate with your man as often as possible

From the very first date to last day your life, the key to maintaining a relationship is communication. Tell the man all the time about your feelings, both positive and negative. In response, listen carefully to his comments and criticism. If there comes a point in a relationship where you have nothing to talk about, don't try to take it to the next level. This is an alarm bell that speaks of serious problems.

3. Be natural

Despite the widespread propaganda of glamor, silicone breasts, false eyelashes and nails, in fact, a man always appreciates what is genuine more. Be natural and don't try to impersonate someone else. After all, you want a man to marry you, and not an artificially created image. In addition, all falsehood will still be revealed after marriage.

4. Be sexy

Sexuality is not the only thing in a relationship, but it is very important. In every possible way demonstrate to your chosen one that you are interested in him as in a man. Try not to be too prim and modest. Let yourself be free, fun and lively. Remember, men who want to get married are looking for more than just a roommate and a housewife.

5. Know your role

An important part of any relationship is the realization by each of the partners that they play an important and irreplaceable role. Make sure you and your partner have similar views on relationships. If you are looking for a man with whom you want to have children, and the man is only looking for a casual relationship, you will not be able to force him to marry in any way.

6. Be emotionally stable

Life with you shouldn't be like a roller coaster. Men generally like stable and balanced women. Sometimes this is a difficult task in our hectic life, but it is not insurmountable. If you refuse to be a "drama queen" or ask for help, your nerves will relax and your emotions will subside.

7. Don't rush things

Men often hesitate to propose marriage, as they want to fully get to know a woman before moving on to a more serious level of relationship. They stare for a long time before they start dating, and they date for a long time before they get engaged. And this is a difficult but important lesson for all women. Make sure you are compatible with your partner on all levels. Putting pressure on a person to make him make a decision for which he is not yet ready will inevitably lead to the end of the relationship. Don't talk about marriage until your man starts first, and not until a year after you've met.

8. Make all dates fun and enjoyable.

Only if your dates are going well and your relationship is filled with positivity will a man want you to be his girlfriend. And over time, he will see in you the person with whom he wants to spend his whole life. But if dates are sluggish or too emotional, most likely a man will not think about buying a joint apartment with you, about children and carefree old age.

9. Show confidence

Be confident in yourself and ready to solve all the problems that come your way. Many men love confident women. How can a man not feel like a winner if he has earned the respect of a woman who values ​​herself highly?

10. Be gentle, but with a twinkle in your eye.

Scratches on the back, and then a soft kiss - it captivates any man. But know how to keep a balance so as not to look too defiant or intrusive.

11. Appreciate the dignity of your man

Tell your chosen one how much you appreciate him, because men are very proud creatures. Praise him when he is at his best, and avoid nagging and criticism when he fails.

12. Be funny

This is not the most important, but the decisive factor in any relationship. Have a sense of humor, joke, have fun and avoid pessimistic thoughts and gloomy moods in every possible way.

13. Sincerely rejoice

Women who enjoy their lives and can enjoy every minute of it are always more attractive to men. Such girls, according to the representatives of the stronger sex, give a carefree relationship and easy marriage.

14. Shine

If your heart is filled with happiness, it is written on your face. Feelings for your man should be reflected in the sparkle of your eyes. It's a "silver bullet" right in his heart.

15. Practice humility

A humble person is not one who humiliates his dignity; this is a person who is completely in control of himself and shows genuine interest in others. Men can date different women, but they prefer to marry humble girls.

16. Never stop dating

It may sound strange, but you should go on dates with your man and discuss a serious relationship until the moment he proposes. The term "dating" contemporary culture has become vague and is sometimes regarded as something more than it really is. Just continue to be interested in your loved ones all the time, learn more and more about his life, talk. A man likes it when they show deep interest in him and see in him, first of all, a personality.

17. Don't try to force marriage into a relationship where it just can't be.

Some men need a little more time to decide on marriage. If "that one" is near you, be prepared to wait (within reason). But if a man is indifferent (or, even worse, justified) even after a long time, you need to reconsider the direction of your relationship.

18. Make romantic surprises

Romance should come not only from a man. If you want to be given pleasant surprises, start arranging them for your loved one. Be romantic. Make the man want the relationship to continue. Don't be stingy, men love romance just as much as women do.

19. Analyze relationships

Remember that some men are quite willing to date women they really like, but they do not see them as their future wives. If, after six months (up to a year) of a relationship, you haven’t heard your chosen one list “marriage” and “family” on his list of future plans, carefully analyze these relationships. If a man says that you have the qualities of a wonderful wife, take it as good sign. But if his compliments are heavily sex related, your relationship is doomed from the start.

20. Lighten the tone of your "serious conversations"

Instead of lashing out at your man with a serious tone (which will subconsciously turn him against any relationship or commitment), be upbeat and positive. Say, “I love spending time with you. I really feel happy next to you. But I just want to check and see if we're on the same wavelength. Although I know it's too early for our relationship, but in the future I want to get married, and now I want to make sure that I date a person who has the same values ​​as me. We already know each other quite well. Do you regard me as a girl with whom you could live your whole life?

21. Show love

A strong relationship must be based on a more serious feeling than mere convenience. A man will never propose to a woman if he is not sure that she loves him. To get through all the troubles of life requires a very deep affection and gratitude for each other, which is simply impossible without love.

May your relationship end with the ringing of wedding bells!

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